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mythological roles

a guest
Sep 10th, 2012
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  1. Blood - Allegiance, connection, literal blood
  2. Breath - Wind, Animation, Movement
  3. Doom - Death, doomed timelines, bad luck
  4. Heart - Souls, The Self, sacrifice
  5. Hope - Hope, Light, success
  6. Life - Life Force, Nature, Creation
  7. Light - Fortune, Knowledge, Literal Light
  8. Mind - Thoughts, Decisions, Communication
  9. Rage - Anger, Strength, Madness
  10. Space - Size, Location, Mass
  11. Time - Duration, Causation, Paradox
  12. Void - Absence, Nothingness, Obfuscation, the Void (beyond the Furthest Ring)
  14. Seer - Sensing the aspect; Sensing the group's connection to the aspect
  15. Knight - Harnessing the aspect; Using the aspect to protect the group
  16. Rogue - Stealing or destroying the aspect to aid the group
  17. Thief - Stealing the aspect for personal gain
  18. Bard - Removing the aspect; Allowing the aspect to use oneself to destroy
  19. Prince - Destroying the aspect; Harnessing the literal aspect to destroy
  20. Sylph - Using the aspect to heal the group
  21. Witch - Manipulating the aspect's traits without creation or destruction
  22. Maid - Providing the aspect as a resource for the group; Drawing on an infinite supply of the aspect
  23. Page - ???? (probably aiding the knight in a more active role)
  24. Mage - Is immune to their aspect, understanding their aspect, granting their aspect to others
  25. Heir - Protecting oneself with the aspect; Harnessing the aspect as a tool (not only a weapon, and not altering or creating the aspect itself)
  27. For example, Maid of Void, to take a random example, might either be an useless shit that can offer nothing to the group or might be able to offer peace with the horrorterrors and passage through the Void, and would be able to grant themselves absence- Of hostiles when alone, or of debuffs. Another example- Witch of Light could alter what actions/things were or were not lucky, and could make it very light or completely dark. Yet another, an Heir of Void would be extremely proficient in unarmed/unarmoured combat, obfuscating their existence and using their bare hands as a tool to build and fix- Equius confirms this.
  29. A more complete- if not definitive- list (got bored and stopped filling it out halfway, you get the idea):
  31. SEER
  32. Blood: Looking to past/future lives for guidance; Finding the way out of infighting
  33. Breath: Seeing the direction of the wind; Predicting weather; Sensing breathing things
  34. Doom: Foreknowledge of decisions that will doom the timeline; "seeing" (assuring) the method by which something will die
  35. Heart: Reading thoughts and emotions; Sensing pulses
  36. Hope: Foreknowledge of decisions which can save an otherwise doomed session; Seeing the "silver lining" in a situation (boosting morale)
  37. Life: Detecting life; Seeing what will keep a being alive the longest; Seeing into an organism's past
  38. Light: Seeing the path to fortune (the best outcome); Seeing actual light (akin to breath's first power)
  39. Mind: Seeing the results of actions and intentions; Knowing what to say to control another's mind
  40. Rage: Foreseeing the path to victory and glory in battle
  41. Space: Looking into any point within the Furthest Ring
  42. Time: Knowing which timelines are and are not doomed; Knowing what happens before and after the session
  43. Void: Communion with the Horrorterrors; Looking into other sessions; Looking past blackouts
  45. KNIGHT
  46. Blood: Protecting his fellows from death; Corrupting enemies' blood
  47. Breath: Using the wind as a direct physical weapon; Making shields of air; Forcing breath into the recently-deceased
  48. Doom: Cursing enemies; preventing doomed timelines
  49. Heart: Buffing allies; Self-sacrifice to save others; Attacking or changing an enemy's personality itself
  50. Hope: Allowing allies to continue fighting after their attributes have dropped to 0 (or lower); removing debuffs
  51. Life: Directly attacking an enemy's life force (ignoring armour or buffs), healing allies
  52. Light: Giving allies luck; Avoiding tragedy; Blinding foes
  53. Mind: Attacking an opponent's psyche (fear effects?); Fortifying allies' minds; Allowing communication beyond the language barrier/afterlife
  54. Rage: Berserker; Avenging allies without failure
  55. Space: Warping the enemy's mass to make them implode or dissipate; Teleporting allies
  56. Time: Reversing poor decisions; Stacking attacks; Exploiting time loops
  57. Void: Blacking out allies; Using void(s) as a weapon; Moving foes to a void; Summoning ghosts temporarily
  59. ROGUE
  60. Blood: Strengthening bonds between players; Destroying enemies' allegiances
  61. Breath: Asphyxiating enemies that need air; Providing safe travel through voids
  62. Doom: Outfitting their team with items they could have but did not alchemit
  63. Heart: Allowing teammates to take on the shapes and abilities of enemies
  64. Hope: Destroying enemy morale; Increasing ally morale
  65. Life: Absorbing health from enemies; Healing all allies
  66. Light: Destroying enemies' luck; Increasing the luck of their teammates
  67. Mind: Allowing teammates to duplicate the actions or abilities of enemies; Stealing enemy intelligence
  68. Rage: Calming enemies; giving allies additional attacking power and vigor
  69. Space: Moving mass from one object to another; Increasing or decreasing distances between objectives to aid the team
  70. Time: Eliminating the possibility of doomed timelines to postpone the Reckoning
  71. Void: Stealing knowledge from Horrorterrors and other sessions to aid their team; Blacking out their session; Traversing the Void personally
  73. THIEF
  74. Blood:
  75. Breath:
  76. Doom:
  77. Heart: Taking on allies' damage; Stealing souls of the dead to use as MP
  78. Hope: Stealing the advantage in an encounter
  79. Life: Absorbing health
  80. Light: Stealing luck
  81. Mind:
  82. Rage:
  83. Space:
  84. Time:
  85. Void:
  87. PRINCE
  88. Blood: Destroying allegiances; Rallying allies; casting from health to create streams of blood to crush and drown large groups of enemies
  89. Breath:
  90. Doom: Destroys feelings of
  91. Heart: Destroying ego; casting a beam that destroys curses and hostile entities
  92. Hope: Crushing hope; Creating a wafting beam of white light that burns through all it touches
  93. Life: Attacking life force directly; Casting from health for an extremely powerful beam attack
  94. Light: Making the situation as completely unfavourable as possible; Firing a powerful laser beam
  95. Mind: Erasing targets' sanity; Erasing thoughts (might allow shenanigans like invisibility); Casting a beam which affects only sane opponents
  96. Rage: Releasing tensions and calming anger; Casting an extremely powerful, unaimed explosion
  97. Space: Collapsing the distance between any two points to nothing; Opening pocket universes; Destroying corporeal forms
  98. Time: Destroying stable time loops without creating doomed timelines; Rapidly aging enemies
  99. Void: Discovering the unknown; Erasing things from existence
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