
RevoX Chapter #5238

Oct 9th, 2015
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  1. [World]Milo™:yo
  2. [World]RAZOROKR:oooh
  3. [World]UallHoes™:look who is here, milo sama
  4. [World][Instructor]Wortex™:Miley is on
  5. [World]Milo™:i think i might be switching to navi prot....
  6. [World]DaiKenshiZ:compared to what i remember this game is hard :|
  7. [World][Instructor]Wortex™:Yay milo
  8. [World]UallHoes™:milo pls switch to navi so i can beat you :D
  9. [World]Milo™:lol might use jozu as well....
  10. [World]Milo™:Uall you can beat me now ._.
  11. [World]UallHoes™:im weak milo :V
  12. [World][Instructor]Wortex™:hey stop following me Miley
  13. [World]dortorsnip:*Edward England*
  14. [World]Milo™:stronger tahn most :V
  15. [World]Milo™:*than
  16. [World]UallHoes™:and now you bully me in arena ._.
  17. [World]UallHoes™:i only have 210k power :V dont bully me pls
  18. [World]Winiu:*Franky*
  19. [World]Milo™:i im only at 232k myself....
  20. [World]UallHoes™:lol lvl 1 boots :v
  21. [World]UallHoes™:i probably would have more pwoer than you if i want :v
  22. [World]Milo™:yeah probably :v
  23. [World]UallHoes™:i use all lvl1 on franky except boots lmao
  24. [World]Milo™:lol you clearly havent looked at my crews gear :p
  25. [Notice]Congratulations to Illusion™, the new Champion of the Arena!
  26. [World]UallHoes™:Woah same as me O.o
  27. [World]UallHoes™:but your prota uses 138 boots and robin :v
  28. [World]RAZOROKR:how much speed is good for franky
  29. [World]Milo™:lol but my robins gear tho :v and frankys :v
  30. [Notice]Winiu has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  31. [World]UallHoes™:for lvl 130 plus 90k plus
  32. [World]UallHoes™:for 140 100k plus
  33. [Notice]AmonRa.sng_20 has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  34. [World]RAZOROKR:then have to dev a LOT
  35. [World]Milo™:for lvl milo... 106k plus is good
  36. [World]UallHoes™:holy shiy
  37. [World][Instructor]Wortex™ when your changing to prot
  38. [World][Instructor]Wortex™:and why
  39. [Notice]Congrats to MacGajster for getting Advanced crew member Hawkins!
  40. [World]MacGajster:wtf was on brook
  41. [World]Milo™:time for a change
  42. [World][Instructor]Wortex™:i wanna see this
  43. [World]Milo™:you will when i fully dev my jozu...
  44. [World][Instructor]Wortex™:what level VIP are you again
  45. [World]Milo™:which will happened after i fully dev my luffy :p
  46. [World]Milo™:9
  47. [World][Instructor]Wortex™:lol
  48. [World][Instructor]Wortex™:WTF.....LIES
  49. [World]Milo™:lol not really lies
  50. [World]UallHoes™:milo is vip 9 :3
  51. [World]UallHoes™:and im free user :V
  52. [World][Instructor]Wortex™:WHAT DO YOU MEAN NOT REALLY LIES
  53. [World]RAZOROKR:free !!
  54. [World]Milo™:lol your a vip Uall
  55. [World]UallHoes™:milo obviously im free just 2 t1 :V
  56. [World]RAZOROKR:feel bad for be free
  57. [World]Milo™:Uall i have my spies :v
  58. [World]UallHoes™:i have 83 days of that spy too :V damn he is expensive
  59. [World]Milo™:i knew you botted ._.
  60. [World][Instructor]Wortex™:Lol
  61. [World]UallHoes™:im not botter :V
  62. [World]UallHoes™:*UallHoes™*
  63. [World]UallHoes™:botters cant display crews :V
  64. [World][Instructor]Wortex™:lol
  65. [World]Wortex™:*Wortex™*
  66. [World]Milo™:its ok... even wortex has done it... and hes instuctor :v
  67. [World]UallHoes™:its just propaganda miley :v
  68. [World][Instructor]Wortex™:Lmao see "Miley" is catching along
  69. [World]Milo™:they can if they pull up the actual screen :v
  71. [World]UallHoes™:oh fark :V thats just somebody using my name in pph
  72. [World]Milo™:P
  73. [World][Instructor]Wortex™:imma go on hanne
  74. [World]Unohana™:*Unohana™*
  75. [World]Milo™:why would you go on hanne... thats nasty
  76. [World]UallHoes™:Master Onohana too Strong
  77. [World]HanneKun!:Im on
  78. [World]HanneKun!:Pervert Milo
  79. [World]UallHoes™:so true :V pervert miley
  80. [World]Milo™:i cant beat lord Unohana™
  81. [World]RAZOROKR:all dev red
  82. [World]UallHoes™:Noone of us can milo that would be blasphemy
  83. [World]Milo™:gratz razor
  84. [World]RAZOROKR:;)
  85. [World]RAZOROKR:cant dev franky!
  86. [World]UallHoes™:Razor can i be your student ?
  87. [World]RAZOROKR:and you mine?
  88. [World]Milo™:Uall you cant just say it so thoroughly *.*
  89. [World]Milo™:you must address as master
  90. [World]Angel23:*Angel23*
  91. [World]UallHoes™:Master Razor Sama can i be your disciple ?
  92. [World]UallHoes™:I want to be stronk lvl 139 too like idol Razor
  93. [World]RAZOROKR:no i am weak
  94. [World]HanneKun!:lol
  95. [World]UallHoes™:You are just modest Master thats what your best part
  96. [World]RAZOROKR:i joined every day since i strted the gam and still wek
  97. [World]HanneKun!:i can beat Razor,he isn't meant to be master Ua;;
  98. [World]HanneKun!:Uall
  99. [World]Milo™:he is so sincere to those weaker than him.. so he says hes
  100. [World]UallHoes™:You work hard and youre so modest im blushing
  101. [World]Milo™:weak as well *.* so kind MASTER RAZOR
  102. [World]RAZOROKR:viva franky family s20!!
  103. [World]Unohana™:Milo is so strong like muneeb senpai
  104. [World]UallHoes™:OMG Unohana Sensei
  105. [World]UallHoes™:im having such a fan boy momeny
  106. [World]RAZOROKR::)
  107. [World]UallHoes™:milo help me calm down x.x
  108. [World]Milo™:Unohana dont compare me to the GOD Muneeb
  109. [World]Milo™:thats treason *.*
  110. [World]Unohana™:haha
  111. [World]UallHoes™:im no god a mere mortal, just a student
  112. [World]Unohana™:how much speed have ur franky?
  113. [World]UallHoes™:hoping to be like all you monsters
  114. [World]RAZOROKR:miss illu and Dieu
  115. [World]HanneKun!:Anyone need help or advice PM me or Email me
  116. [World]HanneKun!:Milo im starting back my buisness
  117. [World]UallHoes™:*sends hanne fan mail *
  118. [World]Milo™:Plz dont hanne ._.
  119. [World]HanneKun!:why not mate
  120. [World]UallHoes™: i feel too weak , i tihnk ill just sleep
  121. [World]RAZOROKR:Can mail me not hanne!
  122. [World]UallHoes™:Definitely Master Razor Sama
  123. [World]Milo™:because no one is worthy of your advice CREATOR Hanne
  124. [World]UallHoes™:lool Miley full troll mode on ? :V
  125. [World]HanneKun!:Yes they are
  126. [World]HanneKun!:Miley is a boob
  127. [World]RAZOROKR:just saying to let hanne san rest
  128. [World]Milo™:no miley likes boobs
  129. [World]UallHoes™:boobs X.X are bae
  130. [World]RAZOROKR:shiraboshi ones
  131. [World]HanneKun!:I see we have a hentai fan
  132. [World]Nachös:*Shirahoshi*
  133. [World]Nachös:has big ones
  134. [World]Milo™:Uall i feel light headed from all the excitement moments ago
  135. [World]RAZOROKR:oh jozu hanne
  136. [World]HanneKun!:Fans,i mean fans
  137. [World]HanneKun!:what??
  138. [World]UallHoes™:me and milo are the dynamic duo :V lvl 138 wekalings
  139. [World]Vithril:how does 1 survive brilliant punk?
  140. [World]UallHoes™:Vithril tank with kuma :V or have 1mil hp
  141. [World]HanneKun!:With lots of HP
  142. [World]RAZOROKR:yes marco
  143. [World]Juilian:or DF 0 damage taken
  144. [World]UallHoes™:tanking with marco is an option too :V
  145. [World]Vithril:ah ic thts smart
  146. [World]Vithril:but i wonder how does a strawhat crew survive xD
  147. [World]HanneKun!:My Jozu will DESTROY!!!!!
  148. [World]Juilian:but u waste resurrection
  149. [World]UallHoes™:hanne nope :V
  150. [World]HanneKun!:ummm did you know that the Whitebeard crew di**anned since
  151. [World]Vithril:s*o to 1piece manga gettin gewd
  152. [World]HanneKun!:Whitebeard died
  153. [World]HanneKun!:and Uall i was joking i dont want to go on your a******
  154. [World]UallHoes™:my acc to weak to go on :V
  155. [World]Vithril:5k away from 200k tp
  156. [World]HanneKun!:lol
  157. [World]UallHoes™:wow i have 196k tp too
  158. [World]RAZOROKR:jozu the withebeard hulk
  159. [World]Vithril:i wish i was pro liek roofy
  160. [World]HanneKun!:Hehehe
  161. [World]HanneKun!:My jozu will beat the original jozu
  162. [World]UallHoes™:i wish i was pro like vithril and hannekun
  163. [World]Vithril:then i would have the midas touch ; )
  164. [World]HanneKun!:Ahh shucks dont make me blush :)
  165. [World]RAZOROKR:i wish to stop the red on devep
  166. [World]Juilian:i wish i could bang scarlett johannson
  167. [World]UallHoes™:But all youre gonna get is your left hand hahaahhahaa
  168. [World]Juilian:all of us
  169. [World]Juilian:ahahahha
  170. [World]Milo™:lol nice 1 Uall +1
  171. [World]UallHoes™:No Julian dont all of us me :V
  172. [World]Vithril:lool
  173. [World]Milo™:im not included in that all fo yous
  174. [World]Juilian:lol
  175. [World]Milo™:*of
  176. [World]Juilian:so all u get is left hand but us
  177. [World]UallHoes™:milo has free pUssy forever , cant mock him lol
  178. [World]Juilian:oh well, seems i have to be satisfied with my bae left hand
  179. [World]Juilian:and foot
  180. [World]UallHoes™:100 bucks says his bae is his left hand
  181. [World]Milo™:all thanks to the pocket pUssy 3000
  182. [World]Juilian:ever tried hand+foot+blow job?
  183. [World]Juilian:kappa
  184. [World]UallHoes™:Juilian how about you save and buy a seX doll lmao
  185. [Notice]Congrats to Butaw for successfully defending 30 times in tournament, but ATK, DEF, SPEED decreased by 30%!
  186. [World]Juilian:save from what? i don't spend money c:
  187. [World]Juilian:i don't need to pay girls like someone else
  188. [World]Juilian:*shots fired*
  189. [World]UallHoes™:because you need to earn to pay :V
  190. [World]Juilian:who said i don't? v.v
  191. [World]Milo™:if you dont have sEx doll.. you sir are living under a rock
  192. [World]RAZOROKR:how ended in this?
  193. [World]HanneKun!:i have a choice of not using Shanks
  194. [World]RAZOROKR:still on red recruit formation
  195. [World]Juilian:my dear, i do, but she breathes and blows lol
  196. [World]Juilian:kidding aside
  197. [World]Juilian:g2g
  198. [World]Juilian:see u tomorrow prob
  199. [World]Juilian:gnite
  200. [World]UallHoes™:enjoy the doll :V
  201. [World]HanneKun!:HAHAHAHAH
  202. [World]RAZOROKR:OH MY GLOB!
  203. [World]RAZOROKR:defeated hanne san!!
  205. [World]RAZOROKR:something bad!
  206. [World]HanneKun!:LOL
  207. [World]Milo™:2 stars needed for max roger
  208. [World]HanneKun!:Congratz(Is that a god thing or a bad)
  209. [World]RAZOROKR:and just now i get the red force :(
  210. [World]UallHoes™:i need 5 :V
  211. [Notice]Sere has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  212. [World]Milo™:lol good since it means i can spend silver on pet now
  213. [World]HanneKun!:ok
  214. [World]HanneKun!:Razor fight me now
  215. [World]RAZOROKR: o thanks!
  216. [World]HanneKun!:you
  217. [World]RAZOROKR:you fighted me?
  218. [World]HanneKun!:lol no
  219. [World]Vithril:i didnt know silver was going to be so important
  220. [World]RAZOROKR:lose for low hp
  221. [World]Vithril:i would of used hunting island
  222. [World]HanneKun!:you lost or no
  223. [World]HanneKun!:Anonimo is on
  224. [World]RAZOROKR:lose
  225. [World]RAZOROKR:lost yea
  226. [World]HanneKun!:lol
  227. [World]Eternal™:wut hanne?
  228. [World]HanneKun!:Lol
  229. [World]HanneKun!:Anonimo how much pierce is on your Garp on prot
  230. [World]HanneKun!:and prot
  231. [World]Eternal™:not much ._.
  232. [World]HanneKun!:how much ._.
  233. [World]Eternal™:u wanna know it that badly? ._.
  234. [World]HanneKun!:Yes...Yes i do
  235. [World]RAZOROKR:for science
  236. [World]Eternal™:24% on both ._.
  237. [World]HanneKun!:REALLY.....DUDE THAT IS ALOT OF SHELLS
  238. [World]Eternal™:nope ._.
  239. [World]HanneKun! is
  240. [World]Eternal™:is just a decent amound
  241. [World]HanneKun!:very decent
  242. [World]RAZOROKR:for vip
  243. [World]Eternal™:i am a free user ._.
  244. [World]RAZOROKR:me too
  245. [World]RAZOROKR:and still very low
  246. [World]Eternal™:nice :)
  247. [World]HanneKun!:No you are not Anonimo
  248. [World]Eternal™:yes i am hanne ._.
  249. [Notice]Yaven has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  250. [World]Vithril:lul eternal u big liarr
  251. [World]Eternal™:nevah ._.
  252. [World]UallHoes™:im anonimo
  253. [World]Nemuri:*Garp*
  254. [Notice]Treasure hunters have appeared on the sea, kill them to obtain their treasure maps!
  255. [World]RAZOROKR:LADDER!
  256. [World][Blue Diamond VIP]Nemuri::v
  257. [World]Eternal™:rip peachie :V
  258. [World]UallHoes™:why dont you freaking mosnters pick on ladder and cluster fu
  259. [World]HanneKun!:Serena
  260. [World][Blue Diamond VIP]Nemuri:huh? ._.
  261. [World]RAZOROKR:feel like buggy in marinford
  262. [World]HanneKun!:you used Shira before right?
  263. [World][Blue Diamond VIP]Nemuri:in ladder no
  264. [World][Blue Diamond VIP]Nemuri:in a setup, yes :v
  265. [World]HanneKun!:Did you develop her intell or physique
  266. [World][Blue Diamond VIP]Nemuri:._.
  267. [World][Blue Diamond VIP]Nemuri:all 4 stats are maxed *.*
  268. [World][Blue Diamond VIP]Nemuri:but for prestige dev, int :v
  269. [World]RAZOROKR:no way
  270. [World]HanneKun!:ok thanks
  271. [World][Blue Diamond VIP]Nemuri:cons raises the buff
  272. [World][Blue Diamond VIP]Nemuri:but if she is your only healer, choose int ._.
  273. [World]HanneKun!:i know that's why i need advice
  274. [World]HanneKun!:ok thanks
  275. [World]BMNexus:Is there a level after Mega for Pet skills?
  276. [World]Jiro964:HanneKun is my rival
  277. [World]UallHoes™:bladder tm ? WTF
  278. [World]UallHoes™:who is he ? :V
  279. [World][Blue Diamond VIP]Nemuri:pet skill have 5 levels
  280. [World]RAZOROKR:yes star level
  281. [World]HanneKun!:OK Jiro good luck with that
  282. [World][Blue Diamond VIP]Nemuri:last level is star level :d
  283. [World]Jiro964:You're not that strong so it should be doable
  284. [World]BMNexus:YAY STAR!
  285. [World]HanneKun!:O_O uhhhhhh
  286. [World]HanneKun!:But........nevermind
  287. [World]Jiro964:Hanne how fast is your Franky?
  288. [World]HanneKun!:84k
  289. [World]Jiro964:84k!!! How is it so fast!
  290. [World]Jiro964:You must of topped up a lot
  291. [World][Blue Diamond VIP]錦衣衛:nope ._.
  292. [World][Blue Diamond VIP]錦衣衛:just ladder more then likely
  293. [World]Jiro964:Hannekun, do you bot?
  294. [World]HanneKun!:no
  295. [World]Jiro964:You must bot if you're that strong
  296. [World]Jiro964:I believe you though
  297. [World]Skeith.s03_04:why is i some times see people with size 6 crews
  298. [World]HanneKun!:lol
  299. [World]Ripperzumi:does moria heal?
  300. [World]Ripperzumi:guys??
  301. [World]Stumpy:Moria can heal himself that's
  302. [World]Bartolomew.sng_20:nop
  303. [World][Blue Diamond VIP]錦衣衛:above level 115 you can have 6 crew
  304. [World]Ripperzumi:okay thanks
  305. [World]Skeith.s03_04:Thanks for the info
  306. [World]HanneKun!:Hey Dr.Doom
  307. [World]Dя.Doom™:hi DrHanneKun
  308. [World]HanneKun!:What's up doc (See what i did there)
  309. [World]HanneKun!:Huh a level 109 has higher level jozu than me *sigh*
  310. [World]HanneKun!:Oh he has devil fruit
  311. [World]Sunstriker:,..,
  312. [World]Dя.Doom™:ahhh.. sjoin ladder 2 late
  313. [World]UallHoes™:2OP4me
  314. [World]HanneKun!:Oo it's your jozu SunStriker
  315. [World]HanneKun!:Nice But without that devil fruit i have a higher HP jozu
  316. [World]Sunstriker:need more shells . been inactive past 3 weeks
  317. [World]Akagami..:tommoeeow luffy on bar guys are you realy to waste your gold
  318. [World]Akagami..:i have only 20 :D
  319. [World]Sunstriker:your hp will be up once you complete 20 starz each equip
  320. [World]Sunstriker:just compose luffy
  321. [World]Sunstriker:*Luffy*
  322. [World]Akagami..:not so easy
  323. [World]Sunstriker:that bar gamble. everytime someone cries about
  324. [World]Sunstriker:breaking 2*6k gold
  325. [World]Akagami..:nice :D i almost got garp
  326. [World]Sunstriker:losing 2 to 6k gold is not easy either
  327. [World]Sunstriker:i camp n dont do dungeons, gold is super valuable
  328. [World]Akagami..:you may get him by the 1st try :P
  329. [World]BloodSwoRd:give it a gamble. thats 500g u playing with
  330. [World]BloodSwoRd:i dont ever recommend it
  331. [World]Dя.Doom™:where u go hanne?
  332. [World]HanneKun!:right here
  333. [World][Blue Diamond VIP]MugiwarA™:luffy in bar :O
  334. [World][Blue Diamond VIP]MugiwarA™:i will get him :D
  335. [World]BloodSwoRd:err.. u already got him mugi
  336. [World]Dя.Doom™:join legion chatt hanne
  337. [World][Blue Diamond VIP]MugiwarA™:but i want him as card 1 or 2 or 3 times :v
  338. [World]Akagami..:not funny at all
  339. [World]UallHoes™:op blood
  340. [World]BloodSwoRd:where u been UKnowAllHoes?
  341. [World]A.Sakazuki.sng_20:why need him as card?
  342. [World][Blue Diamond VIP]MugiwarA™:i have 173 super call ups.. so i might be able to get him :v
  343. [World]HanneKun!:WTF MUGI
  344. [World]HanneKun!:i want some
  345. [World][Blue Diamond VIP]MugiwarA™:take my fame :v
  346. [World][Blue Diamond VIP]MugiwarA™:i want my super call ups :v
  347. [World]A.Sakazuki.sng_20:i dont see him in bar...
  348. [World]BloodSwoRd:sh2t. got 2 go 2 . cya
  349. [World][Blue Diamond VIP]MugiwarA™:63k fame enough for you hanne? :v
  350. [World][Blue Diamond VIP]MugiwarA™:tomorrow he will be in bar :)
  351. [World][Blue Diamond VIP]MugiwarA™:and bye bloodie :v
  352. [World]hatim:dafuq are you talking about ?
  353. [World]HanneKun!:Yeah that will be very useful for making my garp
  354. [World]BloodSwoRd:cya Mugi
  355. [World][Blue Diamond VIP]MugiwarA™:you can make several garps with that :v
  356. [World]Jiro964:Hanne I beat you
  357. [World]HanneKun!:Come on Mugi start sharing
  358. [World]Jiro964:I think
  359. [World]Jiro964:Nvm I lost
  360. [World]HanneKun!:you dont say Jiro
  361. [World]HanneKun!:Dude my franky killed half your life bar
  362. [World]Jiro964:I have low p.def
  363. [World]Eternal™:hanne too stronk ._.
  364. [World]HanneKun!:thanks :3
  365. [World]Dragarn:Hanne are you talking shIt to my boy, Jiro?
  366. [Notice]Congrats to Butaw for successfully defending 40 times in tournament, but ATK, DEF, SPEED decreased by 40%!
  367. [World]Dragarn:He could probably beat you if he really tried.
  368. [World]Jiro964:He doesn't think so Arn
  369. [World]Dragarn:Oh, you definiltly could.
  370. [World]Dragarn:definiltely*
  371. [World]HanneKun!:Imma beat you with just my prot
  372. [World]HanneKun!:Wait i forgot Jiro is Arn
  373. [World]Jiro964:I doubt you can
  374. [World]Dragarn:Wot
  375. [World]Vithril:lol at the trolling
  376. [World]Dragarn:No, I can pilot Jiro though.
  377. [World]HanneKun!:Dont play dumb Jiro*Dragarn
  378. [Notice]hafiz1996 has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  379. [World]Dragarn:I attend his lb and sometimes events.
  380. [World]Jiro964:Yeah I'm not Arn
  381. [World]HanneKun!:Huh sure
  382. [World]Dragarn:You know I am fully aware that Jiro will never beat you?
  383. [World]Jiro964:You just said I could beat him though :(
  384. [World]Vithril:never say never
  385. [Notice]Vithril successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  386. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  387. [Notice]BadBlood.sng_20 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  388. [World]Dragarn:Never
  389. [World]Jiro964:Jiro jiro jiro
  390. [World]Vithril:watch jiro become vip 16 next week
  391. [World]HanneKun!:BadPeriodBlood leave me alone
  392. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  393. [World]Dragarn:That would probably work then, Vith.
  394. [World]HanneKun!:i wanna win a Battle in this place
  395. [World]Dragarn:He'd kick my ASs then.
  396. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  397. [Notice]Teras successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  398. [World]Vithril:9k more gold till haxing bear
  399. [Notice]Vithril successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  400. [World]Vithril:i hope i get sum dungeon luk
  401. [World]Eternal™:liez :v
  402. [World]Dragarn:Do you have his skill books, Vitril?
  403. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  404. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 20 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 40%!
  405. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 30 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 60%!
  406. [Notice]Vert successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  407. [Notice]火光考え successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  408. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  409. [Notice]Needles successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  410. [Notice]Needles successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  411. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  412. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  413. [Notice]Yumiko.s28 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  414. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  415. [World]Vithril:nawp
  416. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  417. [Notice]villain successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  418. [Notice]火光考え successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  419. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  420. [Notice]KaleïD.Os successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  421. [Notice]Freeman95 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  422. [World]Vithril:guraguraguragura whitebeard jr. v.s luffy macro set to make
  423. [World]Vithril:his 3rd debut
  424. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  425. [World]Vithril:blackbeard attacks vertigo island shoutout 2vert botter xD
  426. [Notice]BadBlood.sng_20 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  427. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  428. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  429. [Notice]Teras successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  430. [Notice]Kamui.s09 successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  431. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  432. [Notice]Teras successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Eastern affiliation owns it now.
  433. [Notice]N4KN1GHT™ successfully occupied Hunting place[A], Western affiliation owns it now.
  434. [Notice]1PunchMan successfully defended Hunting place[A] for 10 times, but ATK, DMG and speed decreased by 20%!
  435. [Notice]Ðønlogia killed the Treasure Seeker and obtained the Treasure Map*amount.
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