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Jun 26th, 2017
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  1. **** show
  2. [seventh day] they are reduced to ashed matt
  3. [seventh day] ashes
  4. [Matt Yester] so they are annihilated?
  5. [Diane Sellner] ashes?
  6. [His_Elect] 2 Thess 1:9 And these will pay the penalty of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord
  7. [Corsican] hsmithson it's easy, all you gotta do is multiply the father by the square root of -1 and Zing!
  8. [seventh day] they are utterly consumed
  9. [Matt Yester] annihilated?
  10. [Shotgun] Is the video glitching for anyone else?
  11. [His_Elect] "there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth there when you see Abraham in the kingdom of God, but yourselves being cast out." Mathew 22:13
  12. [Battle Hymn] destruction in the original means ruin i believe
  13. [Corsican] Disclaimer: The previous message posted by "Corsican" is copyrighted to hunt_mat
  14. [Battle Hymn] eternal ruin
  15. [Shotgun] <--changing to green
  16. [seventh day] it's weird that you are using matthew
  17. [Shotgun] Some guy named "Mitchel" is calling in via Skype
  18. [ZeusLovesU] mitch from canada
  19. [ZeusLovesU] i like this caller
  20. [Parvinder] Noct!
  21. [JaxSparkles] Such a smooth voice Mitch
  22. [Parvinder] :D
  23. [Shotgun] We're going to play the game
  24. [hunt_mat] I sense a replay of the Matt D debate.
  25. [Corsican] Pretty sexy voice
  26. [His_Elect] Rev 14:11 "And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever; and they have no rest day and night"
  27. [Nocterro] Mitch's voice is intoxicating   
  28. [His_Elect] # Rev 20:10 they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.
  29. [Corsican] I'd tap that
  30. [JaxSparkles]  Noc
  31. [ZeusLovesU]  nocterro
  32. [seventh day] because we can use matthew
  33. [Parvinder] Nocterro - Like Nutella?
  34. [Shotgun] my audio is glitching
  35. [JaxSparkles]  
  36. [Nocterro] yes.
  37. [JaxSparkles] So is mine Shotgun
  38. [ZeusLovesU] he sounds like a philosophy student
  39. Shotgun wonders what sort of metaphysical world provides for logical laws that Mitch is discussing
  40. [Shotgun] AHHHHH
  41. [Shotgun] point 1
  42. [Matt Yester]  
  43. [Shotgun] he just alluded to his Canadian University
  44. [Nocterro] He is, Zeus.
  45. [Shotgun] Had to slide it in there
  46. [Parvinder] I bet he's at U. of Toronto.
  47. [ZeusLovesU] why do you say that Parv?
  48. [Corsican] Toronto is apretty good city
  49. [Nocterro] he's at Maplemoose University
  50. [ZeusLovesU] haha nocterro
  51. [Parvinder] *cough cough* I know him *cough cough*
  52. [Battle Hymn] maplesyrup univ
  53. [JaxSparkles]  
  54. Corsican has no idea what Mitch just said
  55. [ZeusLovesU] i bet hes at Canuckistan College
  56. [Shotgun] What sort of universe is there that makes "sentensial logic" possible?
  57. [Parvinder] He's a good philosopher.
  58. [santiago272] how to yall do that think like a action???
  59. [Parvinder] Shotgun - This one.
  60. [Parvinder] Shotgun - or any other one, too.
  61. [Shotgun] Of course, "this one" is a trait of a universe that makes sentensial logic possible
  62. [Matt Yester] it just is....trancendental
  63. [santiago272] corsican
  64. [Corsican] Yes santiago272?
  65. [Parvinder] I'm not sure what you mean by ""this one" is a trait of a universe..."
  66. [santiago272] how did u do that "action" text thingy
  67. [Shotgun] Why aren't you sure?
  68. [Shotgun] It seems like a pretty clear statement
  69. [Corsican] By typing [/me] without the square brackets
  70. User daryl has logged out.
  71. User JBaker45 has logged in.
  72. Corsican types /me and then the text I wish to say
  73. [Shotgun] You see, this is what gets me about the kids in these chatrooms who are trying to ape the analytical philosophers they read
  74. santiago272 chickenn
  75. [Parvinder] It's ambigious. You many understand what you are saying. I don't.
  76. Corsican nods at santiago
  77. [JBaker45] I think the caller is missing the point
  78. [Parvinder] mau*
  79. [Parvinder] may***
  80. [Battle Hymn] whats so special about that corsican
  81. [Shotgun] When you try to say that you don't understand something, or if you imply that something isn't clear, you have to show why, and perhaps present a few views that it could be, and then refute those.
  82. [tHe KId SoG] wait what?! that is where the law of noncontradition comes from sentential logic?
  83. [Corsican] Nothing really Battle Hymn
  84. [Corsican] If you want to do it
  85. [Shotgun] But, anyway
  86. [Parvinder] Well, I have shown why.
  87. [tHe KId SoG] umm aristotle and syllogistic logic
  88. [Corsican] It just adds a bit of variation to the text
  89. Battle Hymn i guess
  90. [Shotgun]  
  91. [Battle Hymn] what does me stand for?
  92. [SFSW] hi jb   
  93. [JBaker45] hello sf
  94. [Parvinder] [Parvinder] It's ambigious. You many understand what you are saying. I don't.
  95. [Parvinder]  
  96. [Shotgun]  
  97. [tHe KId SoG] those laws came from aristotle
  98. [Battle Hymn] i wonder if you can change the color
  99. [Parvinder] You may have missed that.
  100. [Corsican] Typing /me allows you to do the "[NAME] Text" thing
  101. [Shotgun] What you should do, Parvinder, if you want to be a really real analytical philosopher, is present 2 or three things that it could have meant, and interact with each.
  102. Corsican demonstrates
  103. [ZeusLovesU] This caller is excellent
  104. [JaxSparkles] yes he is
  105. [JBaker45] Caller should be questioned regarding Godels theorem which show us that truth exists outside of formal systems
  106. [Parvinder] Shotgun - Sure. I was going to do that now actually.
  107. [JBaker45] caliptal T Truth
  108. [littledb] ZeusLovesU he is being respectful.
  109. [Shotgun] Go for it
  110. [Shotgun] I read a book on Godel once
  111. [Shotgun] Or, on his theory
  112. Corsican wishes he could be bothered to get out of bed and fetch more whiskey
  113. [Shotgun] Talk about complex stuff.
  114. [Parvinder] So? I've read 10 logic books.
  115. [Parvinder] lol.
  116. [Parvinder] Anyways.
  117. Shotgun wasn't even talking to Parvinder
  118. [Parvinder] You said, "this one" is a trait of a universe that makes sentensial logic possible"
  119. [Battle Hymn] whats your brand?
  120. [Corsican] This is a 21 year old Glengoyne single malt
  121. Parvinder wasn't even talking to Shotgun.
  122. [Corsican] My favourite is the 21 yr Ardberg
  123. [Parvinder] So yea.
  124. [Matt Slick] is this interesting
  125. [JBaker45] Mankind would never had any use for formal systametized systems of reasoning is truth hdid not really exist in the first place.
  126. Corsican loves whiskey
  127. [Parvinder] Matt Slick - Indeed.
  128. [Corsican] Yes Matt
  129. [JBaker45] is==if
  130. [His_Elect] yes, it's good
  131. [Shotgun] Leblanc is just wrapping his naive empiricism up in ...what he hopes, sounds like...fancy logical language.
  132. [JBaker45] The systems were developed in order to study truth
  133. [JBaker45] Thus truth came first
  134. [Matt Yester] the systems revels logical truth
  135. [Shotgun] wow
  136. [Shotgun] holy pink
  137. [Matt Yester] does this color make me look gay? :D
  138. [Shotgun] I can't hardly see it
  139. [Matt Yester] sorry
  140. [Matt Yester]  
  141. [Shotgun]  
  142. [Battle Hymn] white is a fun color because you have to highlight it to read it
  143. [Matt Yester] the systems reveal logical truth
  144. [Matt Yester] just jokin
  145. [Battle Hymn] will anyone wonder if i wrote anything?
  146. User YAQUBOS has logged in.
  147. Corsican smacks Battle Hymn for his annoying use of white text
  148. [Battle Hymn] anyone>
  149. [Shotgun]  BHymn
  150. [Parvinder] But yea. I think what you mean is "this one" is an attribute of the universe.
  151. [Eagle 223] hello yaq
  152. [Battle Hymn]  
  153. [Shotgun] don't like white text?
  154. [Shotgun] Are you a hater?
  155. [Heather] Battle Hymn I can see it
  156. [Corsican] Yes
  157. [seventh day] 40 Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left. 41 Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left. 42 Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour[a] your Lord is coming.
  158. [YAQUBOS] †Peace be with you all!
  159. [Corsican] I hate white things
  160. [Parvinder] Could be wrong.
  161. [seventh day] matt
  162. [Corsican] White annoys me
  163. [Corsican] In fact
  164. [YAQUBOS] Eagle 223 wins
  165. [Heather] Yaqubos hi   
  166. [Parvinder] If I am, you can correct it and we could move on.
  167. [YAQUBOS] Heather loses
  168. [Corsican] I use a black marker to colour in the white sections of my screen
  169. [His_Elect] seventh day -- what are you discussing?
  170. User Ladd has logged in.
  171. [Heather] YAQUBOS   I always do
  172. [Ladd] Grace and Peace.
  173. [Heather] Ladd Hi There
  174. [seventh day] i stepped away
  175. [Ladd] Thank you Matt Slick and Diane Sellner for this great ministry.
  176. [Ladd] Hi Heather!.
  177. [Corsican] Pace and Grease to you too
  178. [seventh day] i'm still on he11
  179. [Matt Yester] me< matt? seventh day
  180. [seventh day] yes
  181. [Matt Yester] word Ladd
  182. [YAQUBOS] Heather did you receive my greeting sent on the wings of the eagle?
  183. [JBaker45] Useless systems are easy to create. But why do it?
  184. [Ladd] Blessings Matt Yester.
  185. [Heather] YAQUBOS Yes I did thank you.
  186. [seventh day] do you want to be left or taken
  187. [Parvinder] Woah. Mitch's understanding of logic is very profound.
  188. [Shotgun] Really?
  189. [JBaker45] In a system that permits contradiction, anything can be validated. What good is that?
  190. [ZeusLovesU] best caller ive heard so far
  191. [JaxSparkles] My eyes are not bleeding yet
  192. [Shotgun] This, coming from someone whose read 10 books on logic...
  193. [Corsican] Yeah ZeusLovesU
  194. [Parvinder] I was jk. About the 10 books.
  195. [YAQUBOS] how many topics are being discussed besides the usual 27681234 topics?
  196. [Shotgun] Darn
  197. [Matt Yester] left
  198. [littledb] thanks Matt Slick
  199. [Corsican] Yeah Matt don't fret
  200. [JBaker45] He did sound like a nice guy
  201. [Matt Yester] the first taken are the wicked
  202. User Zoltriz7 has logged out.
  203. [Heather] bye Matt
  204. [Shotgun] Matt....Mitchell was doing what Van Til calls: "Waiving his sword in the air at nothing"
  205. [Parvinder] I've read a lot of articles though, and a few books. And in a graduate levil logic course.
  206. [Corsican] Was the best of your shows I've seen
  207. [Eagle 223] bye matt
  208. [Shotgun] He's not in here Matt
  209. [santiago272] matt do u rent ur office?
  210. [Matt Yester] great show matt
  211. [seventh day] so you want to be left
  212. [Shotgun] oops
  213. [Parvinder] But anyways.
  214. [Shotgun] yes he is
  215. [JBaker45] Agreed Shotgun
  216. [santiago272] matt do u rent your office?
  217. [Ladd] God is so good.
  218. [santiago272] oh
  219. [Matt Yester] love TAG
  220. [Matt Yester] fun stuff
  221. [Ladd] And, God is worthy of worship.
  222. [santiago272] no this office
  223. [Eagle 223] show over
  224. [Heather] Ladd amen
  225. [Ladd] God is worthy of worship.
  226. [Parvinder]  
  227. [JBaker45] santiago, Matt is in the studio
  228. [SFSW] good call, respectful
  229. [Ladd] Praise him.
  230. [santiago272] u should have kept him on and let the u stream ppl listen
  231. [YAQUBOS] Eagle 223 I hope it was helpful as usual
  232. [Heather] was that mitchleblanc
  233. [Shotgun] Yes
  234. [Eagle 223] it was
  235. [Corsican] Matt
  236. [tHe KId SoG] Yes Ladd
  237. [Corsican] Why don't you use the chair behind you?
  238. [Ladd] Pride on low, faith on high, kid.
  239. [Corsican] Looks way more comfy than the one you're on
  240. [tHe KId SoG]  
  241. [hunt_mat] I would argue the logical absolutes from observations from nature.
  242. [tHe KId SoG] lecrae haha
  243. [Corsican] Yeah
  244. [Matt Yester] to develop the system, you need to use logic
  245. [hunt_mat] being a physicist.
  246. [Corsican] Ah
  247. [Ladd] ...turn my treble up....bass on high
  248. [JBaker45] I studied symbolic logic for my minor in mathematics
  249. [Ladd]  
  250. [Corsican] Sympathies man
  251. [Parvinder] hunt_mat - I would say that they come from language.
  252. [Parvinder] As a logician.
  253. [tHe KId SoG] wow yep I definitely know who this is now haha,I'm going to shut up though
  254. [JaxSparkles] Matt do you preach at a church?
  255. [Corsican] Pretty chilled   
  256. [YAQUBOS] I am a busy scientist, that's why I stay in CARM chatroom for long hours...
  257. [Parvinder] (in training)
  258. [Eagle 223]  yaq
  259. [Corsican] Neither can I
  260. [santiago272] matt do u pay for the Radio timeslot out of ur pocket or carm?
  261. [Heather]  
  262. [SFSW] 11th
  263. [hunt_mat] Other people have said that.
  264. [Corsican] 12th
  265. [Corsican] Not 11th
  266. [Matt Yester] TAG
  267. [seventh day] its 11/11
  268. [YAQUBOS] especially now, when I have two jobs...
  269. [Corsican] It's 12/11
  270. [Heather] No its the 11th
  271. [hunt_mat] But we observe what matt refers to laws of logic in nature all the time.
  272. [His_Elect] and trinity
  273. [santiago272] Matt do u pay for the radio timeslot out of your pocket?
  274. [Eagle 223] how's it going
  275. [santiago272] or carm
  276. [Corsican] Ah
  277. [Corsican] Time zones
  278. [JBaker45] Sure thing Matt
  279. [Corsican] It's the 12th for me
  280. [Heather] Corsican   
  281. [Eagle 223] if you live in the's the 12
  282. [YAQUBOS] Eagle 223 thx for the prayers
  283. [Heather] ok
  284. [seventh day] not the 10th
  285. [JaxSparkles] Oh okay, just wondering
  286. [Eagle 223] yes yaq...of course
  287. [Parvinder] hunt_mat - Ehh. How so?
  288. [santiago272] Matt do you use CARMS donations to pay for the radio timeslot?!
  289. [Heather] YAQUBOS Is it two full time jobs?
  290. [Matt Yester] conceptual by nature
  291. [YAQUBOS] Heather no
  292. [hunt_mat] I believe it is. That is where we differ.
  293. [Heather] YAQUBOS Still a lot of hours
  294. [YAQUBOS] sheesh
  295. [santiago272] ahhhh
  296. [Corsican] Isn't that what the donations would be for?
  297. [Shotgun] Well, according to some people's ideals of "Logic" ...if there is no brain to contribute to the logical reasoning, then there can't be any logical laws
  298. [YAQUBOS] I learned that yesterday
  299. [Dark_Calamity] hello santiago
  300. [ZeusLovesU] Logic is very much like language in that sense; it's not a 'real' thing but it describes the way things are
  301. [Heather] YAQUBOS   
  302. [YAQUBOS] sheesh
  303. [YAQUBOS] no, I didnt mean sheesh
  304. [Eagle 223]  
  305. [santiago272] Hey dark
  306. [JaxSparkles] God bless you Matt
  307. [YAQUBOS] I am just doing a revision of my lesson
  308. [hunt_mat] we know of logic from observations of consistancy we observe in nature.
  309. [santiago272] Woow and u hire a web designer?
  310. [Eagle 223] yes
  311. [Heather] Yaqubos   
  312. [Matt Yester] taxes suck   
  313. [seventh day] change your tag for the show from the 10th to the 11th matt
  314. [Matt Yester]  
  315. [hunt_mat] No.
  316. [Corsican] Shouldn't you be tax free?
  317. [santiago272] u do it yourself?
  318. [Corsican] Being a ministry?
  319. [Corsican] Ah right
  320. [YAQUBOS] Corsican you're in danger
  321. [Corsican] Of what yaqubos?
  322. [Shotgun] Have a CARMwash
  323. [YAQUBOS] Corsican guess
  324. [Heather] Shotgun   
  325. [His_Elect]  
  326. [Shotgun]  
  327. [Parvinder] Observations of consistancy? How is that possible sans logic Hunt?
  328. [Heather] carmwash
  329. [santiago272] u should have a giant funraiser selling keychains, raffles etc
  330. [Corsican] Yaqubos a cold?
  331. [Corsican] Could be a cold
  332. [YAQUBOS] Corsican wrong
  333. [hunt_mat] observations when you know nothing and making observations is not begging the question.
  334. [Corsican] My controller has a cold
  335. [Corsican] Erm
  336. [santiago272] u should have a giant funraiser selling keychains, raffles etc
  337. [Corsican] Let's think
  338. [Shotgun] Or, get lots of paint-ball guns and gun down atheists and take their pocket money
  339. [Corsican] ...
  340. [Corsican] ...
  341. [Corsican] ...
  342. [Corsican] A crash?
  343. [Shotgun] too much?
  344. [Eagle 223] bake sale
  345. User Nocterro has logged out.
  346. [YAQUBOS] Eagle, what's a crash?
  347. [Heather]  
  348. [Corsican] My car has a loose wheel that I can't be bothered to fix
  349. [Eagle 223] heather is a good baker
  350. [Heather] no eagle is..
  351. [Heather]  
  352. [North] color check...
  353. [tHe KId SoG]  
  354. [Eagle 223]  
  355. [Shotgun] check
  356. [Corsican] So I suppose I could be in danger of a crash
  357. [Corsican] Is that it yaqubos ?
  358. [santiago272] are you sponsored by any big companys????
  359. [YAQUBOS] Corsican wait plz. My English teacher is busy
  360. [hunt_mat] foe example, if A has the same mass as B and B has the same mass as C then we observe that A has the same mass as C.
  361. [Eagle 223] yaq...a crash is when one thing hits another
  362. [Ladd] GnarlyOcelot?
  363. User Parvinder has logged out.
  364. [Eagle 223] such as a car crash
  365. [santiago272] Isnt CARM sponsored by any big companys
  366. [Ladd] I'm ready to discuss Quine's paper....
  367. [YAQUBOS] Corsican wrong guess
  368. User Battle Hymn has logged out.
  369. [Corsican] Well
  370. [JaxSparkles] Wow....$$
  371. [Shotgun] Which one Ladd?
  372. [Corsican] Maybe it's a fall?
  373. [Ladd] Parvinder did you get around to reading the Quine paper?
  374. [Shotgun] Quine's "Philosophy of Logic" ?
  375. [YAQUBOS] Corsican wrong
  376. [Ladd] Shotgun, "On What There Is"
  377. [Corsican] Being caught in a downpour?
  378. [Shotgun] Ahh
  379. [Shotgun] I have his Philosophy of Logic, and it's pretty interesting
  380. [hunt_mat] NO. I am observing them. You can deny this all you want but this is how the fundamentals of science are built upon.
  381. [YAQUBOS] Eagle, what's a downpour?
  382. [santiago272] Tell candice i said hi or however her name is spelled
  383. [JBaker45] To Quine a phrase is to preceed it by its quotation   
  384. [Shotgun] I think Hunt_Mat would enjoy it...Quine discusses attempts to empirically verify the laws of logic
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