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Jun 23rd, 2018
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  1. Zhimonster - Today at 11:25 AM
  2. All right for a while now I've kinda gotten the impression we weren't ever getting back to the RP and it doesn't really feel like you care?
  4. I think the first time I got the impression was ages before I even left squad goals, when you had already been flaking for ages and making everyone wait.. and THEN you happily informed Mazel that we could RP again once she got back from her vacation, WEEKS in the future. Putting -everything- on hold for the least active person. I spent a long time trying not to be angry and bitter for the sake of friendship but ..? There really isn't anything left to be. I kept hoping you'd start being around more eventually? So I just let Tion continue to be backburnered and shelved. But it's also not fair to others that had characters invested in this story.
  6. When we first started RPing I told you why I was so paranoid of having a character involved in a major story. I stressed to you how upsetting it was to feel trapped and ditched. did that exact thing but in some ways worse. I now have a character that I've always adored but now have put vast amounts of work into........... Who can at this point never be played again. Nothing else can ever happen to him? His story and everything is at a standstill and that is absolutely crushing. I've got another minor character also shelved. Bori, Ollie, have characters that just -cannot- be played because they were part of this story.
  7. You pressured me to make you priority all the time in RP when YOU wanted to rp. I actually had to tell you to stop constantly guilting me into dropping everything and posting rapid fire regardless of what was going on with me, and then.. you turn around and do this. I get you've had things happen. That excuses gaps, and delays. What it doesn't excuse is showing zero interest for HALF A YEAR in any sort of rp and then totally dropping off the face of the planet as a friend as well. I held back things I wanted to say when you'd GRACE us with your presence again briefly because I kept hoping you'd somehow actually start coming around again and I didn't want to ruin that.
  9. I need to know what you plan on doing? Are we just done? Be honest with yourself and me. Have you just gotten your romance writing bug sated, and to hell with how it effects everyone else? I've had no communication from you on anything, either from our story, and your Kath character is totally unused after you took what was probably the most wanted moth species.
  10. It might feel 'sudden' to you since you've had all these other things to go involve yourself in, I guess it's easy to just consider your other friends put on some sort of pause on a shelf until you maybe decide YOU want to rp and take part again but that's not how it works. This has been brewing at the back of my mind for a while now. It was also rather infuriating that you ditch for six months then come flying in to play mediator between me and Muun as tho you haven't been fucked off to who knows where.
  12. I'm just.. beyond the point now. I probably should have said something earlier, maybe MONTHS ago when you'd only been flaking for a few months? I think I just sorta snapped and accepted that .. you aren't gonna suddenly pop back into things and RP and be around and be a friend again. I can't pretend that you didn't do the bullshit nearly every person has done to me.
  14. Since this kinda echos the Koal situation in several ways I'm going to handle it a similar way.
  15. As I'm pretty sure that you can't just magically bounce back to RPing and being around.. and even if you did.. What is to stop you from just ditching without a word again for months.... A year..??
  17. Within two weeks, I need some sort of story-closure from you. Some sort of discussion, lore, story-reason.. a summary... Of why none of this worked out. Is it a retcon? Did for some reason Isla and Tion just separate for good, or long term for whatever reason? I need -your- feedback on this, otherwise I will come up with my own reasons, without any of your feedback into consideration.
  19. If I have to, I'll do a cliche memory wipe, and rewind things on Tion's story. If I have to I'll remove any art we have of them together. I'll even detach him from the Lanthe stuff. As I've learned time and time again every time a beloved character of mine I've poured heart and soul into gets abandoned.. ANYTHING is better than just having a character forever ruined, gathering dust. Writing is my -only- escape from a long term hell. It's my outlet and has kept me fucking alive again and again when I was RIGHT on the edge of ending my fucking life. Too many times I've just LET this happen, and let a character be ruined, let a metric ton of story and lore die and waste away. So I'm just.. done doing that. I'll do what I have to, in order to salvage something of my character.
  20. WildViolets - Today at 1:30 PM
  21. Ok, sorry it took me a bit to respond, I was asleep. Let me try and touch on a lot of this as cleanly as I can, since there was a lot to cover. I will try and hit it point by point, but the first thing I want to say is this: I do want to continue Rp with you.
  23. When we first started rping, we both promised to be honest with one another, and tell each other if things were stale, or etc. I never felt our rp was stale, but there came a time when you seemed less interested in favor of rping other characters with other people- which was 100% fine. I was never upset, nor did I feel like you owed me literally every ounce of your RP. That's just not the sort of rper or person I am. I believe at the time it was Xo and Lenya (I think I got the names right), and you were so excited and gushy to play them. At that point, I was still working for TYT, and had a bigger workload.
  25. What I think happened here was that I threw myself into work, and would mention that I wanted to rp, but without a positive "We will resume at this time on this day" it's very difficult for me to stop what I am doing (in that case, work), and continue. Either way, I am sorry that my wording (in the mazel after vacation thing, or any other, put anyone in limbo. I honestly wish you would have said something then, because we could have totally worked something out. That's definitely my bad.
  27. I ALSO adore Tion, and I have Also put a lot of love and work into Island- so that bit I can completely understand. I wanted to continue RP- in fact I asked you very recently if we could continue RP, and I haven't heard anything from you about it yet. I think that is our major problem here.
  28. Neither of us has been good about asking for RP, and when I did ask you to RP more, you saw it as guilting you-- which was certainly not my intention. In fact, that's why I chilled on that, and tried to leave it more to you to ask. Again, this was a mistake, since we are where we are. I can't reasonably put that responsibility entirely on you.
  30. I felt like I was bugging you; you were busy with the Kath, and Xo, and life. In spite what you think, I DO consider what is going on with you, and try and adapt what I ask of you to that end. :/ What I can say is that for every way you are feeling here, I am feeling the same way. I don't think it was anything malicious on either of our parts here. It was a lack of communication.
  32. As for why I "dropped in" suddenly to try and help the situation with you and muun (and to see if you were ok), that answer is simple; a friend messaged me, very concerned. I was exactly where I have always been- reachable by discord. I was just waiting for you guys too :/ There is no other group of friends that were prioritized. You guys are my group of friends. I actually can 100% "pop back in and rp, and be a friend again". Like I said, I felt like I was somehow bugging you guys, which may or may not have been fueled and made worse by the severe depression I had- depression that required a whole new lovely set of meds that had me fucked for about a month.
  34. I wish you had said something sooner, because I was having those insecurities and doubts of my own. :/ To think that if we just communicated a bit better here that we could have been back to doing things already :/. In any case, I am here. I'm not going anywhere. I don't work anymore. I don't do shit anymore. I've just been filling my time crafting, or watching old soaps until someone needs me.
  35. So if you would like to CONTINUE our rp, and all things that are wonderful, I am all for that. If you want closure... that would be very sad, but I won't deny you that if you think seriously that with more communication on both ends, and a bit more transparency on both our parts that it wouldn't work out, but I sure would like to stay. It wasn't some "romance bug" thing for me. :/
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