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a guest
Dec 7th, 2019
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  1. <?php
  2. //Example config file for a "/b/ - Random" board
  3. //require_once("../config_global.php");
  4. //All features enabled by default
  5. const LOCKDOWN = false; //Set to true to disable page viewing for users (not for managers)
  6. error_reporting(E_ALL);
  7. // General settings
  8. const SHOWTITLETXT = true; //Show TITLE at top
  9. const SHOWTITLEIMG = true; //Show image at top
  10. const HEAD_EXTRA=""; //Extra HTML to append to the head
  11. const HERE="http://mysite.tld/b/"; //URL link to this board
  12. //Set to PHP script for rotating banners
  13. //Title image for SHOWTITLEIMG=1
  14. const TITLEIMG = "banners/index.php";
  15. const LANGUAGE = 'en'; //Language. Fikaba provides en and ja by default
  16. const BOARDLINKS = "[<a href=\"/a/\">a</a>/ <a href=\"b\">b</a> ...]"; //Boardlinks at top
  17. const SEED = "CHANGEME";//Set to some random text (Do not change after initial run)
  18. //Rules under post form
  19. const RULES = <<<EOF
  20. <ul>
  21. <li>Rule 1</li>
  22. <li>Rule 2</li>
  23. <li>Rule 3</li>
  24. </ul>
  25. EOF;
  26. //JavaScript settings
  27. const ENABLEAPI = true; //Enable the JSON API?
  28. const JSVARS = [ //Extra vars for JS
  29. //var=>val
  30. "jsPath"=>"js/jquery"
  31. ];
  32. const JSPLUGINS=[ //Aditional JavaScripts (Relative to ./js/)
  33. "jquery/stylebuttons.js",
  34. "jquery/main.js",
  35. "jquery/suite_settings.js",
  36. "jquery/post_menu.js",
  37. "jquery/custom_css.js",
  38. "jquery/custom_js.js",
  39. "jquery/custom_board_list.js",
  40. "jquery/images_only.js",
  41. "jquery/thread_stats.js",
  42. "jquery/image_expansion.js",
  43. "jquery/image_hover.js",
  44. "jquery/thread_updater.js",
  45. "jquery/quote_hover.js",
  46. "jquery/inline_quote.js",
  47. "jquery/center_threads.js",
  48. "jquery/mark_quote.js",
  49. "jquery/backlink_on_bottom.js",
  50. "jquery/hide_back_links.js",
  51. "jquery/quote_hash_nav.js",
  52. "jquery/thread_nav.js",
  53. "jquery/persistent_boards.js",
  54. "jquery/thread_expansion.js",
  55. "jquery/quick_reply.js",
  56. "jquery/thread_watcher.js",
  57. "jquery/tree_view.js",
  58. "jquery/infinite_scroll.js",
  59. "jquery/wysibb.js",
  60. "jquery/op_only.js",
  61. "jquery/nav_arrows.js",
  62. "jquery/ajax_post.js",
  63. "jquery/file_selector.js",
  64. ];
  65. /* Posting */
  66. const BBCODES = [
  67. //bb=>code
  68. "bold"=>"b",
  69. "b"=>"b",
  70. "spoiler"=>"span style=\"background-color:black;color:black;\" onmouseover=\"'white';\" onmouseout=\"'black';\"",
  71. "s"=>"span style=\"background-color:black;color:black;\" onmouseover=\"'white';\" onmouseout=\"'black';\"",
  72. "italic"=>"i",
  73. "i"=>"i",
  74. ];
  75. const EMOTES = [
  76. //emote=>file
  77. "nigra"=>"nigra.gif",
  78. "sage"=>"sage.gif",
  79. "longcat"=>"longcat.gif",
  80. "tacgnol"=>"tacgnol.gif",
  81. ];
  82. const TRIPCAP = [ //Custom tripcode capcodes
  83. //Trip => cap
  84. ];
  85. //Default posting values
  86. const DEFAULT_SUBJECT = "";
  87. const DEFAULT_NAME = "Anonymous";
  88. const DEFAULT_COMMENT = "";
  89. /* RSS */
  90. const USE_RSS = true;
  91. const RSS_LIMIT=15;
  92. /* Meta */
  93. const KEYWORDS = "anonymous,imageboard,image,board,chan,forum,lols,lol,random,memes,cats";
  94. const DESCRIPTION = "&quot;/b/ - Random&quot; The birthplace of Anonymous. Only a fool would take what is posted here as fact!";
  95. const TITLE = "/b/ - Random"; //Name of this imageboard
  96. const ICON = ""; //URL to icon (Leave empty for none)
  97. // Database settings
  98. const POSTTABLE = "CHANGEME"; //Post table (NOT DATABASE)
  99. const BANTABLE = "CHANGEME"; //Bans table (NOT DATABASE)
  100. const MANATABLE = "CHANGEME"; //Manager (admin, mod, janitor) table
  101. const REPORTTABLE = "CHANGEME"; //Reports table (NOT DATABASE)
  102. const BLOTTERTABLE = "CHANGEME"; //Blotter table
  103. const SQLHOST = "CHANGEME"; //MySQL server address, usually localhost
  104. const SQLUSER = "CHANGEME"; //MySQL user (must be changed)
  105. const SQLPASS = "CHANGEME"; //MySQL user's password (must be changed)
  106. const SQLDB = "CHANGEME"; //Database used by image board
  107. // File-related settings
  108. const IMG_DIR = 'src/'; //Image directory (needs to be 777)
  109. const THUMB_DIR = 'src/'; //Thumbnail directory (needs to be 777)
  110. const RES_DIR = "thread/"; //Thread directory (needs to be 777)
  111. const JS_DIR = "js/";
  112. const CSS_DIR = "css/";
  113. const HOME = '../'; //Site home directory (up one level by default
  114. const EMOTES_DIR="emotes/";
  115. const FLAGS_DIR="flags/";
  116. const CORE_DIR="include/";
  117. const MAX_KB = 2000; //Maximum upload size in KB
  118. const MAX_W = 250; //Images exceeding this width will be thumbnailed
  119. const MAX_H = 250; //Images exceeding this height will be thumbnailed
  120. const ALLOWED_EXT = [ //List of allowed file extensions
  121. ".jpg",
  122. ".jpeg",
  123. ".jfif",
  124. ".gif",
  125. ".png",
  126. ".webm",
  127. ];
  128. const OEKAKI_DRIVER = ""; //Leave blank to disable. Oekaki driver, available drivers are: tegaki[4chan],neo
  129. const FORCEIMAGE = true; //Whether or not threads must start with an image
  130. const PHP_EXT = '.html'; //Extension used for board pages after first
  131. const PHP_SELF = 'imgboard.php'; //Name of main script file
  132. const PHP_SELF2 = 'index'.PHP_EXT; //Name of main html file
  133. const PHP_CAT = "catalog".PHP_EXT; //Name of catalog file
  134. const PHP_API = "api.php"; //Name of api script file
  135. const PHP_PLAYER = "player.php"; //Name of webm player script file
  136. const RSS="index.rss"; //Name of RSS index file
  137. const PHP_BLOTTER="blotter.php"; //Name of blotter script file
  138. const PHP_BANNED="banned.php"; //Name of b& script
  139. const DUPECHECK = true; //Check for duplicate images
  140. const MAX_FILES = 1; //Maximum number of files
  141. const THUMBBACK = array(255,255,238); //Thumbnail background for transp. images. Usually the background of your body element.
  142. const FFMPEG = "ffmpeg"; //ffmpeg command
  143. /* Look and behavior */
  144. const PAGE_DEF = 10; //Threads per page
  145. const THREADLIMIT = 100; //Maxium number of entries
  146. const BUMPLIMIT = 50; //Maximum topic bumps
  147. const COLLAPSENUM = 3; //Number of replies to show in the index
  148. const FORTUNE=true; //Enable fortune in the email field
  149. const COUNTRY_FLAGS=false; //Display poster's country flag with each post
  150. /* Spam/flood protection */
  151. const RENZOKU = 5; //Seconds between posts (floodcheck)
  152. const RENZOKU2 = 10; //Seconds between image posts (floodcheck)
  153. const RENZOKU3 = 15; //Seconds between threads (floodcheck)
  154. const RENZOKU4 = 3; //Maximum active threads (floodcheck)
  155. const RENZOKU5 = 1; //Seconds between requests (DDOS)
  156. const BR_CHECK = 15; //Max lines per post (0 = no limit)
  157. const PROXY_CHECK = true; //Enable proxy check
  158. const DISP_ID = false; //Display user IDs
  159. const FORCED_ANON = true; //Force anonymous posting (except for managers)
  160. const BADSTRING = array(); //Posts containing any of these strings will be discarded (can be a nuisance, use with care)
  161. const BADFILE = array(); //Files to be discarded (md5 hashes)
  162. //Captcha
  163. const CAPTCHA_DRIVER="saguaro"; //Leave blank to disable. Enable captcha verification, available drivers are: saguaro
  164. const USE_CAPTCHA=true; //Captcha validation
  165. const CAPTCHA_IMG="captcha.php"; //Captcha generator
  166. /* CSS */
  167. const CSSDEFAULT = "Futaba"; // The name of the stylesheet to be used by default
  168. const STYLES = array( // Array containing NAME => FILE of stylesheets
  169. "Yotsuba" => "yotsuba.css",
  170. "Yotsuba B" => "yotsublue.css",
  171. "Miku" => "miku.css",
  172. "Futaba" => "futaba.css",
  173. "Burichan" => "burichan.css",
  174. "Tomorrow" => "tomorrow.css",
  175. "Photon" => "photon.css",
  176. "Gurochan" => "gurochan.css"
  177. );
  178. const FILTERS = array( // Filters, in the format of IN => OUT
  179. "spacechan"=>"spacecuck"
  180. );
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