
BO2 Dvar Dump

Sep 14th, 2014
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  3. //Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 - Dvar Address Dump by: Notorious
  4. //Full Credits to Prime Notorious
  5. //Fixed by Mango_Knife
  7. class Dvars
  8. {
  9. public static UInt32 actionSlotsHide = 0x1CCAFC0 + 0x18;
  10. public static UInt32 activeFriendsMaxBackoffLevel = 0x1CD90C0 + 0x18;
  11. public static UInt32 activeFriendsNumDayBuckets = 0x1CD8F40 + 0x18;
  12. public static UInt32 activeFriendsNumPlayBuckets = 0x1CD8FA0 + 0x18;
  13. public static UInt32 activeFriendsRefreshDelay = 0x1CD9060 + 0x18;
  14. public static UInt32 activeFriendsSecondsPerBucket = 0x1CD9000 + 0x18;
  15. public static UInt32 adsZeroSpread = 0x1CB3C80 + 0x18;
  16. public static UInt32 ai_angularYawAccelRate = 0x1CA5580 + 0x18;
  17. public static UInt32 ai_angularYawDecelFactor = 0x1CA55E0 + 0x18;
  18. public static UInt32 ai_angularYawEnabled = 0x1CA5520 + 0x18;
  19. public static UInt32 ai_corpseCount = 0x1CA56A0 + 0x18;
  20. public static UInt32 ai_debugAnimDeltas = 0x1CA6180 + 0x18;
  21. public static UInt32 ai_debugClaimedNodes = 0x1CA5BE0 + 0x18;
  22. public static UInt32 ai_debugCoverEntityNum = 0x1CA5EE0 + 0x18;
  23. public static UInt32 ai_debugEntIndex = 0x1CA62A0 + 0x18;
  24. public static UInt32 ai_debugFindPath = 0x1CA5A60 + 0x18;
  25. public static UInt32 ai_debugFindPathDirect = 0x1CA5AC0 + 0x18;
  26. public static UInt32 ai_debugFindPathLock = 0x1CA5B80 + 0x18;
  27. public static UInt32 ai_debugFindPathWidth = 0x1CA5B20 + 0x18;
  28. public static UInt32 ai_debugMayMove = 0x1CA60C0 + 0x18;
  29. public static UInt32 ai_debugMeleeAttackSpots = 0x1CA6240 + 0x18;
  30. public static UInt32 ai_debugThreatSelection = 0x1CA61E0 + 0x18;
  31. public static UInt32 ai_disableSpawn = 0x1CA5C40 + 0x18;
  32. public static UInt32 ai_eventDistBadPlace = 0x1CA6840 + 0x18;
  33. public static UInt32 ai_eventDistBullet = 0x1CA6720 + 0x18;
  34. public static UInt32 ai_eventDistBulletRunning = 0x1CA6780 + 0x18;
  35. public static UInt32 ai_eventDistDeath = 0x1CA64E0 + 0x18;
  36. public static UInt32 ai_eventDistExplosion = 0x1CA6540 + 0x18;
  37. public static UInt32 ai_eventDistFootstep = 0x1CA6300 + 0x18;
  38. public static UInt32 ai_eventDistFootstepLite = 0x1CA6360 + 0x18;
  39. public static UInt32 ai_eventDistGrenadePing = 0x1CA65A0 + 0x18;
  40. public static UInt32 ai_eventDistGunShot = 0x1CA6660 + 0x18;
  41. public static UInt32 ai_eventDistNewEnemy = 0x1CA63C0 + 0x18;
  42. public static UInt32 ai_eventDistPain = 0x1CA6480 + 0x18;
  43. public static UInt32 ai_eventDistProjImpact = 0x1CA67E0 + 0x18;
  44. public static UInt32 ai_eventDistProjPing = 0x1CA6600 + 0x18;
  45. public static UInt32 ai_eventDistReact = 0x1CA6420 + 0x18;
  46. public static UInt32 ai_eventDistSilencedShot = 0x1CA66C0 + 0x18;
  47. public static UInt32 ai_foliageSeeThroughDist = 0x1CA6A80 + 0x18;
  48. public static UInt32 ai_friendlySuppression = 0x1CA6AE0 + 0x18;
  49. public static UInt32 ai_friendlySuppressionDist = 0x1CA6B40 + 0x18;
  50. public static UInt32 ai_maxAttackerCount = 0x1CA6D20 + 0x18;
  51. public static UInt32 ai_meleeDamage = 0x1CA6CC0 + 0x18;
  52. public static UInt32 ai_meleeHeight = 0x1CA6C60 + 0x18;
  53. public static UInt32 ai_meleeRange = 0x1CA6BA0 + 0x18;
  54. public static UInt32 ai_meleeWidth = 0x1CA6C00 + 0x18;
  55. public static UInt32 ai_moveOrientMode = 0x1CA5CA0 + 0x18;
  56. public static UInt32 ai_noDodge = 0x1CA6000 + 0x18;
  57. public static UInt32 ai_pathChokePointCost = 0x1CA5DC0 + 0x18;
  58. public static UInt32 ai_pathMomentum = 0x1CA6060 + 0x18;
  59. public static UInt32 ai_pathNegotiationOverlapCost = 0x1CA5D60 + 0x18;
  60. public static UInt32 ai_pathRandomPercent = 0x1CA5E20 + 0x18;
  61. public static UInt32 ai_playerFarAccuracy = 0x1CA6960 + 0x18;
  62. public static UInt32 ai_playerFarRange = 0x1CA69C0 + 0x18;
  63. public static UInt32 ai_playerNearAccuracy = 0x1CA68A0 + 0x18;
  64. public static UInt32 ai_playerNearRange = 0x1CA6900 + 0x18;
  65. public static UInt32 ai_showBadPlaces = 0x1CA5F40 + 0x18;
  66. public static UInt32 ai_ShowCanshootChecks = 0x1CA5D00 + 0x18;
  67. public static UInt32 ai_showDodge = 0x1CA5FA0 + 0x18;
  68. public static UInt32 ai_showFailedPaths = 0x1CA5A00 + 0x18;
  69. public static UInt32 ai_showNearestNode = 0x1CA57C0 + 0x18;
  70. public static UInt32 ai_showNodeDrawType = 0x1CA5820 + 0x18;
  71. public static UInt32 ai_showNodes = 0x1CA5700 + 0x18;
  72. public static UInt32 ai_showNodesDist = 0x1CA5760 + 0x18;
  73. public static UInt32 ai_showPathFindNodes = 0x1CA59A0 + 0x18;
  74. public static UInt32 ai_showPaths = 0x1CA5940 + 0x18;
  75. public static UInt32 ai_showPotentialThreatDir = 0x1CA5E80 + 0x18;
  76. public static UInt32 ai_showVisData = 0x1CA5880 + 0x18;
  77. public static UInt32 ai_showVisDataDist = 0x1CA58E0 + 0x18;
  78. public static UInt32 ai_showVolume = 0x1CA6120 + 0x18;
  79. public static UInt32 ai_slowdownMaxYawDiff = 0x1CA5400 + 0x18;
  80. public static UInt32 ai_slowdownMinRate = 0x1CA5460 + 0x18;
  81. public static UInt32 ai_slowdownMinYawDiff = 0x1CA53A0 + 0x18;
  82. public static UInt32 ai_slowdownRateBlendFactor = 0x1CA54C0 + 0x18;
  83. public static UInt32 ai_threatUpdateInterval = 0x1CA6A20 + 0x18;
  84. public static UInt32 ai_trim_path_zigzags = 0x1CA5640 + 0x18;
  85. public static UInt32 ai_turnRate = 0x1CA5220 + 0x18;
  86. public static UInt32 ai_useBetterLookahead = 0x1CA5340 + 0x18;
  87. public static UInt32 ai_useFacingTranslation = 0x1CA5280 + 0x18;
  88. public static UInt32 ai_useLeanRunAnimations = 0x1CA52E0 + 0x18;
  89. public static UInt32 aim_accel_turnrate_debug = 0x1CEA160 + 0x18;
  90. public static UInt32 aim_accel_turnrate_enabled = 0x1CEA100 + 0x18;
  91. public static UInt32 aim_accel_turnrate_lerp = 0x1CEA1C0 + 0x18;
  92. public static UInt32 aim_aimAssistRangeScale = 0x1CE9C80 + 0x18;
  93. public static UInt32 aim_alternate_lockon_deflection = 0x1CEAD60 + 0x18;
  94. public static UInt32 aim_alternate_lockon_pitch_strength = 0x1CEAEE0 + 0x18;
  95. public static UInt32 aim_alternate_lockon_region_height = 0x1CEB060 + 0x18;
  96. public static UInt32 aim_alternate_lockon_region_width = 0x1CEB000 + 0x18;
  97. public static UInt32 aim_alternate_lockon_strength = 0x1CEAE20 + 0x18;
  98. public static UInt32 aim_assist_min_target_distance = 0x1CEB180 + 0x18;
  99. public static UInt32 aim_assist_script_disable = 0x1CEB120 + 0x18;
  100. public static UInt32 aim_autoaim_debug = 0x1CEA6A0 + 0x18;
  101. public static UInt32 aim_autoaim_enabled = 0x1CEA640 + 0x18;
  102. public static UInt32 aim_autoaim_lerp = 0x1CEA5E0 + 0x18;
  103. public static UInt32 aim_autoaim_region_height = 0x1CEA760 + 0x18;
  104. public static UInt32 aim_autoaim_region_width = 0x1CEA700 + 0x18;
  105. public static UInt32 aim_autoAimRangeScale = 0x1CE9CE0 + 0x18;
  106. public static UInt32 aim_autobayonet_range = 0x1CEAB20 + 0x18;
  107. public static UInt32 aim_automelee_debug = 0x1CEA820 + 0x18;
  108. public static UInt32 aim_automelee_enabled = 0x1CEA7C0 + 0x18;
  109. public static UInt32 aim_automelee_lerp = 0x1CEA880 + 0x18;
  110. public static UInt32 aim_automelee_move_limit = 0x1CEAA00 + 0x18;
  111. public static UInt32 aim_automelee_move_limit_angle = 0x1CEAAC0 + 0x18;
  112. public static UInt32 aim_automelee_move_limit_range = 0x1CEAA60 + 0x18;
  113. public static UInt32 aim_automelee_range = 0x1CEA9A0 + 0x18;
  114. public static UInt32 aim_automelee_region_height = 0x1CEA940 + 0x18;
  115. public static UInt32 aim_automelee_region_width = 0x1CEA8E0 + 0x18;
  116. public static UInt32 aim_input_graph_debug = 0x1CE9E00 + 0x18;
  117. public static UInt32 aim_input_graph_enabled = 0x1CE9DA0 + 0x18;
  118. public static UInt32 aim_input_graph_index = 0x1CE9E60 + 0x18;
  119. public static UInt32 aim_linkto_autorecenter_delay = 0x1CEA0A0 + 0x18;
  120. public static UInt32 aim_linkto_autorecenter_rate = 0x1CEA040 + 0x18;
  121. public static UInt32 aim_lockon_debug = 0x1CEACA0 + 0x18;
  122. public static UInt32 aim_lockon_deflection = 0x1CEAD00 + 0x18;
  123. public static UInt32 aim_lockon_enabled = 0x1CEAC40 + 0x18;
  124. public static UInt32 aim_lockon_pitch_strength = 0x1CEAE80 + 0x18;
  125. public static UInt32 aim_lockon_region_height = 0x1CEAFA0 + 0x18;
  126. public static UInt32 aim_lockon_region_width = 0x1CEAF40 + 0x18;
  127. public static UInt32 aim_lockon_strength = 0x1CEADC0 + 0x18;
  128. public static UInt32 aim_scale_view_axis = 0x1CEB0C0 + 0x18;
  129. public static UInt32 aim_slowdown_debug = 0x1CEA280 + 0x18;
  130. public static UInt32 aim_slowdown_enabled = 0x1CEA220 + 0x18;
  131. public static UInt32 aim_slowdown_pitch_scale = 0x1CEA460 + 0x18;
  132. public static UInt32 aim_slowdown_pitch_scale_ads = 0x1CEA4C0 + 0x18;
  133. public static UInt32 aim_slowdown_region_extended_height = 0x1CEA400 + 0x18;
  134. public static UInt32 aim_slowdown_region_extended_width = 0x1CEA3A0 + 0x18;
  135. public static UInt32 aim_slowdown_region_height = 0x1CEA340 + 0x18;
  136. public static UInt32 aim_slowdown_region_width = 0x1CEA2E0 + 0x18;
  137. public static UInt32 aim_slowdown_yaw_scale = 0x1CEA520 + 0x18;
  138. public static UInt32 aim_slowdown_yaw_scale_ads = 0x1CEA580 + 0x18;
  139. public static UInt32 aim_target_aim_tag_fast_update_interval = 0x1CE9A40 + 0x18;
  140. public static UInt32 aim_target_aim_tag_slow_update_interval = 0x1CE9AA0 + 0x18;
  141. public static UInt32 aim_target_alternate_frustum_min_distance = 0x1CE99E0 + 0x18;
  142. public static UInt32 aim_target_closest_first = 0x1CE9D40 + 0x18;
  143. public static UInt32 aim_target_fixed_actor_size = 0x1CE9B60 + 0x18;
  144. public static UInt32 aim_target_frustum_expand_fast_updates = 0x1CE9920 + 0x18;
  145. public static UInt32 aim_target_frustum_min_distance = 0x1CE9980 + 0x18;
  146. public static UInt32 aim_target_ignore_team_checking = 0x1CE9B00 + 0x18;
  147. public static UInt32 aim_target_player_enabled = 0x1CEB1E0 + 0x18;
  148. public static UInt32 aim_target_sentient_half_height = 0x1CE98C0 + 0x18;
  149. public static UInt32 aim_target_sentient_radius = 0x1CE9860 + 0x18;
  150. public static UInt32 aim_target_smp = 0x1CE9C20 + 0x18;
  151. public static UInt32 aim_turnrate_pitch = 0x1CE9EC0 + 0x18;
  152. public static UInt32 aim_turnrate_pitch_ads = 0x1CE9F20 + 0x18;
  153. public static UInt32 aim_turnrate_yaw = 0x1CE9F80 + 0x18;
  154. public static UInt32 aim_turnrate_yaw_ads = 0x1CE9FE0 + 0x18;
  155. public static UInt32 aim_view_sensitivity_override = 0x1CEAB80 + 0x18;
  156. public static UInt32 airburstAdjustDistance = 0x1CAABC0 + 0x18;
  157. public static UInt32 all_players_are_connected = 0x1CB8840 + 0x18;
  158. public static UInt32 allClientDvarsEnabled = 0x1CA3F00 + 0x18;
  159. public static UInt32 allEmblemsPurchased = 0x1CE0800 + 0x18;
  160. public static UInt32 allEmblemsUnlocked = 0x1CE07A0 + 0x18;
  161. public static UInt32 allItemsPurchased = 0x1CD7CE0 + 0x18;
  162. public static UInt32 allItemsUnlocked = 0x1CD7C80 + 0x18;
  163. public static UInt32 allowAllNAT = 0x1CD3720 + 0x18;
  164. public static UInt32 allowHost_matchesHostedRatio = 0x1CD83A0 + 0x18;
  165. public static UInt32 allowHost_matchesHostedStreak = 0x1CD8460 + 0x18;
  166. public static UInt32 allowHost_matchesPlayedRatio = 0x1CD8400 + 0x18;
  167. public static UInt32 allowHost_matchesPlayedStreak = 0x1CD84C0 + 0x18;
  168. public static UInt32 ammoCounterHide = 0x1CCAF60 + 0x18;
  169. public static UInt32 band_12players = 0x1CB92C0 + 0x18;
  170. public static UInt32 band_18players = 0x1CB9320 + 0x18;
  171. public static UInt32 band_2players = 0x1CB9140 + 0x18;
  172. public static UInt32 band_4players = 0x1CB91A0 + 0x18;
  173. public static UInt32 band_6players = 0x1CB9200 + 0x18;
  174. public static UInt32 band_8players = 0x1CB9260 + 0x18;
  175. public static UInt32 band_demosystem = 0x1CB90E0 + 0x18;
  176. public static UInt32 bandwidth_retry_interval = 0x1CDAFE0 + 0x18;
  177. public static UInt32 barebones_class_mode = 0x1CDD260 + 0x18;
  178. public static UInt32 bcmp_ally_kill_probability = 0x1CE7580 + 0x18;
  179. public static UInt32 bcmp_breathing_delay = 0x1CE79A0 + 0x18;
  180. public static UInt32 bcmp_breathing_probability = 0x1CE7880 + 0x18;
  181. public static UInt32 bcmp_enemy_contact_delay = 0x1CE7A00 + 0x18;
  182. public static UInt32 bcmp_enemy_contact_level_delay = 0x1CE7A60 + 0x18;
  183. public static UInt32 bcmp_incoming_grenade_probability = 0x1CE76A0 + 0x18;
  184. public static UInt32 bcmp_kill_inform_probability = 0x1CE77C0 + 0x18;
  185. public static UInt32 bcmp_killstreak_incoming_probability = 0x1CE75E0 + 0x18;
  186. public static UInt32 bcmp_last_stand_delay = 0x1CE7940 + 0x18;
  187. public static UInt32 bcmp_pain_delay = 0x1CE78E0 + 0x18;
  188. public static UInt32 bcmp_pain_small_probability = 0x1CE7820 + 0x18;
  189. public static UInt32 bcmp_perk_call_probability = 0x1CE7640 + 0x18;
  190. public static UInt32 bcmp_sniper_kill_probability = 0x1CE7520 + 0x18;
  191. public static UInt32 bcmp_toss_grenade_probability = 0x1CE7700 + 0x18;
  192. public static UInt32 bcmp_toss_trophy_probability = 0x1CE7760 + 0x18;
  193. public static UInt32 bcmp_weapon_delay = 0x1CE73A0 + 0x18;
  194. public static UInt32 bcmp_weapon_fire_probability = 0x1CE7400 + 0x18;
  195. public static UInt32 bcmp_weapon_fire_threat_probability = 0x1CE74C0 + 0x18;
  196. public static UInt32 bcmp_weapon_reload_probability = 0x1CE7460 + 0x18;
  197. public static UInt32 bg_ads = 0x1CB3C20 + 0x18;
  198. public static UInt32 bg_aimSpreadMoveSpeedThreshold = 0x1CAC8A0 + 0x18;
  199. public static UInt32 bg_aqs = 0x1CB3B60 + 0x18;
  200. public static UInt32 bg_aqsStyle = 0x1CB3BC0 + 0x18;
  201. public static UInt32 bg_blendTimeOverride = 0x1CAC1E0 + 0x18;
  202. public static UInt32 bg_bobMax = 0x1CAC120 + 0x18;
  203. public static UInt32 bg_chargeShotAutoDischargeDelay = 0x1CAAF20 + 0x18;
  204. public static UInt32 bg_chargeShotAutoFireDelay = 0x1CAB2E0 + 0x18;
  205. public static UInt32 bg_chargeShotCenterSpeedReductionPerBullet = 0x1CAB3A0 + 0x18;
  206. public static UInt32 bg_chargeShotDamageIncreasePerBullet = 0x1CAAFE0 + 0x18;
  207. public static UInt32 bg_chargeShotDischargeWhenQueueReachesMax = 0x1CAAF80 + 0x18;
  208. public static UInt32 bg_chargeShotFireWhenQueueReachesMax = 0x1CAB1C0 + 0x18;
  209. public static UInt32 bg_chargeShotMaxBulletQueueOnEMP = 0x1CAB460 + 0x18;
  210. public static UInt32 bg_chargeShotMaxBulletsInQueue = 0x1CAB160 + 0x18;
  211. public static UInt32 bg_chargeShotMaxViewKick = 0x1CAB340 + 0x18;
  212. public static UInt32 bg_chargeShotMinCenterSpeed = 0x1CAB400 + 0x18;
  213. public static UInt32 bg_chargeShotPenetrationMultiplier = 0x1CAB100 + 0x18;
  214. public static UInt32 bg_chargeShotQueueTime = 0x1CAB0A0 + 0x18;
  215. public static UInt32 bg_chargeShotUseOneAmmoForMultipleBullets = 0x1CAB220 + 0x18;
  216. public static UInt32 bg_chargeShotViewKickIncreasePerBullet = 0x1CAB040 + 0x18;
  217. public static UInt32 bg_disableWeaponPlantingInWater = 0x1CB02C0 + 0x18;
  218. public static UInt32 bg_dog_swim_enabled = 0x1CAD260 + 0x18;
  219. public static UInt32 bg_dog_swim_water_max = 0x1CAD320 + 0x18;
  220. public static UInt32 bg_dog_swim_water_min = 0x1CAD2C0 + 0x18;
  221. public static UInt32 bg_fallDamageMaxHeight = 0x1CABA60 + 0x18;
  222. public static UInt32 bg_fallDamageMinHeight = 0x1CABA00 + 0x18;
  223. public static UInt32 bg_foliagesnd_fastinterval = 0x1CAB8E0 + 0x18;
  224. public static UInt32 bg_foliagesnd_maxspeed = 0x1CAB820 + 0x18;
  225. public static UInt32 bg_foliagesnd_minspeed = 0x1CAB7C0 + 0x18;
  226. public static UInt32 bg_foliagesnd_resetinterval = 0x1CAB940 + 0x18;
  227. public static UInt32 bg_foliagesnd_slowinterval = 0x1CAB880 + 0x18;
  228. public static UInt32 bg_forceAnimOverrideTimerCheck = 0x1CAC960 + 0x18;
  229. public static UInt32 bg_forceDurationOverride = 0x1CAC180 + 0x18;
  230. public static UInt32 bg_forceExplosiveBullets = 0x1CAC780 + 0x18;
  231. public static UInt32 bg_gravity = 0x1CAF9C0 + 0x18;
  232. public static UInt32 bg_gunXOffset = 0x1CB0380 + 0x18;
  233. public static UInt32 bg_ladder_yawcap = 0x1CAB700 + 0x18;
  234. public static UInt32 bg_legYawCrouchTolerance = 0x1CABD00 + 0x18;
  235. public static UInt32 bg_legYawProneTolerance = 0x1CABD60 + 0x18;
  236. public static UInt32 bg_legYawTolerance = 0x1CABCA0 + 0x18;
  237. public static UInt32 bg_lowGravity = 0x1CAFA20 + 0x18;
  238. public static UInt32 bg_maxGrenadeIndicatorSpeed = 0x1CAC900 + 0x18;
  239. public static UInt32 bg_moonGravity = 0x1CAFA80 + 0x18;
  240. public static UInt32 bg_movingPlatformPitchScale = 0x1CAAEC0 + 0x18;
  241. public static UInt32 bg_plantInWaterDepth = 0x1CB0320 + 0x18;
  242. public static UInt32 bg_playerAnimStanceAllowMovementInteruptTime = 0x1CAC9C0 + 0x18;
  243. public static UInt32 bg_prone_yawcap = 0x1CAB760 + 0x18;
  244. public static UInt32 bg_proneSwingSpeed = 0x1CABC40 + 0x18;
  245. public static UInt32 bg_serverDelayDamageKickForPing = 0x1CB1100 + 0x18;
  246. public static UInt32 bg_shieldHitEncodeHeightVM = 0x1CB0260 + 0x18;
  247. public static UInt32 bg_shieldHitEncodeHeightWorld = 0x1CB01A0 + 0x18;
  248. public static UInt32 bg_shieldHitEncodeWidthVM = 0x1CB0200 + 0x18;
  249. public static UInt32 bg_shieldHitEncodeWidthWorld = 0x1CB0140 + 0x18;
  250. public static UInt32 bg_shock_animation = 0x1CAEF40 + 0x18;
  251. public static UInt32 bg_shock_lookControl = 0x1CAED00 + 0x18;
  252. public static UInt32 bg_shock_lookControl_fadeTime = 0x1CAEE80 + 0x18;
  253. public static UInt32 bg_shock_lookControl_maxpitchspeed = 0x1CAED60 + 0x18;
  254. public static UInt32 bg_shock_lookControl_maxyawspeed = 0x1CAEDC0 + 0x18;
  255. public static UInt32 bg_shock_lookControl_mousesensitivityscale = 0x1CAEE20 + 0x18;
  256. public static UInt32 bg_shock_movement = 0x1CAEEE0 + 0x18;
  257. public static UInt32 bg_shock_screenBlurBlendFadeTime = 0x1CAE700 + 0x18;
  258. public static UInt32 bg_shock_screenBlurBlendTime = 0x1CAE6A0 + 0x18;
  259. public static UInt32 bg_shock_screenFlashShotFadeTime = 0x1CAE7C0 + 0x18;
  260. public static UInt32 bg_shock_screenFlashWhiteFadeTime = 0x1CAE760 + 0x18;
  261. public static UInt32 bg_shock_screenType = 0x1CAE640 + 0x18;
  262. public static UInt32 bg_shock_sound = 0x1CAE940 + 0x18;
  263. public static UInt32 bg_shock_soundDryLevel = 0x1CAEB80 + 0x18;
  264. public static UInt32 bg_shock_soundEnd = 0x1CAE580 + 0x18;
  265. public static UInt32 bg_shock_soundEndAbort = 0x1CAE5E0 + 0x18;
  266. public static UInt32 bg_shock_soundFadeInTime = 0x1CAE9A0 + 0x18;
  267. public static UInt32 bg_shock_soundFadeOutTime = 0x1CAEA00 + 0x18;
  268. public static UInt32 bg_shock_soundLoop = 0x1CAE4C0 + 0x18;
  269. public static UInt32 bg_shock_soundLoopEndDelay = 0x1CAEAC0 + 0x18;
  270. public static UInt32 bg_shock_soundLoopFadeTime = 0x1CAEA60 + 0x18;
  271. public static UInt32 bg_shock_soundLoopSilent = 0x1CAE520 + 0x18;
  272. public static UInt32 bg_shock_soundModEndDelay = 0x1CAEC40 + 0x18;
  273. public static UInt32 bg_shock_soundRoomType = 0x1CAEB20 + 0x18;
  274. public static UInt32 bg_shock_soundSnapshot = 0x1CAECA0 + 0x18;
  275. public static UInt32 bg_shock_soundWetLevel = 0x1CAEBE0 + 0x18;
  276. public static UInt32 bg_shock_viewKickFadeTime = 0x1CAE8E0 + 0x18;
  277. public static UInt32 bg_shock_viewKickPeriod = 0x1CAE820 + 0x18;
  278. public static UInt32 bg_shock_viewKickRadius = 0x1CAE880 + 0x18;
  279. public static UInt32 bg_shock_visionset_inTime = 0x1CAF000 + 0x18;
  280. public static UInt32 bg_shock_visionset_name = 0x1CAEFA0 + 0x18;
  281. public static UInt32 bg_shock_visionset_outTime = 0x1CAF060 + 0x18;
  282. public static UInt32 bg_slopeFrames = 0x1CB03E0 + 0x18;
  283. public static UInt32 bg_swingSpeed = 0x1CABBE0 + 0x18;
  284. public static UInt32 bg_teleportAlignTime = 0x1CB0560 + 0x18;
  285. public static UInt32 bg_useClientDamageKick = 0x1CB1160 + 0x18;
  286. public static UInt32 bg_vehicle_gravity = 0x1CB0AA0 + 0x18;
  287. public static UInt32 bg_vehicle_ground_max_normal = 0x1CB07A0 + 0x18;
  288. public static UInt32 bg_vehicle_ground_min_normal = 0x1CB0740 + 0x18;
  289. public static UInt32 bg_vehicle_max_body_pitch = 0x1CB09E0 + 0x18;
  290. public static UInt32 bg_vehicle_max_body_roll = 0x1CB0A40 + 0x18;
  291. public static UInt32 bg_vehicle_max_pitch = 0x1CB0920 + 0x18;
  292. public static UInt32 bg_vehicle_max_roll = 0x1CB0980 + 0x18;
  293. public static UInt32 bg_vehicle_overclip = 0x1CB0B60 + 0x18;
  294. public static UInt32 bg_vehicle_pitch_track = 0x1CB0860 + 0x18;
  295. public static UInt32 bg_vehicle_roll_track = 0x1CB08C0 + 0x18;
  296. public static UInt32 bg_vehicle_slide_min_normal = 0x1CB0800 + 0x18;
  297. public static UInt32 bg_vehicle_sphere_bounds_offset_z = 0x1CB0CE0 + 0x18;
  298. public static UInt32 bg_vehicle_stepsize = 0x1CB0C80 + 0x18;
  299. public static UInt32 bg_vehicle_tangential_clip_max_scale = 0x1CB0C20 + 0x18;
  300. public static UInt32 bg_vehicle_tangential_clip_vel_scale = 0x1CB0BC0 + 0x18;
  301. public static UInt32 bg_vehicle_trace_offset = 0x1CB0B00 + 0x18;
  302. public static UInt32 bg_viewBobAmplitudeDtp = 0x1CABE20 + 0x18;
  303. public static UInt32 bg_viewBobAmplitudeDucked = 0x1CABFA0 + 0x18;
  304. public static UInt32 bg_viewBobAmplitudeDuckedAds = 0x1CAC000 + 0x18;
  305. public static UInt32 bg_viewBobAmplitudeProne = 0x1CAC060 + 0x18;
  306. public static UInt32 bg_viewBobAmplitudeRoll = 0x1CAC0C0 + 0x18;
  307. public static UInt32 bg_viewBobAmplitudeSprinting = 0x1CABDC0 + 0x18;
  308. public static UInt32 bg_viewBobAmplitudeStanding = 0x1CABEE0 + 0x18;
  309. public static UInt32 bg_viewBobAmplitudeStandingAds = 0x1CABF40 + 0x18;
  310. public static UInt32 bg_viewBobAmplitudeSwimming = 0x1CABE80 + 0x18;
  311. public static UInt32 bg_viewKickMax = 0x1CAADA0 + 0x18;
  312. public static UInt32 bg_viewKickMin = 0x1CAAE00 + 0x18;
  313. public static UInt32 bg_viewKickRandom = 0x1CAAE60 + 0x18;
  314. public static UInt32 bg_viewKickScale = 0x1CAAD40 + 0x18;
  315. public static UInt32 bg_vsmode_hud = 0x1CAD200 + 0x18;
  316. public static UInt32 bg_weaponBobAmplitudeBaseLaser = 0x1CAC540 + 0x18;
  317. public static UInt32 bg_weaponBobAmplitudeDtp = 0x1CAC2A0 + 0x18;
  318. public static UInt32 bg_weaponBobAmplitudeDucked = 0x1CAC3C0 + 0x18;
  319. public static UInt32 bg_weaponBobAmplitudeProne = 0x1CAC420 + 0x18;
  320. public static UInt32 bg_weaponBobAmplitudeRiding = 0x1CAC4E0 + 0x18;
  321. public static UInt32 bg_weaponBobAmplitudeRoll = 0x1CAC480 + 0x18;
  322. public static UInt32 bg_weaponBobAmplitudeRollLaser = 0x1CAC5A0 + 0x18;
  323. public static UInt32 bg_weaponBobAmplitudeSprinting = 0x1CAC240 + 0x18;
  324. public static UInt32 bg_weaponBobAmplitudeStanding = 0x1CAC360 + 0x18;
  325. public static UInt32 bg_weaponBobAmplitudeSwimming = 0x1CAC300 + 0x18;
  326. public static UInt32 bg_weaponBobFrequencySwimming = 0x1CAC6C0 + 0x18;
  327. public static UInt32 bg_weaponBobHeavyWeaponScalar = 0x1CAC720 + 0x18;
  328. public static UInt32 bg_weaponBobLag = 0x1CAC660 + 0x18;
  329. public static UInt32 bg_weaponBobMax = 0x1CAC600 + 0x18;
  330. public static UInt32 bg_weaponOffscreenReloadScale = 0x1CAC840 + 0x18;
  331. public static UInt32 blackboxHighVolumeProbability = 0x1CE2CC0 + 0x18;
  332. public static UInt32 bot_AllowGrenades = 0x1CDE400 + 0x18;
  333. public static UInt32 bot_CloseDistance = 0x1CDE220 + 0x18;
  334. public static UInt32 bot_CrouchDistance = 0x1CDE2E0 + 0x18;
  335. public static UInt32 bot_difficulty = 0x1CDE100 + 0x18;
  336. public static UInt32 bot_enemies = 0x1CDE0A0 + 0x18;
  337. public static UInt32 bot_Fov = 0x1CDE160 + 0x18;
  338. public static UInt32 bot_friends = 0x1CDE040 + 0x18;
  339. public static UInt32 bot_GoalRadius = 0x1CDE1C0 + 0x18;
  340. public static UInt32 bot_MaxAdsTime = 0x1CDE5E0 + 0x18;
  341. public static UInt32 bot_MaxCrouchTime = 0x1CDE760 + 0x18;
  342. public static UInt32 bot_MaxDeathTime = 0x1CDE820 + 0x18;
  343. public static UInt32 bot_MaxFireTime = 0x1CDE8E0 + 0x18;
  344. public static UInt32 bot_MaxGrenadeTime = 0x1CDE520 + 0x18;
  345. public static UInt32 bot_MaxPitchTime = 0x1CDE6A0 + 0x18;
  346. public static UInt32 bot_MaxReactionTime = 0x1CDE9A0 + 0x18;
  347. public static UInt32 bot_MaxStrafeTime = 0x1CDED00 + 0x18;
  348. public static UInt32 bot_MeleeDist = 0x1CDE460 + 0x18;
  349. public static UInt32 bot_MinAdsTime = 0x1CDE580 + 0x18;
  350. public static UInt32 bot_MinCrouchTime = 0x1CDE700 + 0x18;
  351. public static UInt32 bot_MinDeathTime = 0x1CDE7C0 + 0x18;
  352. public static UInt32 bot_MinFireTime = 0x1CDE880 + 0x18;
  353. public static UInt32 bot_MinGrenadeTime = 0x1CDE4C0 + 0x18;
  354. public static UInt32 bot_MinPitchTime = 0x1CDE640 + 0x18;
  355. public static UInt32 bot_MinReactionTime = 0x1CDE940 + 0x18;
  356. public static UInt32 bot_MinStrafeTime = 0x1CDECA0 + 0x18;
  357. public static UInt32 bot_PitchDown = 0x1CDEB20 + 0x18;
  358. public static UInt32 bot_PitchSpeed = 0x1CDEB80 + 0x18;
  359. public static UInt32 bot_PitchSpeedAds = 0x1CDEBE0 + 0x18;
  360. public static UInt32 bot_PitchUp = 0x1CDEAC0 + 0x18;
  361. public static UInt32 bot_SprintDistance = 0x1CDE280 + 0x18;
  362. public static UInt32 bot_StrafeChance = 0x1CDEC40 + 0x18;
  363. public static UInt32 bot_TargetLeadBias = 0x1CDE340 + 0x18;
  364. public static UInt32 bot_UseFriendNames = 0x1CDE3A0 + 0x18;
  365. public static UInt32 bot_YawSpeed = 0x1CDEA00 + 0x18;
  366. public static UInt32 bot_YawSpeedAds = 0x1CDEA60 + 0x18;
  367. public static UInt32 bullet_penetrationEnabled = 0x1CA6D80 + 0x18;
  368. public static UInt32 bullet_penetrationMinFxDist = 0x1CAFD20 + 0x18;
  369. public static UInt32 bullet_ricochetBaseChance = 0x1CAFD80 + 0x18;
  370. public static UInt32 bulletrange = 0x1CDF300 + 0x18;
  371. public static UInt32 cameraShakeRemoteHelo_Angles = 0x1CC7C00 + 0x18;
  372. public static UInt32 cameraShakeRemoteHelo_Freqs = 0x1CC7C60 + 0x18;
  373. public static UInt32 cameraShakeRemoteHelo_SpeedRange = 0x1CC7CC0 + 0x18;
  374. public static UInt32 cameraShakeRemoteMissile_Angles = 0x1CC7AE0 + 0x18;
  375. public static UInt32 cameraShakeRemoteMissile_Freqs = 0x1CC7B40 + 0x18;
  376. public static UInt32 cameraShakeRemoteMissile_SpeedRange = 0x1CC7BA0 + 0x18;
  377. public static UInt32 cg_adsZScaleMax = 0x1CC75A0 + 0x18;
  378. public static UInt32 cg_airburstCameraRestriction = 0x1CC6640 + 0x18;
  379. public static UInt32 cg_airburstLaseFlashTime = 0x1CC66A0 + 0x18;
  380. public static UInt32 cg_airburstLaseTime = 0x1CC6580 + 0x18;
  381. public static UInt32 cg_airburstStrafeRestriction = 0x1CC65E0 + 0x18;
  382. public static UInt32 cg_allPlayerNamesVisible = 0x1CC7960 + 0x18;
  383. public static UInt32 cg_alt_mode_killstreak_fix_tu6 = 0x1CCE3E0 + 0x18;
  384. public static UInt32 cg_altDofTrace = 0x1CC7A80 + 0x18;
  385. public static UInt32 cg_artilleryKillCamBackDist = 0x1CC9040 + 0x18;
  386. public static UInt32 cg_artilleryKillCamFov = 0x1CC8F80 + 0x18;
  387. public static UInt32 cg_artilleryKillCamGroundBackDist = 0x1CC91C0 + 0x18;
  388. public static UInt32 cg_artilleryKillCamGroundUpDist = 0x1CC9160 + 0x18;
  389. public static UInt32 cg_artilleryKillCamUpDist = 0x1CC8FE0 + 0x18;
  390. public static UInt32 cg_artilleryKillCamWallOutDist = 0x1CC90A0 + 0x18;
  391. public static UInt32 cg_artilleryKillCamWallSideDist = 0x1CC9100 + 0x18;
  392. public static UInt32 cg_BallisticArc_BeginWidth = 0x1CC4900 + 0x18;
  393. public static UInt32 cg_BallisticArc_DrawDelay = 0x1CC4C00 + 0x18;
  394. public static UInt32 cg_BallisticArc_EndWidth = 0x1CC4960 + 0x18;
  395. public static UInt32 cg_BallisticArc_ForceHitIndicator = 0x1CC4C60 + 0x18;
  396. public static UInt32 cg_BallisticArc_MaxBounces = 0x1CC4A80 + 0x18;
  397. public static UInt32 cg_BallisticArc_MinBounces = 0x1CC4A20 + 0x18;
  398. public static UInt32 cg_BallisticArc_Offset = 0x1CC49C0 + 0x18;
  399. public static UInt32 cg_cameraSpikeEnemyColor = 0x1CC7540 + 0x18;
  400. public static UInt32 cg_cameraSpikeHighlightBrightness = 0x1CC74E0 + 0x18;
  401. public static UInt32 cg_cameraVehicleExitTweenTime = 0x1CCE200 + 0x18;
  402. public static UInt32 cg_cameraWaterClip = 0x1CCE1A0 + 0x18;
  403. public static UInt32 cg_canSeeFriendlyFrustumExpand = 0x1CCE080 + 0x18;
  404. public static UInt32 cg_canSeeFriendlyFrustumMinDistance = 0x1CCE0E0 + 0x18;
  405. public static UInt32 cg_canSeeFriendlyFrustumUpdateInterval = 0x1CCE020 + 0x18;
  406. public static UInt32 cg_centertime = 0x1CC60A0 + 0x18;
  407. public static UInt32 cg_cinematicFullscreen = 0x1CAFDE0 + 0x18;
  408. public static UInt32 cg_colorHue = 0x1CC4DE0 + 0x18;
  409. public static UInt32 cg_colorSaturation = 0x1CC4D20 + 0x18;
  410. public static UInt32 cg_colorScale = 0x1CC4E40 + 0x18;
  411. public static UInt32 cg_colorTemp = 0x1CC4D80 + 0x18;
  412. public static UInt32 cg_constantSizeHeadIcons = 0x1CC6C40 + 0x18;
  413. public static UInt32 cg_corpseHighlightFadeTime = 0x1CC7480 + 0x18;
  414. public static UInt32 cg_crosshairAlpha = 0x1CC6100 + 0x18;
  415. public static UInt32 cg_crosshairAlphaMin = 0x1CC6160 + 0x18;
  416. public static UInt32 cg_crosshairDynamic = 0x1CC61C0 + 0x18;
  417. public static UInt32 cg_crosshairEnemyColor = 0x1CC6220 + 0x18;
  418. public static UInt32 cg_cullBulletAngle = 0x1CCDD20 + 0x18;
  419. public static UInt32 cg_cullBullets = 0x1CCDC60 + 0x18;
  420. public static UInt32 cg_cursorHints = 0x1CC5080 + 0x18;
  421. public static UInt32 cg_debug_overlay_viewport = 0x1CC6AC0 + 0x18;
  422. public static UInt32 cg_debugevents = 0x1CC62E0 + 0x18;
  423. public static UInt32 cg_debugposition = 0x1CC6280 + 0x18;
  424. public static UInt32 cg_destructibleKillCamCloseXYDist = 0x1CC8500 + 0x18;
  425. public static UInt32 cg_destructibleKillCamCloseZDist = 0x1CC8560 + 0x18;
  426. public static UInt32 cg_destructibleKillCamFarBlur = 0x1CC8620 + 0x18;
  427. public static UInt32 cg_destructibleKillCamFarBlurDist = 0x1CC86E0 + 0x18;
  428. public static UInt32 cg_destructibleKillCamFarBlurStart = 0x1CC8680 + 0x18;
  429. public static UInt32 cg_destructibleKillCamFov = 0x1CC84A0 + 0x18;
  430. public static UInt32 cg_destructibleKillCamNearBlur = 0x1CC85C0 + 0x18;
  431. public static UInt32 cg_destructibleKillCamNearBlurEnd = 0x1CC87A0 + 0x18;
  432. public static UInt32 cg_destructibleKillCamNearBlurStart = 0x1CC8740 + 0x18;
  433. public static UInt32 cg_destructibleKillCamRegularHeight = 0x1CC8860 + 0x18;
  434. public static UInt32 cg_destructibleKillCamZIncrease = 0x1CC8800 + 0x18;
  435. public static UInt32 cg_development = 0x1CC57A0 + 0x18;
  436. public static UInt32 cg_disableplayernames = 0x1CC5500 + 0x18;
  437. public static UInt32 cg_dogKillCamDistFromEyes = 0x1CC8EC0 + 0x18;
  438. public static UInt32 cg_dogKillCamForwardDist = 0x1CC8DA0 + 0x18;
  439. public static UInt32 cg_dogKillCamFov = 0x1CC8D40 + 0x18;
  440. public static UInt32 cg_dogKillCamSideDist = 0x1CC8E60 + 0x18;
  441. public static UInt32 cg_dogKillCamUpDist = 0x1CC8E00 + 0x18;
  442. public static UInt32 cg_dogKillMinDistFromTarget = 0x1CC8F20 + 0x18;
  443. public static UInt32 cg_draw2D = 0x1CC54A0 + 0x18;
  444. public static UInt32 cg_drawBigFPS = 0x1CC5680 + 0x18;
  445. public static UInt32 cg_drawBreathHint = 0x1CC5620 + 0x18;
  446. public static UInt32 cg_drawCrosshair = 0x1CC5AA0 + 0x18;
  447. public static UInt32 cg_drawCrosshairNames = 0x1CC5B60 + 0x18;
  448. public static UInt32 cg_drawCrosshairNamesPosX = 0x1CC5BC0 + 0x18;
  449. public static UInt32 cg_drawCrosshairNamesPosY = 0x1CC5C20 + 0x18;
  450. public static UInt32 cg_drawFPS = 0x1CC5740 + 0x18;
  451. public static UInt32 cg_drawFPSOnly = 0x1CC5800 + 0x18;
  452. public static UInt32 cg_drawFriendlyNames = 0x1CC7000 + 0x18;
  453. public static UInt32 cg_drawGun = 0x1CC5020 + 0x18;
  454. public static UInt32 cg_drawHealth = 0x1CC55C0 + 0x18;
  455. public static UInt32 cg_drawHoldBreathHint = 0x1CC5B00 + 0x18;
  456. public static UInt32 cg_drawlagometer = 0x1CC56E0 + 0x18;
  457. public static UInt32 cg_drawMaterial = 0x1CC5920 + 0x18;
  458. public static UInt32 cg_drawMaterialImageName = 0x1CC59E0 + 0x18;
  459. public static UInt32 cg_drawMaterialImageNum = 0x1CC5980 + 0x18;
  460. public static UInt32 cg_drawModelAxis = 0x1CC5A40 + 0x18;
  461. public static UInt32 cg_drawpaused = 0x1CC6A60 + 0x18;
  462. public static UInt32 cg_drawShellshock = 0x1CC5C80 + 0x18;
  463. public static UInt32 cg_drawTalk = 0x1CCE680 + 0x18;
  464. public static UInt32 cg_drawThroughWalls = 0x1CC71E0 + 0x18;
  465. public static UInt32 cg_droneKillCamBackDist = 0x1CC8C20 + 0x18;
  466. public static UInt32 cg_droneKillCamUpDist = 0x1CC8BC0 + 0x18;
  467. public static UInt32 cg_dumpAnims = 0x1CC6B20 + 0x18;
  468. public static UInt32 cg_EnableAdaptiveSkinLodScale = 0x1CC7DE0 + 0x18;
  469. public static UInt32 cg_enableHelicopterNoCullLodOut = 0x1CC6A00 + 0x18;
  470. public static UInt32 cg_enemyNameFadeIn = 0x1CC7060 + 0x18;
  471. public static UInt32 cg_enemyNameFadeOut = 0x1CC7120 + 0x18;
  472. public static UInt32 cg_explosiveKillCamBackDist = 0x1CC8920 + 0x18;
  473. public static UInt32 cg_explosiveKillCamGroundBackDist = 0x1CC8AA0 + 0x18;
  474. public static UInt32 cg_explosiveKillCamGroundUpDist = 0x1CC8A40 + 0x18;
  475. public static UInt32 cg_explosiveKillCamStopDecelDist = 0x1CC8CE0 + 0x18;
  476. public static UInt32 cg_explosiveKillCamStopDist = 0x1CC8C80 + 0x18;
  477. public static UInt32 cg_explosiveKillCamUpDist = 0x1CC88C0 + 0x18;
  478. public static UInt32 cg_explosiveKillCamWallOutDist = 0x1CC8980 + 0x18;
  479. public static UInt32 cg_explosiveKillCamWallSideDist = 0x1CC89E0 + 0x18;
  480. public static UInt32 cg_fakefireWizbyChance = 0x1CC6940 + 0x18;
  481. public static UInt32 cg_firstPersonTracerChance = 0x1CC6520 + 0x18;
  482. public static UInt32 cg_fixupSmodelCullDists = 0x1CCE380 + 0x18;
  483. public static UInt32 cg_flareVisionSetFadeDuration = 0x1CC78A0 + 0x18;
  484. public static UInt32 cg_footprints = 0x1CC63A0 + 0x18;
  485. public static UInt32 cg_footprintsDebug = 0x1CC6460 + 0x18;
  486. public static UInt32 cg_footprintsDistortWater = 0x1CC6400 + 0x18;
  487. public static UInt32 cg_footsteps = 0x1CC6340 + 0x18;
  488. public static UInt32 cg_forceInfrared = 0x1CC4720 + 0x18;
  489. public static UInt32 cg_fov = 0x1CC5200 + 0x18;
  490. public static UInt32 cg_fovExtraCam = 0x1CC5320 + 0x18;
  491. public static UInt32 cg_fovMin = 0x1CC52C0 + 0x18;
  492. public static UInt32 cg_fovScale = 0x1CC5260 + 0x18;
  493. public static UInt32 cg_friendlyNameFadeIn = 0x1CC70C0 + 0x18;
  494. public static UInt32 cg_friendlyNameFadeOut = 0x1CC7180 + 0x18;
  495. public static UInt32 cg_fuelHudVersion = 0x1CCB260 + 0x18;
  496. public static UInt32 cg_gun_move_f = 0x1CCD780 + 0x18;
  497. public static UInt32 cg_gun_move_minspeed = 0x1CCDB40 + 0x18;
  498. public static UInt32 cg_gun_move_r = 0x1CCD7E0 + 0x18;
  499. public static UInt32 cg_gun_move_rate = 0x1CCDAE0 + 0x18;
  500. public static UInt32 cg_gun_move_u = 0x1CCD840 + 0x18;
  501. public static UInt32 cg_gun_ofs_f = 0x1CCD8A0 + 0x18;
  502. public static UInt32 cg_gun_ofs_r = 0x1CCD900 + 0x18;
  503. public static UInt32 cg_gun_ofs_u = 0x1CCD960 + 0x18;
  504. public static UInt32 cg_gun_rot_minspeed = 0x1CCDC00 + 0x18;
  505. public static UInt32 cg_gun_rot_p = 0x1CCD9C0 + 0x18;
  506. public static UInt32 cg_gun_rot_r = 0x1CCDA80 + 0x18;
  507. public static UInt32 cg_gun_rot_rate = 0x1CCDBA0 + 0x18;
  508. public static UInt32 cg_gun_rot_y = 0x1CCDA20 + 0x18;
  509. public static UInt32 cg_gun_x = 0x1CCD660 + 0x18;
  510. public static UInt32 cg_gun_y = 0x1CCD6C0 + 0x18;
  511. public static UInt32 cg_gun_z = 0x1CCD720 + 0x18;
  512. public static UInt32 cg_headIconMinScreenRadius = 0x1CC6CA0 + 0x18;
  513. public static UInt32 cg_heliKillCamFarBlur = 0x1CC7F60 + 0x18;
  514. public static UInt32 cg_heliKillCamFarBlurDist = 0x1CC8020 + 0x18;
  515. public static UInt32 cg_heliKillCamFarBlurStart = 0x1CC7FC0 + 0x18;
  516. public static UInt32 cg_heliKillCamFov = 0x1CC7EA0 + 0x18;
  517. public static UInt32 cg_heliKillCamNearBlur = 0x1CC7F00 + 0x18;
  518. public static UInt32 cg_heliKillCamNearBlurEnd = 0x1CC80E0 + 0x18;
  519. public static UInt32 cg_heliKillCamNearBlurStart = 0x1CC8080 + 0x18;
  520. public static UInt32 cg_hudGrenadeIconHeight = 0x1CC5E60 + 0x18;
  521. public static UInt32 cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxRangeFlash = 0x1CC5DA0 + 0x18;
  522. public static UInt32 cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxRangeFrag = 0x1CC5D40 + 0x18;
  523. public static UInt32 cg_hudGrenadeIconOffset = 0x1CC5E00 + 0x18;
  524. public static UInt32 cg_hudGrenadeIconWidth = 0x1CC5EC0 + 0x18;
  525. public static UInt32 cg_hudGrenadePointerHeight = 0x1CC5F20 + 0x18;
  526. public static UInt32 cg_hudGrenadePointerPivot = 0x1CC5FE0 + 0x18;
  527. public static UInt32 cg_hudGrenadePointerWidth = 0x1CC5F80 + 0x18;
  528. public static UInt32 cg_hudMapBorderWidth = 0x1CCAEA0 + 0x18;
  529. public static UInt32 cg_hudMapFriendlyHeight = 0x1CCAD80 + 0x18;
  530. public static UInt32 cg_hudMapFriendlyWidth = 0x1CCAD20 + 0x18;
  531. public static UInt32 cg_hudMapPlayerHeight = 0x1CCAE40 + 0x18;
  532. public static UInt32 cg_hudMapPlayerWidth = 0x1CCADE0 + 0x18;
  533. public static UInt32 cg_hudMapRadarLineThickness = 0x1CCACC0 + 0x18;
  534. public static UInt32 cg_infraredBlur = 0x1CC4660 + 0x18;
  535. public static UInt32 cg_infraredBlurTime = 0x1CC46C0 + 0x18;
  536. public static UInt32 cg_InfraredFadeoutTime = 0x1CC47E0 + 0x18;
  537. public static UInt32 cg_infraredFriendlies = 0x1CC4780 + 0x18;
  538. public static UInt32 cg_infraredUseDefaultMaterial = 0x1CC48A0 + 0x18;
  539. public static UInt32 cg_killcamdebug = 0x1CC97C0 + 0x18;
  540. public static UInt32 cg_laserSightMaxDistance = 0x1CC7D20 + 0x18;
  541. public static UInt32 cg_lastSpectatorSelectedThirdPerson = 0x1CC5CE0 + 0x18;
  542. public static UInt32 cg_maxPlayerHighlightTargetSize = 0x1CC72A0 + 0x18;
  543. public static UInt32 cg_microwaveTurretKillCamBackOffset = 0x1CC9760 + 0x18;
  544. public static UInt32 cg_microwaveTurretKillCamFov = 0x1CC96A0 + 0x18;
  545. public static UInt32 cg_microwaveTurretKillCamHeightIncrease = 0x1CC9700 + 0x18;
  546. public static UInt32 cg_minCullBulletDist = 0x1CCDCC0 + 0x18;
  547. public static UInt32 cg_missile_FOV = 0x1CC7D80 + 0x18;
  548. public static UInt32 cg_opticAttachmentViewmodelSwitch = 0x1CC4F60 + 0x18;
  549. public static UInt32 cg_overheadIconSize = 0x1CC6EE0 + 0x18;
  550. public static UInt32 cg_overheadNamesFarDist = 0x1CC6DC0 + 0x18;
  551. public static UInt32 cg_overheadNamesFarScale = 0x1CC6E20 + 0x18;
  552. public static UInt32 cg_overheadNamesGlow = 0x1CC6FA0 + 0x18;
  553. public static UInt32 cg_overheadNamesMaxDist = 0x1CC6D00 + 0x18;
  554. public static UInt32 cg_overheadNamesNearDist = 0x1CC6D60 + 0x18;
  555. public static UInt32 cg_overheadNamesSize = 0x1CC6E80 + 0x18;
  556. public static UInt32 cg_overheadNamesTagUpdateInterval = 0x1CCDFC0 + 0x18;
  557. public static UInt32 cg_overheadRankSize = 0x1CC6F40 + 0x18;
  558. public static UInt32 cg_playerFrustumHalfHeight = 0x1CCDF60 + 0x18;
  559. public static UInt32 cg_playerHighlightBlinkTime = 0x1CC7420 + 0x18;
  560. public static UInt32 cg_playerHighlightBrightness = 0x1CC7360 + 0x18;
  561. public static UInt32 cg_playerHighlightEnemyColor = 0x1CC7300 + 0x18;
  562. public static UInt32 cg_playerHighlightMinFade = 0x1CC73C0 + 0x18;
  563. public static UInt32 cg_playerHighlightTargetSize = 0x1CC7240 + 0x18;
  564. public static UInt32 cg_proneFeetCollisionHull = 0x1CC7A20 + 0x18;
  565. public static UInt32 cg_rangeFinderActiveColor = 0x1CC3D60 + 0x18;
  566. public static UInt32 cg_rangeFinderActiveHeight = 0x1CC3EE0 + 0x18;
  567. public static UInt32 cg_rangeFinderActiveWidth = 0x1CC3E80 + 0x18;
  568. public static UInt32 cg_rangeFinderDefaultColor = 0x1CC3D00 + 0x18;
  569. public static UInt32 cg_rangeFinderDiamondIndicator = 0x1CC3F40 + 0x18;
  570. public static UInt32 cg_rangeFinderDiamondSize = 0x1CC3FA0 + 0x18;
  571. public static UInt32 cg_rangeFinderMinEnemySpottingDist = 0x1CC3DC0 + 0x18;
  572. public static UInt32 cg_rangeFinderPlayerTargetSize = 0x1CC3E20 + 0x18;
  573. public static UInt32 cg_retrieveHintTime = 0x1CC50E0 + 0x18;
  574. public static UInt32 cg_retrieveHintTimeStuck = 0x1CC5140 + 0x18;
  575. public static UInt32 cg_rocketKillCamBackDist = 0x1CC8B60 + 0x18;
  576. public static UInt32 cg_rocketKillCamUpDist = 0x1CC8B00 + 0x18;
  577. public static UInt32 cg_scoreboardMyColor = 0x1CCBDA0 + 0x18;
  578. public static UInt32 cg_ScoresPing_BgColor = 0x1CCBD40 + 0x18;
  579. public static UInt32 cg_ScoresPing_HighColor = 0x1CCBC20 + 0x18;
  580. public static UInt32 cg_ScoresPing_LowColor = 0x1CCBCE0 + 0x18;
  581. public static UInt32 cg_ScoresPing_MedColor = 0x1CCBC80 + 0x18;
  582. public static UInt32 cg_scriptedKillCamCloseXYDist = 0x1CC81A0 + 0x18;
  583. public static UInt32 cg_scriptedKillCamCloseZDist = 0x1CC8200 + 0x18;
  584. public static UInt32 cg_scriptedKillCamFarBlur = 0x1CC82C0 + 0x18;
  585. public static UInt32 cg_scriptedKillCamFarBlurDist = 0x1CC8380 + 0x18;
  586. public static UInt32 cg_scriptedKillCamFarBlurStart = 0x1CC8320 + 0x18;
  587. public static UInt32 cg_scriptedKillCamFov = 0x1CC8140 + 0x18;
  588. public static UInt32 cg_scriptedKillCamNearBlur = 0x1CC8260 + 0x18;
  589. public static UInt32 cg_scriptedKillCamNearBlurEnd = 0x1CC8440 + 0x18;
  590. public static UInt32 cg_scriptedKillCamNearBlurStart = 0x1CC83E0 + 0x18;
  591. public static UInt32 cg_showZombieControls = 0x1CCAF00 + 0x18;
  592. public static UInt32 cg_sonarAttachmentBlur = 0x1CC4000 + 0x18;
  593. public static UInt32 cg_sonarAttachmentCounterColorMultiplier = 0x1CC4420 + 0x18;
  594. public static UInt32 cg_sonarAttachmentCounterMaxSpeed = 0x1CC4480 + 0x18;
  595. public static UInt32 cg_sonarAttachmentDistanceFactor = 0x1CC4360 + 0x18;
  596. public static UInt32 cg_sonarAttachmentEmpFade = 0x1CC41E0 + 0x18;
  597. public static UInt32 cg_sonarAttachmentFadeFriendlies = 0x1CC4120 + 0x18;
  598. public static UInt32 cg_sonarAttachmentHideFriendlies = 0x1CC4180 + 0x18;
  599. public static UInt32 cg_sonarAttachmentMaxDist = 0x1CC4060 + 0x18;
  600. public static UInt32 cg_sonarAttachmentMaxSpeed = 0x1CC4300 + 0x18;
  601. public static UInt32 cg_sonarAttachmentPulseInterval = 0x1CC4240 + 0x18;
  602. public static UInt32 cg_sonarAttachmentPulseTime = 0x1CC42A0 + 0x18;
  603. public static UInt32 cg_sonarAttachmentSpeedDelay = 0x1CC40C0 + 0x18;
  604. public static UInt32 cg_sonarAttachmentSpeedTimeRatio = 0x1CC43C0 + 0x18;
  605. public static UInt32 cg_sonarAttachmentZmTurnedFadeTime = 0x1CC4540 + 0x18;
  606. public static UInt32 cg_sonarAttachmentZmTurnedGraceTime = 0x1CC44E0 + 0x18;
  607. public static UInt32 cg_sonarAttachmentZmTurnedMinFade = 0x1CC45A0 + 0x18;
  608. public static UInt32 cg_streamLowDetailCamos = 0x1CC4F00 + 0x18;
  609. public static UInt32 cg_subtitleWidthStandard = 0x1CC6B80 + 0x18;
  610. public static UInt32 cg_subtitleWidthWidescreen = 0x1CC6BE0 + 0x18;
  611. public static UInt32 cg_thirdPerson = 0x1CC6820 + 0x18;
  612. public static UInt32 cg_thirdPersonAngle = 0x1CC6760 + 0x18;
  613. public static UInt32 cg_thirdPersonFocusDist = 0x1CC67C0 + 0x18;
  614. public static UInt32 cg_thirdPersonMode = 0x1CC6880 + 0x18;
  615. public static UInt32 cg_thirdPersonRange = 0x1CC6700 + 0x18;
  616. public static UInt32 cg_timedDamageDuration = 0x1CCDF00 + 0x18;
  617. public static UInt32 cg_treadmarks = 0x1CC64C0 + 0x18;
  618. public static UInt32 cg_turretBipodOffset = 0x1CC7900 + 0x18;
  619. public static UInt32 cg_turretKillCamBackOffset = 0x1CC95E0 + 0x18;
  620. public static UInt32 cg_turretKillCamCloseXYDist = 0x1CC9280 + 0x18;
  621. public static UInt32 cg_turretKillCamCloseZDist = 0x1CC92E0 + 0x18;
  622. public static UInt32 cg_turretKillCamFarBlur = 0x1CC93A0 + 0x18;
  623. public static UInt32 cg_turretKillCamFarBlurDist = 0x1CC9460 + 0x18;
  624. public static UInt32 cg_turretKillCamFarBlurStart = 0x1CC9400 + 0x18;
  625. public static UInt32 cg_turretKillCamFov = 0x1CC9220 + 0x18;
  626. public static UInt32 cg_turretKillCamHeightIncrease = 0x1CC9580 + 0x18;
  627. public static UInt32 cg_turretKillCamNearBlur = 0x1CC9340 + 0x18;
  628. public static UInt32 cg_turretKillCamNearBlurEnd = 0x1CC9520 + 0x18;
  629. public static UInt32 cg_turretKillCamNearBlurStart = 0x1CC94C0 + 0x18;
  630. public static UInt32 cg_turretKillCamSideOffset = 0x1CC9640 + 0x18;
  631. public static UInt32 cg_ufo_scaler = 0x1CABB80 + 0x18;
  632. public static UInt32 cg_use_colored_smoke = 0x1CC68E0 + 0x18;
  633. public static UInt32 cg_useColorControl = 0x1CC4CC0 + 0x18;
  634. public static UInt32 cg_useSafeSpectatorCam = 0x1CCE320 + 0x18;
  635. public static UInt32 cg_useWeaponBasedVariableZoom = 0x1CC5380 + 0x18;
  636. public static UInt32 cg_useWeaponSwitchReloadCancel = 0x1CC69A0 + 0x18;
  637. public static UInt32 cg_usingClientScripts = 0x1CC4FC0 + 0x18;
  638. public static UInt32 cg_usNewEventQueueScheme = 0x1CC4600 + 0x18;
  639. public static UInt32 cg_VelocityArrow_MaxSegmentLength = 0x1CC4B40 + 0x18;
  640. public static UInt32 cg_VelocityArrow_MinSegmentLength = 0x1CC4BA0 + 0x18;
  641. public static UInt32 cg_VelocityArrow_RateOfChange = 0x1CC4AE0 + 0x18;
  642. public static UInt32 cg_viewVehicleInfluenceGunner = 0x1CC53E0 + 0x18;
  643. public static UInt32 cg_viewVehicleInfluenceGunnerFiring = 0x1CC5440 + 0x18;
  644. public static UInt32 cg_viewZSmoothingMax = 0x1CC76C0 + 0x18;
  645. public static UInt32 cg_viewZSmoothingMin = 0x1CC7660 + 0x18;
  646. public static UInt32 cg_viewZSmoothingTime = 0x1CC7720 + 0x18;
  647. public static UInt32 cg_visionSetLerpMaxDecreasePerFrame = 0x1CC7840 + 0x18;
  648. public static UInt32 cg_visionSetLerpMaxIncreasePerFrame = 0x1CC77E0 + 0x18;
  649. public static UInt32 cg_watersheeting = 0x1CCE140 + 0x18;
  650. public static UInt32 cg_weaponHeat = 0x1CC4840 + 0x18;
  651. public static UInt32 cg_weaponHintsCoD1Style = 0x1CC51A0 + 0x18;
  652. public static UInt32 cg_weaponSimulateFireAnims = 0x1CCDD80 + 0x18;
  653. public static UInt32 challengeResponseResendBackoffInterval = 0x1CA41A0 + 0x18;
  654. public static UInt32 challengeResponseResendInterval = 0x1CA4140 + 0x18;
  655. public static UInt32 checkEmblemForRank = 0x1CE0860 + 0x18;
  656. public static UInt32 cl_bspmismatchFatal = 0x1CB6500 + 0x18;
  657. public static UInt32 cl_connectionAttempts = 0x1CB6BC0 + 0x18;
  658. public static UInt32 cl_connectTimeout = 0x1CB6B60 + 0x18;
  659. public static UInt32 cl_deathMessageWidth = 0x1CC31C0 + 0x18;
  660. public static UInt32 cl_freelook = 0x1CB6800 + 0x18;
  661. public static UInt32 cl_ingame = 0x1CB68C0 + 0x18;
  662. public static UInt32 cl_maxppf = 0x1CB63E0 + 0x18;
  663. public static UInt32 cl_migrationPingTime = 0x1CD1020 + 0x18;
  664. public static UInt32 cl_motdString = 0x1CB6860 + 0x18;
  665. public static UInt32 cl_mouseAccel = 0x1CB67A0 + 0x18;
  666. public static UInt32 cl_network_warning = 0x1CB7DC0 + 0x18;
  667. public static UInt32 cl_nodelta = 0x1CC3B80 + 0x18;
  668. public static UInt32 cl_paused = 0x1CB7E80 + 0x18;
  669. public static UInt32 cl_profileWriteLimiter = 0x1CB6DA0 + 0x18;
  670. public static UInt32 cl_splitscreenGamestateHack = 0x1CB64A0 + 0x18;
  671. public static UInt32 cl_timeout = 0x1CB6B00 + 0x18;
  672. public static UInt32 clancard_clanid = 0x1CDB580 + 0x18;
  673. public static UInt32 classVersionNumber = 0x1CC3040 + 0x18;
  674. public static UInt32 ClickToContinue = 0x1CB8BA0 + 0x18;
  675. public static UInt32 com_desiredMenu = 0x1CB80C0 + 0x18;
  676. public static UInt32 com_freemoveScale = 0x1CB6E60 + 0x18;
  677. public static UInt32 com_introPlayed = 0x1CB8060 + 0x18;
  678. public static UInt32 com_maxclients = 0x1CB6E00 + 0x18;
  679. public static UInt32 com_maxfps = 0x1CB6F20 + 0x18;
  680. public static UInt32 com_report_syserrors = 0x1CB7160 + 0x18;
  681. public static UInt32 com_sku = 0x1CB7940 + 0x18;
  682. public static UInt32 com_statmon = 0x1CB7B20 + 0x18;
  683. public static UInt32 com_timescale = 0x1CB7B80 + 0x18;
  684. public static UInt32 com_voip_resume_time = 0x1CB8000 + 0x18;
  685. public static UInt32 compass = 0x1CC9D00 + 0x18;
  686. public static UInt32 compassClampIcons = 0x1CC9EE0 + 0x18;
  687. public static UInt32 compassEnableColorBlindPlayerIcons = 0x1CCAC60 + 0x18;
  688. public static UInt32 compassEnemyFootstepEnabled = 0x1CCA6C0 + 0x18;
  689. public static UInt32 compassEnemyFootstepMaxRange = 0x1CCA5A0 + 0x18;
  690. public static UInt32 compassEnemyFootstepMaxZ = 0x1CCA600 + 0x18;
  691. public static UInt32 compassEnemyFootstepMinSpeed = 0x1CCA660 + 0x18;
  692. public static UInt32 compassForcePlayerIcon = 0x1CCA780 + 0x18;
  693. public static UInt32 compassGridAlign = 0x1CCA900 + 0x18;
  694. public static UInt32 compassGridCols = 0x1CCA8A0 + 0x18;
  695. public static UInt32 compassGridEnabled = 0x1CCA7E0 + 0x18;
  696. public static UInt32 compassGridRows = 0x1CCA840 + 0x18;
  697. public static UInt32 compassLocalRadarRadius = 0x1CCA2A0 + 0x18;
  698. public static UInt32 compassLocalRadarUpdateTime = 0x1CCA240 + 0x18;
  699. public static UInt32 compassMaxRange = 0x1CC9D60 + 0x18;
  700. public static UInt32 compassMinRadius = 0x1CC9E20 + 0x18;
  701. public static UInt32 compassMinRange = 0x1CC9DC0 + 0x18;
  702. public static UInt32 compassObjectiveDetailDist = 0x1CCA480 + 0x18;
  703. public static UInt32 compassObjectiveHeight = 0x1CCA360 + 0x18;
  704. public static UInt32 compassObjectiveMaxHeight = 0x1CCA540 + 0x18;
  705. public static UInt32 compassObjectiveMinDistRange = 0x1CCA420 + 0x18;
  706. public static UInt32 compassObjectiveMinHeight = 0x1CCA4E0 + 0x18;
  707. public static UInt32 compassObjectiveNearbyDist = 0x1CCA3C0 + 0x18;
  708. public static UInt32 compassObjectiveWidth = 0x1CCA300 + 0x18;
  709. public static UInt32 compassRadarLineThickness = 0x1CCA1E0 + 0x18;
  710. public static UInt32 compassRadarPingFadeTime = 0x1CC9F40 + 0x18;
  711. public static UInt32 compassRadarUpdateFastTime = 0x1CCA000 + 0x18;
  712. public static UInt32 compassRadarUpdateTime = 0x1CC9FA0 + 0x18;
  713. public static UInt32 compassSatellitePingFadeTime = 0x1CCA0C0 + 0x18;
  714. public static UInt32 compassSatelliteScanTime = 0x1CCA180 + 0x18;
  715. public static UInt32 compassSatelliteStaticImageFadeTime = 0x1CCA060 + 0x18;
  716. public static UInt32 compassShowEnemies = 0x1CCA720 + 0x18;
  717. public static UInt32 compassSoundPingFadeTime = 0x1CC9E80 + 0x18;
  718. public static UInt32 compassStaticImageUpdateTime = 0x1CCA120 + 0x18;
  719. public static UInt32 con_gameMsgWindow0FadeInTime = 0x1CC3340 + 0x18;
  720. public static UInt32 con_gameMsgWindow0FadeOutTime = 0x1CC33A0 + 0x18;
  721. public static UInt32 con_gameMsgWindow0Filter = 0x1CA3F60 + 0x18;
  722. public static UInt32 con_gameMsgWindow0LineCount = 0x1CC3280 + 0x18;
  723. public static UInt32 con_gameMsgWindow0MsgTime = 0x1CC3220 + 0x18;
  724. public static UInt32 con_gameMsgWindow0ScrollTime = 0x1CC32E0 + 0x18;
  725. public static UInt32 con_gameMsgWindow0SplitscreenScale = 0x1CC3400 + 0x18;
  726. public static UInt32 con_gameMsgWindow1FadeInTime = 0x1CC3580 + 0x18;
  727. public static UInt32 con_gameMsgWindow1FadeOutTime = 0x1CC35E0 + 0x18;
  728. public static UInt32 con_gameMsgWindow1Filter = 0x1CA3FC0 + 0x18;
  729. public static UInt32 con_gameMsgWindow1LineCount = 0x1CC34C0 + 0x18;
  730. public static UInt32 con_gameMsgWindow1MsgTime = 0x1CC3460 + 0x18;
  731. public static UInt32 con_gameMsgWindow1ScrollTime = 0x1CC3520 + 0x18;
  732. public static UInt32 con_gameMsgWindow1SplitscreenScale = 0x1CC3640 + 0x18;
  733. public static UInt32 con_gameMsgWindow2FadeInTime = 0x1CC37C0 + 0x18;
  734. public static UInt32 con_gameMsgWindow2FadeOutTime = 0x1CC3820 + 0x18;
  735. public static UInt32 con_gameMsgWindow2Filter = 0x1CA4020 + 0x18;
  736. public static UInt32 con_gameMsgWindow2LineCount = 0x1CC3700 + 0x18;
  737. public static UInt32 con_gameMsgWindow2MsgTime = 0x1CC36A0 + 0x18;
  738. public static UInt32 con_gameMsgWindow2ScrollTime = 0x1CC3760 + 0x18;
  739. public static UInt32 con_gameMsgWindow2SplitscreenScale = 0x1CC3880 + 0x18;
  740. public static UInt32 con_gameMsgWindow3FadeInTime = 0x1CC3A00 + 0x18;
  741. public static UInt32 con_gameMsgWindow3FadeOutTime = 0x1CC3A60 + 0x18;
  742. public static UInt32 con_gameMsgWindow3Filter = 0x1CA4080 + 0x18;
  743. public static UInt32 con_gameMsgWindow3LineCount = 0x1CC3940 + 0x18;
  744. public static UInt32 con_gameMsgWindow3MsgTime = 0x1CC38E0 + 0x18;
  745. public static UInt32 con_gameMsgWindow3ScrollTime = 0x1CC39A0 + 0x18;
  746. public static UInt32 con_gameMsgWindow3SplitscreenScale = 0x1CC3AC0 + 0x18;
  747. public static UInt32 con_typewriterColorBase = 0x1CC3B20 + 0x18;
  748. public static UInt32 consoleGame = 0x1CB78E0 + 0x18;
  749. public static UInt32 content_trialcontentpackbits = 0x1CDD6E0 + 0x18;
  750. public static UInt32 counterDownloadInterval = 0x1CDAC80 + 0x18;
  751. public static UInt32 counterUploadInterval = 0x1CDAC20 + 0x18;
  752. public static UInt32 createfx = 0x1CB8C60 + 0x18;
  753. public static UInt32 creditsScrollScale = 0x1CB8780 + 0x18;
  754. public static UInt32 currentTUVersion = 0x1CD3AE0 + 0x18;
  755. public static UInt32 custom_killstreak_1 = 0x1CDD380 + 0x18;
  756. public static UInt32 custom_killstreak_1_kills = 0x1CDD4A0 + 0x18;
  757. public static UInt32 custom_killstreak_2 = 0x1CDD3E0 + 0x18;
  758. public static UInt32 custom_killstreak_2_kills = 0x1CDD500 + 0x18;
  759. public static UInt32 custom_killstreak_3 = 0x1CDD440 + 0x18;
  760. public static UInt32 custom_killstreak_3_kills = 0x1CDD560 + 0x18;
  761. public static UInt32 custom_perks_allow_pro = 0x1CDD2C0 + 0x18;
  762. public static UInt32 customGameMode = 0x1CB6380 + 0x18;
  763. public static UInt32 debug_dog_notetracks = 0x1CE6740 + 0x18;
  764. public static UInt32 debug_dog_sound = 0x1CE66E0 + 0x18;
  765. public static UInt32 debug_protocol = 0x1CB8AE0 + 0x18;
  766. public static UInt32 debug_show_viewpos = 0x1CB8960 + 0x18;
  767. public static UInt32 debugRenderCollisionDistance = 0x1CD08A0 + 0x18;
  768. public static UInt32 debugRenderMask = 0x1CD0840 + 0x18;
  769. public static UInt32 dedicatedPingLog_DoTestChance = 0x1CDC3C0 + 0x18;
  770. public static UInt32 dedicatedPingLog_MaxTestTime = 0x1CDC420 + 0x18;
  771. public static UInt32 dedicatedPingLog_WaitBeforePing = 0x1CDC480 + 0x18;
  772. public static UInt32 defaultDamageDuration = 0x1CD01E0 + 0x18;
  773. public static UInt32 defaultDamageInterval = 0x1CD0240 + 0x18;
  774. public static UInt32 defaultHitDamage = 0x1CD0180 + 0x18;
  775. public static UInt32 defragGlassIndices = 0x1CEB360 + 0x18;
  776. public static UInt32 defragGlassMemory = 0x1CEB300 + 0x18;
  777. public static UInt32 demo_bookmarkEventThresholdTime = 0x1CCEC80 + 0x18;
  778. public static UInt32 demo_bytesPerSecondMax = 0x1CCF580 + 0x18;
  779. public static UInt32 demo_bytesPerSecondMin = 0x1CCF4C0 + 0x18;
  780. public static UInt32 demo_client = 0x1CCE980 + 0x18;
  781. public static UInt32 demo_dollycamHighlightThreshholdDistance = 0x1CCEE00 + 0x18;
  782. public static UInt32 demo_dollycamMarkerInformationFarDist = 0x1CCEF80 + 0x18;
  783. public static UInt32 demo_dollycamMarkerInformationFarScale = 0x1CCEFE0 + 0x18;
  784. public static UInt32 demo_dollycamMarkerInformationNearDist = 0x1CCEF20 + 0x18;
  785. public static UInt32 demo_dollycamMarkerInformationThreshholdDistance = 0x1CCEEC0 + 0x18;
  786. public static UInt32 demo_dollycamMarkerTimeScaleMode = 0x1CCF040 + 0x18;
  787. public static UInt32 demo_dollycamMarkerTimeScaleValue = 0x1CCF0A0 + 0x18;
  788. public static UInt32 demo_dollycamTrackWidth = 0x1CCEE60 + 0x18;
  789. public static UInt32 demo_downloadStreamDataBlockRequestSize = 0x1CCFAC0 + 0x18;
  790. public static UInt32 demo_downloadStreamDataBlockThrottleTime = 0x1CCFA60 + 0x18;
  791. public static UInt32 demo_downloadStreamMaxRetryAttemps = 0x1CCFA00 + 0x18;
  792. public static UInt32 demo_downloadStreamRetryWaitTime = 0x1CCF9A0 + 0x18;
  793. public static UInt32 demo_downloadStreamThrottleTime = 0x1CCF940 + 0x18;
  794. public static UInt32 demo_enableClipRecordEvent = 0x1CCFD00 + 0x18;
  795. public static UInt32 demo_enabled = 0x1CCE740 + 0x18;
  796. public static UInt32 demo_enableDollyCam = 0x1CCED40 + 0x18;
  797. public static UInt32 demo_enableSvBandwidthLimitThrottle = 0x1CCF700 + 0x18;
  798. public static UInt32 demo_errormessage = 0x1CCE920 + 0x18;
  799. public static UInt32 demo_errortitle = 0x1CCE8C0 + 0x18;
  800. public static UInt32 demo_extraNetworkProfileData = 0x1CCFCA0 + 0x18;
  801. public static UInt32 demo_filesizeLimit = 0x1CCE800 + 0x18;
  802. public static UInt32 demo_freeCameraLockOnHighlightThreshholdDistance = 0x1CCF160 + 0x18;
  803. public static UInt32 demo_freeCameraLockOnOrbitRadius = 0x1CCF1C0 + 0x18;
  804. public static UInt32 demo_freeCameraShowLockableObjectsAlways = 0x1CCF100 + 0x18;
  805. public static UInt32 demo_highlightReelGameResultFilter = 0x1CCF400 + 0x18;
  806. public static UInt32 demo_highlightReelMinimumStarsFilter = 0x1CCF3A0 + 0x18;
  807. public static UInt32 demo_highlightReelNumberOfSegments = 0x1CCF340 + 0x18;
  808. public static UInt32 demo_highlightReelPlayerFilter = 0x1CCF220 + 0x18;
  809. public static UInt32 demo_highlightReelStylesFilter = 0x1CCF2E0 + 0x18;
  810. public static UInt32 demo_highlightReelTransitionFilter = 0x1CCF280 + 0x18;
  811. public static UInt32 demo_inGameThrottleBandwitdhPercent = 0x1CCF640 + 0x18;
  812. public static UInt32 demo_inLobbyThrottleBandwitdhPercent = 0x1CCF5E0 + 0x18;
  813. public static UInt32 demo_keyframerate = 0x1CCEA40 + 0x18;
  814. public static UInt32 demo_matchRecordEventOnPlaylists = 0x1CCFC40 + 0x18;
  815. public static UInt32 demo_maxTimeScale = 0x1CCEB60 + 0x18;
  816. public static UInt32 demo_packetsPerSecondMax = 0x1CCF520 + 0x18;
  817. public static UInt32 demo_packetsPerSecondMin = 0x1CCF460 + 0x18;
  818. public static UInt32 demo_pause = 0x1CCEAA0 + 0x18;
  819. public static UInt32 demo_pauseOnNextSnapshot = 0x1CCEB00 + 0x18;
  820. public static UInt32 demo_recordingrate = 0x1CCE9E0 + 0x18;
  821. public static UInt32 demo_recordPrivateMatch = 0x1CCE7A0 + 0x18;
  822. public static UInt32 demo_recordStaticEntityPositions = 0x1CCE860 + 0x18;
  823. public static UInt32 demo_refreshDollyCamFxEveryFrame = 0x1CCEDA0 + 0x18;
  824. public static UInt32 demo_save_smp = 0x1CCEC20 + 0x18;
  825. public static UInt32 demo_selectedSegmentIndex = 0x1CCECE0 + 0x18;
  826. public static UInt32 demo_streamingAdjustmentFactor = 0x1CCF6A0 + 0x18;
  827. public static UInt32 demo_streamingSendSocketBuffSizeForOtherUploads = 0x1CCF8E0 + 0x18;
  828. public static UInt32 demo_streamingSendSocketBuffSizeForRecording = 0x1CCF880 + 0x18;
  829. public static UInt32 demo_streamUploadKeepAliveFrequency = 0x1CCF820 + 0x18;
  830. public static UInt32 demo_svBandwidthLimitThrottleMaxBytesPercent = 0x1CCF760 + 0x18;
  831. public static UInt32 demo_svBandwidthLimitThrottleTimeout = 0x1CCF7C0 + 0x18;
  832. public static UInt32 demo_useCinematicsBuffer = 0x1CCEBC0 + 0x18;
  833. public static UInt32 demoname = 0x1CB8C00 + 0x18;
  834. public static UInt32 demoRenderDuration = 0x1CCFB20 + 0x18;
  835. public static UInt32 demoRenderSizeX = 0x1CCFB80 + 0x18;
  836. public static UInt32 demoRenderSizeY = 0x1CCFBE0 + 0x18;
  837. public static UInt32 developer = 0x1CB7A00 + 0x18;
  838. public static UInt32 developer_script = 0x1CB7A60 + 0x18;
  839. public static UInt32 disable_rope = 0x1CB0440 + 0x18;
  840. public static UInt32 disable_vcs = 0x1CB7040 + 0x18;
  841. public static UInt32 disable_vcs_viewmodel = 0x1CB70A0 + 0x18;
  842. public static UInt32 disableAllTheEliteThings = 0x1CD42C0 + 0x18;
  843. public static UInt32 disableHost_matchesHostedRatio = 0x1CD8520 + 0x18;
  844. public static UInt32 disableHost_matchesHostedStreak = 0x1CD85E0 + 0x18;
  845. public static UInt32 disableHost_matchesPlayedRatio = 0x1CD8580 + 0x18;
  846. public static UInt32 disableHost_matchesPlayedStreak = 0x1CD8640 + 0x18;
  847. public static UInt32 disableLookAtEntityLogic = 0x1CACA20 + 0x18;
  848. public static UInt32 disconnected_ctrls = 0x1CB6EC0 + 0x18;
  849. public static UInt32 dlc3_zm_ai_lookAheadAllowBackTrack = 0x1CAF420 + 0x18;
  850. public static UInt32 dlc3_zm_ai_lookAheadAllowRestore = 0x1CAF480 + 0x18;
  851. public static UInt32 dog_force_run = 0x1CE6800 + 0x18;
  852. public static UInt32 dog_force_walk = 0x1CE67A0 + 0x18;
  853. public static UInt32 dog_MeleeDamage = 0x1CAFE40 + 0x18;
  854. public static UInt32 dog_turn180_angle = 0x1CAFF00 + 0x18;
  855. public static UInt32 dog_turn90_angle = 0x1CAFEA0 + 0x18;
  856. public static UInt32 dog_turn_min_goal_dist = 0x1CAFF60 + 0x18;
  857. public static UInt32 doMaintenance = 0x1CEB420 + 0x18;
  858. public static UInt32 door_breach_weapondrop = 0x1CB1CA0 + 0x18;
  859. public static UInt32 doublescreen = 0x1CB6C20 + 0x18;
  860. public static UInt32 doublesided_raycasts = 0x1CB81E0 + 0x18;
  861. public static UInt32 doubleXPcheckDLCOwnership = 0x1CDABC0 + 0x18;
  862. public static UInt32 dtp = 0x1CB1940 + 0x18;
  863. public static UInt32 dtp_exhaustion_window = 0x1CB1BE0 + 0x18;
  864. public static UInt32 dtp_fall_damage_max_height = 0x1CB1B80 + 0x18;
  865. public static UInt32 dtp_fall_damage_min_height = 0x1CB1B20 + 0x18;
  866. public static UInt32 dtp_max_apex_duration = 0x1CB1DC0 + 0x18;
  867. public static UInt32 dtp_max_slide_addition = 0x1CB1A00 + 0x18;
  868. public static UInt32 dtp_max_slide_duration = 0x1CB19A0 + 0x18;
  869. public static UInt32 dtp_min_speed = 0x1CB1C40 + 0x18;
  870. public static UInt32 dtp_new_trajectory = 0x1CB1D00 + 0x18;
  871. public static UInt32 dtp_new_trajectory_multiplier = 0x1CB1D60 + 0x18;
  872. public static UInt32 dtp_post_move_pause = 0x1CB1AC0 + 0x18;
  873. public static UInt32 dtp_startup_delay = 0x1CB1A60 + 0x18;
  874. public static UInt32 dw_logging_frequency = 0x1CD38A0 + 0x18;
  875. public static UInt32 dw_logging_last_match_logged = 0x1CD3900 + 0x18;
  876. public static UInt32 dw_logging_level_chance = 0x1CD3840 + 0x18;
  877. public static UInt32 dwConsideredConnectedTime = 0x1CDB820 + 0x18;
  878. public static UInt32 dwDisconnectBackoffRetries = 0x1CDB8E0 + 0x18;
  879. public static UInt32 dwDisconnectBackoffTime = 0x1CDB880 + 0x18;
  880. public static UInt32 dwEXM = 0x1CDA4A0 + 0x18;
  881. public static UInt32 dwFileFetchTryIntervalBase = 0x1CD9A20 + 0x18;
  882. public static UInt32 dwFileFetchTryIntervalMax = 0x1CD9A80 + 0x18;
  883. public static UInt32 dwFileFetchTryMaxAttempts = 0x1CD9AE0 + 0x18;
  884. public static UInt32 dwStreamingSendSocketBuffSize = 0x1CD9B40 + 0x18;
  885. public static UInt32 dwVerboseQosLogging = 0x1CD37E0 + 0x18;
  886. public static UInt32 dynEnt_bulletForce = 0x1CC9820 + 0x18;
  887. public static UInt32 dynEnt_damageRadiusScale = 0x1CAAC80 + 0x18;
  888. public static UInt32 dynEnt_explodeForce = 0x1CC9880 + 0x18;
  889. public static UInt32 dynEnt_explodeMaxEnts = 0x1CC9A00 + 0x18;
  890. public static UInt32 dynEnt_explodeMinForce = 0x1CC99A0 + 0x18;
  891. public static UInt32 dynEnt_explodeSpinScale = 0x1CC9940 + 0x18;
  892. public static UInt32 dynEnt_explodeUpbias = 0x1CC98E0 + 0x18;
  893. public static UInt32 dynEnt_shouldCullEntitiesForSplitscreen = 0x1CAACE0 + 0x18;
  894. public static UInt32 dynEnt_spawnedLimit = 0x1CC9A60 + 0x18;
  895. public static UInt32 dynEntPieces_angularVelocity = 0x1CC9C40 + 0x18;
  896. public static UInt32 dynEntPieces_impactForce = 0x1CC9CA0 + 0x18;
  897. public static UInt32 dynEntPieces_velocity = 0x1CC9BE0 + 0x18;
  898. public static UInt32 eliteCacImport = 0x1CDBCA0 + 0x18;
  899. public static UInt32 emblemImageUpload = 0x1CC3C40 + 0x18;
  900. public static UInt32 enable_global_wind = 0x1CB3EC0 + 0x18;
  901. public static UInt32 enable_grass_wind = 0x1CB3F20 + 0x18;
  902. public static UInt32 enable_moving_paths = 0x1CD0900 + 0x18;
  903. public static UInt32 enable_new_prone_check = 0x1CD0960 + 0x18;
  904. public static UInt32 enableERegErrorRecording = 0x1CD4380 + 0x18;
  905. public static UInt32 enableJapaneseElite = 0x1CD43E0 + 0x18;
  906. public static UInt32 enableUCDErrorRecording = 0x1CD4320 + 0x18;
  907. public static UInt32 excellentPing = 0x1CD4C20 + 0x18;
  908. public static UInt32 exp_softclip = 0x1CBEA80 + 0x18;
  909. public static UInt32 fbAccountIDVerification = 0x1CD4020 + 0x18;
  910. public static UInt32 fbAppID = 0x1CD3E40 + 0x18;
  911. public static UInt32 fbEnabled = 0x1CD3FC0 + 0x18;
  912. public static UInt32 fbErrorBackoff = 0x1CD3F00 + 0x18;
  913. public static UInt32 fbMaxRetries = 0x1CD3F60 + 0x18;
  914. public static UInt32 fbPermissions = 0x1CD3EA0 + 0x18;
  915. public static UInt32 fbRegisterWithDW = 0x1CD4080 + 0x18;
  916. public static UInt32 fbVoteImageUrl = 0x1CD40E0 + 0x18;
  917. public static UInt32 fbVoteUrl = 0x1CD4140 + 0x18;
  918. public static UInt32 fixedtime = 0x1CB7C40 + 0x18;
  919. public static UInt32 fixedtime_float = 0x1CB7CA0 + 0x18;
  920. public static UInt32 fixNegativeLosses = 0x1CD8DC0 + 0x18;
  921. public static UInt32 flame_config_valid = 0x1CD00C0 + 0x18;
  922. public static UInt32 flame_debug_render = 0x1CD0060 + 0x18;
  923. public static UInt32 flame_kick_offset = 0x1CD02A0 + 0x18;
  924. public static UInt32 flame_kick_recover_speed = 0x1CD0360 + 0x18;
  925. public static UInt32 flame_kick_speed = 0x1CD0300 + 0x18;
  926. public static UInt32 flame_render = 0x1CCFFA0 + 0x18;
  927. public static UInt32 flame_system_enabled = 0x1CD0120 + 0x18;
  928. public static UInt32 flame_team_damage = 0x1CD0000 + 0x18;
  929. public static UInt32 flame_test = 0x1CCFEE0 + 0x18;
  930. public static UInt32 flame_use_dvars = 0x1CCFF40 + 0x18;
  931. public static UInt32 flareDisableEffects = 0x1CCB4A0 + 0x18;
  932. public static UInt32 footstep_sounds_cutoff = 0x1CB0500 + 0x18;
  933. public static UInt32 friction = 0x1CABAC0 + 0x18;
  934. public static UInt32 fshCustomGameName = 0x1CDA7A0 + 0x18;
  935. public static UInt32 fshElite = 0x1CDA680 + 0x18;
  936. public static UInt32 fshEnableRender = 0x1CDA9E0 + 0x18;
  937. public static UInt32 fshFileDebug = 0x1CDA860 + 0x18;
  938. public static UInt32 fshMtxName = 0x1CDA920 + 0x18;
  939. public static UInt32 fshRecentsXUID = 0x1CDA6E0 + 0x18;
  940. public static UInt32 fshRenderSuccessURL = 0x1CDAA40 + 0x18;
  941. public static UInt32 fshRenderWriteTimeout = 0x1CDAAA0 + 0x18;
  942. public static UInt32 fshRetryDelay = 0x1CDA8C0 + 0x18;
  943. public static UInt32 fshSearchTaskDelay = 0x1CD9C60 + 0x18;
  944. public static UInt32 fshSkipFileStats = 0x1CDA980 + 0x18;
  945. public static UInt32 fshStaffXuid = 0x1CDA740 + 0x18;
  946. public static UInt32 fshSummaryDelay = 0x1CDA800 + 0x18;
  947. public static UInt32 fshThrottleEnabled = 0x1CD9CC0 + 0x18;
  948. public static UInt32 fshThrottleKBytesPerSec = 0x1CD9D20 + 0x18;
  949. public static UInt32 fx_count = 0x1CE9380 + 0x18;
  950. public static UInt32 fx_debugBolt = 0x1CE9320 + 0x18;
  951. public static UInt32 fx_draw_weapon_tags = 0x1CE96E0 + 0x18;
  952. public static UInt32 fx_drawClouds = 0x1CE9500 + 0x18;
  953. public static UInt32 fx_freeze = 0x1CE92C0 + 0x18;
  954. public static UInt32 fx_mark_profile = 0x1CE94A0 + 0x18;
  955. public static UInt32 fx_marks_draw = 0x1CE9260 + 0x18;
  956. public static UInt32 fx_marks_range = 0x1CE97A0 + 0x18;
  957. public static UInt32 fx_occlusion_max_player_count = 0x1CE9680 + 0x18;
  958. public static UInt32 fx_occlusion_query_profile = 0x1CE9620 + 0x18;
  959. public static UInt32 fx_priority_debug = 0x1CE9560 + 0x18;
  960. public static UInt32 fx_priority_enable = 0x1CE95C0 + 0x18;
  961. public static UInt32 fx_profile = 0x1CE9440 + 0x18;
  962. public static UInt32 fx_show_names_range = 0x1CE9800 + 0x18;
  963. public static UInt32 fx_use_ground_entity = 0x1CE9740 + 0x18;
  964. public static UInt32 fx_visMinTraceDist = 0x1CE93E0 + 0x18;
  965. public static UInt32 fxfrustumCutoff = 0x1CDF3C0 + 0x18;
  966. public static UInt32 g_actorAndVehicleAntilag = 0x1CA8520 + 0x18;
  967. public static UInt32 g_actorAndVehicleAntilagDebug = 0x1CA8580 + 0x18;
  968. public static UInt32 g_ai = 0x1CA5100 + 0x18;
  969. public static UInt32 g_aiEventDump = 0x1CA51C0 + 0x18;
  970. public static UInt32 g_allowVote = 0x1CA7020 + 0x18;
  971. public static UInt32 g_avoidEnabled = 0x1CA8400 + 0x18;
  972. public static UInt32 g_broadcastLocalSound = 0x1CA85E0 + 0x18;
  973. public static UInt32 g_compassShowEnemies = 0x1CA8040 + 0x18;
  974. public static UInt32 g_customTeamName_Allies = 0x1CA7440 + 0x18;
  975. public static UInt32 g_customTeamName_Axis = 0x1CA74A0 + 0x18;
  976. public static UInt32 g_customTeamName_Three = 0x1CA7500 + 0x18;
  977. public static UInt32 g_debugBullets = 0x1CA4FE0 + 0x18;
  978. public static UInt32 g_debugDamage = 0x1CA4F80 + 0x18;
  979. public static UInt32 g_debugLocDamage = 0x1CA79E0 + 0x18;
  980. public static UInt32 g_debugLocDamageEntity = 0x1CA7A40 + 0x18;
  981. public static UInt32 g_debugLocHit = 0x1CA7AA0 + 0x18;
  982. public static UInt32 g_debugLocHitTime = 0x1CA7B00 + 0x18;
  983. public static UInt32 g_disableDemonwareSubscriptionRefresh = 0x1CA4380 + 0x18;
  984. public static UInt32 g_disableEliteButton = 0x1CA43E0 + 0x18;
  985. public static UInt32 g_disableEliteEmblemUploads = 0x1CA4440 + 0x18;
  986. public static UInt32 g_disableEliteRegistrationPopup = 0x1CA44A0 + 0x18;
  987. public static UInt32 g_disablePlatformAutofill = 0x1CA45C0 + 0x18;
  988. public static UInt32 g_disablePostMatchEvents = 0x1CA4800 + 0x18;
  989. public static UInt32 g_dumpAnims = 0x1CA8100 + 0x18;
  990. public static UInt32 g_dumpAnimsCommands = 0x1CA8160 + 0x18;
  991. public static UInt32 g_dwAuthTimerMax = 0x1CDB700 + 0x18;
  992. public static UInt32 g_dwAuthTimerMin = 0x1CDB6A0 + 0x18;
  993. public static UInt32 g_dwAuthTimerMultiplyer = 0x1CDB760 + 0x18;
  994. public static UInt32 g_entinfo = 0x1CA6DE0 + 0x18;
  995. public static UInt32 g_entinfo_AItext = 0x1CA6EA0 + 0x18;
  996. public static UInt32 g_entinfo_maxdist = 0x1CA6F00 + 0x18;
  997. public static UInt32 g_entinfo_scale = 0x1CA6F60 + 0x18;
  998. public static UInt32 g_entinfo_type = 0x1CA6E40 + 0x18;
  999. public static UInt32 g_erroronpathsnotconnected = 0x1CA42C0 + 0x18;
  1000. public static UInt32 g_FactionName_Allies = 0x1CE2060 + 0x18;
  1001. public static UInt32 g_FactionName_Axis = 0x1CE2000 + 0x18;
  1002. public static UInt32 g_fogColorReadOnly = 0x1CB5360 + 0x18;
  1003. public static UInt32 g_fogHalfDistReadOnly = 0x1CB5420 + 0x18;
  1004. public static UInt32 g_fogStartDistReadOnly = 0x1CB53C0 + 0x18;
  1005. public static UInt32 g_friendlyfireDist = 0x1CA7BC0 + 0x18;
  1006. public static UInt32 g_friendlyNameDist = 0x1CA7C20 + 0x18;
  1007. public static UInt32 g_gameEnded = 0x1CE6980 + 0x18;
  1008. public static UInt32 g_gametype = 0x1CA4320 + 0x18;
  1009. public static UInt32 g_knockback = 0x1CA4EC0 + 0x18;
  1010. public static UInt32 g_lagged_damage_threshold = 0x1CB6080 + 0x18;
  1011. public static UInt32 g_loadScripts = 0x1CB9620 + 0x18;
  1012. public static UInt32 g_log = 0x1CA4CE0 + 0x18;
  1013. public static UInt32 g_logSync = 0x1CA4DA0 + 0x18;
  1014. public static UInt32 g_logTimeStampInSeconds = 0x1CA4D40 + 0x18;
  1015. public static UInt32 g_mantleBlockTimeBuffer = 0x1CA8280 + 0x18;
  1016. public static UInt32 g_maxDroppedWeapons = 0x1CA4F20 + 0x18;
  1017. public static UInt32 g_maxElapsedTime_Before_ERegPopup = 0x1CA46E0 + 0x18;
  1018. public static UInt32 g_maxERegPopupsShown = 0x1CA4740 + 0x18;
  1019. public static UInt32 g_minElapsedTime_Before_ERegPopup = 0x1CA4680 + 0x18;
  1020. public static UInt32 g_minElapsedTime_Before_RefreshUCDAccountStatus = 0x1CA47A0 + 0x18;
  1021. public static UInt32 g_minGrenadeDamageSpeed = 0x1CA7FE0 + 0x18;
  1022. public static UInt32 g_minNumLogins_Before_ERegPopup = 0x1CA4620 + 0x18;
  1023. public static UInt32 g_motd = 0x1CA6FC0 + 0x18;
  1024. public static UInt32 g_no_script_spam = 0x1CA7B60 + 0x18;
  1025. public static UInt32 g_password = 0x1CA4E00 + 0x18;
  1026. public static UInt32 g_pmeUploadDelay = 0x1CA4A40 + 0x18;
  1027. public static UInt32 g_postMatchEvent_LogChallenges = 0x1CA4920 + 0x18;
  1028. public static UInt32 g_postMatchEvent_LogMatchesPlayed = 0x1CA49E0 + 0x18;
  1029. public static UInt32 g_postMatchEvent_LogPrestigeLevelling = 0x1CA4980 + 0x18;
  1030. public static UInt32 g_postMatchEvent_ToggleAccumulation = 0x1CA4860 + 0x18;
  1031. public static UInt32 g_postMatchEvent_WriteEmptyMatch = 0x1CA48C0 + 0x18;
  1032. public static UInt32 g_quadrotorFlyHeight = 0x1CA83A0 + 0x18;
  1033. public static UInt32 g_redCrosshairs = 0x1CA8220 + 0x18;
  1034. public static UInt32 g_ScoresColor_Allies = 0x1CA7380 + 0x18;
  1035. public static UInt32 g_ScoresColor_Axis = 0x1CA73E0 + 0x18;
  1036. public static UInt32 g_ScoresColor_EnemyTeam = 0x1CA7260 + 0x18;
  1037. public static UInt32 g_ScoresColor_Free = 0x1CA7320 + 0x18;
  1038. public static UInt32 g_ScoresColor_MyTeam = 0x1CA7200 + 0x18;
  1039. public static UInt32 g_ScoresColor_Spectator = 0x1CA72C0 + 0x18;
  1040. public static UInt32 g_spawnai = 0x1CA5160 + 0x18;
  1041. public static UInt32 g_speed = 0x1CA4E60 + 0x18;
  1042. public static UInt32 g_synchronousClients = 0x1CA4C80 + 0x18;
  1043. public static UInt32 g_TeamColor_Allies = 0x1CA7680 + 0x18;
  1044. public static UInt32 g_TeamColor_Axis = 0x1CA76E0 + 0x18;
  1045. public static UInt32 g_TeamColor_EnemyTeam = 0x1CA77A0 + 0x18;
  1046. public static UInt32 g_TeamColor_EnemyTeamAlt = 0x1CA7860 + 0x18;
  1047. public static UInt32 g_TeamColor_Free = 0x1CA7980 + 0x18;
  1048. public static UInt32 g_TeamColor_MyTeam = 0x1CA7740 + 0x18;
  1049. public static UInt32 g_TeamColor_MyTeamAlt = 0x1CA7800 + 0x18;
  1050. public static UInt32 g_TeamColor_MyTeamAlt_Party = 0x1CC79C0 + 0x18;
  1051. public static UInt32 g_TeamColor_Party = 0x1CA78C0 + 0x18;
  1052. public static UInt32 g_TeamColor_Spectator = 0x1CA7920 + 0x18;
  1053. public static UInt32 g_TeamIcon_Allies = 0x1CA7080 + 0x18;
  1054. public static UInt32 g_TeamIcon_Axis = 0x1CA70E0 + 0x18;
  1055. public static UInt32 g_TeamIcon_Free = 0x1CA7140 + 0x18;
  1056. public static UInt32 g_TeamIcon_Spectator = 0x1CA71A0 + 0x18;
  1057. public static UInt32 g_TeamName_Allies = 0x1CA7560 + 0x18;
  1058. public static UInt32 g_TeamName_Axis = 0x1CA75C0 + 0x18;
  1059. public static UInt32 g_TeamName_Three = 0x1CA7620 + 0x18;
  1060. public static UInt32 g_turretBipodOffset = 0x1CB61A0 + 0x18;
  1061. public static UInt32 g_turretServerPitchMax = 0x1CB6140 + 0x18;
  1062. public static UInt32 g_turretServerPitchMin = 0x1CB60E0 + 0x18;
  1063. public static UInt32 g_useholdspawndelay = 0x1CA81C0 + 0x18;
  1064. public static UInt32 g_vehicleDebug = 0x1CA82E0 + 0x18;
  1065. public static UInt32 g_vehicleDrawPath = 0x1CA5040 + 0x18;
  1066. public static UInt32 g_vehicleDrawSplines = 0x1CA50A0 + 0x18;
  1067. public static UInt32 g_vehiclePlaneCurveTime = 0x1CA84C0 + 0x18;
  1068. public static UInt32 geographicalMatchmakingOverride = 0x1CD7740 + 0x18;
  1069. public static UInt32 glassDamageMultiplier = 0x1CE3200 + 0x18;
  1070. public static UInt32 goodPing = 0x1CD4C80 + 0x18;
  1071. public static UInt32 gpad_button_deadzone = 0x1CDDC20 + 0x18;
  1072. public static UInt32 gpad_button_lstick_deflect_max = 0x1CC2F80 + 0x18;
  1073. public static UInt32 gpad_button_rstick_deflect_max = 0x1CC2F20 + 0x18;
  1074. public static UInt32 gpad_buttonsConfig = 0x1CC2EC0 + 0x18;
  1075. public static UInt32 gpad_stick_deadzone_max = 0x1CDDCE0 + 0x18;
  1076. public static UInt32 gpad_stick_deadzone_min = 0x1CDDC80 + 0x18;
  1077. public static UInt32 gpad_stick_pressed = 0x1CDDD40 + 0x18;
  1078. public static UInt32 gpad_stick_pressed_hysteresis = 0x1CDDDA0 + 0x18;
  1079. public static UInt32 gpad_sticksConfig = 0x1CC2E60 + 0x18;
  1080. public static UInt32 grenade_indicators_enabled = 0x1CB6F80 + 0x18;
  1081. public static UInt32 grenadeBounceRestitutionMax = 0x1CAAB60 + 0x18;
  1082. public static UInt32 grenadeBumpFreq = 0x1CAA860 + 0x18;
  1083. public static UInt32 grenadeBumpMag = 0x1CAA8C0 + 0x18;
  1084. public static UInt32 grenadeBumpMax = 0x1CAA920 + 0x18;
  1085. public static UInt32 grenadeCurveMax = 0x1CAAB00 + 0x18;
  1086. public static UInt32 grenadeFrictionHigh = 0x1CAA7A0 + 0x18;
  1087. public static UInt32 grenadeFrictionLow = 0x1CAA740 + 0x18;
  1088. public static UInt32 grenadeFrictionMaxThresh = 0x1CAA800 + 0x18;
  1089. public static UInt32 grenadeRestThreshold = 0x1CAA680 + 0x18;
  1090. public static UInt32 grenadeRollingEnabled = 0x1CAA6E0 + 0x18;
  1091. public static UInt32 grenadeWobbleFreq = 0x1CAA980 + 0x18;
  1092. public static UInt32 grenadeWobbleFwdMag = 0x1CAA9E0 + 0x18;
  1093. public static UInt32 grenadeWobbleSideDamp = 0x1CAAAA0 + 0x18;
  1094. public static UInt32 grenadeWobbleSideMag = 0x1CAAA40 + 0x18;
  1095. public static UInt32 groupDownloadInterval = 0x1CD3D20 + 0x18;
  1096. public static UInt32 groupUploadInterval = 0x1CD3CC0 + 0x18;
  1097. public static UInt32 gts_validation_enabled = 0x1CB71C0 + 0x18;
  1098. public static UInt32 gump_name3 = 0x1CC2C80 + 0x18;
  1099. public static UInt32 gumpgump_name3 = 0x1CC2C20 + 0x18;
  1100. public static UInt32 gumpgumpgump_name3 = 0x1CC2BC0 + 0x18;
  1101. public static UInt32 gumpgumpgumpgump_name3 = 0x1CC2B60 + 0x18;
  1102. public static UInt32 gunXPGroups = 0x1CE2D80 + 0x18;
  1103. public static UInt32 hatch_mantle_fwd = 0x1CB18E0 + 0x18;
  1104. public static UInt32 hatch_mantle_up = 0x1CB1880 + 0x18;
  1105. public static UInt32 hiDef = 0x1CB8120 + 0x18;
  1106. public static UInt32 highlightedPlayerName = 0x1CE1640 + 0x18;
  1107. public static UInt32 hud_fade_stance = 0x1CE8C00 + 0x18;
  1108. public static UInt32 hud_health_pulserate_critical = 0x1CE8D80 + 0x18;
  1109. public static UInt32 hud_health_pulserate_injured = 0x1CE8D20 + 0x18;
  1110. public static UInt32 hud_health_startpulse_critical = 0x1CE8CC0 + 0x18;
  1111. public static UInt32 hud_health_startpulse_injured = 0x1CE8C60 + 0x18;
  1112. public static UInt32 hud_healthOverlay_phaseEnd_fromAlpha = 0x1CE9140 + 0x18;
  1113. public static UInt32 hud_healthOverlay_phaseEnd_pulseDuration = 0x1CE9200 + 0x18;
  1114. public static UInt32 hud_healthOverlay_phaseEnd_toAlpha = 0x1CE91A0 + 0x18;
  1115. public static UInt32 hud_healthOverlay_phaseOne_pulseDuration = 0x1CE8F60 + 0x18;
  1116. public static UInt32 hud_healthOverlay_phaseOne_toAlphaAdd = 0x1CE8F00 + 0x18;
  1117. public static UInt32 hud_healthOverlay_phaseThree_pulseDuration = 0x1CE90E0 + 0x18;
  1118. public static UInt32 hud_healthOverlay_phaseThree_toAlphaMultiplier = 0x1CE9080 + 0x18;
  1119. public static UInt32 hud_healthOverlay_phaseTwo_pulseDuration = 0x1CE9020 + 0x18;
  1120. public static UInt32 hud_healthOverlay_phaseTwo_toAlphaMultiplier = 0x1CE8FC0 + 0x18;
  1121. public static UInt32 hud_healthOverlay_pulseStart = 0x1CE8E40 + 0x18;
  1122. public static UInt32 hud_healthOverlay_pulseStop = 0x1CE8EA0 + 0x18;
  1123. public static UInt32 hud_healthOverlay_regenPauseTime = 0x1CE8DE0 + 0x18;
  1124. public static UInt32 hudElemPausedBrightness = 0x1CCC5E0 + 0x18;
  1125. public static UInt32 ik_ai_hand_get_data = 0x1CB9C20 + 0x18;
  1126. public static UInt32 ik_ai_hand_offset_vec = 0x1CB9B60 + 0x18;
  1127. public static UInt32 ik_ai_hand_rotation_vec = 0x1CB9BC0 + 0x18;
  1128. public static UInt32 ik_ai_hand_tuning = 0x1CB9B00 + 0x18;
  1129. public static UInt32 ik_ai_pool_size = 0x1CBA280 + 0x18;
  1130. public static UInt32 ik_ai_range_max = 0x1CBA2E0 + 0x18;
  1131. public static UInt32 ik_debug = 0x1CB9740 + 0x18;
  1132. public static UInt32 ik_dvar_ai_aim_tracking_rate = 0x1CBA220 + 0x18;
  1133. public static UInt32 ik_dvar_lookatentity_eyes_scale = 0x1CBA040 + 0x18;
  1134. public static UInt32 ik_dvar_lookatentity_notorso = 0x1CB9F80 + 0x18;
  1135. public static UInt32 ik_dvar_lookatentity_tracking_rate = 0x1CB9FE0 + 0x18;
  1136. public static UInt32 ik_dvar_lookatpos_eyes_scale = 0x1CBA1C0 + 0x18;
  1137. public static UInt32 ik_dvar_lookatpos_notorso = 0x1CBA100 + 0x18;
  1138. public static UInt32 ik_dvar_lookatpos_tracking_rate = 0x1CBA160 + 0x18;
  1139. public static UInt32 ik_enable = 0x1CB96E0 + 0x18;
  1140. public static UInt32 ik_enable_ai_hand = 0x1CB9A40 + 0x18;
  1141. public static UInt32 ik_enable_ai_terrain = 0x1CB9AA0 + 0x18;
  1142. public static UInt32 ik_enable_player_hand = 0x1CB9980 + 0x18;
  1143. public static UInt32 ik_enable_player_terrain = 0x1CB99E0 + 0x18;
  1144. public static UInt32 ik_foot_test = 0x1CB9800 + 0x18;
  1145. public static UInt32 ik_hand_test = 0x1CB9860 + 0x18;
  1146. public static UInt32 ik_left_hand_lerp_test = 0x1CB98C0 + 0x18;
  1147. public static UInt32 ik_lookatentity_head_scale = 0x1CB9F20 + 0x18;
  1148. public static UInt32 ik_lookatpos_head_scale = 0x1CBA0A0 + 0x18;
  1149. public static UInt32 ik_paranoid_matrix_checks = 0x1CB9C80 + 0x18;
  1150. public static UInt32 ik_pelvis_test = 0x1CB97A0 + 0x18;
  1151. public static UInt32 ik_pitch_limit_max = 0x1CB9D40 + 0x18;
  1152. public static UInt32 ik_pitch_limit_thresh = 0x1CB9CE0 + 0x18;
  1153. public static UInt32 ik_right_hand_lerp_test = 0x1CB9920 + 0x18;
  1154. public static UInt32 ik_roll_limit_max = 0x1CB9E00 + 0x18;
  1155. public static UInt32 ik_roll_limit_thresh = 0x1CB9DA0 + 0x18;
  1156. public static UInt32 ik_yaw_limit_max = 0x1CB9EC0 + 0x18;
  1157. public static UInt32 ik_yaw_limit_thresh = 0x1CB9E60 + 0x18;
  1158. public static UInt32 invite_waitPeriod = 0x1CDB400 + 0x18;
  1159. public static UInt32 inviteText = 0x1CDAF20 + 0x18;
  1160. public static UInt32 jump_height = 0x1CB11C0 + 0x18;
  1161. public static UInt32 jump_ladderPushVel = 0x1CB12E0 + 0x18;
  1162. public static UInt32 jump_slowdownEnable = 0x1CB1280 + 0x18;
  1163. public static UInt32 jump_spreadAdd = 0x1CB1340 + 0x18;
  1164. public static UInt32 jump_stepSize = 0x1CB1220 + 0x18;
  1165. public static UInt32 killOnlyTrailFX = 0x1CB6320 + 0x18;
  1166. public static UInt32 laggedDamageTagThreshold = 0x1CA40E0 + 0x18;
  1167. public static UInt32 lagometer_pos = 0x1CC6040 + 0x18;
  1168. public static UInt32 lanChallengeResponse = 0x1CA4200 + 0x18;
  1169. public static UInt32 language = 0x1CBA7C0 + 0x18;
  1170. public static UInt32 laserAlpha = 0x1CCBBC0 + 0x18;
  1171. public static UInt32 laserDebug = 0x1CCB9E0 + 0x18;
  1172. public static UInt32 laserEndOffset = 0x1CCB920 + 0x18;
  1173. public static UInt32 laserFadeADS = 0x1CCB6E0 + 0x18;
  1174. public static UInt32 laserFlarePct = 0x1CCB980 + 0x18;
  1175. public static UInt32 laserFlarePct_alt = 0x1CCBB60 + 0x18;
  1176. public static UInt32 laserLightBeginOffset = 0x1CCB860 + 0x18;
  1177. public static UInt32 laserLightBodyTweak = 0x1CCB7A0 + 0x18;
  1178. public static UInt32 laserLightEndOffset = 0x1CCB8C0 + 0x18;
  1179. public static UInt32 laserLightRadius = 0x1CCB800 + 0x18;
  1180. public static UInt32 laserLightRadius_alt = 0x1CCBB00 + 0x18;
  1181. public static UInt32 laserLightRangePlayer = 0x1CCB620 + 0x18;
  1182. public static UInt32 laserLightWithoutNightvision = 0x1CCB740 + 0x18;
  1183. public static UInt32 laserRadius = 0x1CCB680 + 0x18;
  1184. public static UInt32 laserRadius_alt = 0x1CCBAA0 + 0x18;
  1185. public static UInt32 laserRange = 0x1CCB560 + 0x18;
  1186. public static UInt32 laserRange_alt = 0x1CCBA40 + 0x18;
  1187. public static UInt32 laserRangePlayer = 0x1CCB5C0 + 0x18;
  1188. public static UInt32 lbTaskDelay = 0x1CDBD60 + 0x18;
  1189. public static UInt32 league_defaultPlaylistID = 0x1CDC060 + 0x18;
  1190. public static UInt32 league_forcePreSeason = 0x1CDC0C0 + 0x18;
  1191. public static UInt32 league_friendsRefetchTime = 0x1CDC000 + 0x18;
  1192. public static UInt32 league_historyInfoRefetchTime = 0x1CDBFA0 + 0x18;
  1193. public static UInt32 league_leaderboardRefetchTime = 0x1CDBEE0 + 0x18;
  1194. public static UInt32 league_teamLeagueInfoRefetchTime = 0x1CDBF40 + 0x18;
  1195. public static UInt32 leagueLoserBonus = 0x1CD8EE0 + 0x18;
  1196. public static UInt32 leagueWinnerBonus = 0x1CD8E80 + 0x18;
  1197. public static UInt32 live_readPublisherStorageLocally = 0x1CD9840 + 0x18;
  1198. public static UInt32 live_startmatchDeadline = 0x1CD5340 + 0x18;
  1199. public static UInt32 live_statscaching = 0x1CD3960 + 0x18;
  1200. public static UInt32 live_testValue = 0x1CD3BA0 + 0x18;
  1201. public static UInt32 live_useActiveFriends = 0x1CD30C0 + 0x18;
  1202. public static UInt32 live_useFacebook = 0x1CD2EE0 + 0x18;
  1203. public static UInt32 live_useTwitch = 0x1CD3000 + 0x18;
  1204. public static UInt32 live_useTwitter = 0x1CD2FA0 + 0x18;
  1205. public static UInt32 live_useYouTube = 0x1CD2F40 + 0x18;
  1206. public static UInt32 livestreamcontrollerneeded = 0x1CD10E0 + 0x18;
  1207. public static UInt32 liveVideoURLEnv = 0x1CDC2A0 + 0x18;
  1208. public static UInt32 liveVideoURLExpiration = 0x1CDC360 + 0x18;
  1209. public static UInt32 liveVideoURLParam = 0x1CDC300 + 0x18;
  1210. public static UInt32 liveVideoURLSalt = 0x1CDC240 + 0x18;
  1211. public static UInt32 liveVideoURLServer = 0x1CDC1E0 + 0x18;
  1212. public static UInt32 liveVoteErrorBackoff = 0x1CDC180 + 0x18;
  1213. public static UInt32 liveVoteTaskDelay = 0x1CDC120 + 0x18;
  1214. public static UInt32 loc_forceEnglish = 0x1CBA880 + 0x18;
  1215. public static UInt32 loc_language = 0x1CBA820 + 0x18;
  1216. public static UInt32 loc_warnings = 0x1CBA8E0 + 0x18;
  1217. public static UInt32 loc_warningsAsErrors = 0x1CBA940 + 0x18;
  1218. public static UInt32 logfile = 0x1CB7AC0 + 0x18;
  1219. public static UInt32 long_blocking_call = 0x1CB7D00 + 0x18;
  1220. public static UInt32 lowAmmoWarningColor1 = 0x1CCB020 + 0x18;
  1221. public static UInt32 lowAmmoWarningColor2 = 0x1CCB080 + 0x18;
  1222. public static UInt32 lowAmmoWarningNoAmmoColor1 = 0x1CCB1A0 + 0x18;
  1223. public static UInt32 lowAmmoWarningNoAmmoColor2 = 0x1CCB200 + 0x18;
  1224. public static UInt32 lowAmmoWarningNoReloadColor1 = 0x1CCB0E0 + 0x18;
  1225. public static UInt32 lowAmmoWarningNoReloadColor2 = 0x1CCB140 + 0x18;
  1226. public static UInt32 ls_demoauthor = 0x1CE1E80 + 0x18;
  1227. public static UInt32 ls_demoduration = 0x1CE28A0 + 0x18;
  1228. public static UInt32 ls_demotitle = 0x1CE2840 + 0x18;
  1229. public static UInt32 ls_gametype = 0x1CE2720 + 0x18;
  1230. public static UInt32 ls_maplocation = 0x1CE27E0 + 0x18;
  1231. public static UInt32 ls_mapname = 0x1CE2780 + 0x18;
  1232. public static UInt32 ls_status = 0x1CE1D00 + 0x18;
  1233. public static UInt32 lui_checksum_enabled = 0x1CB7220 + 0x18;
  1234. public static UInt32 lui_disable_blur = 0x1CB73A0 + 0x18;
  1235. public static UInt32 lui_error_report = 0x1CB7280 + 0x18;
  1236. public static UInt32 lui_error_report_delay = 0x1CB72E0 + 0x18;
  1237. public static UInt32 lui_timescale = 0x1CB7340 + 0x18;
  1238. public static UInt32 m_filter = 0x1CB6740 + 0x18;
  1239. public static UInt32 m_forward = 0x1CB6680 + 0x18;
  1240. public static UInt32 m_pitch = 0x1CB65C0 + 0x18;
  1241. public static UInt32 m_side = 0x1CB66E0 + 0x18;
  1242. public static UInt32 m_yaw = 0x1CB6620 + 0x18;
  1243. public static UInt32 mantle_adjustment_tu = 0x1CB14C0 + 0x18;
  1244. public static UInt32 mantle_check_angle = 0x1CB15E0 + 0x18;
  1245. public static UInt32 mantle_check_glass_extra_range = 0x1CB1640 + 0x18;
  1246. public static UInt32 mantle_check_radius = 0x1CB1580 + 0x18;
  1247. public static UInt32 mantle_check_range = 0x1CB1460 + 0x18;
  1248. public static UInt32 mantle_check_range_mp = 0x1CB1520 + 0x18;
  1249. public static UInt32 mantle_debug = 0x1CB1400 + 0x18;
  1250. public static UInt32 mantle_enable = 0x1CB13A0 + 0x18;
  1251. public static UInt32 mantle_view_yawcap = 0x1CB16A0 + 0x18;
  1252. public static UInt32 mantle_weapon_anim_height = 0x1CB1760 + 0x18;
  1253. public static UInt32 mantle_weapon_height = 0x1CB1700 + 0x18;
  1254. public static UInt32 mapcrc = 0x1CDEE80 + 0x18;
  1255. public static UInt32 mapname = 0x1CDEE20 + 0x18;
  1256. public static UInt32 matchmaking_debug = 0x1CD7680 + 0x18;
  1257. public static UInt32 maxLossesValue = 0x1CD8E20 + 0x18;
  1258. public static UInt32 maxMetPlayerListCount = 0x1CD96C0 + 0x18;
  1259. public static UInt32 maxShardSplit = 0x1CEB240 + 0x18;
  1260. public static UInt32 maxSplitSizeRatio = 0x1CEB2A0 + 0x18;
  1261. public static UInt32 maxStatsBackupInterval = 0x1CD9960 + 0x18;
  1262. public static UInt32 melee_debug = 0x1CA7C80 + 0x18;
  1263. public static UInt32 metPlayerListCleanupInterval = 0x1CD9780 + 0x18;
  1264. public static UInt32 metPlayerListUpdateInterval = 0x1CD9600 + 0x18;
  1265. public static UInt32 metPlayerListUploadInterval = 0x1CD9660 + 0x18;
  1266. public static UInt32 microwave_turret_placement_trace_maxs = 0x1CB0E00 + 0x18;
  1267. public static UInt32 microwave_turret_placement_trace_mins = 0x1CB0E60 + 0x18;
  1268. public static UInt32 microwave_turretplacement_traceOffset = 0x1CB1040 + 0x18;
  1269. public static UInt32 migration_blocksperframe = 0x1CE00E0 + 0x18;
  1270. public static UInt32 migration_forceHost = 0x1CE0260 + 0x18;
  1271. public static UInt32 migration_limit = 0x1CE01A0 + 0x18;
  1272. public static UInt32 migration_minclientcount = 0x1CE0080 + 0x18;
  1273. public static UInt32 migration_msgtimeout = 0x1CE0140 + 0x18;
  1274. public static UInt32 migration_soak = 0x1CE02C0 + 0x18;
  1275. public static UInt32 migration_timeBetween = 0x1CE0200 + 0x18;
  1276. public static UInt32 minDelayForOtherPlayerStatsFetch = 0x1CD9C00 + 0x18;
  1277. public static UInt32 miniscoreboardhide = 0x1CB8EA0 + 0x18;
  1278. public static UInt32 missileDroneAccelClimb = 0x1CA9EA0 + 0x18;
  1279. public static UInt32 missileDroneAccelDescend = 0x1CA9F00 + 0x18;
  1280. public static UInt32 missileDroneClimbAngleDirect = 0x1CA9900 + 0x18;
  1281. public static UInt32 missileDroneClimbAngleTop = 0x1CA9960 + 0x18;
  1282. public static UInt32 missileDroneClimbCeilingDirect = 0x1CA99C0 + 0x18;
  1283. public static UInt32 missileDroneClimbCeilingTop = 0x1CA9A20 + 0x18;
  1284. public static UInt32 missileDroneClimbHeightDirect = 0x1CA9840 + 0x18;
  1285. public static UInt32 missileDroneClimbHeightTop = 0x1CA98A0 + 0x18;
  1286. public static UInt32 missileDroneClimbMaxDist = 0x1CAA020 + 0x18;
  1287. public static UInt32 missileDroneClimbToOwner = 0x1CAA140 + 0x18;
  1288. public static UInt32 missileDroneDistanceAvoidance = 0x1CA9C60 + 0x18;
  1289. public static UInt32 missileDroneDistanceAvoidanceSec = 0x1CA9CC0 + 0x18;
  1290. public static UInt32 missileDroneDistSqTargetAvoidanceDisabled = 0x1CA9D20 + 0x18;
  1291. public static UInt32 missileDroneflattenRollRatio = 0x1CA9C00 + 0x18;
  1292. public static UInt32 missileDroneSpeedLimitClimb = 0x1CA9F60 + 0x18;
  1293. public static UInt32 missileDroneSpeedLimitDescend = 0x1CA9FC0 + 0x18;
  1294. public static UInt32 missileDroneSpeedMin = 0x1CAA0E0 + 0x18;
  1295. public static UInt32 missileDroneTurnDecel = 0x1CAA080 + 0x18;
  1296. public static UInt32 missileDroneTurnMaxRate = 0x1CA9E40 + 0x18;
  1297. public static UInt32 missileDroneTurnMaxRoll = 0x1CA9D80 + 0x18;
  1298. public static UInt32 missileDroneTurnMaxRollChange = 0x1CA9DE0 + 0x18;
  1299. public static UInt32 missileDroneTurnRateAscent = 0x1CA9AE0 + 0x18;
  1300. public static UInt32 missileDroneTurnRateAvoidance = 0x1CA9B40 + 0x18;
  1301. public static UInt32 missileDroneTurnRateDecent = 0x1CA9A80 + 0x18;
  1302. public static UInt32 missileDroneTurnRateSmallAdjustments = 0x1CA9BA0 + 0x18;
  1303. public static UInt32 missileHellfireMaxSlope = 0x1CA9240 + 0x18;
  1304. public static UInt32 missileHellfireUpAccel = 0x1CA92A0 + 0x18;
  1305. public static UInt32 missileJavAccelClimb = 0x1CA9600 + 0x18;
  1306. public static UInt32 missileJavAccelDescend = 0x1CA9660 + 0x18;
  1307. public static UInt32 missileJavClimbAngleDirect = 0x1CA93C0 + 0x18;
  1308. public static UInt32 missileJavClimbAngleTop = 0x1CA9420 + 0x18;
  1309. public static UInt32 missileJavClimbCeilingDirect = 0x1CA9480 + 0x18;
  1310. public static UInt32 missileJavClimbCeilingTop = 0x1CA94E0 + 0x18;
  1311. public static UInt32 missileJavClimbHeightDirect = 0x1CA9300 + 0x18;
  1312. public static UInt32 missileJavClimbHeightTop = 0x1CA9360 + 0x18;
  1313. public static UInt32 missileJavClimbToOwner = 0x1CA97E0 + 0x18;
  1314. public static UInt32 missileJavSpeedLimitClimb = 0x1CA96C0 + 0x18;
  1315. public static UInt32 missileJavSpeedLimitDescend = 0x1CA9720 + 0x18;
  1316. public static UInt32 missileJavTurnDecel = 0x1CA9780 + 0x18;
  1317. public static UInt32 missileJavTurnRateDirect = 0x1CA9540 + 0x18;
  1318. public static UInt32 missileJavTurnRateTop = 0x1CA95A0 + 0x18;
  1319. public static UInt32 missileMolotovBlobNum = 0x1CAA320 + 0x18;
  1320. public static UInt32 missileMolotovBlobTime = 0x1CAA380 + 0x18;
  1321. public static UInt32 missilePlantableSize = 0x1CAA2C0 + 0x18;
  1322. public static UInt32 missileTVGuidedBoost = 0x1CAA3E0 + 0x18;
  1323. public static UInt32 missileTVGuidedBoostSpeedDown = 0x1CAA4A0 + 0x18;
  1324. public static UInt32 missileTVGuidedBoostSpeedUp = 0x1CAA440 + 0x18;
  1325. public static UInt32 missileTVGuidedFlatteningRollAccel = 0x1CAA5C0 + 0x18;
  1326. public static UInt32 missileTVGuidedMaxRollAngle = 0x1CAA500 + 0x18;
  1327. public static UInt32 missileTVGuidedMPSpecific = 0x1CAA620 + 0x18;
  1328. public static UInt32 missileTVGuidedStickDeadzone = 0x1CAA200 + 0x18;
  1329. public static UInt32 missileTVGuidedTurningRollAccel = 0x1CAA560 + 0x18;
  1330. public static UInt32 missileTVGuidedTurnRate = 0x1CAA260 + 0x18;
  1331. public static UInt32 missileWaterMaxDepth = 0x1CAA1A0 + 0x18;
  1332. public static UInt32 missingCommandWillError = 0x1CB9680 + 0x18;
  1333. public static UInt32 mortarStrikesLeft = 0x1CB6980 + 0x18;
  1334. public static UInt32 motdDelay = 0x1CD3120 + 0x18;
  1335. public static UInt32 net_emu_client = 0x1CDDF80 + 0x18;
  1336. public static UInt32 net_emu_jitter = 0x1CDDE60 + 0x18;
  1337. public static UInt32 net_emu_latency = 0x1CDDE00 + 0x18;
  1338. public static UInt32 net_emu_packet_loss = 0x1CDDEC0 + 0x18;
  1339. public static UInt32 net_emu_server = 0x1CDDF20 + 0x18;
  1340. public static UInt32 net_ip = 0x1CE03E0 + 0x18;
  1341. public static UInt32 net_port = 0x1CE0440 + 0x18;
  1342. public static UInt32 nextarena = 0x1CB8B40 + 0x18;
  1343. public static UInt32 nextmap = 0x1CDF8A0 + 0x18;
  1344. public static UInt32 nightVisionDisableEffects = 0x1CCB440 + 0x18;
  1345. public static UInt32 nightVisionFadeInOutTime = 0x1CCB380 + 0x18;
  1346. public static UInt32 nightVisionPowerOnTime = 0x1CCB3E0 + 0x18;
  1347. public static UInt32 onlinegame = 0x1CB76A0 + 0x18;
  1348. public static UInt32 overrideNVGModelWithKnife = 0x1CC7780 + 0x18;
  1349. public static UInt32 party_allowguests = 0x1CD5160 + 0x18;
  1350. public static UInt32 party_autoteams = 0x1CD6420 + 0x18;
  1351. public static UInt32 party_chanceToFailConnection = 0x1CD71A0 + 0x18;
  1352. public static UInt32 party_chooseLowestPingSlot = 0x1CD6EA0 + 0x18;
  1353. public static UInt32 party_clientTimeout = 0x1CD6AE0 + 0x18;
  1354. public static UInt32 party_connect_dedicated = 0x1CD5940 + 0x18;
  1355. public static UInt32 party_connectTimeout = 0x1CD6600 + 0x18;
  1356. public static UInt32 party_connectToOthers = 0x1CD6000 + 0x18;
  1357. public static UInt32 party_considerStreamingForHostMigration = 0x1CD6DE0 + 0x18;
  1358. public static UInt32 party_debugShowSkill = 0x1CD6060 + 0x18;
  1359. public static UInt32 party_dedicatedMergeMinPlayers = 0x1CD6960 + 0x18;
  1360. public static UInt32 party_dedicatedOnly = 0x1CD59A0 + 0x18;
  1361. public static UInt32 party_disableLockin = 0x1CD58E0 + 0x18;
  1362. public static UInt32 party_disconnectPlayerOnJoinFailed = 0x1CD50A0 + 0x18;
  1363. public static UInt32 party_disconnectPlayerOnRemoval = 0x1CD5040 + 0x18;
  1364. public static UInt32 party_editingsettings = 0x1CD60C0 + 0x18;
  1365. public static UInt32 party_firstSubpartyIndex = 0x1CD6720 + 0x18;
  1366. public static UInt32 party_forceMemberUpdateOnVoiceConnectivityBits = 0x1CD4FE0 + 0x18;
  1367. public static UInt32 party_forceMigrateAfterRound = 0x1CD6CC0 + 0x18;
  1368. public static UInt32 party_forceMigrateOnMatchStartRegression = 0x1CD6D20 + 0x18;
  1369. public static UInt32 party_gamesize = 0x1CD6180 + 0x18;
  1370. public static UInt32 party_gameStartTimerLength = 0x1CD5B20 + 0x18;
  1371. public static UInt32 party_gameStartTimerLengthPrivate = 0x1CD5A60 + 0x18;
  1372. public static UInt32 party_gametype = 0x1CD6120 + 0x18;
  1373. public static UInt32 party_hostname = 0x1CD6300 + 0x18;
  1374. public static UInt32 party_iamhost = 0x1CD66C0 + 0x18;
  1375. public static UInt32 party_isPreviousMapVoted = 0x1CD5C40 + 0x18;
  1376. public static UInt32 party_joinInProgressAllowed = 0x1CD69C0 + 0x18;
  1377. public static UInt32 party_keepPartyAliveWhileMatchmaking = 0x1CD6E40 + 0x18;
  1378. public static UInt32 party_kickplayerquestion = 0x1CD6240 + 0x18;
  1379. public static UInt32 party_leagueValidityGrace = 0x1CD70E0 + 0x18;
  1380. public static UInt32 party_linearMapCycle = 0x1CD5F40 + 0x18;
  1381. public static UInt32 party_linearMapCycleRandom = 0x1CD5FA0 + 0x18;
  1382. public static UInt32 party_lobbyExtensionTime = 0x1CD6C60 + 0x18;
  1383. public static UInt32 party_localTeamTest = 0x1CD6A80 + 0x18;
  1384. public static UInt32 party_mapname = 0x1CD61E0 + 0x18;
  1385. public static UInt32 party_mappacks = 0x1CD6360 + 0x18;
  1386. public static UInt32 party_matchedPlayerCount = 0x1CD63C0 + 0x18;
  1387. public static UInt32 party_maxChangeListDiff = 0x1CD4EC0 + 0x18;
  1388. public static UInt32 party_maxDesperateMigrationTime = 0x1CD7020 + 0x18;
  1389. public static UInt32 party_maxlocalplayers = 0x1CD5100 + 0x18;
  1390. public static UInt32 party_maxlocalplayers_leaguematch = 0x1CD5700 + 0x18;
  1391. public static UInt32 party_maxlocalplayers_local_splitscreen = 0x1CD5880 + 0x18;
  1392. public static UInt32 party_maxlocalplayers_mainlobby = 0x1CD5220 + 0x18;
  1393. public static UInt32 party_maxlocalplayers_playermatch = 0x1CD5280 + 0x18;
  1394. public static UInt32 party_maxlocalplayers_privatematch = 0x1CD52E0 + 0x18;
  1395. public static UInt32 party_maxlocalplayers_systemlink = 0x1CD57C0 + 0x18;
  1396. public static UInt32 party_maxlocalplayers_theater = 0x1CD5640 + 0x18;
  1397. public static UInt32 party_maxlocalplayers_wagermatch = 0x1CD55E0 + 0x18;
  1398. public static UInt32 party_maxMemberUpdateInterval = 0x1CD75C0 + 0x18;
  1399. public static UInt32 party_maxMigrationTime = 0x1CD6FC0 + 0x18;
  1400. public static UInt32 party_maxplayers = 0x1CD53A0 + 0x18;
  1401. public static UInt32 party_maxplayers_leaguematch = 0x1CD56A0 + 0x18;
  1402. public static UInt32 party_maxplayers_local_splitscreen = 0x1CD5820 + 0x18;
  1403. public static UInt32 party_maxplayers_partylobby = 0x1CD51C0 + 0x18;
  1404. public static UInt32 party_maxplayers_playermatch = 0x1CD5460 + 0x18;
  1405. public static UInt32 party_maxplayers_privatematch = 0x1CD54C0 + 0x18;
  1406. public static UInt32 party_maxplayers_systemlink = 0x1CD5760 + 0x18;
  1407. public static UInt32 party_maxplayers_theater = 0x1CD5580 + 0x18;
  1408. public static UInt32 party_maxplayers_wagermatch = 0x1CD5520 + 0x18;
  1409. public static UInt32 party_maxplayers_wagerpartylobby = 0x1CD5400 + 0x18;
  1410. public static UInt32 party_membersMissingMapPack = 0x1CD6780 + 0x18;
  1411. public static UInt32 party_memberUpdateBackoffRate = 0x1CD7500 + 0x18;
  1412. public static UInt32 party_mergingEnabled = 0x1CD67E0 + 0x18;
  1413. public static UInt32 party_mergingJitter = 0x1CD6840 + 0x18;
  1414. public static UInt32 party_migrateRestTime = 0x1CD7620 + 0x18;
  1415. public static UInt32 party_minLobbyTime = 0x1CD6480 + 0x18;
  1416. public static UInt32 party_minMemberUpdateInterval = 0x1CD7560 + 0x18;
  1417. public static UInt32 party_minplayers = 0x1CD5A00 + 0x18;
  1418. public static UInt32 party_minResumeMs = 0x1CD6A20 + 0x18;
  1419. public static UInt32 party_neverJoinRecent = 0x1CD7080 + 0x18;
  1420. public static UInt32 party_playerCount = 0x1CD62A0 + 0x18;
  1421. public static UInt32 party_playervisible = 0x1CD6660 + 0x18;
  1422. public static UInt32 party_pregameStartTimerLength = 0x1CD5B80 + 0x18;
  1423. public static UInt32 party_pregameStartTimerLengthPrivate = 0x1CD5AC0 + 0x18;
  1424. public static UInt32 party_readyAllowOnlyLocalPlayers = 0x1CD5EE0 + 0x18;
  1425. public static UInt32 party_readyButtonVisible = 0x1CD5E20 + 0x18;
  1426. public static UInt32 party_readyPercentRequired = 0x1CD5E80 + 0x18;
  1427. public static UInt32 party_reconnectToClientOnTimeout = 0x1CD4F20 + 0x18;
  1428. public static UInt32 party_reconnectToHostOnTimeout = 0x1CD4F80 + 0x18;
  1429. public static UInt32 party_requestMigrateDuringAutoStartIfStreaming = 0x1CD6D80 + 0x18;
  1430. public static UInt32 party_restartMatchmakingTimer = 0x1CD65A0 + 0x18;
  1431. public static UInt32 party_searchInterval = 0x1CD68A0 + 0x18;
  1432. public static UInt32 party_sequentialPreviousMapVotingAllowed = 0x1CD5CA0 + 0x18;
  1433. public static UInt32 party_simulateLongQoS = 0x1CDB3A0 + 0x18;
  1434. public static UInt32 party_skillAllowancePerSecond = 0x1CD6540 + 0x18;
  1435. public static UInt32 party_skillBaseDifferenceAllowance = 0x1CD64E0 + 0x18;
  1436. public static UInt32 party_subSearchInterval = 0x1CD6900 + 0x18;
  1437. public static UInt32 party_teamSwitchDelay = 0x1CD6B40 + 0x18;
  1438. public static UInt32 party_theaterTimeoutWhenLoaded = 0x1CD6BA0 + 0x18;
  1439. public static UInt32 party_theaterTimeoutWhenLoading = 0x1CD6C00 + 0x18;
  1440. public static UInt32 party_vetoButtonVisible = 0x1CD5BE0 + 0x18;
  1441. public static UInt32 party_vetoDelayTime = 0x1CD5DC0 + 0x18;
  1442. public static UInt32 party_vetoPassed = 0x1CD5D00 + 0x18;
  1443. public static UInt32 party_vetoPercentRequired = 0x1CD5D60 + 0x18;
  1444. public static UInt32 partyend_reason = 0x1CD6F60 + 0x18;
  1445. public static UInt32 partyMigrate_debugEnabled = 0x1CD4680 + 0x18;
  1446. public static UInt32 partyMigrate_disabled = 0x1CD46E0 + 0x18;
  1447. public static UInt32 partymigrate_HostWaitMS = 0x1CD4860 + 0x18;
  1448. public static UInt32 partyMigrate_maxBWPackets = 0x1CD4740 + 0x18;
  1449. public static UInt32 partymigrate_MaxPacketWaitTime = 0x1CD47A0 + 0x18;
  1450. public static UInt32 partymigrate_MinScoreDiff = 0x1CD49E0 + 0x18;
  1451. public static UInt32 partyMigrate_NomineeRecalcInterval = 0x1CD48C0 + 0x18;
  1452. public static UInt32 partymigrate_NomineeWaitMS = 0x1CD4800 + 0x18;
  1453. public static UInt32 partyMigrate_TestInterval = 0x1CD4920 + 0x18;
  1454. public static UInt32 partyprober_chanceToFailAssociation = 0x1CD7140 + 0x18;
  1455. public static UInt32 partyprober_chanceToFailSend = 0x1CD7200 + 0x18;
  1456. public static UInt32 password = 0x1CB6920 + 0x18;
  1457. public static UInt32 penetrationCount = 0x1CDF1E0 + 0x18;
  1458. public static UInt32 penetrationCount_allies = 0x1CDF2A0 + 0x18;
  1459. public static UInt32 penetrationCount_axis = 0x1CDF240 + 0x18;
  1460. public static UInt32 perk_armorPiercing = 0x1CB3500 + 0x18;
  1461. public static UInt32 perk_armorVest = 0x1CE3B00 + 0x18;
  1462. public static UInt32 perk_blackbirdShowsGpsJammer = 0x1CB35C0 + 0x18;
  1463. public static UInt32 perk_bulletDamage = 0x1CE3AA0 + 0x18;
  1464. public static UInt32 perk_bulletPenetrationMultiplier = 0x1CB2D20 + 0x18;
  1465. public static UInt32 perk_damageKickReduction = 0x1CB3200 + 0x18;
  1466. public static UInt32 perk_deathStreakCountRequired = 0x1CB30E0 + 0x18;
  1467. public static UInt32 perk_delayExplosiveTime = 0x1CB2FC0 + 0x18;
  1468. public static UInt32 perk_disarmExplosiveTime = 0x1CB3020 + 0x18;
  1469. public static UInt32 perk_dogsAttackGhost = 0x1CB3560 + 0x18;
  1470. public static UInt32 perk_explosiveDamage = 0x1CE3B60 + 0x18;
  1471. public static UInt32 perk_extraBreath = 0x1CB2CC0 + 0x18;
  1472. public static UInt32 perk_fastLadderClimbMultiplier = 0x1CB3620 + 0x18;
  1473. public static UInt32 perk_fireproof = 0x1CB34A0 + 0x18;
  1474. public static UInt32 perk_flakJacket = 0x1CB33E0 + 0x18;
  1475. public static UInt32 perk_flakJacket_hardcore = 0x1CB3440 + 0x18;
  1476. public static UInt32 perk_gpsjammer_alpha = 0x1CB38C0 + 0x18;
  1477. public static UInt32 perk_gpsjammer_fade_time = 0x1CB3920 + 0x18;
  1478. public static UInt32 perk_gpsjammer_graceperiods = 0x1CB3860 + 0x18;
  1479. public static UInt32 perk_gpsjammer_min_distance = 0x1CB37A0 + 0x18;
  1480. public static UInt32 perk_gpsjammer_min_speed = 0x1CB3740 + 0x18;
  1481. public static UInt32 perk_gpsjammer_time_period = 0x1CB3800 + 0x18;
  1482. public static UInt32 perk_grenadeDeath = 0x1CB2D80 + 0x18;
  1483. public static UInt32 perk_grenadeTossBackTimer = 0x1CB2E40 + 0x18;
  1484. public static UInt32 perk_healthRegenMultiplier = 0x1CB31A0 + 0x18;
  1485. public static UInt32 perk_interactSpeedMultiplier = 0x1CB3320 + 0x18;
  1486. public static UInt32 perk_killstreakDeathPenaltyMultiplier = 0x1CB2F60 + 0x18;
  1487. public static UInt32 perk_killstreakMomentumMultiplier = 0x1CB2F00 + 0x18;
  1488. public static UInt32 perk_killstreakReduction = 0x1CB2EA0 + 0x18;
  1489. public static UInt32 perk_mantleReduction = 0x1CB32C0 + 0x18;
  1490. public static UInt32 perk_marksmanEnemyNameFadeIn = 0x1CB3680 + 0x18;
  1491. public static UInt32 perk_marksmanEnemyNameFadeOut = 0x1CB36E0 + 0x18;
  1492. public static UInt32 perk_nottargetedbyai_graceperiod = 0x1CB39E0 + 0x18;
  1493. public static UInt32 perk_nottargetedbyai_min_speed = 0x1CB3980 + 0x18;
  1494. public static UInt32 perk_scavenger_clip_multiplier = 0x1CB3A40 + 0x18;
  1495. public static UInt32 perk_scavenger_lethal_proc = 0x1CB3AA0 + 0x18;
  1496. public static UInt32 perk_scavenger_tactical_proc = 0x1CB3B00 + 0x18;
  1497. public static UInt32 perk_shellShockReduction = 0x1CB3260 + 0x18;
  1498. public static UInt32 perk_speedMultiplier = 0x1CB3080 + 0x18;
  1499. public static UInt32 perk_sprintMultiplier = 0x1CB2DE0 + 0x18;
  1500. public static UInt32 perk_sprintRecoveryMultiplier = 0x1CB3140 + 0x18;
  1501. public static UInt32 perk_throwbackInnerRadius = 0x1CB3380 + 0x18;
  1502. public static UInt32 perk_weapAdsMultiplier = 0x1CB2B40 + 0x18;
  1503. public static UInt32 perk_weapEquipmentUseMultiplier = 0x1CB2C60 + 0x18;
  1504. public static UInt32 perk_weapMeleeMultiplier = 0x1CB2BA0 + 0x18;
  1505. public static UInt32 perk_weapRateMultiplier = 0x1CB2AE0 + 0x18;
  1506. public static UInt32 perk_weapReloadMultiplier = 0x1CB2A80 + 0x18;
  1507. public static UInt32 perk_weapSpreadMultiplier = 0x1CB2A20 + 0x18;
  1508. public static UInt32 perk_weapSwitchMultiplier = 0x1CB29C0 + 0x18;
  1509. public static UInt32 perk_weapTossMultiplier = 0x1CB2C00 + 0x18;
  1510. public static UInt32 phys_buoyancy = 0x1CD0720 + 0x18;
  1511. public static UInt32 phys_buoyancyDistanceCutoff = 0x1CD0600 + 0x18;
  1512. public static UInt32 phys_buoyancyFloatHeightOffset = 0x1CD06C0 + 0x18;
  1513. public static UInt32 phys_disableEntsAndDynEntsCollision = 0x1CD07E0 + 0x18;
  1514. public static UInt32 phys_gravity = 0x1CD03C0 + 0x18;
  1515. public static UInt32 phys_gravity_dir = 0x1CD0420 + 0x18;
  1516. public static UInt32 phys_impact_distance_cutoff = 0x1CD0A80 + 0x18;
  1517. public static UInt32 phys_impact_fx = 0x1CD0AE0 + 0x18;
  1518. public static UInt32 phys_impact_intensity_limit = 0x1CD0A20 + 0x18;
  1519. public static UInt32 phys_maxFloatTime = 0x1CD05A0 + 0x18;
  1520. public static UInt32 phys_piecesSpawnDistanceCutoff = 0x1CD0660 + 0x18;
  1521. public static UInt32 phys_ragdoll_buoyancy = 0x1CD0780 + 0x18;
  1522. public static UInt32 phys_vehicleDamageFroceScale = 0x1CD04E0 + 0x18;
  1523. public static UInt32 phys_vehicleGravityMultiplier = 0x1CD0480 + 0x18;
  1524. public static UInt32 phys_vehicleWheelEntityCollision = 0x1CD0540 + 0x18;
  1525. public static UInt32 pickupPrints = 0x1CA80A0 + 0x18;
  1526. public static UInt32 player_adsExitDelay = 0x1CACDE0 + 0x18;
  1527. public static UInt32 player_animRunThreshhold = 0x1CAD3E0 + 0x18;
  1528. public static UInt32 player_animWalkThreshhold = 0x1CAD440 + 0x18;
  1529. public static UInt32 player_backSpeedScale = 0x1CAD9E0 + 0x18;
  1530. public static UInt32 player_bayonetLaunchDebugging = 0x1CAE040 + 0x18;
  1531. public static UInt32 player_bayonetLaunchProof = 0x1CADFE0 + 0x18;
  1532. public static UInt32 player_bayonetLaunchZCap = 0x1CAE0A0 + 0x18;
  1533. public static UInt32 player_bayonetRange = 0x1CAF900 + 0x18;
  1534. public static UInt32 player_bayonetTargetDist = 0x1CAF960 + 0x18;
  1535. public static UInt32 player_breath_fire_delay = 0x1CACB40 + 0x18;
  1536. public static UInt32 player_breath_gasp_lerp = 0x1CACC60 + 0x18;
  1537. public static UInt32 player_breath_gasp_scale = 0x1CACBA0 + 0x18;
  1538. public static UInt32 player_breath_gasp_time = 0x1CACAE0 + 0x18;
  1539. public static UInt32 player_breath_hold_lerp = 0x1CACC00 + 0x18;
  1540. public static UInt32 player_breath_hold_time = 0x1CACA80 + 0x18;
  1541. public static UInt32 player_breath_snd_delay = 0x1CACD20 + 0x18;
  1542. public static UInt32 player_breath_snd_lerp = 0x1CACCC0 + 0x18;
  1543. public static UInt32 player_clipSizeMultiplier = 0x1CACF60 + 0x18;
  1544. public static UInt32 player_debugHealth = 0x1CACEA0 + 0x18;
  1545. public static UInt32 player_disableWeaponsOnVehicle = 0x1CAE220 + 0x18;
  1546. public static UInt32 player_dmgtimer_flinchTime = 0x1CAE460 + 0x18;
  1547. public static UInt32 player_dmgtimer_maxTime = 0x1CAE340 + 0x18;
  1548. public static UInt32 player_dmgtimer_minScale = 0x1CAE3A0 + 0x18;
  1549. public static UInt32 player_dmgtimer_stumbleTime = 0x1CAE400 + 0x18;
  1550. public static UInt32 player_dmgtimer_timePerPoint = 0x1CAE2E0 + 0x18;
  1551. public static UInt32 player_enableShuffleAnims = 0x1CAD380 + 0x18;
  1552. public static UInt32 player_enduranceSpeedScale = 0x1CADB60 + 0x18;
  1553. public static UInt32 player_footstepsThreshhold = 0x1CAD560 + 0x18;
  1554. public static UInt32 player_forceRedCrosshair = 0x1CAFCC0 + 0x18;
  1555. public static UInt32 player_knockbackMoveThreshhold = 0x1CAD620 + 0x18;
  1556. public static UInt32 player_lastStandBleedoutTime = 0x1CACFC0 + 0x18;
  1557. public static UInt32 player_lastStandBleedoutTimeNoRevive = 0x1CAD020 + 0x18;
  1558. public static UInt32 player_lastStandHealthOverlayTime = 0x1CAD0E0 + 0x18;
  1559. public static UInt32 player_lean_rotate = 0x1CAB640 + 0x18;
  1560. public static UInt32 player_lean_rotate_crouch = 0x1CAB6A0 + 0x18;
  1561. public static UInt32 player_lean_shift = 0x1CAB580 + 0x18;
  1562. public static UInt32 player_lean_shift_crouch = 0x1CAB5E0 + 0x18;
  1563. public static UInt32 player_lookAtEntityAllowChildren = 0x1CAE280 + 0x18;
  1564. public static UInt32 player_meleeCalcSpeedFromTarget = 0x1CAF600 + 0x18;
  1565. public static UInt32 player_meleeChargeFriction = 0x1CAF660 + 0x18;
  1566. public static UInt32 player_meleeChargeMaxSpeed = 0x1CAF5A0 + 0x18;
  1567. public static UInt32 player_meleeHeight = 0x1CAF180 + 0x18;
  1568. public static UInt32 player_meleeInterruptFrac = 0x1CAF1E0 + 0x18;
  1569. public static UInt32 player_meleeRange = 0x1CAF0C0 + 0x18;
  1570. public static UInt32 player_meleeWidth = 0x1CAF120 + 0x18;
  1571. public static UInt32 player_MGUseRadius = 0x1CA7F20 + 0x18;
  1572. public static UInt32 player_move_factor_on_torso = 0x1CACE40 + 0x18;
  1573. public static UInt32 player_moveThreshhold = 0x1CAD500 + 0x18;
  1574. public static UInt32 player_name = 0x1CB69E0 + 0x18;
  1575. public static UInt32 player_revivePlayerListCycleTime = 0x1CAD1A0 + 0x18;
  1576. public static UInt32 player_reviveTriggerRadius = 0x1CAD140 + 0x18;
  1577. public static UInt32 player_runbkThreshhold = 0x1CAD4A0 + 0x18;
  1578. public static UInt32 player_runThreshhold = 0x1CAD5C0 + 0x18;
  1579. public static UInt32 player_scopeExitOnDamage = 0x1CACD80 + 0x18;
  1580. public static UInt32 player_slick_accel = 0x1CAD8C0 + 0x18;
  1581. public static UInt32 player_slick_invspeed = 0x1CAD860 + 0x18;
  1582. public static UInt32 player_slick_wishspeed = 0x1CAD800 + 0x18;
  1583. public static UInt32 player_sliding_friction = 0x1CAD740 + 0x18;
  1584. public static UInt32 player_sliding_velocity_cap = 0x1CAD920 + 0x18;
  1585. public static UInt32 player_sliding_wishspeed = 0x1CAD7A0 + 0x18;
  1586. public static UInt32 player_slopeAnimAngle = 0x1CADAA0 + 0x18;
  1587. public static UInt32 player_spectateSpeedScale = 0x1CADB00 + 0x18;
  1588. public static UInt32 player_sprintCameraBob = 0x1CADF20 + 0x18;
  1589. public static UInt32 player_sprintForwardMinimum = 0x1CADC80 + 0x18;
  1590. public static UInt32 player_sprintMinTime = 0x1CADE00 + 0x18;
  1591. public static UInt32 player_sprintRechargePause = 0x1CADE60 + 0x18;
  1592. public static UInt32 player_sprintSpeedScale = 0x1CADCE0 + 0x18;
  1593. public static UInt32 player_sprintStrafeSpeedScale = 0x1CADEC0 + 0x18;
  1594. public static UInt32 player_sprintThreshhold = 0x1CAD680 + 0x18;
  1595. public static UInt32 player_sprintTime = 0x1CADDA0 + 0x18;
  1596. public static UInt32 player_sprintUnlimited = 0x1CADD40 + 0x18;
  1597. public static UInt32 player_standingViewHeight = 0x1CAE100 + 0x18;
  1598. public static UInt32 player_strafeAnimCosAngle = 0x1CADA40 + 0x18;
  1599. public static UInt32 player_strafeSpeedScale = 0x1CAD980 + 0x18;
  1600. public static UInt32 player_sustainAmmo = 0x1CACF00 + 0x18;
  1601. public static UInt32 player_swimDamage = 0x1CAFB40 + 0x18;
  1602. public static UInt32 player_swimDamagerInterval = 0x1CAFBA0 + 0x18;
  1603. public static UInt32 player_swimTime = 0x1CAFAE0 + 0x18;
  1604. public static UInt32 player_throwbackInnerRadius = 0x1CA7D40 + 0x18;
  1605. public static UInt32 player_throwbackOuterRadius = 0x1CA7DA0 + 0x18;
  1606. public static UInt32 player_throwbackOuterRadius_zm = 0x1CA7E00 + 0x18;
  1607. public static UInt32 player_turnAnims = 0x1CADF80 + 0x18;
  1608. public static UInt32 player_useRadius = 0x1CA7E60 + 0x18;
  1609. public static UInt32 player_useRadius_zm = 0x1CA7EC0 + 0x18;
  1610. public static UInt32 player_view_pitch_down = 0x1CAB520 + 0x18;
  1611. public static UInt32 player_view_pitch_up = 0x1CAB4C0 + 0x18;
  1612. public static UInt32 player_viewLockEnt = 0x1CAFC00 + 0x18;
  1613. public static UInt32 player_viewRateScale = 0x1CAFC60 + 0x18;
  1614. public static UInt32 player_waterSpeedScale = 0x1CAD6E0 + 0x18;
  1615. public static UInt32 player_zombieMeleeHeight = 0x1CAF8A0 + 0x18;
  1616. public static UInt32 player_zombieMeleeRange = 0x1CAF7E0 + 0x18;
  1617. public static UInt32 player_zombieMeleeWidth = 0x1CAF840 + 0x18;
  1618. public static UInt32 player_zombieSpeedScale = 0x1CADC20 + 0x18;
  1619. public static UInt32 player_zombieSprintSpeedScale = 0x1CADBC0 + 0x18;
  1620. public static UInt32 playerPushAmount = 0x1CB0620 + 0x18;
  1621. public static UInt32 playlist_allowdevmaps = 0x1CE0680 + 0x18;
  1622. public static UInt32 playlist_excludeGametype = 0x1CE05C0 + 0x18;
  1623. public static UInt32 playlist_excludeGametypeMap = 0x1CE0620 + 0x18;
  1624. public static UInt32 playlist_excludeMap = 0x1CE0560 + 0x18;
  1625. public static UInt32 popInLetterFXTime = 0x1CCA9C0 + 0x18;
  1626. public static UInt32 probation_league_enabled = 0x1CD8A60 + 0x18;
  1627. public static UInt32 probation_league_forgiveCount = 0x1CD8D60 + 0x18;
  1628. public static UInt32 probation_league_kickcalar = 0x1CD8B80 + 0x18;
  1629. public static UInt32 probation_league_matchHistoryWindow = 0x1CD8BE0 + 0x18;
  1630. public static UInt32 probation_league_probationThreshold = 0x1CD8C40 + 0x18;
  1631. public static UInt32 probation_league_probationTime = 0x1CD8D00 + 0x18;
  1632. public static UInt32 probation_league_quitScalar = 0x1CD8AC0 + 0x18;
  1633. public static UInt32 probation_league_timeoutScalar = 0x1CD8B20 + 0x18;
  1634. public static UInt32 probation_league_warningThreshold = 0x1CD8CA0 + 0x18;
  1635. public static UInt32 probation_public_enabled = 0x1CD8700 + 0x18;
  1636. public static UInt32 probation_public_forgiveCount = 0x1CD8A00 + 0x18;
  1637. public static UInt32 probation_public_kickScalar = 0x1CD8820 + 0x18;
  1638. public static UInt32 probation_public_matchHistoryWindow = 0x1CD8880 + 0x18;
  1639. public static UInt32 probation_public_probationThreshold = 0x1CD88E0 + 0x18;
  1640. public static UInt32 probation_public_probationTime = 0x1CD89A0 + 0x18;
  1641. public static UInt32 probation_public_quitScalar = 0x1CD8760 + 0x18;
  1642. public static UInt32 probation_public_timeoutScalar = 0x1CD87C0 + 0x18;
  1643. public static UInt32 probation_public_warningThreshold = 0x1CD8940 + 0x18;
  1644. public static UInt32 probation_version = 0x1CD86A0 + 0x18;
  1645. public static UInt32 profileDirtyInterval = 0x1CD3D80 + 0x18;
  1646. public static UInt32 prone_bipod_enable = 0x1CB1820 + 0x18;
  1647. public static UInt32 protocol = 0x1CDEDC0 + 0x18;
  1648. public static UInt32 ps3_dw_defaultDTLSAssociationTimeout = 0x1CDACE0 + 0x18;
  1649. public static UInt32 ps3_live_StateNotConnectedDelay = 0x1CDB640 + 0x18;
  1650. public static UInt32 ps3_NATTraversalThrottling = 0x1CDAD40 + 0x18;
  1651. public static UInt32 ps3Game = 0x1CB79A0 + 0x18;
  1652. public static UInt32 ps3live_reduceCheckNetConnection = 0x1CDB940 + 0x18;
  1653. public static UInt32 ps3live_updateFriends = 0x1CDBA00 + 0x18;
  1654. public static UInt32 qosMaxAllowedPing = 0x1CD4BC0 + 0x18;
  1655. public static UInt32 qosPreferredPing = 0x1CD4B60 + 0x18;
  1656. public static UInt32 quit_on_error = 0x1CB8900 + 0x18;
  1657. public static UInt32 r_anaglyphFX_enable = 0x1CC0280 + 0x18;
  1658. public static UInt32 r_autoLodScale = 0x1CBB900 + 0x18;
  1659. public static UInt32 r_backBufferSize = 0x1CBDA00 + 0x18;
  1660. public static UInt32 r_backBufferSizeY = 0x1CBDA60 + 0x18;
  1661. public static UInt32 r_blinkCullNone = 0x1CC1B40 + 0x18;
  1662. public static UInt32 r_blinkLayers = 0x1CC1AE0 + 0x18;
  1663. public static UInt32 r_blinkLitQuasiOpaque = 0x1CC1A20 + 0x18;
  1664. public static UInt32 r_blinkTrans = 0x1CC1A80 + 0x18;
  1665. public static UInt32 r_bloomHiQuality = 0x1CBEEA0 + 0x18;
  1666. public static UInt32 r_bloomTweaks = 0x1CBEE40 + 0x18;
  1667. public static UInt32 r_blur = 0x1CBE3C0 + 0x18;
  1668. public static UInt32 r_brightness = 0x1CBE7E0 + 0x18;
  1669. public static UInt32 r_brushLimit = 0x1CBC800 + 0x18;
  1670. public static UInt32 r_clearColor = 0x1CBC5C0 + 0x18;
  1671. public static UInt32 r_clearColor2 = 0x1CBC620 + 0x18;
  1672. public static UInt32 r_clipCodec = 0x1CBB240 + 0x18;
  1673. public static UInt32 r_clipFPS = 0x1CBB300 + 0x18;
  1674. public static UInt32 r_clipSize = 0x1CBB2A0 + 0x18;
  1675. public static UInt32 r_colorMap = 0x1CBBCC0 + 0x18;
  1676. public static UInt32 r_contrast = 0x1CBE780 + 0x18;
  1677. public static UInt32 r_convergence = 0x1CBB3C0 + 0x18;
  1678. public static UInt32 r_cubicUpsampleParam = 0x1CC1960 + 0x18;
  1679. public static UInt32 r_debugMetalStorm = 0x1CC2080 + 0x18;
  1680. public static UInt32 r_debugPerformance = 0x1CBB5A0 + 0x18;
  1681. public static UInt32 r_debugShader = 0x1CBB540 + 0x18;
  1682. public static UInt32 r_debugShowCoronas = 0x1CC2020 + 0x18;
  1683. public static UInt32 r_debugShowDynamicLights = 0x1CC1FC0 + 0x18;
  1684. public static UInt32 r_debugShowPrimaryLights = 0x1CC1F60 + 0x18;
  1685. public static UInt32 r_desaturation = 0x1CBE840 + 0x18;
  1686. public static UInt32 r_disableGenericFilter = 0x1CC20E0 + 0x18;
  1687. public static UInt32 r_dlightLimit = 0x1CBC6E0 + 0x18;
  1688. public static UInt32 r_dobjLimit = 0x1CBC740 + 0x18;
  1689. public static UInt32 r_dof_bias = 0x1CBFDA0 + 0x18;
  1690. public static UInt32 r_dof_enable = 0x1CBF9E0 + 0x18;
  1691. public static UInt32 r_dof_farBlur = 0x1CBFB00 + 0x18;
  1692. public static UInt32 r_dof_farEnd = 0x1CBFD40 + 0x18;
  1693. public static UInt32 r_dof_farStart = 0x1CBFCE0 + 0x18;
  1694. public static UInt32 r_dof_nearBlur = 0x1CBFAA0 + 0x18;
  1695. public static UInt32 r_dof_nearEnd = 0x1CBFC80 + 0x18;
  1696. public static UInt32 r_dof_nearStart = 0x1CBFC20 + 0x18;
  1697. public static UInt32 r_dof_showdebug = 0x1CBFE00 + 0x18;
  1698. public static UInt32 r_dof_tweak = 0x1CBFA40 + 0x18;
  1699. public static UInt32 r_dof_viewModelEnd = 0x1CBFBC0 + 0x18;
  1700. public static UInt32 r_dof_viewModelStart = 0x1CBFB60 + 0x18;
  1701. public static UInt32 r_dpvs_useCellForceInvisibleBits = 0x1CC2A40 + 0x18;
  1702. public static UInt32 r_drawDebugFogParams = 0x1CC2140 + 0x18;
  1703. public static UInt32 r_drawLightmapDrawlists = 0x1CBBDE0 + 0x18;
  1704. public static UInt32 r_drawLitDrawlists = 0x1CBBD80 + 0x18;
  1705. public static UInt32 r_drawWater = 0x1CBCE60 + 0x18;
  1706. public static UInt32 r_dualPlayActive = 0x1CBE300 + 0x18;
  1707. public static UInt32 r_dualPlayEnable = 0x1CBE2A0 + 0x18;
  1708. public static UInt32 r_dualPlayTestCount = 0x1CBE360 + 0x18;
  1709. public static UInt32 r_dynamicResolution = 0x1CBBBA0 + 0x18;
  1710. public static UInt32 r_enableCubicUpsample = 0x1CC1900 + 0x18;
  1711. public static UInt32 r_enableFlashlight = 0x1CBE6C0 + 0x18;
  1712. public static UInt32 r_enableOccluders = 0x1CBD160 + 0x18;
  1713. public static UInt32 r_enablePlayerShadow = 0x1CBE660 + 0x18;
  1714. public static UInt32 r_exposureTweak = 0x1CC1000 + 0x18;
  1715. public static UInt32 r_exposureValue = 0x1CC1060 + 0x18;
  1716. public static UInt32 r_extracam_custom_aspectratio = 0x1CC2560 + 0x18;
  1717. public static UInt32 r_extracam_lod_scale = 0x1CC25C0 + 0x18;
  1718. public static UInt32 r_filmLut = 0x1CBE480 + 0x18;
  1719. public static UInt32 r_filmTweakBrightness = 0x1CBE8A0 + 0x18;
  1720. public static UInt32 r_filmTweakDesaturation = 0x1CBE900 + 0x18;
  1721. public static UInt32 r_filmTweakEnable = 0x1CBEA20 + 0x18;
  1722. public static UInt32 r_filmTweakInvert = 0x1CBE960 + 0x18;
  1723. public static UInt32 r_filmTweakLut = 0x1CBE4E0 + 0x18;
  1724. public static UInt32 r_filmUseTweaks = 0x1CBE9C0 + 0x18;
  1725. public static UInt32 r_finalShiftX = 0x1CC10C0 + 0x18;
  1726. public static UInt32 r_finalShiftY = 0x1CC1120 + 0x18;
  1727. public static UInt32 r_flame_allowed = 0x1CBE420 + 0x18;
  1728. public static UInt32 r_flameFX_distortionScaleFactor = 0x1CBFF20 + 0x18;
  1729. public static UInt32 r_flameFX_fadeDuration = 0x1CC0040 + 0x18;
  1730. public static UInt32 r_flameFX_FPS = 0x1CBFFE0 + 0x18;
  1731. public static UInt32 r_flameFX_magnitude = 0x1CBFF80 + 0x18;
  1732. public static UInt32 r_flameScaler = 0x1CBD820 + 0x18;
  1733. public static UInt32 r_flashLightBobAmount = 0x1CBCC80 + 0x18;
  1734. public static UInt32 r_flashLightBobRate = 0x1CBCCE0 + 0x18;
  1735. public static UInt32 r_flashLightBrightness = 0x1CBCB00 + 0x18;
  1736. public static UInt32 r_flashLightColor = 0x1CBCC20 + 0x18;
  1737. public static UInt32 r_flashLightEndRadius = 0x1CBCA40 + 0x18;
  1738. public static UInt32 r_flashLightFlickerAmount = 0x1CBCDA0 + 0x18;
  1739. public static UInt32 r_flashLightFlickerRate = 0x1CBCE00 + 0x18;
  1740. public static UInt32 r_flashLightFovInnerFraction = 0x1CBC980 + 0x18;
  1741. public static UInt32 r_flashLightOffset = 0x1CBCB60 + 0x18;
  1742. public static UInt32 r_flashLightRange = 0x1CBCBC0 + 0x18;
  1743. public static UInt32 r_flashLightShadows = 0x1CBCAA0 + 0x18;
  1744. public static UInt32 r_flashLightSpecularScale = 0x1CBCD40 + 0x18;
  1745. public static UInt32 r_flashLightStartRadius = 0x1CBC9E0 + 0x18;
  1746. public static UInt32 r_fog = 0x1CBBA20 + 0x18;
  1747. public static UInt32 r_fog_disable = 0x1CC2980 + 0x18;
  1748. public static UInt32 r_fogBaseDist = 0x1CC0B80 + 0x18;
  1749. public static UInt32 r_fogBaseHeight = 0x1CC0C40 + 0x18;
  1750. public static UInt32 r_fogColor = 0x1CC0D00 + 0x18;
  1751. public static UInt32 r_fogHalfDist = 0x1CC0BE0 + 0x18;
  1752. public static UInt32 r_fogHalfHeight = 0x1CC0CA0 + 0x18;
  1753. public static UInt32 r_fogOpacity = 0x1CC0D60 + 0x18;
  1754. public static UInt32 r_fogSunColor = 0x1CC0DC0 + 0x18;
  1755. public static UInt32 r_fogSunInner = 0x1CC0F40 + 0x18;
  1756. public static UInt32 r_fogSunOpacity = 0x1CC0E20 + 0x18;
  1757. public static UInt32 r_fogSunOuter = 0x1CC0FA0 + 0x18;
  1758. public static UInt32 r_fogSunPitch = 0x1CC0E80 + 0x18;
  1759. public static UInt32 r_fogSunYaw = 0x1CC0EE0 + 0x18;
  1760. public static UInt32 r_fogTweak = 0x1CC0B20 + 0x18;
  1761. public static UInt32 r_fontResolution = 0x1CBB180 + 0x18;
  1762. public static UInt32 r_forceCameraHdg = 0x1CBE5A0 + 0x18;
  1763. public static UInt32 r_forceCameraNode = 0x1CBE540 + 0x18;
  1764. public static UInt32 r_forceCamerarecord = 0x1CBE600 + 0x18;
  1765. public static UInt32 r_forceLod = 0x1CBD340 + 0x18;
  1766. public static UInt32 r_fullbright = 0x1CBB4E0 + 0x18;
  1767. public static UInt32 r_fullPrepass = 0x1CC1BA0 + 0x18;
  1768. public static UInt32 r_fullscreen = 0x1CBB360 + 0x18;
  1769. public static UInt32 r_genericSceneVector0 = 0x1CC0400 + 0x18;
  1770. public static UInt32 r_genericSceneVector1 = 0x1CC0460 + 0x18;
  1771. public static UInt32 r_genericSceneVector2 = 0x1CC04C0 + 0x18;
  1772. public static UInt32 r_genericSceneVector3 = 0x1CC0520 + 0x18;
  1773. public static UInt32 r_genericSceneVector_debug = 0x1CC03A0 + 0x18;
  1774. public static UInt32 r_grassEnable = 0x1CC16C0 + 0x18;
  1775. public static UInt32 r_grassWindForceEnable = 0x1CC29E0 + 0x18;
  1776. public static UInt32 r_heroLighting = 0x1CC13C0 + 0x18;
  1777. public static UInt32 r_heroLightScale = 0x1CC1420 + 0x18;
  1778. public static UInt32 r_highLodDist = 0x1CBD1C0 + 0x18;
  1779. public static UInt32 r_lightConflicts = 0x1CBB600 + 0x18;
  1780. public static UInt32 r_lightGridContrast = 0x1CC1360 + 0x18;
  1781. public static UInt32 r_lightGridEnableTweaks = 0x1CC12A0 + 0x18;
  1782. public static UInt32 r_lightGridIntensity = 0x1CC1300 + 0x18;
  1783. public static UInt32 r_lightMapFilterDisable = 0x1CBBC60 + 0x18;
  1784. public static UInt32 r_lightmapOnlyBspSurfs = 0x1CC1C00 + 0x18;
  1785. public static UInt32 r_lightmapOnlyEntSurfs = 0x1CC1CC0 + 0x18;
  1786. public static UInt32 r_lightmapOnlySModelSurfs = 0x1CC1C60 + 0x18;
  1787. public static UInt32 r_lightMapSecondary = 0x1CBBC00 + 0x18;
  1788. public static UInt32 r_lightTweakAmbient = 0x1CBC0E0 + 0x18;
  1789. public static UInt32 r_lightTweakAmbientColor = 0x1CBC1A0 + 0x18;
  1790. public static UInt32 r_lightTweakSunColor = 0x1CBC200 + 0x18;
  1791. public static UInt32 r_lightTweakSunDiffuseColor = 0x1CBC260 + 0x18;
  1792. public static UInt32 r_lightTweakSunDirection = 0x1CBC2C0 + 0x18;
  1793. public static UInt32 r_lightTweakSunLight = 0x1CBC140 + 0x18;
  1794. public static UInt32 r_lockPvs = 0x1CBCEC0 + 0x18;
  1795. public static UInt32 r_lockPvsInCode = 0x1CBCF20 + 0x18;
  1796. public static UInt32 r_lodBiasRigid = 0x1CBB720 + 0x18;
  1797. public static UInt32 r_lodBiasSkinned = 0x1CBB7E0 + 0x18;
  1798. public static UInt32 r_lodScaleRigid = 0x1CBB6C0 + 0x18;
  1799. public static UInt32 r_lodScaleSkinned = 0x1CBB780 + 0x18;
  1800. public static UInt32 r_lowestLodDist = 0x1CBD2E0 + 0x18;
  1801. public static UInt32 r_lowLodDist = 0x1CBD280 + 0x18;
  1802. public static UInt32 r_materialXYZ = 0x1CBC3E0 + 0x18;
  1803. public static UInt32 r_mediumLodDist = 0x1CBD220 + 0x18;
  1804. public static UInt32 r_missile_cam_debug_display = 0x1CC2500 + 0x18;
  1805. public static UInt32 r_modelLimit = 0x1CBC7A0 + 0x18;
  1806. public static UInt32 r_msaaPostEffects = 0x1CBBB40 + 0x18;
  1807. public static UInt32 r_multi_extracam_debug = 0x1CC24A0 + 0x18;
  1808. public static UInt32 r_norefresh = 0x1CBC440 + 0x18;
  1809. public static UInt32 r_normalMap = 0x1CBBD20 + 0x18;
  1810. public static UInt32 r_num_viewports = 0x1CC1480 + 0x18;
  1811. public static UInt32 r_occlusionPatchWorker = 0x1CBBAE0 + 0x18;
  1812. public static UInt32 r_occlusionReports = 0x1CBBA80 + 0x18;
  1813. public static UInt32 r_outdoorAwayBias = 0x1CC14E0 + 0x18;
  1814. public static UInt32 r_outdoorDownBias = 0x1CC1540 + 0x18;
  1815. public static UInt32 r_outdoorFeather = 0x1CC15A0 + 0x18;
  1816. public static UInt32 r_poisonFX_blurMax = 0x1CC0A00 + 0x18;
  1817. public static UInt32 r_poisonFX_blurMin = 0x1CC09A0 + 0x18;
  1818. public static UInt32 r_poisonFX_debug_enable = 0x1CC0880 + 0x18;
  1819. public static UInt32 r_poisonFX_dvisionX = 0x1CC0940 + 0x18;
  1820. public static UInt32 r_poisonFX_pulse = 0x1CC08E0 + 0x18;
  1821. public static UInt32 r_portalMinRecurseDepth = 0x1CBD100 + 0x18;
  1822. public static UInt32 r_portalWalkLimit = 0x1CBD0A0 + 0x18;
  1823. public static UInt32 r_primaryLightTweakDiffuseStrength = 0x1CC11E0 + 0x18;
  1824. public static UInt32 r_primaryLightTweakSpecularStrength = 0x1CC1240 + 0x18;
  1825. public static UInt32 r_primaryLightUseTweaks = 0x1CC1180 + 0x18;
  1826. public static UInt32 r_qrcode_debug_display = 0x1CC2620 + 0x18;
  1827. public static UInt32 r_qrcode_debug_display_size = 0x1CC2680 + 0x18;
  1828. public static UInt32 r_remotescreen_renderlastframe = 0x1CC2AA0 + 0x18;
  1829. public static UInt32 r_resampleScene = 0x1CBBEA0 + 0x18;
  1830. public static UInt32 r_resolution = 0x1CBB1E0 + 0x18;
  1831. public static UInt32 r_reviveFX_debug = 0x1CC0580 + 0x18;
  1832. public static UInt32 r_reviveFX_edgeAmount = 0x1CC07C0 + 0x18;
  1833. public static UInt32 r_reviveFX_edgeColorTemp = 0x1CC05E0 + 0x18;
  1834. public static UInt32 r_reviveFX_edgeContrast = 0x1CC0700 + 0x18;
  1835. public static UInt32 r_reviveFX_edgeMaskAdjust = 0x1CC0820 + 0x18;
  1836. public static UInt32 r_reviveFX_edgeOffset = 0x1CC0760 + 0x18;
  1837. public static UInt32 r_reviveFX_edgeSaturation = 0x1CC0640 + 0x18;
  1838. public static UInt32 r_reviveFX_edgeScale = 0x1CC06A0 + 0x18;
  1839. public static UInt32 r_rimIntensity = 0x1CC0340 + 0x18;
  1840. public static UInt32 r_rimIntensity_debug = 0x1CC02E0 + 0x18;
  1841. public static UInt32 r_scaleViewport = 0x1CBC4A0 + 0x18;
  1842. public static UInt32 r_seethru_decal_enable = 0x1CC21A0 + 0x18;
  1843. public static UInt32 r_shader_constant_set_debug_range = 0x1CC26E0 + 0x18;
  1844. public static UInt32 r_shader_constant_set_enable = 0x1CC2740 + 0x18;
  1845. public static UInt32 r_shaderDebugA = 0x1CC17E0 + 0x18;
  1846. public static UInt32 r_shaderDebugB = 0x1CC1840 + 0x18;
  1847. public static UInt32 r_shaderDebugC = 0x1CC18A0 + 0x18;
  1848. public static UInt32 r_showForcedInvisibleCells = 0x1CBD040 + 0x18;
  1849. public static UInt32 r_showLightGrid = 0x1CBBF60 + 0x18;
  1850. public static UInt32 r_showLightingOrigins = 0x1CBBFC0 + 0x18;
  1851. public static UInt32 r_showMissingLightGrid = 0x1CBC020 + 0x18;
  1852. public static UInt32 r_showOutdoorVolumeDebug = 0x1CBC380 + 0x18;
  1853. public static UInt32 r_showPenetration = 0x1CBBF00 + 0x18;
  1854. public static UInt32 r_showReflectionProbeSelection = 0x1CBC080 + 0x18;
  1855. public static UInt32 r_showSunDirectionDebug = 0x1CBC320 + 0x18;
  1856. public static UInt32 r_singleCell = 0x1CBCFE0 + 0x18;
  1857. public static UInt32 r_skinnedCacheOverflowLodMaxScale = 0x1CBB840 + 0x18;
  1858. public static UInt32 r_skinnedCacheOverflowLodScaleDecay = 0x1CBB8A0 + 0x18;
  1859. public static UInt32 r_skipPvs = 0x1CBCF80 + 0x18;
  1860. public static UInt32 r_sky_intensity_angle0 = 0x1CC2800 + 0x18;
  1861. public static UInt32 r_sky_intensity_angle1 = 0x1CC2860 + 0x18;
  1862. public static UInt32 r_sky_intensity_factor0 = 0x1CC28C0 + 0x18;
  1863. public static UInt32 r_sky_intensity_factor1 = 0x1CC2920 + 0x18;
  1864. public static UInt32 r_sky_intensity_showDebugDisplay = 0x1CC27A0 + 0x18;
  1865. public static UInt32 r_skyColorTemp = 0x1CC19C0 + 0x18;
  1866. public static UInt32 r_skyRotation = 0x1CC1780 + 0x18;
  1867. public static UInt32 r_skyTransition = 0x1CC1720 + 0x18;
  1868. public static UInt32 r_sortBackToFront = 0x1CC1DE0 + 0x18;
  1869. public static UInt32 r_sortDrawSurfsBsp = 0x1CC1D20 + 0x18;
  1870. public static UInt32 r_sortDrawSurfsStaticModel = 0x1CC1D80 + 0x18;
  1871. public static UInt32 r_specularGlossMap = 0x1CBBE40 + 0x18;
  1872. public static UInt32 r_spotLightEntityShadows = 0x1CBC920 + 0x18;
  1873. public static UInt32 r_spotLightShadows = 0x1CBC860 + 0x18;
  1874. public static UInt32 r_spotLightSModelShadows = 0x1CBC8C0 + 0x18;
  1875. public static UInt32 r_stencilDepthHack = 0x1CBFE60 + 0x18;
  1876. public static UInt32 r_stereo3DAvailable = 0x1CBDFA0 + 0x18;
  1877. public static UInt32 r_stereo3DEyeSeparation = 0x1CBE0C0 + 0x18;
  1878. public static UInt32 r_stereo3DEyeSeparationScaler = 0x1CBE120 + 0x18;
  1879. public static UInt32 r_stereo3DMode = 0x1CBE060 + 0x18;
  1880. public static UInt32 r_stereo3DOn = 0x1CBE000 + 0x18;
  1881. public static UInt32 r_stereoFocusDepth = 0x1CBE180 + 0x18;
  1882. public static UInt32 r_stereoGunShift = 0x1CBE1E0 + 0x18;
  1883. public static UInt32 r_stereoTurretShift = 0x1CBE240 + 0x18;
  1884. public static UInt32 r_stream = 0x1CBDBE0 + 0x18;
  1885. public static UInt32 r_streamClear = 0x1CBDC40 + 0x18;
  1886. public static UInt32 r_streamFakeLagMsec = 0x1CBDD00 + 0x18;
  1887. public static UInt32 r_streamFreezeState = 0x1CBDE80 + 0x18;
  1888. public static UInt32 r_streamHiddenPush = 0x1CBDEE0 + 0x18;
  1889. public static UInt32 r_streamLowDetail = 0x1CBDF40 + 0x18;
  1890. public static UInt32 r_streamPaint = 0x1CBDE20 + 0x18;
  1891. public static UInt32 r_streamProfile = 0x1CBDCA0 + 0x18;
  1892. public static UInt32 r_streamShowList = 0x1CBDD60 + 0x18;
  1893. public static UInt32 r_streamSize = 0x1CBDDC0 + 0x18;
  1894. public static UInt32 r_sun_from_dvars = 0x1CC1600 + 0x18;
  1895. public static UInt32 r_sun_fx_position = 0x1CBB120 + 0x18;
  1896. public static UInt32 r_sunblind_fadein = 0x1CBAE80 + 0x18;
  1897. public static UInt32 r_sunblind_fadeout = 0x1CBAEE0 + 0x18;
  1898. public static UInt32 r_sunblind_max_angle = 0x1CBADC0 + 0x18;
  1899. public static UInt32 r_sunblind_max_darken = 0x1CBAE20 + 0x18;
  1900. public static UInt32 r_sunblind_min_angle = 0x1CBAD60 + 0x18;
  1901. public static UInt32 r_sunflare_fadein = 0x1CBACA0 + 0x18;
  1902. public static UInt32 r_sunflare_fadeout = 0x1CBAD00 + 0x18;
  1903. public static UInt32 r_sunflare_max_alpha = 0x1CBAC40 + 0x18;
  1904. public static UInt32 r_sunflare_max_angle = 0x1CBABE0 + 0x18;
  1905. public static UInt32 r_sunflare_max_size = 0x1CBAB80 + 0x18;
  1906. public static UInt32 r_sunflare_min_angle = 0x1CBAB20 + 0x18;
  1907. public static UInt32 r_sunflare_min_size = 0x1CBAAC0 + 0x18;
  1908. public static UInt32 r_sunflare_shader = 0x1CBAA60 + 0x18;
  1909. public static UInt32 r_sunFlareTint = 0x1CBF560 + 0x18;
  1910. public static UInt32 r_sunglare_fadein = 0x1CBB060 + 0x18;
  1911. public static UInt32 r_sunglare_fadeout = 0x1CBB0C0 + 0x18;
  1912. public static UInt32 r_sunglare_max_angle = 0x1CBAFA0 + 0x18;
  1913. public static UInt32 r_sunglare_max_lighten = 0x1CBB000 + 0x18;
  1914. public static UInt32 r_sunglare_min_angle = 0x1CBAF40 + 0x18;
  1915. public static UInt32 r_sunsprite_shader = 0x1CBA9A0 + 0x18;
  1916. public static UInt32 r_sunsprite_size = 0x1CBAA00 + 0x18;
  1917. public static UInt32 r_superflare_drawlist = 0x1CC1660 + 0x18;
  1918. public static UInt32 r_superFlareDraw = 0x1CBF5C0 + 0x18;
  1919. public static UInt32 r_swrk_override_characterCharredAmount = 0x1CC1E40 + 0x18;
  1920. public static UInt32 r_swrk_override_characterDissolveColor = 0x1CC1EA0 + 0x18;
  1921. public static UInt32 r_swrk_override_wetness = 0x1CC1F00 + 0x18;
  1922. public static UInt32 r_tension_enable = 0x1CC2200 + 0x18;
  1923. public static UInt32 r_texFilterAnisoMax = 0x1CBB420 + 0x18;
  1924. public static UInt32 r_texMipFading = 0x1CBB480 + 0x18;
  1925. public static UInt32 r_textureMode = 0x1CDC4E0 + 0x18;
  1926. public static UInt32 r_ui3d_debug_display = 0x1CC2260 + 0x18;
  1927. public static UInt32 r_ui3d_h = 0x1CC2440 + 0x18;
  1928. public static UInt32 r_ui3d_use_debug_values = 0x1CC22C0 + 0x18;
  1929. public static UInt32 r_ui3d_w = 0x1CC23E0 + 0x18;
  1930. public static UInt32 r_ui3d_x = 0x1CC2320 + 0x18;
  1931. public static UInt32 r_ui3d_y = 0x1CC2380 + 0x18;
  1932. public static UInt32 r_vc_compile = 0x1CC2B00 + 0x18;
  1933. public static UInt32 r_verifyStencilInUse = 0x1CBFEC0 + 0x18;
  1934. public static UInt32 r_viewportBackingColor = 0x1CBC680 + 0x18;
  1935. public static UInt32 r_vsync = 0x1CBC500 + 0x18;
  1936. public static UInt32 r_vsyncThreshold = 0x1CBC560 + 0x18;
  1937. public static UInt32 r_waterFogTest = 0x1CBE720 + 0x18;
  1938. public static UInt32 r_waterSheetingFX_allowed = 0x1CC00A0 + 0x18;
  1939. public static UInt32 r_waterSheetingFX_distortionScaleFactor = 0x1CC0160 + 0x18;
  1940. public static UInt32 r_waterSheetingFX_enable = 0x1CC0100 + 0x18;
  1941. public static UInt32 r_waterSheetingFX_magnitude = 0x1CC01C0 + 0x18;
  1942. public static UInt32 r_waterSheetingFX_radius = 0x1CC0220 + 0x18;
  1943. public static UInt32 r_watersim_enabled = 0x1CDD140 + 0x18;
  1944. public static UInt32 r_waterWaveAmplitude = 0x1CBF6E0 + 0x18;
  1945. public static UInt32 r_waterWaveAngle = 0x1CBF620 + 0x18;
  1946. public static UInt32 r_waterWaveBase = 0x1CBF860 + 0x18;
  1947. public static UInt32 r_waterWaveNormalScale = 0x1CBF8C0 + 0x18;
  1948. public static UInt32 r_waterWavePhase = 0x1CBF740 + 0x18;
  1949. public static UInt32 r_waterWaveScriptShader0 = 0x1CBF920 + 0x18;
  1950. public static UInt32 r_waterWaveScriptShader1 = 0x1CBF980 + 0x18;
  1951. public static UInt32 r_waterWaveSpeed = 0x1CBF800 + 0x18;
  1952. public static UInt32 r_waterWaveSteepness = 0x1CBF7A0 + 0x18;
  1953. public static UInt32 r_waterWaveWavelength = 0x1CBF680 + 0x18;
  1954. public static UInt32 r_zbufferDebug = 0x1CC0A60 + 0x18;
  1955. public static UInt32 r_zbufferDebugRange = 0x1CC0AC0 + 0x18;
  1956. public static UInt32 r_zebrastripe = 0x1CBB660 + 0x18;
  1957. public static UInt32 r_zfar = 0x1CBB9C0 + 0x18;
  1958. public static UInt32 r_znear = 0x1CBB960 + 0x18;
  1959. public static UInt32 r_zombieDarkness = 0x1CBEF00 + 0x18;
  1960. public static UInt32 r_zombieDisableEarthEffect = 0x1CBD8E0 + 0x18;
  1961. public static UInt32 r_zombieDisableSlideEffect = 0x1CBD880 + 0x18;
  1962. public static UInt32 r_zombieNameAllowDevList = 0x1CBD9A0 + 0x18;
  1963. public static UInt32 r_zombieNameAllowFriendsList = 0x1CBD940 + 0x18;
  1964. public static UInt32 radius_damage_debug = 0x1CA7CE0 + 0x18;
  1965. public static UInt32 ragdoll_baselerp_time = 0x1CD0DE0 + 0x18;
  1966. public static UInt32 ragdoll_bullet_force = 0x1CD0D20 + 0x18;
  1967. public static UInt32 ragdoll_bullet_upbias = 0x1CD0D80 + 0x18;
  1968. public static UInt32 ragdoll_debug = 0x1CD0B40 + 0x18;
  1969. public static UInt32 ragdoll_explode_force = 0x1CD0C60 + 0x18;
  1970. public static UInt32 ragdoll_explode_upbias = 0x1CD0CC0 + 0x18;
  1971. public static UInt32 ragdoll_fps = 0x1CD0BA0 + 0x18;
  1972. public static UInt32 ragdoll_jitter_scale = 0x1CD0F00 + 0x18;
  1973. public static UInt32 ragdoll_jointlerp_time = 0x1CD0E40 + 0x18;
  1974. public static UInt32 ragdoll_max_life = 0x1CD0C00 + 0x18;
  1975. public static UInt32 ragdoll_reactivation_cutoff = 0x1CD0FC0 + 0x18;
  1976. public static UInt32 ragdoll_rotvel_scale = 0x1CD0EA0 + 0x18;
  1977. public static UInt32 ragdoll_self_collision_scale = 0x1CD0F60 + 0x18;
  1978. public static UInt32 rate = 0x1CB6A40 + 0x18;
  1979. public static UInt32 recordPointsSpent = 0x1CD8340 + 0x18;
  1980. public static UInt32 redactionDisplayTime = 0x1CCAA20 + 0x18;
  1981. public static UInt32 redactionFadeDuration = 0x1CCAA80 + 0x18;
  1982. public static UInt32 redactionStartStrokeTime = 0x1CCAAE0 + 0x18;
  1983. public static UInt32 redactionStrokeTime = 0x1CCAB40 + 0x18;
  1984. public static UInt32 reliableResendTime = 0x1CE04A0 + 0x18;
  1985. public static UInt32 reliableTimeoutTime = 0x1CE0500 + 0x18;
  1986. public static UInt32 reportUserInterval = 0x1CDBC40 + 0x18;
  1987. public static UInt32 restore_gump_name = 0x1CC2CE0 + 0x18;
  1988. public static UInt32 revive_time_taken = 0x1CAD080 + 0x18;
  1989. public static UInt32 riotshield_assist_time = 0x1CB2600 + 0x18;
  1990. public static UInt32 riotshield_bullet_damage_scale = 0x1CB22A0 + 0x18;
  1991. public static UInt32 riotshield_damage_score_max = 0x1CB26C0 + 0x18;
  1992. public static UInt32 riotshield_damage_score_threshold = 0x1CB2660 + 0x18;
  1993. public static UInt32 riotshield_deploy_limit_radius = 0x1CB2240 + 0x18;
  1994. public static UInt32 riotshield_deploy_pitch_max = 0x1CB24E0 + 0x18;
  1995. public static UInt32 riotshield_deploy_roll_max = 0x1CB2540 + 0x18;
  1996. public static UInt32 riotshield_deploy_zdiff_max = 0x1CB25A0 + 0x18;
  1997. public static UInt32 riotshield_deployed_health = 0x1CB2420 + 0x18;
  1998. public static UInt32 riotshield_destroyed_cleanup_time = 0x1CB2480 + 0x18;
  1999. public static UInt32 riotshield_explosive_damage_scale = 0x1CB2300 + 0x18;
  2000. public static UInt32 riotshield_melee_damage_scale = 0x1CB2360 + 0x18;
  2001. public static UInt32 riotshield_projectile_damage_scale = 0x1CB23C0 + 0x18;
  2002. public static UInt32 safeArea_horizontal = 0x1CC30A0 + 0x18;
  2003. public static UInt32 safeArea_vertical = 0x1CC3100 + 0x18;
  2004. public static UInt32 saved_gameskill = 0x1CB8CC0 + 0x18;
  2005. public static UInt32 scr_ai_tank_no_timeout = 0x1CE7B20 + 0x18;
  2006. public static UInt32 scr_allies = 0x1CB8D80 + 0x18;
  2007. public static UInt32 scr_allow_killstreak_building = 0x1CE7AC0 + 0x18;
  2008. public static UInt32 scr_attack_dog_count_zm = 0x1CE30E0 + 0x18;
  2009. public static UInt32 scr_attack_dog_health_zm = 0x1CE3080 + 0x18;
  2010. public static UInt32 scr_attack_dog_kills_zm = 0x1CE3020 + 0x18;
  2011. public static UInt32 scr_attack_dog_max_at_once_zm = 0x1CE3140 + 0x18;
  2012. public static UInt32 scr_attack_dog_time_zm = 0x1CE2FC0 + 0x18;
  2013. public static UInt32 scr_axis = 0x1CB8DE0 + 0x18;
  2014. public static UInt32 scr_bomb_explode_delay = 0x1CE68C0 + 0x18;
  2015. public static UInt32 scr_cam_move_time = 0x1CE6860 + 0x18;
  2016. public static UInt32 scr_codpointsmatchscale = 0x1CDD860 + 0x18;
  2017. public static UInt32 scr_codpointsperchallenge = 0x1CDD8C0 + 0x18;
  2018. public static UInt32 scr_codpointsxpscale = 0x1CDD800 + 0x18;
  2019. public static UInt32 scr_custom_score_assist = 0x1CDC960 + 0x18;
  2020. public static UInt32 scr_deleteexplosivesonspawn = 0x1CE6EC0 + 0x18;
  2021. public static UInt32 scr_dial_rotate_time = 0x1CEB4E0 + 0x18;
  2022. public static UInt32 scr_disable_air_death_ragdoll = 0x1CDC900 + 0x18;
  2023. public static UInt32 scr_disable_cac = 0x1CE2C00 + 0x18;
  2024. public static UInt32 scr_disable_weapondrop = 0x1CE2C60 + 0x18;
  2025. public static UInt32 scr_disableChallenges = 0x1CDDA40 + 0x18;
  2026. public static UInt32 scr_disableSetDStat = 0x1CDDB00 + 0x18;
  2027. public static UInt32 scr_disableStatTracking = 0x1CDDAA0 + 0x18;
  2028. public static UInt32 scr_dm_friendlyFireDelayTime = 0x1CE3C80 + 0x18;
  2029. public static UInt32 scr_dynamic_source_loading = 0x1CB06E0 + 0x18;
  2030. public static UInt32 scr_env_destroy_delay = 0x1CE6920 + 0x18;
  2031. public static UInt32 scr_game_arcadescoring = 0x1CE3260 + 0x18;
  2032. public static UInt32 scr_game_bulletdamage = 0x1CDD1A0 + 0x18;
  2033. public static UInt32 scr_game_difficulty = 0x1CE32C0 + 0x18;
  2034. public static UInt32 scr_game_medalsenabled = 0x1CE8BA0 + 0x18;
  2035. public static UInt32 scr_game_pinups = 0x1CE3320 + 0x18;
  2036. public static UInt32 scr_game_rankenabled = 0x1CE8B40 + 0x18;
  2037. public static UInt32 scr_gunxpscale = 0x1CDD740 + 0x18;
  2038. public static UInt32 scr_hardcore = 0x1CE1EE0 + 0x18;
  2039. public static UInt32 scr_hardpoint_allowauto_turret = 0x1CE38C0 + 0x18;
  2040. public static UInt32 scr_hardpoint_allowcounteruav = 0x1CE37A0 + 0x18;
  2041. public static UInt32 scr_hardpoint_allowdogs = 0x1CDCA20 + 0x18;
  2042. public static UInt32 scr_hardpoint_allowhelicopter_comlink = 0x1CE3800 + 0x18;
  2043. public static UInt32 scr_hardpoint_allowradar = 0x1CE36E0 + 0x18;
  2044. public static UInt32 scr_hardpoint_allowradardirection = 0x1CE3740 + 0x18;
  2045. public static UInt32 scr_hardpoint_allowrcbomb = 0x1CE3860 + 0x18;
  2046. public static UInt32 scr_hardpoint_allowuav = 0x1CDC9C0 + 0x18;
  2047. public static UInt32 scr_HeldKillstreak_Penalty = 0x1CE88A0 + 0x18;
  2048. public static UInt32 scr_heli_armor = 0x1CE7C40 + 0x18;
  2049. public static UInt32 scr_heli_armor_bulletdamage = 0x1CE8480 + 0x18;
  2050. public static UInt32 scr_heli_armored_maxhealth = 0x1CE7D00 + 0x18;
  2051. public static UInt32 scr_heli_attract_range = 0x1CE8540 + 0x18;
  2052. public static UInt32 scr_heli_attract_strength = 0x1CE84E0 + 0x18;
  2053. public static UInt32 scr_heli_debug = 0x1CE7E20 + 0x18;
  2054. public static UInt32 scr_heli_debug_crash = 0x1CE7E80 + 0x18;
  2055. public static UInt32 scr_heli_dest_wait = 0x1CE7DC0 + 0x18;
  2056. public static UInt32 scr_heli_guard_debug = 0x1CE8840 + 0x18;
  2057. public static UInt32 scr_heli_guard_no_timeout = 0x1CE87E0 + 0x18;
  2058. public static UInt32 scr_heli_health_degrade = 0x1CE80C0 + 0x18;
  2059. public static UInt32 scr_heli_loopmax = 0x1CE7B80 + 0x18;
  2060. public static UInt32 scr_heli_maxhealth = 0x1CE7CA0 + 0x18;
  2061. public static UInt32 scr_heli_missile_friendlycare = 0x1CE8360 + 0x18;
  2062. public static UInt32 scr_heli_missile_max = 0x1CE7D60 + 0x18;
  2063. public static UInt32 scr_heli_missile_range = 0x1CE8060 + 0x18;
  2064. public static UInt32 scr_heli_missile_regen_time = 0x1CE8240 + 0x18;
  2065. public static UInt32 scr_heli_missile_reload_time = 0x1CE8720 + 0x18;
  2066. public static UInt32 scr_heli_missile_rof = 0x1CE7BE0 + 0x18;
  2067. public static UInt32 scr_heli_missile_target_cone = 0x1CE83C0 + 0x18;
  2068. public static UInt32 scr_heli_missile_valid_target_cone = 0x1CE8420 + 0x18;
  2069. public static UInt32 scr_heli_protect_pos_time = 0x1CE8660 + 0x18;
  2070. public static UInt32 scr_heli_protect_radius = 0x1CE86C0 + 0x18;
  2071. public static UInt32 scr_heli_protect_time = 0x1CE8600 + 0x18;
  2072. public static UInt32 scr_heli_target_recognition = 0x1CE8300 + 0x18;
  2073. public static UInt32 scr_heli_target_spawnprotection = 0x1CE81E0 + 0x18;
  2074. public static UInt32 scr_heli_targeting_delay = 0x1CE7EE0 + 0x18;
  2075. public static UInt32 scr_heli_turret_angle_tan = 0x1CE8120 + 0x18;
  2076. public static UInt32 scr_heli_turret_spinup_delay = 0x1CE82A0 + 0x18;
  2077. public static UInt32 scr_heli_turret_target_cone = 0x1CE8180 + 0x18;
  2078. public static UInt32 scr_heli_turretClipSize = 0x1CE7FA0 + 0x18;
  2079. public static UInt32 scr_heli_turretReloadTime = 0x1CE7F40 + 0x18;
  2080. public static UInt32 scr_heli_visual_range = 0x1CE8000 + 0x18;
  2081. public static UInt32 scr_heli_warning_distance = 0x1CE8780 + 0x18;
  2082. public static UInt32 scr_helicopterTurretMaxAngle = 0x1CE85A0 + 0x18;
  2083. public static UInt32 scr_hostmigrationtest = 0x1CB88A0 + 0x18;
  2084. public static UInt32 scr_killcam = 0x1CB8A20 + 0x18;
  2085. public static UInt32 scr_mapsize = 0x1CE6C20 + 0x18;
  2086. public static UInt32 scr_max_rank = 0x1CE2F60 + 0x18;
  2087. public static UInt32 scr_min_prestige = 0x1CDCD80 + 0x18;
  2088. public static UInt32 scr_missile_swarm_lifetime = 0x1CE8900 + 0x18;
  2089. public static UInt32 scr_motd = 0x1CE6AA0 + 0x18;
  2090. public static UInt32 scr_numLives = 0x1CB8A80 + 0x18;
  2091. public static UInt32 scr_oldschool = 0x1CE2F00 + 0x18;
  2092. public static UInt32 scr_player_allowrevive = 0x1CE3380 + 0x18;
  2093. public static UInt32 scr_player_sprinttime = 0x1CB0680 + 0x18;
  2094. public static UInt32 scr_proximityGrenadeActivationTime = 0x1CE7280 + 0x18;
  2095. public static UInt32 scr_proximityGrenadeDamageRadius = 0x1CE6FE0 + 0x18;
  2096. public static UInt32 scr_proximityGrenadeDetectionRadius = 0x1CE6F20 + 0x18;
  2097. public static UInt32 scr_proximityGrenadeDOTDamageAmount = 0x1CE7040 + 0x18;
  2098. public static UInt32 scr_proximityGrenadeDOTDamageAmountHardcore = 0x1CE70A0 + 0x18;
  2099. public static UInt32 scr_proximityGrenadeDOTDamageInstances = 0x1CE7160 + 0x18;
  2100. public static UInt32 scr_proximityGrenadeDOTDamageTime = 0x1CE7100 + 0x18;
  2101. public static UInt32 scr_proximityGrenadeEffectDebug = 0x1CE7220 + 0x18;
  2102. public static UInt32 scr_proximityGrenadeGracePeriod = 0x1CE6F80 + 0x18;
  2103. public static UInt32 scr_proximityGrenadeMaxInstances = 0x1CE71C0 + 0x18;
  2104. public static UInt32 scr_qrdrone_no_timeout = 0x1CE8A80 + 0x18;
  2105. public static UInt32 scr_rampagebonusscale = 0x1CDD9E0 + 0x18;
  2106. public static UInt32 scr_rankXpCap = 0x1CDD7A0 + 0x18;
  2107. public static UInt32 scr_rcbomb_car_size = 0x1CE8960 + 0x18;
  2108. public static UInt32 scr_rcbomb_notimeout = 0x1CE89C0 + 0x18;
  2109. public static UInt32 scr_remote_mortar_lifetime = 0x1CE8A20 + 0x18;
  2110. public static UInt32 scr_RequiredMapAspectratio = 0x1CE3CE0 + 0x18;
  2111. public static UInt32 scr_scorestreaks = 0x1CDD920 + 0x18;
  2112. public static UInt32 scr_scorestreaks_maxstacking = 0x1CDD980 + 0x18;
  2113. public static UInt32 scr_script_based_influencer_system = 0x1CE3D40 + 0x18;
  2114. public static UInt32 scr_selecting_location = 0x1CEB540 + 0x18;
  2115. public static UInt32 scr_showperksonspawn = 0x1CDD620 + 0x18;
  2116. public static UInt32 scr_sideBetTimer = 0x1CDCE40 + 0x18;
  2117. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_aitank_influencer_radius = 0x1CE5120 + 0x18;
  2118. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_aitank_influencer_score = 0x1CE5060 + 0x18;
  2119. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_aitank_influencer_score_curve = 0x1CE50C0 + 0x18;
  2120. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_artillery_influencer_radius = 0x1CE4580 + 0x18;
  2121. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_artillery_influencer_score = 0x1CE44C0 + 0x18;
  2122. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_artillery_influencer_score_curve = 0x1CE4520 + 0x18;
  2123. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_auto_turret_influencer_close_radius = 0x1CE4C40 + 0x18;
  2124. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_auto_turret_influencer_close_score = 0x1CE4B80 + 0x18;
  2125. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_auto_turret_influencer_close_score_curve = 0x1CE4BE0 + 0x18;
  2126. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_auto_turret_influencer_radius = 0x1CE4B20 + 0x18;
  2127. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_auto_turret_influencer_score = 0x1CE4A60 + 0x18;
  2128. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_auto_turret_influencer_score_curve = 0x1CE4AC0 + 0x18;
  2129. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_claymore_influencer_radius = 0x1CE48E0 + 0x18;
  2130. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_claymore_influencer_score = 0x1CE4820 + 0x18;
  2131. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_claymore_influencer_score_curve = 0x1CE4880 + 0x18;
  2132. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_dead_friend_influencer_count = 0x1CE4100 + 0x18;
  2133. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_dead_friend_influencer_radius = 0x1CE4220 + 0x18;
  2134. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_dead_friend_influencer_score = 0x1CE4160 + 0x18;
  2135. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_dead_friend_influencer_score_curve = 0x1CE41C0 + 0x18;
  2136. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_dead_friend_influencer_timeout_seconds = 0x1CE40A0 + 0x18;
  2137. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_dog_influencer_radius = 0x1CE4460 + 0x18;
  2138. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_dog_influencer_score = 0x1CE43A0 + 0x18;
  2139. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_dog_influencer_score_curve = 0x1CE4400 + 0x18;
  2140. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_enemy_influencer_radius = 0x1CE4040 + 0x18;
  2141. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_enemy_influencer_score = 0x1CE3F80 + 0x18;
  2142. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_enemy_influencer_score_curve = 0x1CE3FE0 + 0x18;
  2143. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_enemy_spawned_influencer_radius = 0x1CE5240 + 0x18;
  2144. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_enemy_spawned_influencer_score = 0x1CE51E0 + 0x18;
  2145. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_enemy_spawned_influencer_score_curve = 0x1CE5180 + 0x18;
  2146. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_enemy_spawned_influencer_timeout_seconds = 0x1CE52A0 + 0x18;
  2147. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_enemyavoiddist = 0x1CE72E0 + 0x18;
  2148. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_enemyavoidweight = 0x1CE7340 + 0x18;
  2149. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_force_unified = 0x1CEB480 + 0x18;
  2150. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_friend_weak_influencer_radius = 0x1CE3F20 + 0x18;
  2151. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_friend_weak_influencer_score = 0x1CE3E60 + 0x18;
  2152. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_friend_weak_influencer_score_curve = 0x1CE3EC0 + 0x18;
  2153. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_grenade_endpoint_influencer_radius = 0x1CE47C0 + 0x18;
  2154. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_grenade_endpoint_influencer_score = 0x1CE4700 + 0x18;
  2155. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_grenade_endpoint_influencer_score_curve = 0x1CE4760 + 0x18;
  2156. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_grenade_influencer_radius = 0x1CE46A0 + 0x18;
  2157. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_grenade_influencer_score = 0x1CE45E0 + 0x18;
  2158. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_grenade_influencer_score_curve = 0x1CE4640 + 0x18;
  2159. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_helicopter_influencer_length = 0x1CE5420 + 0x18;
  2160. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_helicopter_influencer_radius = 0x1CE53C0 + 0x18;
  2161. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_helicopter_influencer_score = 0x1CE5300 + 0x18;
  2162. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_helicopter_influencer_score_curve = 0x1CE5360 + 0x18;
  2163. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_napalm_influencer_radius = 0x1CE4A00 + 0x18;
  2164. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_napalm_influencer_score = 0x1CE4940 + 0x18;
  2165. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_napalm_influencer_score_curve = 0x1CE49A0 + 0x18;
  2166. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_objective_facing_bonus = 0x1CE3E00 + 0x18;
  2167. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_pegasus_influencer_radius = 0x1CE56C0 + 0x18;
  2168. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_pegasus_influencer_score = 0x1CE5600 + 0x18;
  2169. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_pegasus_influencer_score_curve = 0x1CE5660 + 0x18;
  2170. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_qrdrone_cylinder_influencer_length = 0x1CE5000 + 0x18;
  2171. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_qrdrone_cylinder_influencer_radius = 0x1CE4FA0 + 0x18;
  2172. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_qrdrone_cylinder_influencer_score = 0x1CE4EE0 + 0x18;
  2173. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_qrdrone_cylinder_influencer_score_curve = 0x1CE4F40 + 0x18;
  2174. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_qrdrone_influencer_radius = 0x1CE4E80 + 0x18;
  2175. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_qrdrone_influencer_score = 0x1CE4DC0 + 0x18;
  2176. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_qrdrone_influencer_score_curve = 0x1CE4E20 + 0x18;
  2177. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_randomness_range = 0x1CE3DA0 + 0x18;
  2178. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_rcbomb_influencer_radius = 0x1CE4D60 + 0x18;
  2179. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_rcbomb_influencer_score = 0x1CE4CA0 + 0x18;
  2180. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_rcbomb_influencer_score_curve = 0x1CE4D00 + 0x18;
  2181. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_tvmissile_influencer_length = 0x1CE55A0 + 0x18;
  2182. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_tvmissile_influencer_radius = 0x1CE5540 + 0x18;
  2183. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_tvmissile_influencer_score = 0x1CE5480 + 0x18;
  2184. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_tvmissile_influencer_score_curve = 0x1CE54E0 + 0x18;
  2185. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_vehicle_influencer_lead_seconds = 0x1CE4340 + 0x18;
  2186. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_vehicle_influencer_score = 0x1CE4280 + 0x18;
  2187. public static UInt32 scr_spawn_vehicle_influencer_score_curve = 0x1CE42E0 + 0x18;
  2188. public static UInt32 scr_team_fftype = 0x1CAB9A0 + 0x18;
  2189. public static UInt32 scr_team_teamkillerplaylistbanpenalty = 0x1CDCAE0 + 0x18;
  2190. public static UInt32 scr_team_teamkillerplaylistbanquantum = 0x1CDCA80 + 0x18;
  2191. public static UInt32 scr_teambalance = 0x1CE6C80 + 0x18;
  2192. public static UInt32 scr_timeplayedcap = 0x1CE6CE0 + 0x18;
  2193. public static UInt32 scr_turret_no_timeout = 0x1CE8AE0 + 0x18;
  2194. public static UInt32 scr_veh_alive_cleanuptimemax = 0x1CE58A0 + 0x18;
  2195. public static UInt32 scr_veh_alive_cleanuptimemin = 0x1CE5840 + 0x18;
  2196. public static UInt32 scr_veh_cleanupabandoned = 0x1CE5BA0 + 0x18;
  2197. public static UInt32 scr_veh_cleanupdebugprint = 0x1CE5720 + 0x18;
  2198. public static UInt32 scr_veh_cleanupdrifted = 0x1CE5C00 + 0x18;
  2199. public static UInt32 scr_veh_cleanupmaxspeedmph = 0x1CE5C60 + 0x18;
  2200. public static UInt32 scr_veh_cleanupmindistancefeet = 0x1CE5CC0 + 0x18;
  2201. public static UInt32 scr_veh_cleanuptime_dmgfactor_deadtread = 0x1CE5A80 + 0x18;
  2202. public static UInt32 scr_veh_cleanuptime_dmgfactor_max = 0x1CE5A20 + 0x18;
  2203. public static UInt32 scr_veh_cleanuptime_dmgfactor_min = 0x1CE59C0 + 0x18;
  2204. public static UInt32 scr_veh_cleanuptime_dmgfraction_curve_begin = 0x1CE5AE0 + 0x18;
  2205. public static UInt32 scr_veh_cleanuptime_dmgfraction_curve_end = 0x1CE5B40 + 0x18;
  2206. public static UInt32 scr_veh_dead_cleanuptimemax = 0x1CE5960 + 0x18;
  2207. public static UInt32 scr_veh_dead_cleanuptimemin = 0x1CE5900 + 0x18;
  2208. public static UInt32 scr_veh_disableoverturndamage = 0x1CE6020 + 0x18;
  2209. public static UInt32 scr_veh_disablerespawn = 0x1CE5FC0 + 0x18;
  2210. public static UInt32 scr_veh_disappear_maxpreventdistancefeet = 0x1CE6560 + 0x18;
  2211. public static UInt32 scr_veh_disappear_maxpreventvisibilityfeet = 0x1CE65C0 + 0x18;
  2212. public static UInt32 scr_veh_disappear_maxwaittime = 0x1CE6500 + 0x18;
  2213. public static UInt32 scr_veh_driversarehidden = 0x1CE5780 + 0x18;
  2214. public static UInt32 scr_veh_driversareinvulnerable = 0x1CE57E0 + 0x18;
  2215. public static UInt32 scr_veh_explode_on_cleanup = 0x1CE64A0 + 0x18;
  2216. public static UInt32 scr_veh_explosion_doradiusdamage = 0x1CE60E0 + 0x18;
  2217. public static UInt32 scr_veh_explosion_husk_forcepointvariance = 0x1CE6320 + 0x18;
  2218. public static UInt32 scr_veh_explosion_husk_horzvelocityvariance = 0x1CE6380 + 0x18;
  2219. public static UInt32 scr_veh_explosion_husk_vertvelocitymax = 0x1CE6440 + 0x18;
  2220. public static UInt32 scr_veh_explosion_husk_vertvelocitymin = 0x1CE63E0 + 0x18;
  2221. public static UInt32 scr_veh_explosion_maxdamage = 0x1CE6200 + 0x18;
  2222. public static UInt32 scr_veh_explosion_mindamage = 0x1CE61A0 + 0x18;
  2223. public static UInt32 scr_veh_explosion_radius = 0x1CE6140 + 0x18;
  2224. public static UInt32 scr_veh_explosion_spawnfx = 0x1CE6080 + 0x18;
  2225. public static UInt32 scr_veh_health_jeep = 0x1CE6680 + 0x18;
  2226. public static UInt32 scr_veh_health_tank = 0x1CE6620 + 0x18;
  2227. public static UInt32 scr_veh_ondeath_createhusk = 0x1CE6260 + 0x18;
  2228. public static UInt32 scr_veh_ondeath_usevehicleashusk = 0x1CE62C0 + 0x18;
  2229. public static UInt32 scr_veh_respawnafterhuskcleanup = 0x1CE5DE0 + 0x18;
  2230. public static UInt32 scr_veh_respawntimemax = 0x1CE5EA0 + 0x18;
  2231. public static UInt32 scr_veh_respawntimemin = 0x1CE5E40 + 0x18;
  2232. public static UInt32 scr_veh_respawnwait_iterationwaitseconds = 0x1CE5F60 + 0x18;
  2233. public static UInt32 scr_veh_respawnwait_maxiterations = 0x1CE5F00 + 0x18;
  2234. public static UInt32 scr_veh_waittillstoppedandmindist_maxtime = 0x1CE5D20 + 0x18;
  2235. public static UInt32 scr_veh_waittillstoppedandmindist_maxtimeenabledistfeet = 0x1CE5D80 + 0x18;
  2236. public static UInt32 scr_vehicle_damage_scalar = 0x1CE3A40 + 0x18;
  2237. public static UInt32 scr_wager_defaultScore = 0x1CDD200 + 0x18;
  2238. public static UInt32 scr_wager_firstPayout = 0x1CDCF00 + 0x18;
  2239. public static UInt32 scr_wager_firstPlayer = 0x1CDD020 + 0x18;
  2240. public static UInt32 scr_wager_secondPayout = 0x1CDCF60 + 0x18;
  2241. public static UInt32 scr_wager_secondPlayer = 0x1CDD080 + 0x18;
  2242. public static UInt32 scr_wager_thirdPayout = 0x1CDCFC0 + 0x18;
  2243. public static UInt32 scr_wager_thirdPlayer = 0x1CDD0E0 + 0x18;
  2244. public static UInt32 scr_wagerBet = 0x1CB8E40 + 0x18;
  2245. public static UInt32 scr_wagerPool = 0x1CDCEA0 + 0x18;
  2246. public static UInt32 scr_wagerSideBet = 0x1CDCDE0 + 0x18;
  2247. public static UInt32 scr_wagerTier = 0x1CB89C0 + 0x18;
  2248. public static UInt32 scr_weapon_allowbetty = 0x1CE35C0 + 0x18;
  2249. public static UInt32 scr_weapon_allowc4 = 0x1CE3500 + 0x18;
  2250. public static UInt32 scr_weapon_allowflash = 0x1CE34A0 + 0x18;
  2251. public static UInt32 scr_weapon_allowfrags = 0x1CE33E0 + 0x18;
  2252. public static UInt32 scr_weapon_allowmines = 0x1CE3680 + 0x18;
  2253. public static UInt32 scr_weapon_allowrpgs = 0x1CE3620 + 0x18;
  2254. public static UInt32 scr_weapon_allowsatchel = 0x1CE3560 + 0x18;
  2255. public static UInt32 scr_weapon_allowsmoke = 0x1CE3440 + 0x18;
  2256. public static UInt32 scr_weaponobject_coneangle = 0x1CE6D40 + 0x18;
  2257. public static UInt32 scr_weaponobject_graceperiod = 0x1CE6E00 + 0x18;
  2258. public static UInt32 scr_weaponobject_mindist = 0x1CE6DA0 + 0x18;
  2259. public static UInt32 scr_weaponobject_radius = 0x1CE6E60 + 0x18;
  2260. public static UInt32 scr_xpscale = 0x1CDCCC0 + 0x18;
  2261. public static UInt32 scr_xpzmscale = 0x1CDCD20 + 0x18;
  2262. public static UInt32 searchSessionDedicatedGeoMin = 0x1CD7B00 + 0x18;
  2263. public static UInt32 searchSessionDedicatedMaxPing = 0x1CD7B60 + 0x18;
  2264. public static UInt32 searchSessionGeo1Weight = 0x1CD7920 + 0x18;
  2265. public static UInt32 searchSessionGeo2Weight = 0x1CD7980 + 0x18;
  2266. public static UInt32 searchSessionGeo3Weight = 0x1CD79E0 + 0x18;
  2267. public static UInt32 searchSessionGeo4Weight = 0x1CD7A40 + 0x18;
  2268. public static UInt32 searchSessionGeoMin = 0x1CD7AA0 + 0x18;
  2269. public static UInt32 searchSessionIsEmpty = 0x1CD7800 + 0x18;
  2270. public static UInt32 searchSessionMapPackFlags = 0x1CD7860 + 0x18;
  2271. public static UInt32 searchSessionNextTaskDelay = 0x1CD77A0 + 0x18;
  2272. public static UInt32 searchSessionSkillWeight = 0x1CD78C0 + 0x18;
  2273. public static UInt32 selectedFriendIndex = 0x1CE14C0 + 0x18;
  2274. public static UInt32 selectedFriendName = 0x1CE1460 + 0x18;
  2275. public static UInt32 selectedGroupIndex = 0x1CE1520 + 0x18;
  2276. public static UInt32 selectedMenuItemIndex = 0x1CE15E0 + 0x18;
  2277. public static UInt32 selectedPlayerXuid = 0x1CE1580 + 0x18;
  2278. public static UInt32 session_nonblocking = 0x1CDAEC0 + 0x18;
  2279. public static UInt32 sessionSearchMaxAttempts = 0x1CD76E0 + 0x18;
  2280. public static UInt32 sessionTaskFailDebug = 0x1CD3060 + 0x18;
  2281. public static UInt32 shieldBlastDamageProtection_120 = 0x1CB27E0 + 0x18;
  2282. public static UInt32 shieldBlastDamageProtection_180 = 0x1CB2840 + 0x18;
  2283. public static UInt32 shieldBlastDamageProtection_30 = 0x1CB2720 + 0x18;
  2284. public static UInt32 shieldBlastDamageProtection_60 = 0x1CB2780 + 0x18;
  2285. public static UInt32 shieldDeployShakeDuration = 0x1CB21E0 + 0x18;
  2286. public static UInt32 shieldDeployShakeScale = 0x1CB2180 + 0x18;
  2287. public static UInt32 shieldImpactBulletShakeDuration = 0x1CB1E80 + 0x18;
  2288. public static UInt32 shieldImpactBulletShakeScale = 0x1CB1E20 + 0x18;
  2289. public static UInt32 shieldImpactExplosionHighShakeDuration = 0x1CB20C0 + 0x18;
  2290. public static UInt32 shieldImpactExplosionHighShakeScale = 0x1CB2060 + 0x18;
  2291. public static UInt32 shieldImpactExplosionLowShakeDuration = 0x1CB2000 + 0x18;
  2292. public static UInt32 shieldImpactExplosionLowShakeScale = 0x1CB1FA0 + 0x18;
  2293. public static UInt32 shieldImpactExplosionThreshold = 0x1CB2120 + 0x18;
  2294. public static UInt32 shieldImpactMissileShakeDuration = 0x1CB1F40 + 0x18;
  2295. public static UInt32 shieldImpactMissileShakeScale = 0x1CB1EE0 + 0x18;
  2296. public static UInt32 shieldPlayerBulletProtectionDegrees = 0x1CB28A0 + 0x18;
  2297. public static UInt32 shortversion = 0x1CDDBC0 + 0x18;
  2298. public static UInt32 shoutcastHighlightedClient = 0x1CCAC00 + 0x18;
  2299. public static UInt32 shoutcastSelectedClient = 0x1CCABA0 + 0x18;
  2300. public static UInt32 showMapErrors = 0x1CB8240 + 0x18;
  2301. public static UInt32 showVisionSetDebugInfo = 0x1CCB500 + 0x18;
  2302. public static UInt32 sidebet_made = 0x1CE2BA0 + 0x18;
  2303. public static UInt32 skill_scoreBeta = 0x1CD81C0 + 0x18;
  2304. public static UInt32 skill_scoreRange = 0x1CD8280 + 0x18;
  2305. public static UInt32 skill_teamBeta = 0x1CD8220 + 0x18;
  2306. public static UInt32 skill_teamRange = 0x1CD82E0 + 0x18;
  2307. public static UInt32 sm_fastSunShadow = 0x1CBDB80 + 0x18;
  2308. public static UInt32 sm_maxLights = 0x1CBD520 + 0x18;
  2309. public static UInt32 sm_spotEnable = 0x1CBD4C0 + 0x18;
  2310. public static UInt32 sm_spotQuality = 0x1CBD460 + 0x18;
  2311. public static UInt32 sm_spotShadowFadeTime = 0x1CBD580 + 0x18;
  2312. public static UInt32 sm_spotShadowLargeRadiusScale = 0x1CBDAC0 + 0x18;
  2313. public static UInt32 sm_strictCull = 0x1CBDB20 + 0x18;
  2314. public static UInt32 sm_sunAlwaysCastsShadow = 0x1CBD5E0 + 0x18;
  2315. public static UInt32 sm_sunEnable = 0x1CBD3A0 + 0x18;
  2316. public static UInt32 sm_sunQuality = 0x1CBD400 + 0x18;
  2317. public static UInt32 sm_sunSampleSizeNear = 0x1CBD640 + 0x18;
  2318. public static UInt32 sm_sunShadowCenter = 0x1CBD6A0 + 0x18;
  2319. public static UInt32 sm_sunShadowScale = 0x1CBD700 + 0x18;
  2320. public static UInt32 sm_sunShadowSmall = 0x1CBD760 + 0x18;
  2321. public static UInt32 sm_sunShadowSmallEnable = 0x1CBD7C0 + 0x18;
  2322. public static UInt32 smpDraw2D = 0x1CC5560 + 0x18;
  2323. public static UInt32 smpGlass = 0x1CEB3C0 + 0x18;
  2324. public static UInt32 snd_autoSim = 0x1CD1080 + 0x18;
  2325. public static UInt32 snd_autosim_window = 0x1CBA400 + 0x18;
  2326. public static UInt32 snd_boat_current_rpm = 0x1CCC820 + 0x18;
  2327. public static UInt32 snd_boat_engine_off = 0x1CCC9A0 + 0x18;
  2328. public static UInt32 snd_boat_lerp_rpm = 0x1CCC940 + 0x18;
  2329. public static UInt32 snd_boat_pitch_high_max = 0x1CCD1E0 + 0x18;
  2330. public static UInt32 snd_boat_pitch_high_min = 0x1CCD180 + 0x18;
  2331. public static UInt32 snd_boat_pitch_idle_max = 0x1CCCFA0 + 0x18;
  2332. public static UInt32 snd_boat_pitch_idle_min = 0x1CCCF40 + 0x18;
  2333. public static UInt32 snd_boat_pitch_low_max = 0x1CCD060 + 0x18;
  2334. public static UInt32 snd_boat_pitch_low_min = 0x1CCD000 + 0x18;
  2335. public static UInt32 snd_boat_pitch_med_max = 0x1CCD120 + 0x18;
  2336. public static UInt32 snd_boat_pitch_med_min = 0x1CCD0C0 + 0x18;
  2337. public static UInt32 snd_boat_rpm_high_fin_end = 0x1CCCEE0 + 0x18;
  2338. public static UInt32 snd_boat_rpm_high_start = 0x1CCCE80 + 0x18;
  2339. public static UInt32 snd_boat_rpm_idle_end = 0x1CCCB20 + 0x18;
  2340. public static UInt32 snd_boat_rpm_idle_fout_start = 0x1CCCAC0 + 0x18;
  2341. public static UInt32 snd_boat_rpm_low_end = 0x1CCCCA0 + 0x18;
  2342. public static UInt32 snd_boat_rpm_low_fin_end = 0x1CCCBE0 + 0x18;
  2343. public static UInt32 snd_boat_rpm_low_fout_start = 0x1CCCC40 + 0x18;
  2344. public static UInt32 snd_boat_rpm_low_start = 0x1CCCB80 + 0x18;
  2345. public static UInt32 snd_boat_rpm_med_end = 0x1CCCE20 + 0x18;
  2346. public static UInt32 snd_boat_rpm_med_fin_end = 0x1CCCD60 + 0x18;
  2347. public static UInt32 snd_boat_rpm_med_fout_start = 0x1CCCDC0 + 0x18;
  2348. public static UInt32 snd_boat_rpm_med_start = 0x1CCCD00 + 0x18;
  2349. public static UInt32 snd_boat_rpm_scalar = 0x1CCC880 + 0x18;
  2350. public static UInt32 snd_boat_using_lerp_rpm = 0x1CCC8E0 + 0x18;
  2351. public static UInt32 snd_boat_water_fast_min = 0x1CCD300 + 0x18;
  2352. public static UInt32 snd_boat_water_idle_max = 0x1CCD2A0 + 0x18;
  2353. public static UInt32 snd_boat_water_pitch_max = 0x1CCD3C0 + 0x18;
  2354. public static UInt32 snd_boat_water_slow_max = 0x1CCD360 + 0x18;
  2355. public static UInt32 snd_boat_water_slow_min = 0x1CCD240 + 0x18;
  2356. public static UInt32 snd_draw3D = 0x1CBA3A0 + 0x18;
  2357. public static UInt32 snd_drawInfo = 0x1CC5860 + 0x18;
  2358. public static UInt32 snd_drawSort = 0x1CC58C0 + 0x18;
  2359. public static UInt32 snd_futz = 0x1CBA640 + 0x18;
  2360. public static UInt32 snd_jetgun_loop_start = 0x1CCD540 + 0x18;
  2361. public static UInt32 snd_jetgun_pitch_end = 0x1CCD600 + 0x18;
  2362. public static UInt32 snd_jetgun_pitch_start = 0x1CCD5A0 + 0x18;
  2363. public static UInt32 snd_max_ram_voice = 0x1CBA460 + 0x18;
  2364. public static UInt32 snd_max_stream_voice = 0x1CBA4C0 + 0x18;
  2365. public static UInt32 snd_minigun_loop_start = 0x1CCD420 + 0x18;
  2366. public static UInt32 snd_minigun_pitch_end = 0x1CCD4E0 + 0x18;
  2367. public static UInt32 snd_minigun_pitch_start = 0x1CCD480 + 0x18;
  2368. public static UInt32 snd_ps3_vol_occlusion_attenuation_dry = 0x1CBA6A0 + 0x18;
  2369. public static UInt32 snd_ps3_vol_occlusion_attenuation_wet = 0x1CBA700 + 0x18;
  2370. public static UInt32 snd_speakerConfiguration = 0x1CBA760 + 0x18;
  2371. public static UInt32 snd_throttle_reduce_vol = 0x1CCCA60 + 0x18;
  2372. public static UInt32 snd_throttle_time_held_down = 0x1CCCA00 + 0x18;
  2373. public static UInt32 snd_trace_master = 0x1CBA520 + 0x18;
  2374. public static UInt32 snd_trace_reverb = 0x1CBA580 + 0x18;
  2375. public static UInt32 snd_trace_voice = 0x1CBA5E0 + 0x18;
  2376. public static UInt32 spawnsystem_allow_culling = 0x1CB4FA0 + 0x18;
  2377. public static UInt32 spawnsystem_allow_non_team_spawns = 0x1CB51E0 + 0x18;
  2378. public static UInt32 spawnsystem_badspawn_aggression_delay = 0x1CB4EE0 + 0x18;
  2379. public static UInt32 spawnsystem_badspawn_damage_delay = 0x1CB4E80 + 0x18;
  2380. public static UInt32 spawnsystem_badspawn_force_record = 0x1CB4F40 + 0x18;
  2381. public static UInt32 spawnsystem_danger_time = 0x1CB5000 + 0x18;
  2382. public static UInt32 spawnsystem_debug = 0x1CB4580 + 0x18;
  2383. public static UInt32 spawnsystem_debug_archive = 0x1CB4A00 + 0x18;
  2384. public static UInt32 spawnsystem_debug_best_points = 0x1CB45E0 + 0x18;
  2385. public static UInt32 spawnsystem_debug_influencer_pulse = 0x1CB47C0 + 0x18;
  2386. public static UInt32 spawnsystem_debug_influencer_types = 0x1CB4760 + 0x18;
  2387. public static UInt32 spawnsystem_debug_influencers = 0x1CB4700 + 0x18;
  2388. public static UInt32 spawnsystem_debug_liveedit = 0x1CB4AC0 + 0x18;
  2389. public static UInt32 spawnsystem_debug_player = 0x1CB4820 + 0x18;
  2390. public static UInt32 spawnsystem_debug_point_weights = 0x1CB46A0 + 0x18;
  2391. public static UInt32 spawnsystem_debug_points = 0x1CB4640 + 0x18;
  2392. public static UInt32 spawnsystem_debug_showclients = 0x1CB4A60 + 0x18;
  2393. public static UInt32 spawnsystem_debug_sideswitched = 0x1CB48E0 + 0x18;
  2394. public static UInt32 spawnsystem_debug_team = 0x1CB4880 + 0x18;
  2395. public static UInt32 spawnsystem_debug_visibility = 0x1CB4940 + 0x18;
  2396. public static UInt32 spawnsystem_debug_visibility_time = 0x1CB49A0 + 0x18;
  2397. public static UInt32 spawnsystem_demo_enable_parsing = 0x1CB52A0 + 0x18;
  2398. public static UInt32 spawnsystem_demo_max_written = 0x1CB5240 + 0x18;
  2399. public static UInt32 spawnsystem_enemy_influencer_stacking = 0x1CB4D00 + 0x18;
  2400. public static UInt32 spawnsystem_enemy_spawned_influencer_stacking = 0x1CB4D60 + 0x18;
  2401. public static UInt32 spawnsystem_friend_influencer_stacking = 0x1CB4CA0 + 0x18;
  2402. public static UInt32 spawnsystem_old_vis_mask = 0x1CB5300 + 0x18;
  2403. public static UInt32 spawnsystem_score_cull_min_points = 0x1CB5180 + 0x18;
  2404. public static UInt32 spawnsystem_score_cull_percent = 0x1CB5120 + 0x18;
  2405. public static UInt32 spawnsystem_score_cull_time_max = 0x1CB5060 + 0x18;
  2406. public static UInt32 spawnsystem_score_cull_time_min = 0x1CB50C0 + 0x18;
  2407. public static UInt32 spawnsystem_sight_check_max_distance = 0x1CB4DC0 + 0x18;
  2408. public static UInt32 spawnsystem_sight_height_offset = 0x1CB4E20 + 0x18;
  2409. public static UInt32 spawnsystem_weapon_influencer_min_length = 0x1CB4BE0 + 0x18;
  2410. public static UInt32 spawnsystem_weapon_influencer_push_through = 0x1CB4B80 + 0x18;
  2411. public static UInt32 spawnsystem_weapon_influencer_sight_check = 0x1CB4B20 + 0x18;
  2412. public static UInt32 spawnsystem_weapon_influencer_update_interval = 0x1CB4C40 + 0x18;
  2413. public static UInt32 splitscreen = 0x1CB6C80 + 0x18;
  2414. public static UInt32 splitscreen_lobbyPlayerCount = 0x1CE16A0 + 0x18;
  2415. public static UInt32 splitscreen_partyPlayerCount = 0x1CE1700 + 0x18;
  2416. public static UInt32 splitscreen_playerCount = 0x1CB6CE0 + 0x18;
  2417. public static UInt32 spmode = 0x1CB7640 + 0x18;
  2418. public static UInt32 stat_version = 0x1CC2FE0 + 0x18;
  2419. public static UInt32 stats_version_check = 0x1CD9900 + 0x18;
  2420. public static UInt32 statsLocationFatal = 0x1CD9D80 + 0x18;
  2421. public static UInt32 stopspeed = 0x1CABB20 + 0x18;
  2422. public static UInt32 storeMapPackMaskToStats = 0x1CD97E0 + 0x18;
  2423. public static UInt32 subsignin = 0x1CDB9A0 + 0x18;
  2424. public static UInt32 sv_assistWorkers = 0x1CDF9C0 + 0x18;
  2425. public static UInt32 sv_bitfieldTracking = 0x1CDF780 + 0x18;
  2426. public static UInt32 sv_cheats = 0x1CA3EA0 + 0x18;
  2427. public static UInt32 sv_clientside = 0x1CDDFE0 + 0x18;
  2428. public static UInt32 sv_clientSideBullets = 0x1CDF120 + 0x18;
  2429. public static UInt32 sv_clientSideVehicles = 0x1CDF180 + 0x18;
  2430. public static UInt32 sv_connectionLogProbability = 0x1CE0320 + 0x18;
  2431. public static UInt32 sv_connectionLogSamplesPerSecond = 0x1CE0380 + 0x18;
  2432. public static UInt32 sv_connectTimeout = 0x1CDF5A0 + 0x18;
  2433. public static UInt32 sv_earlyEndSnapshots = 0x1CDFA80 + 0x18;
  2434. public static UInt32 sv_endGameIfISuck = 0x1CDF000 + 0x18;
  2435. public static UInt32 sv_expensive_bullet_time = 0x1CDF360 + 0x18;
  2436. public static UInt32 sv_externalEventLoop = 0x1CDF960 + 0x18;
  2437. public static UInt32 sv_FakeRemoteClient = 0x1CDF420 + 0x18;
  2438. public static UInt32 sv_fakeServerLoad = 0x1CB77C0 + 0x18;
  2439. public static UInt32 sv_fakeServerLoadRand = 0x1CB7820 + 0x18;
  2440. public static UInt32 sv_floodProtect = 0x1CDF600 + 0x18;
  2441. public static UInt32 sv_forceunranked = 0x1CB7880 + 0x18;
  2442. public static UInt32 sv_hostname = 0x1CDF060 + 0x18;
  2443. public static UInt32 sv_mapRotation = 0x1CDF7E0 + 0x18;
  2444. public static UInt32 sv_mapRotationCurrent = 0x1CDF840 + 0x18;
  2445. public static UInt32 sv_maxclients = 0x1CDCC60 + 0x18;
  2446. public static UInt32 sv_maxPhysExplosionSpheres = 0x1CDFBA0 + 0x18;
  2447. public static UInt32 sv_maxPing = 0x1CDF4E0 + 0x18;
  2448. public static UInt32 sv_minPing = 0x1CDF480 + 0x18;
  2449. public static UInt32 sv_network_fps = 0x1CDF900 + 0x18;
  2450. public static UInt32 sv_network_warning = 0x1CB7D60 + 0x18;
  2451. public static UInt32 sv_networkRateSolution = 0x1CDFAE0 + 0x18;
  2452. public static UInt32 sv_noname = 0x1CDF0C0 + 0x18;
  2453. public static UInt32 sv_onlineHostSnapshotRateThrottled = 0x1CDFC00 + 0x18;
  2454. public static UInt32 sv_paused = 0x1CB7E20 + 0x18;
  2455. public static UInt32 sv_precacheSnapshotsSmp = 0x1CDFA20 + 0x18;
  2456. public static UInt32 sv_privateClients = 0x1CDEF40 + 0x18;
  2457. public static UInt32 sv_privateClientsForClients = 0x1CDEFA0 + 0x18;
  2458. public static UInt32 sv_rateBoostingAllowUnackDeltas = 0x1CDFFC0 + 0x18;
  2459. public static UInt32 sv_rateBoostingDebugForceSuspend = 0x1CDFF60 + 0x18;
  2460. public static UInt32 sv_rateBoostingEnabled = 0x1CDFC60 + 0x18;
  2461. public static UInt32 sv_rateBoostingMaxUploadUsage = 0x1CDFD20 + 0x18;
  2462. public static UInt32 sv_rateBoostingMinUploadScale = 0x1CDFCC0 + 0x18;
  2463. public static UInt32 sv_rateBoostingRecoverTime = 0x1CDFDE0 + 0x18;
  2464. public static UInt32 sv_rateBoostingSuspendBadFramesCPU = 0x1CDFE40 + 0x18;
  2465. public static UInt32 sv_rateBoostingSuspendBadFramesCPUThreshold = 0x1CDFEA0 + 0x18;
  2466. public static UInt32 sv_rateBoostingSuspendBadFramesCPUTimeout = 0x1CDFF00 + 0x18;
  2467. public static UInt32 sv_rateBoostingSuspendedMaxUploadUsage = 0x1CDFD80 + 0x18;
  2468. public static UInt32 sv_reconnectlimit = 0x1CDF720 + 0x18;
  2469. public static UInt32 sv_restrictedTempEnts = 0x1CDFB40 + 0x18;
  2470. public static UInt32 sv_running = 0x1CB7FA0 + 0x18;
  2471. public static UInt32 sv_serverLogClientPings = 0x1CE0020 + 0x18;
  2472. public static UInt32 sv_serverThreadHighPriority = 0x1CDEEE0 + 0x18;
  2473. public static UInt32 sv_timeout = 0x1CDF540 + 0x18;
  2474. public static UInt32 sv_voiceQuality = 0x1CDF660 + 0x18;
  2475. public static UInt32 sv_zombietime = 0x1CDF6C0 + 0x18;
  2476. public static UInt32 systemlink = 0x1CB6AA0 + 0x18;
  2477. public static UInt32 systemUiActive = 0x1CDAF80 + 0x18;
  2478. public static UInt32 teamsplitter_verbose = 0x1CDB4C0 + 0x18;
  2479. public static UInt32 terriblePing = 0x1CD4CE0 + 0x18;
  2480. public static UInt32 TestIntervalJitter = 0x1CD4980 + 0x18;
  2481. public static UInt32 throwback_enabled = 0x1CB6FE0 + 0x18;
  2482. public static UInt32 tickerHeaderWidth = 0x1CE1760 + 0x18;
  2483. public static UInt32 timescale = 0x1CB7BE0 + 0x18;
  2484. public static UInt32 tree_bend = 0x1CB4460 + 0x18;
  2485. public static UInt32 tree_frequency = 0x1CB4520 + 0x18;
  2486. public static UInt32 tree_random = 0x1CB44C0 + 0x18;
  2487. public static UInt32 tu10_demo_oldposInsteadOfMapCenter = 0x1CCFDC0 + 0x18;
  2488. public static UInt32 tu10_demo_skipBuildingDemoSnapshotDuringCinematicPlayback = 0x1CCFD60 + 0x18;
  2489. public static UInt32 tu10_eliteMarketingOptInPopupEnabled = 0x1CA4500 + 0x18;
  2490. public static UInt32 tu10_noProfileWriteSleep = 0x1CB6D40 + 0x18;
  2491. public static UInt32 tu10_signoutDisconnect = 0x1CDBB80 + 0x18;
  2492. public static UInt32 tu10_statsCheckIW6promo = 0x1CE2EA0 + 0x18;
  2493. public static UInt32 tu11_AddMapPackFlagsUserInfo = 0x1CB93E0 + 0x18;
  2494. public static UInt32 tu11_cg_killstreak_target_diamond_when_emped = 0x1CCE2C0 + 0x18;
  2495. public static UInt32 tu11_delayBandwidthTestToAfterDWFetchingDone = 0x1CDBBE0 + 0x18;
  2496. public static UInt32 tu11_demoSendEventOnFailure = 0x1CCFE20 + 0x18;
  2497. public static UInt32 tu11_gateInGameMenusOnInitialPlayersConnectedRespondedTo = 0x1CB6560 + 0x18;
  2498. public static UInt32 tu11_handleLowmipReadErrors = 0x1CDA440 + 0x18;
  2499. public static UInt32 tu11_luiCompleteAnimationFix = 0x1CB7460 + 0x18;
  2500. public static UInt32 tu11_partymigrate_allowPrivatePartyClientsToHost = 0x1CD4A40 + 0x18;
  2501. public static UInt32 tu11_partymigrate_useStdDev = 0x1CD4B00 + 0x18;
  2502. public static UInt32 tu11_partymigrate_WirelessLatencyIncrease = 0x1CD4AA0 + 0x18;
  2503. public static UInt32 tu11_player_keepZVelocity = 0x1CAE1C0 + 0x18;
  2504. public static UInt32 tu11_resetGameModesOnCablePull = 0x1CD3C60 + 0x18;
  2505. public static UInt32 tu11_returnChangedInUpdateClientInfoWhenRemovingAttachModel = 0x1CA4560 + 0x18;
  2506. public static UInt32 tu11_sendVoteToFBEnabled = 0x1CD34E0 + 0x18;
  2507. public static UInt32 tu11_showGeoInfo = 0x1CD3C00 + 0x18;
  2508. public static UInt32 tu11_statsSetConnectionType = 0x1CD9540 + 0x18;
  2509. public static UInt32 tu11_use_animscripted_blends = 0x1CB9440 + 0x18;
  2510. public static UInt32 tu11_useMissileKnockbackHeldWeaponsOnly = 0x1CAAC20 + 0x18;
  2511. public static UInt32 tu11_waitOnContent = 0x1CDA1A0 + 0x18;
  2512. public static UInt32 tu11_waitOnContentTimeout = 0x1CDA200 + 0x18;
  2513. public static UInt32 tu11_zombie_turret_placement_ignores_bodies = 0x1CA91E0 + 0x18;
  2514. public static UInt32 tu12_always_switch_away_from_briefcase = 0x1CCDEA0 + 0x18;
  2515. public static UInt32 tu12_cg_vehicleCamAboveWater = 0x1CCE5C0 + 0x18;
  2516. public static UInt32 tu12_destructible_entity_radius_damage_fix = 0x1CB6200 + 0x18;
  2517. public static UInt32 tu12_mtxLostVoteChecks = 0x1CD8160 + 0x18;
  2518. public static UInt32 tu12_updatePCacheOfAllLocalPlayers = 0x1CD3DE0 + 0x18;
  2519. public static UInt32 tu12_validate_bonus_cards_on_server = 0x1CB9500 + 0x18;
  2520. public static UInt32 tu12_zm_force_center_cg_cursorhint = 0x1CCE6E0 + 0x18;
  2521. public static UInt32 tu12_zm_stack_fire_fix = 0x1CAF3C0 + 0x18;
  2522. public static UInt32 tu12_zm_stop_firing_when_overheated = 0x1CAF360 + 0x18;
  2523. public static UInt32 tu12_zombie_allow_switch_to_detonator_only = 0x1CCDE40 + 0x18;
  2524. public static UInt32 tu12_zombies_allow_hint_weapon_from_script = 0x1CB94A0 + 0x18;
  2525. public static UInt32 tu13_allow_no_player_melee_blood = 0x1CB9560 + 0x18;
  2526. public static UInt32 tu13_bg_enableBulletWeaponBounce = 0x1CAC7E0 + 0x18;
  2527. public static UInt32 tu13_filterdedicatedserverresults = 0x1CD7C20 + 0x18;
  2528. public static UInt32 tu13_recordContentAvailable = 0x1CD36C0 + 0x18;
  2529. public static UInt32 tu13_zm_check_traversal_max_z = 0x1CAF4E0 + 0x18;
  2530. public static UInt32 tu14_aiAllowForceNoCullCheck = 0x1CCE620 + 0x18;
  2531. public static UInt32 tu14_bg_chargeShotExponentialAmmoPerChargeLevel = 0x1CAB280 + 0x18;
  2532. public static UInt32 tu14_demo_enableHeliHeightLockExcludeFromDemo = 0x1CCFE80 + 0x18;
  2533. public static UInt32 tu14_initialize_groundEntityNum = 0x1CB6260 + 0x18;
  2534. public static UInt32 tu14_preventStartingChargeShotWhileFiring = 0x1CAF540 + 0x18;
  2535. public static UInt32 tu14_reloadCustomGameTypesAfterFFOTD = 0x1CD95A0 + 0x18;
  2536. public static UInt32 tu14_resumeLobbyCountdown = 0x1CD4E60 + 0x18;
  2537. public static UInt32 tu15_quadrotorPathingFix = 0x1CB62C0 + 0x18;
  2538. public static UInt32 tu15_zombie_local_player_test_honors_client_server_divide = 0x1CB95C0 + 0x18;
  2539. public static UInt32 tu16_waitOnGhostLBRetrieval = 0x1CDA2C0 + 0x18;
  2540. public static UInt32 tu16_waitOnGhostLBRetrievalTimeout = 0x1CDA260 + 0x18;
  2541. public static UInt32 tu2_delayComErrorForPlaylistRules = 0x1CD7260 + 0x18;
  2542. public static UInt32 tu2_luiHacksDisabled = 0x1CD3A80 + 0x18;
  2543. public static UInt32 tu2_partyCheckRulesAlways = 0x1CE06E0 + 0x18;
  2544. public static UInt32 tu2_partyCheckRulesOnSetup = 0x1CE0740 + 0x18;
  2545. public static UInt32 tu2_stopPartyForPlaylistRules = 0x1CD72C0 + 0x18;
  2546. public static UInt32 tu3_canSetDvars = 0x1CD3A20 + 0x18;
  2547. public static UInt32 tu3_disableDWGuests = 0x1CD39C0 + 0x18;
  2548. public static UInt32 tu3_resetStatsOnFailedValidate = 0x1CD9DE0 + 0x18;
  2549. public static UInt32 tu4_checkStatsCheckSum = 0x1CD9120 + 0x18;
  2550. public static UInt32 tu4_checkXUIDBeforeStatsUpload = 0x1CD9EA0 + 0x18;
  2551. public static UInt32 tu4_copyGamertagOnStatsDownload = 0x1CD9E40 + 0x18;
  2552. public static UInt32 tu4_statsParity = 0x1CD9180 + 0x18;
  2553. public static UInt32 tu4_useRealXUIDForStats = 0x1CD91E0 + 0x18;
  2554. public static UInt32 tu5_check_unique_attachments_enabled = 0x1CB10A0 + 0x18;
  2555. public static UInt32 tu5_uav_ads_fix = 0x1CAF240 + 0x18;
  2556. public static UInt32 tu6_CaCImportVerifyDLCWeapons = 0x1CD7EC0 + 0x18;
  2557. public static UInt32 tu6_cg_destructible_radius_damage_enabled = 0x1CCE260 + 0x18;
  2558. public static UInt32 tu6_checkNonPrimaryXUIDPS3 = 0x1CD9240 + 0x18;
  2559. public static UInt32 tu6_clearFileShareOnSignOut = 0x1CD3B40 + 0x18;
  2560. public static UInt32 tu6_conflictingAttachmentCheck = 0x1CD7DA0 + 0x18;
  2561. public static UInt32 tu6_dynEnt_disable_rb_collision = 0x1CC9AC0 + 0x18;
  2562. public static UInt32 tu6_dynEnt_small_cylinder_dimension = 0x1CC9B20 + 0x18;
  2563. public static UInt32 tu6_dynEnt_small_cylinder_max_avel = 0x1CC9B80 + 0x18;
  2564. public static UInt32 tu6_emblemVoting = 0x1CC3CA0 + 0x18;
  2565. public static UInt32 tu6_enableDLCWeapons = 0x1CD7E60 + 0x18;
  2566. public static UInt32 tu6_execffotdlua = 0x1CD9F00 + 0x18;
  2567. public static UInt32 tu6_hideDLCImages = 0x1CE08C0 + 0x18;
  2568. public static UInt32 tu6_ignoreOtherModesDLC = 0x1CD7380 + 0x18;
  2569. public static UInt32 tu6_ignoreSeasonPass = 0x1CD7320 + 0x18;
  2570. public static UInt32 tu6_marketingOptIn = 0x1CD4440 + 0x18;
  2571. public static UInt32 tu6_perkBonusCardCheck = 0x1CD7D40 + 0x18;
  2572. public static UInt32 tu6_player_jump_blocks_tac_insert = 0x1CAF2A0 + 0x18;
  2573. public static UInt32 tu6_player_shallowWaterHeight = 0x1CAE160 + 0x18;
  2574. public static UInt32 tu6_subSigninTimeout = 0x1CDBA60 + 0x18;
  2575. public static UInt32 tu6_verifyUnusedAttachmentSlotsCheck = 0x1CD7E00 + 0x18;
  2576. public static UInt32 tu6_writeStatsXUIDOnGameStart = 0x1CD92A0 + 0x18;
  2577. public static UInt32 tu7_3rdPersonSpecateFix = 0x1CC3BE0 + 0x18;
  2578. public static UInt32 tu7_additionalGrenadeChecks = 0x1CD7F20 + 0x18;
  2579. public static UInt32 tu7_aim_assist_workaround_enabled = 0x1CE9BC0 + 0x18;
  2580. public static UInt32 tu7_botsCountAsPartyMembers = 0x1CDED60 + 0x18;
  2581. public static UInt32 tu7_cg_deathCamAboveWater = 0x1CCE440 + 0x18;
  2582. public static UInt32 tu7_clampMeleeChargeHorzLaunch = 0x1CAF720 + 0x18;
  2583. public static UInt32 tu7_clampMeleeChargeJumping = 0x1CAF6C0 + 0x18;
  2584. public static UInt32 tu7_clampMeleeChargeJumpingMaxZVel = 0x1CAF780 + 0x18;
  2585. public static UInt32 tu7_fileshareRetry = 0x1CDAB00 + 0x18;
  2586. public static UInt32 tu7_fileshareShowFailure = 0x1CDAB60 + 0x18;
  2587. public static UInt32 tu7_itemOptionLocked = 0x1CD8040 + 0x18;
  2588. public static UInt32 tu7_itemOptionLockedByChallenge = 0x1CD7F80 + 0x18;
  2589. public static UInt32 tu7_itemOptionLockedByChallengeResult = 0x1CD7FE0 + 0x18;
  2590. public static UInt32 tu7_itemOptionLockedResult = 0x1CD80A0 + 0x18;
  2591. public static UInt32 tu7_mapbased_killstreaks_fix = 0x1CAF300 + 0x18;
  2592. public static UInt32 tu7_partyDoublePartyCloseFix = 0x1CD73E0 + 0x18;
  2593. public static UInt32 tu7_restoreBlur = 0x1CB7400 + 0x18;
  2594. public static UInt32 tu7_setGuestStatsFetched = 0x1CD9360 + 0x18;
  2595. public static UInt32 tu7_skipStableStats = 0x1CD9300 + 0x18;
  2596. public static UInt32 tu7_statsCheckGroupMask = 0x1CE2E40 + 0x18;
  2597. public static UInt32 tu7_statsCheckSeasonPass = 0x1CE2DE0 + 0x18;
  2598. public static UInt32 tu7_statsErrorBackup = 0x1CD9FC0 + 0x18;
  2599. public static UInt32 tu7_statsErrorNormal = 0x1CD9F60 + 0x18;
  2600. public static UInt32 tu7_statsErrorOtherPlayer = 0x1CDA080 + 0x18;
  2601. public static UInt32 tu7_statsErrorStable = 0x1CDA020 + 0x18;
  2602. public static UInt32 tu7_ui_multiteam_compass_fix = 0x1CE2120 + 0x18;
  2603. public static UInt32 tu7_verifyStableStats = 0x1CD93C0 + 0x18;
  2604. public static UInt32 tu8_additionalMTXChecks = 0x1CD8100 + 0x18;
  2605. public static UInt32 tu8_cancelMatchStartReturnValue = 0x1CD7440 + 0x18;
  2606. public static UInt32 tu8_defaultClassSetCount = 0x1CDA3E0 + 0x18;
  2607. public static UInt32 tu8_importWithClassSets = 0x1CDBD00 + 0x18;
  2608. public static UInt32 tu8_mtx_enabled = 0x1CDD680 + 0x18;
  2609. public static UInt32 tu8_nullStatsBuffer = 0x1CDA0E0 + 0x18;
  2610. public static UInt32 tu8_purchasedClassSetCount = 0x1CDA380 + 0x18;
  2611. public static UInt32 tu8_resetDWNet = 0x1CDBAC0 + 0x18;
  2612. public static UInt32 tu8_script_mover_workaround = 0x1CD09C0 + 0x18;
  2613. public static UInt32 tu8_storeContentInfoInStats = 0x1CD9420 + 0x18;
  2614. public static UInt32 tu8_trackStatsAccessError = 0x1CDA140 + 0x18;
  2615. public static UInt32 tu8_useClassSets = 0x1CDA320 + 0x18;
  2616. public static UInt32 tu9_checkForValidGameMode = 0x1CD4D40 + 0x18;
  2617. public static UInt32 tu9_clearedMapPackFlagsFix = 0x1CCE560 + 0x18;
  2618. public static UInt32 tu9_deletePresenceSessionInGraveYardFix = 0x1CD7BC0 + 0x18;
  2619. public static UInt32 tu9_ingnoreValidateWeaponOnDeath = 0x1CC7E40 + 0x18;
  2620. public static UInt32 tu9_multipleLogonKick = 0x1CDBB20 + 0x18;
  2621. public static UInt32 tu9_offlinehostdisconnectfix = 0x1CD4E00 + 0x18;
  2622. public static UInt32 tu9_partyErrorOnInGameMigrateFail = 0x1CD74A0 + 0x18;
  2623. public static UInt32 tu9_pmeCACValidate = 0x1CD9480 + 0x18;
  2624. public static UInt32 tu9_projectile_dobj_fix = 0x1CCE500 + 0x18;
  2625. public static UInt32 tu9_rerunPlaylistRulesOnHost = 0x1CD4DA0 + 0x18;
  2626. public static UInt32 tu9_tank_minimap_fix = 0x1CCE4A0 + 0x18;
  2627. public static UInt32 tu9_testMissingContentPacks = 0x1CB9380 + 0x18;
  2628. public static UInt32 tu9_turret_mark_rate = 0x1CCDDE0 + 0x18;
  2629. public static UInt32 tu9_validateStatsOnSignout = 0x1CD94E0 + 0x18;
  2630. public static UInt32 tu_10_matchRatingSampleChance = 0x1CE0BC0 + 0x18;
  2631. public static UInt32 tu_aim_automelee_fix1 = 0x1CEABE0 + 0x18;
  2632. public static UInt32 tu_allowDLCWeaponsByOwnership = 0x1CE24E0 + 0x18;
  2633. public static UInt32 tu_cleanUpTurretOnDisconnect = 0x1CB3E00 + 0x18;
  2634. public static UInt32 tu_deferScriptMissileDetonation = 0x1CB3E60 + 0x18;
  2635. public static UInt32 tu_dontDropKillstreakOnDeath = 0x1CB6020 + 0x18;
  2636. public static UInt32 tu_enforceRechamberOnSwitch = 0x1CB3CE0 + 0x18;
  2637. public static UInt32 tu_isolateDamageFlash = 0x1CB3D40 + 0x18;
  2638. public static UInt32 tu_limitGrenadeImpacts = 0x1CB3DA0 + 0x18;
  2639. public static UInt32 turret_KillstreakTargetTime = 0x1CA90C0 + 0x18;
  2640. public static UInt32 turret_placement_trace_maxs = 0x1CB0D40 + 0x18;
  2641. public static UInt32 turret_placement_trace_mins = 0x1CB0DA0 + 0x18;
  2642. public static UInt32 turret_SentryTargetTime = 0x1CA9120 + 0x18;
  2643. public static UInt32 turret_TargetLeadBias = 0x1CA9180 + 0x18;
  2644. public static UInt32 turretplacement_traceOffset = 0x1CB0FE0 + 0x18;
  2645. public static UInt32 turretplacement_useTraceOffset = 0x1CB0F80 + 0x18;
  2646. public static UInt32 turretPlayerAvoidScale = 0x1CA8460 + 0x18;
  2647. public static UInt32 twEnabled = 0x1CD4560 + 0x18;
  2648. public static UInt32 twFeedSearchEnabled = 0x1CD45C0 + 0x18;
  2649. public static UInt32 twitchEnabled = 0x1CD4620 + 0x18;
  2650. public static UInt32 twitterOfficialSearch = 0x1CD44A0 + 0x18;
  2651. public static UInt32 twTreyarchFeedSearchDelay = 0x1CD4500 + 0x18;
  2652. public static UInt32 typeWriterCod7LetterFXTime = 0x1CCA960 + 0x18;
  2653. public static UInt32 ui_allow_classchange = 0x1CE25A0 + 0x18;
  2654. public static UInt32 ui_allow_controlschange = 0x1CDC780 + 0x18;
  2655. public static UInt32 ui_allow_teamchange = 0x1CE31A0 + 0x18;
  2656. public static UInt32 ui_allowvote = 0x1CE6B60 + 0x18;
  2657. public static UInt32 ui_ammo_stock_width = 0x1CCB320 + 0x18;
  2658. public static UInt32 ui_animSpeedScale = 0x1CE0980 + 0x18;
  2659. public static UInt32 ui_autoContinue = 0x1CB8720 + 0x18;
  2660. public static UInt32 ui_bigFont = 0x1CDC5A0 + 0x18;
  2661. public static UInt32 ui_borderLowLightScale = 0x1CDC720 + 0x18;
  2662. public static UInt32 ui_busyBlockIngameMenu = 0x1CE2900 + 0x18;
  2663. public static UInt32 ui_choice_noaction = 0x1CE1FA0 + 0x18;
  2664. public static UInt32 ui_combatCurrScrollBarPos = 0x1CB8480 + 0x18;
  2665. public static UInt32 ui_contextualMenuLocation = 0x1CD3600 + 0x18;
  2666. public static UInt32 ui_currentMap = 0x1CE0F20 + 0x18;
  2667. public static UInt32 ui_custom_name = 0x1CB6440 + 0x18;
  2668. public static UInt32 ui_customModeDesc = 0x1CE0AA0 + 0x18;
  2669. public static UInt32 ui_customModeEditDesc = 0x1CE0B00 + 0x18;
  2670. public static UInt32 ui_customModeEditName = 0x1CE0A40 + 0x18;
  2671. public static UInt32 ui_customModeName = 0x1CE09E0 + 0x18;
  2672. public static UInt32 ui_deadquote = 0x1CB84E0 + 0x18;
  2673. public static UInt32 ui_demoname = 0x1CE1340 + 0x18;
  2674. public static UInt32 ui_detailedMM = 0x1CD3780 + 0x18;
  2675. public static UInt32 ui_display_aar = 0x1CE2180 + 0x18;
  2676. public static UInt32 ui_drawBuildNumber = 0x1CE1280 + 0x18;
  2677. public static UInt32 ui_drawOldUI = 0x1CE2480 + 0x18;
  2678. public static UInt32 ui_drawSpinnerAfterMovie = 0x1CB87E0 + 0x18;
  2679. public static UInt32 ui_DSPPromotionInterval = 0x1CD33C0 + 0x18;
  2680. public static UInt32 ui_email_address = 0x1CC7600 + 0x18;
  2681. public static UInt32 ui_enableDSPPromotion = 0x1CD3360 + 0x18;
  2682. public static UInt32 ui_enableGhostUpsellPopup = 0x1CD3420 + 0x18;
  2683. public static UInt32 ui_enableSPReminderPopup = 0x1CD3240 + 0x18;
  2684. public static UInt32 ui_errorMessage = 0x1CB8660 + 0x18;
  2685. public static UInt32 ui_errorMessageDebug = 0x1CB86C0 + 0x18;
  2686. public static UInt32 ui_errorTitle = 0x1CB8600 + 0x18;
  2687. public static UInt32 ui_ethernetLinkActive = 0x1CE1BE0 + 0x18;
  2688. public static UInt32 ui_extraBigFont = 0x1CDC600 + 0x18;
  2689. public static UInt32 ui_favorite_message = 0x1CE1D60 + 0x18;
  2690. public static UInt32 ui_favoriteAddress = 0x1CE11C0 + 0x18;
  2691. public static UInt32 ui_favoriteName = 0x1CE1220 + 0x18;
  2692. public static UInt32 ui_friendlyfire = 0x1CE6BC0 + 0x18;
  2693. public static UInt32 ui_friendsListOpen = 0x1CE2A20 + 0x18;
  2694. public static UInt32 ui_fxFontColor = 0x1CE2300 + 0x18;
  2695. public static UInt32 ui_fxFontGlowColor = 0x1CE2360 + 0x18;
  2696. public static UInt32 ui_fxFontOutlineColor = 0x1CE2420 + 0x18;
  2697. public static UInt32 ui_fxFontShadowColor = 0x1CE23C0 + 0x18;
  2698. public static UInt32 ui_gametype = 0x1CB83C0 + 0x18;
  2699. public static UInt32 ui_gametype_text = 0x1CE12E0 + 0x18;
  2700. public static UInt32 ui_generic_status_bar = 0x1CE69E0 + 0x18;
  2701. public static UInt32 ui_ghostUpsellPopupInterval = 0x1CD3480 + 0x18;
  2702. public static UInt32 ui_guncycle = 0x1CE3920 + 0x18;
  2703. public static UInt32 ui_gv_reloadSpeedModifier = 0x1CDD5C0 + 0x18;
  2704. public static UInt32 ui_heatMapColor = 0x1CE2960 + 0x18;
  2705. public static UInt32 ui_heatMapColorForPlayer = 0x1CE29C0 + 0x18;
  2706. public static UInt32 ui_hideLeaderboards = 0x1CDBDC0 + 0x18;
  2707. public static UInt32 ui_hideMiniLeaderboards = 0x1CDBE20 + 0x18;
  2708. public static UInt32 ui_hideminimap = 0x1CE2240 + 0x18;
  2709. public static UInt32 ui_hostname = 0x1CE6A40 + 0x18;
  2710. public static UInt32 ui_hud_hardcore = 0x1CDCB40 + 0x18;
  2711. public static UInt32 ui_hud_obituaries = 0x1CDCBA0 + 0x18;
  2712. public static UInt32 ui_hud_showobjicons = 0x1CDCC00 + 0x18;
  2713. public static UInt32 ui_hud_visible = 0x1CE2600 + 0x18;
  2714. public static UInt32 ui_ignoreMousePos = 0x1CE1160 + 0x18;
  2715. public static UInt32 ui_inGameStoreVisible = 0x1CDB7C0 + 0x18;
  2716. public static UInt32 ui_isClanMember = 0x1CDB5E0 + 0x18;
  2717. public static UInt32 ui_isDLCPopupEnabled = 0x1CD31E0 + 0x18;
  2718. public static UInt32 ui_keyboard_dvar_edit = 0x1CE1E20 + 0x18;
  2719. public static UInt32 ui_keyboard_dvar_new = 0x1CE20C0 + 0x18;
  2720. public static UInt32 ui_keyboardtitle = 0x1CE1DC0 + 0x18;
  2721. public static UInt32 ui_language = 0x1CE0E60 + 0x18;
  2722. public static UInt32 ui_languagechanged = 0x1CE0EC0 + 0x18;
  2723. public static UInt32 ui_lastServerRefresh_0 = 0x1CE0C80 + 0x18;
  2724. public static UInt32 ui_lastServerRefresh_1 = 0x1CE0CE0 + 0x18;
  2725. public static UInt32 ui_lastServerRefresh_2 = 0x1CE0D40 + 0x18;
  2726. public static UInt32 ui_lastServerRefresh_3 = 0x1CE0DA0 + 0x18;
  2727. public static UInt32 ui_lastServerRefresh_4 = 0x1CE0E00 + 0x18;
  2728. public static UInt32 ui_levelEra = 0x1CB8420 + 0x18;
  2729. public static UInt32 ui_listboxIndex = 0x1CE1CA0 + 0x18;
  2730. public static UInt32 ui_load_index = 0x1CE10A0 + 0x18;
  2731. public static UInt32 ui_loadscreenTimeout = 0x1CE2540 + 0x18;
  2732. public static UInt32 ui_lobbypopup = 0x1CE1C40 + 0x18;
  2733. public static UInt32 ui_mapCount = 0x1CB8540 + 0x18;
  2734. public static UInt32 ui_mapname = 0x1CB8360 + 0x18;
  2735. public static UInt32 ui_mapPackChanged = 0x1CE1040 + 0x18;
  2736. public static UInt32 ui_menuLvlNotify = 0x1CE1400 + 0x18;
  2737. public static UInt32 ui_motd = 0x1CE6B00 + 0x18;
  2738. public static UInt32 ui_MOTDScrollRate = 0x1CE1A60 + 0x18;
  2739. public static UInt32 ui_mpTheaterEnabled = 0x1CDC840 + 0x18;
  2740. public static UInt32 ui_mpWagerMatchEnabled = 0x1CDC8A0 + 0x18;
  2741. public static UInt32 ui_mtxid = 0x1CD3660 + 0x18;
  2742. public static UInt32 ui_multiplayer = 0x1CE2B40 + 0x18;
  2743. public static UInt32 ui_netSource = 0x1CE0C20 + 0x18;
  2744. public static UInt32 ui_openStoreForMTX = 0x1CD35A0 + 0x18;
  2745. public static UInt32 ui_options_open = 0x1CDC6C0 + 0x18;
  2746. public static UInt32 ui_party_download_bar_color = 0x1CE26C0 + 0x18;
  2747. public static UInt32 ui_party_download_bar_height = 0x1CE2660 + 0x18;
  2748. public static UInt32 ui_partyFull = 0x1CE1B80 + 0x18;
  2749. public static UInt32 ui_playercardOpen = 0x1CE2AE0 + 0x18;
  2750. public static UInt32 ui_playerListOpen = 0x1CE2A80 + 0x18;
  2751. public static UInt32 ui_playlistPopulationRefreshTime = 0x1CE0B60 + 0x18;
  2752. public static UInt32 ui_preview = 0x1CE0F80 + 0x18;
  2753. public static UInt32 ui_preview_map = 0x1CE0FE0 + 0x18;
  2754. public static UInt32 ui_prevTextEntryBox = 0x1CE1100 + 0x18;
  2755. public static UInt32 ui_readingSaveDevice = 0x1CE22A0 + 0x18;
  2756. public static UInt32 ui_right_ammo_width = 0x1CCB2C0 + 0x18;
  2757. public static UInt32 ui_safearea = 0x1CC3160 + 0x18;
  2758. public static UInt32 ui_scorelimit = 0x1CE3C20 + 0x18;
  2759. public static UInt32 ui_scrollBarWidth = 0x1CA4C20 + 0x18;
  2760. public static UInt32 ui_scrollEmptySpaceHeightPercentage = 0x1CA4BC0 + 0x18;
  2761. public static UInt32 ui_scrollFontScale = 0x1CA4B00 + 0x18;
  2762. public static UInt32 ui_scrollMinUpdateInterval = 0x1CA4B60 + 0x18;
  2763. public static UInt32 ui_scrollMOTDDelay = 0x1CE1AC0 + 0x18;
  2764. public static UInt32 ui_scrollMOTDYOffset = 0x1CE1A00 + 0x18;
  2765. public static UInt32 ui_scrollMOTDYOffsetResetDelay = 0x1CE1B20 + 0x18;
  2766. public static UInt32 ui_scrollSpeed = 0x1CA4AA0 + 0x18;
  2767. public static UInt32 ui_scrollTextDelay = 0x1CE19A0 + 0x18;
  2768. public static UInt32 ui_scrollTextScrollRate = 0x1CE18E0 + 0x18;
  2769. public static UInt32 ui_scrollTextYOffset = 0x1CE1880 + 0x18;
  2770. public static UInt32 ui_scrollTextYOffsetResetDelay = 0x1CE1940 + 0x18;
  2771. public static UInt32 ui_serverStatusTimeOut = 0x1CE13A0 + 0x18;
  2772. public static UInt32 ui_show_autosave_warning = 0x1CB85A0 + 0x18;
  2773. public static UInt32 ui_showBryceMagic = 0x1CE1820 + 0x18;
  2774. public static UInt32 ui_showDLCMaps = 0x1CE17C0 + 0x18;
  2775. public static UInt32 ui_showmap = 0x1CDC7E0 + 0x18;
  2776. public static UInt32 ui_showNewestLeaderboards = 0x1CDBE80 + 0x18;
  2777. public static UInt32 ui_smallFont = 0x1CDC540 + 0x18;
  2778. public static UInt32 ui_specops = 0x1CE21E0 + 0x18;
  2779. public static UInt32 ui_splitscreen = 0x1CE1F40 + 0x18;
  2780. public static UInt32 ui_SPReminderPopupInterval = 0x1CD32A0 + 0x18;
  2781. public static UInt32 ui_storeButtonPressed = 0x1CD3180 + 0x18;
  2782. public static UInt32 ui_storeCategory = 0x1CD3540 + 0x18;
  2783. public static UInt32 ui_text_endreason = 0x1CE39E0 + 0x18;
  2784. public static UInt32 ui_timelimit = 0x1CE3BC0 + 0x18;
  2785. public static UInt32 ui_totalDLCReleased = 0x1CD3300 + 0x18;
  2786. public static UInt32 ui_useCustomClassInfo = 0x1CDD320 + 0x18;
  2787. public static UInt32 ui_weapon_tiers = 0x1CE3980 + 0x18;
  2788. public static UInt32 unsubscriptionCooloffTimer = 0x1CD9720 + 0x18;
  2789. public static UInt32 useMapPreloading = 0x1CB7EE0 + 0x18;
  2790. public static UInt32 useSvMapPreloading = 0x1CB7F40 + 0x18;
  2791. public static UInt32 using_original = 0x1CD6F00 + 0x18;
  2792. public static UInt32 vc_FBM = 0x1CBF440 + 0x18;
  2793. public static UInt32 vc_FGM = 0x1CBF380 + 0x18;
  2794. public static UInt32 vc_FSM = 0x1CBF3E0 + 0x18;
  2795. public static UInt32 vc_HMB = 0x1CBF320 + 0x18;
  2796. public static UInt32 vc_HMG = 0x1CBF2C0 + 0x18;
  2797. public static UInt32 vc_HMR = 0x1CBF260 + 0x18;
  2798. public static UInt32 vc_LIB = 0x1CBEAE0 + 0x18;
  2799. public static UInt32 vc_LIG = 0x1CBEB40 + 0x18;
  2800. public static UInt32 vc_LIW = 0x1CBEBA0 + 0x18;
  2801. public static UInt32 vc_LOB = 0x1CBEC00 + 0x18;
  2802. public static UInt32 vc_LOW = 0x1CBEC60 + 0x18;
  2803. public static UInt32 vc_LUT = 0x1CBF4A0 + 0x18;
  2804. public static UInt32 vc_MMB = 0x1CBF200 + 0x18;
  2805. public static UInt32 vc_MMG = 0x1CBF1A0 + 0x18;
  2806. public static UInt32 vc_MMR = 0x1CBF140 + 0x18;
  2807. public static UInt32 vc_RE = 0x1CBEFC0 + 0x18;
  2808. public static UInt32 vc_RGBH = 0x1CBECC0 + 0x18;
  2809. public static UInt32 vc_RGBL = 0x1CBED20 + 0x18;
  2810. public static UInt32 vc_RS = 0x1CBEF60 + 0x18;
  2811. public static UInt32 vc_SMB = 0x1CBF0E0 + 0x18;
  2812. public static UInt32 vc_SMG = 0x1CBF080 + 0x18;
  2813. public static UInt32 vc_SMR = 0x1CBF020 + 0x18;
  2814. public static UInt32 vc_SNAP = 0x1CBF500 + 0x18;
  2815. public static UInt32 vc_YH = 0x1CBED80 + 0x18;
  2816. public static UInt32 vc_YL = 0x1CBEDE0 + 0x18;
  2817. public static UInt32 vcs_timelimit = 0x1CB7100 + 0x18;
  2818. public static UInt32 vcs_WindowState = 0x1CE0920 + 0x18;
  2819. public static UInt32 vehanim_debug = 0x1CB2960 + 0x18;
  2820. public static UInt32 vehanim_enable = 0x1CB2900 + 0x18;
  2821. public static UInt32 vehGunnerSplashDamage = 0x1CA8340 + 0x18;
  2822. public static UInt32 vehHelicopterboundMapHeight = 0x1CA8E80 + 0x18;
  2823. public static UInt32 vehHelicopterboundMapLowerRightX = 0x1CA8DC0 + 0x18;
  2824. public static UInt32 vehHelicopterboundMapLowerRightY = 0x1CA8E20 + 0x18;
  2825. public static UInt32 vehHelicopterboundMapUpperLeftX = 0x1CA8D00 + 0x18;
  2826. public static UInt32 vehHelicopterboundMapUpperLeftY = 0x1CA8D60 + 0x18;
  2827. public static UInt32 vehHelicopterboundsOn = 0x1CA8CA0 + 0x18;
  2828. public static UInt32 vehHelicopterDefaultPitch = 0x1CA8AC0 + 0x18;
  2829. public static UInt32 vehHelicopterFreeLook = 0x1CA8A60 + 0x18;
  2830. public static UInt32 vehHelicopterHoverSpeedThreshold = 0x1CA86A0 + 0x18;
  2831. public static UInt32 vehHelicopterInvertUpDown = 0x1CA88E0 + 0x18;
  2832. public static UInt32 vehHelicopterLookaheadTime = 0x1CA8C40 + 0x18;
  2833. public static UInt32 vehHelicopterMaxHeightLockOffset = 0x1CA8BE0 + 0x18;
  2834. public static UInt32 vehHelicopterMinHeightLockOffset = 0x1CA8B80 + 0x18;
  2835. public static UInt32 vehHelicopterPathTransitionTime = 0x1CA8A00 + 0x18;
  2836. public static UInt32 vehHelicopterRightStickDeadzone = 0x1CA8700 + 0x18;
  2837. public static UInt32 vehHelicopterRotDecel = 0x1CA8B20 + 0x18;
  2838. public static UInt32 vehHelicopterScaleMovement = 0x1CA87C0 + 0x18;
  2839. public static UInt32 vehHelicopterSoftCollisions = 0x1CA8880 + 0x18;
  2840. public static UInt32 vehHelicopterStrafeDeadzone = 0x1CA8760 + 0x18;
  2841. public static UInt32 vehHelicopterTiltFromViewangles = 0x1CA89A0 + 0x18;
  2842. public static UInt32 vehHelicopterYawAltitudeControls = 0x1CA8820 + 0x18;
  2843. public static UInt32 vehHelicopterYawOnLeftStick = 0x1CA8940 + 0x18;
  2844. public static UInt32 vehicle_collision_prediction_time = 0x1CA8640 + 0x18;
  2845. public static UInt32 vehicle_damage_bouncing_betty = 0x1CB5B40 + 0x18;
  2846. public static UInt32 vehicle_damage_bullet = 0x1CB5A20 + 0x18;
  2847. public static UInt32 vehicle_damage_grenade = 0x1CB5A80 + 0x18;
  2848. public static UInt32 vehicle_damage_max_shielding = 0x1CB5840 + 0x18;
  2849. public static UInt32 vehicle_damage_projectile = 0x1CB5AE0 + 0x18;
  2850. public static UInt32 vehicle_damage_satchel_charge = 0x1CB5BA0 + 0x18;
  2851. public static UInt32 vehicle_damage_sticky_grenade = 0x1CB5C00 + 0x18;
  2852. public static UInt32 vehicle_damage_zone_front = 0x1CB58A0 + 0x18;
  2853. public static UInt32 vehicle_damage_zone_rear = 0x1CB5960 + 0x18;
  2854. public static UInt32 vehicle_damage_zone_side = 0x1CB5900 + 0x18;
  2855. public static UInt32 vehicle_damage_zone_under = 0x1CB59C0 + 0x18;
  2856. public static UInt32 vehicle_destructible_damage_bouncing_betty = 0x1CB5D20 + 0x18;
  2857. public static UInt32 vehicle_destructible_damage_bouncing_betty_radius = 0x1CB5EA0 + 0x18;
  2858. public static UInt32 vehicle_destructible_damage_grenade = 0x1CB5CC0 + 0x18;
  2859. public static UInt32 vehicle_destructible_damage_grenade_radius = 0x1CB5E40 + 0x18;
  2860. public static UInt32 vehicle_destructible_damage_projectile_radius = 0x1CB5FC0 + 0x18;
  2861. public static UInt32 vehicle_destructible_damage_satchel_charge = 0x1CB5D80 + 0x18;
  2862. public static UInt32 vehicle_destructible_damage_satchel_charge_radius = 0x1CB5F00 + 0x18;
  2863. public static UInt32 vehicle_destructible_damage_sticky_grenade = 0x1CB5DE0 + 0x18;
  2864. public static UInt32 vehicle_destructible_damage_sticky_grenade_radius = 0x1CB5F60 + 0x18;
  2865. public static UInt32 vehicle_piece_damagesfx_threshold = 0x1CB5C60 + 0x18;
  2866. public static UInt32 vehicle_push_during_mantle = 0x1CB17C0 + 0x18;
  2867. public static UInt32 vehicle_riding = 0x1CB0080 + 0x18;
  2868. public static UInt32 vehicle_selfCollision = 0x1CB00E0 + 0x18;
  2869. public static UInt32 vehicle_sounds_cutoff = 0x1CB04A0 + 0x18;
  2870. public static UInt32 vehicle_switch_seat_delay = 0x1CB57E0 + 0x18;
  2871. public static UInt32 vehicle_useRadius = 0x1CA7F80 + 0x18;
  2872. public static UInt32 vehLocationalVehicleSeatEntry = 0x1CB0020 + 0x18;
  2873. public static UInt32 vehLockTurretToPlayerView = 0x1CAFFC0 + 0x18;
  2874. public static UInt32 vehNPCThrottleMultiplier = 0x1CC4EA0 + 0x18;
  2875. public static UInt32 vehPlaneAssistedFlying = 0x1CA8EE0 + 0x18;
  2876. public static UInt32 vehPlaneConventionalFlight = 0x1CA8F40 + 0x18;
  2877. public static UInt32 vehPlaneFakeLiftForce = 0x1CB56C0 + 0x18;
  2878. public static UInt32 vehPlaneGravityForce = 0x1CB5780 + 0x18;
  2879. public static UInt32 vehPlaneLiftForce = 0x1CB5660 + 0x18;
  2880. public static UInt32 vehPlaneLowSpeed = 0x1CB5720 + 0x18;
  2881. public static UInt32 vehPlanePitchAccel = 0x1CB5540 + 0x18;
  2882. public static UInt32 vehPlanePlayerAvoidance = 0x1CA9000 + 0x18;
  2883. public static UInt32 vehPlaneRollAccel = 0x1CB54E0 + 0x18;
  2884. public static UInt32 vehPlaneRollDeadZone = 0x1CB5480 + 0x18;
  2885. public static UInt32 vehPlaneSpeedControl = 0x1CA8FA0 + 0x18;
  2886. public static UInt32 vehPlaneTurnAssistDecayRate = 0x1CA9060 + 0x18;
  2887. public static UInt32 vehPlaneYawFromRollScale = 0x1CB5600 + 0x18;
  2888. public static UInt32 vehPlaneYawSpeed = 0x1CB55A0 + 0x18;
  2889. public static UInt32 version = 0x1CDDB60 + 0x18;
  2890. public static UInt32 WADTimestampUpdateInterval = 0x1CD98A0 + 0x18;
  2891. public static UInt32 waitForInitial = 0x1CB8300 + 0x18;
  2892. public static UInt32 waitForStreamer = 0x1CB82A0 + 0x18;
  2893. public static UInt32 waitOnStatsTimeout = 0x1CD9BA0 + 0x18;
  2894. public static UInt32 wallmount_turret_placement_trace_maxs = 0x1CB0EC0 + 0x18;
  2895. public static UInt32 wallmount_turret_placement_trace_mins = 0x1CB0F20 + 0x18;
  2896. public static UInt32 war_a = 0x1CB8F00 + 0x18;
  2897. public static UInt32 war_b = 0x1CB8F60 + 0x18;
  2898. public static UInt32 war_c = 0x1CB8FC0 + 0x18;
  2899. public static UInt32 war_d = 0x1CB9020 + 0x18;
  2900. public static UInt32 war_e = 0x1CB9080 + 0x18;
  2901. public static UInt32 war_sb = 0x1CB8D20 + 0x18;
  2902. public static UInt32 waterbrush_entity = 0x1CB05C0 + 0x18;
  2903. public static UInt32 waypointDistFade = 0x1CCC460 + 0x18;
  2904. public static UInt32 waypointDistScaleRangeMax = 0x1CCC3A0 + 0x18;
  2905. public static UInt32 waypointDistScaleRangeMin = 0x1CCC340 + 0x18;
  2906. public static UInt32 waypointDistScaleSmallest = 0x1CCC400 + 0x18;
  2907. public static UInt32 waypointIconHeight = 0x1CCBE60 + 0x18;
  2908. public static UInt32 waypointIconWidth = 0x1CCBE00 + 0x18;
  2909. public static UInt32 waypointMaxDrawDist = 0x1CCC7C0 + 0x18;
  2910. public static UInt32 waypointOffscreenCornerRadius = 0x1CCC220 + 0x18;
  2911. public static UInt32 waypointOffscreenDistanceThresholdAlpha = 0x1CCBFE0 + 0x18;
  2912. public static UInt32 waypointOffscreenPadBottom = 0x1CCC160 + 0x18;
  2913. public static UInt32 waypointOffscreenPadLeft = 0x1CCC040 + 0x18;
  2914. public static UInt32 waypointOffscreenPadRight = 0x1CCC0A0 + 0x18;
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  2918. public static UInt32 waypointOffscreenPointerWidth = 0x1CCBEC0 + 0x18;
  2919. public static UInt32 waypointOffscreenRoundedCorners = 0x1CCC1C0 + 0x18;
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  2921. public static UInt32 waypointOffscreenScaleSmallest = 0x1CCC2E0 + 0x18;
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  2923. public static UInt32 waypointPlayerOffsetProne = 0x1CCC640 + 0x18;
  2924. public static UInt32 waypointPlayerOffsetRevive = 0x1CCC760 + 0x18;
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  2928. public static UInt32 waypointTweakY = 0x1CCC580 + 0x18;
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  2936. public static UInt32 webm_buffer_low_water_mark = 0x1CD25E0 + 0x18;
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  2954. public static UInt32 webm_httpAuthLogin = 0x1CD1E60 + 0x18;
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  2956. public static UInt32 webm_httpAuthPass = 0x1CD1EC0 + 0x18;
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  2960. public static UInt32 webm_httpUploadUrlYouTube = 0x1CD1C20 + 0x18;
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  2964. public static UInt32 webm_max_intra_bitrate = 0x1CD1620 + 0x18;
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  2966. public static UInt32 webm_profile = 0x1CD19E0 + 0x18;
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  2968. public static UInt32 webm_q_min = 0x1CD1500 + 0x18;
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  2970. public static UInt32 webm_rc_buf_optimal_sz = 0x1CD18C0 + 0x18;
  2971. public static UInt32 webm_rc_buf_sz = 0x1CD1860 + 0x18;
  2972. public static UInt32 webm_render_auto_kf = 0x1CD1380 + 0x18;
  2973. public static UInt32 webm_render_bitrate = 0x1CD1200 + 0x18;
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  2976. public static UInt32 webm_render_profile = 0x1CD13E0 + 0x18;
  2977. public static UInt32 webm_render_q_max = 0x1CD11A0 + 0x18;
  2978. public static UInt32 webm_render_q_min = 0x1CD1140 + 0x18;
  2979. public static UInt32 webm_render_realtime_scale = 0x1CD12C0 + 0x18;
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  2981. public static UInt32 webm_render_threads = 0x1CD1440 + 0x18;
  2982. public static UInt32 webm_render_uv_step = 0x1CD1320 + 0x18;
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  2985. public static UInt32 webm_twitch_summaryUrl = 0x1CD2E80 + 0x18;
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  2988. public static UInt32 webm_usersStreaming = 0x1CC2E00 + 0x18;
  2989. public static UInt32 webm_usersWaitingToStream = 0x1CC2DA0 + 0x18;
  2990. public static UInt32 webm_vol_game = 0x1CD1B60 + 0x18;
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  2992. public static UInt32 webm_youtube_max_posts_per_second = 0x1CD26A0 + 0x18;
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  2994. public static UInt32 webmDwReadTimeout = 0x1CDA560 + 0x18;
  2995. public static UInt32 webmDwWriteDelay = 0x1CDA5C0 + 0x18;
  2996. public static UInt32 webmDwWriteTimeout = 0x1CDA620 + 0x18;
  2997. public static UInt32 welcome_shown = 0x1CDC660 + 0x18;
  2998. public static UInt32 wideScreen = 0x1CB8180 + 0x18;
  2999. public static UInt32 wiiuIkEnabled = 0x1CBA340 + 0x18;
  3000. public static UInt32 wind_debug_display = 0x1CB4400 + 0x18;
  3001. public static UInt32 wind_global_hi_altitude = 0x1CB4040 + 0x18;
  3002. public static UInt32 wind_global_low_altitude = 0x1CB3FE0 + 0x18;
  3003. public static UInt32 wind_global_low_strength_percent = 0x1CB40A0 + 0x18;
  3004. public static UInt32 wind_global_vector = 0x1CB3F80 + 0x18;
  3005. public static UInt32 wind_grass_gust_distance = 0x1CB43A0 + 0x18;
  3006. public static UInt32 wind_grass_gust_radius = 0x1CB42E0 + 0x18;
  3007. public static UInt32 wind_grass_gust_speed = 0x1CB4280 + 0x18;
  3008. public static UInt32 wind_grass_gust_strength = 0x1CB4340 + 0x18;
  3009. public static UInt32 wind_grass_gustinterval = 0x1CB4160 + 0x18;
  3010. public static UInt32 wind_grass_scale = 0x1CB41C0 + 0x18;
  3011. public static UInt32 wind_grass_tension = 0x1CB4220 + 0x18;
  3012. public static UInt32 wind_leaf_scale = 0x1CB4100 + 0x18;
  3013. public static UInt32 xblive_clanListChanged = 0x1CDB460 + 0x18;
  3014. public static UInt32 xblive_clanmatch = 0x1CDB040 + 0x18;
  3015. public static UInt32 xblive_ec_firstupdatems = 0x1CDB280 + 0x18;
  3016. public static UInt32 xblive_ec_lastupdatems = 0x1CDB2E0 + 0x18;
  3017. public static UInt32 xblive_ec_maxprobewait = 0x1CDB340 + 0x18;
  3018. public static UInt32 xblive_ec_minpercent = 0x1CDB220 + 0x18;
  3019. public static UInt32 xblive_ec_minprobes = 0x1CDB1C0 + 0x18;
  3020. public static UInt32 xblive_loggedin = 0x1CDADA0 + 0x18;
  3021. public static UInt32 xblive_mappacks = 0x1CDB100 + 0x18;
  3022. public static UInt32 xblive_matchEndingSoon = 0x1CDB520 + 0x18;
  3023. public static UInt32 xblive_privatematch = 0x1CB7760 + 0x18;
  3024. public static UInt32 xblive_rankedmatch = 0x1CB7700 + 0x18;
  3025. public static UInt32 xblive_theater = 0x1CDB0A0 + 0x18;
  3026. public static UInt32 xblive_wagermatch = 0x1CDB160 + 0x18;
  3027. public static UInt32 xenon_maxVoicePacketsPerSec = 0x1CDAE00 + 0x18;
  3028. public static UInt32 xenon_maxVoicePacketsPerSecForServer = 0x1CDAE60 + 0x18;
  3029. public static UInt32 xPGroups = 0x1CE2D20 + 0x18;
  3030. public static UInt32 YouTube_apiUrl = 0x1CD2700 + 0x18;
  3031. public static UInt32 YouTube_category = 0x1CD2D00 + 0x18;
  3032. public static UInt32 YouTube_ErrorRecordEvent = 0x1CD2D60 + 0x18;
  3033. public static UInt32 YouTube_highRefreshRate = 0x1CD2940 + 0x18;
  3034. public static UInt32 YouTube_listing = 0x1CD2CA0 + 0x18;
  3035. public static UInt32 YouTube_liveLifeCycleRefreshRate = 0x1CD2AC0 + 0x18;
  3036. public static UInt32 YouTube_liveStreamLeague = 0x1CD2BE0 + 0x18;
  3037. public static UInt32 YouTube_lowRefreshRate = 0x1CD28E0 + 0x18;
  3038. public static UInt32 YouTube_maxViewersForHighRefresh = 0x1CD2A00 + 0x18;
  3039. public static UInt32 YouTube_minViewersForHighRefresh = 0x1CD29A0 + 0x18;
  3040. public static UInt32 YouTube_minViewersToStartStream = 0x1CD27C0 + 0x18;
  3041. public static UInt32 YouTube_minViewersToStream = 0x1CD2820 + 0x18;
  3042. public static UInt32 YouTube_miscRefreshRate = 0x1CD2A60 + 0x18;
  3043. public static UInt32 YouTube_slateImageUrl = 0x1CD2B80 + 0x18;
  3044. public static UInt32 YouTube_slateText = 0x1CD2B20 + 0x18;
  3045. public static UInt32 YouTube_stateChange = 0x1CD2C40 + 0x18;
  3046. public static UInt32 YouTube_stopStreamForPublicGame = 0x1CD2DC0 + 0x18;
  3047. public static UInt32 YouTube_timeToRecoverFromLowStreamViewers = 0x1CD2880 + 0x18;
  3048. public static UInt32 YouTube_verifyUrl = 0x1CD2760 + 0x18;
  3049. public static UInt32 ytAuthCooloff = 0x1CD4200 + 0x18;
  3050. public static UInt32 ytAuthCooloffTime = 0x1CD4260 + 0x18;
  3051. public static UInt32 ytForcePrivate = 0x1CD41A0 + 0x18;
  3052. public static UInt32 zero_stats_check = 0x1CD99C0 + 0x18;
  3053. public static UInt32 zombie_devgui = 0x1CB7520 + 0x18;
  3054. public static UInt32 zombie_double_wide_checks = 0x1CB75E0 + 0x18;
  3055. public static UInt32 zombie_useOldPathFallback = 0x1CB7580 + 0x18;
  3056. public static UInt32 zombiemode_path_minz_bias = 0x1CB74C0 + 0x18;
  3057. }
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