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May 22nd, 2015
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  1. Stage 3: Qualification for full representation in TEU, access to financial services, etc
  2. Note: All criteria from Stage 2 must be adopted before the country begins to undertake these reforms
  3. All reforms to be overseen by third parties and inspection agencies, emphasized in several important areas as to where oversight will be greatest so as to crack down on corruption in particular.
  5. Economic:
  6. -Complete Economic union.
  7. -“Strong” economy or better.
  8. -Adoption of Talents as the national currency.
  9. -Adoption of Stability and Growth pact
  10. -Complete integration of trade policy with the TEU.
  12. Domestic:
  13. -Coordination of education, administration, R&D, academia, media with TEU
  14. -Regular audits of government agencies by TEU auditors to ensure fiscal responsibility.
  15. -Complete integration of healthcare, sanitation, water, environmental regulations and policies with TEU.
  16. -Complete integration of railways, electricity, roads, irrigation, and air travel infrastructure with TEU.
  17. -Coordination of legislative, judiciary, and executive with TEU.
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