
Starting KH Weeklies

May 18th, 2016
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  1. This is my idea for having weekly KH races
  3. -The weeklies start this saturday 5/21/2016
  4. -Races for the first few weeks will be at TBD EST
  5. -The first game and category will be KH2 Beginner any%
  6. -After a month of KH2 Beginner, the game and category will change to prevent the weekly from becoming boring and to bring more attention to less active categories
  7. -The next game/category will be voted for
  8. -Times will probably change semi-frequently so everyone has a chance to participate
  9. -There will be a discord server where all updates and races will take place
  11. If there is anything that can be improved, feel free to message me
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