
our private situation 32

Apr 23rd, 2018
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  1. app tl. not that accurate ..
  3. TA tells gf sorry and how she shouldn't have done that and how it's her fault. how she thought douche had that perverted rich people hobby and goes all apologetic about it and how she doesn't even know how to start with that. gf tells her how she's not interested in hearing it and to leave her alone. TA then bitches and cries more about what she did and then express her worries that douche might upload that vid and if he does that, she's finished(so selfish). TA goes to jump and gets prevented by gf who kinda goes 'NO!' while TA insists gf let her go and how she's done for. save and gf tell her not to be like that and not to do that and starts to cry too.
  5. mc bitches how gf doesn't answer the phone even though he keeps on calling. the, how in the morning she was all freaked out that she couldn't reach him. fmc kinda ask how he's still on the phone calling gf? and mc goes how yeah and how she wont answer. fmc asks if mc and gf fought and how in the morning they were very much into each other(blushes here) and mc thinks she heard/seen everything.
  7. mc asks about the milf/mom and fmc tells her how she will be back later. fmc goes how she will make dinner so for mc to wait. mc thinks how he doesn't know how she thinks and what was with that sudden kiss and what does she think of him. here she has an accident and mc all concerned asks if she's okay, but fmc kinda talks down about herself(or the food..) and how ..surely mc would never marry a girl like that. mc goes how he can just eat ramen, but fmc denies that and tells him how it's almost done. more banter cause she got burned by the hot water and she tells mc to relax and that she's fine and for him to wait. mc, he begrudgingly agrees.
  9. spaghetti and fmc kinda trash talks its quality. mc goes how he loves that food and fmc goes how she knows that(dinner/rice alternative of his) and mc goes 'really?' and how it's strange that she remembers so much about him. fmc asks how the food is and mc goes how it's delicious and it's just like the time when he was young(fb about that). fmc gets happy and goes how she was worried that it was flavorless and she was so anxious about that and laughs.
  11. intense kissing and panting and mc goes how smth feels different about her. how it makes him feel like he missed her a lot. tbc...
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