
Review: Blank Slate by 8th Sin

Sep 1st, 2013
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  1. Okay, I promised a couple of reviews of newer writers over the weekend.
  3. I've started with Blank Slate by 8th Sin.
  5. Initial impressions: odd concept; fairly typical 'anon gets to know the ponies' setup but with the twist that they all know him already. Okay. As a concept it doesn't especially grab me but it's not bad.
  7. Above average vocabulary, grammar and general prose style, but with room for improvement (particularly in the frequently incorrect use of semicolons which really gets up my nose). Some awkward phrases, e.g. 'in a way, it matches the side of Rarity you’ve seen so far'... what? What way? Is that meant to imply that Rarity having girly decor only seems appropriate 'in a way'? What are the other ways in which it doesn't? This is very distracting.
  9. That brings me on to characterisation. So far, I’m unimpressed. Not in a really violent way, but just… meh. It’s not special. Dialogue is okay and all of the characters seem to be consistent and all, but they don’t come alive in the way they should in really good fanfic. I think part of this is the lack of description of what the ponies are doing physically; including descriptions of their stances, mannerisms or reactions can really help to bring the scene to life. Where this is done in Blank Slate, I feel like it’s not done very well. E.g., ‘>She turns and faces you with a fidgety stance. It almost looks like she needs the bathroom.’ That’s okay, but what’s she actually doing? Shuffling her hooves? Toying with her mane? Biting her lip? Help us to actually imagine the scene. ‘She looks like she needs the bathroom’ isn’t much of a description, and its vaguely humorous connotations don’t really work with the mood of the scene in question.
  11. Then there’s Anon’s characterisation. Again, it’s not bad, but not quite good. There are some high points, like the opening which really made me feel Anon’s nausea (although also, I read it this morning with a horrible hangover, so that probably helped)… but there are also a lot of parts where I feel like we are just being told how Anon is feeling rather than having that feeling evoked. For instance: ‘>You’re standing there, mouth agape with a confused look across your face while you try and comprehend what Twilight just said. You’re not even sure if you heard her right.’ C’mon, why tell us about how confused Anon LOOKS? Doesn’t that defeat the purpose of second person narrative? Make us experience it. ‘You’re not even sure if you heard her right’ is better, as is the following ‘your mouth goes dry’, but I feel like all of it kind of falls short of really getting us into Anon’s headspace.
  13. To sum up, I guess I feel like 8th Sin is a writer with some potential, and I’ll be skimming his stuff in future because if he puts work into improving then he could do something pretty cool. But as things stand right now I feel like Blank Slate, at least, doesn’t really stand out of the crowd of AiE stories.
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