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- use std::collections;
- use std::collections::HashMap;
- use std::hash::Hash;
- use std::io;
- use std::fs;
- use std::fmt;
- use std::collections::BinaryHeap;
- use std::cmp::Ordering;
- use crate::advent_of_code::Day;
- use crate::advent_of_code::UDLRIterator;
- use crate::advent_of_code::Direction;
- pub struct Day21 { }
- impl Day for Day21 {
- fn puzzle_1(input: io::Lines<io::BufReader<fs::File>>) -> String {
- use std::time::Instant;
- let now = Instant::now();
- let (graph, edges) = generate_graph(1);
- let mut complexity: u64 = 0;
- let elapsed = now.elapsed();
- println!("Elapsed: {:.2?}", elapsed);
- for line in input {
- let code: String = line.unwrap();
- let mut prev_char = 'A';
- let mut shortest_sequence: u64 = 0;
- for char in code.chars() {
- shortest_sequence += dijkstra(&graph, &edges, (prev_char, Button::ACTIVATE), (char, Button::ACTIVATE)).unwrap();
- prev_char = char;
- }
- let mut numeric_code: u64 = 0;
- let mut multiplier: u64 = 1;
- for char in code.chars().rev() {
- if char != 'A' {
- numeric_code += char.to_digit(10).unwrap() as u64 * multiplier;
- multiplier *= 10;
- }
- }
- complexity += numeric_code * shortest_sequence;
- }
- let elapsed = now.elapsed();
- println!("Elapsed: {:.2?}", elapsed);
- dbg!(complexity);
- complexity.to_string()
- }
- fn puzzle_2(input: io::Lines<io::BufReader<fs::File>>) -> String {
- use std::time::Instant;
- let now = Instant::now();
- let (graph, edges) = generate_graph(24);
- let mut complexity: u64 = 0;
- for line in input {
- let code: String = line.unwrap();
- let mut prev_char = 'A';
- let mut shortest_sequence: u64 = 0;
- for char in code.chars() {
- shortest_sequence += dijkstra(&graph, &edges, (prev_char, Button::ACTIVATE), (char, Button::ACTIVATE)).unwrap();
- prev_char = char;
- }
- let mut numeric_code: u64 = 0;
- let mut multiplier: u64 = 1;
- for char in code.chars().rev() {
- if char != 'A' {
- numeric_code += char.to_digit(10).unwrap() as u64 * multiplier;
- multiplier *= 10;
- }
- }
- complexity += numeric_code * shortest_sequence;
- }
- let elapsed = now.elapsed();
- println!("Elapsed: {:.2?}", elapsed);
- dbg!(complexity);
- complexity.to_string() }
- }
- #[derive(Hash, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Copy)]
- enum Button {
- UP,
- }
- // TODO: why doesnt this work with dbg! ?
- impl fmt::Display for Button {
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
- match self {
- Button::UP => write!(f, "^"),
- Button::DOWN => write!(f, "v"),
- Button::LEFT => write!(f, "<"),
- Button::RIGHT => write!(f, ">"),
- Button::ACTIVATE => write!(f, "A"),
- _ => panic!()
- }
- }
- }
- #[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
- struct State {
- cost: u64,
- node: (char, Button),
- }
- // The priority queue depends on `Ord`.
- // Explicitly implement the trait so the queue becomes a min-heap
- // instead of a max-heap.
- impl Ord for State {
- fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
- // Notice that we flip the ordering on costs.
- // In case of a tie we compare positions - this step is necessary
- // to make implementations of `PartialEq` and `Ord` consistent.
- other.cost.cmp(&self.cost)
- }
- }
- // `PartialOrd` needs to be implemented as well.
- impl PartialOrd for State {
- fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
- Some(self.cmp(other))
- }
- }
- type Graph = HashMap<Node, Vec<Node>>;
- type Edges = HashMap<(Node, Node), u64>;
- type Node = (char, Button);
- fn generate_graph(depth: u32) -> (Graph, Edges) {
- let keypad: Vec<Vec<char>> = Vec::from([
- Vec::from(['💀','0','A']),
- Vec::from(['1','2','3']),
- Vec::from(['4','5','6']),
- Vec::from(['7','8','9']),
- ]);
- let instructions: HashMap<(Button, Button), Vec<Button>> = HashMap::from([
- ((Button::LEFT, Button::UP), Vec::from([Button::RIGHT, Button::UP, Button::ACTIVATE])),
- ((Button::LEFT, Button::RIGHT), Vec::from([Button::RIGHT, Button::RIGHT, Button::ACTIVATE])),
- ((Button::LEFT, Button::DOWN), Vec::from([Button::RIGHT, Button::ACTIVATE])),
- ((Button::LEFT, Button::ACTIVATE), Vec::from([Button::RIGHT, Button::RIGHT, Button::UP, Button::ACTIVATE])),
- ((Button::LEFT, Button::LEFT), Vec::from([Button::ACTIVATE])),
- ((Button::RIGHT, Button::UP), Vec::from([Button::LEFT, Button::UP, Button::ACTIVATE])),
- ((Button::RIGHT, Button::LEFT), Vec::from([Button::LEFT, Button::LEFT, Button::ACTIVATE])),
- ((Button::RIGHT, Button::DOWN), Vec::from([Button::LEFT, Button::ACTIVATE])),
- ((Button::RIGHT, Button::ACTIVATE), Vec::from([Button::UP, Button::ACTIVATE])),
- ((Button::RIGHT, Button::RIGHT), Vec::from([Button::ACTIVATE])),
- ((Button::UP, Button::RIGHT), Vec::from([Button::DOWN, Button::RIGHT, Button::ACTIVATE])),
- ((Button::UP, Button::LEFT), Vec::from([Button::DOWN, Button::LEFT, Button::ACTIVATE])),
- ((Button::UP, Button::DOWN), Vec::from([Button::DOWN, Button::ACTIVATE])),
- ((Button::UP, Button::ACTIVATE), Vec::from([Button::RIGHT, Button::ACTIVATE])),
- ((Button::UP, Button::UP), Vec::from([Button::ACTIVATE])),
- ((Button::DOWN, Button::RIGHT), Vec::from([Button::RIGHT, Button::ACTIVATE])),
- ((Button::DOWN, Button::LEFT), Vec::from([Button::LEFT, Button::ACTIVATE])),
- ((Button::DOWN, Button::UP), Vec::from([Button::UP, Button::ACTIVATE])),
- ((Button::DOWN, Button::ACTIVATE), Vec::from([Button::UP, Button::RIGHT, Button::ACTIVATE])),
- ((Button::DOWN, Button::DOWN), Vec::from([Button::ACTIVATE])),
- ((Button::ACTIVATE, Button::RIGHT), Vec::from([Button::DOWN, Button::ACTIVATE])),
- ((Button::ACTIVATE, Button::LEFT), Vec::from([Button::DOWN, Button::LEFT, Button::LEFT, Button::ACTIVATE])),
- ((Button::ACTIVATE, Button::UP), Vec::from([Button::LEFT, Button::ACTIVATE])),
- ((Button::ACTIVATE, Button::DOWN), Vec::from([Button::LEFT, Button::DOWN, Button::ACTIVATE])),
- ((Button::ACTIVATE, Button::ACTIVATE), Vec::from([Button::ACTIVATE])),
- ]);
- fn calculate_cost(from_state: Button, to_state: Button, depth: u32, instructions: &HashMap<(Button, Button), Vec<Button>>, memo: &mut HashMap<(Button, Button, u32), u64>) -> u64 {
- if depth == 0 {
- return (&instructions[&(from_state, to_state)]).len() as u64;
- } else {
- let mut new_instr: u64 = 0;
- if memo.contains_key(&(from_state, to_state, depth)) {
- return memo[&(from_state, to_state, depth)];
- }
- let steps = &instructions[&(from_state, to_state)];
- if steps.len() == 1 {
- new_instr += 1;
- } else {
- // example, if from < to >, then steps are > > a, so need, from next keypad: (a, >), (>, >), (>, a), ie: v A A ^ A
- let mut step_iter = steps.iter().peekable();
- let mut prev_robot_position = Button::ACTIVATE;
- while let Some(step) = {
- new_instr += calculate_cost(prev_robot_position.clone(), step.clone(), depth - 1, instructions, memo);
- prev_robot_position = step.clone();
- }
- }
- memo.entry((from_state, to_state, depth))
- .or_insert(new_instr);
- //dbg!(depth);
- new_instr
- }
- }
- let mut graph: Graph = Graph::new();
- let mut edges: Edges = Edges::new();
- let mut memo: HashMap<(Button, Button, u32), u64> = HashMap::new();
- // generate the graph
- for y in 0..keypad.len() {
- for x in 0..keypad[y].len() {
- if keypad[y][x] == '💀' {
- continue;
- }
- let mut new_nodes: Vec<(char, Button)> = Vec::new();
- // insert ('key', ACTIVATE), node, that represents actually pressing the key
- let activate_node = (keypad[y][x], Button::ACTIVATE);
- graph.insert(activate_node.clone(), Vec::new());
- new_nodes.push(activate_node.clone());
- for pos_data in (UDLRIterator { center: (x as i32, y as i32),
- dist_from_center: 1,
- index: 0,
- x_bound: keypad[y].len() as i32,
- y_bound: keypad.len() as i32 }) {
- let pos = pos_data.0;
- if keypad[pos.1 as usize][pos.0 as usize] == '💀' {
- continue;
- }
- let keypad_state = match pos_data.1 {
- Direction::UP => Button::DOWN,
- Direction::DOWN => Button::UP,
- Direction::LEFT => Button::RIGHT,
- Direction::RIGHT => Button::LEFT
- };
- let node = (keypad[y][x], keypad_state);
- graph.insert(node.clone(), Vec::new());
- new_nodes.push(node);
- }
- //let mut activation_node_dont
- for node in new_nodes {
- for pos_data in (UDLRIterator { center: (x as i32, y as i32),
- dist_from_center: 1,
- index: 0,
- x_bound: keypad[y].len() as i32,
- y_bound: keypad.len() as i32 }) {
- let pos: (i32, i32) = pos_data.0;
- if keypad[pos.1 as usize][pos.0 as usize] == '💀' {
- continue;
- }
- let keypad_dest = match pos_data.1 {
- Direction::UP => Button::UP,
- Direction::DOWN => Button::DOWN,
- Direction::LEFT => Button::LEFT,
- Direction::RIGHT => Button::RIGHT
- };
- let end_node = (keypad[pos.1 as usize][pos.0 as usize], keypad_dest.clone());
- graph.entry(node.clone())
- .and_modify(|conn_nodes| {
- conn_nodes.push(end_node.clone());
- });
- let edge_cost: u64 = calculate_cost(node.clone().1, keypad_dest.clone(), depth, &instructions, &mut memo);
- edges.insert((node.clone(), end_node.clone()), edge_cost);
- }
- // node to activate node edge represents pressing the button once you get there
- graph.entry(node.clone())
- .and_modify(|conn_nodes| {
- conn_nodes.push(activate_node.clone());
- });
- let edge_cost: u64 = calculate_cost(node.clone().1, activate_node.clone().1, depth, &instructions, &mut memo);
- edges.insert((node.clone(), activate_node.clone()), edge_cost);
- }
- }
- }
- (graph, edges)
- }
- fn dijkstra(graph: &Graph,
- edges: &Edges,
- souce: (char, Button),
- goal: (char, Button)) -> Option<u64> {
- let mut heap: BinaryHeap<State> = collections::BinaryHeap::new();
- let mut dist: HashMap<(char, Button), u64> = HashMap::new();
- for node in graph.keys() {
- if *node != souce {
- heap.push(State { cost: u64::max_value(), node: node.clone() });
- dist.insert(node.clone(), u64::max_value());
- }
- }
- dist.insert(souce.clone(), 0);
- heap.push(State { cost: 0, node: souce });
- while let Some(State { cost, node }) = heap.pop() {
- if node == goal {
- return Some(cost);
- }
- if cost > dist[&node] {
- continue;
- }
- let neighbors = &graph[&node];
- for neighbor in neighbors {
- let alt = dist[&node] + edges[&(node, neighbor.clone())];
- if alt < dist[&neighbor] {
- heap.push(State { cost: alt, node: neighbor.clone() });
- dist.insert(*neighbor, alt);
- }
- }
- }
- None
- }
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