

Mar 1st, 2018
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  1. This is probably going to sound very biased and come off as my own personal problem, but I think it would be nice if there was a way to purchase stamina potions (the same way one can purchase orbs). I've played this game since it came out on February 2 of last year, and back then, stamina capped at 50 and the lunatic maps cost 20-25 stamina each. Since I had a good amount of stamina potions and had actually never used them on anything else before, I ended up using so many of them just to clear a good amount of the lunatic maps. With the most recent two or three Tempest Trials though, one has had to use a large amount of stamina potions to finish with an overall rank in the top 1000 for the maximum feather rewards. With them being held so frequently (granted I appreciate the rewards given from it), my stamina pot count has slowly been depleted over time and I often find myself low on them (under 40). While I'm aware that one can always use orbs to restore stamina when no potions remain, that's something that I honestly would rather not do (and something tells me just about everyone else that plays this game would feel the same way). I don't know if you can check how much a single person has spent on this game (I think I've spent around $150) but I can honestly say I'm way more likely to spend money buying potions than buying orbs, and that's because I find it easy to save orbs over time. (I actually have almost 350 right now, and had saved 440 for the January legendary banner.) Saving potions is a different story since the frequent occurrences of Tempest Trials has me blowing through tons of potions for top 1000 rank overall. On a side note, I actually bought the Black Knight starter pack for the stamina potions (and because the entire pack itself was great value). I would appreciate if you considered making stamina potions purchasable, because that's something I'd spend money on.
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