
To Tag or not to Tag?

Feb 23rd, 2018
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  1. --To Tag or not to Tag?--
  2. This list isn't necisarily saying which skills are good, more of if you should tag them or not. Teach for example should NEVER be tagged, but almost everyone buys RAWs in it. Science is a GREAT skill but tagging it isn't always needed etc.
  4. WEAPON TIER = Tag it if it's the weapon you want to use.
  5. GREAT = Yes. A solid pick if it fits your build.
  6. OKAY = If you have nothing else to tag and it fits your build, go for it.
  7. NEVER = Don't.
  8. MEME TIER = lel
  10. --WEAPON TIER--
  12. Blades) -WEAPON TIER- Blades are in a weird spot. All high level blades are a bitch to get your hands on and the other melee weapons are just better in nearly every case. Go for it if you want.
  14. Clubs) -WEAPON TIER- Clubs aren't all that great right now, but beat damage is strong. They use Reflex and Brawn meaning Brains is a viable third choice. Their weapons scale really oddly with the Scrapmetal mace being very powerful despite being lowbie tier in RAW. Generally fists are better.
  16. Fists) -WEAPON TIER- Arguably the best melee weapon class in the game. Cheap, fast and powerful.
  18. Pistols) -WEAPON TIER- Top weapon in the game. Amazing damage types, ignores dodge and does fuckloads of sometimes unsoakable damage.
  20. Rifles) -WEAPON TIER- See Pistols. These have a bonus mechanic called "Duck and Weave" which forces enemies to get stunned for a moment when in combat with you. Recent changes have made Rifles possibly better than pistols.
  22. Spears) -WEAPON TIER- Spears have high chance to parry and can shit out damage. They're slow and can be hard to get however. A solid pick!
  24. Whips) -WEAPON TIER- Whips are a solid weapon choice. End Whips is pretty good and Brain Whips is solid as well.
  26. Medic) -WEAPON TIER/GREAT- Brainy builds probably won't need to get this any higher than 6 and there is a very simple job in the FC area that gives a good chunk of IP for full completion. Builds that don't dip into brains but still sit at a respectable amount might want to tag this. Being able to fix your friend's brains or even fix mentals while not being a brainy fag can be very helpful. If you choose to be a battle medic, always tag this for damage increase with the sonic scalpel.
  29. --GREAT--
  31. Craft) -GREAT- If you're a full on brains build you probably don't need to tag it. You'll generally reach as high as you need without getting it to 15. Builds that don't tank Brains can tag this to buy it to 15, letting them access some nice exp sources. If you don't plan on crafting, don't bother.
  33. Hack) -GREAT- If you plan on picking people, tag it. You'll want to buy it to 15 to get into the most nasty of locks.
  35. Locksmith) -GREAT- Same as above. Both Hack and Locksmith are needed to get into Voxguard locks.
  37. Scavenge) -GREAT- At 25~ scav you find 2 items regularly and almost never fuck up a butcher on a corpse. With 30 you can find 3 items and will cut corpses up like a god. A very solid tag on any build, especially a brainy crafter.
  39. Wrestle) -GREAT- If you build is a Brawn build, you'll probably want to take this. High wrestle allows you to grab people and stun them for long periods of time. It's cheap similar to Torture, but far more useful in my opinion.
  42. --OKAY--
  44. Chemistry) -OKAY- Chemistry is used in crafting some items and making drugs/drug meals. If you're brainy, this is an okay option to tag but otherwise, don't bother.
  46. Pilot) -OKAY- Look, I'd never tag pilot. It's cheap and you'll rarely need anything higher than 6 RAW. There's a semi easy job in FC that you can do kinda early in your hell career which will give you a dickload of Pilot IP. BUT if you're lazy and have an open tag, being able to fly high end planes as a retard could come in handy? Most dumbos without the ability to fly low end planes end up mutating Flight anyways.
  48. Science) -OKAY- Needed to sim schematics and craft things. It's a solid pick if you'll be crafting. Otherwise don't.
  50. Repair) -OKAY- There are about 4 jobs that grant Repair IP, enough to get you MORE than 6 RAW (if that was possible) and grinding it is as easy as breaking a couch in the orphanage and repairing it. At 6 RAW most builds will be able to repair their weapons within a couple minutes of trying. Brainy builds will naturally have high repair and won't need to buy more RAWs. If your brains is shit, hire someone or ask a corpie to repair for you. If you have an open tag and want to be self sufficient... go for it.
  52. Torture) -OKAY- Good if you use Slashing or Stabbing weapons like Whips or Blades. Torture is cheap however and not tagging it won't hurt you even if you buy it to 15. This raises your crit chance with Elemental and Slashing/Stabbing damage.
  55. --NEVER--
  57. Appraise) -NEVER- Fucking useless. Appraising mobs almost never gives you usable info and appraising items is rarely used. It has SOME usefulness in checking implants or checking to see how vulnerable things are to specific damage types... but most of this info is already know. There is also a very easy job that gives a dickload of free Appraise IP.
  59. Bombs) -NEVER- Even if you plan on using bombs somewhat regularly (You won't btw), buying a couple bombs RAWs is good enough to use most and COOL/BRAINS is a pretty easily buffed combo of stats.
  61. Climb) -NEVER- Cheap to buy, easy to grind. VERY useful however. Buying a couple of these RAWs semi early is suggested, but you'll NEVER buy more than 6 RAWs (Generally only 1-3).
  63. Fish) -NEVER- Useless.
  65. Persuade) -NEVER- Scamming is all this is for. Good money source but not worth the tag. There are jobs in the FC area for Persuade IP and will never be used enough to warrant a tag.
  67. Quickdraw) -NEVER- Quickdraw is a solid skill. It lets you swap things out in combat and helps fight against niggas aiming at you. But it's not nearly good enough to tag. This will naturally go up as you play.
  69. Ride) -NEVER- Helps with skateboarding and driving warthogs. You might use a skateboard if you're guns or blades, otherwise just don't bother. You won't need to buy any RAWs to use a skateboard anyways.
  71. Sneak) -NEVER- Some meme potential with Hideous Freak or Aboms, wandering FC without cops coming at you, but it'll NEVER be needed.
  73. Swim) -NEVER- Swimming sucks. If you can't swim you move like a snail in water and end up sinking often. But swimming doesn't happen too often and most builds have enough Endurance in them that you'll manage.
  75. Teach) -NEVER- Never tag this despite the fact that you most likely WILL buy RAWs in it. It's SUPER cheap and allows you to teach skills to other people, letting them learn without paying the monetary cost of learning from an NPC. 15 RAWs in this is like... 1 RAW in dodge or some shit. Probably less.
  77. Throw) -NEVER- You can throw shit... Never fucking tag.
  80. --MEME TIER--
  82. Feet) -MEME TIER- :^)
  84. Flails) -MEME TIER- Flails suck dick and are a meme weapon.
  86. Fuck) -MEME TIER- Fuck is TAGGED!!!
  88. Steal) -MEME TIER- yo imma steal yo shit nigga
  90. Track) -MEME TIER- I have high track irl... higher than in game. Possibly 40 or 50. (Jobs give a lot of IP for this and while useful it would never need to be bought.)
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