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May 26th, 2018
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  1. Log: Log file open, 05/26/18 07:33:07
  2. Init: WinSock: version 1.1 (2.2), MaxSocks=32767, MaxUdp=65467
  3. Log: ... running in INSTALLED mode
  4. DevConfig: GConfig::Find has loaded file: ..\..\Engine\Config\ConsoleVariables.ini
  5. Init: Version: 10897
  6. Init: Epic Internal: 0
  7. Init: Compiled (64-bit): May 16 2018 14:06:31
  8. Init: Changelist: 1532151
  9. Init: Command line: editor -useunpublished -NoGADWarning
  10. Init: Base directory: K:\Killing Floor 2\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\Binaries\Win64\
  11. [0000.42] Init: Computer: LIBOR-PC
  12. [0000.42] Init: User: Libor
  13. [0000.42] Init: CPU Page size=4096, Processors=4
  14. [0000.42] Init: High frequency timer resolution =3.418017 MHz
  15. [0000.42] Init: Memory total: Physical=15.9GB (16GB approx) Pagefile=31.9GB Virtual=8192.0GB
  16. [0000.42] Log: Steam Client API Disabled!
  17. [0000.45] Init: WinSock: I am Libor-PC (
  18. [0000.45] Log: [FSocketWin::Bind] Binding to
  19. [0000.45] Init: Presizing for 0 objects not considered by GC, pre-allocating 0 bytes.
  20. [0000.45] Init: Object subsystem initialized
  21. [0000.45] Warning: Warning, Unknown language extension . Defaulting to INT
  22. [0016.46] Log: CachePaths() took 16.01 Seconds
  23. [0016.50] DevDataBase: Connection to "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=production-db;Initial Catalog=EngineTaskPerf;Trusted_Connection=Yes;Connection Timeout=2" or "" failed
  24. [0016.51] Log: SystemSettings based on: SystemSettings
  25. [0016.54] Log: Found D3D11 adapter 0: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
  26. [0016.54] Log: Adapter has 6036MB of dedicated video memory, 0MB of dedicated system memory, and 7907MB of shared system memory
  27. [0016.57] Log: Shader platform (RHI): PC-D3D-SM5
  28. [0018.09] Log: PhysXLevel : 0
  29. [0081.40] Log: 235214 objects as part of root set at end of initial load.
  30. [0081.40] Log: 0 out of 0 bytes used by permanent object pool.
  31. [0081.40] Log: Initializing Engine...
  32. [0081.60] Log: Encountered missing default brush - spawning new one
  33. [0081.98] Log: Can't find edit package 'OnlineSubsystemNP'
  34. [0082.42] Log: Wwise(R) SDK Version 2015.1.8 Build 5618. Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Audiokinetic Inc. / All Rights Reserved.
  35. [0094.29] Log: Initializing Engine Completed
  36. [0094.29] Log: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Initial startup: 94.29s <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  37. [0096.61] Cmd: MODE MAPEXT=kfm
  38. [0098.26] Log: Asset Database errors: Unable to either open the checkpoint file for reading or load it's contents from disk.
  40. Checkpoint file name: ..\..\KFGame\Content\GameAssetDatabase.checkpoint
  42. Exception details:
  44. System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: ást cesty K:\Killing Floor 2\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\KFGame\Content\GameAssetDatabase.checkpoint nebyla nalezena.
  45. v System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
  46. v System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
  47. v System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share)
  48. v FGameAssetDatabase.LoadCheckpointFile(FGameAssetDatabase* , ValueType& OutCheckpointFileTimeStamp)
  49. [0101.39] Warning: Failed to load 'Class BaseAI.BTTemplate': Failed to find object 'Class BaseAI.BTTemplate'
  50. [0101.39] Warning: Failed to load 'Class BaseAI.ETQTemplate': Failed to find object 'Class BaseAI.ETQTemplate'
  51. [0108.31] Log: Found D3D11 adapter 0: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
  52. [0108.31] Log: Adapter has 6036MB of dedicated video memory, 0MB of dedicated system memory, and 7907MB of shared system memory
  53. [0116.40] Log: AMD driver version: , build version:
  54. [0116.40] Log: Detected 1 Crossfire CPUs for rendering
  55. [0116.40] Log: NVIDIA driver version: 39764, branch: r397_05
  56. [0116.40] Log: Detected 1 SLI GPUs for rendering
  57. [0117.21] Log: TIMER ALL OF INIT : [98.671390]
  58. [0442.53] Cmd: MAP LOAD FILE="C:\Users\Libor\Documents\My games\KillingFloor2\KFGame\Unpublished\BrewedPC\Maps\KF-ThisIsBananas.kfm" TEMPLATE=0
  59. [0444.21] Log: Encountered missing default brush - spawning new one
  60. [0450.09] Log: -- Checking Building LODs
  61. [0450.11] Log: Finished looking for orphan Actors (0.006 secs)
  62. [0450.11] Log: Dependent material package changed named WEP_Flashlights_MAT
  63. [0450.11] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_Masterson_01_MAT
  64. [0450.11] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_Alan_01_MAT
  65. [0450.11] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_DoshVault02_MAT
  66. [0450.11] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_HorzineSecurity_MK7_MAT
  67. [0450.11] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_BoxKnight_MAT
  68. [0450.11] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_HorzineSecurity_MAT
  69. [0450.11] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_Hazmat_MAT
  70. [0450.11] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_Wasteland_MAT
  71. [0450.11] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_Steampunk_MAT
  72. [0450.11] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_Pajama_MAT
  73. [0450.11] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_DoshVault_MAT
  74. [0450.11] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_HalloweenFacePaint_MAT
  75. [0450.11] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_ClownFacePaint_MAT
  76. [0450.11] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_Alberts_01_MAT
  77. [0450.11] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_CustodianHelmet_MAT
  78. [0450.11] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_Ana_01_MAT
  79. [0450.11] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_Bowler_MAT
  80. [0450.11] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_MrFoster_Suit_MAT
  81. [0450.11] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_Coleman_01_MAT
  82. [0450.11] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_Jagerhorn_01_MAT
  83. [0450.11] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_Briar_01_MAT
  84. [0450.11] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_Briar_Bobby_MAT
  85. [0450.11] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_DJHeadphones_MAT
  86. [0450.11] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_DAR_MAT
  87. [0450.11] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_DAR_Assault_MAT
  88. [0450.11] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_DAR_Flight_MAT
  89. [0450.11] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_DAR_ChonnE_MAT
  90. [0450.11] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_DAR_C3HZ_MAT
  91. [0450.12] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_DJSkully_01_MAT
  92. [0450.12] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_DJSkully_COS_01_MAT
  93. [0450.12] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_Chivalry_Knight_MAT
  94. [0450.12] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_MrFoster_01_MAT
  95. [0450.12] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_Mark_01_MAT
  96. [0450.12] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_Strasser_01_MAT
  97. [0450.12] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_MrsFoster_01_MAT
  98. [0450.12] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_Rockabilly_MAT
  99. [0450.12] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_Tanaka_BikerHelmet_MAT
  100. [0450.12] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_Tanaka_01_MAT
  101. [0450.12] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_CosmeticSet08_MAT
  102. [0450.12] Log: Dependent material package changed named CHR_CosmeticSet_SS_01_MAT
  104. [0476.52] Cmd: ACTOR SYNCBROWSER
  105. [0477.49] Cmd: ACTOR DESELECT
  106. [0484.10] Log: FactoryCreateBinary: StaticMesh with FbxFactory (0 0 C:\Users\Libor\Desktop\Banana_UV.FBX)
  107. [0484.19] Log: Loading FBX Scene from C:\Users\Libor\Desktop\Banana_UV.FBX
  108. [0484.25] Log: FBX Scene Loaded Succesfully
  109. [0484.25] Log: Loading texture file C:\Users\Libor\Desktop\Ostatni\banana-04.tga
  110. [0490.22] Log: [Banana_UV_Banana, LOD 0] light map UVs OK
  111. [0490.29] Log: [Banana_UV_Banana, LOD 0] light map UVs OK
  112. [0490.30] Log: [Banana_UV_Banana, LOD 1] light map UVs OK
  113. [0490.33] Log: MGameAssetJournalFile::SendJournalEntries: Unable to open the journal file for writing. The file might be read-only on disk, or another application may be using the file.
  114. [0490.33] Log: MGameAssetJournalFile::SendJournalEntries: Unable to open the journal file for writing. The file might be read-only on disk, or another application may be using the file.
  115. [0493.74] Log: Actor Factory created Banana_UV_Banana
  116. [0493.74] Log: WARNING: Cooking Convex For RB_BodySetup KF-ThisIsBananas.Banana_UV_Banana:RB_BodySetup_0
  117. [0531.11] Cmd: ACTOR DESELECT
  118. [0531.74] Cmd: MODE WIDGETMODECYCLE
  119. [0531.93] Cmd: MODE WIDGETMODECYCLE
  120. [0532.92] Cmd: MODE WIDGETMODECYCLE
  121. [0535.87] Cmd: EDIT COPY
  122. [0536.10] Cmd: EDIT PASTE
  123. [0541.76] Cmd: TRANSACTION UNDO
  124. [0541.79] Log: Undo Move Actors (FMDT::ST)
  125. [0543.67] Cmd: EDIT COPY
  126. [0543.88] Cmd: EDIT PASTE
  127. [0545.11] Cmd: TRANSACTION UNDO
  128. [0545.11] Log: Undo Move Actors (FMDT::ST)
  129. [0546.50] Cmd: EDIT COPY
  130. [0546.72] Cmd: EDIT PASTE
  131. [0547.66] Cmd: EDIT COPY
  132. [0547.85] Cmd: EDIT PASTE
  133. [0549.09] Cmd: EDIT COPY
  134. [0549.28] Cmd: EDIT PASTE
  135. [0551.18] Cmd: EDIT COPY
  136. [0551.38] Cmd: EDIT PASTE
  137. [0552.64] Cmd: EDIT COPY
  138. [0552.86] Cmd: EDIT PASTE
  139. [0554.25] Cmd: EDIT COPY
  140. [0554.46] Cmd: EDIT PASTE
  141. [0556.02] Cmd: EDIT COPY
  142. [0556.23] Cmd: EDIT PASTE
  143. [0557.13] Cmd: EDIT COPY
  144. [0557.32] Cmd: EDIT PASTE
  145. [0558.61] Cmd: EDIT COPY
  146. [0558.82] Cmd: EDIT PASTE
  147. [0559.99] Cmd: EDIT COPY
  148. [0560.20] Cmd: EDIT PASTE
  149. [0561.48] Cmd: EDIT COPY
  150. [0561.67] Cmd: EDIT PASTE
  151. [0565.14] Cmd: ACTOR DESELECT
  152. [0567.10] Cmd: EDIT COPY
  153. [0567.33] Cmd: EDIT PASTE
  155. [0572.52] Cmd: ACTOR DESELECT
  157. [0585.30] Cmd: ACTOR DESELECT
  158. [0588.20] Log: Deterministic lighting is ENABLED
  159. [0588.20] Log: Lighting will be slower to complete...
  160. [0588.54] Log: Static lighting kd-tree: 323210 vertices, 396548 triangles
  161. [0646.16] Log: [PrecomputedVisibility] NumRebuilt : 0, NumSkipped : 0
  162. [0646.36] Log: Illumination: 58.1 sec (27.2 sec encoding lightmaps), 3 threads
  163. [0646.36] Log: Lightmap texture memory: 0.0 MB (0.0 MB on Xbox 360, 0.0 MB streaming, 0.0 MB non-streaming), 0 textures
  164. [0646.36] Log: Shadowmap texture memory: 45.2 MB (0.0 MB on Xbox 360, 45.2 MB streaming, 0.0 MB non-streaming), 186 textures
  165. [0646.67] Log: Start RegenerateProcBuildingTextures (0 buildings)
  166. [0646.67] Log: Finish RegenerateProcBuildingTextures (Took 0.000000 secs)
  168. [0646.80] Log: MapCheckForError: Show Warnings WorldInfo KF-ThisIsBananas.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.WorldInfo_0 Maps not built with production lighting
  169. [0646.85] Log: Build time 58.7 sec
  171. [0683.67] Cmd: ACTOR DESELECT
  173. [0685.84] Cmd: DELETE
  174. [0685.84] Cmd: ACTOR DELETE
  175. [0686.11] Log: Deleted 15 Actors (0.268 secs)
  176. [0688.94] Cmd: TRANSACTION UNDO
  177. [0688.94] Log: Undo Delete Actors
  178. [0692.26] Cmd: TRANSACTION UNDO
  179. [0692.26] Log: Undo Move Actors (FMDT::ST)
  180. [0692.28] Cmd: UpdateLandscapeSetup
  181. [0692.99] Cmd: ACTOR DESELECT
  182. [0696.52] Log: Built Phys StaticMesh Cache: 5.800 ms
  183. [0696.52] Log: COOKEDPHYSICS: 0 TriMeshes (0.000000 KB), 0 Convex Hulls (0.000000 KB) - Total 0.000000 KB
  184. [0696.66] Log: >> C:\Users\Libor\Documents\My games\KillingFloor2\KFGame\Unpublished\BrewedPC\Maps\KF-ThisIsBananas.kfm
  186. [0697.06] Log: MGameAssetJournalFile::SendJournalEntries: Unable to open the journal file for writing. The file might be read-only on disk, or another application may be using the file.
  187. [0697.06] Log: MGameAssetJournalFile::SendJournalEntries: Unable to open the journal file for writing. The file might be read-only on disk, or another application may be using the file.
  188. [0697.06] Log: MGameAssetJournalFile::SendJournalEntries: Unable to open the journal file for writing. The file might be read-only on disk, or another application may be using the file.
  189. [0697.06] Log: MGameAssetJournalFile::SendJournalEntries: Unable to open the journal file for writing. The file might be read-only on disk, or another application may be using the file.
  190. [0697.06] Log: MGameAssetJournalFile::SendJournalEntries: Unable to open the journal file for writing. The file might be read-only on disk, or another application may be using the file.
  191. [0697.06] Log: MGameAssetJournalFile::SendJournalEntries: Unable to open the journal file for writing. The file might be read-only on disk, or another application may be using the file.
  192. [0697.06] Log: MGameAssetJournalFile::SendJournalEntries: Unable to open the journal file for writing. The file might be read-only on disk, or another application may be using the file.
  193. [0697.06] Log: MGameAssetJournalFile::SendJournalEntries: Unable to open the journal file for writing. The file might be read-only on disk, or another application may be using the file.
  194. [0697.06] Log: MGameAssetJournalFile::SendJournalEntries: Unable to open the journal file for writing. The file might be read-only on disk, or another application may be using the file.
  195. [0697.06] Log: MGameAssetJournalFile::SendJournalEntries: Unable to open the journal file for writing. The file might be read-only on disk, or another application may be using the file.
  196. [0697.06] Log: MGameAssetJournalFile::SendJournalEntries: Unable to open the journal file for writing. The file might be read-only on disk, or another application may be using the file.
  197. [0697.06] Log: MGameAssetJournalFile::SendJournalEntries: Unable to open the journal file for writing. The file might be read-only on disk, or another application may be using the file.
  198. [0697.06] Log: MGameAssetJournalFile::SendJournalEntries: Unable to open the journal file for writing. The file might be read-only on disk, or another application may be using the file.
  199. [0697.07] Log: MGameAssetJournalFile::SendJournalEntries: Unable to open the journal file for writing. The file might be read-only on disk, or another application may be using the file.
  200. [0697.07] Log: MGameAssetJournalFile::SendJournalEntries: Unable to open the journal file for writing. The file might be read-only on disk, or another application may be using the file.
  201. [0697.07] Log: MGameAssetJournalFile::SendJournalEntries: Unable to open the journal file for writing. The file might be read-only on disk, or another application may be using the file.
  202. [0697.62] Log: Save=808.652795
  203. [0697.63] Log: Moving 'C:\Users\Libor\Documents\My games\KillingFloor2\KFGame\Unpublished\BrewedPC\Maps\KF-ThisIsBananas_save.tmp' to 'C:\Users\Libor\Documents\My games\KillingFloor2\KFGame\Unpublished\BrewedPC\Maps\KF-ThisIsBananas.kfm'
  204. [0697.63] Log: >> ..\..\KFGame\BrewedPC\LocalShaderCache-PC-D3D-SM5.upk
  206. [0709.32] Log: Save=11690.847061
  207. [0709.33] Log: Compressing '..\..\KFGame\BrewedPC\LocalShaderCache-PC-D3D-SM5_save.tmp' to '..\..\KFGame\BrewedPC\LocalShaderCache-PC-D3D-SM5.upk'
  208. [0765.50] Cmd: ACTOR SYNCBROWSER
  209. [0766.35] Cmd: ACTOR DESELECT
  210. [0788.13] Cmd: ACTOR DESELECT
  211. [0790.35] Log: Performing atomic reimport of [C:\Users\Libor\Desktop\Banana_UV.FBX]
  212. [0790.35] Log: -- file on disk exists but has an equal or older timeStamp.
  213. [0791.80] Log: -- The user has opted to import regardless.
  214. [0791.80] Log: -- file on disk exists and is newer. Performing import.
  215. [0791.85] Log: Loading FBX Scene from C:\Users\Libor\Desktop\Banana_UV.FBX
  216. [0791.90] Log: FBX Scene Loaded Succesfully
  217. [0794.76] Critical: appError called: Assertion failed: i>=0 && i<this->ArrayNum [File:c:\jenkins\workspace\kf2_staging\development\src\core\inc\Array.h] [Line: 2076]
  219. Stack: Address = 0x3f11c9e9 (filename not found) [in K:\Killing Floor 2\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\Binaries\Win64\KFEditor.exe]
  220. Address = 0x3f8a7f59 (filename not found) [in K:\Killing Floor 2\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\Binaries\Win64\KFEditor.exe]
  221. Address = 0x3f1b34bf (filename not found) [in K:\Killing Floor 2\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\Binaries\Win64\KFEditor.exe]
  222. Address = 0x3f231bb4 (filename not found) [in K:\Killing Floor 2\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\Binaries\Win64\KFEditor.exe]
  223. Address = 0x3f8e4ef8 (filename not found) [in K:\Killing Floor 2\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\Binaries\Win64\KFEditor.exe]
  224. Address = 0x402b06ad (filename not found) [in K:\Killing Floor 2\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\Binaries\Win64\KFEditor.exe]
  225. Address = 0x402af84d (filename not found) [in K:\Killing Floor 2\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\Binaries\Win64\KFEditor.exe]
  226. Address = 0x402be4a8 (filename not found) [in K:\Killing Floor 2\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\Binaries\Win64\KFEditor.exe]
  227. Address = 0x401fd77d (filename not found) [in K:\Killing Floor 2\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\Binaries\Win64\KFEditor.exe]
  228. Address = 0x4021ee19 (filename not found) [in K:\Killing Floor 2\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\Binaries\Win64\KFEditor.exe]
  229. Address = 0x3fef4e56 (filename not found) [in K:\Killing Floor 2\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\Binaries\Win64\KFEditor.exe]
  230. Address = 0x8e14d669 (filename not found)
  231. Address = 0x79d0b8 (filename not found)
  232. Address = 0x537e (filename not found)
  233. Address = 0x537e (filename not found)
  234. Address = 0xfffffffe (filename not found)
  235. Address = 0xdebc087 (filename not found)
  236. Address = 0xedc52908 (filename not found) [in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\clr.dll]
  237. Address = 0x79e6e8 (filename not found)
  238. Address = 0x7fde9921 (filename not found)
  239. Address = 0x7fde9921 (filename not found)
  240. Address = 0x79cc60 (filename not found)
  241. Address = 0x8e14d669 (filename not found)
  242. Address = 0x79cd00 (filename not found)
  243. Address = 0x7fde9921 (filename not found)
  244. Address = 0x38e0080 (filename not found)
  245. Address = 0x537e (filename not found)
  246. Address = 0xa591abc8 (filename not found)
  247. Address = 0x90476880 (filename not found)
  248. Address = 0x1 (filename not found)
  249. Address = 0x849091d0 (filename not found)
  251. [0794.77] Critical: Windows GetLastError: Uvedený modul nebyl nalezen. (126)
  252. [0811.24] Log: === Critical error: ===
  253. Assertion failed: i>=0 && i<this->ArrayNum [File:c:\jenkins\workspace\kf2_staging\development\src\core\inc\Array.h] [Line: 2076]
  255. Stack: Address = 0x3f11c9e9 (filename not found) [in K:\Killing Floor 2\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\Binaries\Win64\KFEditor.exe]
  256. Address = 0x3f8a7f59 (filename not found) [in K:\Killing Floor 2\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\Binaries\Win64\KFEditor.exe]
  257. Address = 0x3f1b34bf (filename not found) [in K:\Killing Floor 2\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\Binaries\Win64\KFEditor.exe]
  258. Address = 0x3f231bb4 (filename not found) [in K:\Killing Floor 2\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\Binaries\Win64\KFEditor.exe]
  259. Address = 0x3f8e4ef8 (filename not found) [in K:\Killing Floor 2\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\Binaries\Win64\KFEditor.exe]
  260. Address = 0x402b06ad (filename not found) [in K:\Killing Floor 2\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\Binaries\Win64\KFEditor.exe]
  261. Address = 0x402af84d (filename not found) [in K:\Killing Floor 2\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\Binaries\Win64\KFEditor.exe]
  262. Address = 0x402be4a8 (filename not found) [in K:\Killing Floor 2\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\Binaries\Win64\KFEditor.exe]
  263. Address = 0x401fd77d (filename not found) [in K:\Killing Floor 2\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\Binaries\Win64\KFEditor.exe]
  264. Address = 0x4021ee19 (filename not found) [in K:\Killing Floor 2\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\Binaries\Win64\KFEditor.exe]
  265. Address = 0x3fef4e56 (filename not found) [in K:\Killing Floor 2\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\Binaries\Win64\KFEditor.exe]
  266. Address = 0x8e14d669 (filename not found)
  267. Address = 0x79d0b8 (filename not found)
  268. Address = 0x537e (filename not found)
  269. Address = 0x537e (filename not found)
  270. Address = 0xfffffffe (filename not found)
  271. Address = 0xdebc087 (filename not found)
  272. Address = 0xedc52908 (filename not found) [in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\clr.dll]
  273. Address = 0x79e6e8 (filename not found)
  274. Address = 0x7fde9921 (filename not found)
  275. Address = 0x7fde9921 (filename not found)
  276. Address = 0x79cc60 (filename not found)
  277. Address = 0x8e14d669 (filename not found)
  278. Address = 0x79cd00 (filename not found)
  279. Address = 0x7fde9921 (filename not found)
  280. Address = 0x38e0080 (filename not found)
  281. Address = 0x537e (filename not found)
  282. Address = 0xa591abc8 (filename not found)
  283. Address = 0x90476880 (filename not found)
  284. Address = 0x1 (filename not found)
  285. Address = 0x849091d0 (filename not found)
  288. Address = 0xfd49a06d (filename not found) [in C:\Windows\system32\KERNELBASE.dll]
  289. Address = 0x3f15f2c5 (filename not found) [in K:\Killing Floor 2\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\Binaries\Win64\KFEditor.exe]
  290. Address = 0x3f10e075 (filename not found) [in K:\Killing Floor 2\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\Binaries\Win64\KFEditor.exe]
  291. Address = 0x3f11ca5c (filename not found) [in K:\Killing Floor 2\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\Binaries\Win64\KFEditor.exe]
  292. Address = 0x3f8a7f59 (filename not found) [in K:\Killing Floor 2\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\Binaries\Win64\KFEditor.exe]
  293. Address = 0x3f1b34bf (filename not found) [in K:\Killing Floor 2\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\Binaries\Win64\KFEditor.exe]
  294. Address = 0x3f231bb4 (filename not found) [in K:\Killing Floor 2\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\Binaries\Win64\KFEditor.exe]
  295. Address = 0x3f8e4ef8 (filename not found) [in K:\Killing Floor 2\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\Binaries\Win64\KFEditor.exe]
  296. Address = 0x402b06ad (filename not found) [in K:\Killing Floor 2\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\Binaries\Win64\KFEditor.exe]
  297. Address = 0x402af84d (filename not found) [in K:\Killing Floor 2\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\Binaries\Win64\KFEditor.exe]
  298. Address = 0x402be4a8 (filename not found) [in K:\Killing Floor 2\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\Binaries\Win64\KFEditor.exe]
  299. Address = 0x401fd77d (filename not found) [in K:\Killing Floor 2\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\Binaries\Win64\KFEditor.exe]
  300. Address = 0x4021ee19 (filename not found) [in K:\Killing Floor 2\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\Binaries\Win64\KFEditor.exe]
  301. Address = 0x3fef4e56 (filename not found) [in K:\Killing Floor 2\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\Binaries\Win64\KFEditor.exe]
  302. Address = 0x8e14d669 (filename not found)
  303. Address = 0x79d0b8 (filename not found)
  304. Address = 0x537e (filename not found)
  305. Address = 0x537e (filename not found)
  306. Address = 0xfffffffe (filename not found)
  307. Address = 0xdebc087 (filename not found)
  308. Address = 0xedc52908 (filename not found) [in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\clr.dll]
  309. Address = 0x79e6e8 (filename not found)
  310. Address = 0x7fde9921 (filename not found)
  311. Address = 0x7fde9921 (filename not found)
  312. Address = 0x79cc60 (filename not found)
  313. Address = 0x8e14d669 (filename not found)
  314. Address = 0x79cd00 (filename not found)
  315. Address = 0x7fde9921 (filename not found)
  316. Address = 0x38e0080 (filename not found)
  317. Address = 0x537e (filename not found)
  318. Address = 0xa591abc8 (filename not found)
  319. Address = 0x90476880 (filename not found)
  320. Address = 0x1 (filename not found)
  321. Address = 0x849091d0 (filename not found)
  322. System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException error in _KFEditor:
  324. V externí sou
  325. ásti doalo k výjimce.
  327. v MContentBrowserControl.InvokeCustomCommandOnArray(Int32 CommandID, TArray<UObject \*\,FDefaultAllocator>* SelectedObjectsWithSameType)
  328. v MContentBrowserControl.ExecuteCustomObjectCommand(Int32 InCommandId)
  329. v System.Windows.Input.CommandBinding.OnExecuted(Object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
  330. v System.Windows.Input.CommandManager.ExecuteCommandBinding(Object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e, CommandBinding commandBinding)
  331. v System.Windows.Input.CommandManager.FindCommandBinding(CommandBindingCollection commandBindings, Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e, ICommand command, Boolean execute)
  332. v System.Windows.Input.CommandManager.FindCommandBinding(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e, ICommand command, Boolean execute)
  333. v System.Windows.Input.CommandManager.OnExecuted(Object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
  334. v System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs.InvokeHandler(Delegate handler, Object target)
  335. v System.Windows.RoutedEventHandlerInfo.InvokeHandler(Object target, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs)
  336. v System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised)
  337. v System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
  338. v System.Windows.Input.RoutedCommand.ExecuteImpl(Object parameter, IInputElement target, Boolean userInitiated)
  339. v System.Windows.Input.CommandManager.TransferEvent(IInputElement newSource, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
  340. v System.Windows.Input.CommandManager.OnExecuted(Object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
  341. v System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs.InvokeHandler(Delegate handler, Object target)
  342. v System.Windows.RoutedEventHandlerInfo.InvokeHandler(Object target, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs)
  343. v System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised)
  344. v System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
  345. v System.Windows.Input.RoutedCommand.ExecuteImpl(Object parameter, IInputElement target, Boolean userInitiated)
  346. v MS.Internal.Commands.CommandHelpers.CriticalExecuteCommandSource(ICommandSource commandSource, Boolean userInitiated)
  347. v System.Windows.Controls.MenuItem.InvokeClickAfterRender(Object arg)
  348. v System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
  349. v System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)
  350. v System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOperation.InvokeImpl()
  351. v System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
  352. v System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
  353. v System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
  354. v MS.Internal.CulturePreservingExecutionContext.Run(CulturePreservingExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
  355. v System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOperation.Invoke()
  356. v System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.ProcessQueue()
  357. v System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.WndProcHook(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled)
  358. v MS.Win32.HwndWrapper.WndProc(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled)
  359. v MS.Win32.HwndSubclass.DispatcherCallbackOperation(Object o)
  360. v System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
  361. v System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)
  362. v System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.LegacyInvokeImpl(DispatcherPriority priority, TimeSpan timeout, Delegate method, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
  363. v MS.Win32.HwndSubclass.SubclassWndProc(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
  364. v GuardedMainWrapper(Char* , HINSTANCE__* , HINSTANCE__* , Int32 )
  365. v ManagedGuardedMain(Char* CmdLine, HINSTANCE__* hInInstance, HINSTANCE__* hPrevInstance, Int32 nCmdShow)
  366. [0811.25] Exit: Executing UObject::StaticShutdownAfterError
  367. [0811.25] Exit: Executing UWindowsClient::ShutdownAfterError
  368. [0811.26] Exit: Executing UWindowsClient::ShutdownAfterError
  369. [0811.26] Exit: UXAudio2Device::ShutdownAfterError
  370. [0811.34] Exit: UAkAudioDevice::ShutdownAfterError
  371. [0811.50] Log: appRequestExit(1)
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