
Dry Bowser's Festivus

Dec 23rd, 2017
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  1. Dry Bowser was practicing his feat of strength on the night of Festivus, punching the various rock formations around the Grumble Volcano as he was losing some of his fragile bones from his skeletal body while doing this.
  3. "Phew... I think I'm losing a bit more than I thought. Maybe I should glue these bones together better," Dry Bowser said to himself as he got his air of grievance out of the way.
  5. Dry Bowser eventually managed to get rid of all the rock formations, noticing how much more open the volcanic area was, much to his joy as he enjoyed the red flames bouncing about without being halted by the rocks in the way.
  7. Dry Bowser: Now this is better... although there is just one thing missing to make this good.
  9. Dry Bowser then reached into his charcoal shell, pulling out a meatloaf resting on lettuce and placing it down on the dirt paved road he was standing on, following up by pulling out an aluminum pole and sticking it right by the Festivus dinner, proceeding to take in the heated air of the burning racecourse as he decided to construct a clone of himself using his dark magic, performing another of the legendary feats of strength.
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