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a guest
Apr 20th, 2019
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  1. options:
  2. perm: sky.staff # a permission which all staff have, used in the "Staff Online" area of the scoreboard.
  4. every 3 seconds:
  5. execute console command "/staffonline"
  6. loop all players:
  7. if {scoreboard.%uuid of loop-player%} is not set:
  8. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  9. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&4&lDENIAL &8| &c%number of all players%"
  10. set score "&4&lPLAYER" in sidebar of loop-player to 69
  11. set score "&8- &cUser: &7%loop-player%" in sidebar of loop-player to 68
  12. set score "&8- &cRank: &7%loop-player's group%" in sidebar of loop-player to 67
  13. add amount of coal in loop-player's inventory to {_n}
  14. add amount of iron ingot in loop-player's inventory to {_n}
  15. add amount of redstone in loop-player's inventory to {_n}
  16. add amount of gold ingot in loop-player's inventory to {_n}
  17. add amount of diamond in loop-player's inventory to {_n}
  18. add amount of emerald in loop-player's inventory to {_n}
  19. if {_n} > 0:
  20. set score "&4&lORES &8| &7(%{_n}%)" in sidebar of loop-player to 66
  21. if amount of coal in loop-player's inventory > 0:
  22. set score "&8- &8Coal &7%amount of coal in loop-player's inventory%" in sidebar of loop-player to 65
  23. if amount of iron ingot in loop-player's inventory > 0:
  24. set score "&8- &fIron &7%amount of iron ingot in loop-player's inventory%" in sidebar of loop-player to 64
  25. if amount of redstone in loop-player's inventory > 0:
  26. set score "&8- &cRedstone &7%amount of redstone in loop-player's inventory%" in sidebar of loop-player to 63
  27. if amount of gold ingot in loop-player's inventory > 0:
  28. set score "&8- &eGold &7%amount of gold ingot in loop-player's inventory%" in sidebar of loop-player to 62
  29. if amount of diamond in loop-player's inventory > 0:
  30. set score "&8- &bDiamond &7%amount of diamond in loop-player's inventory%" in sidebar of loop-player to 61
  31. if amount of emerald in loop-player's inventory > 0:
  32. set score "&8- &aEmerald &7%amount of emerald in loop-player's inventory%" in sidebar of loop-player to 60
  33. set score "&4&lSERVER" in sidebar of loop-player to 59
  34. set score "&8- &cStaff Online: &7%{staff}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 58
  35. set score "&8- &cIP: &4DENIAL&" in sidebar of loop-player to 57
  36. command /sc:
  37. aliases: /tsc, /t, /ts, /togglescoreboard
  38. trigger:
  39. if {scoreboard.%uuid of player%} is not set:
  40. set {scoreboard.%uuid of player%} to true
  41. send "&4&lDENIAL &8| &7Your scoreboard is now &c&noff&7!"
  42. wipe player's sidebar
  43. else:
  44. delete {scoreboard.%uuid of player%}
  45. send "&4&lDENIAL &8| &7Your scoreboard is now &a&non&7!"
  46. command /staffonline:
  47. permission: *
  48. permission message: &cThis command is used only by console! Ignore this command!
  49. trigger:
  50. set {staff} to 0
  51. loop all players:
  52. if loop-player has permission "{@perm}":
  53. add 1 to {staff}
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