
Slave Market 6/3/13

Jun 3rd, 2013
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  1. AngelofFire78 has joined the chat
  2. TempestSnow has joined the chat
  3. MasterCauis has joined the chat
  4. LadyAiraofVenna has joined the chat
  5. AngelofFire78: enters your rang
  6. AngelofFire78: i am shopping
  7. MasterCauis: angel come here
  8. MasterCauis: -walks in dragging aria by her hair-
  9. LaelaJayde has joined the chat
  10. LadyAiraofVenna: (you do realise that you can't do something ICly when I was ooc)
  11. AngelofFire78: no
  12. AngelofFire78: i am good right here
  13. MasterCauis: your goiing to say no to your Master?
  14. LadyAiraofVenna: (thats the part that is failing to copperate in my head)
  15. AngelofFire78: yes
  16. MasterCauis: -looks to her with a glare-
  17. LaelaJayde: Tal my Master and my Mistress
  18. LaelaJayde: nadu
  19. TempestSnow: Brb
  20. AngelofFire78: not scared
  21. MasterCauis whispers: wtf is going on!
  22. LaelaJayde: tower
  23. LaelaJayde: apologies my Mistress this beast wasnt thinking *lowers eyes and corrects her pose*
  24. MasterCauis: so your going to do this in rp?
  25. MasterCauis: really
  26. AngelofFire78: goes back in shop
  27. LadyAiraofVenna whispers: ...
  28. VexinLola: - walking up to the market of her love her guards keep a well eye on her , tucking her dark red hair back into her hood as she would walk into the door looking at her guards allowing them to stay stationed outside the doors , bringing her hands down to her side of her robs she makes her way to her place next to her love she would move up the steps as she would turn pressing down on her robs as she would seat back into her seat as she would speak out firmly - " Come Aira "
  29. LadyAiraofVenna: yes Mistress
  30. MasterCauis: -thinking about tkaing the fg title away
  31. LaelaJayde: ((Tal my Mistress *smiles*))
  32. MasterCauis has left the chat
  33. AngelofFire78: keep dreeaming
  34. VexinLola: ( Tal Jayde )
  35. VexinLola: " Come Angel "
  36. VexinLola: " Come Jayde "
  37. LaelaJayde: aye my Mistress where would You place this beast?
  38. VexinLola: Well will go through some things " - keeping her frim tone as she would speak -
  39. VexinLola: " on the pillow Jayde "
  40. LaelaJayde: as You command my Mistress *rises gracefully to her feet keeping her eyes lowered as she padded across the distance to lower to her knees before her Mistress, she pressed her knees together firmly to keep herself covered and so to not offend her Mistress's eyes*
  41. VexinLola: " Angel "
  42. VexinLola: " Angel and Aira you both know that i have stepped down as Cauis is Admin now of Venna , His word here is law " - she would keep her tone firm as she would continue - " I have always stressed to you girls about things of learning te Kajira way and always serving with fire "
  43. LadyAiraofVenna: yes Mistress...
  44. VexinLola: " Changes happen girls and i know its a hard change at that but remember the place you have "
  45. LadyAiraofVenna: yes Mistress
  46. Guest_TigerLily2293 has joined the chat
  47. Guest_TigerLily2293: hello
  48. VexinLola: Tal beast - looking to the new girl that has enter the market -
  49. LaelaJayde: *listens quietly to her Mistress's words* (apologies my Mistress this beast was bumped into the chair)
  50. Guest_TigerLily2293 has left the chat
  51. VexinLola: (( nvm lol ))
  52. AngelofFire78: i ami am ballgown shoping
  53. LadyAiraofVenna: *aira looked down and sighed*
  54. LaelaJayde: ((*sniffles* always me that gets bumped...this beast ends up in very srange places lol))
  55. VexinLola: Do i need to go over the rules with you girls ?
  56. VexinLola: (( lol ))
  57. LadyAiraofVenna: yes Mistress please do
  58. LaelaJayde: ((this beast would like to hear them :D))
  59. VexinLola: Have each of you read the scrolls in the Kajira page ?
  60. LadyAiraofVenna: yes Mistress
  61. TempestSnow has left the chat
  62. LaelaJayde: not as yet my Mistress ((imvu is playing games with me atm))
  63. VexinLola: Why havent you made your marking on the scrolls as i ask ?
  64. LaelaJayde: ((with humblest apologies my Mistress this beast keeps crashing and being d/c'd...even opening my inbox is proving a challenge))
  65. VexinLola: I will go over these once understand ? - looking at the girls before her - " and only once "
  66. VexinLola: (( ok i will go over them with all of you )
  67. LaelaJayde: *pays full attention to her Mistress*
  68. LadyAiraofVenna: yes Mistress
  69. shadefox216 has joined the chat
  70. VexinLola: 1) All slaves kneel upon entering. See slaves Information page for an example. This applies to re-entries.
  71. VexinLola: should i give an expamle
  72. AngelofFire78: _looks and sees Master And smiles_"Tal Master"
  73. LadyAiraofVenna: (oh I totally didn't see that thread till just now)
  74. shadefox216: ~Josiah would enter the slavemarket.Those grey eyes looking arund thescenery. He would hand his heavy axeto a guard before moving further into the market.~Hail'se
  75. VexinLola: Its ok
  76. VexinLola: Tal
  77. VexinLola: " Girls should i show you an expamle of how you should enter "
  78. LadyAiraofVenna: *aira looked at the Mistress slightly raising her hand*
  79. VexinLola: Yes Aira
  80. LaelaJayde whispers: apologies Mistress, got into my inbox and now just skimming over the threads apologies for delayed posts
  81. shadefox216: ~Josiah looked at the chairs and movedcloserot the girl.Settling himself upon the chair.~
  82. VexinLola > LaelaJayde: keep your focus here tile other wise
  83. LaelaJayde whispers: aye my Mistress :)
  84. LadyAiraofVenna: in terms of a PC Mistress when ah=nd where should they be used?
  85. VexinLola: I am not at that point Aira
  86. LadyAiraofVenna: (asking this so that when I am the only one on in the morning I know what to do)
  87. VexinLola: do not skip around over what i am talking
  88. LadyAiraofVenna: yes Mistress *aira looked down*
  89. VexinLola: we will remain one my questiong at hand
  90. LaelaJayde: my Mistress this beast would be grateful for an example of how my Mistress would like each to kneel if it please You to give such
  91. VexinLola: No do i need to give an example of how you should enter ?
  92. VexinLola: now*
  93. LadyAiraofVenna: yes Mistress
  94. VexinLola: ~she pads up the walk the wind blowing in her hair her scent wafting around as her ample breasts bounded climbing the steps of the Slave Market of Venna the reached the doors she open and entering bumping her bum against the door to close it as she lowers to her belly her bright eyes adjust to the dim light of the market she presses her forhead to the floor and asks softly ~ "may this owned or unowned kajira enter if it would please the Free inside?"
  95. VexinLola: or " may this one owned by Mistress Jynx enter if it pleases the Free "
  96. VexinLola: ect....
  97. VexinLola: but you need to make it your own and beg to enter among the Free
  98. LaelaJayde: my Mistress may this beast beg question?
  99. VexinLola: do we all understand
  100. LadyAiraofVenna: yes Mistress
  101. VexinLola: Yes Jayde
  102. LaelaJayde: Thank you Mistress, would You want all to cross wrist and ankle upon belly my Mistress?
  103. VexinLola: Yes Jayde
  104. LaelaJayde: aye my Mistress this beast thanks You for taking time to give answer *smiles shyly her eyes held at the space of floor beneath her Mistress's chair*
  105. VexinLola: Now 2) All slaves beg entrance. If owned and the Owner is present, beg Him/Her, otherwise beg to the room. This applies to re-entries.
  106. AngelofFire78: _move May this girl get you something Master-
  107. VexinLola: Angel come back to your spot only i will give you the right to greet
  108. DiesilMcLeod has joined the chat
  109. shadefox216 has left the chat
  110. DiesilMcLeod: lmao
  111. AngelofFire78: mumbles to herself
  112. DiesilMcLeod: i aint even loaded yet that speed poof record
  113. VexinLola: - looks to her girl - " now Angel it i allow you to greet that is when you are to greet "
  114. LadyAiraofVenna: yes Mistress
  115. VexinLola: Now again 2) All slaves beg entrance. If owned and the Owner is present, beg Him/Her, otherwise beg to the room. This applies to re-entries.
  116. LaelaJayde: aye my Mistress
  117. LadyAiraofVenna: yes Mistress does that include IMVU service disruptions?
  118. DiesilMcLeod has left the chat
  119. LadyAiraofVenna: (or would that just count as a regular entrance?)
  120. VexinLola: If imvu causes the issue i will allow it to slide
  121. LaelaJayde: ((*giggles* was going to say, this beast will end up doing alot of begging to get back in lol))
  122. VexinLola: ( i do under stand IMVU is having issues so i will let that slide )
  123. LaelaJayde: ((thank You Mistress You are most gracious :D))
  124. VexinLola: 3) After allowed entrance, walk to the slave mats and offer greetings to the Owner, Free Men, Free Women, and slaves respectfully. Type an action first then the greeting. Address the Free as Master, Jarl, or Mistress. If you cannot ascertain which, address them as Master, until told otherwise.
  125. LaelaJayde: aye Mistress
  126. LadyAiraofVenna: yes Mistress
  127. VexinLola: Now you will always greet the Highest in the room then down the line
  128. VexinLola: Men , Women then slaves
  129. LaelaJayde: aye Mistress
  130. LadyAiraofVenna: yes Mistress
  131. LadyAiraofVenna: *raises hand*
  132. VexinLola: Yes Aira
  133. LadyAiraofVenna: what if a Master/Jarl/Mistress enter and you have already greeted the other Free in the room
  134. VexinLola: after you greet
  135. LadyAiraofVenna: during greeting
  136. LadyAiraofVenna: (lets say cauis entered after I greeted you and angel and was about to greet jayde)
  137. VexinLola: ok well you do not greet until told too as they would have to post their enterance
  138. VexinLola: You can still greet Jayde as he just entered the room
  139. VexinLola: he would have to post his enterence to be here
  140. VexinLola: do we understand that
  141. LaelaJayde: aye Mistress
  142. LadyAiraofVenna: yes Mistress
  143. VexinLola: 4) Each Patron are to asked with in 6 minutes of entering the Home if they can be served. The Menu items can be found under the Menu page. ( which all food and drinks are listed in the Kajira page )
  144. LaelaJayde: aye Mistress
  145. LadyAiraofVenna: aye Mistress would you like anything?
  146. VexinLola: No i Aira and thank your for asking but lets get over the rules i want each to follow
  147. VexinLola: 5) If the Free does not respond in three minutes, you will be given permission by the Owner to return to slave mats or the items to the Kitchen then to whatever needs to be done.
  148. LadyAiraofVenna: yes Mistress
  149. LaelaJayde: aye Mistress
  150. VexinLola: 6) slaves are forbidden to co-channel. your attention should be on the Home or what you are doing in the Home. If found out, then you will be kicked from the room.
  151. VexinLola: now this is important
  152. VexinLola: i have notice that some are doing multi task
  153. VexinLola: that is killing your serve / your greet
  154. VexinLola: I have given a little but if i have to pull on that rope i will
  155. VexinLola: do we all understand
  156. LaelaJayde: aye Mistress
  157. LadyAiraofVenna: yes Mistress
  158. LadyAiraofVenna: but what about i the only room you have open was a PC?
  159. VexinLola: No more pc's from now on
  160. LadyAiraofVenna: yes Mistress
  161. VexinLola: if you are pcd you will ask first
  162. LaelaJayde has left the chat
  163. VexinLola: (( brb potty ))
  164. LadyAiraofVenna: how can I if the message box thing is popped up and the only thing you can do is accept/deny/ignore
  165. AngelofFire78: ((tyt))
  166. AngelofFire78: go dnd
  167. LadyAiraofVenna: and another thing... what if I wanted to PC angel as she was the only one online yet I was bored and didn't want to risk any issue with traveling
  168. AngelofFire78: i just do my beach room
  169. VexinLola: You will remain on DND unless told other wise
  170. AngelofFire78: with my freind that arent in gor
  171. LadyAiraofVenna: yes Mistress
  172. VexinLola: and if you are one and only Angel is then where should you be
  173. VexinLola: Where should you girls be in no other Master or Mistress is on ?
  174. LadyAiraofVenna: *aira raised her hand*
  175. VexinLola: Yes Aira
  176. LadyAiraofVenna: th
  177. LadyAiraofVenna: the kennel?*
  178. scarletwulf has joined the chat
  179. VexinLola: yes the kennel
  180. scarletwulf: Tal all
  181. VexinLola: Tal Wulf
  182. LadyAiraofVenna: (so my own kennel in this case?)
  183. VexinLola: Yes your Kennel is where you should be if no other is on line
  184. scarletwulf: mainly to protect you
  185. VexinLola: now 7) All slaves are to speak in third person and show heat every opportunity (including to Free Women). Personal owned slaves must follow their Master's/Mistress' rules.
  186. LadyAiraofVenna: (needs to make a note to ask jynx about this)
  187. VexinLola: She will get the chat log
  188. LadyAiraofVenna: (Jynx*)
  189. LadyAiraofVenna: (even with it being oocly?)
  190. VexinLola: as i will be giving all Masters and Mristess the chat log of me going over this
  191. LadyAiraofVenna: (shuts up)
  192. LadyAiraofVenna: yes Mistress (caught my self about to rant Lol)
  193. VexinLola: Aira i wouldnt be going over this if you would have listen to the first time i talked to you about this
  194. VexinLola: am i right
  195. LadyAiraofVenna: yes Mistress I am listening
  196. VexinLola: Yes but i dont want to go over this again and again with you
  197. VexinLola: as this will be you warning
  198. LadyAiraofVenna: yes Mistress
  199. VexinLola: 7) All slaves are to speak in third person and show heat every opportunity (including to Free Women). Personal owned slaves must follow their Master's/Mistress' rules.
  200. VexinLola: this goes back to make sure you keep your markings
  201. BellaLolaCauis has joined the chat
  202. VexinLola: (( ooc )) -details- " ic"
  203. VexinLola: we understand the markings
  204. AngelofFire78: "Tal Master"
  205. LadyAiraofVenna: Tal Master
  206. scarletwulf: Tal
  207. BellaLolaCauis: im here now
  208. BellaLolaCauis: Mother
  209. VexinLola: -smiles-
  210. VexinLola: Come baby girl
  211. VexinLola: 8) Do not argue or question an order from the Free.
  212. BellaLolaCauis: sit where ?
  213. VexinLola: Aira this will come back to you
  214. AngelofFire78: on my lap
  215. VexinLola: In your fathers chair
  216. BellaLolaCauis: no spot
  217. BellaLolaCauis: sc5
  218. VexinLola: again 8) Do not argue or question an order from the Free.
  219. LadyAiraofVenna: yes Mistress
  220. BellaLolaCauis: Tal Wulf its so good to see you !
  221. VexinLola: you are Kajira with always and always respect th Free that are where you are
  222. LadyAiraofVenna: yes Mistress
  223. VexinLola: 9) All slaves are to beg to depart the Home, or move away from the keyboard ("afk", "brb",...) If it is a real live emergency, type "911", then leave. Upon your return, PM the Owner to explain the situation.
  224. VexinLola: I do understand rl comes first
  225. VexinLola: as it should be
  226. BellaLolaCauis: oh yes the sar dar fair is coming up soon
  227. VexinLola: Yes
  228. VexinLola: even when ooc in the fairs know the place you are given
  229. LadyAiraofVenna: yes Mistress
  230. LadyAiraofVenna whispers: thank you Mistress
  231. VexinLola: everything you do reflects back onto Venna
  232. BellaLolaCauis: what is that
  233. VexinLola > LadyAiraofVenna: for
  234. AngelofFire78: what about me though
  235. LadyAiraofVenna whispers: showing girl the wrongs and now the correct methods
  236. AngelofFire78: i sponsored them
  237. BellaLolaCauis: i doubtt anything I could do
  238. VexinLola: Angel your sponsored ball is ooc as we talked about going but you will always greet
  239. AngelofFire78: and a gigiven specail privledges durning that time
  240. VexinLola: but even as a sponsore you are stil a Kajira
  241. VexinLola: if it is ooc it is fine but always greet
  242. AngelofFire78: no i sponsored alot more than balls
  243. LadyAiraofVenna: (slaves never invite Free to a room correct even if the FW crashed?)
  244. scarletwulf: could make an off colour joke there
  245. LadyAiraofVenna: (just gave an example)
  246. VexinLola: correct
  247. VexinLola: Angel i do know its more then just balls
  248. BellaLolaCauis: Mother ?
  249. VexinLola: but you are still a Kajira and still looks back to Venna on the way you act and hold yourself
  250. VexinLola: Yes baby girl
  251. LadyAiraofVenna: (is my away message acceptable?)
  252. BellaLolaCauisBellaLolaCauis Whisper: nothing I could help out with ?
  253. AngelofFire78: was to i get vip privledges and in thrones
  254. VexinLola: again this goes right back to
  255. VexinLola: 8) Do not argue or question an order from the Free.
  256. BellaLolaCauis: guess not
  257. AngelofFire78AngelofFire78 Whisper: not aguring
  258. VexinLola: but questioning
  259. LadyAiraofVenna: (that is...)
  260. AngelofFire78: will as i was told
  261. VexinLola: ( that is fine Aira )
  262. VexinLola: Yes baby girl can add as well
  263. VexinLola: as well Wulf
  264. LadyAiraofVenna: (I should be sleeping...)
  265. BellaLolaCauis: only way i could do anything is if I temp took down the FW bath house
  266. scarletwulf: (know the feeling almost 3 am)
  267. VexinLola: 10) slaves can handle weapons of any type or size. This includes knives from the kitchen or any weapons that fall to the floor.
  268. LadyAiraofVenna: (you forgot 9...)
  269. AngelofFire78: we cant handle weapons
  270. scarletwulf: VexinLola: 9) All slaves are to beg to depart the Home, or move away from the keyboard ("afk", "brb",...) If it is a real live emergency, type "911", then leave. Upon your return, PM the Owner to explain the situation
  271. VexinLola: 9) All slaves are to beg to depart the Home, or move away from the keyboard ("afk", "brb",...) If it is a real live emergency, type "911", then leave. Upon your return, PM the Owner to explain the situation.
  272. BellaLolaCauis: hmm i was thold unless told by owner a slave cant touch a weapon
  273. AngelofFire78: or we can
  274. LadyAiraofVenna: (missed it)
  275. VexinLola: "* cant missed type
  276. AngelofFire78: oh ok
  277. AngelofFire78: i was comfused
  278. LadyAiraofVenna: (what about when cutting a larma?)
  279. BellaLolaCauis: sorry Mother not trying to meddle in your business
  280. BellaLolaCauis: u just confused
  281. VexinLola: 10) slaves can't handle weapons of any type or size. Unless from the kitchen.
  282. VexinLola: better
  283. LadyAiraofVenna: yes Mistress
  284. BellaLolaCauis: but what can I do for the Fair to help out
  285. VexinLola: 11) Unowned slaves will be punished, if necessary
  286. LadyAiraofVenna: (what about me working with jynx dealing with metal)
  287. VexinLola: that would her call if she needs that help
  288. VexinLola: do you both understand what i have went over
  289. LadyAiraofVenna: yes Mistress girl shall sign the thread
  290. VexinLola: 12) No pc's of any kind without your Master, Mistress promission.
  291. VexinLola: Please do so
  292. VexinLola: and again this is the only warning i will give
  293. LadyAiraofVenna: yes Mistress
  294. LadyAiraofVenna: (stil need to ask but if Jynx lets me travel to select locations all 12 rules apply still?
  295. VexinLola: If its ic travel why would she allow you to pc if she is not there ?
  296. LadyAiraofVenna: example Rahsha frim Turia)
  297. scarletwulf: (forgetting someone )
  298. LadyAiraofVenna: (thought I greeted you)
  299. scarletwulf: (lol was on about me being of the metal caste)
  300. LadyAiraofVenna: (<.> idn't know)
  301. VexinLola: Wulf is our Master Smith
  302. LadyAiraofVenna: (difference between metal worker/smith?)
  303. LadyAiraofVenna: (...)
  304. LadyAiraofVenna: may girl be dismissed?
  305. VexinLola: Yes you may Aira , rest well
  306. LadyAiraofVenna: wulf difference please?)
  307. scarletwulf: i think theres only a slight distinction
  308. scarletwulf: a metal worker tends to craft the more baser thing
  309. scarletwulf: a smith tends to be more specialised
  310. BellaLolaCauis whispers: i also was told a kajira was never to speak a Free's name
  311. LadyAiraofVenna: ah...)
  312. VexinLola > BellaLolaCauis: yes.
  313. VexinLola: remember Aira you will not address Wulf by his name
  314. BellaLolaCauis whispers: yet aira just said Wulfs name
  315. LadyAiraofVenna: (I did?... >.<)
  316. VexinLola: Yes you did
  317. scarletwulf: i have a knack for the more finer metals as m'lady has an example already
  318. LadyAiraofVenna: (of rahsha and jynx...)
  319. LadyAiraofVenna: oh*
  320. AngelofFire78: sings to herself
  321. scarletwulf: it was in brackets so will forgive it
  322. AngelofFire78: lesson for the lovers
  323. GeminiDaProblemTRF has joined the chat
  324. LadyAiraofVenna has left the chat
  325. AngelofFire78: no dont leave
  326. VexinLola: remember your markings girls (( ooc )) " ic " -details-
  327. AngelofFire78: ((lesson for the lovers))
  328. GeminiDaProblemTRF: juat came to read.dont pay me no mind
  329. GeminiDaProblemTRF: Tall all
  330. GeminiDaProblemTRF: Tal
  331. scarletwulf: Tal
  332. BellaLolaCauis: Gemini this is a Gorean room
  333. AngelofFire78: 'Tal Master"
  334. VexinLola: Tal Gemini (( still trying to get the jifs of gor ))
  335. GeminiDaProblemTRF: so i guess that means i have to be dressed?
  336. BellaLolaCauis: lol
  337. VexinLola: (( yes ))
  338. GeminiDaProblemTRF: (( damn just when i was comfy nd lazy)) -changes-
  339. BellaLolaCauis: black caste ?
  340. VexinLola: ( did you read over the caste i sent you Gemini ?????)
  341. GeminiDaProblemTRF: what caste did u send me?
  342. VexinLola: (( i will send it again ))
  343. VexinLola > GeminiDaProblemTRF:
  344. VexinLola > GeminiDaProblemTRF: read over that
  345. GeminiDaProblemTRF: ((sits and reads))
  346. VexinLola: Ok so we are good on the rules Angel ?
  347. AngelofFire78: yes
  348. VexinLola: Yes ???
  349. AngelofFire78: Mistress
  350. VexinLola: Ok now you may greet
  351. AngelofFire78: huh
  352. GeminiDaProblemTRF: (( back from doing my partial reading ))
  353. VexinLola: - she head would spin as she would grow weary of going in circle - " Greet and ask if you can serve "
  354. AngelofFire78: (blonde Moment)
  355. GeminiDaProblemTRF: -wonders- ((what would happend if i hug my sister?))
  356. VexinLola: ( kick your butt lol ))
  357. GeminiDaProblemTRF: ((why))
  358. VexinLola: ( jk hehe )
  359. GeminiDaProblemTRF: ((oh ok))
  360. VexinLola: ( did you find the caste that fits you ?)
  361. GeminiDaProblemTRF: ((Players))
  362. AngelofFire78: -raise to her feet moves to Masters side looks up to him and smiles-"tal master may this girl serve you"
  363. VexinLola: ( yes i know you are a player in rl but we are talking about gor .......... LOL )
  364. VexinLola: ( jk )
  365. BellaLolaCauis: Mother ?
  366. AngelofFire78: hey yyour on my head
  367. VexinLola: Yes baby girl
  368. BellaLolaCauis: what could I do for that which I had said
  369. GeminiDaProblemTRF: Tal..This Master is no need of service rite now
  370. AngelofFire78: "may be excused"
  371. VexinLola > BellaLolaCauis: which in pc
  372. AngelofFire78: (that was embrassing"
  373. BellaLolaCauis whispers: shall i call u ?
  374. GeminiDaProblemTRF: -diidnt mean to embarrase still getting used to this lifestyle on here-
  375. AngelofFire78: no it is the chair
  376. GeminiDaProblemTRF: ((normally im a perve but im relaxing my mind rite now))
  377. AngelofFire78: this pose
  378. AngelofFire78: you lean back
  379. VexinLola > BellaLolaCauis: yes.
  380. BellaLolaCauis has left the chat
  381. AngelofFire78: looks like your sitting on me head
  382. GeminiDaProblemTRF: ugh
  383. GeminiDaProblemTRF: my ish trippin
  384. GeminiDaProblemTRF: ((thats as far as i can go))
  385. AngelofFire78: k
  386. AngelofFire78: (i remember you now)
  387. AngelofFire78: (truth or dare)
  388. AngelofFire78: lol
  389. GeminiDaProblemTRF: lol
  390. GeminiDaProblemTRF: (mhm that was me)
  391. AngelofFire78: (i am not naked now )
  392. GeminiDaProblemTRF: (you could be)
  393. AngelofFire78: (really)
  394. GeminiDaProblemTRF: ((oh sister, so what is your role?))
  395. JuicyDaProblemTRF has joined the chat
  396. VexinLola: ( I am Scibe of Venna now ))
  397. GeminiDaProblemTRF: ((you may go to another good for now))
  398. JuicyDaProblemTRF: Greetings
  399. VexinLola: (( Tal here Juicy ))
  400. GeminiDaProblemTRF: -looks at sis- (( what do you mean by that?)) o.0
  401. JuicyDaProblemTRF: Greetings Daddy
  402. JuicyDaProblemTRFJuicyDaProblemTRF WhisperAdd Friend: ^.^
  403. VexinLola: ( As my FC runs Venna as Admin now )
  404. VexinLola: Juicy it si Tal when you greet here
  405. GeminiDaProblemTRF: ((sis..thats your niece))
  406. JuicyDaProblemTRF: oh...o.o
  407. VexinLola: (( ok ))
  408. JuicyDaProblemTRF: Tal
  409. JuicyDaProblemTRF: Im sorry I dont know yer ways
  410. JuicyDaProblemTRF: z
  411. GeminiDaProblemTRF: (( may be of service to someone else..i am good for the moment))
  412. JuicyDaProblemTRF: So I may enter?
  413. VexinLola: (( well brother might need to dress her right so she want get collared ))
  414. BinahDaat has joined the chat
  415. AngelofFire78: - raises to move to other Master- "Tal Master may get you juice"
  416. GeminiDaProblemTRF: ((In time Sis..she just made this account and is getting it ready nd up to speed)
  417. GeminiDaProblemTRF: ((Tal my slave Binah))
  418. scarletwulf: please it would be appreciated
  419. JuicyDaProblemTRF: o.o
  420. BinahDaat: hello everone
  421. BinahDaat: hi Master Gem
  422. JuicyDaProblemTRF: Tal binah
  423. VexinLola: If she is your slave brother she needs to know her places
  424. VexinLola: place*
  425. AngelofFire78: "may i be excused to do so Master"
  426. scarletwulf: you may
  427. VexinLola: Tal is how you will greet girl
  428. BinahDaat: forgive me i was lookig for Master Gem
  429. BinahDaat: but i can see him at dif time
  430. BinahDaat has left the chat
  431. GeminiDaProblemTRF: ((hmm you mean her place because she didnt kneel before me nd bow her head??))
  432. AngelofFire78: -raise to her feet bend over and fixs cuff it pinched ankle move to kitchen-
  433. VexinLola: (( yep and asked to come in among the Free ))
  434. JuicyDaProblemTRF: Excuse me Auntie Vexin?
  435. GeminiDaProblemTRF: (( well my slaves arent used to speaking in the Gor excuse the way they act)) -maybe if you was around me more you could help
  436. GeminiDaProblemTRF: but i know your a busy women and have no time for simple people like me
  437. VexinLola: Yes Juicy
  438. JuicyDaProblemTRF: You say that I need to be dressed?
  439. JuicyDaProblemTRF: How do You mean plz?
  440. VexinLola: Borther i am surely not in the mood to agrue with you about things on that leavl but i am welling to help like i have always told you
  441. VexinLola: i will come to you baby gri and show you
  442. VexinLola: girl*
  443. JuicyDaProblemTRF: Yes Mam
  444. JuicyDaProblemTRF: ohh covered
  445. VexinLola: in gor a lady will never show her self to any Free man
  446. VexinLola: no jewelry what so ever
  447. VexinLola: no heels
  448. JuicyDaProblemTRF: o.o
  449. VexinLola: the only thing the men see will be you eyes
  450. JuicyDaProblemTRF: ok, understood
  451. JuicyDaProblemTRF: in the catalog look up Gor fashion for women?
  452. VexinLola: First we need to find borther and you a Caste
  453. VexinLola:
  454. JuicyDaProblemTRF: May I ask what that is plz?
  455. VexinLola: its what you will be doing
  456. VexinLola: like i am as Scribe
  457. VexinLola: This is the second of the High Castes. They are the scholars of Gorean society, the writers and the historians. In their keeping is almost all of the accounting, record-keeping, and writing upon Gor. They tend to be serious and studious, with an attention to detail and a passion for knowledge. Subclasses of this caste include the caste of Map Makers, the caste of Magistrates and the caste of Litigators. Their caste color is Blue.
  458. scarletwulf: i am caste of metal workers which is low but without us gor wouldnt function lol
  459. VexinLola: come sit in a chair and i will help you both
  460. JuicyDaProblemTRF: ok.
  461. VexinLola: we going to speak ooc so please come seat niece
  462. JuicyDaProblemTRF: Yes Mam
  463. VexinLola: like when i started Gor in SL i was a Kajira " slave" then i became free
  464. VexinLola: and went to be a Vinter
  465. JuicyDaProblemTRF: mhm
  466. AngelofFire78 whispers: brb laptop is having problem with charing
  467. VexinLola > AngelofFire78: ok.
  468. AngelofFire78 has left the chat
  469. VexinLola: (( she will return her computer is messing u ))
  470. VexinLola: up *
  471. JuicyDaProblemTRF: Excuse me Aunt Vexin, I have another question
  472. VexinLola: ok
  473. JuicyDaProblemTRF: why do You put (( )) when You speak?
  474. VexinLola: (( this is ooc ))
  475. GeminiDaProblemTRF: (( I am so are you Scarlet))
  476. JuicyDaProblemTRF: oh.
  477. VexinLola: " this is ic "
  478. VexinLola: - this is used for details -
  479. scarletwulf: (wulf please and drained due to late hour)
  480. JuicyDaProblemTRF: Ohhhh I understand now, thank You Aunt Vexin ^^
  481. scarletwulf: everyone has different styles
  482. GeminiDaProblemTRF: (( i have these moments..when if i aint spoken to or asked something i wont speak to that person..i would hate to come off rude or mean but excuse the way i act Scarlet))
  483. VexinLola: example : " How where your travels this evening Wulf " - looking across the room she would use a soft tone - (( like that ))
  484. JuicyDaProblemTRF: ohhh ok
  485. JuicyDaProblemTRF: ^^
  486. scarletwulf: personally id respond *takes a seat resting his feet* fine m'lady
  487. JuicyDaProblemTRF: May I try?
  488. VexinLola: Yes
  489. JuicyDaProblemTRF: ^^
  490. scarletwulf: as long as the basic rules are covered find whats easiest
  491. JuicyDaProblemTRF: ((Aunt Vexin, do I ask You or my Father to be excused?))
  492. VexinLola: and as a FW you can not show any sexual indowindows
  493. VexinLola: As Free you can take your own leave
  494. JuicyDaProblemTRF: ((wow))
  495. JuicyDaProblemTRF: ((oh ok))
  496. JuicyDaProblemTRF: ((I will return with the proper attire before coming into Your presence Mam))
  497. VexinLola: (( i am sure you will both catch on the more you rp ))
  498. VexinLola: (( you dont have to call me ma'am due to you are family .... Anutie Lola is fine ))
  499. VexinLola: Auntie*
  500. JuicyDaProblemTRF: ((Ok Auntie Lola))
  501. JuicyDaProblemTRF: ((What color should I buy for myself to wear here?))
  502. VexinLola: (( its on the caste you want to be )
  503. JuicyDaProblemTRFJuicyDaProblemTRF : ((ohhh ok))
  504. VexinLola: ( see how i am wearing blue that reflects my caste )
  505. scarletwulf: im supposed to be steel gray with patch of gold but hard to get
  506. JuicyDaProblemTRF: ((raises my eyesbrows))
  507. JuicyDaProblemTRF: ((I understand know...Thank You Auntie Lola))
  508. VexinLola: ( you are welcome )
  509. JuicyDaProblemTRF: ((ok I'm going to leave and check on my dinner))
  510. VexinLola: (( ok ))
  511. JuicyDaProblemTRF: ((Am I allowed to blow kisses to my family memebers?))
  512. VexinLola: ( no you cant not )
  513. JuicyDaProblemTRF: (bummer)
  514. scarletwulf: (ooc tho is different lol)
  515. JuicyDaProblemTRFJuicyDaProblemTRF : (so no affection?)
  516. VexinLola: yes ooc is different )
  517. JuicyDaProblemTRF: ((o.0))
  518. VexinLola: (( as Free no affection unless behide close doors with your FC ))
  519. scarletwulf: can do it ooc tho
  520. VexinLola: ( once affection is made ic then you have that risk of being collared )
  521. VexinLola: ( but ooc is different
  522. JuicyDaProblemTRF: ((FC is explained in that link that You sent me Auntie Lola?))
  523. VexinLola: (( no i can send you another if you want to read up on it
  524. JuicyDaProblemTRF: (nods my head)
  525. VexinLola:
  526. VexinLola: gives a little but the best is reading the books it helps out alot
  527. JuicyDaProblemTRF: (smiles softly at her Aunt and says Thank You)
  528. JuicyDaProblemTRF: (ok)
  529. VexinLola: ( your welcome )
  530. JuicyDaProblemTRF: (well I must leave now, will cya later then...waves my hand farewell)
  531. GeminiDaProblemTRF: bye bbg
  532. JuicyDaProblemTRF has left the chat
  533. VexinLola: SO borther did you find the one you like the most
  534. GeminiDaProblemTRF: what is a borther?? because you been calling me that for a while
  535. VexinLola: sorry med's ......... brother*
  536. GeminiDaProblemTRF: should of figured something was up ((hope your leg is getting better))
  537. VexinLola: its sucks but med's fuck with my spelling
  538. VexinLola: lol
  539. GeminiDaProblemTRF: (( i choosed player...and you said i know you are one))
  540. VexinLola: jk
  541. VexinLola: gosh
  542. GeminiDaProblemTRF: zzz
  543. scarletwulf: well 4:15 am here
  544. GeminiDaProblemTRF: no im saying... ((the role i like the most is the Player))
  545. VexinLola: I know
  546. VexinLola: its only 11:16here
  547. GeminiDaProblemTRF: ((i have read each one..and that was the one that stood out to me..not the name))
  548. VexinLola: (( haha yea yea ))
  549. VexinLola: ( ok )
  550. GeminiDaProblemTRF: ((going to be hard to find a checkered red or yellow))
  551. VexinLola: ( it really dont have to be checkered LOL )
  552. GeminiDaProblemTRF: ((well i have this fit)) but no hood..
  553. VexinLola: ( doesnt work with gor lol )
  554. GeminiDaProblemTRF: ((was you talking bout the hood or that fit?))
  555. shadefox216 has joined the chat
  556. VexinLola: aye
  557. VexinLola: no whip either
  558. VexinLola: i know you like the whip
  559. VexinLola: lol.
  560. GeminiDaProblemTRF: mhm
  561. GeminiDaProblemTRF: but u didnt answer the question
  562. VexinLolaVexinLola : oh the fit sorry
  563. VexinLola: lol
  564. VexinLola: i was looking for you
  565. GeminiDaProblemTRF: zz
  566. GeminiDaProblemTRF: looking for what for me?
  567. VexinLola: a fit to help
  568. GeminiDaProblemTRF: ooooh
  569. scarletwulf: think ill call it a night is 4:30 am
  570. VexinLola: rest well Wulf
  571. GeminiDaProblemTRF: have a good night sleep
  572. VexinLola: sorry about no rp tonight
  573. shadefox216: pretty sure if diesil was on. there would be
  574. scarletwulf: take care all
  575. VexinLola: lol.
  576. VexinLola: tc Wulf
  577. shadefox216: nighty night
  578. VexinLola: see you tomorrow
  579. AngelofFire78 has joined the chat
  580. scarletwulf has left the chat
  581. AngelofFire78 whispers: i thimk it is fixed now
  582. VexinLola > AngelofFire78: ok,
  583. AngelofFire78: -re enter room carrying tray of chilled larma juice apple - "may this girl enter"
  584. VexinLola: Yes you may
  585. VexinLola: (( but he poofed to sleep )
  586. AngelofFire78: opps
  587. AngelofFire78: i am in the basement
  588. AngelofFire78: - kneel and kisses ground-
  589. AngelofFire78: - then moves to wer pose
  590. VexinLola: Sorry meds are kickin my butt tonight
  591. MrzKingLUVED has joined the chat
  592. MrzKingLUVED: hey babiez
  593. AngelofFire78: "Tal Mistress"
  594. VexinLola: MOM
  595. MrzKingLUVED: im nt stay long
  596. MrzKingLUVED: just wanna 2 pass thru
  597. VexinLola: Ok i am about to head to bed
  598. MrzKingLUVED: i have see u in while baby
  599. GeminiDaProblemTRF: where u going?
  600. GeminiDaProblemTRF: ill come hang out with u mom..sis fallin asleep ova there
  601. VexinLola: sorries
  602. MrzKingLUVED: k baby
  603. VexinLola: i have new meds
  604. MrzKingLUVED: come along
  605. VexinLola: and they are kicking my butt
  606. MrzKingLUVED: -pull u out the room-
  607. MrzKingLUVED: lol.
  608. AngelofFire78: did you go back to dr
  609. MrzKingLUVED: go get sum rest baby
  610. VexinLola: yes he doesnt want me on my leg at all
  611. GeminiDaProblemTRF: pull me mom
  612. MrzKingLUVED: k baby
  613. VexinLola: so i have to remain in the bed
  614. AngelofFire78: oh wow
  615. MrzKingLUVED: see u later baby hope u feel better
  616. GeminiDaProblemTRF: i hope next time i see you sis that your and i hope u feel better
  617. GeminiDaProblemTRF: love you
  618. VexinLola: tyt mom
  619. AngelofFire78: prop it up
  620. GeminiDaProblemTRF has left the chat
  621. MrzKingLUVED: muah
  622. VexinLola: love ya mwah
  623. shadefox216 has left the chat
  624. MrzKingLUVED has left the chat
  625. VexinLola: oh it is
  626. VexinLola: and i am laied back
  627. AngelofFire78: ok
  628. AngelofFire78: good
  629. AngelofFire78: ice and heat
  630. VexinLola: the meds are just kicking me butt
  631. AngelofFire78: alternating
  632. AngelofFire78: awww
  633. VexinLola: yes mommy
  634. VexinLola: :D
  635. AngelofFire78: giggles
  636. AngelofFire78: no it is firefighter in me talking
  637. VexinLola: :D
  638. VexinLola: ik
  639. VexinLola: ok i am going to rest now
  640. VexinLola: be good while i am gone
  641. AngelofFire78: ok goodnight
  642. AngelofFire78: always
  643. VexinLola: good night
  644. VexinLola: love you
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