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Apr 30th, 2017
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  1. Disclaimer: probs not appropriate for a 5 year old, but I'll give it a go. I'll try to not be biased and stick to facts :).
  3. VMRO, the Conservative party, had been in power for 10 years straight, with Nikola Gruevski acting as PM. 10 years is a long time. In that time they developed supporters and admirers, you said unbiased so I won't comment my personal opinion, but it cannot be denied that a lot of people (~40%) feel that their lives have been improved thanks to this government. On the other hand, politics is rarely without scandal, and 10 years is a long time for a lot of scandal to develop. People have gotten tired of the status quo, unemployment is through the roof, we're no where closer to gaining admission into the EU, etc. Actually, the whole whether or not we should even be aiming for the EU is contested, however I think we can all agree that things weren't running as well as they should have been in the country. At best we had government incompetency ruining lives, at worst government corruption. Speaking of corruption, last year the leader of than socialist democratic opposition party (SDSM, Zaev) released a whole lot of tapes that were damaging to VMRO. A whole bunch of things happened, ultimately leading to Gruevski standing down and new elections.
  5. The elections: Neither of the major parties one a clear majority. VMRO had slightly more votes. SDSM saw a big increase in their numbers. Note: it is convention that the Macedonian ethnic party with the most votes forms a coalition with the ethnic Albanian party with the most votes. This didn't happen. After all it's convention and not set in stone. SDSM formed coalition with Albanian parties. After the elections the infamous Tirana Platform, was made. The Tirana Platform was, as the name suggests, put together in Tirana, Albania. It's not so much a legally binding document or statute but an agreement between the ethnic Albanian parties of Macedonia as to what they will strive to do -their goals - while in government. Many citizens find the Platform reprehensible and have been protesting it. Officially, it is because of this Platform that President Ivanov refused to grant SDSM their coalition. Ivanov stated that since the Platform was made/discussed in another country, it threatens the sovereignty of Macedonia, it is unconstitutional as it is paramount to foreign interference. He claims that he will gladly grant a coalition if the Platform is denounced. SDSM doesn't want to denounce the Platform and is claiming that Ivanov has no grounds in denying them their coalition.
  7. Recently, as you probably know, SDSM elected Talat Xhaferi as Speaker. This prompted protesters violently storming parliament, attacking politicians, with some seriously injured Why? They are opposed to Talat Xhaferi on the grounds that a) he is a former UCK terrorist, and/or b) he was elected to speaker extra-legally. The SDSM side claim the 'terrorist' concerns are hypocritical as under VMRO he was placed in the position of Minister for Defence. And his election is legitimate.
  9. The press conferences: Ivanov and Gruevski both urged for calm, and condemned the violence. Ivanov called for dialogue and a leadership meeting so to come up with a solution. They reiterated the extralegal nature of Xhaferi's election. Zaev and the Albanian alliance have refused to attend the leadership meeting, insisting that they should be granted coalition and Xhaferi was elected legitimately.
  11. I hope this was an okay and simple recap. The more you get into details the more complicated it becomes, and the more my opinions will probably start coming out.
  13. TLDR: we're up shit creek
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