
Garett Assorted Carry Guide 2.1

May 20th, 2015
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  1. Connor’s Guide to Hitting Creeps..err Carrying
  2. I'm bored on the bus again
  4. You already basically know what you're doing so I'm not gonna talk generally carry strategy.
  6. Assorted Carry Guides
  8. Anti-Mage
  9. "Tis not magic that brings me back, but purity of will."
  13. AM excels in games where they have little stuns or silences, and have a predominantly magic damage lineup. He also needs several space creators on his team to give him time to farm up and be a threat. AM is usually played in a split farming style. This means he will push out a side lane and pressure the tower with Manta Illusions, while he himself will rotate through the jungle. AM can farm incredibly fast due to his mobility from blink, his low BAT, and his natural synergy with Battle fury.
  15. Skill build:
  16. Generally you will follow the build in the guide that I gave you, but as a general rule of thumb you want to have blink maxed by the time you get battle fury and you want some points in stats early on. The general start is 1-1-1 then some stats. Whether or not you max spell shield or mana break next is dependent on the game. Generally if you go for a max spell shield you will need to put some levels in mana break otherwise you have no damage.
  18. Item build: Again you will mostly want to follow the build in the guide I gave you. If you totally rekt in lane then you can go the vlads maelstrom build (buy vlads, buy maelstrom, buy normal items) or you can go the "ye olde fightn' Anti-Mage" (phase, vanguard, manta) but those two builds aren't as good as the standard ricing build.
  20. Gameplay: On AM it is imperative that you get good farm in lane. Once you get at least a ring of health you can farm some jungle camps, but don't miss CS in lane to do so. Hopefully after you get BF there will be some stacked camps for you. Vlads is like a Midas on AM because it allows you to never have to go back to base. All your manta illusions get mana break which allows you to do crazy amounts of damage. Remember to use manta to dispel any silences they have.
  26. Slardar
  27. "To the deeps with you"
  31. Slardar is a badass fish man and that's really all you need to know. He also has the biggest damn overbite ever. Basically, you aren't a traditional 1 position. Instead you you amplify damage done by your team and act as an initiator. Also bashlord.
  33. Skill build: Follow the guide for the most part. Max crush, max sprint, max bash, get ult when you can. A build some people go for is maxing bash, but it's not as great.
  35. Item build: Buy a blink danger. It's also a good farming item as it allows you to blink between camps/lane. Vlads is another good farming item as it allows you to never go back to base. Crimson guard is sometimes good after blink if you feel that you need armor/health but the ultimate item you go for is an AC.
  37. Gameplay: When in a fight remember to spam amp damage on enemy heroes. You also want to use it on creeps while farming. Remember to be an imitator for your team. Slardar works well with a high dps mid like a wind ranger. Use sprint to get between camps quickly.
  39. Alchemist
  40. "Tiptoe now, you're shaking my brew"
  44. Alchemist is the fastest farming hero in the game. You literally have a skill that gives you gold. Alchemist works well against lineups that have low physical damage and in lineups that can make space and end the game around 40 min when you are over six slotted.
  46. Skill build: Don't max greed first unless you want to be a melee creep with less armor. Macon acid spray is generally your best bet because your stun has been nerfed so much. 2-2-1 by 5 is probably pretty good.
  48. Item build: You have a choice between three farming items. Get maelstrom if you are behind in the game, get BF if it is a standard game, get radiance if you at farming really well. Never buy a Midas. You will need some armor and survivability before you can start buying some aghs for your team. Probably BF, AC, and maybe Skadi or heart.
  50. Gameplay: Basicly, you farm, you get 6 slotted fast, then you win. Remember that your stun is physical damage and as such is amplified by your acid spray. You are surprisingly fragile to burst so try to be careful in fights. Also, your stat gains suck and you’re a terrible aegis carrier.
  52. Gyrocopter
  53. "Get off my lawn"
  57. Gyro is an excellent mid game carry who can carry into the late game but falls off. He excels at farming fast and teamfighting; however, he is fairly fragile in fights until he gets some items up. Gyros early game ability revolves around Rocket Barrage (0 cast time, IceFrog plz) and Homing Missile. His midgame is centered around his ultimate, Call Down, and his late game relies entirely on Flak Cannon.
  59. Skill Build: Most 1 position Gyros skip missile until later in the game although you can chose to max it first at the expense of farm speed for lane dominance.Generally you will max barrage by 7 if you intend to fight or flak by 7 if you want to farm. A 3-0-3-1 is called the confused build.
  61. Item Build:
  62. Boots of choice on gyro is either treads or phase. Phase are good for chasing down people with barrage whereas treads are better for farming and mana sustain. The current build is boots and Aquila with helm of the Dom into either S&Y or drums into S&Y. S&Y is good for farming and farming. Get drums if you can easily be busted down else skip it. After that you can go BKB or any other situational items. Rapier is a viable choice on gyro fairly early on. Don't be afraid to buy it.
  64. Gameplay: Gyro is basically a free won lane. Even going the farming build you still wreck your lane. Use flak to harass the offlane while getting CS. You can kill the offlane very early on with barrage. Try to stack the jungle and stack ancients with you helm of the Dom. Buy a quelling blade when you are level 7 if you go for the farm build. You will want to aggro all the creeps from your stacks (or just regular camps) (this is best on radiant) into one area and flak them all down, also use Call Down to kill them. Try to keep a TP on you so you can show up to fights. You can also go the Barny ( build with a silver edge and gank a bunch.
  67. Necrophos
  68. "There will be chancres by the acres"
  72. Necro is a carry whose damage is based strongly around magic and negative regeneration. He excels against single core lineups as he can just delete a hero from the game. He is strong in the mid game teamfights. He is weak vs high burst damage and against large amounts of physical damage. In the late game he is strong due to him aghs-refresher ultimate removing 2 heroes from the fight and his tendency to build disable items.
  74. Skill build: On Necro you almost always max death pulse first as without it you are very fragile. Next you will normally max sadist as it gives you incredible sustain; however, you can max heartstopper next if the game is going very well.
  76. Item build: Boots are almost always treads on Necro as your goal in the game is to be tanky in fights. Treads also have natural synergy with sadist regen. Most times you would want to get a fast mek after boots as Necro is an excellent mek carrier, but after the recent mek nerfs going the EE-Sama build with atos rush may be preferred. With the EE build you will start with double ring of protection, turn one into a basi at your earliest convenience then go boots into an atos. After that you will go the standard build. A blink is very good on Necro as positioning is important and you tend to be kited. Getting a bloodstone is good as it essentially makes you a walking fountain to your team. Ultimately you will want to have aghs refresher though as it simply wins games. Don't rush aghs as it doesn't provide much in the early-mid game.
  78. Gameplay: Necro is very fragile in lane so it is recommended to have a defensive support in lane with you. Your base damage and animation suck so it is imperative that the offlane be zoned so that you can get CS. After farming your core items (atos/mek +1) you can begin to teamfight. Necro is very adept at clearing stacks. In the mid game you want to ult the most important hero on their team. This may not necessarily be their carry at this point, it may be an initiator such as Brewmaster who needs taken out of the fight, or it may be their snowballing hero. In the late game, their carry should be the most important hero (in theory) so one ult should go on he/she and the other on another hero of opportunity.
  80. Storm Spirit
  81. "Puddin' Pop"
  85. Storm spirit is traditionally played as a mid; however, he is a very strong safelaner as well. He is highly mobile and does strong damage throughout the game. He is able to control the game singlehandedly. You are week by long disables and silences. You prey on weak supports that rely on positioning to stay alive. He will build many disable items and as such you will be strong against other mobile heroes.
  87. Skill build: In general you want to follow the skill build in the guide. You max overload for maximum damage at the time you hit 6. It also allows you to farm fast. You only level vortex to level 3 because that’s the level required for it to pull an enemy into range of your remnant. You can also leave it at level one and max remnant to farm faster.
  89. Item Build: On safelane storm you want to get a soul ring as fast as you can. You can still get bottle like you would mid, but it’s not 100% necessary. After your treads you can chose to get either orchid or bloodstone next. Get an orchid if you plan on ganking and killing people more than farming, or if you need to be able to try to get back into a game if you’re behind. You get bloodstone afterwards. Get bloodstone if you are farming well and can afford to delay your orchid. Hex or linkens are good next items depending on the game. Shivas is also good as a third items if you need the armor, but generally you want it as your 5th or 6th.
  91. Gameplay: Storm is one of the harder heroes in the game to master mechanically. His mana depletes so dynamically that it is unlike any other hero. One of the most important things to remember is to hit every overload proc. Overload is the majority of you damage throughout the game. Try to hit the hero you are going on with your ult to maximize the damage done. You can cast items while in ult. While farming you can cast your ult on your hero portrait to get an overload proc for minimal mana, though you want to primarily use remnant to proc overload. don't use your ult for mobility other than to escape until you have a decent amount of mana regen. You are invulnerable while in ult so you can dodge spells with it by zipping into them. You want to stay off the map as much as possible with storm to create fear in the enemy and force them to group up. You can solo kill almost anyone with full mana. Your basic combo is
  93. zip in->orchid/sheep while zipping->hit with overload->vortex->hit->remnant->hit->small zips/hits as necessary.
  95. Use remnant to secure CS in lane as nothing can out deny a 140 damage nuke. Try to use creep aggro to get the creeps grouped up. You can farm stacks very quickly so try to have some stacks made for you. You can bottle while zipping to regain mana (you can also soul ring). Try to use short zips when you can as the longer ones strain your early/midgame mana pool.
  97. Naga Siren
  98. "I sing the siren song of war"
  102. Naga is a really annoying carry to play against, who is heavily dependent on items. She is one of the fastest farmers in the game and can easily outfarm everyone on the map multiple times over. Post Radience you can be pushing at least 2 lanes all the time, making it incedibly hard for the enemy to regain map control. She is good in lineups that can create space for her and protect her in lane. She is weak against lineups that run hard lanes and against lineups that can easily find the real naga and burst you. Special mention goes to lion as he can insta kill your illusions on a 5 second cooldown with mana drain. DON'T PICK NAGA VS A LION, HE WILL RUIN YOUR GAME.
  104. Skill Build:
  105. Generally you want to max out Riptide and miror image as these are your farming skills. You want to get a value point in net somehwere in the early levels (I get it at 8, but it can be anywhere). Remember net pierces BKB. You can max out riptide or mirior image first depending on the game (I prefer a 3-0-3-1 at 7 into a 3-1-4-1 at 8), but personally I find that maxing riptide gives you more presence. Get your ult when you can, then level stats over net till you feel it is needed (generally around 17-18 you should get some more points in net). Level 16 is big because your ult goes to a 60sec cooldown, meaning you can split push freely and just song TP to escape (song does NOT pierce BKB).
  107. Item Build:
  108. The standard build for Naga is fairly optimized and set in stone. You want to get bottle, Aquila, and brown boots (with maybe a Poor mans shield), then start the grind to get Relic into radiance. You can get drums before radiance if you are farming very well and it won't majorly effect your radiance timing. An ideal radiance timing is about 18 minutes or less, but up to about 22 is still fine. Anytime later than that and you are either losing really hard, or just suck at farming. After radience you always go BoT's. This gives your illusions increased movespeed (meaning they can farm a larger portion of the map) and allows you to TP to a lane, create illusions, and split push all day. Next, you want to get a yasha then octarine core. Octarine gives your illusions the spell vamp from radience, thus increasding their EHP and making it harder for the enemy to stop your split pushing (sensing a theme here), and it makes it so you have 100% uptime on mirror image. Your want to get manta afterward for more illusions, followed by skadi or heart to make illusions tankier. Then you finsish with a situational item like butterfly, MKB, or Diffusal. Get a moonshard if you can and eat it then keep your Manta on a courier to use when its off cool down.
  110. Gameplay:
  111. Like the item build, gameplay for Naga is fairly set in stone. You want to farm either the safelane or mid then transition into the jungle with illusions and yourself (still farm lane though, the strength to naga is farming in multiple places, not just fast) After radiance you want to send one illusion to each jungle camp or lane. Use control groups or just tab cycle through your illusions to do this. You want to try to farm the jungle with your hero, while the illusions handle lane so you are harder to catch out. Basiclly you just cut the wave with the illusions and farm. This is an Artezzy VOD that should show you how to play the hero.
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