
open system agnostic

Jan 12th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. ---
  2. title: Open System Agnostic Setting
  3. author: Gego
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  16. [//]: # ( compile with "-pdf-engine=xelatex" )
  24. **Licence:** Public Domain
  26. Hail traveller!
  28. It seems you have been hit by Lorry-kun when you were out having a walk, or
  29. perhaps when you were out driving..? I don't know.
  31. Anyway, you are now dead.
  33. Don't panic! Calm down. You are about to reincarnate into a new world that is
  34. yours for the taking, if you can manage to, that is.
  36. Before you are squeezed out of the nether parts of a creature of your new world
  37. I thought I would give you an overview of what you can expect to find in it.
  39. # Higher Creatures
  41. In this section you will learn what sapient creatures exist in this world. You
  42. will be squeezed out of one of these when you are reborn, so it's good to get to
  43. know them.
  45. ## Humans
  47. WOO! Humans. Humans are just like you were before you became unalive. Nothing
  48. special.
  50. Humans greatest strength is that they can do almost everything other higher
  51. creatures can. Be it magic, technical or mechanical expertise, or leading
  52. armies. They can do everything (but perhaps are not the best at it).
  54. You will find humans from the frigid north and south, to the deepest deserts and
  55. forests. They build the biggest cities and reproduce like rabbits (according to
  56. other races).
  58. Humans are known to be both extremely xenophobic and extremely xenophilic. They
  59. are known to be very distrusting of other races, and at the same time have an
  60. exceptionally good relations with others (if you know what I mean).
  62. Different gods and different ideologies have their own sets of rules when it
  63. come to non-human sentient creatures.
  65. ## Elves
  67. Elves are pointy-eared creatures that live a very very long time. they are known
  68. for their beauty (Well, most of them are, and we don't talk about where the ugly
  69. ones go). There are two main races of Elves: above-ground elves, and below
  70. ground elves.
  72. Depending on when you decide to be born, the split may not have happened yet.
  73. (More on that when we come to it).
  75. Elves generally age as normal humans till they are about the age of 14, when
  76. their aging seems to slow down so it seems it stop to normal humans. The length
  77. of their lives depend on what sort of elf they are.
  79. Interbreeding between the elven races is not unheard of, but not very common.
  80. (Depending on when and where you are born.)
  82. ### Above Ground Elves
  84. Above ground elves have three factions: The High Elves, the Tree or Forest
  85. Elves, and the Sea Elves.
  87. **The High Elves** describe themselves as the original elves (or so they say).
  88. They are the ones blessed by the Gods (or so they say) and have magical power in
  89. abundance. They live in big cities built around trees of power that gives them
  90. long lives and eternal youth.
  92. It is not uncommon for a High Elf to live in excess of a thousand years, but no
  93. more than 5 000 years. There are a few individuals who live forever, either as
  94. punishment or as a blessing from the gods (most often it's punishment).
  96. **The Tree Elves** or **Forest Elves** live in harmony with nature (or so they
  97. say), and have a distrust most other higher creatures, and even other races of
  98. elf. If you are one, you get a free pass on being racist and speciesist. If you
  99. are not one and meet one, expect the worst, but don't be surprised if they are
  100. friendly, as they can be very friendly.
  102. **The Sea Elves** often live on islands far from the main continent. They
  103. generally have darker skin than their land cousins. They are often very
  104. welcoming of strangers, and try to make everyone feel at home. It is not
  105. uncommon that pirates are sea elves.
  107. You may even find sea elves that have become at home _in_ the oceans, with gills
  108. and webbed digits on feet and hands. (Trust at your own risk).
  110. ### Below Ground Elves
  112. There are two kinds of Black and White. These two races of elf come to be
  113. because the gods saw a sect of elves as going from the ways of what they
  114. perceived as the path they had set out for elf-kind. They indulged in
  115. depravity, elf sacrifice and torture of other elves en mass.
  117. These two races of elf do not like each other, and fight wars of extermination
  118. and dominance over each other. Other factions of elf have been known to be roped
  119. into their conflict on either side.
  121. **Black Elves** have charcoal black skin, and light eye colours (green, blue,
  122. grey, yellow) and never red or brown. Their natural hair is silver or white.
  124. Black elves can walk the surface without hindrance, and you may find a
  125. black elf or a family of black elves living among other higher creatures, (but
  126. not other elves races).
  128. **White Elves** got the short end of the stick in being outcast. They have pure
  129. white skin, almost transparent, red eyes, white hair.
  131. They can not survive in direct sunlight and when they do travel the surface they
  132. will ware layers on layers of cloth, and only have a slit to see through.
  134. The white elves are often seen as repentant of what their ancestors have done to
  135. cast their whole linage under ground, without the ability to freely walk the
  136. surface. But that does not mean they can be trusted outright. Depending on when
  137. you are born they might be as evil as they were when they were cast down or even
  138. have purged the evil elements of their ranks and seek to be let back into the
  139. fold of the other races of elf.
  142. ## Dwarfs
  144. Not just short humans or elves. Likes to dig holes. Sometimes dig to deep. Will
  145. never reach the moons..? They live mostly in mountains, where they have dug out
  146. giant fortresses from the stone. They live very communal and share most
  147. resources with each other in each fort.
  149. Excellent masons and engineers, known for their metallurgical know-how, and
  150. protectionist stance on what the have created, and what they produce. The lions
  151. share of metal is dug up by dwarfs, and almost half of all metal refining
  152. is done by the dwarfs.
  154. They are at contrast war with other lesser creatures of the underworld. And are
  155. thus very xenophobic towards them. They have little trust towards elves.
  157. ## Faun
  159. Faun come in two different variants: Fay Faun, and Devil Faun. Faun are bipedal
  160. creatures with goat-like legs and ram-like horns, on a generic human-like body.
  162. ### Fay Faun (true Faun)
  164. Fay Faun are the original faun. They came to this world from the Land of Fay or
  165. the Land of Faeries and were unable to return. They often have the range of skin
  166. colours any human can have, but some can be blessed with lightly blue or green
  167. skin.
  169. They can have long thin tails, often with a wispy tuft of hair on the end,
  170. a bit like a donkeys tail, but longer and more dexterous
  172. They live in arboreal forests where the link to the Land of Fay is as it's
  173. strangest, but are known to also be found in other places. They have taken on
  174. the role of protectors of the forests, and will try and persuade those who
  175. trespass to leave and never return.
  177. Quote-unquote civilised faun can be found living in or adjacent to human or
  178. other settlements, villages and towns.
  180. ### Devil Faun
  182. Devil faun are faun that are the result of interbreeding between Fay Faun and
  183. Devils or Demons though magic. They are often mistrusted among most other higher
  184. creatures due to this. They can have the full range of skin colour that humans
  185. have, but with a hint of red or yellow. They might also have red or yellow skin.
  187. They can have either a thin tail like a normal Faun, or a thick tail like a
  188. devil.
  190. They are said to be impervious to flames, but it may or may not be true
  191. (Depending on when you are born), better avoid flames just to be sure.
  193. You will find them often living underground in colonies, where try to keep to
  194. themselves. You can also find them in towns and settlements on the surface,
  195. where they often live as entertainers (if you know what I mean) among other
  196. things.
  198. ## Satyrs
  200. Satyrs are creatures originally from the Land of Fay, who can not return. They
  201. are stout human-esq creates that have donkey ears and donkey tails. Lives in
  202. farming villages on the surfaces, they are happy-go-lucky in nature, and are
  203. very welcoming of others (You may visit, but never stay for too long). All
  204. satyrs have light skin, green eyes, and red hair. (They have no horns.)
  206. They will protect their own at any price, but will welcome a wary traveller in
  207. for a cup of tea or for trade in goods.
  209. It is not uncommon to see Satyr merchants in towns and cities of other races,
  210. but will never live there for long. Those that do are often outcasts.
  212. ## Lizard Folk (Generic term for several species)
  214. Found in the tropical, and subtropical climates, lizard folk are cold blooded,
  215. and look like slightly-larger-than-a-human-sized bipedal lizard. Depending on
  216. where they are born they have different colourations and adaptations to work in
  217. that environment. Some have sand coloured skin to work blend in with sand dunes
  218. of a great dessert, others are green to blend in with marches and jungles,
  219. whilst others are bright red because they their culture have a preference for
  220. that colour.
  222. Often described as having no emotions, this is false. They do have emotions,
  223. they just can't express them like other creatures; They don't have the muscles
  224. in their face to express emotions that way, and the tail is not in directly
  225. controlled by their emotions as dogs and wolves.
  227. ## Dragons and Their Kin
  229. There are several different kinds of dragons, from True Dragons and Wyvern, to
  230. Drakes and Wyrms. Among these only a few are considered higher beings. All
  231. dragon kin can be found in both metallic and chromatic types.
  233. ### Dragons (True Dragons)
  235. Dragons are big lizard-esq things, with six limbs, four legs to stand on, and
  236. two wings. They are not really lizards, but their own thing. They are the most
  237. powerful mortal creatures you can encounter. Is this section the different types
  238. of dragons will be presented. Most kinds of dragons do built hordes of
  239. out of something, and will protect their horde.
  241. Not all dragons you will find you can talk to, and are right out feral, this
  242. irrespective if they are chromatic or metallic in nature.
  244. **Metallic Dragons** are called as such because their scales shine like
  245. different kinds of metal. Most metallic dragons are not feral, and can be talked
  246. to, if they would allow it. Metallic dragons generally form monogamous pairings
  247. that will last till death do them part.
  249. Among these you will find the **Gold Dragons** who are the most
  250. rare of all dragons, and are seen as protectors of the world. They will try to
  251. solve conflicts through diplomacy, but help you gods, if you every anger one.
  253. **Silver Dragons** are the second least common dragon type you will find. They
  254. are seen as arbiters, and will try to keep the peace in their domain, at any
  255. cost. Remember that.
  257. **Copper Dragons** are mischievous in nature, and will roam their domain trying
  258. to find anything to entertain them. This does not mean they can be played with,
  259. as they have a higher chance of being feral in nature.
  261. **Steel Dragons** or **Iron Dragons** are the only type of dragons that can live
  262. in groups, and do not maintain a fixed domain, but can travel around like
  263. nomads. It is not uncommon for them to seek out companionship with other
  264. higher creatures, and are thus often seen with a _dragon rider_ on their back
  265. when travelling. (**Note:** this dose not mean that individual dragons of other
  266. types can't be found with dragon riders, or seeking companionship.) They are
  267. the only type of metallic dragons that do not build hordes, and instead value
  268. companionship and family over riches.
  270. **Chromatic Dragons** are dragons that have
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