

Mar 4th, 2016
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  1. “So this will be the beginning of the end for the people of this city?” Rigel asked.
  2. “Yes, the humans will soon unleash devils upon themselves.” Shiva said, “But this is to be expected, especially after the merger between our worlds.”
  3. Shiva looked down at the bustling landscape and sighed, “But the gifts we have crafted for them should allow them to stand a chance against the coming trials.”
  4. “But can they really stop them in such a short time? Seven days seems a little too tight of a deadline.” Rigel worried about the people, many of which were under his protection in the old world.
  5. “We can offer them no more, my friend.” Shiva walked to the edge and pointed at the heavens, “After all, this was a disaster that will be caused by them, And so, they themselves must either save their orld, or watch it burn.”
  6. ===
  7. “Hey, wake up Devon!”
  8. The teen felt someone jab his ribs, which quickly woke him from his nap.
  9. “I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!” He blurted out. The outburst was met with chuckles.
  10. “Yes you did,” Yuuki teased, “You knocked out during the lecture.”
  11. “Lecture?” His memory of the time pior to his nap was fuzzy. Sean sighed,
  12. “Remember how your teacher is making you do a report that new power source thingy they're unveiling here at this college?” He asked, “That same project that made you haul me and Yuu away from our lovely Sunday afternoons to accompany you?”
  13. “Oh!” After everything sunk in, Devon felt his stomach drop, “Oh shit, I didn't take notes.”
  14. “Don't worry, Sean took pictures of the powerpoint presentation.” Yuuki said, “I also wrote down the key points some of the speakers talked about.”
  15. “Wow, thanks you two. I guess I owe you both.”
  16. “Yes you do,” Sean said, “Maybe you can take us out to lunch after they turn the stupid thing on?”
  17. “Oh, take us to Kirigiri's!”
  18. “That's too expensive!” Devon knew his friends were vengeful but he didn't realize they'd be willing to suck him dry. “Can't you pick something cheaper than that place?
  19. Yuuki pouted, “Fiiiine, I guess we can go to Fry Hole. But you have to buy us the Deluxe Fries.”
  20. “You can barely finish the kiddie portion! Plus, you hate having the burger bits in your order!'
  21. “I think it's less what she can finish and more making you cough up dough.” Sean said, “Anyways, we can figure out a place later. I think right now we should go where everyone else is at.”
  22. “Alright, alright. Let me just grab my stuff...”
  23. As the friends made their way out, another person who had been rudely awaken by the noise glared at them.
  24. “What a bunch of loud pricks.” He muttered before grabbing the cage next to him. Inside was his pet rabbit, who he had picked up from the vet before coming to the lecture.
  25. “Come on Sereena, guess we have to follow them.
  26. ---
  27. By the time the trio made it inside, it appeared as they were ready to begin activating the machine.
  28. “Alright,” and assistant started, “We'll see if we can hold a charge for longer than two seconds today. We do ask that you use the glasses we gave you so that when the mini-sun is generated inside the chamber, you won't go blind.”
  29. “Wait, glassess?”
  30. Sean quickly produced a pair for Devon, who put them on. Next to him, Devon heard someone mutter, “Look away, Sareena.”
  31. “Alright, beginning the fusion in 3...2....1...NOW!”
  32. Everyone held their breath as they saw light spark from inside the chamber. Soon a small burning orb began to appear.
  33. “Containment is at 99%, all's clear!”
  34. “Wow, I can't believe we get to see this!” Yuuki said, giddiness in her voice.
  35. But then, something went wrong. The star turned red and the room began to shake.
  36. Several of the workers began to panic, “Gravity containment is dropping fast. The star is collapsing!”
  37. People in the audience began to scramble as alarms blared through the room. But before anyone could reach safety, everything went white.
  38. ===
  39. It was as if he was back in that dream. He could feel a divine power radiating above him.
  40. “The time has come, messiah. What will you do?”
  41. Devon looked up and saw Pavarti projecting a shield around him and his friends from the fires from outside,
  42. “What do you mean by what I'll do?”
  43. The goddess smiled at him, “Will you take up your destiny as the messiah, or will you chose to die here?”
  44. “I...” He looked at Sean and Yuuki, the two of them were pressed against him, bracing themselves from their inevitable demise at the fire's hands.
  45. “If I say no, then they die too...” He closed his eyes, his resolve firm, “I'll do it. I'll become the messiah.”
  46. Pavarti let out a small laugh, “Then say my name, messiah.”
  47. Devon focused his mind and called out,
  48. “I summon you...PAVARTI!”
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