
[Queen's Paradise: Prologue - The Champion of Heaven]

Mar 9th, 2014
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  1. [19:41] <!Emilybroshoujo> [Queen's Paradise: Prologue - The Champion of Heaven]
  2. [19:42] <!Emilybroshoujo> The clouds above the capital part and golden beams of light wash over the city.
  3. [19:43] <!Emilybroshoujo> In a sudden flash a bolt of holy fire slams into the town square causing a panic.
  4. [19:44] <!Emilybroshoujo> The fireball screams towards the palace and explodes against the double doors.
  5. [19:44] <!Emilybroshoujo> They burst open and a thunderous roaring voice echos throughout the palace.
  6. [19:44] <!Emilybroshoujo> "ALDEAS! YOU ARE A TRAITOR TO THE LIGHT OF HEAVEN!"
  8. [19:46] <!Emilybroshoujo> Zephros appears suddenly behind the swirling mass of flame places his hands on either side of it.
  9. [19:46] <!Emilybroshoujo> The flame flits away and magical seals form all over the walls and ceiling of the palace.
  10. [19:47] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Sorry about this, your radiance. Feel free to send me to hell when I die." Zephros says with a stone cold expression.
  11. [19:48] <!Emilybroshoujo> The beautiful woman, now visible that her radiant flames have been dispelled drops to her knees shocked.
  12. [19:48] <!Emilybroshoujo> Polished golden armor adorns her arms and legs.
  13. [19:49] <!Emilybroshoujo> Her chestplate hugs her thin upper body tightly and her flowing golden skirt cut's off just above her knees.
  14. [19:50] <!Emilybroshoujo> The blonde hair of the angel is bound into a crown-like braid and her beautiful green eyes are wide with a combination of shock and anger.
  15. [19:50] <!Emilybroshoujo> Her flaming wings slowly shrink as her divine power is sealed.
  16. [19:51] <!Emilybroshoujo> Zephros cracks his knuckles and walks across the throne room back to Aldeas' side.
  17. [19:51] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I'm so glad you've joined us, Lady Gabriel."
  18. [19:51] <!Emilybroshoujo> Aldeas smiles.
  19. [19:51] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Traitor." She says from the ground unable to stand.
  20. [19:52] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Is this your game, you greet all the monster queens with open arms but then place a blade to my neck?"
  21. [19:52] <!Emilybroshoujo> "You're a monster queen too my lady."
  22. [19:53] <!Emilybroshoujo> Aldeas stands and crosses the room as he holds out his hand.
  23. [19:54] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Zephros' power should not have been able to seal you so easily. The fact it did says a lot to me."
  24. [19:55] <!Emilybroshoujo> "It says you have been heavily affected by the breaking of the Faith Bond by my father."
  25. [19:55] <!Emilybroshoujo> "It says that your armies have all fallen to sin and the number of Angel's remaining is incredibly small."
  26. [19:56] <!Emilybroshoujo> "It says that without being able to slay demons and devils and absorb their energy you've lost nearly all of your once world shattering power."
  27. [19:57] <!Emilybroshoujo> Lucia covers her face unable to watch as Aldeas essentially torments an angel.
  28. [19:57] <!Emilybroshoujo> "What are you getting at human." Gabriel asks with a look of pained anger on her face.
  29. [19:58] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I have a theory formulated from my experiences so far, will you indulge me?"
  30. [19:58] <!Emilybroshoujo> Aldeas walks back and forth as he talks.
  31. [19:58] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Angels, you and your sisters are a family of succubi."
  32. [19:59] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I know for a fact the graduation of a paladin involved losing his virginity to a lesser angel to form a bond with them and grant him divine power."
  33. [20:00] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I also know it's a known fact that you and other arc angels consume the scattered energy of slain demons, energy collected from humans."
  34. [20:01] <!Emilybroshoujo> "So correct me if I'm wrong, but you're just a succubus who's so self absorbed that you'd rather commit genocide than have sex with a human to survive... and now here you are on the verge of annihilation abandoned by all your sisters after my fathers foolhearty actions."
  35. [20:02] <!Emilybroshoujo> "And what have you done? You've come into the home of the only person who could save you and your people and called me a traitor and threatened me."
  36. [20:02] <!Emilybroshoujo> "So before I welcome you to the peace talks I want to make something clear."
  37. [20:03] <!Emilybroshoujo> "One of the laws I absolutely intend to enforce is the Right of Life... even monster on monster murder will not be tolerated for any reason."
  38. [20:03] <!Emilybroshoujo> "So whatever you were hoping to achieve by coming here was a waste of time."
  39. [20:04] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Unless it was to request presence at the peace talks to make arrangements with myself and the other queens so that your people could find a new way to survive."
  40. [20:04] <!Emilybroshoujo> Gabriel lays on the ground silently, trembling with anger.
  41. [20:05] <!Emilybroshoujo> "There... are only twelve left including myself..." She finally speaks.
  42. [20:05] <!Emilybroshoujo> "One by one the lesser angels fell from grace becoming Erinyes... Dark Angels."
  43. [20:05] <!Emilybroshoujo> "The hunger drove them to lay with men and that corrupted them further."
  44. [20:06] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I will allow myself to wither to nothingness before I become... that."
  45. [20:06] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Kenny." Aldeas says as he takes his seat again. "Your turn."
  46. [20:07] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Yeah... we kind of figured that, so we've been working on a way to protect you from corruption."
  47. [20:07] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Our priests have combined efforts with the circle of magi to create a marriage ceremony derived from the former Paladin Initiate ritual."
  48. [20:08] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Once an angel and human have undergone that ritual they can share energy through sex without resulting in corruption."
  49. [20:08] <!Emilybroshoujo> "That's our bargaining chip lady, take it or leave it because Al's not gonna budge on the 'no killing demons' thing."
  50. [20:09] <!Emilybroshoujo> Kendrick snaps his fingers undoing the seal Zephros exhausted all his magical power to place.
  51. [20:09] <!Emilybroshoujo> Gabriels golden firey wings unfurl and she stands.
  52. [20:10] <!Emilybroshoujo> "It's your decision now, attack me, leave, or accept our compromise and acknowledge that you've been manipulating us for your own needs for millennia."
  53. [20:10] <!Emilybroshoujo> Gabriel's face contorts.
  54. [20:11] <!Emilybroshoujo> "The Devil Queen has to banish the Erinyes and force them to undergo purification so they can find a mate and live an honest life under your new laws." Gabriel demands.
  55. [20:11] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I'm sure we can arrange something along those lines." Aldeas smiles.
  56. [20:12] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Fine... but what am I supposed to do? And the other Archangels?"
  57. [20:13] <!Emilybroshoujo> "If we can't absorb power through slaying demons and devils how are we to survive? A single man will barely produce enough energy to sustain just his angelic wife."
  58. [20:13] <!Emilybroshoujo> "There will be none leftover for us to ab-" "Oh you'll have to find mates too."
  59. [20:13] <!Emilybroshoujo> Gabriel's face instantly turns red as Aldeas cuts her off.
  60. [20:13] <!Emilybroshoujo> "W-..."
  61. [20:14] <!Emilybroshoujo> "WAR!" She screams through her blush.
  62. [20:14] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I'LL TAKE YOU TO WAR BEFORE I LAY WITH YOU KING OF MEN!" Gabriel says as she stomps angrily.
  63. [20:14] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I never say it had to be me, my lady." Aldeas says with a smirk.
  64. [20:15] <!Emilybroshoujo> Gabriel's expression grows dark and she drops to her knees.
  65. [20:15] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Dirty... I'm so impure... I'm gonna be sick." She says softly to herself.
  66. [20:16] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Fine... I accept your terms, we'll use this new method of yours to preserve our relative purity and give up on the purge." She finally says after a few moments of silence.
  67. [20:17] <!Emilybroshoujo> "However you must force your eleven finest knights to take an Archangel as their wife."
  68. [20:17] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I don't think there will be an objection to that, right Sir Bradly?" Aldeas asks the large man who simply blushes a bit and coughs.
  69. [20:17] <!Emilybroshoujo> "And you, milady?" Aldeas asks as he offers a hand to Gabriel for the third time.
  70. [20:17] <!Emilybroshoujo> She finally takes it and stands.
  71. [20:18] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I... would rather die." She says as she brings her face inches away from Aldeas'
  72. [20:18] <!Emilybroshoujo> "That's fine, you can undergo the ritual with me when your will breaks." Aldeas says coldly with a smile.
  73. [20:19] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Show Lady Gabriel to her quarters and take Zephros to his room to rest Kenny."
  74. [20:19] <!Emilybroshoujo> Kendrick scoops up the black mage and motions for Gabriel to follow him.
  75. [20:20] <!Emilybroshoujo> She does so reluctantly, holding her own arms and hunched over.
  76. [20:20] <!Emilybroshoujo> "How cruel..." Lucia says with a shaky voice.
  77. [20:21] <!Emilybroshoujo> "It's cruel." Aldeas says with a solemn look "but it's all she will understand... zealots cannot be reasoned with."
  78. [20:21] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I hope she gives in before she withers away." Lucia says as she looks up, red eyed and flushed from crying on Gabriel's behalf.
  79. [20:21] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Even though she'd be having sex with me?" Aldeas asks without his usual cocky smile.
  80. [20:22] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I'd rather that than her die from being stubborn." Lucia pouts.
  81. [20:22] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Aldeas doesn't say anything.
  82. [20:22] <!Emilybroshoujo> "That exhausted me, I'm going to bed." The young king says.
  83. [20:23] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Cruelty doesn't suit the lad." Sir Bradly says.
  84. [20:23] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Yeah, but you and the other knights are getting laid for it right?" Mesina says with a cat smile.
  85. [20:23] <!Emilybroshoujo> Sir Bradly coughs again.
  86. [20:23] <!Emilybroshoujo> [Champion of Heaven - End]
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