
18 Lesta Nediam LNC2018-01-22 0510 +Je Suis Ce Que Je Suis

Jan 21st, 2018
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  1. Lesta Nediam LNC2018-01-22 0510 +Je Suis Ce Que Je Suis
  4. __
  6. +Je Suis Ce Que Je Suis __ Have you seen footage from inside a slaughterhouse that was pleasing to watch? I haven't. The purpose of this video was to provide an example of "sufficient proof" for "things getting killed and hurt".
  8. There are numerous conspiracy theorists who waste time pretending to "seek the truth" and assert that "they" (i.e., "The Powers That Be" / "TPTB") only *pretend* to commit acts of violence against the population. Hence the matra: _*"Nobody died or got hurt."*_
  10. That worthless belief can only prevail *if* nobody gets hurt, or if "sufficient proof" is being intentionally withheld and obscured. One of these two possibilities must be the case. Which could it be?
  12. There is at least one "no planes" advocate who has shown up in the comments, but I didn't see him claim the uploaded footage is CGI. So I take it everyone accepts the presented footage qualifies as "sufficient proof".
  14. Thus, given that the footage does contain "sufficient proof" of clear violence against animals, where is the equivalent "sufficient proof" for clear violence against humans?
  16. If humans are capable of this kind of violence against animals for food, are we to believe humans are somehow incapable of it against other humans *who challenge our way of life?*
  18. If the purpose of "terrorism" is to terrify, then shouldn't we expect terrorists to provide "sufficient proof" of their terrifying deeds as much as possible? Wouldn't they be motivated to make footage of their deeds available so as to terrify us as much as possible?
  20. Like how this footage was made available to vegan activists so as to score a win?
  22. We have clear HD "sufficient proof" footage of animals getting slaughtered which shocks us to the core far more profoundly than *any* of the worthless potato-cam videos of so-called "terrorist" attacks.
  24. Those who say that "they" ("TPTB") don't really harm the population and suggest it's all fake *because* we are not shown "sufficient proof" commit *"the fallacy of the conspiracy theorist"* by concluding it must be fake else we'd be shown the "proof".
  26. This causes those conspiracy theorists to speculate that "they" ("TPTB") must be "good people" who are merely trying to "help and awaken us"! They end up having to reason that harming the population must "break some spiritual rule/law" so it never happens!
  28. All because "sufficient proof" is absent.
  30. Well I don't see that "spiritual rule" saving the animals. So I guess the "good guys" who are "just trying to help us" have found a "spiritual loophole"?
  32. The point I am making is that _of course_ "they" ("TPTB") are capable of enacting *real terror* against the population. But upon proper scrutiny, all "they" present us with is *"proof's appearances".* So that our imagination fills in the blanks and forms "unjustified beliefs".
  34. So that open-minded people notice and conclude it must all be fake.
  36. Given all of the alleged "terror attacks" over the years - why do you suppose "sufficient proof" exists for terror against animals, but not also terror against humans? _Don't the terrorists want to terrorise us as much as vegans?!_
  38. If "they" ("TPTB") are willing to enact violence against sentient animals when desired, then why wouldn't "they" not also enact violence against sentient humans when required? Isn't it required? Isn't this supposed to be a "clash of civilisations"?
  40. Ah, but there's no "sufficient proof" - so it must all be fake. But that's a circular loop which lures those who have lost trust in the "lie system" to commit the fallacy of the conspiracy theorist; which leads them to conclude "they" must be "good guys" looking out for us. _Because "spiritual laws"._
  42. Never-mind the treatment of animals as shown in this footage pokes a substantial hole in the idea that they're "good guys" just looking out for us. No, "they" are only looking out for themselves. The population doesn't matter.
  44. The next time you listen to your favourite conspiracy guru speak about how _"nobody dies or gets hurt"_ hold this thought in mind: *If a guru's insights about reality sound more like the plot to a fantasy novel, then either the guru is insane - or the guru is trying to make _you_ insane!*
  49. __________
  50. 2018-01-22 1155 +Je Suis Ce Que Je Suis
  53. +Je Suis Ce Que Je Suis __ The essential point is that *"everything is training".* It is relentless _training_ of the population since *every generation* must be trained to become responsive to the lie system's trust voodoo.
  55. By intentionally and systematically withholding and obscuring "sufficient proof" _as much as possible_ the unavoidable consequence is that the population becomes *trained* (an apropos word, is it not?) to *no longer* _form an expectation_ of seeing or being shown "sufficient proof" for events and claims. Especially when there is no good reason for not showing it.
  57. It trains the population to accept what *is* shown - which will instead be *"proof's appearances"* since it's not "sufficient proof". *Thus the population becomes trained to accept (or mistake) "proof's appearances" for actual proof.*
  59. This then trains the population for form *"unjustified beliefs"* about events and claims when otherwise it would be forming "justified beliefs". Remember: Only true things can have "sufficient proof", but not all true things necessarily have "sufficient proof". However, *no lie can _ever_ have "sufficient proof"* (else it would not be a lie), and so every belief in a lie must necessarily be an "unjustified belief".
  61. Thus, every time the population is presented with proof's appearances instead of actual proof the event/claim is being presented to the population in the same form a lie would need to take.
  63. Since this is happening so often and to such an extent that the odds of events getting presented like this randomly *approaches zero* - from this we can figure out it's a devious *"presentation protocol".*
  65. Through repetition of this devious *"presentation protocol"* the population is tacitly trained to accept lies as truth. I.e., it now becomes trivial to present a lie to the population (since it won't have "sufficient proof") whenever it is required or desired - it slips into the population's consciousness without hesitation or doubt.
  67. Those in the population who *do* sense something isn't quite right and lose trust in the lie system inevitably begin to wonder: _"Why wasn't actual evidence presented? It must be that the event did not happen!"_ In this way these people who have lost trust commit the *"fallacy of the conspiracy theorist".*
  69. And should a person who has lost trust doubt an event *that really did happen* i.e., a real event did happen that was presented in an easy to doubt manner (since it's trivial to make real things seem fake), *and should they become _self-convinced_ that the event didn't happen for that reason* ("else they'd have shown proof!") _then that person has been driven to a self-induced psychosis._
  71. It is psychosis because they believe something that's true about reality is really false. And to believe that a significant event did not happen, *when really it did,* is pernicious to one's mental health! It means that the doubter's mind must arrange and rearrange itself to "make false" a truth about reality, and conversely "make true" a falsehood about reality.
  73. Everything gets reversed! And what's real increasingly seems and feels unreal. And what's unreal and impossible increasingly seems and feels possible and certain.
  75. If it's believed an event didn't happen then suddenly everyone involved must be a "crisis actor"! If everyone involved is a "crisis actor" then the mind must somehow imagine how this can be. This is catastrophic if the event really did happen!
  77. On and on it goes until the psychosis becomes debilitating: the person can't communicate with surrounding friends and family because their belief system is now too far out of sync. They can only relate to others who share the same or a similar psychosis.
  79. The lie system has elegantly contained and neutralised the potential dissident (anyone who does not automatically trust what is reported on the nightly news).
  81. Thanks to the "presentation protocol" the doubter has *self-radicalised* as a "conspiracy theorist". And thanks to technology that newly created "conspiracy theorist" finds himself/herself in an increasingly soundproofed echo chamber.
  83. All of the charming scumbags who are in it for themselves - and who function as "useful idiots" of the lie system - *don't hesitate to reinforce the doubter's psychosis.*
  85. Such is how it goes: An incorrect understanding of the lie system always leads to psychosis where the real feels increasingly unreal and the unreal becomes real. Resulting in a potential dissident being neutralised because who is going to listen to a truth the person might have when the person *is also* ranting and raving about the Earth being flat or that there were no planes that hit the WTC on "9/11"!
  89. __________
  90. 2018-01-22 1325
  92. +Je Suis Ce Que Je Suis __ Cheers. Perhaps you realise that not many people are aware of these ideas and so while my reply may not have been much of a benefit to you, it is of more benefit to the silent reader. After all, who else is discussing these ideas without corrupting them? Where will people encounter these ideas if I don't make use of every opportunity to explain them?
  97. __________
  98. 2018-01-22 1420
  100. +Je Suis Ce Que Je Suis __ The so-called "truther community" has been an excellent environment to test and refine ideas, but it is a soundproofed echo chamber. A graveyard for the paranoid.
  102. For these ideas to escape confinement stay tuned for: *"The Lie System: A Practical Guide on How Intelligent People Lie"* aimed at "normal people" to hit real and virtual bookshelves in the (not-too-distant) future!
  104. The dummies around here may ignore it, but among modern-day Machiavellians it is sure to be a best seller. :)
  109. __________
  110. 2018-01-28 1305
  113. +cabadejo __ Indeed, _within_ the lie system is the population. And the population is comprised of individuals living out their lives, and groups of individuals pursuing their own interests. Everyone _within_ the lie system is more than capable of enacting their own strategies for deceit. Some are more successful at it than others. And some manage to enact "mini-lie systems" without even realising the secret of their success. YouTube is a magnet for such "natural story tellers"!
  118. ____________________________________________________________
  119. My name is Lesta Nediam and I am cracking reality like a nut.
  121. Lesta on YouTube
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  127. Lesta on Google Plus
  130. What does not exist - exists to exist.
  131. What exists - exists to always exist.
  132. As it is written - so it is done.
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