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- /*
- * Open project_save.tmx in an editor
- *
- * @author Yu Tang
- * @date 2013-05-23
- * @version 0.2
- */
- import static javax.swing.JOptionPane.*
- import static org.omegat.util.Platform.*
- /**
- * Uncomment the next line if you want to set a default text editor
- * that will open project_save.tmx
- */
- // def textEditor = /path to your editor/
- // E.g., /TextMate/
- // /C:\Program Files (x86)\editor\editor.exe/
- // ['x-terminal-emulator', '-e', 'vi']
- // "x-terminal-emulator -e vi".split()
- // abort if a project is not opened yet
- def prop = project.projectProperties
- if (!prop) {
- final def title = 'open project_save.tmx'
- final def msg = 'Please try again after you open a project.'
- showMessageDialog null, msg, title, INFORMATION_MESSAGE
- return
- }
- // get command GString list to open a file
- def file = "${prop.projectInternal}project_save.tmx"
- def command
- switch (osType) {
- case [OsType.WIN64, OsType.WIN32]:
- command = "cmd /c start \"\" \"$file\"" // default
- try { command = textEditor instanceof List ? [*textEditor, file] : "\"$textEditor\" \"$file\"" } catch (ignore) {}
- break
- case [OsType.MAC64, OsType.MAC32]:
- command = "open \"$file\"" // default
- try { command = textEditor instanceof List ? [*textEditor, file] : "open -a \"$textEditor\" \"$file\"" } catch (ignore) {}
- break
- default: // for Linux or others
- command = ['xdg-open', file] // default
- try { command = textEditor instanceof List ? [*textEditor, file] : [textEditor, file] } catch (ignore) {}
- break
- }
- // open it
- console.println "command: $command"
- command.execute()
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