
(RGiE) Movie Night aka Twibro

Feb 4th, 2015
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  1. >Looking out the window of your small but cozy house in fancy dancy horse land you heave out a heavy sigh
  2. >You've never been one to hate the Sun per say, but the sheer brightness of it always caused you to flinch a little
  3. >But knowing the company you were expecting you would have to keep the windows open to 'let some fresh air in'
  4. >Staring at your fancy smancy clock you see that you have about ten or so minutes until your 'bro' arrives
  5. >It was that magical day that happened once a week when you two got together to down some drinks and watch some movies
  6. >She just so happened to be the easiest pony to get along with ever since you were stranded in a town full of crazy ponies
  7. >Not to mention she was the first to realize the difference between your society and the one you find yourself in now, which made things unbelievably easier for you
  8. >You still remember that first awkward week when all of those mares were staring at you as were admiring some cookware
  9. >Some teenage-ish filly came up and even asked if you were planning on making a sammich
  10. >You couldn't even make that shit up if you wanted to, she actually said sammich
  11. >A fond smile forms on your face as you remember how her expression dropped when you started laughing at her
  12. >Man, if you could ever learn magic you're finding out how to turn ponies into food
  13. >You'd be like Majin Anon, which none of these ponies would understand
  14. >Curse you simple minded ponies and your not knowing my other worldly references!
  15. >A knock on the door brought you out of your reverie as you stand up with a yawn
  16. >Opening the front door you see your mare-bro, plus one more mare with her for some reason
  17. >Standing in front of you is Rainbow Dash, in all her tomboyish glory with the Princess of Magic herself, Twilight Sparkle
  18. >You raise an eyebrow at the sight of the unexpected pair of mares in front of you
  19. "The fuck is she doing here Twilight? I thought movie night was just a 'you and I' kind of thing?"
  20. >It seems your very blunt question did not sit well with the Princess of Friendship herself, Twilight Sparkle
  21. >"Well Anon, I brought over a few movies that I thought you would enjoy and Rainbow Dash here has literally been bugging me to let her watch it."
  22. "So, you're killing two birds with one stone eh? I guess I can respect that lazy cunningness of yours."
  23. >You shrug and step aside to let them in, Rainbow Dash just sort of bows for some odd reason and hurries inside
  24. >As Twilight walks in you do your usual routine and hug briefly followed by a pat on the back for both of you
  25. >"I hope you aren't mad that I invited Rainbow over, you know how much she loves Daring Do."
  26. >Ah, well you know exactly where this was going
  27. >Equestria's movies and characters were almost exactly the same as your world's, just a tad bit different
  28. >So did your friend bring the trilogy of Daring Do movies or did they actually make it a Quadrilogy yet?
  29. >You shudder and lock the door behind Twilight, just don't remember that fridge moment and you'll be fi-
  30. >FFFFFFFuck you just thought of it! Well, you're going to have to just wait till you forget about it again
  31. >Quickly, think or do something else!
  32. "I've got the coffee table of snacks and drinks all set up in front of my Fancy Wancy couch."
  33. >"Again with that brand? I don't see why you keep getting stuff from them."
  34. "Because it's 'FANCY!~'"
  35. >You added vigorous jazz hands and made sure to speak in a deadpan tone
  36. >You don't have a real reason to buy from there, you just like saying that your clock is fancy smancy
  37. >Turning your attention over to your new guest as Twilight rolls her eyes you see that she is standing in front of your couch with a hesitant look on her face
  38. "Twilight and I usually bum around near the other side of the couch Rainbow, so feel free to hop on where you are now."
  39. >Rainbow stiffens up when she hears you talking to her and you swear you see her wings twitch just a tad bit before she dives into your couch
  40. >Twilight just teleports onto her spot on the couch as she uses her magic to start up the movie
  41. >Hmm, three discs? Good, crisis averted there
  42. >Rainbow's head finally shoots up as she notices that the movie is going to start soon
  43. >"Oh man! I almost cannot believe they're thinking of making a new Daring Do movie after all these years!"
  44. >Nevermind, all of the hope you had in ponykind has diminished to the thought of Daring Do stuffing herself inside of a fridge
  45. >As funny as that would be for you to see, it wouldn't work out well
  46. >And isn't Daring Do still quite young? Eh if she is an older mare than she qualifies as an older mare that you'd lay, given that she isn't a bitch
  47. >Ah yes, the good old 'mtylgtsiab' list, ever growing but also growing short as you keep running into mares who see you as some kind of object or exotic sex toy
  48. >now the 'not pony women you'd lay if they weren't a bitch' list is still rather short, not many nonpony tourists come here
  49. >You current non-existant sex life aside you groan a little as you stand near the couch and see Twilight giving you that same grin that she always does during Movie Night
  50. >Sliding past Rainbow Dash you literally have to shimmy your way under the Princess of Not Being Easy to Lift, Twilight Sparkle
  51. >What started as a joke has again, become an almost initiation to you both as a thing you do for movie night
  52. >So now here you are, with a purple princess bro on your lap, asking you to be fed some grapes while Rainbow Dash is quite literally on the edge of her seat as she watches the movie
  53. >Daring Do and the Raiders of the Lost Park, you'll let this title slide for now
  54. >One long movie and feeding sesssion for the Princess of an Endless Stomach later
  55. >You are waiting as Twilight starts to magic around the discsto start up the next movie
  56. >Daring Do and the Temple of DOom
  57. >You're not even going to comment on that one, seeing as how it is sincerely too stupid for you to handle right now
  58. >However you're brought out of your thoughts by the sight of a blue hoof followed by the owner of said hoof trying to slide her way towards you
  59. >Confused by this you poke Rainbow with your foot, eliciting a gasp from the pony
  60. "Ya got an itchy bum there Rainbow or is there a reason you're sliding your ass towards us?"
  61. >"I was uh, I was trying to find a comfortable spot on this couch of yours! Yeah, that's it."
  62. >You would have been inclined to believe her, had she not added in that last part
  63. >Feeling a nudging from your lap you figure Twilight wants to whisper something to you
  64. >"I think she wants in on the cuddle pile."
  65. "Oh, is that what we're calling this now?"
  66. >"You didn't complain with me, why not let Rainbow in on this?"
  67. "Cause you were and are still my bro while I barely even hang out with her?
  68. >"Hmm, good point, but why don't you throw her a bone this one time?"
  69. >Damn mare bro princess thing trying to add more ponies to this cuddle thing
  70. >Back home it'd be a weird sight to see two guys lounging on a woman
  71. >But then again this is magical horse land, why should you give a flying fuck
  72. >Turning back to the blue pegasus you put on your best smile and speak in the most fake 'posh' accent you can muster
  73. "Oh pardon me miss Rainbow Dash, my associate and I were wondering if you were to accept our proposal and partake of the lounging cushion that is myself?"
  74. >You watch as Rainbow's expression turns into a mix of happiness, confusion and excitement as she almost jumps onto whatever space you had left on yourr lap
  75. >She lands with minimal effort on her part but causing some discomfort for you and your weak human body
  76. >As you were about to voice your complaint to the blue pony she suddenly shot up and jumped into the air
  77. >"Twilight?! You could have moved over a little bit more! I mean our rumps touched for bucks sake!"
  78. >Whoa now, you've got a very flustered pony saying she was mad about her touching butts with another mare!
  79. >Oh wait, gotta remember the advice Twilight gave you and try to think of it in as the opposite genders back home
  80. >"Twilight?! You could have moved over a little bit more! I mean our tips touched for fucks sake!"
  81. >The sheer fact of imagining that in her voice caused you to start laughing loudly
  82. >Rainbow 'tip-touching' Dash, sounds like a nice and weird nickname for the girl after that little incident
  83. >Both of the ponies looked up to you as you laughed, Rainbow with a shocked and embarrassed look on her face as Twilight was just looking up at you with a shit eating grin
  84. >With that same grin Twilight hops off fo you and stretches her body a litte bit
  85. >"I'll be right back, this princess needs to take a toilet break."
  86. "Don't take too long, I don't want to have to explain the story to you."
  87. >Calling out to Twilight you settle back in the couch and remember that you now have Rainbow Dash cuddled up on your leg
  88. >Unsure of what to say you just stay quiet as you continue to watch the film
  89. >Evidently she must also not know what to say as she keeps quiet like you
  90. >A few more minutes go by before you decided to break the silence
  91. "Enjoying yourself there Rainbow Tip-toucher Dash?"
  92. >"Tip-toucher? Anon, why would you even call me that? I'm a mare, a mare that isn't some colt cuddling stallion."
  93. >She shoots you a glare, you probably offended her with that one
  94. >How she understood the Tip-toucher reference you'll never know, until Twilight explains it to you one day
  95. >But it will stick eventually, or you will make it so
  96. "Ah sorry Rainbow Dash, just messing with you is all, didn't mean anything by it."
  97. >Now to just play it off cool, if you remember it like back home some guys would take offense to being called gay
  98. >And if you know how it usually goes in some situations Rainbow wi-
  99. >"I'm a totally straight mare Anonymous, I can even prove it to you too!"
  100. >Where was that awkward pegasus that was sitting here five minutes ago?
  101. >Bring her back, she was much better than the mare who was now smiling as she was now also invading your personal space
  102. >By some luck of the divine cockblocking god, which you are thanking profusely right now, Twilight walks right back in
  103. >Using her magic to get her friend off of you as she walks over with her tea and a calm expression
  104. >"Now Rainbow, don't go pushing yourself onto Anon, it is his house and you are already on thin ice since we let you join movie night for tonight."
  105. >Thank you Twilight you majestic mare-bro, unicorn with wings abomination
  106. >You go put that mare in her place, yeah look at the way she is now looking ashamed and shimmies away from you two
  107. >Oh man, you might be a mean bastard but you enjoyed that, mare almost got the better of you just a few seconds ago
  108. >You see Twilight's hoof slowly inching its' way, out of sight from Rainbow and towards you
  109. >Knowing the sign you smile and softly give her a high five
  110. >She knows she saved your ass just now, you might have to go get her a book or something later
  112. >It has been a full week since your last movie night with Princess Twilight Sparkle
  113. >Which meant it was time for another movie night
  114. >But after how well last week went after Rainbow Dash came along you hope it was just your lavender bro...sis? Whatever, you just hope she was alone this time
  115. >After that night you had noticed the blue pegasus a lot more around you
  116. >And not that cliche and romantic 'you began to notice them a lot more due to attraction'
  117. >No, she was in areas that you've never seen her before, which is not unusual in most aspects but it was what she was doing at those places
  118. >Boasting about herself to some fillies with Rainbow Dash hats, emerging victorious in some kind of feat that ranged from helping Granny Smith across the street to trying to winning little contests with other random ponies
  119. >There was one time when you were strolling through the markets and heard the pegasus at the Apple family's stall
  120. >"Come on AJ! I just want to challenge you to this and prove I'm better."
  121. >"Now Rainbow, yah know just as well as ah do that ah love a good challenge just as much as yah, however ah don't see why the contest is to 'out apple me' and what is that even meant to mean?"
  122. >Looking back you find amusement in her antics because you can clearly see that she is trying to show off to you
  123. >Regardless of the gender roles in this horse land you figured that she'd be the type to show off to get attention
  124. >However, what you don't particularly enjoy is that she is trying to get your attention
  125. >After how weirdly 'forward' she was last time you feel a little uncomfortable around the mare
  126. >You remember the last time she was over and how one small comment from you and she was suddenly all ''Imma prove how marely I am to you Anon'
  127. >But at the same time you remember your little nickname for her
  128. >heh, Rainbow [spoiler]Tip-toucer[/spoiler] Dash
  129. >Arriving back home you glance at the clock
  130. >Good, you have about twelve minutes until Twilight is meant to arrive
  131. >Which gave you plenty of time to set up all of the snacks and drinks
  132. >Something about Movie Night sets off something in you and Twilight to just be a bunch of slobs and eat to your heart's content
  133. >Looking at all the bags you managed to carry back home you stare at your hands and the red marks the bags had left on them
  134. >Flexing and wiggling your hand and fingers about you smile at the food and know for a fact that you will probably order take out as well later on
  135. >Last time you didn't get to because you and Twilight were too busy messing with Rainbow to feel too hungry
  136. >Thinking about what day it was as you sort and set out the food you mentally check through the places you memorized had special deals on tonight
  137. >You could order some pizzas, though they didn't have much in the way of meat it would still get you some of that sweet, sweet meat [spoiler] and just fill your mouth with all of that lovely meat[/spoiler]
  138. >Or even order out some Masian food, it's the closest thing to asian food you'll ever get in this place
  139. >Finished with everything you begin to strip out of your clothes, walking around all day to get everything prepared had left you a little sweaty
  140. >Standing proud and nude in your kitchen you gather up your discarded clothes and make your way into your room
  141. >Wiping the sweat off of your body with a towel you don a new, more casual set of clothing that you had acquired from Rarity
  142. >The little thing was so happy when you modeled the clothes for her, you're still keeping an eye out for when she pulls out some ridiculous items though
  143. >She did slip up once and show you one of the 'special' undergarments she had made a while ago when she was showing you some of her works
  144. >It was just a pair of crothless panties but her face was as red as a tomatoe when you suddenly started to burst into laughter at the sight of it
  145. >Lifting up your arm you give your underarm a sniff and confirm that it only smells a little bit, not evnough to be noticable but still there
  146. >As you pick up your deoderant you give it a shake and hear nothing
  147. >Shit, you need to get a new one, why didn't you check before you left to go shopping?
  148. >You were pondering how when there was a sharp knock at your front door
  149. >Well, you just have to hope that Twilight doesn't mind a smelly human
  150. >Opening the door you see not just one pony
  151. >Not even just two of the colourful equines
  152. >But a whole trio of them, white, purple and yellow if you went from left to right with the colours of their coat
  153. >At least there wasn't a blue one
  154. >Fixing your eyes upon the larger pony in the middle you see that she is nervous
  155. >"Uh sorry Anonymous, but they kept begging me to bring them along."
  157. >Staring down at the trio on your doorstep you supress the urge to sigh
  158. >After what had happened last week you were hoping for some quality time with your best pony friend and yourself
  159. >But flanking her on either side are two mares who you sure as hell didn't expect to see with her
  160. >To the rght sits Fluttershy, animal whisperer and a gentle soul, but there's just something about her that makes you feel cautious around the mare
  161. >And to the left is Rarity, a perfect blend of drama queen and fashionista and as far as Twiight's friends are considered in your mind, your least favourite of the five of them
  162. >Sadly you didn't hide your displeasure and surprise quick enough as the three of them avoid your gaze, pinching the bridge of your nose you step aside
  163. "Fine, fine just come on in you three, I had just finished setting up the snacks."
  164. >One by one they shuffle inside and past you, and you could have sworn that you felt Fluttershy's tail trail along your leg as she passed
  165. >Might as well address the elephant in the room and get it over with
  166. "So what brings you two down to my humble abode when tonight is my movie night with Twilight?"
  167. >Fluttershy had sat down right in front of you and with a nervous smile pawed at the ground while Rarity cleared her throat
  168. >"Well darling if you must know, our dear Twilight has in her own way been constantly bragging about how she enjoys these movie nights with you."
  169. >"And being Twilight of all ponies we uh kind of thought that maybe something else was going on."
  170. >"Fluttershy darling, I thought had told you that we would act in secrecy and with the utmost discression with regards to all of this, and now you've gone and blabbed about it to the ones in question."
  171. >Letting it simmer in your head for a moment you were about to comment when you hear that iconic fizzle of a soda bottle being opened and see Twilight pouring herself and you a glass
  172. >"Basically what they mean is that they thought you and I were either going out or were buckbuddies who have an all out buck fest during movie night."
  173. >The rest of you were a bit stunned by Twilight's blunt assessment of the situation but you were the first to recover as you started to laugh
  174. "Oh is that all? But Twilight why didn't you just tell them the truth? I'm sure they'd loooove to hear all of the times you've ridden me into the night."
  175. >You peek over and see the othe two ponies with their jaws hanging open while you supress a smart ass grin
  176. >Walking closer to Twilight you notice she was grinning as well, knowing fully well where you were going with this
  177. >You can see that she was going to milk this for all it was worth as well as she puts on her best look of shock
  178. >"Why Anonymous, my special human, I thought that our love was sacred and that you didn't want to speak about it until the eve of our wedding."
  179. >You hear two loud gasps at Twilight's mention of the word wedding
  180. >"W-W-W-W-WEDDING?! Oh my, this is all too sudden for me, I think I need my special couch for this, oh dear."
  181. >Rarity is fanning herself with a hoof as she wears a smile that seems way too happy for you two right now while Fluttershy.......has gone silent and is just watching you two
  182. >She slinks over to Twilight before sneaking a glance at you and whispering to Twilight
  183. >You can't hear much of it but what you do see is that Twilight's cheeks turn a light shade of red as she shoves Fluttershy gently
  184. >"Too much information Fluttershy, geez we were only joking anyway."
  185. >Yeah, not going to bother to ask what she whispered as you chuckle at Twilight's expense
  186. "Truly a shame, I'm sure the heavens would weep when they realize that we aren't together."
  187. >"Okay Anon, I think we're laying it on a bit too much now, I mean look at Rarity, she's a bit of a mess."
  188. >"No, but if they aren't together, then maybe just maybe I have...nonono Rarity you are a gentlemare, sisters before misters."
  189. >Maybe you can mess with Rarity later as for Fluttershy though, best leave that be and not disturb a possible hornet's nest
  190. >"Rarity calm down, here do you want a rum and cola? You better drink it before I do."
  191. >Nodding her head a quiet Rarity takes the glass in her magic and takes a few sips, visibly calming down and letting out a sigh
  192. >"My word you two, I had no idea that you would be so uncouth when in the same room, hopefully the rest of this 'movie night' goes by without an event like that again."
  193. >Sometimes you see her mouth move and all you can imagine is her repeatedly saying 'uncouth' over and over and over again
  194. >Glacing at Twilight you spy her rolling her eyes as she pours some more drinks, normally she waits a little bit before drinking
  195. >She's either doing it for you sake, to get her friends drunk enough they pass out or to make right arses of themselves so that you two can watch and laugh
  196. >Or she's doing it for her sake so that she doesn't have to deal with this right now
  197. >Your mind settles on the latter before you go up and pat Twilight on the head
  198. "Hey buddy, easy on the stuff there alright? Don't want you to go vomiting all over my couch, again."
  199. >She pouts her lips and you feel her tail smack your butt lightly, good she's not that mad
  200. >"Way to blurt that out right in front of the other two Anonymous, fine but you're going to have to brush my mane later."
  201. "Hmm let me see, on one hand I have to deal with pony puke all over my couch, on the other hand I have to brush somepony's mane, I think I'll settle for the mare with the brushing fetish."
  202. >Instead of a snarky reply all you hear from your purple princess buddy is a snort followed by laughter
  203. >You couldn't help but chuckle a little bit too until you were interrupted by a tugging on your pants, looking at the cause you see Fluttershy looking up at you with her big eyes
  204. >"C-Can I have my mane brushed too? You know.....if it's alright with you that is...."
  205. >"Why Fluttershy! I didn't think you'd be so brash and bold to just outright ask a colt to bru-"
  206. "Sure why not, but since you're not going to vomit on my couch you owe me later, okay?"
  207. >Her eyes sparkle for a little bit as she wears a huge smile on her face and nods
  208. >"My my Anon, I didn't know my human bro was selling his body for sexual favours now."
  209. >Twilight has already begun to levitate several of the bowls of snacks and food over to the coffee table as she wears a smirk on her face
  210. "Wait, brushing a mane isn't some weird sex it?"
  211. >Your question is met with silence, well silence except for the purple pony's snickering
  212. >"I don't know Anon, maybe you should have listened to me when we discussed this a week ago."
  213. >Wait, she never mentioned this la-
  214. >Oh....well played you snarky purple bitch
  215. "Well I was just bamboozled by our resident alicorn, nice one princess starbutt."
  216. >Twilight holds her head up in pride as Rarity just slowly shakes her head from side to side
  217. >"Darlings, can we stop with the flirting already and just watch these movies? I'm interested to see what our dear friend Anonymous likes in movies."
  218. >You weren't flirting, it was playful banter between two good buddies while you both were beginning to move the snacks over
  219. "You hear that Twilight, Rarity wants to know what I like to watch, you should know what that means right?"
  220. >There is a shared predatory grin on both of your faces as the two of you think of the same thing
  221. >"It's still in the same spot? Bottom right drawer and in the corner?"
  222. "Yup, just pop it in while I move the rest of this stuff over, would you care to give me a hoof here Fluttershy?"
  223. >Feeling a hoof pressed into your leg you sigh and look at Fluttershy who is poking your thigh and smiling
  224. "I meat with the food, not with whatever it is you think I meant."
  225. >"Oh! Right, of course I-I'll get right on that then.........Brushy Brushy~"
  226. >You could have sworn she mumbled something at the end there but you're too busy smiling at what you're about to put Rarity and Fluttershy through to care
  227. >Sitting down on the couch you bring your legs up and relaxe while Twilight eases onto her spot of your lap and legs, the two of you casually lounging as she lays on you
  228. >Rarity takes a few seconds to stop staring at you two and settles for the far end of the couch which leaves enough room for Fluttershy between Rarity and your feet
  229. >While Twilight magics some chips into her mouth you press a button on the remote and look at Rarity as the screen flickers on
  230. >As the screen turns on you see Twilight finish her chips as her horn lights up again and turns off the lights in the room
  231. >When that happens Rarity yelps a bit at the sudden loss of light and you feel your feet being pressed into something soft
  232. >You shift them a little, if it happens again you'll know for sure that it was Fluttershy on purpose
  233. >Oh well, as your eyes adjust to the lighting you see the title screen of the movie and press play before Rarity recovers
  234. >As you reach over to get some chips of your own you see some light next to you and feel something long, slender and cold being pressed into your outreached hand
  235. >"Don't forget to get to work, slave."
  236. >Figures, not even going to let you eat first, grasping the brush out of her magical hold you lean back and get to work
  237. >It's probably for the best since this will calm you both down, despite you two both agreeing on this movie it still unsettles both of you slightly
  238. >"Oh dear, that gave me quite a fright oh what are we going to watch? Is it something romantic? Or eve-"
  239. >"Shhhhh! The movie is starting Rarity, could you please be uh quiet? If you could that is..."
  240. >Well, yellow pony beat you to it, maybe being the quiet pony that she is she dislikes people talking during movies
  241. >"I know Fluttershy but I was just aski-"
  242. >"Shhh!"
  243. >"B-But I was just cu-"
  244. >"Shh!"
  245. >"Can I-"
  246. >"Sh!"
  247. >The other side of the couch goes quiet, you can't see that well in this lighting but you imagine Fluttershy giving Rarity the stink eye right about now, or even that stare of eyes
  248. >......Flutter-stinkeye....Nah, you'll come up with something better later
  249. >Oh hey the movie is finally starting, and you mentally say an apology to Rarity as the scene fades in
  250. >Several ponies are dancing in what seems like a fancy ballroom, there is a mare dressed in a navy officer's uniform and even a little colt running around
  251. >You hear an excited gasp and a "how regal" from Rarity followed by another shush from Fluttershy
  252. >No wonder why Twilight wasn't so hyped about the both of them being here, let alone Rarity
  253. >The camera changes view to show that this is all taking place on a luxurious cruiser
  254. >Part of you wonders what Rarity is thinking about all of this so far, not long now though
  255. >Another cut to a stallion singing in a pretty damn good voice before a sudden cut to a rather large wire off to the side of the room that looks very unstable
  256. >You and your purple buddy brace yourselves for the next part
  259. >So maybe you and Twilight were watching Rarity for her reaction after the wire had come undone, you both knew what was going to happen anyway
  260. >Wire comes undone, everypony loses their head except the colt who ends up screaming
  261. >It was a pretty simple and standard scene, although you remember yelling in surprise when you first saw it too
  262. >Not as loud though, but you did have to deal with Twilight teasing you over it for the next couple of days though
  263. >Rarity sat there in silence for a whole three seconds before the loudest scream of terror you've ever heard was unleashed by the white unicorn
  264. >Two minutes has gone by since Rarity stopped, you and Twilight feel stuck to your current positions on the couch
  265. >Twilight did manage turn lights back on though and the movie has since been paused since it faded to black
  266. >Fluttershy somehow ended up on the floor near you with her back legs and butt in the air
  267. >The white banshee has been silent but the only visible eye that you can see is twitching
  268. >Despite what had happened nothing is broken or spilled, thank goodness for that
  269. >Turning her head ever so slowly Rarity fixes her somewhat crazed eyes on you and Twilight
  270. >Within seconds she whips her mane back and returns to her normal and 'graceful' state but not without a small blush on her cheeks
  271. >"My how rude of me, pardon me darlings but that was quite the shocker wasn't it?"
  272. >Everyone else, you included, just stay still and stare at her
  273. >You spot some small movement in front of you and Twilight is just looking up at you with a blank expression
  274. >She doesn't say it but she mouths the exact same words you were thinking of 'no horror with Rarity, ever'
  275. >Probably the best approach to this entire thing would be to never mention it again
  276. >Finally calming down after the mutual and silent agreement you pat Twilight on the shoulder and shimmy out from under her
  277. "D-Don't worry Rarity, we were only just messing with you, I think I have something you'd enjoy in here somewhere."
  278. >Hoping that she somehow buys that excuse and doesn't ask to watch more of this movie you bend down and sort through your collection of movies
  279. >"Fluttershy darling, what are you doing on the floor like that?"
  280. >"Oh, well I had thought that whatever that sound was, that it was actually a mating call by A-"
  281. >"H-Hey Fluttershy, why don't we continue that conversation we were having before we got here while Anon takes his sweet ass time finding a movie."
  282. >"Oh why yes Twilight, let's let him take his...sweet ass.....time."
  283. >Subtle, well at least you know to be more cautious around Fluttershy, then again bending over like this is giving the yellow pony a front row seat to your butt
  284. >Ah well, somehow Fluttershy being a bit of a perv has calmed you down, so that's a bit of a plus you guess
  286. >It took several slices of 'keep quiet' pizza, a few glasses of cola and rum, several ear scratches and an uninterrupted and 'no talking allowed' viewing of the Pontanic but Rarity finally calmed down
  287. >You and Twilight stare at each other while the two of you were making yet ANOTHER rum and cola for Rarity
  288. >She isn't even tipsy yes, where the hell does all that drink go?
  289. >"I swear it goes to her head sometimes" Twilight says, apparently thinking the same thing you were
  290. "Don't let her hear you, I just want tonight to be over with."
  291. >Sure she calmed down just a little bit after she had screamed so loud you think your ancestors in another dimension heard it and rolled over in their graves
  292. >But she started to act very skittish, it was not comfortable to be brushing Fluttershy's mane with Rarity just staring at you
  293. >No words, no comments, heck you didn't even hear her breathing, she was just staring at you
  294. >Which made brushing Fluttershy's mane even more of an uneasy task
  295. >The little yellow horse just parked her rump on your lap and wouldn't stop squirming or letting out moans while you were brushing
  296. >It wasn't until you gave Twilight a 'please for the love of everything that is sacred, help me' look
  297. >It was thanks to her and all of her suggestions that Rarity was now back to her normal self
  298. >You really want to question a lot of things about Rarity but right now you're just too tired to give a flying fuck
  299. >Letting out a yawn you pass Rarity her glass, hoping that this will be her last one
  300. "Here you go Rarity, you know the rules."
  301. >"Please Anonymous, everypony here knows that I would never spill a single drop, unlike some mares I can hold my liquor."
  302. >Smiling at you she leaned her head back and drank the entire glass as if it were a shot
  303. >Wiping her mouth with a napkin she pulled out of nowhere she casts you a half lidded gaze
  304. >"See Anonymous, not a single drop spilled."
  305. >And then she opened her mouth, probably to mess with you or something but you got a facefull of stinky drunk breathe
  306. >Gagging from the smell you turned away and coughed loudly
  307. "Urgh yes Rarity, thanks for that."
  308. >Hearing a little giggle you took it as she had succeeded in whatever she was doing before you slump down onto your couch
  309. >The movie was finally ending, for fuck's sake this world's version of Titanic was as long and boring as the one from your world
  310. >Sure it was an alright movie the first time but having to sit through it again is torture
  311. >It was finally at the moment when mare Jack made the smart choice and decided to let go and proceeded to drown
  312. >You see Rarity gasp, Twilight roll her eyes and Fluttershy had left the room a while ago to take a poop
  313. >Wait that was ten minutes must be a pretty bad one
  314. >Shit[spoiler]pun intended[/spoiler], that means you're going to have to clean whatever mess she left behind
  315. >Groaning some more you look at the clock and take note of the fact that it is currently one in the morning
  316. >Usually you'd still be awake and happily watching movies with Twilight, however tonight's unexpected guests had put a damper on your evening
  317. >"Hey uh Anon?"
  318. >Brain, is purple horse talking to us or is it white horse?
  319. >I believe it is the purple one Anonymous, we believe the best course of action is to respond and await for more information
  320. "Yeah?"
  321. >"Um, I'm really, really sorry for Rarity tagging along, I'll make it up to you tomorrow, okay?"
  322. >Huh, well she certainly didn't mind Fluttershy tonight, and neither did you she was better than Rarity at least
  323. >Briefly looking over to Rarity who is still absorbed in the movie you smile softly at your purple buddy before you ruffle up her recently brushed mane
  324. "If you really want to make it up to me, free up your evening tomorrow, meet me here and then we'll plan an 'all you can eat' night, one time only though."
  325. >She raises her eyebrow at you a little bit and pokes your chest with a hoof
  326. >"That doesn't seem like much of an apology on my behalf, I mean you and I ate a lot tonight already."
  327. "Well yeah, but this time our very own Princess of Friendship is going to treat her best buddy, which would of course be me."
  328. >You smile widely while Twilight pouts a little, in all honesty you didn't know if Twilight had a treasury, she hasn't been royalty for that long
  329. >Hoping to push her over to your side of the argument just a little bit more you reach out and gently stroke the back of her neck
  330. >Letting your fingers run over her fur and skin you see her shudder before glaring at you
  331. >"Oh no Anonymous, you can't use those kinds of methods on me, I know that you know what you're doing since I told you about them."
  332. >Drat she caught you, double drat you'll never be able to acctually use this on her at all
  333. >"Alright, alright I guess it would be fair considering that you buy all of our snacks and stuff, it'll be my turn to treat you tomorrow night."
  334. >You were about to jokingly praise the princess for taking pity on you before she beams a huge smile
  335. >"Oh you know what this means? I can make a list about all of the food that we could eat! Oh I'm going to have to draw up several charts and do some field research, might have to cancel all my plans tomorrow."
  336. >Well it shouldn't go that bad, she does know your eaiting habits you just hope that the field testing doesn't ruin her appetite
  337. >You thought a nice and relaxing night of just pigging out and talking about your life with your buddy would be an awesome thing to enjoy
  338. >"And from what I remember correctly all the other girls will be busy tomorrow, oh this'll be great, no interruptions this ti-"
  339. >You quickly shut her mouth for her before she ruined tomorrow for the both of you
  340. "Twilight, don't jinx us now, I don't normally believe in these things but knowing your friends I'd rather not risk it."
  341. >The purple princess rolls her eyes before you feel something big and wet on your finge-
  342. >The bitch just licked your hand! She's looking at you with bedroom eyes, guilty as charged!
  343. >Removing your hand from her muzzle you shake it to get all of the drool off of it while she laughs
  344. >"I see what you mean though, tomorrow I'll be sure to have a detailed and thought out list for us.
  345. >Good, dealing with one tiresome pony and you get free food out of it, not something you'd want to do often but worth it in some aspects
  346. >"Um girls?......Could I ask your assistance up here for a moment?"
  347. >Rarity immediately gets up to walk up the stairs while Twilight just teleports away from right in front of you
  348. >Oh boy, this doesn't sound good, she better not have broken anything
  349. >However you do hear some of their voices from upstairs
  350. >"I.....can't meeeeeee?"
  351. >"......How did there darling?"
  352. >"Fluttershy, why.....this isn't going........this is...."
  353. >"I-I couldn't......too tempting..."
  354. >Urgh, you can't handle all this far away eavesdropping anymore
  355. >Walking up the stairs you hear their voices more clearly now
  356. >"Fluttershy dear, you have to tell him what you did."
  357. >"B-But what if he hates me and never speaks to me again."
  358. >"Then why did you do it in the first place? It doesn't make any sense Fluttershy."
  359. >Sounds like they're just in front of the bathroom door, oh Fluttershy better not have ruined any-
  360. >Well, actually that is not what you expected
  361. >When you see them they are in fact in front of your bathroom door
  362. >However you see all three of them looking really nervous while Fluttershy has not just one, but several of your underwear on her head and is wearing one of them
  363. >While you should be worried about why and how she has those there is only one thing on your mind right now
  364. >The one she is wearing has somehow been badly ripped and is barely hanging onto her body
  365. "That was my favourite pair too..."
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