

Jan 26th, 2014
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  1. IFS=$'\n'
  2. if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
  3.     if [ ! -f $1 ]; then
  4.     echo "Error: file $1 does not exist"
  5.     exit
  6.     fi
  7.     path=`echo $1 | rev | cut -d / -f 2- | rev`
  8.     if [ $path == $1 ]; then
  9.     path=$PWD
  10.     fi
  11. fi
  12. if [ $# == 1 ]; then
  13.     nb=0
  14.     for i in `cat $1`
  15.     do
  16.     if [ -f $path/$i ]; then
  17.         let ++nb
  18.         if [ $nb -lt 10 ]; then
  19.         digit="00"
  20.         elif [ $nb -lt 100 ]; then
  21.         digit="0"
  22.         else
  23.         digit=""
  24.         fi
  25.         mv -v $path/$i $path/$digit$nb" - "$i
  26.     fi
  27.     done
  28. elif [ $# == 2 ] && [ $2 == "-r" ]; then
  29.     for i in `ls $path`
  30.     do
  31.     name=`echo $i | cut -d - -f 2- | cut -c 2-`
  32.     for j in `cat $1`
  33.     do
  34.         if [ $path/$name == $path/$j ]; then
  35.         mv -v $path/$i $path/$name
  36.         fi
  37.     done
  38.     done
  39. else
  40.     echo "Playlist files will be renamed by playlist index.
  41. This script is designed for M3U playlists using relative paths.
  42. Playlist file needs to be in playlist files folder, subfolders not supported.
  43. You can use this script with other playlists if you convert them.
  44. Index uses 3 digits: playlist files are renamed alphabetically up to 999 files.
  46. Usage: $0 playlist [OPTION]
  47. OPTION: -r: remove index from filename (add by default)"
  48. fi
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