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- **Item #:** SCP-1219
- **Object Class:** Safe
- **Special Containment Procedures:** SCP-1219 must be contained within a room having no windows doors or other access's to outside. It should be guarded only to prevent intrusion.
- **Description:** SCP-1219 is a tiny mote of dust floating in the exact middle of the room.
- **Addendum 1219a:** SCP-1219 is completely harmless and is completely banal by Foundation standards. The only reason for its containment is to prevent other organizations from studying it.
- **Addendum 1219b:**//guard comment directed to upper management//: You know I'm guarding an empty room right?
- [[collapsible show="+ Authorized Personnel Only" hide="- Authorized Personnel Only"]]
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- ||||~ Found in the home of personnel suspected of having reached stage 3 ||
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- **Item #:** SCP-1219
- **Object Class:** Keter
- **Special Containment Procedures:** Only the most cynical, apathetic and indifferent of Foundation personnel should be posted to guard the object. Encourage rumors that the room is in fact completely empty. Any personnel exhibiting interest in SCP-1219 must be administered Class A amnesiacs. If further interest is shown, the personnel in question must be terminated. Any personnel who see, hear or come into contact with SCP-1219 must be terminated. The containment room must be filled with pure hydrogen gas and the inside of the walls roof and floor are lined with a highly combustible substance. In case of a breach, all combusted matter are to in no circumstance come into direct contact with personnel as they may share characteristics with SCP-1219. All those contaminated by the object and having not yet reached Stage 4 are to be terminated. All those contaminated having reached Stage 4 are to be inclosed in the exact fashion of SCP-1219's containment. All personnel having been directly involved with the capture and containment of Stage 4 affected are to be terminated.
- **Description:** Specific descriptions of the object have been deemed too dangerous to be documented. All that needs to be known is that it is vaguely [DATA EXPUNGED] in form. Due to the incidents which occurred concerning personnel involved in the containment and study of the object it is theorized that SCP-1219 may have originated from our own species. The object is now considered a memetic pathogen. Contamination occurs through curiosity. Individuals contaminated by the object while develop over a course of six days in the following four stages:
- Stage 1: Interest in SCP-1219 develops into fascination, affected person tries to learn as much as possible about the object. Even if the affected person could not possibly have found any information concerning the object, //they will still know//.
- Stage 2: Affected persons begin to perceive themselves as "inferior" to the object, superficial [DATA EXPUNGED] may occur, as well as trying to inform others of SCP-1219.
- Stage 3: Fascination towards SCP-1219 develops into obsession, affected persons while █████ any other person if given the opportunity. Those in Stage 3 have never been observed sleeping.
- Stage 4: Affected person begins heavily [DATA EXPUNGED] itself and manually [REDACTED] major parts of its anatomy using its previously █████ victims as well as using any surrounding ██████, eventually gaining ████████ similar to SCP-1219.
- **Addendum:** Study of SCP-1219 has been found as possible cause of outbreak. As such, all further study of the object are to immediately cease. All researchers involved in these studies must be administered Class A amnesiacs. If further interest is shown, the personnel in question must be terminated.
- **Addendum** Stage 2 through 4 have been shown to be capable of spreading the memetic pathogen. Advancement past Stage 1 may be prevented with proper application of Amnesics.
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