
low elo EUW dodge/int list - current as of 5/10/2017

Jul 21st, 2017
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  1. names are not in order of how trash they are, they're chronological.
  2. queen980- toxic faggot who can't play lee sin to save his fucking life. int
  3. dekster fin- 4/29 spanish yasuo. dodge instantly.
  4. TwentyOnePilot- retarded spanish 2/10 kata that flamed for going 1/2 vs panth. int for being a twenty one pilots fan
  5. darkQirox- incredibly low IQ, incredibly high autism levels. dodge.
  6. Oliver Craun- dodge. he's severely retarded and if you dont int he will
  7. Naradoth- Int. and int in their lane.
  8. andrazonja- same as above.
  9. xlNeyZZen- ^
  10. J4ckth3stripp3r- toxic inting galio. dodge
  11. The Punisher1998- dodge. garbo yasuo main with 1.8 kda
  12. IdisconnectU- chimp amumu that doesnt know how to press F. dodge
  13. Feliiciia94- not as much of a chimp as amumu but equally retarded. dodge or int
  14. ratschie03- dodge. 1/10/1 yas at the end of a 45 minute game
  15. differreira2000- not shit but you should int anyway because he's a cunt
  16. AI Royce da 59- cait. also
  17. EinfachLu- sona. sona players (particularly this one) should be gunned down. int for her inting me
  18. Laauris- 0/11/0 inting lucian. also severely autistic. dodge
  19. UA3- Kata that didnt pick me draven. int int int int int
  20. zonzer10- riven player (also mentally impaired and refuses to listen to anyone else). int or dodge
  21. Coix Sidos- yasuo that flamed all the time when winning. int
  22. tsikititas- 20% WR caitlyn main with 1.1kda. dodge instantly especially if she's adc
  23. DragonsTrainer- 2/10 cait. dodge
  24. Piggerspienzler- 2/13/4 86 cs at 29 mins as the midlaner
  25. Planche- autist MF that puts the ego in low EL(g)O. had a spasm after i roamed twice as bard (getting drake+ assisting mid) and inted. int on sight although you probably wont see her again given she has a 48% wr after 350 games in silver 4.
  26. NotQuiteShinobi- picked karma support and refused to pick me draven. int
  27. Liquid Iridium- ^ but not karma. int anyway
  28. Shakanomi- Karma player. int because they're doing it anyway by picking that useless shit
  29. Lázàrus- Lucian/braum player that duos with another lucian/braum player. deserves to be lynched. int
  30. TurtelTag- ^
  31. pope1122- didge
  32. JDTsuna- dodge. plays like a bot
  33. Olix3s- cocky cunt. int
  34. Owned8yIceCube- 9/21 yasuo that bragged when he won. int int int int int
  35. IcePeanet- took thunderlords on twitch. dodge
  36. FNCfaint- 2/8/3 yas at 40 mins. doesnt build crit and blames team. int
  37. angalmram- kass player and annoying. int
  38. P4E TheMasterB8- mastery 7 jinx. int
  39. P4E LeBraumJames- lulu main + autism. int
  40. Kazumn- cancer ryze player that acts nice in /all while flaming the whole team in team chat. int
  41. smileplox- cait player that basically roleplays her champ by being a cocky dyke. int
  42. DankelionSolo- i dont like them. int
  43. Aiguax- egirl with brain tumor. int
  44. Focusshock- trash that cant juke a max range thresh hook. dodge
  45. WOULDSLORD2- riven main that blamed everything except herself when my mundo jungle furiously raped her jax jgl. basically silver hashinshin but riven main. int
  46. ASHBCHJYDSBCYDS- spanish yasuo main that went 2/8 against a mastery 3 fizz
  47. Keannu- Kha'zix main that ksed twice and then blamed me for losing the game despite him being unable to get a kill after getting 2 free kills botlane. int as hard as possible
  48. Neter097- Kayn that stole top. int
  49. 14 iq marksman- brain cancer player with fitting username. hard int.
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