
Summary Story 202107

Jul 22nd, 2021 (edited)
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  1. Disclaimer:
  2. - This is a summary. I omit details that I deem not important.
  3. - Names are mostly not official. Let me know if there are official names released or you found out their name origins.
  5. # Chapter 1
  7. >> Rain
  9. The scene started with Rain, Nericka and Luce talking about their new mission and Nericka accidentally led them into the opposite direction. When Nericka and Nini left the story stage, Luce told Rain Nericka is carrying a burden and would only tell him if Rain won him in their eventual challenge. Luce knew that Rain was hesitating because Rain suspected the targets were Loca and Marubom, but told him mission was absolute. When they arrived at the rendezvous town, town had already been devastated. The townspeople and most of the 6th squad but the leader were evacuated. Apparently the bomb was protecting the girl described to be with golden hair even after losing his mind to Omega infection.
  11. As Rain, Nericka and Luce split up to search the forest the duo fled to, Rain managed to find Loca fighting an infected golden bomb. Then Marubom (seemingly fine) showed up behind Loca and apparently the infected bomb was not Marubom. As they fought the Omega species golden bomb, another golden hair female mage showed up and took the bomb away.
  13. Rain checked Loca for injuries and was glad that she had none in case of possibility of infection. Finally, Luce and Nericka caught up to them and told Rain to hurry up to chase after the Omega species bomb. With no time to explain, Rain just told Loca and Marubom to follow them.
  15. As they proceeded in the burning forest, Nericka kept saying she was annoyed by presence of Loca because of her resemblance to someone she could no remember. Then the mage girl came over, said her bomb was named Bommie (JP: bomī) and asked the group why there were chasing after her. Rain wanted to hear her reason for attacking the village but Luce told him there was no reason to hesitate killing them since she was not Loca.
  17. Then Luce and Nericka received permission to use Wigarl against Bommie and told Rain to handle the girl mage. Finally Rain managed to asked her name, being Wola (JP: wola). Bommie had been her friend since she was a child and she worked in Shelna research facility. Bommie got infected when covering her from an Omega species attack. After that Bommie would not attack her and she did not know why despite working in the facility. Knowing that Bommie could not be cured and Kaledvulf would kill Bommie, she quit the research facility to flee with Bommie. Bommie was peaceful at first but got violent gradually. Rain commented that he did not want to fight her but knew that it was not an option as agreed by Wola. As the Wigarls and Rain were defeating Bommie and Wola, Bommie self-destructed. Loca was surprised that the Wigarls did not suffer any damage.
  19. Wola was devastated and mentioned Wigarl being a cursed power. (Apparently Snefringa was female.) Wola recited the legendary tale but added the fact that Snefringa was infected by Omega seeds when fighting Omega. But due to her special body constitution, she did not become violent and managed to have the power of Omega dwell in her body. It was called the proof of transcendence (referred to as blood awakening in Paladia/Lapis), the power to move Wigarl. Snefringa managed to defeat Omega using the proof of transcendence.
  21. With the fact that the power of Omega gave birth to Wigarl, Wola commented the world was too contaminated by Omega told them to kill her as she lost her only light in the world, Bommie. Luce said that it was no longer needed as they received new orders to escort (referred to as Professor) Wola. Wola as apparently a young genius in the research facility.
  23. Wola initially wanted to reject them, saying it was to bind her to research again. But Loca encouraged her, saying that it was worth researching the condition that allowed Bommie to retain self-awareness to protect Wola. Seeing how well Loca and Marubom were getting along, she decided to live on to research.
  25. >> Tyvas
  27. Tyvas had been acting strange ever since they left the previous town. Leftia was bothered by how Tyvas mentioned that if he committed sins, he would rather bear it to the end than to be saved by reincarnation. She became worried about him and asked Lund. Lund decided to tell Leftia a part of Tyvas past, believing that it was for the good of both of them. Accordingly Tyvas lost someone (people? not sure if plural) important in the past. Tyvas never brought it up to other people nor other people probed him about it, believing that speaking about it was a taboo.
  29. As Leftia tried to talk to Tyvas, they were ambushed by enemies. Tyvas and Turien managed to overpower the enemies but were taken surprise by a flash grenade and Leftia was taken away. Tyvas group kept chasing according to Lund's GPS thanks to Lund secretly placing an emitter on Leftia secretly. It would be over if the enemies that abducted Leftia crossed the river before Tyvas group reached them. Tyvas muttered that he would not lose (someone) again with a flashback. Harve and Turien were surprised at how desperate Tyvas seemed and how his eyes were full of sadness.
  31. In another of Tyvas flashback, he rushed in a burning town, calling their names Pilvy (JP: piruvi) Auline (JP: aurin), to find a dead woman and a dead young girl. Finally, they managed to catch up to Leftia. As enemies reinforcement arrived along with ambushed enemies, Tyvas entered another flashback that continued the previous scene. A haggard soldier arrived after him saying that the experiment of the research facility failed, resulting in huge damage in the area. Tyvas laughed at himself that after committing himself to missions for the sake of his country, his wife and his daughter were killed by the country.
  33. Finally they defeated the current group and rescued Leftia. But Lund detected new group was coming although they were already very close to their base. Tyvas kept muttering about completing his missions for his country as a military soldier, sand told Turien and Harve to stay back. The rest of the group was taken aback by how Tyvas managed to defeat so many soldiers on his own. Finally they continued their journey to the base.
  35. As Lund detected no pursuers, Tyvas told them to take a break and would rush to the base in one go after the break. Leftia went to thank Tyvas for saving him. Tyvas said there was no need to thank him as he was just carrying out his mission and eventually told her of the scenes in the flashback. He had resented the military at first, but realised there was no way to protect the country from the wars without the military. And since he always had been a soldier, denying the army meant denying himself. So he decided to believe in the military instead, telling himself that his wife and daughter were sacrifices for an important research. He knew he was just fooling himself but his mind was weak. Leftia said Tyvas was strong, because he was kinder than anyone else. She repeated the line Tyvas told Harve "there is no strength stronger than a kind heart".
  37. As they were closing to the base, Leftia commented that it would be nice if they could go onto a journey like this again. Turien also said he enjoyed having such fun journey with so many attacks. Tyvas said that it was not a journey and a journey was supposed to be accumulated time of shared experience like having a meal and enjoying a scenery between comrades. Then, Lund detected pursuers and after conversing, the pursuers realised Tyvas had no idea who Leftia was (they called her the one who fuses/merges, JP: yuugousha) but had no intention to tell him. (There was a labelling mistake here where a pursuer's line was labelled as Tyvas.) In their defeat the pursuers commented how world were to end as Leftia ended up with them.
  39. After defeating the pursuers, Tyvas commented that it was his first time to feel lonely to end the mission and how it might really have been a journey. Scened moved to Ishe practicing her spears. A soldier came in mentioning how she ordered two swords to be made despite being good at spears and another soldier came in to report that Tyvas had come back.
  41. As Tyvas group arrived at the base, they thanked each other for combining their efforts so everyone arrived without harm. Then a soldier came to escort Leftia away, saying that they would just do some body check on her and let her go (sounds like a lie but Tyvas group believed anyway). Harve asked Tyvas for a promise to bring Harve and Leftia back to the village after Leftia finished her business. Harve realised his lack of strength and said he would train more in the village.
  43. At night, Tyvas was heading to visit Leftia within the military camp and heard King Luont's voice with Ishe's. King Luont said that he would announce Leftia dead the next day because the fact that she lived must not be known to other countries. Luont also said that he would start a "activation" (JP: kidou) experiment on Leftia and commented how many people died for the experiment in vain. Leftia would survive and became a noble sacrifice like Snefringa. Tyvas rushed in and questioned Luont for what he said. Due to Tyvass success in the mission, Luont agreed to tell Tyvas about Plan Snowdrop, a plan to activate Omega.
  45. Luont revealed that he managed to find Omega. There were three Omegas according to the legend and it was one of them. Although it was defeated by Snefringa, it still shows sign of life in a state like hibernation. Luont said it was fortunate for Omega to fall into his hands and how he could dominate the world if he would activate it. After researching, it was revealed that a key was needed to wake Omega up. He was in the process of creating the key, by gathering people with power like Leftia. Gradually they discovered that Leftia had the capability to become the key, but she escaped from the research facility. But Tyvas managed to bring her back to become the best key to fuse with Omega, to completely become one with Omega. Luont wished to use the power of Omega to unify the world. Luont said Tyvas still had role to play in proceeding with the plan but Tyvas left the room without answering. Luont commented how Tyvas would obey because the deaths of his family would become in vain otherwise. Ishe thought to herself that Tyvas became tame after the incident and how he had been a man standing up to his aspiration.
  47. Tyvas was pissed at the military he believed in, and decided to carry out his promise to Harve, that he would save Leftia if the military were to harm her. Lund said he would help. Apparently Lund saying that he was programmed not able to defy the military was a joke to Tyvas. And then they declared they would betray the military.
  49. >> Rain
  51. Rain, Luce, Nericka and Nini were called to meet Myulen a few days after they reported back. Apparently it was already approved for Loca and Marubom to accompany them back then. Myulen gave them a highest priority mission, to retrieve a young girl that escaped and bring her back to the capital alive. And the girl was the one who fuses with destruction (implying to be Leftia).
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