
Space Marine Last Stand of Equis

Sep 8th, 2015
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  1. >be princess Celestia
  2. >once not so long ago, your world was peaceful
  3. >not since discords reign has anything like this even come close to the terror and sadness you feel for your ponies each day
  4. "this is all my fault... i didnt know anything like this could ever happen"
  5. >"sister.." in your self-loathing and sadness you hardly noticed your sister enter your now nearly empty war room.
  6. "im sorry luna. for everything."
  8. >you know she believes it isnt your fault, but how couldnt it be? all this time you kept war as far from your little ponies as you could.
  9. >perhaps if you just let them grow on their own and never united the three tribes maybe they would have had a chance...
  10. >but it is unlikely
  11. "Luna.. assemble what is left of the guard, and anypony else who can raise a hoof to aid the fight"
  12. >"yes sister we shall be swift in our mission"
  13. >luna takes off into the sky the bright red and orange sky.
  14. >the rest of the night is going to be very long and bloody.
  16. >be Captain Shining Armor leader of the Last army of Equis
  17. >be in the ruined streets of Canterlot the last bastion of light in this darkness.
  18. >what beasts could do this... and why, who were they?
  19. >it was as if they came from the depths of tartarus itself just to kill
  20. >armor harder than any steel
  21. >weapons that belch fire and death
  22. >and eyes that glow with hate and rage
  23. >lost in thought you dont even notice that a large griffin approached you,
  24. >he is missing one eye and most of his left wing
  25. >"sir, what are your orders."
  26. >his words barely audible over the explosions and sounds of battle in the outskirts
  27. >"SIR ORDERS!"
  28. "i.. uh...."
  29. >get a hold of yourself shining
  30. "pull back all forces to the keep, get any civilians that arnt already there inside now! we have to hold this castle"
  31. >be a space marine initiate
  32. >you and many of your brothers were deployed here for your first combat action
  33. >combat action, this is mere target practice
  34. >your trials were harder than this, by far. only goes to show how humanity alone is fit to survive in this universe.
  35. >your coms open up and you hear orders from a brother
  36. >"initiate squad Delta 43 clear sector Charlie clear all xeno structures completely before advancing let none survive"
  37. "In his name brother"
  38. >you and the other members of your squad breach the first building and stumble what looks to be a xeno nursery still filled with newborns and a few elders
  39. "i bring death, in his name... filth..."
  41. >be Celestia
  42. >you have no options left, this place your home. is now all that remains of your world.
  43. >you will die to defend it.
  44. >just like your faithful student and her friends.
  45. >if you survive. you promise to make sure the world remembers their names.
  46. >you call forth your armor from the power of the sun
  47. >even in the darkest of times it still brings you hope
  48. >it shines bright with a pure and golden light a strong reminder of days long past.
  49. "it is time"
  50. >you walk out to your balcony and look over the ponies, Diamond dogs and griffons that have gathered there
  51. >as far as you or they know, they are all thats left
  52. "my little ponies... today is a dark day. As far as we know, it could be our last."
  53. >a hush falls over the crowd, even your sister luna looks over to you, hope but a faint dream even to her
  54. "But we cannot just accept it... it would be a dishonor to all those who have died. these creatures.. and their so called "Emperor" are evil! and if good doesnt stand up to evil then it has already won. so i ask you. no... i beg you! all of you! to stand with me today and show them that good will always triumph over evil! NO MATTER THE ODDS!"
  55. >the crowd erupts into a cheer. banging swords and shields or whatever they could find.
  58. >be a Space marine sergeant
  59. >the xenos are nearly crushed, you can feel it in your centuries old bones
  60. >"this is truly a great day for the Imperium brother"
  61. "yes, soon this rock will be purged of xenos taint and will be a new shining example of humanities greatness"
  62. >"then lets not keep the emperor waiting, we must fulfill our duty"
  63. >you look to the walls ahead of you, this is the last unholy citadel of the Xenos on this planet
  64. >the walls already are crumbling without the need for artillery or orbital bombardment
  65. >feeble walls for a feeble cause
  66. "advance! take from them everything!"
  67. >just as you finish your rallying cry a large bright light erupts from the largest tower
  68. >its brighter than anything you have ever seen besides the light of the emperor.
  69. >a Predator Annihilator fires its twinlinked lascannons directly at the source and it is covered in smoke
  70. >less than a moment later and a bright light is returned to the Holy Armor and it explodes in a plume of smoke and fire
  71. >you enter a open signal
  73. >tracers fill the sky as the light launches into the sky and soon is barreling towards your squad
  74. >the last thing you remember seeing is his holy light
  76. >be Luna
  77. "so this is how it ends. ill make you proud sister"
  78. >you have been tasked with the final solution
  79. >there are no alternatives
  80. >at least you know you can take all those demons with you
  81. >you must channel all your magic to cast a final spell, one you hoped never would be needed
  82. >you are going to crash the moon into your planet.
  84. >be Celestia
  85. >be more scared than ever before and yet more alive then you ever remember
  86. >no matter how many of them you can best in combat it seems hundreds more take their place.
  87. >whats worse is, you seem to be the only one able to do any amount of harm to their numbers
  88. >for every one your forces defeat you lose a hundred
  89. >but you must hold them back just long enough to give a final goodbye
  90. >be a fancy noble pony
  91. >be trapped in your own home with many other ponies and small children
  92. >most of them died long before today, just their bodies haven't caught up yet
  93. >over in the corner of the room a beaten and bruised pony holds his crying daughter
  94. >"daddy wheres mommy?"
  95. >>"mommy... mommy, is at the castle sweetie. we will meet her there ok? be strong for daddy now."
  96. "no need to lie to the girl..."
  97. >"lie? daddy what is he talking about?"
  98. "what im saying is your mother is dead. everypony is dead, even we are dead. we just dont know it yet."
  99. >>"HEY! what the hell is wrong with you!? are you trying to scare the colts and fillies?"
  100. "no but its best they know the truth before the end"
  101. >>"Buck off polthole, dont listen to him. Celestia will save us, just like mommy"
  102. >"ok daddy..."
  103. >suddenly a large boom erupts from down the hall, and screams shortly follow
  104. >the voice you hear is that of death itself, cold, uncaring, lifeless.
  106. >its nearly as large as the room itself
  107. >and its the scariest and most beautiful thing you have ever seen
  109. "everypony! RUN!"
  110. >you run out of your house along with the other ponies
  111. >you dont know what made you look back
  112. >but as you did you saw ponies being crushed under steel hooves
  113. >fire spewing out of the creatures arms at groups of ponies wails of pain and the smell of burning flesh flooding your nostrils
  114. >and a barely moving stallion being lifted into the air
  115. >>"RUN SWEETIE! get to the castle get to mom--" Crunch
  117. >be Shining armor
  118. >you and whatever is left of this resistances only mission is to hold the gates
  119. >its a suicide mission but one that must be taken
  120. "HOLD STEADY! we need to buy the princess more time!"
  121. >you dont remember how or why, but you cant feel most of your body anymore
  122. >"yes sir we will.."
  123. "if you see them attack without.."
  124. >"sir save your strength"
  125. >you begin to cry. as you remember that you were shot
  126. >you slowly look back over your body, you have no back legs
  127. >most of your flank is missing and you can see your intestines
  128. >no reason to not cry now the end has come for you
  129. "Im coming to see you Twilly.. and you too Cadence..."
  130. >you cast a signal flare into the air, to warn the princess that the north gate has fallen
  132. >you are Brother Davaent
  133. >you made first contact with the equines
  134. >you are one of the deathwatch
  135. >and you are the one who secured the gates
  136. "Xenos have been purged, continue to final advance"
  137. >"Yes brother"
  138. >your two space marine subordinates advance to the courtyard bolters ready
  139. >hundreds of Xenos charge at you, screaming as loud as they can in pitiful spite
  140. >their hate is strong, but yours is unrelenting
  141. >for your service to the emperor you were given an ancient Heavy Bolter after arriving at the RV point
  142. >the names of those that held the mighty instrument carved into the sides, along with holy prayers and scripture
  143. "secure my flanks brothers... Ill purge them myself"
  144. >the purest voice of the emperor, is the sound of bolter fire
  146. >Be Celestia
  147. >you look down at the courtyard, its a slaughter
  148. "thats... thats him."
  149. >you know its the one, the first one the one that killed your student.
  150. >the one who is responsible for all this death
  151. >he will not survive you.
  153. >be Brother Davaent
  155. >before you can adjust your fire you are knocked to the ground
  156. >a xeno got the jump on you.
  157. >this cannot go unpunished
  158. >you raise your holy bolter to the beast your enhanced vision and brain calculating where each bolter round will land before you even pull the trigger.
  160. >the xeno speaks. now of all times she is trying to talk this out
  161. >xenos never learn
  162. "I do this for my emperor, i do this for humanity"
  163. >"we had no idea humanity even existed! we could have lived in peace! but instead you bring this!"
  164. >it raised a hoof in a attempt to show you the now burning world
  165. "I bring his light to this world, I bring hope to humanity, I bring death to xenos"
  166. >you waste no time. the trigger is pulled before the sentence is finished
  167. >there is a bright light and a intense heat then she is gone
  168. "brothers any eyes on the xeno queen?"
  169. >silence on the comms
  170. "Brothers respond!"
  171. >you snap your head left then right
  172. >your brothers are no longer there only burnt armor and flesh
  174. >she gave herself away
  175. >you snap around and block her charge with your heavy bolter
  176. >it seems she has summoned a blade of light to combat you.
  177. >but xeno steel is no match for hate and faith
  178. >you shove her back as she readies for another strike
  179. "forgive me ancient brothers"
  180. >you drop the bolter to the ground, the pack unlatching from your back and colliding with the ground
  181. >now you wield your Chainsword and bolt pistol
  182. "No xeno will best me, your heresy shall come to an end before it even begins filth."
  184. >be luna
  185. "finally..."
  186. >you have been saving energy to cast this and now the time is here
  187. >your horn glows in the darkness of the castle hall and you pull with all your might on your old prison
  188. >its slow at first but you can feel the speed increasing
  189. "this is for everyone we have lost."
  191. >be Davaent
  192. >be locked in holy combat with a unworthy foe
  193. >the large xeno charges you and you in turn charge back
  194. >steel meets steel and your chainsword roars against her blade
  196. >you dont honor her with your voice instead you snap your pistol to her head and fire
  197. >somehow she has dodged your shots and strikes with a blast of magic
  198. >it makes contact with your armor knocking you to your knees but leaving you otherwise unharmed
  199. >before she can recover from her pitiful strike you charge
  200. >she wasnt expecting this
  201. >your bloody scream for vengeance echos, even in your helmet
  202. >your blade collides with her flesh leaving a spray of unclean blood on your armor
  203. >you have drawn first blood in this fight, unfortunately its not fatal.
  204. >a bloody wing lays on the ground along with a hunk of flesh
  205. "your race is to weak to survive this galaxy, take pride in the fact it was humanity that has culled you"
  206. >you open fire and the bolts make impact
  207. >then you slowly walk to the living corpse
  208. >she is sprawled out and her breathing is heavy
  209. >"im sorry twilight... im sorry luna.."
  210. >your sword roars and bares its teeth as you cut her side open letting her filty blood and guts flow
  211. "disgusting xeno..."
  212. >comms open up
  213. >"Brother the xenos are beaten but we have a new problem"
  214. "what brother?"
  215. >"the small moon is gaining speed and heading for your position, the blast from impact will be similar to that of a large orbital bombardment"
  216. "then this world will purge itself"
  218. >be the moon
  219. >be falling to equis
  221. >be Davaent
  222. >your thunderhawk has reached its LZ
  223. >as you board the transport you look back to the xeno
  224. >whats one more trophy?...
  225. >you walk back to her corpse and tear her head from her shoulders
  226. "this will bring fear to xenos quite nicely"
  227. >once aboard, the ship departs to the orbital chapter barracks
  228. "once enough brothers are clear begin the bombardment, Initiates are expendable at this time"
  229. >"yes Brother"
  231. >the moon makes impact not moments later and the planet itself shifts and cracks
  232. "Casualty report?"
  233. >"minimal most of the fallen were low tier initiates"
  234. "then this planet is ours. begin the final task"
  235. >you look over the planet as your mighty ship opens fire upon its tainted surface.
  236. "there is nothing more powerful than hate xenos.... nothing..."
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