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a guest
Dec 9th, 2017
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  1. says:
  2. *HEY bluh bluh can we talk.......
  3. *or i can just ramble and when you read then you can, uh input or whatever. but i wanna explain the way i acted before.
  4.            ♔ •             says:
  5. *no i'm here lmao sorry. fffft
  6. *yes we can talk
  7. says:
  8. *oh. hi. sorry, it's fine.
  9. *well
  10. *i doubt i really have to explain since i always act this way when it comes down to it. i think what it was was
  11. *was was, wtf, am i saying that ri-- yeah i am okay
  12. *ANYWAYS
  13. *i think at one point you came down to little tokyo? but only told annabelle?
  14. *and
  15. *astrid was upset about it
  16. *cause you hadn't told her
  17. *so i just
  18. *flipped my shit, ffff
  19. *i guess the thing was i was tired of how things are.
  20. *us four
  21. *we use to be the tightest group of friends. our own little circle. our uh...
  22. *wtf did logan call it???
  23. *...gdit the word isn't coming to me
  24. *ANYWAYS
  25. *OH
  26. *WAIT
  27. *posse.
  28.            ♔ •             says:
  29. *...
  30. says:
  31. *..possee.
  32.            ♔ •             says:
  33. *posse............
  34. says:
  35. *YEAH
  36.            ♔ •             says:
  37. *i think it's
  38. *posse??
  39. says:
  40. *possee
  41. *dmanit
  42. *posse
  43. *DMANIT*
  44. *...
  45. *fuck
  46. *you
  47. *dmanit
  48. *..
  49. *DAMNIT
  50. *8**
  51. *..
  52. *w/e i'm done with you word
  53. *ANYWAYS
  54. *i know you're laughing shut up
  55.            ♔ •             says:
  56. *...
  57. says:
  58. *so like
  59.            ♔ •             says:
  60. *maybe a littl.
  61. *little
  62. *klfjsdklfjsdklfjsdf
  63. *sdlk;sdfsd
  64. says:
  65. *that's
  66. *what you get
  67. *karma
  68.            ♔ •             says:
  69. *ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
  70. *CONTINUE...
  71. says:
  72. *MY POINT IS
  73. *we aren't like that anymore. and that bothers me to hell and back.
  74. *most of the time i just think that
  75. *you prefer everyone else over us. that we don't matter. that maybe if you're bored you'll come and talk to us. or some bs thing idk.
  76. *cause it's part of everyday to talk to them, astrid and kristen, for me. and once before it us to be you as well. it was like that for all of us.
  77. *which i know is stupid and selfish
  78. *since we aren't the only friends duh
  79. *but that closeness was something we all cherished before and it just isn't that way anymore
  80. *so i figured well since we hardly talk anymore it wouldn't make a difference
  81. *since we hadn't anyways
  82. *so in a way i just gave up trying??
  83. *i was also going through some shit with yuri since anime expo so i was pretty upset about everything ever and giving up left and right
  84. *so it's my part to blame too obv
  85. *but it's not like i've forgotten completely
  86. *like there's not times where i miss things we use to do together
  87. *like what with snake, and skype, and stupid crap bluh glub blah
  88. *idk
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