Guest User

another potentential

a guest
Jul 17th, 2018
Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features!
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  1. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  2. <?php
  3. // All is inside the body tag
  4. require_once("rbuxlogin.php");
  5. require_once("modelcategory.php");
  6. if (!isset($modelCategory))
  7. $modelCategory = new ModelCategory();
  8. $filterCat = array("top_only" => '1');
  9. $mainCategories = $modelCategory->getCategories($filterCat);
  10. // get user's current interests
  11. $featureCenteredNavbarLogo = false; // overridden from fbuxconfig
  12. ?>
  13. <?php
  15. $homeURL = $dashboardUrl;
  16. //if (isset($paramArray['caller'])){
  17. // if ($paramArray['caller'] == 'landing')
  18. // $homeURL = $rBUXIntroURL;
  19. //}
  20. if ($rBUXAPI->isLoggedIn()) {
  21. ?>
  22. <script>
  23. var userInterestsList = [];
  24. <?php
  25. $userInterestsList = $rBUXAPI->getUserCategories($rBUXID);
  26. foreach ($userInterestsList as $userInterest){ ?>
  27. userInterestsList.push("<?=$userInterest;?>");
  28. <?php }
  29. $showUserParam = "eparam=".encodeParams("rBUXID=".urlencode($rBUXID));
  30. $userProfileURL = "rPostForm('$rBUXShowUserPage','$showUserParam', 'POST', '_self');";
  31. ?>
  32. </script>
  33. <form class="controlbox" name="log-out" id="logout" method="POST">
  34. <input type="hidden" name="op" value="logout"/>
  35. <input type="hidden" name="loginType" value=""/>
  36. <?php //getFormHiddenInput(); ?>
  37. </form>
  38. <?php }
  39. function shouldShowCategory($catID)
  40. {
  41. global $userInterestsList;
  42. global $marketShowInterestsOnly;
  43. //error_log("shouldShowCategory marketShowInterestsOnly: ".($marketShowInterestsOnly ? "YES": "NO"));
  44. if (!$marketShowInterestsOnly)
  45. return true;
  46. foreach ($userInterestsList as $userInterest){
  47. error_log("shouldShowCategory show userInterest: $userInterest");
  48. if ($userInterest == $catID) {
  49. error_log(" shouldShowCategory show catID: $catID");
  50. return true;
  51. }
  52. }
  53. return false;
  54. }
  56. ?>
  57. <!-- Main navbar -->
  58. <style>
  59. .nav-mid-fill{
  60. width: 100%;
  61. /*overflow: hidden;*/
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  64. .rbux-mid-fill {
  65. display: block;
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  68. padding-left:10px;
  69. }
  71. @media only screen and (max-width: 320px){
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  73. padding: 0px;
  74. }
  76. .small-screen-padding {
  77. padding-left: 10px;
  78. }
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  81. @media only screen and (max-height: 510px) {
  82. .dropdown-menu > li {
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  84. margin-top: -4px;
  85. }
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  89. float: right;
  90. }
  91. .rbux-nav-left{
  92. float: left;
  93. }
  95. #search-div {
  96. height: 50px;
  97. }
  99. .search-div {
  100. float: right;
  101. /* 7 works everywhere but ios*/
  102. <?php if(isIosPlatform()) { ?>
  103. margin-top: 9.5px;
  104. <? } else { ?>
  105. margin-top: 7px;
  106. <?php } ?>
  107. margin-top: 9.5px;
  108. margin-right: 60px;
  109. border: 1px solid #ccc;
  110. /*border-radius: 4px 25px 25px 4px;*/
  111. padding-right: 15px;
  112. padding-top: 1px;
  113. position: relative;
  114. z-index: 1000;
  115. width: 32px;
  116. height: 32px;
  117. border-radius: 50%;
  118. transition: 1s width;
  119. }
  121. #search-icon {
  122. float: right;
  123. /* margin-left: 10px;
  124. margin-top: 11px;*/
  125. height: 32px;
  126. width: 32px;
  127. /* border: 1px solid #ccc;
  128. border-radius: 50%;*/
  129. text-align: center;
  130. padding-top: 8px;
  132. margin-top: 0.5px;
  133. <?php if(!isMobilePlatform()) {?>
  134. margin-right: -15px;
  135. padding-left: 2px;
  136. <?php } else { ?>
  137. /*margin-right: -4px;*/
  138. padding-right: 2px;
  139. padding-left: 24px;
  140. /*margin-bottom: 1px;*/
  141. <?php } ?>
  142. }
  144. .searchbar-text {
  145. float: left;
  146. width: 0%;
  147. opacity: 0;
  148. border: none;
  149. padding-top: 9px;
  150. padding-bottom: 5px;
  151. padding-left: 10px;
  152. padding-right: 10px;
  153. transition: 1s width;
  154. height: 35px;
  155. }
  157. #x {
  158. margin-top: 10px;
  159. margin-right: 10px;
  160. display: none;
  161. transition: 1s display;
  162. }
  164. @media only screen and (max-width: 900px){
  165. #search-div {
  166. margin-right: 0px;
  167. }
  168. }
  170. @media only screen and (max-width: 600px){
  171. #search-div {
  172. margin-right: -40px;
  173. }
  174. }
  176. @media only screen and (max-width: 500px){
  177. #search-div {
  178. margin-right: -60px;
  179. }
  181. <?php if(!isMobilePlatform()) {?>
  182. .search-div {
  183. width: 80% !important;
  184. }
  185. <?php } ?>
  186. }
  189. </style>
  190. <div class="row" style="overflow-x:hidden; width:100%; margin:0;">
  191. <!-- <div class="navbar navbar-default header-highlight"> -->
  192. <div id="navbar-top" class="navbar navbar-fixed-top header-highlight navbar-rbux nav-mid-fill elevation1" style="align-items: center;padding-left:0px;">
  193. <ul class="nav navbar-nav rbux-nav-left" style="margin-left: 10px;">
  194. <?php if (isset($hasSidebarMenu) && $rBUXAPI->isLoggedIn()) { /*Scott took out tooltip - it was in the way data-popup="tooltip" title="Show main" */ ?>
  195. <li class='hidden-xs' >
  196. <a class="sidebar-control sidebar-main-hide" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body" >
  197. <i class="icon-paragraph-justify3"></i>
  198. </a>
  199. </li>
  200. <li class="hidden-sm hidden-md hidden-lg hidden-xl"> <?php /* visible-xs-block" > */ ?>
  201. <a class="sidebar-mobile-main-toggle" style="padding-left: 10px;padding-top:12px;padding-right:0px; display: inline-block !important;">
  202. <i class="icon-paragraph-justify3"></i>
  203. </a>
  204. <a href="<?php $homeURL; ?>"
  205. style="padding-left: 10px;padding-top:12px;padding-right:0px; display: inline-block !important;" id="nav-items">
  206. <img id="navbarLogoImage" src="images/<?=$logofile?>.png" alt="" style="padding-left:10px; padding-right:0px;height:24px;margin-top:-4px;">
  207. </a>
  208. </li>
  210. <?php }else{ ?>
  211. <li class="visible-xs-block">
  212. <a class="navbar-brand" href="<?php echo $homeURL; ?>" style="padding-left: 10px;padding-right:0px;">
  213. <img id="navbarLogoImage" src="images/<?=$logofile?>.png" alt="">
  214. </a>
  215. </li>
  216. <?php /*if (!$featureBreadcrumbs){ ?>
  217. <li>
  218. <a href="<?=$rBUXMainUrl?>" class="" data-placement="bottom" data-container="body">
  219. <i class="fa fa-home fa-lg" style="font-size:28px;"></i>
  220. </a>
  221. </li>
  222. <?php }*/ ?>
  223. <?php } ?>
  224. <li class="hidden-xs">
  225. <?php if (!$featureCenteredNavbarLogo) { ?>
  226. <a class="navbar-brand" href="<?php echo $homeURL; ?>" style="padding-left: 4px;padding-right: 4px;">
  227. <img id="navbarLogoImage" src="images/<?=$logofile?>.png" alt="">
  228. </a>
  229. <?php } ?>
  231. </li>
  232. </ul>
  233. <?php /************
  234. <ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-center">
  235. <?php if ($featureCenteredNavbarLogo) { ?>
  236. <li>
  237. <a class="navbar-brand" href="<?php echo $homeURL; ?>">
  238. <img id="navbarLogoImage" src="images/<?=$logofile?>.png" alt="">
  239. </a>
  240. <?php if ($betatest && $rBUXURL != ""){ ?>
  241. <small><i class='fa fa-bug' ></i> <?=$betaTestName?></small>
  242. <?php } ?>
  243. </li>
  245. <?php }?>
  246. </ul>
  247. ***************/ ?>
  248. <style>
  249. .signInLink {
  250. }
  251. .btn-nav-signUp {
  252. color: #222 !important;
  253. }
  254. .btn-nav-signUp:focus,
  255. .btn-nav-signUp.focus,
  256. .btn-nav-signUp:hover {
  257. background-color: #ccc !important;
  258. border-color: #aaa !important;
  259. }
  261. </style>
  262. <?php if (!isset($vendorNavBar)) { ?>
  264. <ul class="nav navbar-nav rbux-nav-right" id="navbar-mobile">
  265. <?php if (!$rBUXAPI->isLoggedIn()) { ?>
  266. <li class="hidden-xs" style="padding-top:11px; " >
  267. <a href='javascript:callLogin(false, false);' class='btn btn-xs btn-link btn-nav-link signInLink'
  268. style='padding-top:2px;padding-bottom:2px;' >Sign in</a>
  269. </li>
  270. <li class="hidden-xs" style="padding-top:11px;padding-right:10px; ">
  271. <a class="btn btn-xs btn-default btn-nav-signUp" href='javascript:callSignup(false, false);'
  272. style='padding-top:2px;padding-bottom:2px;'><?php echo "Join rBux" ?></a>
  273. </li>
  274. <?php } ?>
  275. <?php if ($rBUXAPI->isLoggedIn()) { ?>
  276. <li class="hidden-md hidden-sm hidden-xs">
  277. <div class="avatar-less-margin" style="display:inline-block;padding-top:7px;">
  278. <a class=" " href="javascript:<?=$userProfileURL; ?>"><?php $rBUXAPI->displayAvatar(32, 0); ?></a>
  279. </div>
  280. </li>
  281. <?php } ?>
  282. <li class="dropdown dropdown-user">
  283. <a class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" style="padding-top:0px;padding-bottom:0px;padding-left:0px;">
  284. <?php if ($rBUXAPI->isLoggedIn()) { ?>
  285. <span class="avatar-less-margin hidden-lg hidden-xl" style=""><?php $rBUXAPI->displayAvatar(32, 0); ?>
  286. </span>
  287. <span class="avatar-less-margin hidden-md hidden-sm hidden-xs" style="padding-top:13px; padding-bottom: 13px;" >
  288. <?php
  289. $mlfullName = $rBUXAPI->getMemberDisplayName($rBUXAPI->getFirstName(), $rBUXAPI->getLastName(), $rBUXAPI->getUserName(), $rBUXAPI->getPrivacy());
  290. $mlusername = $rBUXAPI->getMemberDisplayUserName($mlfullName, $rBUXAPI->getUserName());
  291. $userTitle = $rBUXAPI->getMemberDisplayTitle($mlfullName, $mlusername);
  292. echo $userTitle;
  293. ?>
  294. </span>
  295. <span class="" style="padding-top:13px; padding-bottom: 13px;" >
  296. <i class="fa fa-angle-down btn-nav-link" ></i>
  297. </span>
  298. <?php }else{ ?>
  299. <div class="avatar-less-margin" style="padding-top:13px; padding-bottom: 13px;font-weight: 900;" >
  300. <i class="icon-paragraph-justify3 btn-nav-link"></i>
  301. </div>
  302. <?php } ?>
  303. </a>
  304. <ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right"
  305. style="position:absolute; z-index:65001; margin:2px 0 0; background-color:white; border:1px solid #ddd; border-radius:3px">
  306. <!-- <ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right"> -->
  307. <?php if ($rBUXAPI->isLoggedIn()) { ?>
  308. <?php /**
  309. <li><a href="auser.php"><i class="icon-user-plus"></i> My profile</a></li>
  310. <li><a href="auser.php"><i class="icon-coins"></i> My balance</a></li>
  311. <!-- <li><a href="#"><span class="badge bg-teal-400 pull-right">58</span> <i class="icon-comment-discussion"></i> Messages</a></li> -->
  312. <li class="divider"></li>
  313. ****************************/ ?>
  314. <?php /******************
  315. <li><a href="<?php echo $memberReportsUrl; ?>" target='_self'><i class="icon-coins"></i> Reports</a></li>
  316. *************/ ?>
  317. <li><a href="javascript:<?=$userProfileURL; ?>" target='_self'><i class="icon-user"></i> My Profile</a></li>
  318. <li><a href='<?=$rBUXUserNotifySettingsPage; ?>' target='_self'><i class="icon-exclamation"></i> Notification Settings</a></li>
  319. <li><a href="<?=$memberAccountUrl; ?>?op=interests" target='_self'><i class="icon-heart6"></i> My Interests</a></li>
  320. <li><a href="<?=$memberAccountUrl; ?>" target='_self'><i class="icon-cog5"></i> Account Settings</a></li>
  322. <li role="separator" class="divider"></li>
  323. <?php }else{ ?>
  324. <li><a href='javascript:callLogin(false, false);' ><i class="icon-key"></i> Sign in</a></li>
  325. <li><a href='javascript:callSignup(false, false);' ><i class="icon-pencil"></i> Join rBux</a></li>
  327. <?php } ?>
  328. <?php if (isset($noBreadcrumbMenu)) { ?>
  329. <li><a href="<?php echo $rBUXIntroSite; ?>support""><i class="icon-comment-discussion position-left"></i> Support</a></li>
  330. <?php } ?>
  331. <li><a href="<?php echo $rBUXIntroURL; ?>?op=showlanding">What is rBux?</a></li>
  332. <li><a href="<?php echo $rBUXIntroSite; ?>privacy">Privacy Policy</a></li>
  333. <li><a href="<?php echo $rBUXIntroSite; ?>copyrights">Copyright Notices</a></li>
  334. <li class="divider"></li>
  335. <li><a href="<?=$rBUXIntroURL;?>partner">Become a Partner</a></li>
  336. <li><a href="<?=$rBUXMainUrl.$rBUXVendorAdminPage?>" >Partner Dashboard</a></li>
  337. <?php
  338. /*** <li class="divider"></li>
  339. <li><a href="<?php echo $rBUXMarketSite; ?>index.php?route=affiliate/login"><i class="icon-basket"></i>Partner</a></li>
  340. *******/ ?>
  341. <?php if ($rBUXAPI->isLoggedIn()) { ?>
  342. <li class="divider"></li>
  343. <li><a href="javascript:logout();"><i class="icon-switch2"></i> Sign Out</a></li>
  344. <?php }
  345. if ($isMobileApp) { ?>
  346. <li class="divider"></li>
  347. <li><a href="javascript:location.reload(true);" >Refresh</a></li>
  348. <?php } ?>
  349. </ul>
  350. </li>
  351. </ul>
  353. <?php } ?>
  354. <?php if ($showSearchNavBar) { ?>
  355. <ul class="nav rbux-mid-fill id="navSearchbarID">
  356. <li>
  357. <div class="col-sm-12" id="search-div">
  358. <!-- <form action="" class="search-form" onSubmit="return false;">
  359. <div class="form-group has-feedback">
  360. <input type="text" class="form-control" style="width:100%" name="searchvendor3" oninput="searchVendorProducts()" id="searchvendor3" placeholder="Search...">
  361. <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-search form-control-feedback small-screen-padding"></span>
  362. </div>
  363. </form> -->
  364. <!-- aids -->
  365. <form>
  366. <div class="form-group search-div">
  367. <!-- <span><i class="fa fa-lg fa-times" id="x"></i></span>
  368. --> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-search" id="search-icon" data-state="0"></span>
  369. <input type="text" disabled="" class="searchbar-text" name="searchvendor3" oninput="searchVendorProducts()" id="searchvendor3" placeholder="Search">
  370. </div>
  371. </form>
  372. </div>
  373. </li>
  374. </ul>
  375. <?php } ?>
  377. </div>
  378. <!-- Categories Navbar -->
  379. <div class="nav-categories header-highlight elevation1" id="category-navbar" hidden data-state='0'>
  380. <div class="nav-categories-content slider-content container">
  381. <div class="nav-categories-container">
  382. <div class="nav-topic-item-content hidden-xs">
  383. <a onclick="setMarketViewPanel('new'); openTopic('new');"
  384. title="Newest Products Added." class="nav-categories-item topic-nav-link-text nav-categories-item-imposter">
  385. New
  386. <span class="nav-topic-item-underline" id="nav-topic-text-new"></span>
  387. </a>
  388. </div>
  389. <div class="nav-topic-item-content hidden-xs">
  390. <a onclick="setMarketViewPanel('featured'); openTopic('featured');" title="Products you may like."
  391. class="nav-categories-item topic-nav-link-text nav-categories-item-imposter">
  392. Featured
  393. <span class="nav-topic-item-underline" id="nav-topic-text-featured"></span>
  394. </a>
  395. </div>
  396. <div class="nav-topic-item-content hidden-xs">
  397. <a onclick="setMarketViewPanel('refer'); openTopic('refer');" title="Most Referred Products."
  398. class="nav-categories-item topic-nav-link-text nav-categories-item-imposter">
  399. Popular
  400. <span class="nav-topic-item-underline" id="nav-topic-text-refer"></span>
  401. </a>
  402. </div>
  403. <div class="nav-topic-item-content hidden-xs">
  404. <a onclick="setMarketViewPanel('trending'); openTopic('trending');" title="Most Recent Referrals."
  405. class="nav-categories-item topic-nav-link-text nav-categories-item-imposter">
  406. Trending
  407. <span class="nav-topic-item-underline" id="nav-topic-text-trending"></span>
  408. </a>
  409. </div>
  410. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
  412. <div class="nav-categories-item-content hidden-xs hidden-sm">
  413. <a href="#" class="nav-categories-item text-gray-shadow nav-categories-item-imposter"
  414. onclick="setMarketViewCategory('');openCategory('')">
  415. &nbsp;All&nbsp;
  416. <span class="nav-categories-item-underline" id="nav-categories-text-"></span>
  417. </a>
  418. </div>
  420. <?php foreach ($mainCategories as $category_id) { ?>
  421. <?php //Get's the image for the current category_id by creating a querry
  422. $catID = $category_id['category_id'];
  423. $categoryName = $category_id['name'];
  425. $image = $modelCategory->getCategoryImage($catID);
  426. $imageDirectory = $rBUXMarketSite.$rBUXMarketImageFolder.$image['image'];
  427. //If no image has been selected for the category, default image
  428. if (!@getimagesize($imageDirectory)) {
  429. $imageDirectory = $rBUXMarketSite.$rBUXMarketImageFolder."catalog/sportsrec140.jpg";
  430. }
  431. //Get's the name for the current category_id by creating a querry
  432. //This is done because category data is held in different tables, and categoryList is not organised
  433. //$categoryDetails = $modelCategory->getCategoryDescriptions($catID);
  434. //$categoryName = $categoryDetails[1]['name'];
  436. $addit = true;
  437. if ($catID == Default_SuggestionVendorID || $catID == Default_Category_Suggestion){ //|| $catID == Default_Category_Other
  438. $addit = false;
  439. }
  440. if ($addit) {
  441. $hiddenstate = !shouldShowCategory($catID) ? 'hide' : '';
  442. ?>
  443. <div class="nav-categories-item-content category-item-class hidden-xs hidden-sm <?=$hiddenstate?>" id="nav-categories-div-<?=$catID?>" data-category="<?=$catID?>">
  444. <a href="#" class="nav-categories-item text-gray-shadow nav-categories-item-imposter"
  445. onclick="setMarketViewCategory('<?=$catID?>');openCategory('<?=$catID?>')">
  446. <?=$categoryName;?>
  447. <span class="nav-categories-item-underline" id="nav-categories-text-<?=$catID?>"></span>
  448. </a>
  449. </div>
  450. <?php }
  451. } ?>
  453. <!-- dropdown stuff for mobile -->
  454. <div class="nav-categories-item-content dropdown sorting-drop" id="sorting1" style="height: 22px !important; margin-right: 10px;">
  455. <a href="#" class="nav-categories-item topic-nav-link-text nav-categories-item-imposter" data-toggle="dropdown" style="font-weight: 500 !important; margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px !important;">
  456. <span id="currentArrangeTitleID">Arrange</span>
  457. <span class="caret"></span>
  458. </a>
  459. <ul class="dropdown-menu elevation1 grad-white checkable-dropdown" id="topic-dropdown-menu">
  460. <li><a href="javascript:setMarketViewPanel('new'); openTopic('new');" class="topic-nav-link-text hidden-sm" id="nav-topic-menu-new">
  461. <i class="fa fa-check"></i> <span>New</span></a></li>
  462. <li><a href="javascript:setMarketViewPanel('featured'); openTopic('featured');" class="topic-nav-link-text hidden-sm" id="nav-topic-menu-featured">
  463. <i class="fa fa-check"></i> <span>Featured</span></a></li>
  464. <li><a href="javascript:setMarketViewPanel('refer'); openTopic('refer');" class="topic-nav-link-text hidden-sm" id="nav-topic-menu-refer">
  465. <i class="fa fa-check"></i> <span>Popular</span></a></li>
  466. <li><a href="javascript:setMarketViewPanel('trending'); openTopic('trending');" class="topic-nav-link-text hidden-sm" id="nav-topic-menu-trending">
  467. <i class="fa fa-check"></i> <span>Trending</span></a></li>
  468. </ul>
  469. </div>
  470. <div class="nav-categories-item-content dropdown hidden-md hidden-lg hidden-xl sorting-drop" id="sorting2" style="height: 22px !important;">
  471. <a href="#" class="nav-categories-item text-gray-shadow nav-categories-item-imposter" data-toggle="dropdown" style="font-weight: 500 !important; margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px !important;">
  472. <span id="currentCategoryTitleID">Filters</span>
  473. <span class="caret"></span>
  474. </a>
  475. <ul id="categories-menu" class="dropdown-menu elevation1 grad-white checkable-dropdown " id="categories-dropdown-menu">
  476. <li><a id="nav-categories-menu-" href="javascript:setMarketViewCategory('');openCategory('');" class="text-gray-shadow ">
  477. <i class="fa fa-check"></i> <span>All Categories</span></a>
  478. </li>
  479. <?php foreach ($mainCategories as $category_id) { ?>
  480. <?php //Get's the image for the current category_id by creating a querry
  481. $catID = $category_id['category_id'];
  482. $categoryName = $category_id['name'];
  483. //$categoryDetails = $modelCategory->getCategoryDescriptions($catID);
  484. //$categoryName = $categoryDetails[1]['name'];
  485. if ($catID == Default_SuggestionVendorID || $catID == Default_Category_Suggestion){ // && $catID == Default_Category_Other
  486. $addit = false;
  487. }
  488. if ($addit) {
  489. $hiddenstate = !shouldShowCategory($catID) ? 'hide' : '';
  490. ?>
  491. <li class="category-item-class" id="nav-categories-li-<?=$catID?>" data-category="<?=$catID?>">
  492. <a id="nav-categories-menu-<?=$catID?>" href="javascript:setMarketViewCategory('<?=$catID?>');openCategory('<?=$catID?>')" class="text-gray-shadow ">
  493. <i class="fa fa-check"></i> <span><?=$categoryName;?></span>
  494. </a>
  495. </li>
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