
JB Auto rob gui source

Feb 1st, 2020
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  1. a, b, c, d = getupvalues or debug.getupvalues, getupvalue or debug.getupvalue, setupvalue or debug.setupvalue, islclosure or is_l_closure
  2. local L = game:GetService("Players")
  3. local M = L.LocalPlayer or L:GetPropertyChangedSignal("LocalPlayer"):Wait() or L.LocalPlayer
  4. local N = game:GetService("VirtualInputManager")
  5. local O, P
  6. local Q = {}
  7. local R =
  8. local S = false
  9. local T, U, V = Color3.fromRGB(0, 222, 0), Color3.fromRGB(222, 0, 0), Color3.fromRGB(222, 222, 222)
  10. local W = {
  11. enabled = true,
  12. jewlAllowCrims = false,
  13. preferLongTP = false,
  14. bankRadius2 = 19,
  15. preferUnsafeEsc = false,
  16. warnSeconds = 1.5,
  17. respawnForPlane = true
  18. }
  19. local X = false
  20. if readfile then
  21. pcall(function()
  22. local ic = game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONDecode(readfile("JBAR.txt"))
  23. local jc = false
  24. for kc, lc in pairs(ic) do
  25. if W[kc] == nil then
  26. jc = true
  27. ic[kc] = nil
  28. end
  29. end
  30. for kc, lc in pairs(W) do
  31. if ic[kc] == nil then
  32. jc = true
  33. ic[kc] = lc
  34. end
  35. end
  36. if jc then
  37. X = true
  38. writefile("JBAR.txt", game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode(ic))
  39. end
  40. W = ic
  41. end)
  42. end
  43. local Y = game:GetService("RunService").Stepped
  44. local Z = {}
  45. local ab
  46. local bb = function()
  47. for ic = 1, #Z do
  48. Z[ic].CanCollide = false
  49. end
  50. end
  51. local function cb()
  52. if not ab then
  53. ab = Y:Connect(bb)
  54. end
  55. end
  56. local function db()
  57. if ab then
  58. ab:Disconnect()
  59. ab = nil
  60. end
  61. end
  62. local function eb(ic)
  63. if ic then
  64. Q = ic:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
  65. P = ic:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
  66. wait(0.2)
  67. Z = {}
  68. for jc, kc in ipairs(ic:GetChildren()) do
  69. if kc:IsA("BasePart") then
  70. Z[#Z + 1] = kc
  71. end
  72. end
  73. end
  74. end
  75. eb(M.Character)
  76. M.CharacterAdded:Connect(eb)
  77. e = function(ic, jc, kc)
  78. local lc =
  79. for mc, nc in next, kc do
  80. lc[mc] = nc
  81. end
  82. lc.Parent = jc
  83. return lc
  84. end
  85. f = e("ScreenGui", game.CoreGui, {
  86. Name = "AutoRob",
  87. ResetOnSpawn = false,
  88. ZIndexBehavior = "Sibling"
  89. })
  90. g = e("Frame", f, {
  91. Name = "Main",
  92. ClipsDescendants = true,
  93. Draggable = true,
  94. Active = true,
  95. Size =, 333, 0, 140),
  96. Position =, 0, 0.3, 0),
  97. BackgroundColor3 =, 0.118, 0.239)
  98. })
  99. h = e("Frame", g, {
  100. Name = "homeFrame",
  101. BackgroundTransparency = 1,
  102. Size =, -30, 1, -55),
  103. Position =, 15, 0, 40)
  104. })
  105. i = e("TextButton", h, {
  106. Name = "AbortBtn",
  107. Size =, 0, 0.3, 0),
  108. Text = "ABORT",
  109. Font = "SourceSans",
  110. Position =, 0, 0.25, 0),
  111. TextSize = 23,
  112. AutoButtonColor = false,
  113. BackgroundColor3 =, 0.498, 0.506)
  114. })
  115. j = e("Frame", i, {
  116. Name = "Shade",
  117. BackgroundTransparency = 0.9,
  118. Size =, 0, 0.5, 0),
  119. Position =, 0, 0.5, 0),
  120. BackgroundColor3 =,
  121. Visible = false
  122. })
  123. k = e("TextLabel", h, {
  124. Name = "Status",
  125. Size =, 0, 0.27, 0),
  126. Text = "Status: Loading...",
  127. TextSize = 15,
  128. TextXAlignment = "Left",
  129. Font = "Code",
  130. Position =, 0, 0.73, 0),
  131. BackgroundColor3 =, 0.765, 0.765)
  132. })
  133. l = e("TextButton", h, {
  134. Name = "ToggleBtn",
  135. Size =, 0, 0.3, 0),
  136. Text = "TOGGLE",
  137. Font = "SourceSans",
  138. Position =, 0, 0.25, 0),
  139. TextSize = 23,
  140. BackgroundColor3 = W.enabled and T or U
  141. })
  142. m = e("Frame", l, {
  143. Name = "Shade",
  144. BackgroundTransparency = 0.9,
  145. Size =, 0, 0.5, 0),
  146. Position =, 0, 0.5, 0),
  147. BackgroundColor3 =
  148. })
  149. n = e("Frame", h, {
  150. Name = "availabels",
  151. BackgroundTransparency = 1,
  152. Size =, 0, 0.23, 0),
  153. Position =, 0, -0.12, 0),
  154. BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1)
  155. })
  156. o = e("TextLabel", n, {
  157. Name = "jewelryLbl",
  158. Size =, 0, 1, 0),
  159. Text = "Jewel",
  160. TextSize = 18,
  161. Font = "SourceSansLight",
  162. BackgroundTransparency = 1,
  163. Position =, 0, 0, 0),
  164. TextColor3 =, 1, 1),
  165. BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1)
  166. })
  167. p = e("TextLabel", n, {
  168. Name = "trainLbl",
  169. Size =, 0, 1, 0),
  170. Text = "Train",
  171. TextSize = 18,
  172. Font = "SourceSansLight",
  173. BackgroundTransparency = 1,
  174. Position =, 0, 0, 0),
  175. TextColor3 =, 1, 1),
  176. BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1)
  177. })
  178. q = e("TextLabel", n, {
  179. Name = "bankLbl",
  180. Size =, 0, 1, 0),
  181. Text = "Bank",
  182. TextSize = 18,
  183. Font = "SourceSansLight",
  184. BackgroundTransparency = 1,
  185. Position =, 0, 0, 0),
  186. TextColor3 =, 1, 1),
  187. BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1)
  188. })
  189. r = e("TextLabel", n, {
  190. Name = "airdropLbl",
  191. Size =, 0, 1, 0),
  192. Text = "Airdrop",
  193. TextSize = 18,
  194. Font = "SourceSansLight",
  195. BackgroundTransparency = 1,
  196. Position =, 0, 0, 0),
  197. TextColor3 =, 1, 1),
  198. BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1)
  199. })
  200. s = e("TextLabel", n, {
  201. Name = "museumLbl",
  202. Size =, 0, 1, 0),
  203. Text = "Museum",
  204. TextSize = 18,
  205. Font = "SourceSansLight",
  206. BackgroundTransparency = 1,
  207. TextColor3 =, 1, 1),
  208. BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1),
  209. Position =, 0, 0, 0)
  210. })
  211. t = e("TextLabel", n, {
  212. Name = "planeLbl",
  213. Size =, 0, 1, 0),
  214. Text = "Plane",
  215. TextSize = 18,
  216. Font = "SourceSansLight",
  217. BackgroundTransparency = 1,
  218. TextColor3 =, 1, 1),
  219. BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1),
  220. Position =, 0, 0, 0)
  221. })
  222. u = e("TextButton", g, {
  223. Name = "CloseBtn",
  224. TextWrapped = true,
  225. TextStrokeTransparency = 0.7,
  226. Size =, 25, 0, 25),
  227. TextColor3 = V,
  228. Text = "X",
  229. BackgroundTransparency = 1,
  230. Font = "GothamBold",
  231. Position =, -22, 0, 0),
  232. TextScaled = true
  233. })
  234. v = e("ImageButton", g, {
  235. Name = "CogBtn",
  236. Image = "rbxassetid://135740223",
  237. Size =, 25, 0, 25),
  238. Position =, 0, 0, 2),
  239. BackgroundTransparency = 1
  240. })
  241. w = e("Frame", g, {
  242. Name = "setsframe",
  243. BackgroundTransparency = 0.02,
  244. Size =, -10, 0.8, -10),
  245. Position =, 5, 0.2, 5),
  246. BorderSizePixel = 0,
  247. BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1)
  248. })
  249. x = e("Frame", w, {
  250. BackgroundTransparency = 1,
  251. Size =, 0, 0.25, 0)
  252. })
  253. y = e("TextBox", x, {
  254. Name = "BankRadiusBox",
  255. TextWrapped = true,
  256. Size =, 40, 0, 15),
  257. Text = W.bankRadius2,
  258. Font = "GothamSemibold",
  259. Position =, 0, 0.2, 0),
  260. TextScaled = true,
  261. BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1)
  262. })
  263. z = e("TextLabel", x, {
  264. TextWrapped = true,
  265. Size =, 0, 1, 0),
  266. Text = "Bank Cops Danger Range",
  267. TextSize = 15,
  268. Font = "Code",
  269. BackgroundTransparency = 1
  270. })
  271. A = e("Frame", w, {
  272. BackgroundTransparency = 0.93,
  273. Size =, 0, 0.25, 0),
  274. Position =, 0, 0.25, 0),
  275. BackgroundColor3 =
  276. })
  277. B = e("TextButton", A, {
  278. Name = "JewlSetBtn",
  279. Size =, 25, 0, 15),
  280. Text = W.respawnForPlane and 'X' or '',
  281. Font = "SourceSansSemibold",
  282. Position =, 0, 0.2, 0),
  283. TextSize = 20,
  284. BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1)
  285. })
  286. C = e("TextLabel", A, {
  287. TextWrapped = true,
  288. Size =, 0, 1, 0),
  289. Text = "Respawn To Speed Up Plane",
  290. TextSize = 15,
  291. Font = "Code",
  292. BackgroundTransparency = 1
  293. })
  294. D = e("Frame", w, {
  295. BackgroundTransparency = 1,
  296. Size =, 0, 0.25, 0),
  297. Position =, 0, 0.5, 0)
  298. })
  299. E = e("TextButton", D, {
  300. Name = "WarnSetBtn",
  301. Size =, 25, 0, 15),
  302. Text = W.warnSeconds > 1.51 and 'X' or '',
  303. Font = "SourceSansSemibold",
  304. Position =, 0, 0.2, 0),
  305. TextSize = 20,
  306. BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1)
  307. })
  308. F = e("TextLabel", D, {
  309. TextWrapped = true,
  310. Size =, 0, 1, 0),
  311. Text = "Prefer Longer Warnings",
  312. TextSize = 15,
  313. Font = "Code",
  314. BackgroundTransparency = 1
  315. })
  316. G = e("Frame", w, {
  317. BackgroundTransparency = 0.93,
  318. Size =, 0, 0.25, 0),
  319. Position =, 0, 0.75, 0),
  320. BackgroundColor3 =
  321. })
  322. H = e("TextButton", G, {
  323. Name = "EscSetBtn",
  324. Size =, 25, 0, 15),
  325. Text = W.preferUnsafeEsc and 'X' or '',
  326. Font = "SourceSansSemibold",
  327. Position =, 0, 0.2, 0),
  328. TextSize = 20,
  329. BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1)
  330. })
  331. I = e("TextLabel", G, {
  332. TextWrapped = true,
  333. Size =, 0, 1, 0),
  334. Text = "Remember Your Position",
  335. TextSize = 15,
  336. Font = "Code",
  337. BackgroundTransparency = 1
  338. })
  339. J = e("TextLabel", g, {
  340. Name = "Title",
  341. TextWrapped = true,
  342. Size =, 0, 0, 20),
  343. Text = "Auto-Rob by SirelKilla",
  344. TextSize = 18,
  345. Font = "Highway",
  346. BackgroundTransparency = 1,
  347. Position =, 0, 0, 3),
  348. TextColor3 = V,
  349. BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1)
  350. })
  351. K = e("TextButton", g, {
  352. Name = "SaveSetsBtn",
  353. Size =, 60, 0, 25),
  354. Text = "Save",
  355. Font = "SourceSans",
  356. Style = "RobloxRoundDefaultButton",
  357. Position =, 30, 0, -25),
  358. TextSize = 20
  359. })
  360. u.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
  361. f:Destroy()
  362. S = true
  363. if O then
  364. O:Disconnect()
  365. end
  366. end)
  367. u.MouseEnter:Connect(function()
  368. u.TextColor3 = U
  369. end)
  370. u.MouseLeave:Connect(function()
  371. u.TextColor3 = V
  372. end)
  373. local function fb(ic)
  374. i.AutoButtonColor = ic
  375. i.BackgroundColor3 = ic and, 0.557, 0.914) or, 0.498, 0.506)
  376. j.Visible = ic
  377. S = false
  378. end
  379. i.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
  380. if i.AutoButtonColor then
  381. if O then
  382. O:Disconnect()
  383. end
  384. fb(false)
  385. S = true
  386. i.Text = "Aborted."
  387. wait(2.8)
  388. i.Text = "ABORT"
  389. end
  390. end)
  391. local function gb(ic)
  392. k.Text = "Status: "..ic
  393. end
  394. local hb = game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(v,, {
  395. Rotation = 135
  396. })
  397. local ib = game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(v,, {
  398. Rotation = 0
  399. })
  400. local jb = false
  401. v.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
  402. jb = not jb
  403. if jb then
  404. w:TweenPosition(, 5, 0.2, 5), nil, "Quart", 0.3, true)
  405. h:TweenPosition(, 15, 0, 40), nil, "Quart", 0.3, true)
  406. if writefile then
  407. K:TweenPosition(, 30, 0, 2), nil, "Quart", 0.3, true)
  408. end
  409. hb:Play()
  410. else
  411. w:TweenPosition(, 5, 0.2, 5), nil, "Quart", 0.3, true)
  412. h:TweenPosition(, 15, 0, 40), nil, "Quart", 0.3, true)
  413. K:TweenPosition(, 30, 0, -25), nil, "Quart", 0.3, true)
  414. ib:Play()
  415. end
  416. end)
  417. local kb = y.Text
  418. y:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Text"):Connect(function()
  419. y.Text = y.Text:sub(1, 4)
  420. local ic = tonumber(y.Text)
  421. if ic then
  422. if ic > 99 then
  423. y.Text = '99'
  424. end
  425. elseif y.Text ~= '' then
  426. y.Text = kb
  427. end
  428. kb = y.Text
  429. end)
  430. y.FocusLost:Connect(function()
  431. if tonumber(y.Text) then
  432. W.bankRadius2 = tonumber(y.Text)
  433. end
  434. y.Text = tostring(W.bankRadius2)
  435. end)
  436. B.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
  437. W.respawnForPlane = not W.respawnForPlane
  438. B.Text = W.respawnForPlane and "X" or ""
  439. end)
  440. E.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
  441. W.warnSeconds = W.warnSeconds > 1.51 and 1.5 or 3
  442. E.Text = W.warnSeconds > 1.51 and "X" or ""
  443. end)
  444. H.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
  445. W.preferUnsafeEsc = not W.preferUnsafeEsc
  446. H.Text = W.preferUnsafeEsc and "X" or ""
  447. end)
  448. K.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
  449. if writefile and K.Style.Name == "RobloxRoundDefaultButton" then
  450. K.Style = "RobloxRoundButton"
  451. writefile("JBAR.txt", game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode(W))
  452. K.Text = "Saved."
  453. wait(1)
  454. K.Text = "Save"
  455. K.Style = "RobloxRoundDefaultButton"
  456. end
  457. end)
  458. l.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
  459. W.enabled = not W.enabled
  460. l.BackgroundColor3 = W.enabled and T or U
  461. end)
  462. M:WaitForChild("PlayerScripts"):WaitForChild("LocalScript")
  463. wait(0.5)
  464. wait(5 - workspace.DistributedGameTime)
  465. local lb, mb, nb, ob, pb
  466. if a then
  467. local ic = (getreg or debug.getregistry)()
  468. for jc = 1, #ic do
  469. local kc = ic[jc]
  470. if type(kc) == "function" and (is_protected_closure == nil or is_protected_closure(kc) == false) and (d == nil or d(kc)) then
  471. local lc = a(kc)
  472. for mc, nc in next, lc do
  473. if type(nc) == "table" then
  474. if rawget(nc, "Specs") and nc.Frame and #nc == 0 then
  475. lb = nc.Specs
  476. elseif rawget(nc, "IsFlying") and #nc == 0 then
  477. nc.IsFlying = function()
  478. return tostring(getfenv(2).script) == "Falling"
  479. end
  480. elseif mb == nil and #nc == 3 then
  481. for oc = 1, 3 do
  482. if type(nc[oc]) == "table" and nc[oc].Name == "Punch" then
  483. mb = nc[oc]
  484. end
  485. end
  486. end
  487. elseif nb == nil and (nc == "Prisoner" or nc == "Police" or nc == "Neutral") and #lc == 2 then
  488. nb = kc
  489. ob = mc
  490. elseif pb == nil and type(nc) == "function" and (is_protected_closure == nil or is_protected_closure(nc) == false) and (d == nil or d(nc)) then
  491. for oc, pc in next, a(nc) do
  492. if type(pc) == "table" and rawget(pc, "LastVehicleExit") then
  493. pb = nc
  494. end
  495. end
  496. end
  497. end
  498. end
  499. end
  500. end
  501. for ic, jc in ipairs(workspace.Buildings:GetChildren()) do
  502. if (jc.Position -, 30.3, 1431.9)).Magnitude < 1 then
  503. jc.CanCollide = false
  504. end
  505. end
  506. for ic, jc in ipairs(workspace.Jewelrys:GetChildren()[1].Building:GetChildren()) do
  507. if jc.Name == "Part" and (jc.Position -, 63.4, 1336.6)).Magnitude < 1 then
  508. jc.CanCollide = false
  509. end
  510. end
  511. local qb = {
  512. {
  513., 101.7, 1245.6),
  514. workspace.Museum.MummyCase.Mummy.Head
  515. },
  516. {
  517., 116.6, 1254.8),
  518. workspace.Museum.Reference.Items.Gold
  519. },
  520. {
  521., 116.6, 1262.7),
  522. workspace.Museum.Reference.Items.SpinnerRim
  523. },
  524. {
  525., 116.6, 1247.7),
  526. workspace.Museum.Reference.Items.Cone.Cone
  527. },
  528. {
  529., 101.7, 1238.7),
  530. workspace.Museum.EgyptionCase.Mask
  531. },
  532. {
  533., 101.7, 1151),
  534. workspace.Museum.JewelCase.Jewel
  535. }
  536. }
  537. local rb = workspace.Trains:FindFirstChild("SteamEngine") ~= nil
  538. local sb = false
  539. local tb
  540. local ub = tb or {}
  541. workspace.Trains.ChildAdded:Connect(function(ic)
  542. wait(math.random())
  543. if ic.Name == "SteamEngine" then
  544. rb = true
  545. elseif ic.Name == "BoxCar" and tb == nil and ub.Parent == nil and false then
  546. ub = ic
  547. wait(24 + math.random() * 53)
  548. if ic.Parent and tb == nil then
  549. tb = ic
  550. end
  551. end
  552. p.TextColor3 = (tb or rb) and T or, 1, 1)
  553. end)
  554. workspace.Trains.ChildRemoved:Connect(function(ic)
  555. if tb == ic then
  556. tb = nil
  557. elseif ic.Name == "SteamEngine" then
  558. rb = false
  559. end
  560. p.TextColor3 = (tb or rb) and T or, 1, 1)
  561. end)
  562. p.TextColor3 = (tb or rb) and T or, 1, 1)
  563. local vb = {}
  564. local wb = 0
  565. local function xb()
  566. local ic = workspace.Plane.Crates:GetChildren()
  567. for jc = 1, #ic do
  568. local kc = ic[jc]:FindFirstChild("1")
  569. if kc and kc.Transparency < .99 and kc.Position.Y > 50 then
  570. return kc
  571. end
  572. end
  573. end
  574. local function yb(ic)
  575. if ic.ClassName == "Model" then
  576. if ic.Name == "Drop" then
  577. local jc = ic:WaitForChild("Briefcase", 2)
  578. while jc and jc.Parent and ic:FindFirstChild("Parachute") do
  579. ic.ChildRemoved:Wait()
  580. wait()
  581. end
  582. if jc and jc.Parent then
  583. vb[#vb + 1] = jc
  584. r.TextColor3 = T
  585. end
  586. elseif ic.Name == "Plane" and ic:WaitForChild("Crates", 2) then
  587. wb = tick() + 120
  588. while ic.Parent and xb() == nil do
  589. wait(0.3)
  590. end
  591. if ic.Parent then
  592. sb = true
  593. t.TextColor3 = T
  594. end
  595. end
  596. end
  597. end
  598. for ic, jc in ipairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
  599. if jc.ClassName == "Model" then
  600. coroutine.wrap(yb)(jc)
  601. end
  602. end
  603. workspace.ChildAdded:Connect(yb)
  604. workspace.ChildRemoved:Connect(function(ic)
  605. if ic.ClassName == "Model" then
  606. if ic.Name == "Drop" then
  607. wait()
  608. for jc = #vb, 1, -1 do
  609. if not vb[jc].Parent then
  610. table.remove(vb, jc)
  611. end
  612. end
  613. r.TextColor3 = #vb > 0 and T or, 1, 1)
  614. elseif ic.Name == "Plane" then
  615. sb = false
  616. t.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
  617. wb = tick()
  618. end
  619. end
  620. end)
  621. local zb = workspace.Banks:GetChildren()[1].Extra.Sign.Decal
  622. local Ab = workspace.Jewelrys:GetChildren()[1].Extra.Sign.Decal
  623. local Bb = workspace.Museum.Roof.Hole.Part
  624. local Cb = zb.Transparency > 0.01
  625. local Db = Ab.Transparency > 0.01
  626. local Eb = not Bb.CanCollide
  627. local Fb = #workspace.Ringers.Bank:GetChildren() == 0
  628. local Gb = #workspace.Ringers.Jewelry:GetChildren() == 0
  629. zb:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Transparency"):Connect(function()
  630. wait()
  631. Cb = zb.Transparency > 0.01
  632. q.TextColor3 = Cb and T or, 1, 1)
  633. if not Cb then
  634. Fb = true
  635. end
  636. end)
  637. Ab:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Transparency"):Connect(function()
  638. wait()
  639. Db = Ab.Transparency > 0.01
  640. o.TextColor3 = Db and T or, 1, 1)
  641. if not Db then
  642. Gb = true
  643. end
  644. end)
  645. Bb:GetPropertyChangedSignal("CanCollide"):Connect(function()
  646. wait()
  647. Eb = not Bb.CanCollide
  648. s.TextColor3 = Eb and T or, 1, 1)
  649. end)
  650. q.TextColor3 = Cb and T or, 1, 1)
  651. o.TextColor3 = Db and T or, 1, 1)
  652. s.TextColor3 = Eb and T or, 1, 1)
  653. workspace.Ringers.Bank.ChildAdded:Connect(function()
  654. Fb = false
  655. end)
  656. workspace.Ringers.Jewelry.ChildAdded:Connect(function()
  657. Gb = false
  658. end)
  659. local function Hb(ic, jc)
  660. local kc = tick()
  661. local lc = 0.1
  662. ic = (ic == nil or ic <= 0) and 0.001 or ic
  663. lc = (lc > ic) and ic or lc
  664. while tick() - kc < ic and S == false and (jc == nil or jc(tick() - kc)) do
  665. wait(lc)
  666. end
  667. return tick() - kc
  668. end
  669. local function Ib(ic)
  670. N:SendKeyEvent(true, ic, false, game)
  671. wait()
  672. N:SendKeyEvent(false, ic, false, game)
  673. end
  674. local function Jb(ic)
  675. if P.Sit then
  676. P.Jump = true
  677. if pb then
  678. pb(true)
  679. else
  680. Ib("Space")
  681. end
  682. if ic or P:GetStateEnabled("Running") then
  683. wait()
  684. else
  685. wait(3)
  686. end
  687. end
  688. end
  689. local function Kb(ic)
  690. return tonumber((tostring(ic):gsub("%D", "")))
  691. end
  692. local function Lb()
  693. return M.PlayerGui.MainGui.CollectMoney.Visible and Kb(M.PlayerGui.MainGui.CollectMoney.Money.Text) + 2 > Kb(M.PlayerGui.MainGui.CollectMoney.Maximum.Text)
  694. end
  695. local function Mb()
  696. local ic, jc = M.PlayerGui.MainGui.MuseumBag.TextLabel.Text:match("(.-)/(.+)")
  697. return M.PlayerGui.MainGui.MuseumBag.Visible and ic and jc and Kb(ic) >= Kb(jc)
  698. end
  699. local Nb
  700. local function Ob()
  701. return (Nb.Door.Closed.CFrame.lookVector - Nb.Door.Hinge.CFrame.lookVector).Magnitude > 0.1
  702. end
  703. local function Pb(ic)
  704. local jc = game:GetService("Teams").Police:GetPlayers()
  705. for kc = 1, #jc do
  706. local lc = jc[kc]
  707. if lc.Character and lc.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and lc.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  708. local mc = lc.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position
  709. if (Nb.Door.Hinge.Position - mc).Magnitude < ic and lc.Character.Humanoid.Health > 0 and workspace:FindPartOnRayWithWhitelist(, Nb.TriggerDoor.Position - Nb.Door.Hinge.CFrame.lookVector * 3 - mc), {
  710. Nb.Decoration,
  711. Nb.Parent.Parent.TopFloor
  712. }) == nil then
  713. return true
  714. end
  715. end
  716. end
  717. return false
  718. end
  719. local function Qb(ic)
  720. if S then
  721. return
  722. end
  723. local jc = workspace.CurrentCamera
  724. jc.CameraType = "Scriptable"
  725. jc.CFrame =, ic.Position)
  726. wait()
  727. jc.CameraType = "Custom"
  728. wait()
  729. N:SendKeyEvent(true, "E", false, game)
  730. end
  731. local function Rb(ic)
  732. if lb then
  733. for jc = 1, #lb do
  734. if lb[jc].Part == ic then
  735. lb[jc]:Callback(true)
  736. break
  737. end
  738. end
  739. Hb(1)
  740. else
  741. local jc = ic.Weld
  742. local kc, lc = jc.C0, jc.Part1
  743. jc.C0, jc.Part1 =, 0, 9), Q
  744. if M.PlayerGui.MainGui.CircleAction.Visible then
  745. Q.CFrame = Q.CFrame + Q.CFrame.lookVector * 20
  746. end
  747. local mc =, Q.CFrame.lookVector * 11)
  748. local nc = {
  749. Q.Parent
  750. }
  751. local oc = {}
  752. while true do
  753. local pc = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(mc, nc)
  754. if pc then
  755. nc[#nc + 1] = pc
  756. oc[pc] = pc.CanCollide
  757. pc.CanCollide = false
  758. else
  759. break
  760. end
  761. end
  762. wait()
  763. Qb(ic)
  764. Hb(0.1)
  765. for pc, qc in next, oc do
  766. pc.CanCollide = qc
  767. end
  768. jc.C0, jc.Part1 = kc, lc
  769. N:SendKeyEvent(false, "E", false, game)
  770. Hb(0.9)
  771. end
  772. return P.Sit
  773. end
  774. local Sb = {}
  775. local function Tb(ic)
  776. if S then
  777. return
  778. end
  779. if Sb.Parent == nil or Sb.Player.Value or Sb.Position.Y < -10 or Rb(Sb) == false then
  780. for jc, kc in ipairs(workspace.Vehicles:GetChildren()) do
  781. if kc.Name == "Camaro" and kc:FindFirstChild("Engine") and kc:FindFirstChild("Seat") and kc.Seat:FindFirstChild("Weld") and kc.Seat:FindFirstChild("Player") and kc.Seat.Player.Value == false and kc.Seat ~= Sb and not S then
  782. if Rb(kc.Seat) then
  783. Sb = kc.Seat
  784. if kc:FindFirstChild("BodyVelocity") == nil then
  785. e("BodyVelocity", kc.Engine, {
  786. Velocity = R,
  787. MaxForce =, 1e6, 1e6),
  788. P = 1000
  789. })
  790. end
  791. break
  792. end
  793. end
  794. end
  795. end
  796. Sb.Parent:SetPrimaryPartCFrame( + 7, math.random(200, 300), ic.Z))
  797. Hb(1)
  798. if S then
  799. return
  800. end
  801. Jb(true)
  802. delay(3, function()
  803. Q.CFrame = Q.CFrame +, 0.001, 0)
  804. end)
  805. Q:GetPropertyChangedSignal("CFrame"):Wait()
  806. Q.CFrame = ic
  807. Q.Velocity, Q.RotVelocity = R, R
  808. Hb(0.1)
  809. Q.CFrame = ic
  810. Q.Velocity, Q.RotVelocity = R, R
  811. end
  812. local function Ub(ic)
  813. P:SetStateEnabled("FallingDown", false)
  814. local jc = (ic - ic.p) + Q.Position +, 4, 0)
  815. local kc = ic.p - Q.Position
  816. local lc = workspace.Gravity
  817. workspace.Gravity = 0
  818. for mc = 0, kc.Magnitude, 1.8 do
  819. if S then
  820. break
  821. end
  822. Q.CFrame = jc + kc.Unit * mc
  823. Q.Velocity, Q.RotVelocity = R, R
  824. wait()
  825. end
  826. if not S then
  827. Q.CFrame = ic
  828. end
  829. workspace.Gravity = lc
  830. end
  831. local Vb =
  832. local function Wb(ic)
  833. fb(true)
  834. gb(ic.." ready.")
  835. local jc = g.BackgroundColor3
  836. local kc = 0
  837. while kc < W.warnSeconds do
  838. for lc = 0, 1, 1 / (30 * .25) do
  839. g.BackgroundColor3 = jc:lerp(U, lc)
  840. kc = kc + wait()
  841. end
  842. for lc = 0, 1, 1 / (30 * .25) do
  843. g.BackgroundColor3 = U:lerp(jc, lc)
  844. kc = kc + wait()
  845. end
  846. end
  847. g.BackgroundColor3 = jc
  848. if P == nil or P.Health < 1 then
  849. wait(5)
  850. end
  851. if S or not W.enabled then
  852. return false
  853. end
  854. Jb()
  855. if M.Team.Name == "Prisoner" then
  856. gb("Breaking out...")
  857. if workspace.Vehicles:FindFirstChild("Camaro") == nil or workspace.Vehicles:FindFirstChild("Heli") == nil then
  858. Ub(, 60, -1533))
  859. end
  860. Hb(25, function()
  861. return M.PlayerGui.MainGui.CellTime.Visible
  862. end)
  863. Tb( + math.random() * 10, 18, 1430))
  864. Hb(3)
  865. end
  866. Vb = Q.CFrame
  867. return W.enabled and not S
  868. end
  869. local function Xb()
  870. S = false
  871. gb("Escaping...")
  872. if W.preferUnsafeEsc then
  873. Tb(Vb)
  874. else
  875. Tb( + math.random() * 10, 18, 1430))
  876. end
  877. end
  878. local function Yb()
  879. local ic = Wb("Jewelry")
  880. if ic then
  881. gb("TPing to jewelry...")
  882. Tb(, 17.88, 1302.53) * CFrame.Angles(0, math.pi / -2, 0))
  883. ic = not S
  884. gb("Robbery started!")
  885. local jc = 0
  886. local kc = workspace.Jewelrys:GetChildren()[1].Boxes:GetChildren()
  887. table.sort(kc, function(lc, mc)
  888. return lc.Position.X > mc.Position.X
  889. end)
  890. for lc = 1, #kc do
  891. if S or Db == false or (jc > 3 and Lb()) then
  892. break
  893. end
  894. local mc = kc[lc]
  895. if mc.Transparency < 0.9 then
  896. if mc.Position.X < 120 and mc.Position.Z > 1330 then
  897. Ub( + mc.CFrame.lookVector * 2.5 +, 0, -2.5), mc.Position))
  898. elseif mc.Position.Z < 1309 and mc.Position.Z > 1304 then
  899. Ub( + mc.CFrame.lookVector * 2.5 +, 0, 2.5), mc.Position))
  900. else
  901. Ub( + mc.CFrame.lookVector * 2.5, mc.Position))
  902. end
  903. Hb(0.1)
  904. for nc = 1, 4 do
  905. if mb then
  906. mb:Callback(true)
  907. else
  908. Ib("F")
  909. end
  910. Hb(0.5)
  911. if mc.Transparency > 0.9 then
  912. break
  913. end
  914. end
  915. jc = jc + 1
  916. Hb(0.5)
  917. end
  918. end
  919. gb("Selling...")
  920. Ub(, 70, 1404) * CFrame.Angles(0, math.pi, 0))
  921. Ub(, 70, 1394) * CFrame.Angles(0, math.pi, 0))
  922. Ub(, 34.7, 1544) * CFrame.Angles(0, math.pi, 0))
  923. Hb(3, function()
  924. return M.PlayerGui.MainGui.CollectMoney.Visible
  925. end)
  926. Xb()
  927. if ic then
  928. Db = false
  929. o.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
  930. gb("Jewelry success!")
  931. end
  932. end
  933. fb(false)
  934. wait(2)
  935. if ic then
  936. gb("10 second cooldown.")
  937. wait(10)
  938. end
  939. end
  940. local function Zb()
  941. local ic = Wb("Bank")
  942. if ic then
  943. gb("TPing to bank...")
  944. Tb(, 20, 853.5))
  945. Hb(2)
  946. ic = not S
  947. gb("Opening vault...")
  948. Nb = workspace.Banks:GetChildren()[1].Layout:GetChildren()[1]
  949. if not S then
  950. local jc = Nb.TriggerDoor.CFrame
  951. Nb.TriggerDoor.CFrame = Q.CFrame
  952. wait()
  953. Nb.TriggerDoor.CFrame = jc
  954. local kc = Nb.Door.Hinge.CFrame
  955. if Nb.Money.Size.Magnitude > 25 and (Nb.Money.Position - kc.Position).Magnitude < 30 then
  956. if Nb.Name == "TheMint" then
  957. Tb(kc + kc.lookVector * 3 + kc.rightVector * 13.5)
  958. else
  959. Tb(kc + kc.lookVector * 3 + kc.rightVector * -5.5 +, 3, 0))
  960. end
  961. else
  962. if Nb:FindFirstChild("Lasers") then
  963. for lc, mc in ipairs(Nb.Lasers:GetChildren()) do
  964. if mc.Name == "LaserTrack" then
  965. mc:Destroy()
  966. end
  967. end
  968. end
  969. Tb(Nb.Money.CFrame)
  970. end
  971. end
  972. Hb(300, function()
  973. return Cb and Ob() == false
  974. end)
  975. Hb(3, function()
  976. return Cb and (not(Ob() and Pb(W.bankRadius2)))
  977. end)
  978. gb("Robbery started!")
  979. Hb(80, function()
  980. return Lb() == false and Cb and (not(Ob() and Pb(W.bankRadius2)))
  981. end)
  982. Q.CFrame =, 20, Q.CFrame.Z)
  983. wait(0.5)
  984. Xb()
  985. if ic then
  986. Cb = false
  987. q.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
  988. gb("Bank success!")
  989. end
  990. end
  991. fb(false)
  992. wait(2)
  993. if ic then
  994. gb("10 second cooldown.")
  995. wait(10)
  996. end
  997. end
  998. local function ac()
  999. local ic = Wb("Train")
  1000. if ic then
  1001. local jc = tb.Model.Rob.Gold
  1002. local kc = workspace.Trains.LocomotiveFront.Model.Front
  1003. gb("TPing to train...")
  1004. Tb(jc.CFrame + jc.Velocity * 2)
  1005. ic = not S
  1006. if tb.Parent then
  1007. if lb and false then
  1008. O = Y:Connect(function()
  1009. Q.CFrame = tb.Skeleton.RoofDoorClosed.CFrame +, -5, 0)
  1010. Q.Velocity, Q.RotVelocity = R, R
  1011. end)
  1012. gb("Bypassing by waiting...")
  1013. Hb(5)
  1014. O:Disconnect()
  1015. local lc, mc
  1016. for nc = 1, #lb do
  1017. local oc = lb[nc]
  1018. if lc == nil and oc.Name == "Open Door" and tostring(oc.Part) == "RoofDoorClosed" and tb:IsAncestorOf(oc.Part) then
  1019. lc = oc
  1020. elseif mc == nil and oc.Name == "Breach Vault" and tb:IsAncestorOf(oc.Part) then
  1021. mc = oc
  1022. end
  1023. end
  1024. if lc then
  1025. lc:Callback(true)
  1026. end
  1027. wait()
  1028. if mc then
  1029. mc:Callback(true)
  1030. end
  1031. else
  1032. gb("Opening door...")
  1033. O = Y:Connect(function()
  1034. Q.CFrame = tb.Skeleton.RoofDoorClosed.CFrame +, -5, 0)
  1035. Q.Velocity, Q.RotVelocity = R, R
  1036. end)
  1037. Hb(0.45)
  1038. Qb(tb.Skeleton.RoofDoorClosed)
  1039. Hb(7, function()
  1040. return (tb.Skeleton.RoofDoor.Position - tb.Skeleton.RoofDoorClosed.Position).Magnitude < 1
  1041. end)
  1042. O:Disconnect()
  1043. Hb()
  1044. N:SendKeyEvent(false, "E", false, game)
  1045. gb("Opening vault...")
  1046. O = Y:Connect(function()
  1047. Q.CFrame = jc.CFrame
  1048. Q.Velocity, Q.RotVelocity = R, R
  1049. end)
  1050. Hb(0.45)
  1051. Qb(tb.Skeleton.Vault.Part)
  1052. Hb(7, function()
  1053. return tb.Skeleton.Vault.Part.RotVelocity.Magnitude < .001
  1054. end)
  1055. O:Disconnect()
  1056. Hb(0.2)
  1057. N:SendKeyEvent(false, "E", false, game)
  1058. end
  1059. gb("Robbery started!")
  1060. O = Y:Connect(function()
  1061. Q.CFrame = jc.CFrame
  1062. Q.Velocity, Q.RotVelocity = R, R
  1063. end)
  1064. Hb(65, function()
  1065. return Lb() == false and kc.Position.X > -1584
  1066. end)
  1067. O:Disconnect()
  1068. end
  1069. Xb()
  1070. if ic then
  1071. tb = nil
  1072. p.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
  1073. gb("Train success!")
  1074. end
  1075. end
  1076. fb(false)
  1077. wait(2)
  1078. if ic then
  1079. gb("10 second cooldown.")
  1080. wait(10)
  1081. end
  1082. end
  1083. local function bc()
  1084. local ic = Wb("Museum")
  1085. if ic then
  1086. gb("TPing to museum...")
  1087. Tb(, 107, 1194))
  1088. Hb(1)
  1089. if S then
  1090. ic = false
  1091. else
  1092. gb("Robbery started!")
  1093. local jc = M.PlayerGui.MainGui.MuseumBag.TextLabel
  1094. jc.Text = "9"..jc.Text:sub(2)
  1095. for kc = 1, #qb do
  1096. local lc = qb[kc][1]
  1097. local mc = qb[kc][2]
  1098. if mc.Transparency < .99 then
  1099. if S or Eb == false or jc.Text:sub(1, 1) == jc.Text:sub(5, 5) then
  1100. break
  1101. end
  1102. Ub(lc)
  1103. if lb then
  1104. if kc == 1 then
  1105. mc = mc.Parent.Parent.MummyNode
  1106. end
  1107. for nc = 1, #lb do
  1108. if lb[nc].Part == mc then
  1109. lb[nc]:Callback(true)
  1110. break
  1111. end
  1112. end
  1113. Hb(0.5)
  1114. else
  1115. Qb(mc)
  1116. Hb(7, function()
  1117. return mc.Transparency < .99
  1118. end)
  1119. N:SendKeyEvent(false, "E", false, game)
  1120. Hb()
  1121. end
  1122. end
  1123. end
  1124. if W.preferUnsafeEsc then
  1125. Tb(Vb)
  1126. else
  1127. Tb( + math.random() * 10, 18, 1430))
  1128. end
  1129. gb("Bypassing by waiting...")
  1130. Hb(9)
  1131. Jb()
  1132. Vb = Q.CFrame
  1133. gb("Selling...")
  1134. Tb(, 50.7, -1844))
  1135. Hb(4)
  1136. Ub(, 50.7, -1813))
  1137. Hb(9, function()
  1138. return M.PlayerGui.MainGui.MuseumBag.Visible
  1139. end)
  1140. end
  1141. Xb()
  1142. if ic then
  1143. Eb = false
  1144. s.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
  1145. gb("Museum success!")
  1146. end
  1147. end
  1148. fb(false)
  1149. wait(2)
  1150. if ic then
  1151. gb("10 second cooldown.")
  1152. wait(10)
  1153. end
  1154. end
  1155. local function cc()
  1156. local ic = Wb("Steam engine")
  1157. if ic then
  1158. gb("Robbery started!")
  1159. local jc = tick()
  1160. local kc = workspace.Trains:GetDescendants()
  1161. for lc = 1, #kc do
  1162. local mc = kc[lc]
  1163. if mc.Name == "Briefcase" and mc.Parent and mc:FindFirstChild("Weld") then
  1164. if S or Mb() then
  1165. break
  1166. end
  1167. if lb then
  1168. for nc = 1, #lb do
  1169. if lb[nc].Part == mc then
  1170. lb[nc]:Callback(true)
  1171. break
  1172. end
  1173. end
  1174. Hb(2.5)
  1175. else
  1176. mc.Weld.C0 =, 0, 5)
  1177. mc.Weld.Part1 = Q
  1178. Hb()
  1179. Qb(mc)
  1180. Hb(3, function()
  1181. return mc.Parent ~= nil
  1182. end)
  1183. N:SendKeyEvent(false, "E", false, game)
  1184. Hb()
  1185. mc:ClearAllChildren()
  1186. end
  1187. end
  1188. end
  1189. Hb(1)
  1190. Tb(, 50.7, -1844))
  1191. gb("Bypassing by waiting...")
  1192. Hb(10 - (tick() - jc))
  1193. Jb()
  1194. gb("Selling...")
  1195. Ub(, 50.7, -1813))
  1196. Hb(9, function()
  1197. return M.PlayerGui.MainGui.MuseumBag.Visible
  1198. end)
  1199. Xb()
  1200. if ic then
  1201. rb = false
  1202. p.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
  1203. gb("Train success!")
  1204. end
  1205. end
  1206. fb(false)
  1207. wait(2)
  1208. if ic then
  1209. gb("10 second cooldown.")
  1210. wait(10)
  1211. end
  1212. end
  1213. local function dc()
  1214. local ic = Wb("Airdrop")
  1215. if ic then
  1216. local jc = vb[1]
  1217. if jc and jc.Parent then
  1218. gb("TPing to airdrop...")
  1219. cb()
  1220. Tb(jc.CFrame +, -7, 0))
  1221. local kc = workspace.Gravity
  1222. workspace.Gravity = 0
  1223. Hb()
  1224. if S then
  1225. ic = false
  1226. else
  1227. Hb(70, function(lc)
  1228. gb("Please wait "..math.floor(70 - lc).." seconds.")
  1229. Q.CFrame = jc.CFrame +, -7, 0)
  1230. Q.Velocity, Q.RotVelocity = R, R
  1231. if lb then
  1232. if math.floor(70 - lc) % 7 == 0 then
  1233. for mc = 1, #lb do
  1234. if lb[mc].Part == jc then
  1235. lb[mc]:Callback(true)
  1236. break
  1237. end
  1238. end
  1239. end
  1240. wait(lc % 1)
  1241. else
  1242. Qb(jc)
  1243. Hb()
  1244. N:SendKeyEvent(true, "E", false, game)
  1245. Hb(6.5, function()
  1246. return jc.Parent ~= nil
  1247. end)
  1248. N:SendKeyEvent(false, "E", false, game)
  1249. end
  1250. return jc.Parent ~= nil
  1251. end)
  1252. Hb(1)
  1253. end
  1254. workspace.Gravity = kc
  1255. db()
  1256. Xb()
  1257. end
  1258. if ic then
  1259. gb("Airdrop success!")
  1260. end
  1261. end
  1262. fb(false)
  1263. wait(2)
  1264. if ic then
  1265. gb("10 second cooldown.")
  1266. wait(10)
  1267. end
  1268. end
  1269. local function ec()
  1270. local ic = Wb("Plane")
  1271. if ic then
  1272. local jc
  1273. if workspace:FindFirstChild("Plane") then
  1274. jc = workspace.Plane:FindFirstChild("Root")
  1275. end
  1276. if jc then
  1277. gb("Waiting for takeoff.")
  1278. Hb(20, function()
  1279. return jc.Parent ~= nil and jc.Position.Y < 300
  1280. end)
  1281. gb("TPing to plane...")
  1282. Tb(workspace.Plane.Root.CFrame)
  1283. ic = not S
  1284. if workspace:FindFirstChild("Plane") then
  1285. gb("Robbery started!")
  1286. local kc = workspace.Plane.Crates:GetChildren()
  1287. for lc = 1, #kc do
  1288. local mc = kc[lc]:FindFirstChild("1")
  1289. if mc and mc.Parent and mc.Transparency < .99 and not S then
  1290. local nc = mc.Parent["2"]
  1291. local oc
  1292. O = Y:Connect(function()
  1293. Q.CFrame = nc.CFrame +, -9, 0)
  1294. Q.Velocity, Q.RotVelocity = R, R
  1295. end)
  1296. if lb then
  1297. Hb(0.5)
  1298. for pc = 1, #lb do
  1299. local qc = lb[pc]
  1300. if lb[pc].Part == mc then
  1301. lb[pc]:Callback(true)
  1302. break
  1303. end
  1304. end
  1305. else
  1306. mc.Anchored = false
  1307. oc = e("Weld", mc, {
  1308. Part0 = mc,
  1309. Part1 = Q,
  1310. C0 =, 4.5, 0)
  1311. })
  1312. Hb(0.5)
  1313. Qb(mc)
  1314. Hb(20, function()
  1315. return mc.Transparency < .99
  1316. end)
  1317. N:SendKeyEvent(false, "E", false, game)
  1318. mc.CanCollide = true
  1319. end
  1320. Hb(0.5)
  1321. O:Disconnect()
  1322. if M.PlayerGui.MainGui.CrateCollectMoney.Visible then
  1323. gb("Bypassing by waiting...")
  1324. Tb(, 36.5, 1570))
  1325. if oc then
  1326. oc:Destroy()
  1327. end
  1328. Hb(9)
  1329. Jb()
  1330. gb("Selling...")
  1331. Ub(, 30, 1584))
  1332. Q.Anchored = true
  1333. Hb(3, function()
  1334. return M.PlayerGui.MainGui.CrateCollectMoney.Visible
  1335. end)
  1336. Q.Anchored = false
  1337. break
  1338. elseif oc then
  1339. oc:Destroy()
  1340. end
  1341. end
  1342. end
  1343. end
  1344. Xb()
  1345. end
  1346. if ic then
  1347. sb = false
  1348. t.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
  1349. gb("Plane success!")
  1350. end
  1351. end
  1352. fb(false)
  1353. wait(2)
  1354. if ic then
  1355. gb("10 second cooldown.")
  1356. wait(10)
  1357. end
  1358. end
  1359. local function fc()
  1360. wb = tick()
  1361. gb("Speeding up the plane...")
  1362. local ic = Q.CFrame
  1363. if tostring(M.Team) ~= "Police" then
  1364. c(nb, ob, "Police")
  1365. nb()
  1366. M.CharacterAdded:Wait()
  1367. wait(0.5)
  1368. end
  1369. for kc = 1, #lb do
  1370. if lb[kc].Name == "Call Cargo Plane" then
  1371. lb[kc]:Callback(true)
  1372. break
  1373. end
  1374. end
  1375. local jc
  1376. jc = game.CoreGui.RobloxGui.NotificationFrame.ChildAdded:Connect(function(kc)
  1377. jc:Disconnect()
  1378. local lc = kc:WaitForChild("NotificationText").Text
  1379. if lc:match("Wait %d") then
  1380. wb = tick() - (197 - tonumber(lc:match("%d+")))
  1381. end
  1382. end)
  1383. wait(0.5)
  1384. c(nb, ob, "Prisoner")
  1385. nb()
  1386. M.CharacterAdded:Wait()
  1387. wait(3)
  1388. Tb(ic)
  1389. if workspace:FindFirstChild("Plane") then
  1390. game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("SendNotification", {
  1391. Title = "CargoPlane",
  1392. Text = "Arriving shortly!"
  1393. })
  1394. end
  1395. end
  1396. game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("SendNotification", {
  1397. Title = "Auto-Rob by sirelKilla",
  1398. Text = X and "SETTINGS CHANGED!" or "",
  1399. Duration = 20,
  1400. Button1 = "ok boomer"
  1401. })
  1402. local gc = 0
  1403. local hc = 0
  1404. while wait(0.5) and f.Parent do
  1405. if workspace.Trains:FindFirstChild("LocomotiveFront") then
  1406. local ic = workspace.Trains.LocomotiveFront.Model.Front.Position
  1407. if ic.X < -1300 and ic.Z < 350 then
  1408. tb = nil
  1409. p.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
  1410. end
  1411. end
  1412. if (fireclickdetector or click_detector) and workspace.Switches.BranchBack.Rail.Transparency < .9 then
  1413. (fireclickdetector or click_detector)(workspace.Switches.BranchBack.Lever.Click.ClickDetector, 1)
  1414. end
  1415. if tick() - hc > 60 then
  1416. hc = tick()
  1417. game:GetService("VirtualUser"):CaptureController()
  1418. game:GetService("VirtualUser"):ClickButton2(
  1419. end
  1420. M.PlayerGui.MainGui.CollectMoney.Visible = false
  1421. if W.enabled then
  1422. if sb then
  1423. ec()
  1424. elseif Eb then
  1425. bc()
  1426. elseif Db then
  1427. Yb()
  1428. elseif rb then
  1429. cc()
  1430. elseif tb then
  1431. ac()
  1432. elseif Cb then
  1433. Zb()
  1434. elseif nb and W.respawnForPlane and tick() - wb > 197 and (#L:GetPlayers() < 20 or #game:GetService("Teams").Police:GetPlayers() > 1) then
  1435. fc()
  1436. elseif #vb > 0 then
  1437. dc()
  1438. else
  1439. gb("Wait for stores to open"..string.rep('.', gc % 3 + 1))
  1440. gc = gc + 1
  1441. end
  1442. else
  1443. gb("Disabled.")
  1444. end
  1445. end
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