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a guest
Apr 25th, 2017
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  1. Crate:
  2. CrateType: QuickCrates #Type of crate.
  3. CrateName: '&8Vote Crate' #Name of the Inventory if a GUI crate.
  4. StartingKeys: 0 #Starting amount of keys when the player 1st joins.
  5. InGUI: true #If the crate shows in the /cc GUI.
  6. Slot: 14 #Slot the item is in the GUI.
  7. OpeningBroadCast: False #Enables/Disables the Broadcasts message when they open a crate.
  8. BroadCast: '' #Message that is broadcasted when opening the crate.
  9. Item: '130' #Item the crate is in the GUI
  10. Name: '&8Vote Crate' #Name of the item in the GUI.
  11. Lore: #The lore of the item in the GUI.
  12. - '&7This crate contains strange objects,'
  13. - '&7from somewhere beyond this planet.'
  14. - '&7You have &6%Keys% keys &7to open this crate with.'
  15. - '&7&l(&e&l!&7&l) Right click to view rewards.'
  16. PhysicalKey:
  17. Name: '&aVote Key' #Name of the Key.
  18. Lore:
  19. - '&7Right click a key chest to obtain rewards!' #Lore of the Key.
  20. Item: '131' #The item the key is.
  21. Glowing: True
  22. Prizes:
  23. 1:
  24. DisplayName: '&e&lMoney Coin'
  25. DisplayItem: '371'
  26. DisplayAmount: 1
  27. Lore:
  28. - '&eValue: &f$5,000'
  29. - '&e&lChance: &f40%'
  30. MaxRange: 100
  31. Chance: 40
  32. Firework: false
  33. Glowing: false
  34. Commands:
  35. - 'eco give %Player% 5000'
  36. 2:
  37. DisplayName: '&e&lMoney Coin'
  38. DisplayItem: '371'
  39. DisplayAmount: 1
  40. Lore:
  41. - '&eValue: &f$7,500'
  42. - '&e&lChance: &f30%'
  43. MaxRange: 100
  44. Chance: 30
  45. Firework: false
  46. Glowing: false
  47. Commands:
  48. - 'eco give %Player% 7500'
  49. 3:
  50. DisplayName: '&e&lMoney Coin'
  51. DisplayItem: '371'
  52. DisplayAmount: 1
  53. Lore:
  54. - '&eValue: &f$10,000'
  55. - '&e&lChance: &f20%'
  56. MaxRange: 100
  57. Chance: 20
  58. Firework: false
  59. Glowing: false
  60. Commands:
  61. - 'eco give %Player% 10000'
  62. 4:
  63. DisplayName: '&a&lMcMMO Credit'
  64. DisplayItem: '388'
  65. DisplayAmount: 1
  66. Lore:
  67. - '&aValue: &f10x'
  68. - '&e&lChance: &f20%'
  69. MaxRange: 100
  70. Chance: 20
  71. Firework: false
  72. Glowing: false
  73. Commands:
  74. - 'eco give %Player% 7500'
  75. 5:
  76. DisplayName: '&e&lKIT "&fKnight&e&l"'
  77. DisplayItem: '264'
  78. DisplayAmount: 1
  79. Lore:
  80. - '&6&l(&e&l!&6&l) &7Recive Knight kit'
  81. - '&e&lChance: &f10%'
  82. MaxRange: 100
  83. Chance: 10
  84. Firework: false
  85. Glowing: false
  86. Commands:
  87. - 'kit Knight %Player%'
  88. 6:
  89. DisplayName: '&e&lKIT "&fWarrior&e&l"'
  90. DisplayItem: '264'
  91. DisplayAmount: 1
  92. Lore:
  93. - '&6&l(&e&l!&6&l) &7Recive Warrior kit'
  94. - '&e&lChance: &f5%'
  95. MaxRange: 100
  96. Chance: 5
  97. Firework: false
  98. Glowing: false
  99. Commands:
  100. - 'kit Warrior %Player%'
  101. 7:
  102. DisplayName: '&6Chicken &fSpawner'
  103. DisplayItem: '52'
  104. DisplayAmount: 1
  105. Lore:
  106. - '&e&lChance: &f30%'
  107. MaxRange: 100
  108. Chance: 30
  109. Firework: false
  110. Glowing: false
  111. Commands:
  112. - 'ss give %Player% Chicken 1'
  113. 8:
  114. DisplayName: '&6Pig &fSpawner'
  115. DisplayItem: '52'
  116. DisplayAmount: 1
  117. Lore:
  118. - '&e&lChance: &f30%'
  119. MaxRange: 100
  120. Chance: 30
  121. Firework: false
  122. Glowing: false
  123. Commands:
  124. - 'ss give %Player% Pig 1'
  125. 9:
  126. DisplayName: '&6Cow &fSpawner'
  127. DisplayItem: '52'
  128. DisplayAmount: 1
  129. Lore:
  130. - '&e&lChance: &f20%'
  131. MaxRange: 100
  132. Chance: 20
  133. Firework: false
  134. Glowing: false
  135. Commands:
  136. - 'ss give %Player% Cow 1'
  137. 10:
  138. DisplayName: '&fHopper'
  139. DisplayItem: '154'
  140. DisplayAmount: 8
  141. Lore:
  142. - '&e&lChance: &f10%'
  143. MaxRange: 100
  144. Chance: 10
  145. Firework: false
  146. Glowing: false
  147. Commands:
  148. - 'give %Player% Hopper 8'
  149. 11:
  150. DisplayName: '&2&lTier I Money Pouch &7(Right Click)'
  151. DisplayItem: '130'
  152. DisplayAmount: 1
  153. Lore:
  154. - '&7This pouch of loot was stolen'
  155. - '&7from the kings castle by a very'
  156. - '&7strange person...'
  157. - '&e&lChance: &f5%'
  158. MaxRange: 100
  159. Chance: 5
  160. Firework: false
  161. Glowing: false
  162. Commands:
  163. - 'mp 1 %Player% 1'
  164. 12:
  165. DisplayName: '&6&l*&e&l* &f&l/FEED COMMAND &e&l*&6&l* &7(Right Click)'
  166. DisplayItem: '364'
  167. DisplayAmount: 1
  168. Lore:
  169. - '&6&l(&e&l!&6&l) &7&nRight-Click&7 to claim instant access!'
  170. - '&e&lChance: &f1%'
  171. MaxRange: 100
  172. Chance: 1
  173. Firework: false
  174. Glowing: false
  175. Commands:
  176. - 'vouch give Feed 1 %Player%'
  177. 13:
  178. DisplayName: '&9Rare Key'
  179. DisplayItem: '131'
  180. DisplayAmount: 1
  181. Lore:
  182. - '&7Right click a key chest to obtain rewards!'
  183. - '&e&lChance: &f5%'
  184. MaxRange: 100
  185. Chance: 5
  186. Firework: false
  187. Glowing: true
  188. Commands:
  189. - 'crate give Physical Rare 1 %Player%'
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