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a guest
Apr 22nd, 2017
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text 1.31 KB | None | 0 0
  1. a
  2. b
  3. c
  4. d
  5. e
  6. f
  7. g
  8. h
  9. i
  10. j
  11. k
  12. l
  13. m
  14. n
  15. o
  16. p
  17. q
  18. r
  19. s
  20. t
  21. u
  22. v
  23. w
  24. x
  25. y
  26. z
  27. 1
  28. 2
  29. 3
  30. 4
  31. 5
  32. 6
  33. 7
  34. 8
  35. 9
  36. 0
  37. return
  38. escape
  39. backspace
  40. tab
  41. space
  42. -
  43. =
  44. [
  45. ]
  46. \
  47. nonus#
  48. ;
  49. '
  50. `
  51. ,
  52. .
  53. /
  54. capslock
  55. f1
  56. f2
  57. f3
  58. f4
  59. f5
  60. f6
  61. f7
  62. f8
  63. f9
  64. f10
  65. f11
  66. f12
  67. f13
  68. f14
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  70. f16
  71. f17
  72. f18
  73. f19
  74. f20
  75. f21
  76. f22
  77. f23
  78. f24
  79. lctrl
  80. lshift
  81. lalt
  82. lgui
  83. rctrl
  84. rshift
  85. ralt
  86. rgui
  87. printscreen
  88. scrolllock
  89. pause
  90. insert
  91. home
  92. numlock
  93. pageup
  94. delete
  95. end
  96. pagedown
  97. right
  98. left
  99. down
  100. up
  101. nonusbackslash
  102. application
  103. execute
  104. help
  105. menu
  106. select
  107. stop
  108. again
  109. undo
  110. cut
  111. copy
  112. paste
  113. find
  114. kp/
  115. kp*
  116. kp-
  117. kp+
  118. kp=
  119. kpenter
  120. kp1
  121. kp2
  122. kp3
  123. kp4
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  125. kp6
  126. kp7
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  128. kp9
  129. kp0
  130. kp.
  131. international1
  132. international2
  133. international3
  134. international4
  135. international5
  136. international6
  137. international7
  138. international8
  139. international9
  140. lang1
  141. lang2
  142. lang3
  143. lang4
  144. lang5
  145. mute
  146. volumeup
  147. volumedown
  148. audionext
  149. audioprev
  150. audiostop
  151. audioplay
  152. audiomute
  153. mediaselect
  154. www
  155. mail
  156. calculator
  157. computer
  158. acsearch
  159. achome
  160. acback
  161. acforward
  162. acstop
  163. acrefresh
  164. acbookmarks
  165. power
  166. brightnessdown
  167. brightnessup
  168. displayswitch
  169. kbdillumtoggle
  170. kbdillumdown
  171. kbdillumup
  172. eject
  173. sleep
  174. alterase
  175. sysreq
  176. cancel
  177. clear
  178. prior
  179. return2
  180. separator
  181. out
  182. oper
  183. clearagain
  184. crsel
  185. exsel
  186. kp00
  187. kp000
  188. thsousandsseparator
  189. decimalseparator
  190. currencyunit
  191. currencysubunit
  192. app1
  193. app2
  194. unknown
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