
Just wash the fucking hat

Apr 11th, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Brad sat on the bed in his room, his laptop open on his lap as he worked diligently on the video prep he probably should have finished before they went to Mexico, but he was too busy working on Kelsey's video instead. He'd left his things from Tijuana relatively untouched because he didnt give a shit and just sort of figured Kelsey would get around to doing it for him, like an asshole.-
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  4. Alexithymiaa: Alexithymiaa: -Brad sat on the bed in his room, his laptop open on his lap as he worked diligently on the video prep he probably should have finished before they went to Mexico, but he was too busy working on Kelsey's video instead. He'd left his things from Tijuana relatively untouched because he didnt give a shit and just sort of figured Kelsey would get around to doing it for him, like an asshole.-
  5. Covet: Kelsey had been gathering up the laundry from herself and Connor. She'd been unable to stay up last night to get anything done that she needed to, but was now getting shit done. She walked into Bradley's room, with the laundry basket full of dark colors. " Hey, where's your spring break stuff, I'm throwing in a load of dark colors."
  6. Alexithymiaa: -He glanced up from his computer to look at Kelsey in his doorway, gesturing to his unzipped backpack that was on the floor and kind of vomiting clothes out the top of the bag. "Good, I'm almost out of t-shirts."-
  7. Covet: "Oh no, so tragic." Kelsey told him a little flatly as she grabbed his backpack and brought it over to his bed, dumping it over to shake it out spreading the clothes out so she could grab what she needed. Then she looked over at him, and the beanie on his head.
  8. Alexithymiaa: "Hey!" He called out when she dumped his things out on the bed, shifting his laptop in his lap to look down at the clothes everywhere now. "Don't mock me."-
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  11. Alexithymiaa: Alexithymiaa: "Hey!" He called out when she dumped his things out on the bed, shifting his laptop in his lap to look down at the clothes everywhere now. "Don't mock me."-
  12. Covet: "I will mock you. Because if it was that dire of an issue you could have done it yourself." She told him sticking her tongue out. "Just go back to your work, so I can continue to slave over your laundry." Intentionally trying to get him to turn back around.
  13. Alexithymiaa: -He rolled his eyes at her dramatics, flicking his hair out of his eyes. "My work is important. I should have had this done for Anna's producer before we left for Tijuana and I was too busy working on your video to get it done so... now it's crunch time."-
  14. Covet: "Oh, why didn't you prioritize her first? I mean, I appreciate all the work you've done, but please don't go slacking off on other clientel just for me. Especially when we're still working out the fine details for everything." Kelsey told him more seriously as she held onto the basket on her hip. " If it's crunch time then seriously, don't let me distract you."
  15. Alexithymiaa: "I'm focusing on her now. But she booked me after you booked me, so even by letter of professionalism, you came first." He said with a smirk because she would have come first regardless.-
  16. Covet: "Would you quit being contrary and just get back to work, now you're distracting me." Kelsey told him, adjusting the laundry basket on her hip.
  17. Alexithymiaa: -He started to laugh, dropping his eyes back down to his laptop and beginning to type again. "Sorry, I'll stop distracting you from all the laundry you have ahead of you. I know you need to focus."-
  18. Covet: As soon as he turned his head away, Kelsey leaned over and snatched the beanie off of his head and shoved it into the laundry basket as she took off towards the door, throwing it open so she could run down the hall to where the laundry facilities were. She knew she had to be at least a little fast, but didn't have to worry too much because he wasn't that athletic.
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  21. Alexithymiaa: "Hey!" He yelled out when she snatched the beanie off his head, shoving his laptop off his lap and onto the bed and jumping up to his feet. "That's mine!" He called after her, breaking into a VERY light jog to take off after her. He got only a few steps out of his door and into the hallway when he stopped to take a few deep breaths, yelling out of breath to her. "Get back here with that!"-
  22. Covet: "I will when it's clean!" She called out to him, cackling because he couldn't keep up with her. She got to the washer and got the load going, leaving the laundry basket in there for now as she came back out and down the hallway with a pleased smirk on her face, because Ha, she won.
  23. [1:15:10 AM] Stephh -: -Brad wheezed a bit, leaning over to plant his hands on his knees because there was no way he could do the running thing to the end of the hallway to catch up with her at all. He looked up when she finally returned, shaking his head. "Not fair."-
  24. [1:20:55 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: Kelsey scoffed at him as she walked up to where he'd stopped and was dying. "As if you were going to make it fair. I know you better than that hun."
  25. [1:21:34 AM] Stephh -: "How was I going to make it unfair? You stole my beanie and ran away!" He blurted out half out of breath and half exasperated.-
  26. [1:32:48 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: "Because if I would have asked for it, you never would have given it to me." Kelsey told him crossing her arms, as she leaned against the wall across from him.
  27. [1:35:59 AM] Stephh -: "Yeah, because I didn't want you to wash it. It's mine." He said with a frown because he's a fucking baby. "You didn't have to steal it from me without my permission." He moved his hands up to his head, flattening down his shaggy hair.-
  28. [1:39:40 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: "And so are the shirts and other clothes I just threw in with it." Kelsey said flatly because clearly she's the logical one here. "I did what I had to do. If I had to spend one more day around that smelly thing, I would have been constantly nauseous."
  29. [1:42:19 AM] Stephh -: "There's nothing wrong with my beanie!" He whined, resisting the urge to stomp his fucking foot like a child. "I would have washed it when I was ready to wash it. And I wasn't ready to wash it yet."-
  30. [1:52:52 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: "You never would have been ready to wash it." Kelsey told him. "But if you want to spend the rest of your night pouting about it fine. I'll go find something else to do. Your beanie will be clean and ready for you to wear tomorrow."
  31. [1:54:04 AM] Stephh -: "I have to go all night without out?" He stammered, his mouth nearly falling open. "This is such bullshit. You're always telling me to take care of shit for myself, so why wasn't this one of the things I could have taken care of myself?"-
  32. [2:12:04 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: "I'm positive you'll survive." She told him as she started to walk away back towards her own room. " Because you never take care of things yourself. You always wait for me to do it. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother asking you to do something, when I know It'd get done faster and more efficiently if I just did it. But that loops around into a previous argument we've had and I'm not digging it back up. SO.... Deal with it." Kelsey finished as she went back to her dorm to finish taking care of things quietly while Connor was asleep.
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