

Aug 21st, 2019
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  1.                        TEN CODES                                                                    STATUS CODES                          
  2. 10-0  Caution                       10-38 Stopping suspicious vehicle                    Code 2 Urgent - no light or sirens        
  3. 10-1  Unable to copy                10-41 Beginning tour of duty                         Code 3 Use lights and siren
  4. 10-2  Signal good                   10-42 Ending tour of duty                            Code 4 No further assistance needed  
  5. 10-3  Stop transmitting             10-43 Information                                    Code 5 Stakeout
  6. 10-4  Acknowledgement               10-50 Accident                                       Code 6 Stay out of area
  7. 10-5  Relay                         10-52 Ambulance needed                               Code 7 Meal break
  8. 10-6  Busy                          10-53 Spike Strips                                Code 8 Restroom break
  9. 10-7  Out of service                10-55 Suspected DUI                                  Code 37 Subject/Property wanted
  10. 10-8  In service                    10-56 Intoxicated pedestrian                                                                              
  11. 10-9  Repeat                        10-57 Hit and run                                                                          
  12. 10-10 Fight in progress             10-59 Convoy or escort                                                                            
  13. 10-13 Officer Down                  10-74 Negative
  14. 10-16 Domestic disturbance          10-75 In contact with
  15. 10-18 Road Blocked At               10-76 En route
  16. 10-19 Return to                     10-77 ETA (estimated time of arrival)
  17. 10-20 Location                      10-78 Need assistance
  18. 10-22 Disregard                     10-80 Chase in progress
  19. 10-23 Arrived at scene              10-90 Bank alarm
  20. 10-26 Detaining subject             10-91 Pick up prisoner/subject
  21. 10-27 Drivers license info          10-92 Improperly parked vehicle
  22. 10-28 Vehicle registration info     10-93 Prisoner Transport "Need 10-93 for one (name) transfer to Bolingbroke Penitentiary."
  23. 10-31 Crime in progress             10-94 Street racing
  24. 10-32 Shots Fired                   10-95 Prisoner/subject in custody
  25. 10-33 Emergency                     10-98 Prison/jail break
  26. 10-37 Suspicious vehicle            10-99 Wanted/stolen indicated
  28. Divisions of Law Enforcement are designated by division numbers.          
  29. 01-LSPD  
  30. 02-BCSO
  31. 03-FIB
  35. From the perspective of control, each unit is represented by an LSPD-specific callsign. Typically, a callsign is made up of three elements: the division number, the unit type and the "beat" number. For example, division 1 is LSPD, an "A" is patrol unit with two officers and their patrol vehicle number can be a number like 12. Such a unit would identify themselves as 1-A-12 (or 1-Adam-12, using the LSPD phonetic alphabet). Patrol Vehicle numbers will be assigned to you by a superior officer. There are several patrol types:
  37. A: Two officer patrol unit ("Adam")
  38. D: SWAT ("David")
  39. L: One officer patrol unit.
  40. M: Motorcycle unit
  41. C or "cycle": Bicycle unit
  43. LSPD Phonetic alphabet
  44. A=Adam       N=Nora
  45. B=Boy        O=Ocean
  46. C=Charles    P=Paul
  47. C=David      Q=Queen
  48. E=Edward     R=Robert
  49. F=Frank      S=Sam
  50. G=George     T=Tom
  51. H=Henry      U=Union
  52. I=Ida        V=Victor
  53. J=John       W=William
  54. K=King       X=Xray
  55. L=Lincoln    Y=Young
  56. M=Mary       Z=Zebra
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