
Post-Mission Relaxation [NSFW]

Jul 11th, 2018
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  1. A belated birthday present for our glorious GM, written prior to our reemergence at Null's base. Happy Birthday Sol.
  3. x-x-x-x-x
  5. Fate Testarossa snorted awake as the bus she was on hit a bump in the road. She grumbled, rubbing her eyes as she sat up.
  7. Damn it, she was never going to get any sleep at this rate. And she was having such a nice dream too; resting in a steaming hot spring surrounded by a harem of strapping young men in loincloths feeding her grapes as they--
  9. She shook her head and lightly slapped herself. No! No lewd thoughts! Not on a crowded bus!
  11. Sighing, she leaned back and settled for watching the world speed by.
  13. It had been almost three years since Ayanear was abducted.
  15. The Niggorog faction had been broken by the young Goddess’ disappearance, the gathered Nothing Pieces taken by the XSG’s best operatives, and her fellow summons scattered across Advatus following the collapse of their summoner’s divine realm. She was lucky enough to have ended up in the Empire of the Rising Sun alongside Morgan and Nanoha; bloodied and beaten but far from broken.
  17. It took months and many monster hunts for them to collect enough funds to get a proper roof over their heads, and many months more before they could gather enough resources to commence searching for their scattered allies. All three took turns venturing out into the world, with one remaining behind to maintain their cover as Imperial citizens while the other two were gone. Right now, she and Nanoha were scheduled to go out while Morgan stayed behind to hold the fort.
  19. Nanoha went out of the Empire, investigating rumours of a underground slave resistance movement headed by someone whose skills painted them as either Talon or Galacta Knight. It was a dangerous proposition in a country with such an ambitious and powerful warlord as its Emperor, but the possible benefits far outweighed the risks. And as Nanoha was easily the strongest of the three (at the moment), she was thus sent out.
  21. Fate herself headed to the northwest regions of the Red Sun Empire, investigating rumors of strange happenings taking place. Her hopes of it resulting from one of her comrades were dashed by the appearance of a Minotaur tribe, and she was forced to eradicate them before they could cause damage to outlying villages. Her resulting adventure led her across monster infested terrain to a lair sequestered away in a hollow mountain, hiding a cloning facility staffed by slaves. After she gathered every bit of information there was, she took down the facility’s leader, freed his slaves, levelled the mountain, and escorted the slaves to safety.
  23. She covered her tracks and left long before official forces could find her, but she knew Kaito was watching. A rogue Sin wouldn’t be that careless, after all.
  25. The bus slowed as it entered the city she and her friends were living in; Nishinomiya. The deceleration awoke the other passengers and faint murmurs spread through the bus from the shared anxiousness to get off. Fate shared their sentiment; a six hour bus ride was not a fun experience and the sooner she got off the better.
  27. Another half-hour passed before the bus came to a stop at the city’s bus terminal. Passengers wordlessly got off and collected their belongings before heading off to their next destination. Fate watched those who had cars to pick them up. They were lucky to have such luxuries while she herself had to settle for walking.
  29. Duffle bag slung over a shoulder and hair tied in a ponytail, Fate started the long trek back to the apartment she and her comrades stayed at. Navigating the now familiar streets, she eventually found the apartment building in half-an-hour and stepped inside the premises.
  31. It was like stepping back through time. The architecture was retro, a style more prevalent in the late sixties to early seventies of her Earth; with colourful tiles and bright paint decorating the walls alongside various aesthetic ornaments that gave character to the premises. A few children ran past, their mothers chatting on a bench not far away, and an old man ambled past. He waved at her and Fate smiled warmly back despite her fatigue; being in a bad mood wasn’t cause to spread it to others.
  33. “Ah, Fate-chan!” the landlady greeted from the admittance counter as the blonde stepped inside, an older woman with curly hair and wrinkled face. “Welcome back!”
  35. “Mikoto-san.” Fate bowed politely. “I’m back from my business trip. Did I miss anything while I was gone?”
  37. “You missed Morgan-kun’s birthday, silly.” The older woman laughed and Fate faked a horrified look. It wasn’t his actual birthday, but appearances had to be kept. “He was so disappointed he had to celebrate alone, but he kept himself busy with baking cakes and giving extras to everyone. Besides that…” Mikoto tapped her chin. “No, nothing else, fortunately. But now that you’re here, maybe we can continue our cooking lessons!”
  39. “I’d like that.” Fate smiled. It was a fun experience to learn about new cooking recipes, and the older woman seemed to have an endless number of them. “How does next Monday sound?”
  41. “Great! See you then!” Mikoto waved her in and Fate laughed back, walking past and heading towards the elevator. “Be sure to apologize to Morgan, now!”
  43. “Will do!” Fate called back as she stepped into it.
  45. She rode it up to the tenth floor and looked for apartment 1031. She knocked four times on the door and pulsed her magic signature twice before the lock came undone and she walked inside. Inside, she heard footsteps as she took off her shoes. From what her senses told her, it was Morgan.
  47. “Welcome back.” Morgan called out. “Had a nice trip?”
  49. “My back hurts, my legs ache, and I’m half-asleep.” Fate sighed, looking up. “I’d say that’s the opposite of a—pfft!!”
  51. “What?” Morgan raised a brow as Fate giggled uncontrollably. “What’s so funny?”
  53. “Wh-Why’re you wearing Nanoha’s apron?!” Fate laughed, turning red-faced from humour at the sight of someone as well-built as Morgan donning a frilly pink apron with the words ‘Give Hugs From Behind’ stamped on its front in white font. At least he wasn’t naked behind it. “Wh-Where’s yours?!”
  55. “Mine’s in the wash. Got it dirty making cakes for my ‘birthday’.” Morgan grinned and did a little twirl, sending Fate into another fit of giggles. “But you have to admit; I make it work, don’t I? Hold on, let me help you with that.”
  57. “Thanks.” Fate smiled as Morgan took her duffle bag. “And yes, you do make it work. If you were any slimmer and I might’ve mistaken you for Nanoha.”
  59. “Sure.” Morgan rolled her eyes and led her inside. “You got home at just the right time. Dinner’s in the oven and the bath’s running hot. You want get your stomach filled or your body freshened up first?”
  61. “I think I’ll get dinner first. Is Nanoha home?”
  63. “Don’t think so.” Morgan shook his head. “I was gone for a while earlier today and I hadn’t had the chance to check your room. You’re welcomed to go see for yourself.”
  65. “Hmm… maybe later.” Fate as she sat down on the couch. “Ooh, this feels heavenly.”
  67. She closed her eyes and let herself relax after a week on the road, relishing the feeling of having nothing to do. It was heady and addictive, this sense of freedom. It wouldn’t last long of course, but then nothing good in life ever does. Which was why those like Fate, whose lives revolved around stress and work, savor the experience while it lasted and tried their best to live their lives to the fullest between every potentially life-ending mission.
  69. Fate let herself sink into the sofa, relishing the softness she sat on as the sounds of Morgan’s housework wash over her. The sweeping of a broom over sturdy floorboards, running cloth over a smooth countertop, water splashing against soapy dishes, the chopping of kitchen knives against a chopping board, the scent of freshly baked cottage pie wafting out the oven, the pleasant sound of Morgan himself humming in the midst of his chores...
  71. Fate savoured all of it with a small smile and a look of utter contentment. This may not have been much, but it was enough. More than enough, really.
  73. Her closed eyes twitched in surprise as a pair of heavy hands touched her shoulders. Then they relaxed as the hands moved, massaging the stiffness and undoing the knots out of her with practiced precision. Fate moaned and her toes curled in pleasure as the masseuse’ fingers dug into the right places with the right amount of force.
  75. “You’re as stiff as a board.” Morgan’s deep voice spoke, and Fate’s eyes fluttered open to see his look of concern. “I know you’re fighting things most of the time, but you should really look after yourself better Fate.”
  77. “Mmm, harder please.” Fate requested, shifting forward so that Morgan had better access to her back and shoulders. “You’re good at this.”
  79. “Back where I came from, whenever my friends got back sore and tired, I was the one who’d set them down and start massaging. I did it for so long that I eventually got the unofficial position of ‘team masseuse’.” Morgan laughed and his fingers worked lower. “It wasn’t a bad thing, but I got sick of being called ‘massage-boy’ after a while and bought a massage chair.”
  81. “Nnn, but they still teased you about it, didn’t they?” Fate smiled as he reached a particularly aching part of her back. “Ooh, yes, right there please.”
  83. “It’s too far down, though.” Morgan mused. “You’re gonna have to lay on your front and maybe unhook your bra.”
  85. Fate paused and looked up at the blonde young man hovering behind her. His face was straight and honest, and she couldn’t discern any hidden agenda with her taking off her shirt. But there was that mischievous glint in his eyes that made Fate wary… and inexplicably excited at the same time.
  87. “I’ll lay down.” Fate said, hiking her shirt up to expose her back and the back strap of her brassiere as she laid on her front. “But I’m a little too tired to unhook my bra…”
  89. “That’s fine. I’ll handle it.” The confidence in Morgan’s voice made Fate blink, and she stilled when her bra strap came undone with a single pinch. “There we go.”
  91. “H-How…?” Fate spluttered, red-faced as a plethora of images assaulted her mind. Morgan’s deep laugh made her flush harder.
  93. “You’re not the first girl who thought they could get me flustered with a bra strap. But I have to say.” The red-eyed blonde woman gasped and groaned when she felt Morgan’s calloused fingers dig into her back at all the right places. She gripped the sofa and buried her face into the plush covering to hide her sounds of delight. “Your back is one of the better looking ones I’ve seen so far. Smooth skin, pearly white paleness, just the right amount of supple skin and firm muscles…”
  95. She felt him lean on her, popping out the kinks in her back and making her moan more. She felt his hot breath on her ear and his baritone made her shiver.
  97. “I bet your front is even better, hm?”
  99. Fate bit her lip and raised her hips, grinding against him.
  101. She was no loose woman, but her encounter with the Minotaurs had left her a little… frustrated, in the sexual sense of the word. And after spending so long working, she figured she was entitled to some stress relief.
  103. Fate half-turned and locked lips with Morgan, one hand clutching his shirt while the other reached under her own shirt to pull off the newly undone brassiere. She leaned forward as Morgan’s hands trailed her sides to the hem of her shirt, teasing the supple flesh beneath with feather-light touches daring scrapes of his nails. Fate felt her heart drum in her chest, and her nipples hardened from her own excitement as Morgan’s hands trailed upwards, ghosting over them and teasingly flicking the hardened nubs. The blonde mage arched her back and moaned when Morgan pulled away from her lips to suck and kiss at her pulse.
  105. “Well, look at that.” Morgan chuckled between kisses, his deep voice making Fate rub her thighs together. “Someone’s certainly eager.”
  107. “Shush.” Fate laughed breathlessly, shifting to the side so that Morgan sat down on the couch and she was straddling him. “Shirt off.”
  109. “Sheesh, what’s gotten you so worked up?” Morgan rolled his eyes with a laugh and Fate helped his shirt off. The mage stared, heat pooling between her legs as she took in the developed musculature of the knight she was straddling. She ran a hand along his chest, feeling his heart beat and muscles flex under her fingers. “Like what you see?”
  111. Fate met his gaze and smirked. Two can play at that game.
  113. She gripped the hem of her shirt and pulled it off, relishing Morgan’s sudden intake of breath when she felt her breasts bounce free. With her arms still raised, Fate arched her back and undid her ponytail, letting her blonde locks sway free.
  115. Fate leaned back and flicked her forward, obscuring most of her face with her hair and striking an alluring pose. She grinned at Morgan’s dumbstruck expression and slid her right hand up his thigh to his crotch. The other hand slid up his abs, moving in time as she herself leaned forward and place her forehead against his. She stared into his eyes, red meeting blue, and licked her lips as her fingers undid the blonde knight’s pants and fondled his hardening length.
  117. “Like what you see?” Fate whispered, voice low and husky. “Ooh, you’re a big boy, aren’t you? Girthy too; just the way I like it.”
  119. “What am I to you, a living sex toy?” Morgan growled, settling his hands on her hips. Fate purred at the contact, liking how they dug into her skin. “Gods, look at you. Smoking hot and just sitting there looking all pretty…”
  121. “What’s gotten you so worked up?” Fate giggled, swaying her hips. The hand not stroking Morgan’s length went to her pants and deft fingers undid the button there. The sound of her fly being undone made the manhood in her hand twitch. “Mmm, something just twitched down here~”
  123. Morgan hooked his fingers in Fate’s loose pants and pulled them down. The blonde magical girls shivered at the feeling his fingers left on her skin as they trailed down her legs, her breathing becoming laboured and the heat between her legs growing. She shifted forward, kissing Morgan again as he pulled her ants the rest of the way off, leaving her in her lacy black panties. The lace was damp, and Fate could smell her own arousal from where she was.
  125. Morgan smiled and ground a knee against her womanhood. The contact, though muted through her panties and Morgan’s own pants, made Fate gasp and grind appreciatively on the offered limb. All the while, she continued to stroke Morgan to full hardness.
  127. Time ticked by and Fate felt herself grow wetter and hotter with every passing second. Impatience and need gnawed at her and she dug her nails into Morgan’s shoulders as ground herself harder against his knee. Seemingly getting the message, Morgan’s hands left her hips and pushed down his pants. Fate’s lithe hands helped, pulling it and his boxer down the rest of the way. In no time at all, Morgan was left in his birthday suit.
  129. “Mikoto-san told me I missed your birthday a few days back.” Fate whispered between kisses, shifting her place on Morgan’s lap as she pulled the bottom strip of her panties to the side. Her hand gently gripped Morgan’s length and brought it to her dripping entrance. “Happy belated birthdaaaahhh~”
  131. The feeling of a cock going into her made her inner walls clench appreciatively around the length of man-meat. A surge of pleasure shot up her sine and into her head, her back arching and eyes dilating as a result. She moaned, low and sensuous, the sound echoing off the apartment’s walls and reverberating in her mind. Morgan grunted and started thrusting, while Fate began bouncing.
  133. “Yes!” Fate breathed, scratching Morgan’s back as he pounded her. “Harder! Faster! Oh gods, yesssss!”
  135. Morgan grunted again, burying his face in the crook of her neck and nibbling his partner’s collarbone. Fate moaned and her eyes rolled back as her partner’s thrusts grew faster. She locked her legs around his waist and gripped his hair, pulling him away to ravish his lips.
  137. “Mm!” Fate bucked and bounced wildly when her lover’s hands found her breasts and gripped them hard. “Mmmm!”
  139. Morgan stood up and Fate felt a powerful orgasm rock through her, sending her muscles spasming and forcing a long moan to erupt from her lips. She felt her lover walk, the motion prolonging her climax and making her moan louder.
  141. “Like that?” Morgan laughed darkly and Fate blinked, her analytical mind finally noticing that they were standing before the glass doors leading to the apartment’s veranda. “Then you’ll like this.”
  143. Fate was spun around and her front forced against the cold glass. She hissed at the sudden temperature difference between her hot body and the glass, but the new position stimulated her more and she found herself moaning her approval. Said approval became overwhelming joy when Morgan began thrusting again, and the pleasure nearly overwhelmed her mind.
  145. “M-Morgan!” she moaned, hand clutching the glass as every thrust from her partner sent her sweat-slicked form sliding up and stimulating her further. “Morgan!”
  147. “That’s it,” Morgan purred, thrusting harder. “Say my name bitch. Say it.”
  149. “Morgaaaannn!” Fate screamed as she was forced to a second orgasm, her world exploding into brilliant color as pure ecstasy filled her veins.
  151. The moment lasted an eternity and an instant, but it ended all the same. And when it did, Fate slid to her knees into the puddle of her and Morgan’s fluid; panting hard and struggling to collect herself. She blinked, wiped the spit dripping from her open mouth, and turned to Morgan standing beside her.
  153. He was still hard.
  155. “Y-You hadn’t cum yet?” Fate asked, astonished and a little frightened at her partner’s level of endurance.
  157. “It should say something that Mellow had more endurance than me.” Morgan chuckled darkly and scooped Fate into his arms, kissing her once she was secure. “Up for another go?”
  159. “Mmm~” Fate smirked into the kiss and pulled away. She rubbed her thighs together as heat pooled in her stomach. “What do you think?”
  161. Morgan chuckled and took her to her and Nanoha’s bedroom. A pulse of Fate’s magic unlocked the door and they stepped through, kissing and fondling each other with wild abandon. With deceptive strength, Morgan tossed Fate onto the bed before lunging after her, kissing and grinding and fondling with equal parts passion and lust.
  163. “Ugh… Wha…?”
  165. The two lovers froze when a lump they had thought was a pillow moved. The sheets slid off, revealing Nanoha’s sleepy figure. The brunette rolled to face them, blinked drowsily at their position and lack of clothes a few times before the dots connected and her drowsiness disappeared. In its place came shock, and she pressed herself against the head post in her efforts to get away from them.
  167. “OH MY GOD!” she shrieked.
  169. “Oh. Hey Nanoha.” Morgan spoke. Fate’s mouth moved but made no sound. “Sorry, we though you weren’t home yet. How’d you sleep through the racket we made outside?”
  171. “I slept through because I was tired and I just got back from an eight-hour bus trip!” Nanoha whined, pulling the sheets closer to herself in an effort to keep herself clean. “Fate-chan, c’mon! I thought you were the pure one here!”
  173. “Not anymore she’s not.” Morgan laughed and Fate felt her face catch fire.
  175. “Then at least do it in your room on your bed!”
  177. “Hey, it’s Fate’s bed too.”
  179. “But don’t have sex on it! Especially when I’m in it!”
  181. “If you’re that jealous, then you can just join in.” Morgan shrugged and Fate made a wonderful impression of a flaming tomato. “I’m sure Fate won’t mind.”
  183. “I’ll pass.” Nanoha glared at them.
  185. “Suit yourself.” Morgan turned to her lover, kissed her, and Fate’s world spun. The notion of having sex with Morgan in front of Nanoha sent a thrill through the blonde magical girl’s soul, and she locked her legs around her lover’s waist as Morgan ground his length against her wet folds. “Oh yeah, neither of us are sleeping tonight...”
  187. “Morgaaaaan!” Nanoha cried.
  189. “Look, you join in, sleep in my room, or stand in the corner and watch.” Morgan reasoned with a sigh. “Either way, can you make up your mind before we go nuts?”
  191. Fate watched her best friend glance between them, amethyst eyes deep in thought as she pushed her lips tight together. The brunette turned to Fate with a look that made her bite her lip, then she turned to Morgan and licked her lips.
  193. “Fine.” The brunette moved and slip off the bed. Fate sighed in relief (or was it disappointment?), but the feeling was short-lived as a pair of arms wrapped around Morgan’s neck and pulled him to the side. Nanoha hopped on to him, straddling his waist and sending him a look of such lust that Fate felt jealousy well up in her heart. Said jealousy grew when she notied the clothes her friend wore; a barely buttoned-up shirt and panties. “But I go next.”
  195. “But it’s still my turn!” Fate found herself saying before she lunged at Nanoha, tackling her off Morgan. They wrestled for a bit before pausing, exchanging similar lustful looks, and grabbing Morgan’s hands.
  197. “Oh boy.” The blonde managed to growl before the two lusty magical girls pulled him atop them.
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