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Jun 25th, 2018
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  1. ######################
  2. #+ +#
  4. #+ +#
  5. ######################
  6. menu-settings:
  7. # name - appears as the title - REQUIRED
  8. name: '&1Example menu'
  9. # rows - the number of rows of the chest - REQUIRED
  10. rows: 3
  11. # command - OPTIONAL (you can remove this or set it to '')
  12. # Bind multiple commands using ; (command: 'menu; m; me')
  13. command: 'menu'
  14. # auto-refresh - OPTIONAL
  15. # How frequently the menu will be refreshed, in seconds.
  16. # Useful if you have variables in items' descriptions.
  17. auto-refresh: 5
  18. # This command command will be execute when the menu is opened.
  19. # Supports all the icon command types.
  20. open-action: 'sound: note pling; tell: &eYou opened the example menu.'
  21. # open-with-item - OPTIONAL
  22. # The menu will open only right-clicking with orange wool [35:1]
  23. open-with-item:
  24. id: wool:1
  25. left-click: false
  26. right-click: true
  27. ######################
  28. #+ +#
  29. # ITEMS #
  30. #+ +#
  31. ######################
  32. spawncmd:
  33. COMMAND: 'lobby'
  34. NAME: '&e/spawn'
  35. LORE:
  36. - 'It justs executes /spawn'
  37. - 'as the player who clicked.'
  38. ID: bed
  39. POSITION-X: 1
  40. POSITION-Y: 1
  41. colored-enchanted-stacked-wool:
  42. NAME: '&aWool with additional data'
  43. LORE:
  44. - 'This wool has a data value, an amount'
  45. - 'greater than 1, and two enchantments.'
  46. ID: wool
  47. DATA-VALUE: 1
  48. AMOUNT: 10
  49. ENCHANTMENT: knockback, 10; durability, 10
  50. POSITION-X: 2
  51. POSITION-Y: 1
  52. this-text-will-not-appear:
  53. NAME: '&dFormatting codes'
  54. LORE:
  55. - 'You can use all the formatting codes!'
  56. - '&fColors: &c#c &a#a &9#9 &e#e &f... ...'
  57. - '&fRandom (#k): &kfy379!H'
  58. - '&fBold (#l): &lexample'
  59. - '&fStrikethrough (#m): &mexample'
  60. - '&fUnderline (#n): &nexample'
  61. - '&fItalic (#o): &oexample'
  62. ID: paper
  63. POSITION-X: 3
  64. POSITION-Y: 1
  65. test-from-console:
  66. COMMAND: 'console: say Hello {player}!'
  67. NAME: '&cRuns command from the console.'
  68. LORE:
  69. - 'It broadcasts your name with the command /say.'
  70. ID: command block
  71. POSITION-X: 4
  72. POSITION-Y: 1
  73. test-as-op:
  74. COMMAND: 'op: say Hello world!'
  75. NAME: '&cRuns command as OP.'
  76. LORE:
  77. - 'Be careful with this type of commands.'
  78. - 'It will ignore nearly all the permissions.'
  79. ID: command block
  80. POSITION-X: 5
  81. POSITION-Y: 1
  82. test-with-placeholder:
  83. COMMAND: 'tell: &9Online players: &f{online}/{max_players}; tell: &9Your name: &f{player}; tell: &9The world you are in: &f{world}; tell: &9Money: &f{money}'
  84. NAME: '&6This message contains some placeholders'
  85. LORE:
  86. - 'Placeholders will be replaced when the item'
  87. - 'is clicked.'
  88. ID: empty map
  89. POSITION-X: 6
  90. POSITION-Y: 1
  91. economy-give:
  92. COMMAND: 'tell: &aYou have paid 50$ for this command!; give: gold_ingot'
  93. NAME: '&eEconomy & Give command'
  94. LORE:
  95. - 'This command will be executed'
  96. - 'only if you have at least 50$!'
  97. - 'It gives you a gold ingot.'
  98. ID: gold ingot
  99. PRICE: 50
  100. POSITION-X: 7
  101. POSITION-Y: 1
  102. economy-take:
  103. REQUIRED-ITEM: 'gold_ingot'
  104. COMMAND: 'tell: &aYou have been paid 50$; givemoney: 50'
  105. NAME: '&eEconomy & Required item'
  106. LORE:
  107. - 'This command is the opposite of the previous.'
  108. - 'It will take you a gold ingot and give you $50.'
  109. ID: gold ingot
  110. POSITION-X: 8
  111. POSITION-Y: 1
  112. will-not-close:
  113. NAME: '&2Info'
  114. LORE:
  115. - '&7The menu will not close'
  116. - '&7clicking on this item.'
  117. ID: sign
  118. KEEP-OPEN: true
  119. POSITION-X: 9
  120. POSITION-Y: 1
  121. a-talking-head:
  122. COMMAND: 'tell: This is a simple message, without using commands!'
  123. NAME: '&3Tells you something.'
  124. LORE:
  125. - '&7It tells you something without commands.'
  126. ID: head
  127. DATA-VALUE: 3
  128. POSITION-X: 1
  129. POSITION-Y: 2
  130. a-talking-head:
  131. COMMAND: 'tell: This is a simple message, without using commands!'
  132. NAME: '&3Tells you something.'
  133. LORE:
  134. - '&7It tells you something without commands.'
  135. ID: head
  136. DATA-VALUE: 3
  137. POSITION-X: 1
  138. POSITION-Y: 2
  139. test-multiple-command:
  140. COMMAND: 'console: Say Did you know that...; console: say you can run multiple commands?;'
  141. NAME: '&aMultiple commands'
  142. LORE:
  143. - 'Example of multiple commands.'
  144. ID: golden apple
  145. POSITION-X: 2
  146. POSITION-Y: 2
  147. permission:
  148. COMMAND: 'tell: &a[v] You have the correct permission!'
  149. NAME: '&8Permission test'
  150. LORE:
  151. - 'To use this item, you need the'
  152. - 'permission "chestcommands.test".'
  153. - 'Otherwise, a configurable error'
  154. - 'message will be displayed.'
  155. ID: iron bar
  156. POSITION-X: 3
  157. POSITION-Y: 2
  158. PERMISSION: chestcommands.test
  159. PERMISSION-MESSAGE: 'You don''t have the correct permission!'
  160. menu-close-no-commands-no-lore:
  161. NAME: '&6Close the menu'
  162. ID: redstone lamp
  163. LORE:
  164. - 'Create an item without command,'
  165. - 'the GUI will just close.'
  166. POSITION-X: 9
  167. POSITION-Y: 3
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