
The Motor City (WiP)

Sep 3rd, 2012
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  1. >"And stay out! You stupid horse!"
  2. >You land on the stoney ground, skidding slightly before coming to a harsh stop against the back alley wall.
  3. >You open your eyes just in time for your saddle bags to smack against your face, spilling their contents all over the ground.
  4. >"You need to learn to keep your hooves and those saucers you call eyes to yourself, freak!"
  5. >The door slams loudly, cats and dogs bark in response.
  6. >That was Joe, he manages the Wal-mart Super Center here in Detroit.
  7. >And you were just ejected from his place of business for peeking in the changing rooms
  8. >For the third time this week.
  10. >You were originally just there for groceries.
  11. >You can't help yourself! Stupid sexy apes.
  12. >The first time you saw them you thought they were the most disgusting things imaginable.
  13. >But the more time you spent on Earth, the more they grew on you.
  14. >Maybe it had something to do with your love of clothes, and their need for them.
  15. >...
  16. >Who are you kidding? You're a huge pervert.
  17. >You sigh to yourself, flapping your wings and adjusting back onto your hooves so you can gather your items.
  18. >You better get out of here and back to your shitty apartment before it gets dark, the streets of Detroit aren't exactly the best places to be at night.
  19. >Not that your apartment is really any better.
  20. >Just as you step out of the alley, a raindrop lands on your head.
  22. >You got about maybe ten feet down the street before it started pouring.
  23. >You've broken into a sprint, hopefully you can get home before you catch a cold.
  24. >Or even worse! Your clothes might get ruined!
  25. >You don't even want to try flying. You've never really been good at it in the first place, and the rain will only make it more difficult.
  26. >Earth is some weird, yet magical place. The weather changes on it's own! You don't need to do anything! It just happens!
  27. >You wish it was like that back on Equestria.
  28. >Oh Celestia, do you miss Equestria.
  29. >Even if it isn't as cool as Earth.
  30. >That reminds you of your parents.
  31. >You hated your parents.
  32. >Go to Earth they said, it will be fun they said.
  33. >While the sights and the weather are refreshing, it's difficult when all of the jobs here you can do, the humans and other ponies can do better.
  35. >Humans...
  36. >Suddenly, you're jolted to the real world when you accidentally boop your nose on the front door to the apartment complex.
  37. >You notice you've been drooling a little, and quickly wipe it away.
  38. >Using your wings, you flip open your saddlebags, fishing inside for your keys and with them the sweet, sweet relief from this cold rain.
  39. >Oh no...
  40. "Where are they!? Where are my keys!?"
  41. >You probably lost them when that stupid human hit you in the face with your bag.
  42. >You can't hold it in anymore, the anger swells and builds inside you until...
  43. "BUUUUUUCK!"
  45. >"Hahahahah!"
  46. >You snap around, coming face to face with your neighbor, John. He's holding an umbrella over his head.
  47. >He's always seemed like a cool guy, but you've never really spoken to him before. You only know his name because it's on his door, and he only knows yours because it's on yours.
  48. "What's so funny!?"
  49. >"N-nothing, i-it's just...Buck! Ahahaha!"
  50. >He continues to laugh harder.
  51. "Why don't you just shut it? Huh?"
  52. >"Sorry, Pillow. I didn't mean to offend you."
  53. >He quits laughing, and his face quickly shifts to a more serious one.
  54. >You're about to offer him some smart-ass remark, but stop when he shares his umbrella with you.
  55. "Thanks..."
  56. >"No problem. Lost your keys?"
  57. "Yeah.."
  58. >"That's fine. I can let you in."
  59. >He moves ahead of you, unlocking the door.
  60. >That's a pretty nice flank he has there...
  61. >The door creaks open, and you shake your head to attention.
  63. >Once you're inside, you follow John upstairs and to your respective doors.
  64. >"Here we are. You stay safe, okay?"
  65. "Yeah, yea-"
  66. >You cut yourself short when you realize you can't get into your actual apartment without your own keys.
  67. "Ugh...this is bullspit."
  68. >"Can't get in? Do you not have a spare key?"
  69. "They give you spare keys?!"
  70. >"The Landlord should've given you a pair when you moved in."
  71. >Screw these stupid humans and their racism!
  72. >"You want to come inside my place and dry off?"
  73. >At least John is nice.
  74. "I'd like that..."
  76. >As you step into John's apartment, you notice that the weather has only gotten worse.
  77. >And that his apartment is A LOT better than yours. Much cleaner and more updated appliances.
  78. >"Pretty nasty out there, huh? You're lucky I came by when I did. It will probably storm all night."
  79. "Great. I'll have to wait until morning to go back for my keys and I'll be lucky if they're even still there."
  80. >You toss your bag to the side and sit on John's couch, burying your face into your hooves despondently while John wraps a towel over you.
  81. >"Try not to soak my couch, will ya?"
  82. >You laugh nervously before scooting a little closer to John.
  83. "You're a pretty cool human. How come we've never talked before?"
  84. >You know why. You're very aware of how you get around some humans.
  85. >"What are you talking about? Of course we've talked before."
  86. "If you count saying hello in the morning on our way out the door, sure. But I mean we've never tried to really get to know each other."
  88. >John grabs his remote and flicks on the television. Something about a drug epidemic breaking out before he switches the channel and turns up the volume to drown out the storm outside.
  89. "You know, the ponies used to have a saying."
  90. >"Oh yeah? What was it?"
  91. >You give John the most adorable face you can muster.
  92. "Friendship is magic."
  93. >You both burst out laughing, even you're aware how childish of a concept that was.
  95. >A few hours pass all too quickly and it's now dark outside.
  96. >As dark as it gets for a city.
  97. >You took your soaked sweater off so John could place it in his dryer, and you're currently leaning against him while on the couch.
  98. >Your stomach rumbles and you pat it with your hoof.
  99. "Hey John, got anything good to eat?"
  100. >"How do you feel about chicken?"
  101. >Oh gross! You almost vomit just thinking about it. Spending so much time around humans almost makes you forget they eat all of those cute and fluffy animals.
  103. >John probably notices your reaction and laughs.
  104. >"Heheh, I'm just kidding. Jeez. You think I'd try to feed you meat?"
  105. >You punch him in the arm.
  106. "Very funny, jokester. But seriously, I'm starving here."
  107. >"How about some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches? It's either that or meat. I'll stock up on groceries tomorrow."
  108. "That sounds....delicious~"
  109. >Wow. That came a lot out more seductively than you had intended.
  110. >You blush, and look away from John. Hopping off of the couch and making your way into the kitchen.
  111. >You look over your shoulder back at John.
  112. "You coming?"
  113. >"Huh? Oh- Oh yeah."
  114. >Hm. Looks like he was lost in thought.
  116. >You and John are now sitting on opposite ends of his table eating these delicious sandwiches.
  117. >He keeps staring at your hooves...weird.
  118. >You hope he's not some kind of creep with a hoof fetish.
  119. >Oh no! What if this is all part of some plot!? What if he tries to kidnap you and do- things- to you...
  120. >Not that you you wouldn't enjoy that...
  121. >SNAP OUT OF IT!
  122. >That's disgusting. Those are not clean thoughts and you should be ashamed of yourself!
  123. >Buck you brain, I think what I want.
  124. >What kind of freak would ever love some human? You're a pony! You should love other ponies!
  125. >Wow, brain. You're a bit of a downer.
  126. >Well how else are you supposed to hold things?
  128. >That's a stupid question. I just- Wait, what?
  129. >"I said, how are you even holding that sandwich with hooves?"
  130. "Oh!"
  131. >You zoned out for a second there.
  132. "Everyp0ny knows how to. What kind of question is that?"
  133. >"Yeah, but you don't even have fingers. How do you grab stuff?"
  134. "You don't even have hooves. How do YOU grab stuff?"
  135. >"With these babies."
  136. >John holds up his hand and wiggles his fingers for emphasis.
  137. >Those hands...
  139. >*POMF*
  140. >"Uhh..."
  141. >Your wings are fully extended for John's viewing pleasure.
  142. "Uhh..."
  143. >This is so embarrassing! Your face is probably as red as a tomato right now!
  144. >You struggle to pull your wings down, while John smiles like a big goofball.
  145. "Stop staring!"
  146. >He looks off to the side, whistling to himself and leaving you to deal with your 'problem'
  147. >He's still snickering.
  148. >"Don't worry. I'm a man. It's not like I've never had a similar problem before."
  149. "Then why are you laughing!?"
  150. >"Because you look so adorable when you're embarrassed."
  151. >That only makes you blush harder.
  152. >"Look! See! There it is. Don't sweat it, Pillow. Just let me know when I can look again."
  154. >You finally get your wings back into place, but your face is still completely flushed.
  155. "You can look now."
  156. >John turns back to you, smiling.
  157. "Stop smiling!"
  158. >You cross your forelegs and bury your chin in them, giving John a pouty look.
  159. >"D'aww, don't be like that."
  160. >You yawn, slowly blinking your eyes.
  161. >A glance at the clock tells you it's 12:43
  162. >Woah! That's way later than you're used to!
  163. >You still don't have a way back into your apartment.
  164. "Hey, uh...John."
  165. >"Yeah?"
  166. "I know you've done a lot for me tonight. But I need one last favor..."
  167. >"You want to spend the night?"
  168. >You nod, smiling hopefully at him. Begging him with your eyes.
  169. >He stares intensely right back at you, before sighing and breaking the stare.
  170. >"Fine. You seem nice. I'll go back tomorrow morning and get your keys."
  171. >He gets up out of his chair and walks to the bathroom.
  172. >Now that he's gone, you're no longer focusing and you realize just how tired you really are.
  173. >Maybe..if you just lay your head down...
  175. >Honking cars, police sirens, and dripping rainwater bless your ears with their music when you wake up.
  176. >You shuffle around under your blankets for a few minutes before your head pops out from under the sheets.
  177. >You turn over and cuddle against your pillow.
  178. >You love a good...
  179. >Wait, pillow?
  180. >Sheets? Blankets!?
  181. >You look around the room and guess that John must've carried you in here and laid you on his bed after you fell asleep.
  182. >Slowly, you pick yourself up off the bed and into the main room.
  183. >You make your way over to the couch and peer over it.
  184. >There lies John, in deep slumber as a pillow muffles his snores.
  186. >John appears to be talking in his sleep, but you can’t quite make out what he’s saying through the pillow.
  187. >He tosses and turns on the couch a few times before letting out one big yawn and stopping again.
  188. >He’s kind of cute when he’s sleeping.
  189. >You find yourself staring at John’s sleeping form a lot longer than you should be.
  190. >Maybe if you’re careful, you could just sneak a peek…
  192. >You decided it was best not to wake John up.
  193. >After all, he did you huge favor by letting you sleep at his place.
  194. >It’s only fair you try to pay him back.
  195. >Non-sexually.
  198. >After thinking to yourself for a few seconds, you’ve come up with a brilliant plan!
  199. >Everyp0ny loves to wake up to breakfast, you’re sure John will appreciate you making him some.
  200. >Like Mom always said, the fastest way to a stallion’s heart is through his stomach!
  201. >You walk into his kitchen and open his cupboard.
  202. >Oh, right, he said last night all he had was mostly bread.
  203. >Nothing in here but some empty medication bottles.
  204. >Disappointed, you shut the cupboard. There’s no way you can make a nice breakfast for John without some real food.
  205. >Oh well, you hope he likes jelly toast.
  206. >In just under a minute, you have the bread in the toaster and jelly standing by.
  207. “Prepare to initiate launch sequence…”
  208. >You twist the dial on the toaster for five minutes.
  209. “Launch time set to three minutes, cap’n!
  210. “Excellent! Begin!”
  211. >You push down on the plunger, and the bread drops into the toaster.
  212. >The timer clicks away in response.
  214. >Looking around to make sure John didn’t wake up and see that embarrassing display, you giggle to yourself, grab your saddlebag, and tip-hoof to the bathroom.
  215. >You consider showering, but you don’t want to risk John waking up and seeing you use his shower without permission.
  216. >You go about your morning routine, brushing your mane and banding it into a ponytail.
  217. >You want to brush your teeth, but remember that you don’t have your toothbrush here. The only one is John’s.
  218. >There’s no way you’re putting that thing in your mouth.
  219. >You exhale into your hoof a few times to check your breath.
  220. >Ugh! It’s disgusting!
  221. >You’ll have to settle for the mouthwash. It will get rid of it for now, but it won’t stop it from coming back.
  222. >Swishing it around in your mouth a few times, you spit into the sink and smile into the mirror.
  223. “Lookin’ good.”
  224. >Content with your less than perfect mouth hygiene, you trot out through the main room and back into the kitchen.
  226. >Just in time, too. The toast is about done.
  227. >You get low next to the counter so that only your eyes are poking over it, and you stare at the toaster.
  228. “Launching in 3…2…1...”
  229. >DING!
  230. >Oh Celestia does that smell go-
  233. >After a few seconds, you both stare at each other.
  234. >John is up, and staring at you with a confused look on his face.
  235. “What’s wrong!?”
  236. >”I, uh, just had a bad dream.”
  237. “Then why were you screaming!?”
  238. >”I heard a loud noise and it scared me!”
  239. “You mean the toaster?”
  241. >You and John share an awkward stare at each other before you burst out laughing.
  242. >”Haha, laugh it up. You scared a grown man with an ordinary kitchen appliance.”
  243. >His displeasure only makes you laugh harder.
  244. “Oh- oh stop it John! You’re going to make me bust my sides! Bwahahaha!”
  245. >A few minutes later and you’ve calmed down enough to form a complete sentence.
  246. “That made my morning.”
  247. >”Well I’m glad it did. Are you going to share some of that toast or what?”
  248. “I don’t know. Doesn’t it scare you?”
  249. >You set a plate of toast down in front of John and then hold your hooves above your head in a mock ghost impression.
  250. “OoOooOooOhhh”
  252. >After you and John finish your not so filling breakfast, you grab your bag, and you head downstairs to the streets to look for your keys.
  253. >”So where’d you last see your keys?”
  254. >Uh oh…can’t let him know HOW you lost your keys, better play it safe.
  255. “I think Wal-mart. I dropped my bag and they just must’ve fallen out.”
  256. >”Really?”
  257. “Yeah.”
  258. >”That’s great! My brother works over there! Think we can stop by and say hello?”
  259. “Sure. What does he do?”
  260. >”He manages.”
  261. “Oh, that’s nice.”
  262. >Wait. WHAT.
  264. >You look up to John with a nervous smile
  265. "Ya know, I don't think that's such a good idea."
  266. >"What? Why not? He's my brother."
  267. "I just don't think we'll have the time and all. I mean, he's probably working, and we shouldn't disturb him!"
  268. >"He's my brother. It'll be fine."
  269. "But I'm pretty sure I dropped my keys outside! There's no need for us to go inside, right?"
  270. >"Actually I need to pick up food. I can't live off toast forever."
  271. >John leads you to his car.
  272. >It looks like a nice. But you've never been interested in cars, so you have no idea what to look for.
  273. >He opens the door, and motions to the passenger seat.
  274. > These things weren't exactly made for ponies. Even when you finally get strapped in you still sit awkwardly.
  275. >"Comfortable?"
  276. "Not at all."
  277. >"Don't worry, it's a short drive. We'll be there in no time."
  278. >He starts up the engine and before you know it you're on your way.
  280. >Might as well make small-talk while you try and think of a plan.
  281. "So what do you do for a living?"
  282. >"Me? I, uh, why?"
  283. "Just wondering. We are friends now, right?"
  284. >"Yeah. Sure."
  285. >Not really the answer you were looking for...
  286. "And friends tell friends everything, right?"
  287. >Hypocrite.
  288. >Shut up, brain.
  289. >"I work a boring office job. You wouldn't like to hear about it."
  290. >Wow. He sure seems defensive. Maybe it's because of the rude awakening this morning.
  291. >You're pretty sure he's lying, but considering you haven't told him the real reason you lost your keys it's probably fair you don't dig any deeper.
  292. >"How about you tell me a little about yourself, huh? I know ponies are practically born with special talents. What does a pillow have to do with yours?"
  293. "Looking at my flank?"
  294. >You giggle to yourself before he jerks the steering wheel and you have a mini heart attack.
  295. "Hey!"
  296. >He shoots you a toothy grin. "Sorry, hand slipped."
  298. >You harrumph and cross your forelegs.
  299. "If you must know, my special talent is-"
  300. >"We're here."
  301. >You and John pull into the parking lot.
  302. >Blast! You were so caught up in the small talk you completely forgot to come up with a plan!
  303. >Buck it. You'll wing it.
  304. "Hey, maybe I should go look for my keys myself while you go talk to your brother and get your groceries."
  305. >"What's the matter? Are you embarrassed to be seen with me?"
  306. "No! No, no, no! Of course not!"
  307. >"Then what's the problem?"
  308. "I just think that we can save time if we split up!"
  309. >You give him an innocent smile.
  310. >He shakes his head, "Fine. Find me inside if you find your keys. Try not to take too long."
  311. >You nod up and down eagerly.
  312. "You got it!"
  314. >With that, you and John exit the car and go your separate ways.
  315. >You flap your wings and lift yourself into air. It's good to get some exercise.
  316. >During your fly over of Wal-Mart, you notice there's some pegasus kids hanging out up on the roof. Probably doing drugs.
  317. >You grunt to yourself, kids these days need to watch what they put into their bodies.
  318. >Whatever, it's not your problem.
  319. >You land in the back alley and begin the epic search your keys.
  320. "Come on, they have to be here somewhere..."
  321. >You hear a door open and shut, a male unicorn dressed as an employee steps out.
  322. >"Excuse me, ma'am?"
  323. "Oh, hi."
  324. >"Are you looking for something?"
  325. "Yes! Actually I think I dropped a pair of keys back here yesterday. Have you seen them?"
  326. >He uses magic and begins to levitate boxes into the back of a truck, but addresses you while he does so.
  328. >"Yeah, I have. I was out here last night and one of the lights reflected off some keys so I could see 'em better."
  329. "Great! Do you have them?"
  330. >"Nope. All personal items like that have to be turned it to the manager. I could go get him if you want?"
  331. "Uh, no. That's fine. I'll go inside and talk to him myself."
  332. >With that, the unicorn finishes loading boxes, and slams down the door.
  333. >"Alright missy. Have a nice day."
  334. >The unicorn heads inside, leaving you to your matters.
  337. >GAH! Why does everything always have to go wrong for you?
  338. >You swear to yourself one day you'll get out of this stupid city and somewhere nice, somewhere warm and free of crime.
  339. >Somewhere like home...
  340. >But first, you need those keys back.
  341. >You could just go up to Joe and ask him for your keys, he HAS to give them to you.
  342. >But John is probably with him. Oh Celestia you'll never be able to look him in the eyes again if Joe tells him what you did.
  343. >Not only that, but he'll know you weren't honest with him and he may never trust you again!
  344. >That's definitely not an option.
  345. >But stealing them back is! Stupid human probably keeps them in a box or something.
  346. >You do another fly over of the building and land in the front, entering the store.
  347. >Checking to make sure Joe or John aren't around, you make your way over to the nearest employee and ask them where the manager is.
  348. >They direct you to the back of the store and tell you to just knock on the door labeled with "Manager."
  349. >Knocking certainly isn't an option, but you thank the employee anyways and go on your way.
  351. >Trotting down the aisles, you try to figure out a game plan for yourself.
  352. >You need to find Joe, John, and your keys.
  353. >Keep John away from Joe.
  354. >Keep Joe away from your keys.
  355. >Keep away from Joe and John when they're together.
  356. >Get your keys and get the buck out of here.
  357. >You got this Pillow, play it cool...
  359. >You rush over to a clothing stand and begin to-
  360. >Focus, you stupid Pegasus! Focus!
  361. >Right, sorry.
  363. >Before you know it you've reached the back of the building and subsequently the door you were looking for.
  364. >You place the side of your face against the door, and try to listen for anyone inside.
  365. >*WHAM*
  366. >"I think you're worried over nothing."
  367. >"Do you really? That pony and his team were arrested just last night. It was on the news, Joe. 'A drug epidemic' they called it. This isn't good. I was supposed to keep them calm and quiet. I didn't think they'd make such a big deal about a rumor. Now the guys are talking about moving down south because things are getting too heated up here-"
  368. >That's all you can hear before they turn the corner and walk out of sight.
  369. >The door swings shut, and you slowly peel off the wall in a cartoon fashion and float gently to the ground before popping back to life.
  371. >You shake your head rapidly to dispel the dizziness.
  372. >That was John and Joe!
  373. >But what was John talking about?
  374. >No time! The keys might be in there!
  375. >You make a grab for the door.
  376. >A few fruitless pulls on the handle tell you that Joe locked it on his way out.
  377. >Great, now you need to get Joe to open the door...
  378. >But he's probably still with John. You need a plan.
  379. >Come on brain! Think! THINK!
  381. >Okay, okay. I got it. What if we-
  384. >You are Joe.
  385. >John decided to pay a visit and check up on you while he did some grocery shopping and waits for a friend.
  386. >You've both been exchanging information on your work.
  387. >It's obviously a one sided conversation considering the kind of work you do compared to John.
  388. >Man, why did you get stuck with managing while John gets the exciting job?
  389. >Yeah you're jelly. He's your younger brother and he's doing better than you. He even says he has his eye on someone, and is considering asking them out sometime. You've been single for 4 years!
  390. >You spend your nights alone and arguing with strangers over the internet while he gets to-
  391. >Your train of thought is interrupted as you hear screams and the intercom plays throughout the store.
  393. >Oh, for fucks sake, not again...
  395. >You excuse yourself from John and make your way back to your office, probably the only thing you're proud of due to how clean and tidy you keep it.
  396. >You think you have some minor OCD, you'd go nuts if your office was a mess.
  397. >Anyways, you unlock your door, grab the broom you usually use to beat that stupid pony with, and make a hasty exit so you can get there before she tries to make off again.
  398. >You swear that you'll knock her head in for harassing the customers.
  399. >But by the time you make it, the lady informs you it's too late and she's already gone.
  400. >"She was just here! She started bucking open doors and the customers were so terrified they collected their clothes and ran out!"
  401. >In a fit of rage, you shout to the ceiling and snap the broom over your knees.
  404. >You are Pillow Case
  405. >And that plan was perfect! Joe left his door open in his haste and he's probably shouting in anger that you're gone right this moment!
  406. >His office is actually a lot more clean than you thought it would be. Maybe that will make finding your keys easier.
  407. >The search begins!
  408. >You don't have much time, and quickly begin to search the room. Starting with his personal locker.
  409. >Nothing but a few coats and a uniform, but you unhook them and check their pockets before tossing them on the ground in a hurry.
  410. "Nope."
  411. >Moving to his desk, you push aside papers that flutter to the floor in your frantic search.
  412. "Nope."
  413. >You open and close multiple drawers, digging your hooves deep down them and ripping the contents out in hopes of finding what you're looking for.
  414. "Nope."
  415. >Nothing! Nothing at all! You've searched the entire room and you still can't find them!
  416. >You sit down on your haunches in the middle of the room and feel yourself starting to tear up.
  417. >That is, before you notice a shoebox on top of Joe's personal locker
  418. >You slowly stand up, and make your way over to the box.
  419. >Opening it reveals a multitude of personal items, such as phones, wallets, mp3's, but most importantly...
  420. >
  421. "MY KEYS!"
  423. >You've found them! Finally!
  424. >You didn't even have to have an awkward confrontation!
  425. >A cough from behind you sends a sharp shiver up your spine and causes your heart to skip a beat.
  426. >"Just what do you think you're doing!?"
  427. >Turning around, Joe stands before you. His arms crossed and his face contorted to one of pure anger.
  428. "I, uh, just wanted my keys. I'll be going now!"
  429. >"Look at my office! What have you done to it!?"
  430. >Looking around yourself, you kind of did make a mess of the place. It looks like a twister came through.
  431. >You swear a single tear rolls down his cheek.
  432. >"Not only that, but you've harassed customers for the fourth time this week! I'll have you jailed for this, freak!"
  433. >He grabs you by the sweater, only for you to try and buck him in the stomach.
  434. >Only to aim too low and instead crush his testicles...
  436. >You bust out of the office, and gallop your way out of the place.
  437. >On your way out, you take flight and see John sitting on a bench talking on his phone.
  438. >"Yeah, don't worry. I'll convince them not to."
  439. >He notices you.
  440. >"I'll call you back."
  441. >Hanging up his phone, John stands up, grabs his grocery bags, and turns to you.
  442. >"There you are. Find your keys?"
  444. >You grab him under his arms and frantically beat your wings in a vain attempt to fly you and John away as fast as possible.
  445. >Unfortunately, you don't have that kind of wing power and his feet are just dragging along the ground.
  446. >Joe exits the building cupping his manhood as humans and other ponies stare in disgust.
  447. >"Come back here again and I'll beat you senseless!" He shouts as tears flow from his eyes like a waterfall.
  448. >Wow, you actually feel kind of bad for what you did today.
  450. >"Pillow, what are you doing?"
  451. >Trying to muffle your older brother's cries of pain and despair.
  454. >The car ride home was embarrassingly uneventful.
  455. >John kept looking like he was about to ask you something, only to withdraw when you two made eye contact.
  456. >You've made it back to the apartment building and you're helping John with his groceries.
  457. >Even though he insists he can take all of the bags in one trip, you take one in your mouth anyways.
  458. >You help John store his food away, and move towards his door.
  459. "I guess this is a good-bye, John."
  460. >"Don't be like that. We'll see each other around."
  461. >Yeah, on our way out in the morning...
  462. "Okay."
  463. >You hang your head, and twist the knob on the door.
  464. "Before I go, is there anything you want to tell me?"
  465. >He hesitates briefly before shaking his head.
  466. "Okay....bye."
  467. >"Bye, Pillow."
  468. >You exit John's apartment and enter your own with a jump onto your couch.
  469. >You let out a disappointed sigh while hugging one of your couch pillows.
  470. "I miss him already..."
  472. >You don't have a lot of friends.
  473. >Well, you did, but they all found jobs with their special talents and opted for warmer locations when they moved to Earth.
  474. >And then when you moved to Earth, all of the humans you made friends with moved to Equestria.
  475. >They wanted you to come back with them at first, but eventually they realized the allure of a whole new dimension.
  476. >Maybe one day you'll go back.
  477. >Michigan weather sucks.
  478. >You're currently living off the benevolence of the human government, everyp0ny receives a monthly check if they've recently moved between worlds for three years on their first move.
  479. >It's your first year.
  480. >It was difficult working the whole money thing out, but after humans learned that Unicorn magic could power their machines and solve something called an "energy crisis", they were practically kissing Celestia's hooves.
  481. >In exchange, you and other new ponies get lods of mone for a few years.
  482. >You don't get much, but it's enough to live off of.
  484. >A few knocks on your door gain your attention.
  485. >You poke your head over the couch, and take a deep breath.
  486. >You launch yourself over to it with speed that could rival a Wonderbolt's, knocking your sofa over and sending papers on your table flying in the air.
  487. >Whipping open the door reveals John, more nervous than you've ever seen him.
  489. >"Hey, Pillow, uh, how's it going?"
  491. >Smooth.
  492. >He seems a bit taken back by your eagerness, but continues on anyways.
  493. >"You know, I was thinking, you're new to Earth, right?"
  494. "Yeah!"
  495. >"So I figured I could show you around the city sometime."
  496. "Like...on a date?"
  497. >"Well, it doesn't have to be-"
  498. "IT'S A DATE!"
  499. >Did you just say that out loud?
  500. >John stares at you while blood rushes to your cheeks.
  501. "I, uh, I dunno. I'm a pretty busy mare so-"
  502. >"Oh, alright. Well I'll see you around." He begins to turn back to his apartment.
  503. "NOWAIT"
  504. >You wrap your hooves around his arm and pull him back to your door.
  506. "I would love to."
  507. >"You sure?"
  508. "Yes! Of course! When?!"
  509. >"This weekend, Saturday."
  510. "Great! We'll have tons of fun!"
  511. >"I sure hope we do. I'll see you then. If you need anything, just knock on my door."
  512. "Okay!"
  513. >"Don't worry about money, I'll pay for everything. See you tomorrow!" He opens his door and waves good-bye through that last part.
  514. "You too!"
  515. >You too. Really?
  516. >You shut your door and facehoof.
  518. >Saturday greets you with a rude awakening, sunlight burns through your eyelids before being hidden by the clouds in the sky.
  519. >But you're not going to let that get you down, you're spending the day with John!
  520. >As you try to rise out of bed, your sheets wrap around your back leg and trip you to the floor.
  521. >Sweet Celestia that hurt.
  522. >You flutter back to your hooves and rub your aching face on your way to the bathroom.
  523. >A glance at the mirror and an exhale into your hoof reveals your mane is a mess and your morning breath is so bad the entire city can probably smell it.
  524. >You brush your teeth and hop in the shower.
  527. >With your morning routine done, you exit the bathroom with a [spoiler]wet mane[/spoiler]
  528. >If only John could see you now, he'd probably buck you right there.
  529. >You know you would.
  530. >You sit down on your couch and flick through the channels on your television, only listening to the program briefly before switching to the next channel.
  531. >"The other girls must be crazy if they think they're gonna beat me honey boo-boo chiiiiild-"
  532. >*click*
  533. >"Aaaaaaaand, we're back! Welcome to Cooking with Carrot Top!"
  534. >*click*
  535. >"Police are in the process of tracking a suspected member of an organized drug cartel. Citizens are advised to be on the look out for suspicious activity."
  536. >Hours pass as you burn daylight by watching television and being a lazy fat ass.
  537. >Not your most productive day so far.
  538. >You press the remote again and turn off the television.
  539. >T.V sucks. When is John supposed to be here?
  540. >Maybe you should just check up on him.
  542. >You throw on your sweater and exit your apartment, only to knock on John's.
  543. >No answer.
  544. >You knock again.
  545. >Nothing.
  546. >Is he asleep or something?
  547. >It's 6 in the afternoon!
  548. >Maybe you should find a way to burn time, he'll wake up sooner or later.
  549. >Too bad. You're starving
  550. >"What's going on, Pillow?"
  551. >Speak of the devil, John just came up the stairs.
  553. >He looks out of breath and he's sweating profusely.
  554. >You bite your lower lip, control yourself you stupid pony!
  555. "Were you out jogging or something?"
  556. >"You could say that" He says in between breaths
  557. >"So. Whatcha' doing at my door?"
  558. "I was just wondering when you wanted to head out. You never gave me a specific time yesterday"
  559. >He looks around nervously, like he's searching for something.
  560. >"Yeah, we should leave now. Let me just go inside and get my car keys."
  561. >He opens his door, but when you try to follow him inside he blocks you.
  562. >"Uh, sorry. You can't come in. I'll be out in a second, promise."
  563. >What is he trying to hide?
  565. >Whatever, he takes a little while than you expected but he's out in a few minutes.
  566. >"Alright. Let's go."
  567. >As you and John descend the stairs, you press him a little bit.
  568. "What took you so long? It's rude to keep a mare waiting."
  569. >"Funny."
  570. >You exit the apartment building and slide into John's car.
  571. >Police sirens echo off of the buildings from the distance and John accelerates before you can even buckle up.
  572. "Whoa there, what's the rush?"
  573. >"I just don't want to waste time. That's all."
  574. >That sounds a little fishy to you, something's off here.
  575. >Come to think of it, John's been acting very suspicious lately.
  576. >You'll have to keep an eye on him today.
  577. "So, where are we headed?"
  578. >"I haven't decided officially, but I have more than a few places in mind."
  580. >"We could head to a place called Comedy Castle. They do Stand-Up and it's usually a hit or miss but their food is fine."
  581. >That actually sounds pretty neat.
  582. >After that, I was thinking we could do the River-walk."
  583. "The River-walk?"
  584. >"The River-walk is one of the biggest attractions in downtown Detroit and is one of my favorite things about it. The walk way starts at around Cobo and goes all the way down a few miles to Rivard Park."
  585. >You could use a walk. You feel like a vegetable after your day so far.
  586. "Sounds great. Especially that Comedy Castle place, I've never seen human comedy."
  588. >Okay. This isn't what you were expecting.
  589. >First of all, it's only the first comedian and he's failing miserably.
  590. >He's an Earth Pony and a mumbler. His cutie mark is a robot, but you don't need that to know comedy is NOT his special talent. His face is covered in acne, even though he appears to be an adult. The rest of the audience is getting bored and hungry because the food hasn't come out yet.
  591. >Second, this place isn't even a castle!
  592. >Not like you were expecting something reminiscent of Canterlot or anything.
  593. >John seems to be enjoying himself, though.
  594. >"Oh man, this is good."
  595. "What are you talking about? He's stuttering and we can hardly hear him."
  596. >"I know! Listen, there's two ways to enjoy Stand up. Either laugh because they're great at what they do, or laugh because they're failing miserably."
  597. >"And, uh, uh, anyone out here ever-"
  598. >The audience starts to boo him off stage, and he begins to shuffle his way off before bumping into one of the waitresses and spilling the tray of spaghetti she was carrying.
  599. >Pasta flies everywhere, and the audience laughs for the first time tonight.
  601. >You and John can barely control your laughter, that was the funniest thing you've ever seen.
  602. >"Glad to see you two are having fun."
  603. >Oh, it's the waiter. She snuck up on you.
  604. >She sets down your food and John chips in.
  605. >"Well now we are! Let's hope the next the one is just as good."
  606. >"The next one is a regular here. I'm sure you'll love him."
  607. >The host comes on stage carrying the microphone and addresses the audience.
  608. >"Alright folks, I apologize for that one. I guess you could say he had too much on his plate to handle!"
  609. >This is going to be a long night.
  612. >About 7 mediocre comedians later, the last one for the night is preparing to come on.
  613. >Most of the audience has left by now. You can't blame them. You, John, and another small group of ponies and humans on the other side of the room are the only ones left now.
  614. >You and John have finished your food, and are discussing leaving to spend more time walking.
  615. >You can't wait, you're definitely going to make a move on John.
  616. >If he makes a move on you first? Oh Luna you'll be the happiest pony alive!
  617. >This is going to be THE. BEST. NIGHT. EVER.
  618. >The host comes on stage again and speaks up.
  619. >"Alright people and ponies, we've had a good night so far and it's time for our final act. He signed up just about half an hour ago so technically I'm not supposed to let him perform, but he made me an offer I just couldn't refuse!"
  620. >With that, the host makes his way off stage counting a huge wad of cash.
  622. >A hulk of a man wearing an overcoat and a hat that covers his face saunters on stage and turns out to the small audience.
  623. >He immediately makes eye contact with you and John.
  624. >"Hope you all are having a good time out here tonight. Because it's about to get even better!" His voice sounds as deep as the ocean, and at the same time it's as if he's speaking through a fan.
  625. >You have a bad feeling about this...
  626. >Even John is looking at you worriedly.
  627. >"Especially our lovely couple here." He motions his hand towards you two.
  628. >You try to cover your flushed face with your hoof, and the man speaks up again.
  629. >"Oh, come on now. Don't be shy. I thought such a mysterious, and more importantly, dangerous man would attract more of a hotblooded mate."
  630. "Wait...what?"
  631. >"Oh. You haven't told her?"
  632. >The man looks at John, you do as well.
  633. >"Pillow, we need to leave."
  635. "What is he talking about?"
  636. >"Pillow, we need to leave NOW."
  637. >The crowd on the other side of the room stands up and begins to slowly make their way over to you.
  638. >"Don't you all just HATE liars?" The man begins.
  639. >John grabs you and moves for the door, but it won't budge.
  640. >He whips around to face the group as you cower behind him.
  641. >One of the ponies in the group launches himself at John only for him to kick the pony in the jaw with a loud crack.
  642. >A human throws a punch at John, but he grabs him by the arm, turns, twists, and slams him down on one of the tables.
  643. >"I know I do. They're the worst kind of men. Cheating, useless scumbags. The lot of them."
  645. >"Do you know what happens when a liar dies, 'John'?"
  646. >A different human grabs John from behind while a pony bucks him in the stomach.
  647. >One of the humans grab make a grab for you. But you fly over his head and kick the human restricting John in the head, freeing him and knocking the human unconscious.
  648. >John turns around with a kick in your direction, but instead his leg flies over your head and connects with the face of another human behind you.
  649. >"They lie still."
  650. >The man on stage reaches into his coat, and removes a pistol.
  651. >One shot in John's leg is all it takes to bring him to the ground.
  652. >You try to scream, but a cloth covering your mouth prevents you from doing so.
  653. >Darkness fills your vision as a sweet antiseptic-like smell whisks you to sleep.
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