

Jul 15th, 2018
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  1. #Hey guys! Someone asked me to make a Rank Skript. And here we are, this skript is going to just be for prefix, i whil make for this scirpt and serie bc it is much work! Permisisons etc are not in this skript!!
  2. # Link will be down i description!!
  4. options:
  5. p: &8[&C&lYou&f&ltube&8] #The Prefix
  7. command /rank [<text>] [<offline player>] [<text>]: #the command
  8. permission: rank.admin
  9. permission message: {@p} &cNo permissions!
  10. trigger:
  11. if arg 1 is not set:
  12. send "&c-----------------------------------------------------"
  13. send "&4/rank set <player> <rank> &8:: &7Set a player's rank"
  14. send "&4/rank list &8:: &7Shows yo the list of all groups"
  15. send "&4/rank reset <player> &8:: &7Resets the rank of a player to &7&lMember"
  16. send "&4/rank info &8:: &7Shows some info about this skript"
  17. send "&4/rank prefix <player> <prefix> &8:: &7Give someone a custom prefix"
  18. send "&c-----------------------------------------------------"
  19. if arg 1 is "set":
  20. if arg 2 is set:
  21. if arg 3 is "owner":
  22. set {rank.%arg 2%} to "&4&lOwner"
  23. broadcast "{@p} &6%arg 2% &eis our NEW &4&lOwner"
  24. if arg 3 is "co-owner":
  25. set {rank.%arg 2%} to "&9&lCo-Owner"
  26. broadcast "&6%arg 2%&e is our NEW &9&lCo-Owner"
  27. if arg 3 is "co-owner":
  28. set {rank.%arg 2%} to "&d&lSubOwner"
  29. broadcast "&6%arg 2%&e is our NEW &d&lSubOwner"
  30. if arg 3 is "co-owner":
  31. set {rank.%arg 2%} to "&e&lAdmin鯖"
  32. broadcast "&6%arg 2%&e is our NEW &e&lAdmin様"
  33. if arg 3 is "sr-admin":
  34. set {rank.%arg 2%} to "&c&lSr. Admin"
  35. broadcast "{@p} &6%Arg 2% &eis our NEW &c&lSr. Admin"
  36. if arg 3 is "admin":
  37. set {rank.%arg 2%} to "&c&lAdmin"
  38. broadcast "{@p} &6%arg 2% &eis a NEW &c&lAdmin"
  39. if arg 3 is "sr-mod":
  40. set {rank.%arg 2%} to "&a&lSr. Mod"
  41. broadcast "{@p} &6%arg 2% &eis our NEW &a&lSr. Mod"
  42. if arg 3 is "mod":
  43. set {rank.%arg 2%} to "&a&lMod"
  44. broadcast "{@p} &6%arg 2% &eis a NEW &a&lMod"
  45. if arg 3 is "helper":
  46. set {rank.%arg 2%} to "&2&lHelper"
  47. broadcast "{@p} &6%arg 2% &eis a NEW &2&lHelper"
  48. if arg 3 is "h-builder":
  49. set {rank.%arg 2%} to "&1&lH-Builder"
  50. broadcast "{@p} &6%arg 2% &eis our NEW &1&lHead-Builder"
  51. if arg 3 is "builder":
  52. set {rank.%arg 2%} to "&1&lBuilder"
  53. broadcast "{@p} &6%arg 2% &eis a NEW &1&lBuilder"
  54. if arg 3 is "member":
  55. set {rank.%arg 2%} to "&7&lMember"
  56. if arg 1 is "list":
  57. send "&c--------------------------------------------"
  58. send "&4&lOwner &7==> &fGroup Name: &8owner"
  59. send "&9&lCo-Owner &7==> &fGroup Name: &8co-owner"
  60. send "&c&lSr. Admin &7==> &fGrou Name: &8sr-admin"
  61. send "&c&lAdmin &7==> &fGroup Name: &8admin"
  62. send "&a&lSr. Mod &7==> &fGroup Name: &8sr-mod"
  63. send "&a&lMod &7==> &fGroup Name: &8mod"
  64. send "&2&lHelper &7==> &fGroup Name: &8helper"
  65. send "&1&lH-Builder &7==> &fGrop Name: &8h-builder"
  66. send "&1&lBuilder &7==> &fGroup name: &8builder"
  67. send "&7&lMember &7==> &fGroup Name: &8member"
  68. send "&c--------------------------------------------"
  69. if arg 1 is "info":
  70. send "&c--------------------------------------------"
  71. send "&4Skript made by &ccarloverhamme"
  72. send "&4Version &c1.0"
  73. send "&c--------------------------------------------"
  74. if arg 1 is "reset":
  75. if arg 2 is set:
  76. set {rank.%arg 2%} to "&7&lMember"
  77. send "{@p} &cThe rank of &4%arg 2% &chas been reset to &7&lMember"
  78. send "{@p} &cYour rank has been reset to &7&lMember &cby &4%player%" to arg 2
  79. else:
  80. send "{@p} &8Please specify a player!"
  81. if arg 1 is "prefix":
  82. if arg 2 is set:
  83. if arg 3 is set:
  84. set {rank.%arg 2%} to "%coloured arg 3%"
  85. send "{@p} &cPrefix of &4%arg 2% &chas been set to: %coloured arg-3%"
  86. send "{@p} &cYour prefix is now changed by &4%player%&c. Prefix is now %coloured arg-3%" to arg 2
  87. else:
  88. send "{@p} &8Please give avalid prefix!"
  89. else:
  90. send "{@p} &8Please specify a player!" #all in 1 command
  92. on chat: # chat format
  93. cancel event
  94. broadcast "%{rank.%player%}% &7%player% &8>> &f%message%"
  96. on first join: # and for first join
  97. set {rank.%player%} to "&7&lMember"
  99. on npc right click:
  100. if citizen is 2:
  101. cancel event
  102. open chest with 2 rows named "Lache ton pouce bleu !" to player
  103. wait 1 tick
  104. format slot 0 of player with red wool named "&4Abonne toi !" to be unstealable
  106. command /changeskin <number>:
  107. permission: cititest.adm
  108. permission message: Tu n'as pas les permissions !
  109. trigger:
  110. change citizen arg 1 skin to "Miilooo"
  111. wait 5 seconds
  112. change citizen arg 1 skin to "6mOOn_"
  114. command /cititest <text>:
  115. permission: cititest.adm
  116. permission message: Tu n'as pas les permissions !
  117. trigger:
  118. create a citizen named "%arg 1%" at location of player
  119. set {_item} to "%arg 2%"
  120. make citizen {_n} hold {stone hoe
  122. command /mortal <number>:
  123. trigger:
  124. make citizen arg 1 vulnerable
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