
ALTTP NMG Any% FruitBats Beginner Tutorial Route

Sep 10th, 2019
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  1. Link to video of route:
  2. Damage table:
  4. -- Escape --
  5. Mash text to advance the intro
  6. Walk up across bridge, right at the turn, down into the hole
  7. Get sword from Uncle
  8. Walk down back outside, cut bushes, enter castle
  9. Left through the door
  10. Up through the door
  11. UP and right, then up again to go downstairs.
  12. Spinslash the blue guard for a key in map room
  13. Long walk to next door
  14. Charge slash before entering to kill green guard
  15. Get boomerang
  16. Continue on to zelda
  17. Backtrack to the main lobby and go up to get to the sewers
  18. Hold up-right to get through first dark room
  19. Snakes room, cancel stairlag and walk in the middle
  20. Dark Cross room, chest to the right
  21. Water rooms
  22. Key rat
  23. 3 chests room, stay left
  24. First brown room
  25. Switch room, hold right to skip text, hold A to fast pull
  28. -- Eastern Palace --
  29. Get Sanc heart
  30. Down through bushes, right past graveyard
  31. Down through trees, across bridge, through rock maze, right into eastern area
  32. Up through stairs, right stunning armos
  33. Enter Eastern
  34. Walk straight up, throw pot
  35. Past popos
  36. Get 100 rupee chest after canonballs
  37. Left after stairs
  38. Pot skeletons
  39. Through big chest room, get far 5 arrow pot
  40. Dark rooms
  41. Big key damage boost
  42. 2 left arrow pots + bow
  43. Dark room with popos and cyclops key
  44. Pot arrows + switch
  45. 3 cyclops room
  46. canonball room
  47. boss carpet room
  48. charge sword to the right going through, kill popos + 2 red cyclopes
  49. Armos Knights (18 arrows min)
  52. -- Desert Palace --
  53. Visit Sahasrala for boots, bonk into closet for 100 rupees + bombs
  54. Dash out of eastern area, down over bridge, and to the left
  55. Book from the library
  56. bottle from tavern, bugnet from sick kid, buy a bottle from the vendor
  57. backtrack to the grove, go 1 screen right, 1 screen up
  58. fairy fountain up the ramp
  59. head to swamp area
  60. dash to and across the desert
  61. Enter Desert Palace
  62. dash left, kill the quicksand monster
  63. bonk key off torch
  64. far right side
  65. big key from past canonballs
  66. back to the left
  67. Power Gloves
  68. down and out
  69. lift the stones
  70. keydash
  71. 4 popos room
  72. 3 beamos room, key under 2nd pot from the right, keydash with torch
  73. upper right pot key
  74. hearts in lower 2 pots, magic and arrows on upper two. light torches
  75. Lanmolas
  78. -- Tower of Hera --
  79. dash right jump off ledge
  80. align with the wall and dash down to the upper lip of the sand thing, dash right out
  81. dash up enough to get the angles to leave
  82. dash down aligning with the bottom of the vertical side of the rock
  83. dash across
  84. fake flippers to small pond
  85. enter dark cave to old man
  86. get mirror, avoid deadrocks
  87. up to spectacle rock
  88. Enter Tower of Hera
  89. first switch, go left, mirror out after key
  90. 2 switches, go up to the basement and wait for the tiles
  91. 4 torches, mirror after big key
  92. 2 switches, go right
  93. 3 bumper room, leave with switch on blue
  94. dash across long room, switch to red for hearts
  95. bomb jump to big chest
  96. head up and across
  97. Moldorm
  100. -- Master Sword --
  101. left down the big ladder and into the dark cavern
  102. up past lumberjacks
  103. LW past mushroom
  104. get MS
  107. -- Agahnim 1 --
  108. Leave LW to the south east, grabbing the mushroom
  109. head right one screen and south into the woods
  110. enter castle, go left and up, slash through the barrier
  111. spin the double ball&chain guards
  112. charge before next room, spin both blue guards
  113. keydash off the bottom of the chest
  114. hold left to cancel stairlag and transfer to angle down left to avoid the guard
  115. maze
  116. hold up-right to avoid 2 guards (same room layout as the one after the 2 ball&chain guards, but dark)
  117. angle down-left to avoid enemies
  118. thin walkway, go up, dash through door
  119. hold sword charge, walk down to kill keyguard, keydash from bottom wall
  120. redguard rooms
  121. rang key and leave
  122. 2 rooms, avoid enemies
  123. thin walkway
  124. Aggy
  127. -- Palace of Darkness --
  128. Down pyramid
  129. run straight to PoD
  130. Left key, mirror out
  131. Straight door, right to pit key, mirror out
  132. Straight door, left to bomb hole, big key
  133. Sraight door, right to push block, across pit, to collapsing bridge
  134. right to basement for key, walk back to dark maze
  135. maze key and hammer, mirror out
  136. straight door, right to push block, shoot the switch, through right
  137. Push statue, kill mimics, shoot statue
  138. hammer pegs, rang the switch, turtle rooms
  139. Helmasaur, Crystal
  142. -- Thieve's Town --
  143. Backtrack through eastern area
  144. down through hammer pegs
  145. get shovel from stumpy
  146. mirror and dig up ocarina
  147. walk to kak to activate the duck
  148. flute to 2, turn in mushroom, receive powder
  149. flute back to 3, go to the dark world through LW
  150. enter TT
  151. dash all the way up, jump down right, up-right through screens
  152. dash down to big key
  153. up through the middle to door, small key pot on the right
  154. head up to the attic to bomb the floor, walk back down
  155. right to the basement, pick up blind and the mitts
  156. Blind script, Crystal
  159. -- Skull Woods --
  160. south to bomb shed 300
  161. rescue the smithy and get 1/2 magic
  162. pay, darkworld, set mirror in the doorway, get tempered
  163. C shaped house 300
  164. up to skull woods
  165. enter the left skull entrance
  166. dance with the gibdos for the key
  167. mirror, return to the right skull entrance
  168. bomb jump to big chest, mirror
  169. back to left skull, go left
  170. get left skull small key
  171. fire rod to open the main area
  172. make your way to mothula
  173. Mothula (good luck), Crystal
  176. -- Ice Palace --
  177. Mirror, flute to 4, walk to castle dark world portal
  178. make your way to catfish for quake
  179. mirror to light and get the flippers
  180. back track out of zora's domain to the portal
  181. enter ice palace
  182. fire rod freezor, small key from bottom bari, switch, push block junction
  183. bomb floor, skeleton knights
  184. small key from 2nd bari, switch to blue
  185. Ice Palace Bomb Jump
  186. dash through empty hallway, spin 5 pengators
  187. left in spike cross
  188. (bomb floor for blue mail) fall down hole
  189. push bottom block
  190. (head up if you need fairies) be sure to have full magic if not on 1/2 magic
  191. left side of red bari room
  192. Kholdstare, Crystal
  195. -- Misery Mire --
  196. Flute to 1, mirror to spectacle, book for Ether
  197. Flute to 8, ice rod
  198. Flute to 6, pick up rock at the bottom to set up spooky mire
  199. Ether to enter mire
  200. bonk across first gap
  201. Mire 2
  202. Upper right north staircase, right, skull key
  203. backtrack to maze, left north staircase, south west door
  204. Bari key, switch to blue
  205. South in torches room
  206. In conveyor room, slug for bombs, top right skull for safety magic
  207. Torches to move the wall in the next room
  208. drop down for BK
  209. Teleporter and SE to main room
  210. Down stairs, SE to big chest (upper key if low on HP)
  211. north to spikes key if didn't get upper main room key
  212. north from spikes room
  213. jump down, left to big door
  214. left to get magic if needed
  215. Dash across bridge, left to lift skull (dash right before placing cane block if doing spooky)
  216. walk through next room, avoiding the skeleton
  217. dark "maze". Fire rod spikey thing if doing spooky else do cane
  218. fire rod top anti-fairy (walk left to orange blocks, then up-left until you can see the crack as a setup)
  219. if not spooky, bomb wall and hit switch
  220. fire rod left side of top torch, else just hit switch with pot
  221. tap up onto the doorframe to avoid the firebar, run fast to avoid the anti-fairy
  222. Vitreous, Crystal
  225. -- Swamp Palace --
  226. Mirror, Flute to 4
  227. Run to dark world portal
  228. down to dam, mirror to light, pull dam, portal back
  229. enter swamp palace, dash through enemies to spawn key
  230. hammer dash through skulls to get bottom key, skull key, hammer pegs, push switch
  231. swim to the main room, go south east for skull key, north east to get water - hit switch to orage on the way out
  232. back south east and head through the rooms
  233. top right hole for big key, back track
  234. get hookshot and skull key in main room
  235. hookshot, push statue, left door on the east side
  236. dash through all, push switch
  237. up to the compass room, then through the 2nd waterfall from the right
  238. swim right for key, swim to boss
  239. Arrghus, Crystal
  242. -- Turtle Rock --
  243. Run to home, buy big bomb
  244. Mirror and walk to castle portal
  245. silvers and gold sword
  246. mirror, flute to 1
  247. run all the way to paradox cave, hammer pegs, quake, enter TR
  248. somaria across
  249. somaira to top right door
  250. fire rod down first column, topright, bottom right, hookshot to void
  251. go up to get key on right chest
  252. mirror back to start
  253. through middle to top left
  254. spin pokey against a wall
  255. chain chomp room
  256. bottom right for tube
  257. right tube
  258. kill pokey for key
  259. get big key
  260. backtrack fully
  261. take left tube
  262. kill 2 pokeys, right door to get through big key door
  263. after tube, bonk to open north wall
  264. spike roller key
  265. big dark room
  266. laser bridge bottom left chest for small key
  267. backtrack, keydash off rail, switch maze room
  268. grab magic and heart, head to boss
  269. Trinexx, Crystal
  272. -- Ganon's Tower --
  273. Run left from TR to open the tower
  274. go left, bonk torch for key, hammer skull for key, push block\
  275. hook down twice, switches with somaria/rang
  276. bottom skull key
  277. spikes invincibility, firebars bonk + hookshot for key
  278. teleporters: right, hookpast to left, bottom left, bonk past final
  279. bonk past invisible floor room
  280. bomb bottom right hole (arrows in top-right skull and in the chest)
  281. ice armos (2 up, 1 left, run up, 3 left)
  282. get the big key
  283. (optionally get the red mail)
  284. mirror back to start
  285. run the gauntlet (key from minihelmasaur, magic under skull before moldorm2)
  286. Aggy 2
  287. ~Ganon~
  288. 6 slashes with gold sword for P1
  289. 6 slashes with gold sword for P2
  290. 4 slashes during collapse
  291. Torch Glitch
  292. 4 Silver Arrows
  293. Don't be too high on the platform lest you fail the cutscene start
  294. GG
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