
WarpedRealm release 1.19

Aug 27th, 2022
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  1. Release 1.19 Changes:
  2. - Added /buyquest to TCF
  3. - Added a new last line in the tutorial reminding newcomers that dying a few times is normal
  4. - Fixed a few typos in the tutorial
  5. - Added auto broadcast message mentioning /buyquest
  6. - Fixed the custom fishing stuff not paying out the fishing job (Also not counting towards stats)
  7. - Fixed an issue where mobkills would sometimes trigger leaderboards twice
  8. - Fixed boss-bar flickering from the broodmother
  9. - Edited a few of the particles at spawn to feature some of the new ones
  10. - Fixed gaia and other bosses glow colors
  11. - Fixed an issue where you could stack spawners above their limit
  12. - Added sell-prices to /sell for the new items
  13. - Slightly buffed ogre archers
  14. - Reworked maintenance mode to change MOTD
  15. - Added auto broadcast message mentioning [item]
  16. - Fixed the spawnpoint of players falling into the void
  17. - Fixed the zone of the hell portal being a few blocks too high
  18. - Removed chestsorting because noone ever used it
  19. - Changed voteparty prefix
  20. - Added one new nether quest
  21. - Added a new wilderness quest
  22. - Fixed gem stones not applying if you held the item in your offhand
  23. - Slightly optimized purpurs entityhandling
  24. - Slightly reduced cost of some enchantments in /repair
  25. - Fixed Permission bug with some quests
  26. - Fixed some items in crates having their durability a bit too high
  27. - Fixed [item]
  28. - Increased server slots to 50
  29. - Fixed mentioning players not pinging the mentioned player
  30. - Fixed schedule formats being broken (Broodmother, restart and ignis)
  31. - Fixed being able to break and place the same block in quests
  32. - Added 8 new quests for the /buyquest command, currently only wilderness
  33. - Increased Gaia spawnrate
  34. - Added Updated the server to 1.19
  35. - Added The chatting cooldown has been removed
  36. - Added [item] for all players to link their items
  37. - Added new /buyquest command to buy a quest. You basically pay 1.5k to start the quest, get 2-2.5k back on completion plus 1-3 keys.
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