
Frag Overview

Dec 25th, 2015
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  1. Frag the Space Pirate
  2. Age: 14 years (about 37 in Utragians*)
  3. Design: Based off of the species found in Metroid Prime 1.**
  5. *The Space Pirates are an organization not a race. Most of them are a semi-amphibious race called Utragians.
  6. **
  10. ___Frag's Early Life___
  12. Frag was born in a richer part of the planet where resources, money, and land was plentiful. In school, he was a lonely type. He kept to himself not because the other kids didn't like him, on contrary they just paid him no mind, but because he chose to be. His mind was fascinated by nature. Animals. Plants. Insects. Frag had a mind for studying and was one of the brightest in his generation.
  14. ___Frag as a Pirate___
  16. When he became an adult, the Space Pirates came by and recruited Frag. They offered him a top scientist position, one of dignity and respect. However, after a while, he became bored with his job as a weapon specialist and wanted to see nature again so he became a soldier. He loved this job because he enjoyed being outdoors, however, the killing that came with it disturbed him (even though he was an amazing killer).
  18. ___Beginning Doubts___
  20. Later on, he was evacuated from his base to a large ship due to threats from the Galactic Federation (GFed). On this ship, he met Ayla, a rare female among pirates. They hit it off immediately, sharing the same love for nature and a hate for violence. Once their new jobs were received, they parted and continued on. This was during the time of the Phazon^ epidemic. They had succeeded in half-way corrupting^^ one of the primary G-Fed members, Rundas^^^. Frag's newest task; take several syringes full of Phazon and finish corrupting Rundas.
  22. Once Frag and his team track down Rundas, they pin him down and Frag begins the injections. His bosses over the PA telling him to finish it. Frag, loving nature, couldn't do it. He freaked and killed his team mates and then cradled Rundas as his mind went crazy slowly. He had injected to the job, just slower. He felt guilt, something the G-Feds thought no pirates felt. Rundas, as one of his last sane words, told his family about the "Pirate saint."
  26. ^Phazon was an element that was highly mutanegenic and full of energy. It plagued planets, destroyed species, and mutated others. Being like the Pirates loved this for it's scientific and energy exploitations.
  27. ^^Corrupting is what Phazon did to intelligent beings that weren't killed by their mutations. Their mind becomes primitive and they become extremely agressive.
  28. ^^^Rundas was a Psygerian, a race of Ice-like people that lived on a moon somewhere in the galaxy, peacefully. He joined the G-Feds to control the evil spreading through the universe.
  31. ___Uprising___
  33. After disobeying direct orders and killing his own allies, Frag knew he'd be charged with mutiny and punished. He decided to spend what little time he had left before he was captured and punished fighting the Space Pirates.
  35. On one of their main homeworlds, Frag encounters a G-Fed base, Ares. The people of Ares love Frag and want him around, unlike anyone he had ever met had. Rundas also popped up from time to time, seemingly cured from the Phazon infection. They, over a period of months, launched heavy assaults on the pirates' main planet. On some outings, he'd see Ayla, his old pirate friend lady. He told her of the G-Fed Base and she vowwed to help him out by taking out their own people too. Ayla, however, never went to the base with Frag.
  37. ___Apprehension and Death____
  39. Frag's final attack before he was captured was to prevent another creation of an Omega Pirate.* The G-Fed Base Ares sent him off alone due to it being dangerous. However, he meets up with Ayla who helps him out greatly on this trip. It's during this time, Frag falls in love with Ayla. She was not only powerful, but shared the same views as he. She was also the first one to truly pay attention to and be interested in Frag. Once he gets to the station the Omega Pirate is kept, he and Ayla plan on killing it.
  41. However, one grave mistake costs Ayla her life. Now for size comparisons, most people are 6 foot, most pirates are 7 foot, the Omega Pirate was 23 feet tall. The Omega Pirat catches Ayla in mid hair and snaps her in half, killing her. Frag, disgusted and horrified, comforts her in her final moments. After fighting it some more, Frag is captured by the Pirate and brought to the high-court that accuses him of mutiny.
  43. *Omega Pirate was the name for an old experiment performed by the pirates on creating a large, nearly immortal pirate that created and ran on its own Phazon.
  46. ___Punishment and Sadness___
  48. The punishment of his offense, mutiny, was simple. They first, cut out your tongue as punishment. You are then thrown on Frosticita, in the snow, 10 miles from a Pirate Camp. One has two choices, return to the camp and become a slave, or die in the cold. Frag, however, knows of a G-Fed base even farther away. because of the base he used to be a part of, he begins to head to this one to ask for medical attention and help.
  50. He arrives at the base, horrifying everyone. He is seated, unable to talk due to no tongue, and his questioned near a typing computer. After analysis, the Federation sees he is serious about being in a previous Base, but they don't believe him for some reason. They run a scan on him and discover something horrifying...
  52. They prove to Frag as well that the base he claims at being...never existed...Rundas, who he thought survived and came to help...actually died...Frag has schizophrenia (real disease, look it up). Frag gets depressed, thinking that he did nothing, that it was just his messed up mind that made him do this. However, an on site therapist helps him see this was truly what he wanted that's why he had the hallucinations in his head. Running through records, Frag actually made a mess so big, it nearl destroyed 25% of all living pirates. Another thing plagued Frag. Not only was he pissed that all his friends he had were never real and that his mind made him do this...what about Ayla? She never met the "hallucinations". She never appeared around them. So after his corrective surgery, Frag lives forever, unable to talk, wondering one thing; Was his love with Ayla real...or was she not real either...
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