
Official Rank E Cup

Mar 5th, 2018
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  1. The Official Rank of the most important and prestigious cups for any breeder to compete in. Yes, cause in order for one to advance in the ranks both monster and breeder-wise...they have to win their rank and then get to advance. Each month that begins the new season at the end of said month...These tourneys are held for the breeders in each continent.
  3. And so...September 4th week. We see Jalen(Wearing a red hoodie on with black jeans) and Ieyasu walking to the waiting lobby for the Official Rank E Cup following Raven's request. Both of them are feeling very nervous as this is actually their 2nd tourney outside of their hometown of Ransei. Nevertheless, they both knew that being scared in Monster Battling won't help you.. Ieyasu breathes in and out slowly as they finally reaches the doors. "Ready, Ieyasu?" Jalen ask his Garu who nods in agreement. Jalen then push the doors open to show the 3 finalists in this tourney. Greyson with his Big blue, Donovan, glare at him as he remembers the last time they fought with Donovan's embarrassing defeat. "YOU!" Greyson points at our hero with an baleful look. "Don't think I haven't forgotten our last encounter....We'll make you pay!" Jalen roll his eyes as he surveys the room, ignoring Greyson's comments on him. He soon see the last 2 over in a corner. An annoyed Raven sitting down with her eyes closed and arms crossed as Qrow looks bored drinking his beer as Inigo fails to flirt with Raven. besides them, Sukeru tries to initiate conversation with Makoto imitating his breeder. Makoto for her part, looks downright murderous compared to her breeder and breeder assistant as she growls at the oblivious Scaled Hare.
  5. "My lovely Raven...Why don't you speak to me? Is it cause you're at a loss for words at my high charisma? Oh, don't be alarmed...I merely wanna speak to you before our lovely clash at this event!" "Oh, she's at a loss, allright..." Inigo scowls as Qrow speaks up after taking a swig of his beer to defend his sister(Not that she needs it, but it's a nice gesture from his end) "But it's not for the reasons your small lil brain can cook up muddled by thoughts transmitted from your 'lower' head." Qrow gestures with his beer bottle towards Inigo's crouch with a scowl. Inigo scoffs and returns with a sharp tone in his voice. "Oh, so the local town drunk knows what his sister thinks? Please stick to the one custom you're good at, and maybe you will wake up in some whore's bed!" Qrow grits his teeth at the smug look of Inigo's and stand up..his scowl soon morphs to a smirk as he thought up a good comeback. "Sure, maybe I'll take that offer up..and who knows? maybe that 'whore' you speak of will be your older sister!" That does the work as Inigo's face turns to a pissed-off expression and he grabs a smirking Qrow by his jacket and almost punches him were it wouldn't bring him a D/Q. "You don't refer to my sister like that! I will not take that!! I am the best male breeder after Prince Dio going to Rank D in Rank E!"
  7. Raven opens her eyes and stand up with her hands on her hips and smirks as she look past the 2 quarreling boys with Makoto(Garu/Tiger) doing the same with a more wary stance and look on her face "Nah, the actual best male breeder is now here.." Inigo and Qrow look back to where Raven is looking at as Inigo's face turn to a scowl and he let go of Qrow's jacket and point at a amused Jalen. Sukeru sees Ieyasu and crosses his arms as Ieyasu yawns...not impressed at seeing Sukeru again.
  9. "You!!!" "No pls..." Jalen clean his ears out with a smile "Ignore me, I was merely enjoying the show here...." Inigo was about to speak up when the TV in the room comes on and show the bracket...1st seed is Makoto, 2nd is Ieyasu(Much to Inigo and Sukeru's jealously), 3rd is Sukeru himself, and 4th is Donovan. "Good, we're fighting each other 1st..." Inigo smiles as he flips his hair and head out to the dugouts with Sukeru hmphings and following his breeder.
  11. Greyson walks and tries to brush past Jalen, but Jalen merely move out the way and he almost trip as he put a lot of his big weight into it....He hears Jalen snickering behind him as he make his way with Donovan following..leaving our hero with the Branwen Twins. Qrow look him up and down and drink some of his beer.
  13. "So...You're Jalen Pruett?"
  14. "Yeah..."
  16. Qrow shrugs as he walk out towards the dugout, taking their cooler for their monster with him
  17. "Good luck with ya, we're planning on winning this so you can take 2nd place."
  19. "I wouldn't count on that." Jalen can see Qrow's smirk at him as he head out...Raven walk close to him with a scowl and arms crossed. "So...You came." "Yeah, I did...thanks for the money for the gadget." She shakes her head with a dismissive look
  21. "Think nothing of it, I'm merely helping a fellow Garu Breeder out....Besides." She smirks at him, where it's clear that he's at least an inch higher than she is. "If you get better and I defeat you, then it's clear that I'm the superior Breeder here..." Jalen rolls his eyes as Raven rest a hand on his chest in an affectionate manner, he don't brush her off as he crosses his arms. "Sure...Keep saying that..." Raven snickers as she turns from him and walk out with Makoto following her. "Don't lose to anyone here besides me, Pruett."
  23. Jalen look at Ieyasu who crosses his arms and give him a look that speaks "Your girlfriend is fucking crazy..."
  25. "...She's not my girlfriend." Ieyasu snickers as he follows a blushing Jalen out to the dugout.(edited)
  26. The refs soon come out and tell the somewhat filled arena(Most of the people here are for Inigo due to him being the most well-known) of the rules here. Eventually, the matches begin with Makoto vs Donovan.
  28. "I'm gonna win!" Greyson call out to an non-amused Raven who crosses her arms and ignore the fat boy as she look at Makoto who stands before her on the arena as she faces off against Donovan. "Makoto..." Makoto looks back at Raven "Not a single scratch on you, you hear?:" Makoto nods which makes Raven nods as well. "Good."
  29. Jalen sits down and watches the match starts off with Makoto easily dodging most of Donovan's attacks with more ease Ieyasu had against him back at the Tsunami Cup.
  31. "Must be that Tiger Blood in her.." Ieyasu watches the match with more focus than Jalen is due to this being a fellow Garu(Wolfkin at that) and wanna see where he can compare to her in....In his mind, Ieyasu can see that she's much faster than he is and judging from the attacks she's landing on Donovan's body..more accurate as well...However, this must means that her physical traits(POW,DEF,and perhaps even LIF) are lower than his own for sure. "Judging by your look, you seem to know what to do against this Wolfkin...." Ieyasu nods as Jalen rubs his furry head. "Yeah..we gotta hammer on her when we get the chance...."
  33. Soon, Makoto finally stop dodging the attacks from the tired Donovan and crank up the offensive as she laid down multiple Wild Slashes to a Claw Combo via jumping all over Donovan's body. The Big Blue groans in pain as he can't shake the Wolfkin off of him...with 10 seconds left, Raven order Makoto to get off of Donovan and run off to stall the time down to a 0. And so she does so...
  35. "Argh! You cancerous witch!! How are you gonna stall the time off like that!?!" Greyson cries out as he and Donovan loses the match to Raven. Raven for her part, scowls and walk off..but she look over at Jalen with a challenging look as she sit down in her dugout with Qrow smiling as they win their 1st match. Makoto walks over and is petted on the head by Raven who smiles faintly at her for a good win. "Good work, but you have to move faster, there were times where you slowed down..stop doing that...But other than that, you did fine, Makoto." Makoto purrs as Qrow hand her a water bottle to replenish her stamina. Meanwhile, Inigo walk out to the loud applause from his fangirls and wave and bow to them...they shower him with a lot of flower as Sukeru does the same gestures his breeder does towards the crowd. Meanwhile, Jalen merely walk out to no one cheering for him and Ieyasu. Ieyasu looks somewhat bothered by this, but is reassured by not only Jalen rubbing his head, but over in the Branwen corner, he can see Makoto looking at him with a somewhat reassuring look of her own(Hard to tell judging by her stoic look, but at the very least, it's better than the one Donovan is giving him which just speaks murderous vibes along with Greyson.)(edited)
  37. Inigo soon quiet the girls down as he turn to Jalen with a serious face. "Jalen! I must say that last time, I've underestimated you...But this time will be different!!" Sukeru leaps forward and land as he get into his stance and does a
  39. "Bring it!" gesture towards Ieyasu. Ieyasu calmly walk forward and get into his own stance as Jalen glare onwards... "I'll be sure to knock you down a peg or two!!" Inigo smirks as he gestures towards his fans. "After all, I shall not disappoint my lovely ladies here!!" Hearing this, the girls swoon as Jalen and Raven rolls their eyes as Qrow take a swig... "Sure love the sound of his voice, eh?" "That insufferable Ape is a mockery of all breeders here in Togle...Pruett better end him as soon as possible lest we have to deal with any more of his BS...." The bell soon rings out as Inigo turns towards Sukeru and throw a palm out with his command...
  41. "Sukeru, let's do our new attack!! Back Blow!!!" But as Sukeru begins to run forward and then turn his body so that he can throw it...his fist is suddenly caught by Ieyasu who tries to counter back with a Wild Slash..however, Sukeru breaks away and backflips from the attack. Inigo looks quite shook before smirking as Sukeru breaks away. "Ah, nice reaction speed, let's not waste time and go on the offensive with a barrage of 1-2 Punches!!!" Sukeru shouts as he runs in and throw out fast set of punches to hit Ieyasu. The sound of impact rings out in the arena as Inigo closes his eyes and nods. "Ahh..the sound of Sukeru's green fists making contact on skin truly is a great sound!!!"
  42. "They're making contact, but not in the way you think it is..." Jalen clean his ear out with a broed expression as Inigo opens his eyes and scowl. "What are you talk-!!!"
  44. Inigo is looking on in shock along with his fangirls as Sukeru's fists are making contact..but like Jalen said..they're not hitting Ieyasu...more like Ieyasu is BLOCKING THEM ALL with his own hands with a calm look. Even Raven herself is shook as she stands up and watches the match with a incredulous look... "Raven....did I drink too much or are you...?" Qrow rubs his eyes as Makoto stand next to Raven and tug on her breeder's pants to wake her up from her stupor. "Huh?!?" Raven look down at her Wolfkin and rubs her eyes as she turn back to the match...By now, Sukeru's backing away with a tired look while Ieyasu looks more than ready to end this match. "You're done now?" Jalen call out to Inigo who growls... "Don't even say that! You're acting like you already won this match!"
  46. "I am now...Ieyasu!!!...Fire Kick!" Raven's face lights up as Ieyasu runs toards Sukeru with a spinning kick on fire and connect with Sukeru's head. Sukeru is knocked out of the arena and to a wall on the east side of the arena. The sound of shocked silence is heavy in the air as Sukeru is knocked to the wall and slowly fall out of the wall and to the ground KO'ED. "HOW!?!? AGAIN!?!? WHAT IS THIS MADNESS!?!?" Inigo pulls on his light blue hair(Inherited from his father, Virion) in frustration as Sukeru is carried off to the medical room. Inigo's fangirls begin to boo Jalen who, along with Ieyasu, grins in an audacious manner and flips them all off. "Holy..." Raven blinks as she watches Jalen head to the dugout with Ieyasu following him. "Like..he wasn't this good at the Tsunami Cup, right Qrow?" "No..." Qrow opens the cooler and pull out another beer to drink it as he looks very shook from the match. "But I'll comment that Ieyasu delivered a more brutal beatdown to Sukeru..." "I see..." Raven rubs her chin as the next match will begin in 10 mins.
  48. The next match was gonna be Sukeru vs Makoto, but due to Sukeru's had to be postponed for the medical team to get him back to the arena as Inigo sulks even harder than he did back at home in his dugout. his fangirls stuck between supporting him with soft words and insulting Jalen who step on the field with Ieyasu once more as Greyson and Donovan are there..both of them ready to defeat Jalen. "Ready to lose, pal!?!?" Donovan bangs his fists together and roar at Ieyasu who looks not impressed at all. "You're annoying and I'll end this shortly." The bell soon rings as Raven looks curious on how Jalen will prove that to be right...Donovan runs towards Ieyasu to slam a palm down on him when..she hears a familiar sound and a blue light forming in one of Ieyasu's hands.
  50. "NO WAY..DON'T TELL ME IEYASU MASTERED.." Qrow almost drops his beer as he stands up and watches Ieyasu perform an attack that took Makoto months to master...but seem it only took Ieyasu 2 fucking weeks.... "(....I...I don't think...)" Raven look at Makoto who is transfixed on the action before her with a somewhat frightful look "Qrow..." He raise an eyebrow and then looks very concerned as Raven look at him with a rather scared look...her next words also makes Makoto looks very shocked.
  52. "I..I think we should forfeit against Ieyasu."
  55. Ieyasu shouts as he release a wave of energy from his hands towards Donovan who freezes in his tracks with a scared look..and then scream in pain as the blue energy covers his body and blow him OFF THE ARENA AND TOWARDS THE STANDS!!!
  57. Luckily there was no one sitting there as he crashed down on the stands as he is covered in multiple burn marks and is bleeding from some of them... "DONOVAN!!!" Greyson cry out in horror as he soon turn to Jalen with a hateful look. "You stupid fucker!!! Fuck you!!!" Jalen rolls his eyes.. "Shut up...the strong prevails..and the weak falters...That's one of Monster Battling many rules. If you didn't wanted your Donovan to get hurt..." Jalen look up as medical staff struggles to get Donovan out of the stands. "You should had given up." And he turn back to the dugout with Ieyasu following... "That said, I'll send you some of my winnings for the medical bill, Greyson...I didn't expected the Kamehameha to be THAT strong..." Here, Greyson's hateful glare softens just a bit..happy that at least his friend will get some help. Raven on the other hand, have decided to just give the match and the tourney to Jalen after witnessing this.(edited)
  59. "(Holy fuck, I think I created a demon in that guy...)"
  61. And so, Sukeru was able to come back out, although he look rather dazed from the match he had with Ieyasu, judging from the way he was walking with a rather strange limp in his footsteps. And as she can see from his attitude, Raven can tell Inigo couldn't see the issue Sukeru was facing. "(He have a slight concussion...and the doctors let him come out???)" She shakes her doubt those doctors aren't good at their careers. "(I can't believe that I'm gonna have Makoto show some degree of mercy to this buffoon...)" She walk out from her dugout as Makoto steps forward, knowing what her breeder want her to do.
  63. "INIGO! I'LL GIVE YOU ONE LAST CHANCE TO GIVE UP! IT'S CLEAR SUKERU HAVEN'T FULLY HEALED HIMSELF FROM HIS LAST BOUT." She shouts from the other end of the arena, hoping that he will get the message she's blatantly beating down his head with. but sadly...He don't get it as he shakes his head and laughs, resting a hand on his forehead in a dandy way that irritates her. Qrow shakes his head as he look at Sukeru with a look of pity. "(Poor thing gonna suffer even more cause of his stupid breeder....)" "My lovely Raven...Are you showing me some sympathy? Fret not, Sukeru is perfectly fine!" Sukeru nods although he grimaces as he move his head...Raven scowls in anger as she shakes her head. "You fucking....fine...I'll make this short."
  65. The bell rings and as soon as it does so..
  69. Makoto cup her hands and does a way faster, but far weaker version of the blast Ieyasu used and shoot a skinnier version of the beam at Sukeru who get blown back by it. He screams in pain as he falls near Inigo KO'ED. "NO WAY!?!? HOW!?!?" "You fucking idiot...this time, tell them docs to make sure your Scaled Hare is actually ok before it get sent to fight!" Raven grumbles as she walk to the dugout as a more experienced medical team takes Sukeru to the medical center as Inigo follows behind, his legions of fangirls all leaving the arena in a depressed manner as their hope and dreams of Inigo winning is dashed away.
  71. Raven sit down next to her brother who pats her back. "You ok?" Raven sighs as she look over at Jalen with a look of defeated mixed with pride... "I'll have to forfeit against him...As much as I wished to fight him here and now..I can't risk Makoto's and I both see and know if there is anyone here who deserves to go to the next rank.." She gestures across the arena towards where Jalen and Ieyasu are at, the 2 of them sitting down in a patient manner. "It's those 2...."
  73. Qrow can hear the defeated tone in Raven's voice and nods solemnly in agreement. "And here I thought we were the best here in Togle within the E Rank following Prince Diego's ascending to the D Rank." He chuckles and chug his beer. "Mom's right, no matter how hard we try, there's just gonna be someone who will be better than us..." "..." Raven scowls as she looks up. "For now, at least...I know how we gonna get better. But for now..." She stands up and glances at Jalen once more. "We'll ave to concede to him."
  75. And so, After Makoto gets an automatic win against Donovan due to his injuries...Raven call over one of the refs and speak to him. Jalen of course sees this as she glances at his direction and finish her conversation. He can see a mix of (VERY) slight happiness followed by anger and sadness? "What the hell is she doi-" "RAVEN HAVE FORFEITED HER MATCH AGAINST JALEN, THEREFORE, NOT ONLY DOES IEYASU PICK UP A WIN, HE IS THE SEPTEMBER RANK E CHAMP AND SHALL ADVANCE TO RANK D!!!"
  77. "Wh-What???"
  79. Jalen ofc is happy that he won(Helps that the very small crowd cheers for him and Ieyasu), but he look at Raven who is packing her stuff up with her brother, her long hair covering her face as Makoto helps them in getting their stuff together and then they leave the arena. Jalen wanted to go and speak to her, but both he and Ieyasu are swarmed by the media as they hound him down for questions.
  86. Jalen eventually managed to get both him and Ieyasu away from the media and they get their prize money(5000G, but he gave 2000G to Greyson to help his Donovan as he said he would). But following that, as he get outside in the night time..he don't see the Branwens anywhere...
  88. "DAMNIT!" he kicks a can on the ground in anger as he and Ieyasu head to their car and drives home...Ieyasu pats Jalen on his head in an attempt to calm him down...Jalen sighs as he drives...
  90. "Man, I just wanted to speak to her...I assume she didn't wanted her monster to face you and get injured..which is very understandable, but still..."
  92. Nevertheless, the 2 of them arrive home in Jalen's rundown shack and they head straight to their beds. Ieyasu head to his hut and sleep on his mattress as does Jalen in his living room/dining room/bedroom...however, before he could sleep, his phone gets a text message.
  94. "?"
  96. Confused, he answers it and widen his eyes as it's a number he don't know. Opening it up makes his heart jump as the sender is none other than Raven Branwen.
  98. "[Hello I'm sure you may already know, I gave up against you simply cause I didn't want Makoto to risk getting hurt ya know? I agree with the whole social darwinist you spoke of against Greyson, but I also don't wanna see anything or anyone i care for get hurt badly...By the way, you HAVE to show me how you got your Garu to be so strong!!! I won't take no for an answer! I'll talk more, but I'm honestly tired...So tomorrow, I'll be over to visit you know...PROPERLY congratulates you...~]"
  100. With this, Jalen sees a pic is tied to this text and press it to open it. He does so and soon blood rushes to his loins as he sees Raven with a smirk on as she hold her camera up high. She's laying on her bed naked as she covers her big tits(Jalen remember Raven before they fucked the 1st time that she wears bras and clothing that make her seem to be more flat than she appears to be)
  102. "[Until then, no fapping, Pruett!!! Anyway...Night!!! -Raven]"
  104. With that, Jalen sighs and smiles, feeling much better that Raven spoke to him...feeling cheeky, he decided to return a text back.
  106. "[You're merely gonna make it much worse for you then~]"
  108. And right before he sleeps for the night...he gets a text from her back
  110. "[Good. :3 <3]"
  112. He rolls his eyes as he text her good night and fall asleep...looking forward to seeing her tomorrow.
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