
Story Help #1

Dec 25th, 2015
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  1. [19:24] T-snake: Hey man would you be able to help me then? If you've played the DS tittle and the new one, that may be enough
  2. [19:25] CammyCapre: i can try but it's been ages
  3. [19:25] T-snake: Alright that's fine. If you're a good writer, I presume that could be enough to help me out.
  4. [19:25] CammyCapre: oh okay
  5. [19:25] CammyCapre: i can try
  6. [19:25] CammyCapre: im not terrific but i'll do my best lol
  7. [19:26] T-snake: Long story short, I am re-booting an old fanfiction idea from middle school that I never completed. This story was made way back in the beginning of Gen IV...and that's the problem
  8. [19:26] CammyCapre: ah
  9. [19:26] CammyCapre: well you need to revamp a few things first and foremost
  10. [19:26] T-snake: So many Pokemon and so much new lore had been introduced that there are several conflicts, leaving my story outdated in terms of Pokemon and lore
  11. [19:26] CammyCapre: you could do a gen IV fic even
  12. [19:27] T-snake: I mean I did try a reboot last gen, but I didn't feel confident and a third of the way through, I took it down. But it got good reception while it was up so I assume it was fine
  13. [19:27] CammyCapre: but anyway, you'll need to revamp the cast and such if you're planning on doing it on newer gens
  14. [19:27] CammyCapre: yeah well
  15. [19:27] T-snake: Oh yeah cause as you can expect, there is a HUGE lack of Gen V and VI characters.
  16. [19:27] CammyCapre: when you're doing stuff like this, you need to go back to the drawing board for a while
  17. [19:27] CammyCapre: yeah
  18. [19:27] CammyCapre: re-work a story arc
  19. [19:28] CammyCapre: insert a few things for gen 5 and 6 to fit in
  20. [19:28] CammyCapre: but if gen 4 is the central part, it doesn't have to have a whole heap of it
  21. [19:28] T-snake: The new Pokemon isn't an issue: I am still using specific legends for the core story. The issue is the lore of the PMD world that the new game introduces
  22. [19:29] T-snake: The new gens only pose a problem in that the amount of Gen V-VI characters is almost humorous
  23. [19:29] T-snake: But back to new lore. It poses a problem of my Fan-Canon for the PMD world and my main antagonist's motivation
  24. [19:30] CammyCapre: hm
  25. [19:30] T-snake: You want me to start with the Fan-Canon? It leads into my main antagonist
  26. [19:30] CammyCapre: yeah
  27. [19:31] T-snake: Okay so the fan-canon where it stands, updated at the beginning of Gen V when I attempted a second reboot, is about the lack of humans and Arceus in the PMD universe
  28. [19:32] T-snake: It starts back roughly 2,000 years ago. The world was much like you would expect for that era; primitive, war strewn, etc
  29. [19:32] CammyCapre: uh-uh
  30. [19:32] CammyCapre: i don't see anything wrong thus far
  31. [19:33] CammyCapre: i think the only thing you could really do is just try to add a few subplots, or just add characters to the main plot
  32. [19:33] T-snake: But the main difference is there existed a forgotten race of humans: the Omeegans: a steam-punk ridden society whose leader had a love for conquering other races
  33. [19:34] CammyCapre: hm
  34. [19:34] T-snake: These people were thousands of years ahead of all the other races of people at the time, putting even the Romans to shame. Most of the legends were fearful of this race.
  35. [19:35] T-snake: However, one day, Arceus was captured and tortured by the Omeegans,being forced to give up his secret to his powers of creation
  36. [19:36] T-snake: Out of shame, Arceus left his physical body and ascended to the spirit realm, never to have his hand in the Pokemon world again
  37. [19:36] CammyCapre: geez
  38. [19:36] T-snake: The raw power the Omeegan's demonstrated through their ability to detain Arceus frightened all of the legends, rendering them unwilling to combat this force
  39. [19:36] T-snake: Except for two: Ho-oh and Lugia
  40. [19:37] T-snake: Ho-oh and Lugia made a pact with eachother: a simple plan to wipe out the human's of their world
  41. [19:37] T-snake: So they began...but a Pokemon had another idea...
  42. [19:38] T-snake: Enter Dracoris, a fan-made legend (yes I know, OC Pokemon usually do poorly, but it works in the lore). This Pokemon of Fog thought it was unfair to destroy all of the human race based on the deeds of a few
  43. [19:38] CammyCapre: ocs should be fine
  44. [19:38] T-snake: This legend teamed up with Giratina, who was back then not confined to the Distortion Realm in an effort to save the humans
  45. [19:39] CammyCapre: ooo
  46. [19:39] CammyCapre: i like this
  47. [19:40] T-snake: While Dracoris combated Lugia and Ho-oh, Giratina worked with his ability to cross dimensions to send the humans to a new world and re-write their memories, erasing all knowledge of the Omeegans, their old world, and Dracoris and Giratina
  48. [19:41] T-snake: OH not all humans. Only the pure-hearted and the ones who were not aligned with the Omeegans
  49. [19:41] T-snake: Dracoris eventually surrendered to Lugia and Ho-oh and let them destroy the rest of the humans after Giratina had saved enough
  50. [19:42] T-snake: This angered Arceus. Arceus held a council from his adobe in the spirit realm. He decreed that since Dracoris was a newer Legend that he shouldn't have to suffer punishment. However, Giratina was banished to the Reverse World and the humans were taught it was for being evil and violent
  51. [19:43] T-snake: Arceus then returned back to the spirit realm and gifted Rayquaza the title of God of Pokemon
  52. [19:43] T-snake: Now the ONLY benefit I received from newer games is the Rayquaza part
  53. [19:43] CammyCapre: you can say reshiram/zekrom are younger than the rest of the legends
  54. [19:43] CammyCapre: because that does seem believable
  55. [19:44] T-snake: The Draconid and Mega Evolution backstory from ORAS COMPLETELY mesh well with Rayquaza receiving the title much more than my reasoning of " I like Rayquaza"
  56. [19:44] CammyCapre: and xerneas/yveltal were created when arceus was most pleased/displeased with humanity after gira saved them
  57. [19:44] CammyCapre: yeah that sounds really good
  58. [19:44] CammyCapre: lmfao "i like rayquaza"
  59. [19:44] T-snake: Actually, I have used those two post game already. Ho-oh and Lugia were a fairly recent edit (recent being 2012)
  60. [19:45] T-snake: Oh wait keep going with the Xerneas and Yveltal thing
  61. [19:45] T-snake: You played the new game right? Because I know they use Xerneas/Yveltal
  62. [19:45] CammyCapre: so is PMD in the future, past, present..?
  63. [19:45] CammyCapre: the new PMD?
  64. [19:45] CammyCapre: i dont remember it
  65. [19:45] T-snake: Present in a different universe
  66. [19:45] CammyCapre: hm
  67. [19:46] T-snake: According to my fan-canon, we aren't from where we currently live. We are from the PMD world. We were just saved by the falsely accused Giratina
  68. [19:46] CammyCapre: because you could say during wars, either yveltal or xerneas were created because arceus was like 'srsly these bitches need to die' or 'c'mon guys calm down', respectively
  69. [19:46] CammyCapre: and during times of peace arceus could either just get bored of staring down at them or be like 'aah yes, let's be even more peaceful'
  70. [19:46] T-snake: Hmm...maybe I could change Lugia and Ho-oh to Xerneas an Yveltal
  71. [19:46] CammyCapre: or it could be four
  72. [19:46] T-snake: Although, those Pokemon were used a skey characters in the new PMD so idk
  73. [19:47] T-snake: I mean the issue isn't the legends. The issue is more the main villain and one of the ways that the heroes try to save the world during the main story line
  74. [19:48] T-snake: So enter Maxerus: a Mightyena who was living in what we know as Ancient Rome at the time that Lugia and Ho-oh decided to erase the human race
  75. [19:49] T-snake: Maxerus' trainer went missing suddenly right before the attacks
  76. [19:49] T-snake: After the rubble cleared, Maxerus saw all these dead humans and feared his human was killed as well
  77. [19:50] T-snake: In a rage, Maxerus decided to dabble in sorcery, extending his life, corrupting his mind, and giving him powers beyond beliefe, in hopes of reuniting himself with his owner
  78. [19:50] T-snake: Alas, Maxerus' intentions became a little foggy. With Arceus refusing to ever have anything to do with the material world after the event, Maxerus had no fear of practicing dark magic
  79. [19:51] T-snake: He decided, plain and simple, if he couldn't be reunited with his owner, that he would get revenge on what he considered to backstabbers (most of the legendary cast) and Pokemon that are complacent with these backstabbers
  80. [19:52] T-snake: This is due to the fact that it isn't common knowledge where the humans went. heck only a select few legendary Pokemon know what happened
  81. [19:53] T-snake: So how I have it is that Maxerus is behind the major disasters of the series' past games: the meteor, the time crisis, etc
  82. [19:53] T-snake: Now here's the issue: the main antagonist from the new game, Dark Matter
  83. [19:53] CammyCapre: hm
  84. [19:53] CammyCapre: well this could be an alternate-alternate universe and he wouldn't be a thing
  85. [19:53] T-snake: Dark Matter is a non-Pokemon like being that is hinted to be the one behind the disasters and has targetted the tree of life
  86. [19:54] CammyCapre: or you could say that they worked together
  87. [19:54] T-snake: Lol yeah. But I want to see if I can find a way to allow them both to exist
  88. [19:54] T-snake: THAT WAS AN IDEA
  89. [19:54] CammyCapre: or maxerus could just be a physical/pokemon form of dark matter
  90. [19:54] CammyCapre: dark matter could be salty about the whole thing as well and be like 'yo let's team up'
  91. [19:55] T-snake: My idea was, after I decided to re-boot, that maybe Maxerus received his powers from Dark Matter during a time when Dark Matter was prevalent (which there is lore in the game that said Dark Matter has been around before_
  92. [19:55] T-snake: Well at the end of the game, doesn't Dark Matter retreat for another sleeping spel of thousands of years?
  93. [19:56] T-snake: See, my story, canon wise, takes place more recently, but not by much. The main protagonists of PMD 2 are middle aged
  94. [19:56] CammyCapre: hm
  95. [19:56] T-snake: But yeah how does that sound: maybe Maxerus studied Dark Matter's magic
  96. [19:56] CammyCapre: yeah that could work
  97. [19:56] CammyCapre: maxerus could be his assistant
  98. [19:56] CammyCapre: or dun dun dun vice versa
  99. [19:57] T-snake: That would be one hack of a plot twist
  100. [19:57] CammyCapre: yeah
  101. [19:57] T-snake: It works well because, I swear Pokemon steals my ideas sometimes, one of Maxerus' defining abilities was, you guessed it
  102. [19:57] T-snake: Turning Pokemon to stone.
  103. [19:57] CammyCapre: lmao
  104. [19:57] CammyCapre: yeah that would make sense then
  105. [19:57] CammyCapre: if they've got such similar powers, it would make sense that they work together
  106. [19:57] CammyCapre: dark matter could be maxerus's assistant and take the blame
  107. [19:58] T-snake: Eh idk. Dark Matter seemed pretty god-like in the games. I don't think he'd be taking commands from even a strong sorcerer
  108. [19:58] T-snake: But the big issue is with what the game said happens when you are turned to stone
  109. [19:59] CammyCapre: what did it say
  110. [19:59] T-snake: In the games, your spirit is taken to a void land where it can either fight its way back to the real world or perish there. If your spirit perishes there, your only hope is to be revived in the real world
  111. [20:00] T-snake: However, in my story, it is a little different
  112. [20:00] CammyCapre: they could have different types
  113. [20:00] CammyCapre: it makes sense that they'd have a few differences as well
  114. [20:00] T-snake: Oh...wow I never thought of that
  115. [20:01] CammyCapre: they wouldn't be carbon copies; maxerus's magic would possibly be a bit weaker or just different, because of their capabilities/understandings/etc
  116. [20:01] T-snake: Yeah if Dark Matter is much more powerful than Maxerus, then it would make sense that while Dark Matter's stone spell takes Pokemon to a whole new world that Maxerus' would be weaker
  117. [20:01] T-snake: Yeah wow that works!
  118. [20:02] CammyCapre: yay
  119. [20:02] T-snake: How it works in my story is just a separation of body and spirit. I only have it twice, but it is major both times
  120. [20:02] CammyCapre: i did a thing
  121. [20:02] T-snake: Thanks man!
  122. [20:02] CammyCapre: happy to help lol
  123. [20:03] T-snake: But yeah in my story, the heroes encounter an explorer who had been turned to stone. Because of the heroe's ability to see spirits, he can see the explorer and talk to him. The explorer appears to talk to the hero randomly through the story too
  124. [20:03] T-snake: Until he is eventually saved near the end and becomes a key part in the fight against Maxerus
  125. [20:03] T-snake: The second is in the final fight, the hero is "killed" by Maxerus via the stone spell
  126. [20:04] CammyCapre: D:
  127. [20:04] T-snake: Where he is thanks by a more emotionally stable Arceus but is sentenced to a hearing of whether or not the hero will be forced to return to the human world or be allowed back to the PMD world
  128. [20:06] T-snake: Oh and the human originally came to the PMD world because he died in a tragic wreck. He led a loner life and had died in a car crash. Dracoris, who at the time had been removed from his body by Maxerus in an attempt to control Dracoris, snatched up the hero's spirit
  129. [20:07] T-snake: And brought him to the PMD world, memories in tact, with the only hint of why being a ball of light (Dracoris' spirit that the hero could see due to his ability to see spirits
  130. [20:07] T-snake: Wait no sorry. GIRATINA snatched up his spirit and Dracoris' spirit told the hero to save him
  131. [20:07] T-snake: So yeah I think that still works even with the introduction of Dark Matter
  132. [20:08] T-snake: Do you think the story could play out well. Like I said, it is outdated, but my writing skills have improved so
  133. [20:10] CammyCapre: hm
  134. [20:10] CammyCapre: yeah it looks good
  135. [20:10] CammyCapre: i like the whole concept, it works well
  136. [20:11] T-snake: I mean I know it is a HUGE back-story with the legends and Omeegans, but it meshes well. Explains humans, legends, TMs/orbs, etc
  137. [20:11] T-snake: Oh thanks!
  138. [20:11] CammyCapre: yeah it definitely works well
  139. [20:11] CammyCapre: it all makes sense
  140. [20:11] CammyCapre: i like the twist with giratina
  141. [20:12] T-snake: But yeah and I plan on introducing it in chunks, whether it be via Pokemon around town talking, legends, or lore in dungeons. That will be the blind version, the one that everyone knows and Maxerus is convinced of
  142. [20:13] T-snake: Blind Version: basically, the story ends with the humans are all dead and Giratina was banished for trying to fight Ho-oh and Lugia
  143. [20:14] T-snake: Then, the player encounters the dark spirit that has saved him multiple times (there are three main spirits: Dracoris (we learn his identity about a 1/6th inm teh explorer which is introduced around the half way point but a little after, and the dark one that has been around since the beginning
  144. [20:15] T-snake: But we don't learn it is Giratina until the hero almost dies (not turned to stone but another instance) and is saved by Giratina. There, Giratina describes the real story
  145. [20:15] T-snake: but yeah does that sound like a good way to introduce such a convoluted back story
  146. [20:19] CammyCapre: yeah it definitely works well
  147. [20:19] CammyCapre: sorry i went to do something
  148. [20:19] T-snake: It's fine man!
  149. [20:20] T-snake: One more plot issue I have is these things called Space Cubes (name pending: I haven't changed their names since their creation in 2009)
  150. [20:20] CammyCapre: hm
  151. [20:20] T-snake: Wait...no maybe they aren't an issu
  152. [20:21] T-snake: Wait they are
  153. [20:21] CammyCapre: how so?
  154. [20:23] T-snake: I think they are in issue but in a different sense...
  155. [20:23] CammyCapre: what makes them an issue?
  156. [20:24] T-snake: See I never got to the point where they were introduced after my big over haul in 2012 so their purpose is still the same from a VERY old version
  157. [20:25] T-snake: Basically, in a nutshelll, they are 5 cubes that were created after the Omeegan event for SOME reason. And whatever reason it was, when the Pokemon learn of Maxerus' rising (but still don't know Maxerus' identity nor do they know what he is doing), they decide to collect them
  158. [20:25] T-snake: So for whatever reason they were created for 2,000 years ago, they look like an effective solution to combat Maxerus
  159. [20:26] T-snake: However, when collected, they don't work. they are taken to the ancient ruins, where they shuld do...something...and they don't owrk
  160. [20:26] T-snake: But their old purpose makes no sense anymore...I also can't remember their old purpose, but this was before the Omeegans and when the plot was more a clone of PMD2
  161. [20:26] CammyCapre: haha
  162. [20:27] T-snake: *before I added the Omeegans
  163. [20:27] CammyCapre: well you can just cut them out if you need to
  164. [20:27] T-snake: I can't really...that cuts out a big plot arc
  165. [20:27] T-snake: See here's why I need them or a replacement
  166. [20:28] T-snake: After the Exploration Guild learns of Maxerus' rising power, because they dont know what he's doing or his true identity, they decide to collect these cubes
  167. [20:28] T-snake: It just so happens on their most recent expedition, the hero found one in a search for treasure
  168. [20:28] CammyCapre: you could incorporate unown somehow?
  169. [20:28] CammyCapre: in a similar way?
  170. [20:28] CammyCapre: but maxerus overpowers them or something?
  171. [20:29] T-snake: (Idk you tell me after I kind of describe why I need a similar item and dungeon count)
  172. [20:29] T-snake: there are 5. Their powers are scaled and each cube can find one that is weaker than it
  173. [20:29] T-snake: The five are Water, Fire, Earth, Ice, and Air
  174. [20:29] T-snake: In order of weakest to strongest
  175. [20:30] T-snake: The hero just so happened to find the Ice Cube (haha), meaning that after the guild decided to find the rest, all they really had to do was deduce the location of the Air. The other three were just search and collect missions
  176. [20:30] T-snake: DANGEROUS ones, but simple none the less
  177. [20:30] T-snake: During this time, which is why I need this or a similar arc, many things are happening
  178. [20:31] CammyCapre: yeah i get what you mean
  179. [20:31] T-snake: First off, and most important, guild elections. For the past decade or so, the guildmaster has been severely hindered mentally (almost to a comical degree)
  180. [20:32] T-snake: The pair, guildmaster and his assistant (his assistant has ran the guild on his own mostly when it comes to leadership), has still won the yearly elections
  181. [20:32] CammyCapre: mhm
  182. [20:33] T-snake: However, in spite of some recent mess-ups by the guild, the people of the Canopy Village want a new one. During the time where the heroes are in and out collecting cubes, Terramus and Voltier (the Guild Master and Assistant, Carnivine and Luxray), are running their campaign
  183. [20:33] T-snake: Second, is during these adventures and campaign, I end up dropping hints to both readers and the characters in the story that Voltier MIGHT be Maxerus
  184. [20:34] T-snake: So these several episodes while the heroes are working the guild is campaigning need to happen
  185. [20:34] CammyCapre: hm
  186. [20:34] T-snake: Third, because the cubes are so ancient, the legends that guard them and the dungeons they are in help finalize the back story with the Omeegans and humans
  187. [20:35] CammyCapre: yeah
  188. [20:35] CammyCapre: but how exactly are they an issue?
  189. [20:35] CammyCapre: is it because there's so much going on..?
  190. [20:35] T-snake: Lastly, Maxerus is trying to convince a rival team to kill the heroes during this time which, during a break between the time they collect the 4th cube and know where the fifth one is, they attempt to
  191. [20:36] T-snake: No the issue is I have no clue WHY they are in story still, but the plot devices and key elements are built around the fact that for about a week, the heroes are collecting an ancient item of sorts to combat Maxerus while the guild campaigns
  192. [20:36] T-snake: But I don't know why these cubes would help combat maxerus
  193. [20:37] CammyCapre: ah
  194. [20:37] CammyCapre: like i said, you could go with unown to make it easier
  195. [20:37] T-snake: May you explain that
  196. [20:37] CammyCapre: aren't unown like
  197. [20:38] CammyCapre: really powerful when they're together?
  198. [20:38] CammyCapre: basically, they're trying to find unown that got separated into different caves or something because they want to use their power to defeat maxerus
  199. [20:40] T-snake: Hmm..maybe these are special Unown yes...they think because of their connection to Arceus, maybe these special Unown could conjure up a way to defeat Maxerus
  200. [20:40] T-snake: Yes this makes sense! All we need to do is come up with a reason of why does this fail IMMEDIATELY
  201. [20:41] T-snake: Like in the story, they put Space Cubes in the slots where this power should be released, and nothing happens
  202. [20:41] T-snake: And during the time when the heroes are away...all hell breaks loose
  203. [20:41] CammyCapre: maxerus could either A) overpower the unown
  204. [20:41] CammyCapre: or B) have nothing to do with it and the unown are just like 'why did you even think we'd help you?'
  205. [20:42] T-snake: OH IDEA
  206. [20:42] T-snake: Sorry not to dismiss yours, but I have an idea that works with the plot
  207. [20:42] T-snake: So lets say that the heroes do think that they will work and begin to take these Unown or whatever power they give them, home
  208. [20:43] T-snake: In fact...if they give the heroes a power, maybe the power could work
  209. [20:43] T-snake: The plot device problem is i had it to where these Space Cubes SHOULD have worked IMMEDIATELY, but failed
  210. [20:43] T-snake: If I have it where they were collecting these Unown to get a power, i can follow one of two paths
  211. [20:44] T-snake: One: this power will work and the story continues as follows until they fight Maxerus and a corrupted Dracoris and it turns out the power isn't as OP as they thought
  212. [20:44] T-snake: or
  213. [20:44] CammyCapre: hey brb i got to do something
  214. [20:44] T-snake: Two: They think the power will work and the story goes as planned for a LITTLE
  215. [20:44] CammyCapre: keep talking and i'll catch up when i get back
  216. [20:44] T-snake: (okay)
  217. [20:44] T-snake: (I'll keep talking yeah)
  218. [20:44] T-snake: Because how the story went after the cubes failed was this
  219. [20:45] T-snake: Since the heroes had been gone for two days, back at Canopy Village, Terrance, a friend of Voltier, won the election because the night before, someone else was killed by Maxerus and Voltier was framed
  220. [20:46] T-snake: This landed Voltier in jail until a formal investigation could happen...but one never happens...
  221. [20:46] T-snake: See Terrance was introduced into the story about 1/4th of the way in. He is a hotel owner from a northern continent that helped house the Guild during their expedition
  222. [20:47] T-snake: Terrance and Voltier go way back...however, Voltier never knew that Terrance died a long time ago...this Mightyena isn't Terrance...
  223. [20:47] T-snake: Key word, Mightyena
  224. [20:47] T-snake: See the readers ALSO don't know the identity of Maxerus nor the species. Later on, it is hinted that he is a large cat/dog like quadruped, but nothing much more
  225. [20:48] T-snake: So while the readers and the town are led to believe it is Voltier, it is actually Terrance who is Maxerus
  226. [20:49] T-snake: So after Maxerus' big reveal and the fall of the guild, Maxerus takes over Canopy Village. he does so so he can set up base in the town. The town HAPPENS to be close to Sky Tower, a tower of clouds that only appears every so often
  227. [20:49] T-snake: At the summit of Sky Tower, Maxerus can complete the process of creating the corrupted Dracoris and end becoming an even stronger sorcerer
  228. [20:50] T-snake: So the capturing of Canopy Village happens while the heroes are in the ruins taking the cubes (or now, Unown), there
  229. [20:50] T-snake: After the event there, the heroes are chased through a few traumatizing dungeons ( one where the partner's parents were murdered years ago, one that is an ancient Omeegan factory, and one that is a swamp)
  230. [20:51] T-snake: The partner is eventually captured by one of Maxerus' favorite lackeys and the hero is nearly defeated. However, he escapes to a volcano near Canopy Village. Because this lackey is a grass type, the lackey ditches the chase
  231. [20:52] T-snake: The hero goes through the volcano and encounters an enraged Heatran. After a hard won battle, the cave starts to collapse. The hero risks his life to save Heatran, pushing Heatran out first.
  232. [20:53] T-snake: Right before a boulder is about to crush the hero, he is warped to the Distortion World, where he encounters Giratinat who explains the real story to him about what happened to humans and why no one believes he is human AND why he was brought to this world
  233. [20:53] T-snake: HERE, if I choose to have the Unown FAIL, I can have it where Giratina tells the hero that the plan with the Unown won't work
  234. [20:54] T-snake: OR if I have the Unonw WORK, I can have it that after the hero is sent back to the PMD world to finish the job, Heatran saves the town in an effort to repay the hero, the town fights Maxerus' army while the hero and partner climb to the summit of Sky Tower,
  235. [20:55] T-snake: I can have it that the power isn't as powerful as they thought. Which works GREAT with another arc that is going on. A third member of the hero, partner, and partner trio, who stayed behind when the main two went to get the power, made it out of the village and encountered an elder
  236. [20:56] T-snake: This elder knows what will REALLY work: Rayquaza
  237. [20:56] T-snake: This third member, a Zorua, and his companions: an Onix who runs a farm and an ex-crook Seviper, make their way to an ancient village NEAR where Rayquaza has retired to
  238. [20:57] T-snake: They complete the dungeon, meet Rayquaza, and have him come help JUST IN TIME to arrive when the hero is "killed"
  239. [20:57] T-snake: When Rayquaza and the others arrive, the final battle begins
  240. [20:58] T-snake: The partner and Rayquaza vs. Maxerus and corrupted Dracoris
  241. [20:58] T-snake: All of this was already added back in 2012. What I have added is your idea of the Unown bestowing a power
  242. [20:59] T-snake: AND maybe I can have Rayquaza Mega Evolve. That could be the gift he received from Arceus for being the new god of Pokemon while Arceus lives in excile. Thoughts on all of this?
  243. [21:04] CammyCapre: okay this all sounds good
  244. [21:05] CammyCapre: the working vs not working thing comes down to this;
  245. [21:05] CammyCapre: how long do you want it to be?
  246. [21:05] CammyCapre: it not working leaves a lot more room for extra ideas and a generally longer plot
  247. [21:06] CammyCapre: but it working would seem to 'seal the deal' a lot earlier
  248. [21:06] T-snake: Actually, neither one lengthens the plot
  249. [21:07] T-snake: I'm either going with doesn't work or works but isn't enough to "seal the deal" correct?
  250. [21:08] CammyCapre: okay yeah that works
  251. [21:08] CammyCapre: if that's the case, then it not working well enough sounds better, because you say it works amazingly
  252. [21:09] CammyCapre: i'm assuming giratina would also be under the impression that the unown would be strong enough?
  253. [21:09] T-snake: Yes. Maybe Giratina could underestimate Maxerus' power
  254. [21:09] T-snake: Or make a misconception
  255. [21:09] T-snake: Such as maybe the Unown's power only works on legendary Pokemon and everyone forgot about that
  256. [21:11] CammyCapre: yeah that would make sense
  257. [21:11] CammyCapre: i mean it's been a couple millenia
  258. [21:12] CammyCapre: it would make sense that giratina would forget a few things here and the re
  259. [21:12] CammyCapre: *there
  260. [21:13] T-snake: Yeah and Ho-oh/Lugia (both are involved in the collection of these items with Lugia guarding the final one and Ho-oh guarding the ruins/relic where the items need to be brought. Ho-oh has mellowed out and regrets what he did...Lugia hasn't...Lugia is a violent boss battle
  261. [21:13] T-snake: Also, so you can understand the last few days of the story, here is an over view
  262. [21:13] T-snake: Day 1: Heroes venture to Ruins, Maxerus plans his big reveal, Voltier arrested under suspicion
  263. [21:13] T-snake: Day 2: Heroes arrive and gain the power of the Unown after the dungone, Maxerus reveals himself and begins to conquer the town, Maxerus sends his main lackey after the hero and partner, the third partner left behind escapes via tunnels and learn about Rayquaza
  264. [21:13] T-snake: Day 3: The hero and partner fight through two dungeons in an attempt to get home, Maxerus has full control over Canopy Village and now Sky Tower, the third partner and friends head to the village near where Rayquaza resides
  265. [21:14] T-snake: Day 4: The partner is kidnapped and the hero nearly dies vs. Heatran but is saved by Giratina and works on getting to town, Maxerus still in charge, third partner and friends find Rayquaza and work on finding its Mega Meteor
  266. [21:14] T-snake: Day 5: Hero arrives in town and Heatran who wanted to thank the player helps cause a jail break so the townies can strike back, third partner and friends find Rayquaza's meteor and they all make way to the town
  267. [21:14] T-snake: End of Day 5: The hero and partner ascend Sky Tower to fight Maxerus. Hero dies. Dracoris appears and even with help, the partner can't defeat it. Rayquaza and the third partner arrive and Partner + Rayquaza vs. Maxerus + Dracoris begins
  268. [21:15] T-snake: The End: Hero faces trial and is let back in the PMD world due to showing true spirit (as you can see, spirit and spirits is a theme of the story). Maxerus vanishes (thought to have been killed, but body later disappears), town goes back to normal, if not better...until sequal
  269. [21:16] CammyCapre: there's gonna be a sequel, eh?
  270. [21:16] CammyCapre: and the plot is very solid
  271. [21:17] T-snake: Thanks man. May I run a few more things by you that could be questionable devices through the story?
  272. [21:18] CammyCapre: yeah of course
  273. [21:19] T-snake: The Inclusion of More OC-Legends
  274. [21:19] T-snake: These Legends tie into the story so they could be justified as NOT going overboard, but still I know some people don't like OC's
  275. [21:19] CammyCapre: that's a bit more iffy
  276. [21:19] T-snake: Anywho, they are a trio of minor legends (minor like the birds, beasts, golems, etc)
  277. [21:20] CammyCapre: it could work if you do it really well, but there's no need to overload on them
  278. [21:20] T-snake: Oh yeah I know. Their role won't even be as major as Dracoris
  279. [21:20] CammyCapre: hm
  280. [21:20] CammyCapre: what do they do?
  281. [21:20] T-snake: What they are is a trio created by the Omeegans in response to the creation of the Regis by the Romans
  282. [21:20] CammyCapre: it makes sense that the omeegans would create stuff with the knowledge
  283. [21:21] CammyCapre: but you could always make it an already-existing trio or something
  284. [21:21] T-snake: They are based off of the three states of matter: Vasiklay (meaning royal clay, based off of solids), Vasikloud (royal cloud, gases), and Vasiklava (royal lava, liquids)
  285. [21:21] CammyCapre: like they could have made regigigas to be like 'lol you tried'
  286. [21:21] T-snake: Yeah that's why I am debating
  287. [21:21] CammyCapre: they could have made the gen 5 weather trio?
  288. [21:22] T-snake: Oh idea just popped into my head
  289. [21:22] CammyCapre: shoot
  290. [21:22] T-snake: So, I would have used the Omeegan's trio, who betrayed the Omeegans, as guardians of three of the five cubes (Water, Fire, and Earth)
  291. [21:23] T-snake: If I didn't use the trio, I WAS going to have the Water be guarded by a trio of frog Pokemon (Toxicoak, Politoed, and Seismitoad) due to where it was found
  292. [21:23] T-snake: The fire by Moltres (due to it being found on an island far away)
  293. [21:23] T-snake: The Earth by Terrakion (due to it being found on a mountain)
  294. [21:24] T-snake: And the Ice by Regice (Regice was going to appear either way)
  295. [21:24] T-snake: WAIT NO
  296. [21:24] T-snake: Cut the frogs. I forgot I cut them long ago for Suicune
  297. [21:24] T-snake: And the last cube guarded by Lugia
  298. [21:24] T-snake: And the ruins by Ho-oh
  299. [21:25] T-snake: Due to a severe lack of Gen VI Pokemon
  300. [21:25] T-snake: What if I use the Hoopa, Diancie, and Volcanion trio?
  301. [21:26] T-snake: Only cons are that Hoopa really doesn't fit in a water dungeon so maybe I can have it where the cubes that are needed to be collected (Or the Unown) to obtain the power aren't Fire, Water, etc themed
  302. [21:26] T-snake: That AND Hoopa played a pretty cool role in the new game and it would be a very strange downgrade
  303. [21:26] T-snake: Oh wait
  304. [21:26] T-snake: Bring back the frogs
  305. [21:26] T-snake: Water - Frogs
  306. [21:27] T-snake: Fire - Volcanion
  307. [21:27] T-snake: Earth - Diancie
  308. [21:27] T-snake: Ice - Regice
  309. [21:27] T-snake: Air - Lugia
  310. [21:27] T-snake: Ruins - Ho-oh
  311. [21:27] T-snake: Boom?
  312. [21:27] CammyCapre: perfect
  313. [21:27] T-snake: Nice. And there is my Gen VI representation
  314. [21:27] CammyCapre: volcanion/diancie/hoopa isn't really a trio anyway, they're all just dlc-esque
  315. [21:27] CammyCapre: perfect
  316. [21:27] T-snake: Nice
  317. [21:28] T-snake: Okay let's finalize
  318. [21:28] T-snake: What are we collecting?
  319. [21:28] CammyCapre: the elements and stuff can still be represented by unown bc hidden power
  320. [21:28] T-snake: Special Unown to give us the power, cubes to summon Unown to get power, etc?
  321. [21:28] CammyCapre: cubes to summon unown actually does sound interesting
  322. [21:29] T-snake: Cubes may work better because the first one they find, the Ice, is a treasure they find on the expedition which they later find out during the first expedition throgh Sky Tower, near the halfway point of the story, that the world is threatened by Maxerus and these cubes could save it
  323. [21:29] T-snake: *through
  324. [21:30] T-snake: Oh duh
  325. [21:30] T-snake: What is "the power" xD
  326. [21:30] T-snake: It has to be something that works but doesn't work enough to stop Maxerus because maxerus isn't a legendary AND can't stop Dracoris because of corruption
  327. [21:31] T-snake: Maybe some kind of like "silver" stuff? Doesn't silver in greek mythology kill Gods but is harmless to mortals?
  328. [21:31] T-snake: Or something...I remember Percy Jackson teaching me this
  329. [21:31] T-snake: Like his sword was half metal to kill humans and half something else to harm gods
  330. [21:32] T-snake: Oh Celestial Bronze
  331. [21:32] T-snake: So maybe it could be some Celestial Power that they thing could stop Maxerus but doesn't?
  332. [21:32] T-snake: What does this power take the form of...thoughts?
  333. [21:34] CammyCapre: lmao "i remember percy jackson teaching me this"
  334. [21:34] T-snake: Taught me all I know about myhtology yo
  335. [21:34] CammyCapre: lmao
  336. [21:34] CammyCapre: thoughts is a bit iffy, but it could work if you do it right
  337. [21:34] T-snake: Lay it on me
  338. [21:35] CammyCapre: are you wanting this 'power' to be a sort of physically-existing thing?
  339. [21:35] CammyCapre: a huge beam of light might be a bit too boring imo, so nothing like that
  340. [21:35] CammyCapre: you could do like, a kind of god-slaying power-up or something if you want?
  341. [21:35] T-snake: I don't know. I think so. Do you mean like the opposite of physically existing to be like "Oh now your attacks can kill Gods"
  342. [21:36] CammyCapre: like, the protag glows all blue and someone in the distance is like 'power levels are over 9000!!!!" or something lmao
  343. [21:36] CammyCapre: but that's a bit over-the-top and generic in its own way, but a kind of 'boost' could work
  344. [21:36] CammyCapre: there's a lot you can do
  345. [21:36] T-snake: Yeah my thoughts exactly
  346. [21:36] CammyCapre: it could even be that it's just some sort of enlightenment lol
  347. [21:37] T-snake: How about, playing on the new items from the new PMD game, it is a wand that can forever petrify any legendary
  348. [21:37] T-snake: But the legends forgot it was legendary-specific?
  349. [21:37] T-snake: Idk
  350. [21:37] CammyCapre: the cubes could make that, yeah
  351. [21:37] CammyCapre: again, it's been like, milennia
  352. [21:37] CammyCapre: i can't even remember what i had for dinner last week
  353. [21:37] T-snake: Yeah maybe bestow the power of the cubes onto the wand
  354. [21:37] CammyCapre: yeah
  355. [21:38] T-snake: Yeah true haha but it is hard to forget that there exists and item that can make you easy to kill
  356. [21:38] CammyCapre: or they just have to bring a stick and then the cubes kinda fuse with it or something to make it a wand
  357. [21:38] T-snake: But the idea could work.
  358. [21:38] CammyCapre: yeah
  359. [21:38] T-snake: Yes. Or maybe the purpose for bringing the cubes to the ruins is this stick/wand is sealed in the ruins
  360. [21:39] CammyCapre: ah yes
  361. [21:39] T-snake: That makes sense. that is six guardians and six dungeons that you not only have to find but survive to collect the items to make this wand
  362. [21:39] T-snake: That is enough leg-work for such an over-powered item
  363. [21:39] CammyCapre: yeah that sounds reasonable
  364. [21:39] CammyCapre: an over-powered item that won't even work lolz
  365. [21:40] T-snake: Plot Hole: If it can petrify any Pokemon (or so they think), why doesn't the hero and partner use it when they are being attacked
  366. [21:40] T-snake: OH IDEA
  367. [21:40] T-snake: How about they use it when they are being attacked
  368. [21:40] T-snake: It fails
  369. [21:40] T-snake: PArtner is captured
  370. [21:40] T-snake: And when the hero is saved by Giratina, Giratina tells him that it only works on legendary Pokemon
  371. [21:41] T-snake: That the tool is useless
  372. [21:41] T-snake: SO the hero ABANDONS the wand with Giratina who returns it and the cubes to their rightful locations
  373. [21:41] T-snake: They make it to Maxerus eventually
  374. [21:41] T-snake: Dracoris appears
  375. [21:41] T-snake: And they WISH they hadn't abandoned the wand
  376. [21:41] T-snake: Thoughts?
  377. [21:42] CammyCapre: okay yeah
  378. [21:42] CammyCapre: that's good
  379. [21:42] CammyCapre: no more plotholes yaas
  380. [21:42] T-snake: yep! With that aspect
  381. [21:43] T-snake: I think the only issue that remains is I want to do a Legendary Count in the order they appear and you tell me if they work in their role
  382. [21:45] CammyCapre: oh okay
  383. [21:45] T-snake: First we have Regice
  384. [21:45] T-snake: Regice appears at the end of the final dungeon during the expedition. The heroes didn't know there was a cube up there, they thought only treasure. Regice had been weakened due to fighting off some of Maxerus' lackeys prior to the encounter. (All of this is from the 2012 reboot)
  385. [21:46] CammyCapre: yeah that sounds fine
  386. [21:47] T-snake: Landorus: Since Rayquaza's retirement, Landorus has guarded the Sky Tower from trespassers. After learning the heroes just wanted to explore and mean no harm AND learning they have a cube, Landorus explains what it is, and suggests they return it.
  387. [21:47] T-snake: Landorus also visits the guild around the same time that the guild learns that Maxerus is on the rise. Landorus suggests instead of returning the cube, why not use it to stop Maxerus
  388. [21:48] CammyCapre: i thought giratina explained why not to use it
  389. [21:48] T-snake: This is WAY before
  390. [21:48] CammyCapre: ah
  391. [21:48] CammyCapre: okay
  392. [21:49] T-snake: Sorry lol this is like near half through
  393. [21:49] CammyCapre: lmfao wrong chat
  394. [21:49] T-snake: Giratina event happens like two days before the end
  395. [21:49] T-snake: Yeah oops
  396. [21:49] T-snake: Basically, you only know of like two thirds of the story
  397. [21:50] T-snake: The first third I have reworked and I like and has no issues with the second or third parts
  398. [21:50] CammyCapre: ah okay
  399. [21:50] T-snake: Regice returns to fight the heroes IN THE TOWN for the cube, this time at full power, but Landorus helps calm it down and explains the new quest that they are on
  400. [21:50] CammyCapre: yep
  401. [21:50] T-snake: And this marks the beginning of the second third: Finding the cubes and creating the wand while Maxerus plans his reveal
  402. [21:51] T-snake: Okay so you're cool with Regice and Landorus
  403. [21:51] CammyCapre: yeah
  404. [21:51] T-snake: Okay next we have...
  405. [21:52] T-snake: Volcanion: Guardian of the Kakaboom Isles, home of the Fire Cube. Violent in nature. Kakaboom Isles is also where the ancient text that describes the "Blind History" of the Pokemon world (humans are dead, Giratina is evil)
  406. [21:53] CammyCapre: if you really wanted you could even make him guard the fire AND water cubes
  407. [21:54] CammyCapre: but then suicune ;-;
  408. [21:54] T-snake: Oh yeah Suicune. Forgot about him. But yeah he'd just guard the Water Cube in Damp Plains. Nothing too intense
  409. [21:54] T-snake: OH I'm sorry
  410. [21:54] T-snake: Landorus doesn't stop Regice
  411. [21:54] T-snake: Regice doesn't come until after the team has two cubes
  412. [21:54] T-snake: SUICUNE stops Regice
  413. [21:54] CammyCapre: oh okay
  414. [21:54] T-snake: That's how it went
  415. [21:55] CammyCapre: suicune <3
  416. [21:55] CammyCapre: okay yeah that sounds good
  417. [21:55] T-snake: Sorry I never actually WROTE this part of the story yet. The farthest I made was just before Regice
  418. [21:55] CammyCapre: ah fair enough
  419. [21:56] T-snake: On the way to the Isles however, Lugia attacks as they cross the ocean. Although Lugia knows that they need to stop Maxerus with the cubes, Lugia believes Maxerus is a petty threat and it isn't wise to trust the team with such a power as the Celestial Wand (originally Space Cubes)
  420. [21:56] T-snake: Cool with that encounter?
  421. [21:56] CammyCapre: yeah that's good
  422. [21:57] T-snake: Next, Diancie
  423. [21:57] T-snake: Diancie guards the Earth Cube in the Azul Mountains. She doesn't actually battle the heroes, but welcomes them and gives them the cube, commending them on their brave effort. AND helping them find out where the final cube is
  424. [21:58] T-snake: Because, you know, because the progression is Air----> Ice ----> Earth ----> Fire ----> Water, and the team found the Ice first by chance, they could easily locate the dungeons with all the cubes EXCEPT Air
  425. [21:59] T-snake: And that is how Lugia found them in the ocean, using his Air Cue
  426. [21:59] T-snake: *Cube
  427. [21:59] CammyCapre: brb again
  428. [21:59] CammyCapre: but that sounds good
  429. [21:59] T-snake: Okay shall I continue?
  430. [21:59] T-snake: Okay I will list the next few
  431. [21:59] CammyCapre: okay
  432. [22:00] T-snake: So skip a couple days of more story development while Diancie and Voltier work hard to find where Lugia is hiding the final cube
  433. [22:00] T-snake: It is narrowed to this cave in the ocean.
  434. [22:00] T-snake: However, this is where we encounter the next legend...
  435. [22:01] T-snake: Darkrai: If you played PMD 2, you can recall he was the main Antagonist. However, at the end, he was injured and lost his memory, forced to wander the world with no memory while Cresselia looked for him
  436. [22:02] T-snake: That is all part of PMD 2's plot ^
  437. [22:02] T-snake: In my fan-canon, since Maxerus was behind all of the issues in the previous tittles, Darkrai used to work for Maxerus until he lost his memory. Now, Cresselia guards Darkrai in that cave. After Darkrai tries to attack the heroes, Cresselia stops them and demands to know why they are here
  438. [22:03] T-snake: They explain they are looking for the Air Cube. Turns out, wrong dungeon, they're actually looking for an underwater trench
  439. [22:03] T-snake: During this, it comes up again that the hero was originally human
  440. [22:03] T-snake: This sparks Darkrai's memory, and Darkrai becomes distraught and ashamed of what he once did...so he runs away...we will see him later
  441. [22:04] T-snake: So there is Darkrai and Cresselia's role
  442. [22:05] T-snake: Next we finally meet Lugia for a fight in his trench dungeon. Lugia nearly kills the heroes, but Voltier followed them just in case, helping them defeat Lugia and convince him that these cubes must be used to stop Maxerus
  443. [22:06] T-snake: Up next, we have the Musketter Trio (originally Lake Trio, but now that Terrakion isn't guarding the Earth Cube, I JUST decided to use them over the lake trio). They are mini-bosses in the ruins, helping guard the wand. They fight the player, but aren't too hard to defeat
  444. [22:07] T-snake: Next, Ho-oh. Ho-oh doesn't fight the heroes. He understands what must be done and apologizes for what he tried to do to Tristan's race. He helps craft the Celestial Wand and, when Maxerus' Lackeys attack, he fends them off while the heroes escape
  445. [22:07] T-snake: (I will wait until you give me an okay for Diancie, Cresselia, Darkrai, The Musketeers, and Ho-oh)
  446. User T-snake is offline.
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