
My Dark Angel

Sep 10th, 2017
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  1. [F4M] [erotic poetry] [vampire]
  3. Words were exchanged
  4. At the bar
  5. You seemed nice enough
  6. So far
  7. You brushed the hair back
  8. From my face
  9. Did you know
  10. How much my heart raced?
  11. You told me I was beautiful
  12. But they all do
  13. Somehow you meant it
  14. And that I knew
  15. Your eyes never left me
  16. Stayed on mine
  17. Unsure if it was unintentional
  18. Or by design
  19. You touched my cheek
  20. Your hand so cold
  21. I cover it
  22. Being so bold
  23. The night ends
  24. Goes by in a blink
  25. Something says
  26. I will see you again…I think
  28. Later that evening
  29. When the moon is full
  30. High in the sky
  31. I feel my heart pull
  32. I sit up in bed
  33. I must be dreaming
  34. You are at the window
  35. Your eyes are gleaming
  36. Green and bright
  37. Almost a glow
  38. You open the window
  39. And then I know
  40. You are really here
  41. This isn’t a dream
  42. You walk to my bed
  43. Your eyes gleam
  44. I start to speak
  45. Your finger on my mouth
  46. Stops me fast
  47. Your eyes move south
  48. Taking in the view
  49. You move over me
  50. Inhaling my scent
  51. On your knee
  52. Your hands trace
  53. Over my form
  54. Not quite touching
  55. You make me warm
  56. Your eyes seem to glow
  57. As they devour me
  58. As if somehow
  59. I hold the key
  60. To what, who knows?
  61. I only feel
  62. As if, somehow
  63. This is unreal
  64. I feel your breath
  65. On my cheek
  66. You hover over me
  67. That lean physique
  68. The words that pour
  69. From your lips
  70. Are not what I expect
  71. Not even a bit
  72. “Can I have your
  73. Permission” you say
  74. I gasp and nod
  75. And wish and pray
  76. That means what I think
  77. And partly its true
  78. So fast you are on me
  79. This feeling is new
  80. Your body pressed close
  81. Yet cold to the touch
  82. Parts of you are hard
  83. This feelings too much
  84. Our clothes are shed
  85. As fast as we can
  86. Your hardness enters me
  87. Woman to man
  88. You still feel cold
  89. Yet harder you thrust
  90. Your mouth taking
  91. To suckling my bust
  92. Working your way up
  93. To my sender neck
  94. Your mouth is so cold
  95. And I feel a peck
  96. And then a prick
  97. As you bite down deep
  98. I gasp as the feeling
  99. Makes my heart leap
  100. Somehow your body
  101. Covers in warmth
  102. Your member hardening
  103. As you press forth
  104. Twisted and turning
  105. Deeper and yet still
  106. You drink on
  107. Until you hit your fill
  108. I lie there panting
  109. Feeling so drained
  110. And still so pleasured
  111. And a little pained
  112. That the meeting is over
  113. As you stand by the bead
  114. Placing a soft kiss
  115. Upon my dark head
  116. You leave by the window
  117. In which you came
  118. I find myself hoping
  119. I’ll see you again.
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