
Broken Aura

Jul 30th, 2019
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text 6.52 KB | None | 0 0
  1. ["AzeritePower"] = {
  2. ["outline"] = "THICKOUTLINE",
  3. ["color"] = {
  4. 1, -- [1]
  5. 1, -- [2]
  6. 1, -- [3]
  7. 1, -- [4]
  8. },
  9. ["displayText"] = "%n",
  10. ["customText"] = "function() \n print(\"YAH\")\n local azeriteItemLocation = C_AzeriteItem.FindActiveAzeriteItem()\n if not azeriteItemLocation then return end\n \n local azeriteItem = Item:CreateFromItemLocation(azeriteItemLocation)\n local xp, totalXP = C_AzeriteItem.GetAzeriteItemXPInfo(azeriteItemLocation)\n --for showing the current AzeritLevel of your neck\n --local currentLevel = C_AzeriteItem.GetPowerLevel(azeriteItemLocation)\n local xpToNextLevel = totalXP - xp\n local percent = 0\n if xp > 0 then percent = floor((xp / totalXP) * 100) end\n \n local thousandSeperators = function(v)\n if v <= 999 then\n return v\n else\n return format(\"%.3f\", v/1000)\n end\n end\n \n --ret = string.format(\"%slvl %s%% %s\", currentLevel, percent, xpToNextLevel)\n \n ret = string.format(\"%s / %s (%s%%)\", thousandSeperators(xp), thousandSeperators(totalXP), percent)\n \n return ret\n end",
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  12. ["anchorPoint"] = "TOPLEFT",
  13. ["customTextUpdate"] = "event",
  14. ["url"] = "",
  15. ["actions"] = {
  16. ["start"] = {
  17. ["do_custom"] = false,
  18. ["custom"] = "CharacterFrame:Show()",
  19. ["do_sound"] = false,
  20. },
  21. ["finish"] = {
  22. ["custom"] = "CharacterFrame:Hide()\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  23. ["do_custom"] = false,
  24. },
  25. ["init"] = {
  26. ["do_custom"] = false,
  27. },
  28. },
  29. ["triggers"] = {
  30. {
  31. ["trigger"] = {
  32. ["use_alwaystrue"] = true,
  33. ["use_absorbMode"] = true,
  34. ["use_unit"] = true,
  35. ["buffShowOn"] = "showOnActive",
  36. ["type"] = "custom",
  37. ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL",
  38. ["custom_type"] = "status",
  39. ["names"] = {
  40. },
  41. ["unevent"] = "auto",
  42. ["event"] = "Conditions",
  43. ["customStacks"] = "function() \n print(\"YAH\")\n local azeriteItemLocation = C_AzeriteItem.FindActiveAzeriteItem()\n if not azeriteItemLocation then return end\n \n local azeriteItem = Item:CreateFromItemLocation(azeriteItemLocation)\n local xp, totalXP = C_AzeriteItem.GetAzeriteItemXPInfo(azeriteItemLocation)\n --for showing the current AzeritLevel of your neck\n --local currentLevel = C_AzeriteItem.GetPowerLevel(azeriteItemLocation)\n local xpToNextLevel = totalXP - xp\n local percent = 0\n if xp > 0 then percent = floor((xp / totalXP) * 100) end\n \n local thousandSeperators = function(v)\n if v <= 999 then\n return v\n else\n return format(\"%.3f\", v/1000)\n end\n end\n \n --ret = string.format(\"%slvl %s%% %s\", currentLevel, percent, xpToNextLevel)\n \n ret = string.format(\"%s / %s (%s%%)\", thousandSeperators(xp), thousandSeperators(totalXP), percent)\n \n return ret\n end",
  44. ["custom"] = "function()\nreturn true\nend",
  45. ["customName"] = "function() \n print(\"YAH\")\n local azeriteItemLocation = C_AzeriteItem.FindActiveAzeriteItem()\n if not azeriteItemLocation then return end\n \n local azeriteItem = Item:CreateFromItemLocation(azeriteItemLocation)\n local xp, totalXP = C_AzeriteItem.GetAzeriteItemXPInfo(azeriteItemLocation)\n --for showing the current AzeritLevel of your neck\n --local currentLevel = C_AzeriteItem.GetPowerLevel(azeriteItemLocation)\n local xpToNextLevel = totalXP - xp\n local percent = 0\n if xp > 0 then percent = floor((xp / totalXP) * 100) end\n \n local thousandSeperators = function(v)\n if v <= 999 then\n return v\n else\n return format(\"%.3f\", v/1000)\n end\n end\n \n --ret = string.format(\"%slvl %s%% %s\", currentLevel, percent, xpToNextLevel)\n \n ret = string.format(\"%s / %s (%s%%)\", thousandSeperators(xp), thousandSeperators(totalXP), percent)\n \n return ret\n end",
  47. ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START",
  48. ["check"] = "event",
  49. ["spellIds"] = {
  50. },
  51. ["unit"] = "player",
  52. ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL",
  53. },
  54. ["untrigger"] = {
  55. ["custom"] = "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  56. },
  57. }, -- [1]
  58. ["disjunctive"] = "any",
  59. ["activeTriggerMode"] = -10,
  60. },
  61. ["internalVersion"] = 16,
  62. ["wordWrap"] = "WordWrap",
  63. ["font"] = "Arial Narrow",
  64. ["version"] = 1,
  65. ["load"] = {
  66. ["use_level"] = true,
  67. ["spec"] = {
  68. ["multi"] = {
  69. },
  70. },
  71. ["level_operator"] = ">=",
  72. ["class"] = {
  73. ["multi"] = {
  74. },
  75. },
  76. ["level"] = "110",
  77. ["size"] = {
  78. ["multi"] = {
  79. },
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  88. },
  89. ["id"] = "AzeritePower",
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  91. ["frameStrata"] = 8,
  92. ["anchorFrameType"] = "SELECTFRAME",
  93. ["uid"] = "eK78CQSrr3A",
  94. ["config"] = {
  95. },
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  98. ["conditions"] = {
  99. },
  100. ["automaticWidth"] = "Auto",
  101. ["animation"] = {
  102. ["start"] = {
  103. ["type"] = "none",
  104. ["duration_type"] = "seconds",
  105. },
  106. ["main"] = {
  107. ["translateType"] = "straightTranslate",
  108. ["duration"] = "1",
  109. ["alphaType"] = "custom",
  110. ["colorB"] = 1,
  111. ["colorG"] = 1,
  112. ["alphaFunc"] = " function(progress, start, delta)\n return start + (progress * delta)\n end\n ",
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  114. ["use_alpha"] = false,
  115. ["type"] = "none",
  116. ["translateFunc"] = " function(progress, startX, startY, deltaX, deltaY)\n return startX + (progress * deltaX), startY + (progress * deltaY)\n end\n ",
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  118. ["alpha"] = 0,
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  127. },
  128. ["finish"] = {
  129. ["type"] = "none",
  130. ["duration_type"] = "seconds",
  131. },
  132. },
  133. },
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