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a guest
Dec 30th, 2017
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  1. print('----------------------------------------')
  2. print(' Startech Warp Engine Console v1.0.3.1 ')
  3. print('----------------------------------------')
  4. print('Please sign in.')
  5. print('Username:')
  6. username = input()
  7. if username == 'Starrtia': #usernames
  8. usernameCorrect = True
  9. print('Password:')
  10. password = input()
  11. if username != 'Starrtia':
  12. print('Warning - User Not Found. Have you made a typo? Please try again.')
  13. usernameCorrect = False
  14. while usernameCorrect == False:
  15. #this and all the stuff below, i want to make the program keep asking for a username until the user enters a username that exists, then it will prompt for password.
  16. #after prompting for password, i want the program to show some fancy art. How do i do that?
  17. #specifically this ASCII art:
  18. _,--', _._.--._____
  19. .--.--';_'-.', ";_ _.,-'
  20. .'--'. _.' {`'-;_ .-.>.'
  21. '-:_ ) / `' '=.
  22. ) > {_/, /~)
  23. |/ `^ .'
  24. #more of a note to myself now - After map shows up, prompt user for location, then have a fanC warp screen, or just a loading bar or something like "Warping 0% complete", slowly loading to 100% with a bunch of technobabble going on
  26. if usernameCorrect == True and password == 'RainbowDevilLlamaToucan': #password, change later so can have multiple users with multiple passwords
  27. print('Access Granted. Welcome, Operator.')
  28. else:
  29. print('Incorrect Password. Self destruct in 10 seconds.')
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