
kylo hell

Sep 19th, 2016
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  1. tumblr post:
  2. ok but can we discuss chewie being the first one to know about ben being trans…… over the course of a few weeks/days he starts to notice ben’s really uncomfortable and looks tense and doesn’t seem to be breathing as calmly (or not) as he usually does…..and catching him at a vulnerable moment while he’s fixing his unsafe binding???
  3. chewie obv is upset bc ben’s hurting himself and is uncomfortable but ben isn’t ready to tell anybody and he’s so stressed and upset and angry and he cries bc wtf why do i even have to deal with this this isn’t fair which leads to uncle chewie getting him his first binder bye
  5. bailey:
  6. I'm just imagining Chewie leaving Ben's new binder on the bed because obv Ben was uncomfortable about Chewie knowing
  8. me:
  9. like okay since I'm living in my own headcanons but also need to maximize the trangst what if Ben doesn't know that his Own Father Han Solo who birthed him is trans
  11. bailey:
  12. I was actually thinking that exact thing
  13. like. and then Ben gets Angry because all of that fear and loathing (The power of the Dark Side, he learns later. He can use that.) could have been avoided if Han, his *father*, had just been honest with him.
  15. me:
  16. and Han thinks it's the best thing for him especially like when he's little and they assume cis
  17. and they obviously coparent with leia and chewie
  18. so it's not like ben is too confused about where he came from
  19. but when Ben finally comes out (and can we Talk About the name thing because he absolutely asked his fathers for help with the name and chose Ben from their lists)
  20. han realizes he made a mistake
  22. b:
  23. and Han Mistakes™ tend to be big ones
  25. me:
  26. classic han! fucking up his kids life forever!
  27. blames himself for everything that ever went wrong with ben
  29. b:
  30. which just drives Han and Ben apart !! because instead of healing Han feels like he's irrevocably fucked up and can never solve his son's dysphoria and no matter what Leia and Chewie tell him Han is just like, better if I steer clear.
  31. and meanwhile all Ben wanted was some goddamn support
  33. me:
  34. that one time ben fell out of the copilot chair of the falcon and busted his eyebrow open
  35. the time ben told luke he hated him
  36. ben's anger, his dysphoria that maybe could have been better if Han had just Said Something
  37. but he keeps messing up
  38. and its finally this child, the achievement he was the most proud of, that breaks and turns to the dark side and drives him and luke and leia apart
  39. and he can trace it back, every tiny crack from every time he failed as a father, culminating in this
  41. b:
  42. and luke is always off somewhere doing Jedi shit so they can't (or won't, Ben thinks bitterly) help either. And then Han and Leia send him off to train with Luke and Luke says that the body is only a tool of the mind and soul and Ben bites back a bitter "then why does my body leave such holes in my spirit"
  44. (I died at this point because that line killed my entire family but I got better)
  46. b:
  47. so like,, when Leia tells Han that Ben needs his father, emphasis on the father.
  49. me:
  50. and Luke tries to mediate ben's pain, his anger, because he knows what it's like from Han (and the other transes in his life, leia is prob trans) (identical twins) and he meditates with him, tries to tell him about the force and life and his body is just a vessel for his true self, what the vessel looks like doesn't matter
  51. but it still burns in Ben and he gets angrier and angrier at Luke and at the Jedi and at the world for making him like this because it still does matter and why can't he just fix it if all things are possible in the force
  53. b:
  54. goddammit I'm just imagining Luke being spiritually burned from Ben's anger and pain while they're meditating together
  56. me:
  57. Luke can feel it and the only thing he wants to do is reach inside Ben and take it away, to let it flow through him because he knows how to deal with this anger but Ben does not
  59. b:
  60. And meanwhile all Ben can feel is this ~serenity~ and he wants it so badly, he's envious, but it's just further proof that no one fucking gets it
  61. and all I can imagine is that snoke is the first one to validate that pain truly, and goes a step further and says that pain will make you strong, boy.
  63. -
  65. b:
  66. Brain: I bet that Kylo doesn't bind in important battles to help that pain and anger
  67. Me: no one asked ur opinion
  69. me:
  70. he doesn't bind or he binds too tight, tight enough to draw blood
  72. -
  74. b:
  75. so in killing Han, Ben also killed any chance of reconciliation of those particular trans parent emotions
  76. so that's great
  78. -
  80. b:
  81. tbh it's one of the reasons Kylo keeps Hux around. That man has this way of just getting on Kylo's last nerve and flaring his inferiority and making him so angry and upset and he can feel the darkness rising up inside of him.
  82. I mean it's been a close call a couple times, Hux's perfectly gelled hair has been ruffled a few times by Kylo's outbursts getting a little too close, a little too physical
  84. -
  86. b:
  87. so
  88. >Kylo definitely wears the mask because he is awkward about his face
  89. >Han tells him to take off the mask, he doesn't need it
  90. >Kylo asks what he thinks he'll see
  91. >"the face of my *son*"
  92. >and Kylo takes it off
  94. -
  96. then we have a really long tangent about a headcanon I saw about leia carrying trans kylo who could force sense that her child would be a boy. it involves Luke and leia waving their hands over han's belly and him being pissy.
  98. -
  100. me:
  101. baby ben (who is probably named breha and I die) who just wants to be like their daddy han when they grow up and now he wants anything but
  102. Han is daddy and Luke is dad
  103. playing in the pilots seat of the millennium falcon
  104. I'm imagining baby with long, long messy hair
  105. chops it all off when it starts to hurt too much to keep
  106. grows a padawan braid but that eventually goes too
  107. starts to grow it out again because he always liked it long
  109. b:
  110. see I was thinking more pain-causing with the long hair because I am a trash kid
  112. me:
  113. HMM I feel like it's both honestly
  114. kylo wishes he could have long hair (like anakin lol) without it being a problem
  115. and so sometimes it's empowering but sometimes it hurts
  116. but this baby with long hair that leia braids painstakingly but it always falls out and tangles anyway
  118. b:
  119. they cry the first time they get gum stuck in it and leia has to cut it out but she does a wonderful job of hiding the missing chunk
  121. me:
  122. and for so long it's a battleground because they're a rambunctious kid, wouldn't it be easier to cut it shorter, but NO
  123. and then as they grow into puberty it, like everything, feels wrong and right at the same time but they (not ben yet but not breha, someone in between) have so few things they can control now that they cut it all off
  125. b:
  126. dinner is only a slightly awkward affair that night. someone offers to help clean it up in the back but they shake their head.
  128. me:
  129. and han just gets this sinking feeling and remembers luke and leia waving their hands over his pregnant belly.
  130. he suspects but he says nothing for so long
  132. b:
  133. another mistake, he tells himself.
  134. And when he finally does speak up it's just "is there anything you want to talk about?"
  135. "no."
  136. "...okay."
  137. He should have dug, he knew something was wrong.
  139. me:
  140. Ben thinks he's being mocked.
  142. -
  144. me:
  145. i was like "haha self indulgent give kylo all your problems" and my brain was like "Hey ya ever thought about ed shit" and I don't need my brain rn actually
  147. -
  149. this is just a verbatim convo unedited so you can see my thought process
  151. me:
  152. look there's a 100% chance I'm about to go home and draw the ubiquitous naked trans pics of kylo ren which is how you know I'm in too Deep
  154. b:
  155. B) excellent
  157. me:
  158. literally trying to be a normal person while thinking about kylo's boobs?
  160. b:
  161. freckle boob
  163. me:
  166. b:
  167. the single freckle boob
  169. me:
  170. just one
  171. no wait I don't need that because I wrote a dragon age fic involving botched medieval top surgery mess
  172. and now I
  173. bye
  175. b:
  176. oh
  178. m:
  179. I'll see myself out
  181. b:
  182. I was thinking about that one really old tumblr post about a single boob floating in the void
  184. me:
  185. and then here I am with the trangst
  186. I've actually written multiple fics involving people trying/succeeding to cut off their own boobs i just realized
  187. wow I need to go
  189. b:
  190. but now I'm just thinking of Kylo slowly cartwheeling through the void of space with a really annoyed expression
  191. where will u go
  193. me:
  194. hell
  195. because I'm thinkin about
  196. (please kill me for this)
  197. I'm thinkin about lightsabers cauterizing wounds and
  198. gonna just Leave That
  199. nooooooo I hate this I don't need to sit here thinking about lightsaber self harm its literally the last thing on my list
  201. -
  203. b:
  204. i've been thinking about hux just casually going up and poking or touching kylo to rile him up and im pretty sure that hair and chest are pretty common places for uninvited prodding
  206. me:
  207. my fucking god that's like this weird combo of cute and terrible
  209. b:
  210. kylo has not come out to hux and is very confused and annoyed because why tf does he know where exactly to touch to set off kylo
  211. hux snaps his binder one time. kylo does not like that one bit.
  213. me:
  214. oh NO
  216. b:
  217. do u think when he is fighting rey that kylo is ever freaked out by how much she kinda looks like him and his younger self, with the dark hair and the fear on her face
  219. me:
  220. that moment when he looks at her and says you need a teacher and part of him is trying to bring her to be his ally but part of him looks at her and sees himself and wants to help her the only way he knows how
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